Fix style merge order issue, improve cursor handling (pending things)

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-11-09 18:21:27 -03:00
parent 0fbbb3d2f2
commit 0d305600c5
9 changed files with 131 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -112,18 +112,27 @@ buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree4 where
] [ignoreEmptyClick True]
] [onlyTopActive False]
widgetTree4 = hgrid [
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
vstack [
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink],
label "2" `style` [bgColor gray, border 1 gray],
textDropdown_ textField1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor gray],
label "2" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 gray],
textField textField1 `style` [textCenter, bgColor gray],
label "3" `style` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `style` [textRight, bgColor gray]
textField textField1 `style` [textRight, bgColor gray],
label "4" `style` [bgColor pink]
vstack [
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor gray],
--textDropdown_ textField1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink]
label ""
] `visible` False,
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray]
widgetTree3 = hgrid [
label "Hi!\nThis\nis\na\nnew\ttest\n\n Double!" `style` [bgColor pink, textBottom, textCenter],

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
module Monomer.Graphics.NanoVGRenderer (makeRenderer) where
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless, when)
import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, unless, when)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ makeRenderer fonts dpr = do
newRenderer :: VG.Context -> Double -> L.Lock -> IORef Env -> Renderer
newRenderer c dpr lock envRef = Renderer {..} where
defaultDpr = 1
beginFrame w h = L.with lock $ do
env <- readIORef envRef
newMap <- handlePendingImages c (imagesMap env) (addedImages env)
@ -235,24 +233,24 @@ newRenderer c dpr lock envRef = Renderer {..} where
ry = h / 2
-- Text
computeTextMetrics font fontSize = unsafePerformIO $ do
setFont c envRef defaultDpr font fontSize
computeTextMetrics !font !fontSize = unsafePerformIO $ do
setFont c envRef dpr font fontSize
(asc, desc, lineh) <- getTextMetrics c
return $ TextMetrics {
_txmAsc = asc,
_txmDesc = desc,
_txmLineH = lineh
_txmAsc = asc / dpr,
_txmDesc = desc / dpr,
_txmLineH = lineh / dpr
computeTextSize font fontSize text = unsafePerformIO $ do
computeTextSize !font !fontSize !text = unsafePerformIO $ do
setFont c envRef dpr font fontSize
(x1, y1, x2, y2) <- getTextBounds c 0 0 text
return $ Size (realToFrac (x2 - x1) / dpr) (realToFrac (y2 - y1) / dpr)
computeGlyphsPos :: Font -> FontSize -> Text -> Seq GlyphPos
computeGlyphsPos font fontSize message = unsafePerformIO $ do
computeGlyphsPos !font !fontSize !message = unsafePerformIO $ do
-- Glyph position is usually used in local coord calculations, ignoring dpr
setFont c envRef dpr font fontSize

View File

@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ data Winding
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Color = Color {
_colorR :: Int,
_colorG :: Int,
_colorB :: Int,
_colorA :: Double
_colorR :: !Int,
_colorG :: !Int,
_colorB :: !Int,
_colorA :: !Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default Color where
def = Color 255 255 255 1.0
data FontDef = FontDef {
_fntName :: Text,
_fntPath :: Text
_fntName :: !Text,
_fntPath :: !Text
newtype Font
@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ instance Default AlignV where
def = AMiddle
data GlyphPos = GlyphPos {
_glpGlyph :: Char,
_glpXMin :: Double,
_glpXMax :: Double,
_glpW :: Double
_glpGlyph :: !Char,
_glpXMin :: !Double,
_glpXMax :: !Double,
_glpW :: !Double
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Default GlyphPos where
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ instance Default GlyphPos where
data TextMetrics = TextMetrics {
_txmAsc :: Double,
_txmDesc :: Double,
_txmLineH :: Double
_txmAsc :: !Double,
_txmDesc :: !Double,
_txmLineH :: !Double
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Default TextMetrics where

View File

@ -117,8 +117,9 @@ compositeInit comp state wenv widgetComp = newResult where
_cmpGlobalKeys = collectGlobalKeys M.empty root
tempResult = WidgetResult reqs newEvts root
result = reduceResult comp newState wenv widgetComp tempResult
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv Nothing result
styledComp = initInstanceStyle wenv Nothing widgetComp
newResult = reduceResult comp newState wenv styledComp tempResult
-- | Merge
@ -147,8 +148,8 @@ compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComposite newComposite = newResult where
_cmpRoot = newRoot,
_cmpGlobalKeys = collectGlobalKeys M.empty newRoot
result = reduceResult comp newState wenv newComposite tempResult
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv Nothing result
styledComp = initInstanceStyle wenv Nothing newComposite
newResult = reduceResult comp newState wenv styledComp tempResult
-- | Dispose

