Add initial external link widget

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-05-02 16:24:30 -03:00
parent 1b5988000b
commit 0c6d3f67a8
13 changed files with 258 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ handleAppEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
buildUI :: WidgetEnv App AppEvent -> App -> WidgetNode App AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetSlider where
widgetSlider = vstack [
hstack [externalLink "Launch GitHub" ""],
labelS (model ^. int1),
hslider_ int1 (-100) 100 [sliderRadius 10, sliderWidth 20],

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ dependencies:
- mtl
- nanovg
- OpenGL
- process
- safe
- sdl2
- stm

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ data ThemeState = ThemeState {
_thsDropdownListStyle :: StyleState,
_thsDropdownItemStyle :: StyleState,
_thsDropdownItemSelectedStyle :: StyleState,
_thsExternalLinkStyle :: StyleState,
_thsInputNumericStyle :: StyleState,
_thsInputTextStyle :: StyleState,
_thsLabelStyle :: StyleState,
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ instance Default ThemeState where
_thsDropdownListStyle = def,
_thsDropdownItemStyle = def,
_thsDropdownItemSelectedStyle = def,
_thsExternalLinkStyle = def,
_thsInputNumericStyle = def,
_thsInputTextStyle = def,
_thsLabelStyle = def,
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ instance Semigroup ThemeState where
_thsDropdownListStyle = _thsDropdownListStyle t1 <> _thsDropdownListStyle t2,
_thsDropdownItemStyle = _thsDropdownItemStyle t1 <> _thsDropdownItemStyle t2,
_thsDropdownItemSelectedStyle = _thsDropdownItemSelectedStyle t1 <> _thsDropdownItemSelectedStyle t2,
_thsExternalLinkStyle = _thsExternalLinkStyle t1 <> _thsExternalLinkStyle t2,
_thsInputNumericStyle = _thsInputNumericStyle t1 <> _thsInputNumericStyle t2,
_thsInputTextStyle = _thsInputTextStyle t1 <> _thsInputTextStyle t2,
_thsLabelStyle = _thsLabelStyle t1 <> _thsLabelStyle t2,

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ data BaseThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
disabledBg :: Color,
disabledText :: Color,
emptyOverlay :: Color,
externalLinkColor :: Color,
focusBorder :: Color,
iconFg :: Color,
inputBorder :: Color,
@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ baseBasic themeMod = def
& L.dropdownListStyle . L.bgColor ?~ lvMainBg themeMod
& L.dropdownItemStyle .~ listViewItemStyle themeMod
& L.dropdownItemSelectedStyle .~ listViewItemSelectedStyle themeMod
& L.externalLinkStyle . L.text ?~ (normalFont & L.fontColor ?~ externalLinkColor themeMod)
& L.inputNumericStyle .~ numericInputStyle themeMod
& L.inputTextStyle .~ inputStyle themeMod
& L.labelStyle . L.text
@ -227,6 +229,8 @@ baseHover themeMod = baseBasic themeMod
& L.dropdownItemSelectedStyle . L.bgColor ?~ lvSelectedBgHover themeMod
& L.dropdownItemSelectedStyle . L.border ?~ border 1 (lvSelectedBgHover themeMod)
& L.dropdownItemSelectedStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorHand
& L.externalLinkStyle . L.text . non def . L.underline ?~ True
& L.externalLinkStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorHand
& L.inputNumericStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorIBeam
& L.inputTextStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorIBeam
& L.listViewItemStyle . L.bgColor ?~ lvNormalBgHover themeMod

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ darkTheme = baseTheme darkMod where
blueMid = rgb 20 20 255
blueLight = rgb 40 40 255
blueHighlight = rgb 135 206 250
blueLink = rgb 88 166 255
grayDisabled = rgb 50 50 50
grayDarker = rgb 40 40 40
grayDark = rgb 80 80 80
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ darkTheme = baseTheme darkMod where
disabledBg = grayDisabled,
disabledText = grayMid,
emptyOverlay = grayMid & L.a .~ 0.8,
externalLinkColor = blueLink,
focusBorder = blueHighlight,
iconFg = black,
inputBorder = grayBorder,

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ isResizeResult result = isJust resizeReq where
resizeReq = Seq.findIndexL isResizeWidgets requests
isMacOS :: WidgetEnv s e -> Bool
isMacOS wenv = _weOS wenv == "Mac OS X"
isMacOS wenv = _weOs wenv == "Mac OS X"
seqStartsWith :: Eq a => Seq a -> Seq a -> Bool
seqStartsWith prefix seq = Seq.take (length prefix) seq == prefix

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ data LayoutDirection
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
data WidgetEnv s e = WidgetEnv {
_weOS :: Text,
_weOs :: Text,
_weRenderer :: Renderer,
_weFindByPath :: Path -> Maybe WidgetNodeInfo,
_weMainButton :: Button,
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ instance Show (WidgetResult s e) where
instance Show (WidgetEnv s e) where
show wenv = "WidgetEnv "
++ "{ _weOS: " ++ show (_weOS wenv)
++ "{ _weOs: " ++ show (_weOs wenv)
++ ", _weWindowSize: " ++ show (_weWindowSize wenv)
++ ", _weFocusedPath: " ++ show (_weFocusedPath wenv)
++ ", _weTimestamp: " ++ show (_weTimestamp wenv)

