2020-09-11 16:19:48 -07:00

108 lines
3.0 KiB

import * as React from "react";
import * as System from "~/components/system";
import SystemPage from "~/components/system/SystemPage";
import ViewSourceLink from "~/components/system/ViewSourceLink";
import CodeBlock from "~/components/system/CodeBlock";
import { dispatchCustomEvent } from "~/common/custom-events";
const EXAMPLE_CODE = `import * as React from "react";
import { CreateFilecoinStorageDeal } from "slate-react-system";
import { createPow } from "@textile/powergate-client";
const PowerGate = createPow({ host: "" });
class Example extends React.Component {
componentDidMount = async () => {
const FFS = await PowerGate.ffs.create();
const token = FFS.token ? FFS.token : null;
this.setState({ token });
_handleSubmit = async (data) => {
const file = data.file.files[0];
var buffer = [];
// NOTE(jim): A little hacky...
const getByteArray = async () =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function (e) {
if ( == FileReader.DONE) {
buffer = new Uint8Array(;
await getByteArray();
const { cid } = await PowerGate.ffs.stage(buffer);
const { jobId } = await PowerGate.ffs.pushStorageConfig(cid);
const cancel = PowerGate.ffs.watchJobs((job) => {
}, jobId);
render() {
return <CreateFilecoinStorageDeal onSubmit={this._handleSubmit} />;
export default class SystemPageMakeStorageDeal extends React.Component {
_handleSubmit = async ({ file }) => {
// TODO(jim): Send file data to server.
name: "create-alert",
detail: {
alert: { message: "Storage deals are still under development" },
render() {
return (
title="SDS: Make a Storage Deal"
Make a Storage Deal{" "}
<ViewSourceLink file="experiences/make-storage-deal.js" />
<br />
<br />
Here is a partial example of using{" "}
<a target="_blank" href="">
Textile's Powergate
</a>{" "}
to make a data storage deal. This example only provides an example for
how to send your file to a server. <br />
<br />
There will be an example of how to make a storage deal coming soon.
<br />
<br />
<System.CreateFilecoinStorageDeal onSubmit={this._handleSubmit} />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<hr />
<br />