View File

@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ initWrapper initHandler getBaseStyle wenv inst = newResult where
newInstance = tempInstance {
_wiChildren = newChildren
result = WidgetResult (reqs <> newReqs) (events <> newEvents) newInstance
baseStyle = getBaseStyle wenv newInstance
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv baseStyle result
styledInst = initInstanceStyle wenv baseStyle newInstance
newResult = WidgetResult (reqs <> newReqs) (events <> newEvents) styledInst
-- | Merging
defaultMerge :: ContainerMergeHandler s e
@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ mergeWrapper mergeHandler getBaseStyle wenv oldInst newInst = newResult where
newReqs = uReqs <> mergedReqs <> removedReqs
newEvents = uEvents <> mergedEvents <> removedEvents
result = WidgetResult newReqs newEvents mergedInstance
baseStyle = getBaseStyle wenv uInstance
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv baseStyle result
styledInst = initInstanceStyle wenv baseStyle mergedInstance
newResult = WidgetResult newReqs newEvents styledInst
:: WidgetEnv s e
@ -386,16 +386,15 @@ handleEventWrapper
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)
handleEventWrapper styleOnMerge pHandler wenv target event inst
| not (_wiVisible inst) = Nothing
| targetReached = handleStyleChange pHandler wenv target event inst
| not targetValid = Nothing -- `not targetValid` applies to children only
| styleOnMerge = handleStyleChange sHandler wenv target event inst
| otherwise = mergeParentChildEvts inst pResponse cResponse childIdx
-- | not targetValid = Nothing
| targetReached || not targetValid = parentResult
| styleOnMerge = styledChildrenResult
| otherwise = childrenResult
-- Having targetValid = False means the next path step is not in
-- _wiChildren, but may still be valid in the receiving widget
-- For example, Composite has its own tree of child widgets with (possibly)
-- different types for Model and Events, and is candidate for the next step
sHandler _ _ _ _ = mergeParentChildEvts inst pResponse cResponse childIdx
targetReached = isTargetReached target inst
targetValid = isTargetValid target inst
childIdx = fromJust $ nextTargetStep target inst
@ -407,6 +406,10 @@ handleEventWrapper styleOnMerge pHandler wenv target event inst
| childrenIgnored || not (_wiEnabled child) = Nothing
| otherwise = widgetHandleEvent childWidget wenv target event child
sHandler _ _ _ _ = mergeParentChildEvts inst pResponse cResponse childIdx
parentResult = handleStyleChange pHandler wenv target event inst
childrenResult = mergeParentChildEvts inst pResponse cResponse childIdx
styledChildrenResult = handleStyleChange sHandler wenv target event inst
:: WidgetInstance s e