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ runApp window widgetRoot config = do
liftIO $ endFrame renderer
let wenv = WidgetEnv {
_weOS = os,
_weOs = os,
_weRenderer = renderer,
_weFindByPath = const Nothing,
_weMainButton = mainBtn,
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ mainLoop window renderer config loopArgs = do
let newSecond = _mlFrameAccumTs > 1000
let mainBtn = fromMaybe LeftBtn (_apcMainButton config)
let wenv = WidgetEnv {
_weOS = _mlOS,
_weOs = _mlOS,
_weRenderer = renderer,
_weFindByPath = const Nothing,
_weMainButton = mainBtn,

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module Monomer.Widgets (
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Checkbox,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ColorPicker,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Dial,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ExternalLink,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Icon,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Image,
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label,
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Button
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Checkbox
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ColorPicker
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Dial
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ExternalLink
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Icon
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Image
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label

View File

@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ collectGlobalKeys keys node = newMap where
convertWidgetEnv :: WidgetEnv sp ep -> WidgetKeysMap s e -> s -> WidgetEnv s e
convertWidgetEnv wenv globalKeys model = WidgetEnv {
_weOS = _weOS wenv,
_weOs = _weOs wenv,
_weRenderer = _weRenderer wenv,
_weFindByPath = _weFindByPath wenv,
_weMainButton = _weMainButton wenv,

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ buildUI config wenv model = mainTree where
colorRow lens lbl = compRow lens lbl 0 255
alphaRow lens lbl = compRow lens lbl 0 1
mainTree = hstack [
mainTree = hstack_ [sizeReqUpdater clearExtra] [
vstack [
colorRow L.r "Red",
spacer_ [height 2],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.ExternalLink (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~))
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Process (callCommand)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Monomer.Widgets.Container
import Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
data ExternalLinkCfg s e = ExternalLinkCfg {
_elcTextTrim :: Maybe Bool,
_elcTextEllipsis :: Maybe Bool,
_elcTextMultiLine :: Maybe Bool,
_elcTextMaxLines :: Maybe Int,
_elcFactorW :: Maybe Double,
_elcFactorH :: Maybe Double,
_elcOnFocus :: [e],
_elcOnFocusReq :: [WidgetRequest s e],
_elcOnBlur :: [e],
_elcOnBlurReq :: [WidgetRequest s e]
instance Default (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
def = ExternalLinkCfg {
_elcTextTrim = Nothing,
_elcTextEllipsis = Nothing,
_elcTextMultiLine = Nothing,
_elcTextMaxLines = Nothing,
_elcFactorW = Nothing,
_elcFactorH = Nothing,
_elcOnFocus = [],
_elcOnFocusReq = [],
_elcOnBlur = [],
_elcOnBlurReq = []
instance Semigroup (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
(<>) t1 t2 = ExternalLinkCfg {
_elcTextTrim = _elcTextTrim t2 <|> _elcTextTrim t1,
_elcTextEllipsis = _elcTextEllipsis t2 <|> _elcTextEllipsis t1,
_elcTextMultiLine = _elcTextMultiLine t2 <|> _elcTextMultiLine t1,
_elcTextMaxLines = _elcTextMaxLines t2 <|> _elcTextMaxLines t1,
_elcFactorW = _elcFactorW t2 <|> _elcFactorW t1,
_elcFactorH = _elcFactorH t2 <|> _elcFactorH t1,
_elcOnFocus = _elcOnFocus t1 <> _elcOnFocus t2,
_elcOnFocusReq = _elcOnFocusReq t1 <> _elcOnFocusReq t2,
_elcOnBlur = _elcOnBlur t1 <> _elcOnBlur t2,
_elcOnBlurReq = _elcOnBlurReq t1 <> _elcOnBlurReq t2
instance Monoid (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance CmbTrimSpaces (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
trimSpaces_ trim = def {
_elcTextTrim = Just trim
instance CmbEllipsis (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
ellipsis_ ellipsis = def {
_elcTextEllipsis = Just ellipsis
instance CmbMultiLine (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
multiLine_ multi = def {
_elcTextMultiLine = Just multi
instance CmbMaxLines (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
maxLines count = def {
_elcTextMaxLines = Just count
instance CmbOnFocus (ExternalLinkCfg s e) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_elcOnFocus = [fn]
instance CmbOnFocusReq (ExternalLinkCfg s e) s e where
onFocusReq req = def {
_elcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance CmbOnBlur (ExternalLinkCfg s e) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_elcOnBlur = [fn]
instance CmbOnBlurReq (ExternalLinkCfg s e) s e where
onBlurReq req = def {
_elcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance CmbResizeFactor (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
resizeFactor s = def {
_elcFactorW = Just s,
_elcFactorH = Just s
instance CmbResizeFactorDim (ExternalLinkCfg s e) where
resizeFactorW w = def {
_elcFactorW = Just w
resizeFactorH h = def {
_elcFactorH = Just h
externalLink :: WidgetEvent e => Text -> Text -> WidgetNode s e
externalLink caption url = externalLink_ caption url def
:: WidgetEvent e => Text -> Text -> [ExternalLinkCfg s e] -> WidgetNode s e
externalLink_ caption url configs = externalLinkNode where
config = mconcat configs
widget = makeExternalLink caption url config
externalLinkNode = defaultWidgetNode "externalLink" widget
& . L.focusable .~ True
:: WidgetEvent e => Text -> Text -> ExternalLinkCfg s e -> Widget s e
makeExternalLink caption url config = widget where
widget = createContainer () def {
containerUseScissor = True,
containerGetBaseStyle = getBaseStyle,
containerInit = init,
containerMerge = merge,
containerHandleEvent = handleEvent,
containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq,
containerResize = resize
trim = _elcTextTrim config == Just True
ellipsis = _elcTextEllipsis config == Just True
multiLine = _elcTextMultiLine config == Just True
maxLinesV = _elcTextMaxLines config
factorW = _elcFactorW config
factorH = _elcFactorH config
getBaseStyle wenv node = Just style where
style = collectTheme wenv L.externalLinkStyle
createChildNode wenv node = newNode where
nodeStyle = node ^. .
labelStyle = collectStyleField_ L.text nodeStyle def
& collectStyleField_ L.sizeReqW nodeStyle
& collectStyleField_ L.sizeReqH nodeStyle
cfgs = [
trimSpaces_ trim,
ellipsis_ ellipsis,
multiLine_ multiLine]
++ [maxLines (fromJust maxLinesV) | isJust maxLinesV]
++ [resizeFactorW (fromJust factorW) | isJust factorW]
++ [resizeFactorH (fromJust factorH) | isJust factorH]
labelNode = label_ caption cfgs
& . .~ labelStyle
childNode = labelNode
newNode = node
& L.children .~ Seq.singleton childNode
init wenv node = result where
result = resultWidget (createChildNode wenv node)
merge wenv node oldNode oldState = result where
result = resultWidget (createChildNode wenv node)
handleEvent wenv node target evt = case evt of
Focus -> handleFocusChange _elcOnFocus _elcOnFocusReq config node
Blur -> handleFocusChange _elcOnBlur _elcOnBlurReq config node
KeyAction mode code status
| isSelectKey code && status == KeyPressed -> Just result
isSelectKey code = isKeyReturn code || isKeySpace code
Click p _
| isPointInNodeVp p node -> Just result
-- Set focus on click
ButtonAction p btn PressedBtn 1
| mainBtn btn && pointInVp p && not focused -> Just resultFocus
ButtonAction p btn ReleasedBtn clicks
| mainBtn btn && focused && pointInVp p && clicks > 1 -> Just result
_ -> Nothing
widgetId = node ^. . L.widgetId
path = node ^. . L.path
mainBtn btn = btn == wenv ^. L.mainButton
focused = isNodeFocused wenv node
pointInVp p = isPointInNodeVp p node
openLinkTask = openLink wenv (T.unpack url)
requests = [RunTask widgetId path openLinkTask]
result = resultReqs node requests
resultFocus = resultReqs node [SetFocus (node ^. . L.widgetId)]
getSizeReq :: ContainerGetSizeReqHandler s e
getSizeReq wenv node children = (newReqW, newReqH) where
-- Main section reqs
child = Seq.index children 0
newReqW = child ^. . L.sizeReqW
newReqH = child ^. . L.sizeReqH
resize wenv node viewport children = resized where
assignedAreas = Seq.fromList [viewport]
resized = (resultWidget node, assignedAreas)
openLink :: WidgetEnv s e -> String -> IO ()
openLink wenv url = catchIgnore (callCommand openCommand) where
os = wenv ^. L.os
| os == "Windows" = "start"
| os == "Mac OS X" = "open"
| os == "Linux" = "xdg-open"
| otherwise = "ls"
openCommand = command ++ " \"" ++ url ++ "\""
catchIgnore :: IO () -> IO ()
catchIgnore task = catchAny task (const $ return ())
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = catch

View File

@ -83,6 +83,9 @@ mockRenderer = Renderer {
-- Overlays
createOverlay = \overlay -> return (),
renderOverlays = return (),
-- Raw overlays
createRawOverlay = \overlay -> return (),
renderRawOverlays = return (),
-- Scissor operations
intersectScissor = \rect -> return (),
-- Translation
@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ mockRenderer = Renderer {
mockWenv :: s -> WidgetEnv s e
mockWenv model = WidgetEnv {
_weOS = "Mac OS X",
_weOs = "Mac OS X",
_weRenderer = mockRenderer,
_weFindByPath = const Nothing,
_weMainButton = LeftBtn,