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ inputFieldState = InputFieldState {
caretWidth :: Double
caretWidth = 2
caretWidth = 1
:: (Eq a, Default a, Typeable a)
@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
| otherwise = oldText
newTextL = T.length newText
| newTextL < oldPos = T.length newText
| newTextL < oldPos = newTextL
| otherwise = oldPos
| isNothing oldSel || newTextL < fromJust oldSel = Nothing
| otherwise = oldSel
newState = newTextState wenv inst state value newText newPos newSelStart
newState = newTextState wenv inst oldTextState value newText newPos newSelStart
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeInputField config newState
@ -137,21 +137,22 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
reqs = setModelValid (isJust parsedVal)
handleKeyPress wenv mod code
| isBackspace && isNothing currSel = moveCursor removeText (tp - 1) Nothing
| isBackspace = moveCursor removeText (min currSelVal tp) Nothing
| isMoveLeft = moveCursor txt (tp - 1) Nothing
| isMoveRight = moveCursor txt (tp + 1) Nothing
| isMoveWordL = moveCursor txt prevWordStartIdx Nothing
| isMoveWordR = moveCursor txt nextWordEndIdx Nothing
| isSelectLeft = moveCursor txt (tp - 1) (Just tp)
| isSelectRight = moveCursor txt (tp + 1) (Just tp)
| isSelectWordL = moveCursor txt prevWordStartIdx (Just tp)
| isSelectWordR = moveCursor txt nextWordEndIdx (Just tp)
| otherwise = moveCursor txt tp currSel
| isBackspace && emptySel = Just $ moveCursor removeText (tp - 1) Nothing
| isBackspace = Just $ moveCursor removeText (min currSelVal tp) Nothing
| isMoveLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp - 1) Nothing
| isMoveRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp + 1) Nothing
| isMoveWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordStartIdx Nothing
| isMoveWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordEndIdx Nothing
| isSelectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp - 1) (Just tp)
| isSelectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp + 1) (Just tp)
| isSelectWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordStartIdx (Just tp)
| isSelectWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordEndIdx (Just tp)
| otherwise = Nothing
txt = currText
txtLen = T.length txt
tp = currPos
emptySel = isNothing currSel
(part1, part2) = T.splitAt currPos currText
prevWordStart = T.dropWhileEnd (not . delim) $ T.dropWhileEnd delim part1
prevWordStartIdx = T.length prevWordStart
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
| isMacOS wenv = _kmLeftAlt mod
| otherwise = _kmLeftCtrl mod
isBackspace = isKeyBackspace code && tp > 0
isBackspace = isKeyBackspace code && (tp > 0 || isJust currSel)
isMove = not isShift && not isWordMod
isMoveWord = not isShift && isWordMod
isSelect = isShift && not isWordMod
@ -215,14 +216,15 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
| isFocused wenv inst = Just $ resultWidget newInst
| otherwise = Just $ resultReqs [SetFocus $ _wiPath inst] newInst
KeyAction mod code KeyPressed -> Just result where
(newText, newPos, newSel) = handleKeyPress wenv mod code
isPaste = isClipboardPaste wenv evt
isCopy = isClipboardCopy wenv evt
reqGetClipboard = [GetClipboard (_wiPath inst) | isPaste]
reqSetClipboard = [SetClipboard (ClipboardText copyText) | isCopy]
reqs = reqGetClipboard ++ reqSetClipboard
result = genInputResult wenv inst False newText newPos newSel reqs
KeyAction mod code KeyPressed -> result where
result = handleKeyRes <$> handleKeyPress wenv mod code
handleKeyRes (newText, newPos, newSel) = result where
isPaste = isClipboardPaste wenv evt
isCopy = isClipboardCopy wenv evt
reqGetClipboard = [GetClipboard (_wiPath inst) | isPaste]
reqSetClipboard = [SetClipboard (ClipboardText copyText) | isCopy]
reqs = reqGetClipboard ++ reqSetClipboard
result = genInputResult wenv inst False newText newPos newSel reqs
TextInput newText -> insertText wenv inst newText
@ -244,12 +246,27 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
_ -> Nothing
insertText wenv inst addedText = Just result where
addedLen = T.length addedText
newText = replaceText currText addedText
| isJust currSel = 1 + min currPos (fromJust currSel)
| otherwise = currPos + T.length addedText
| isJust currSel = addedLen + min currPos (fromJust currSel)
| otherwise = addedLen + currPos
result = genInputResult wenv inst True newText newPos Nothing []
replaceText txt newTxt
| isJust currSel = T.take start txt <> newTxt <> T.drop end txt
| otherwise = T.take currPos txt <> newTxt <> T.drop currPos txt
start = min currPos (fromJust currSel)
end = max currPos (fromJust currSel)
| isJust currSel = T.take (end - start) $ T.drop start currText
| otherwise = ""
start = min currPos (fromJust currSel)
end = max currPos (fromJust currSel)
genInputResult wenv inst textAdd newText newPos newSel newReqs = result where
isValid = _ifcAcceptInput config newText
hasChanged = currText /= newText
@ -277,20 +294,6 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
| isValid || not textAdd = resultReqsEvents reqs events newInstance
| otherwise = resultReqsEvents reqs events inst
replaceText txt newTxt
| isJust currSel = T.take start txt <> newTxt <> T.drop end txt
| otherwise = T.take currPos txt <> newTxt <> T.drop currPos txt
start = min currPos (fromJust currSel)
end = max currPos (fromJust currSel)
| isJust currSel = T.take (end - start) $ T.drop start currText
| otherwise = ""
start = min currPos (fromJust currSel)
end = max currPos (fromJust currSel)
getSizeReq wenv inst = sizeReq where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
Size w h = getTextSize wenv style currText
@ -381,25 +384,33 @@ newTextState wenv inst oldState value text cursor selection = newState where
alignH = fromMaybe ALeft (_txsAlignH textStyle)
alignV = fromMaybe def (_txsAlignV textStyle)
align = Align alignH alignV
alignL = alignH == ALeft
alignR = alignH == ARight
alignC = alignH == ACenter
cursorL = cursor == 0
cursorR = cursor == T.length text
!textMetrics = getTextMetrics wenv style
!tempTextRect = getTextRect wenv style contentArea align text
| alignH == ARight = moveRect (Point (-caretWidth) 0) tempTextRect
| otherwise = tempTextRect
TextMetrics ta ts tl = textMetrics
Rect tx ty tw th = textRect
glyphs = getTextGlyphs wenv style text
g :<| gs = glyphs
glyphX = maybe 0 _glpXMax $ Seq.lookup (cursor - 1) glyphs
glyphOffset = getGlyphsMin glyphs
curX = tx + glyphX - glyphOffset
oldOffset = _ifsOffset oldState
!textRect = getTextRect wenv style contentArea align text
Rect _ _ tw th = textRect
textFits = cw >= tw
TextMetrics ta ts tl = textMetrics
Rect tx ty _ _ = textRect
glyphs = getTextGlyphs wenv style text
glyphStart = maybe 0 _glpXMax $ Seq.lookup (cursor - 1) glyphs
glyphOffset = getGlyphsMin glyphs
glyphX = glyphStart - glyphOffset
curX = tx + glyphX
oldOffset = _ifsOffset oldState
| textFits = 0
| cursor == 0 && not textFits = cx - tx
| curX + oldOffset > cx + cw = cx + cw - curX
| curX + oldOffset < cx = cx - curX
| alignL && cursorL = cx - tx + caretWidth
| alignL && curX + oldOffset > cx + cw = cx + cw - curX
| alignL && curX + oldOffset < cx = cx - curX
| alignR && cursorR = 0
| alignR && curX + oldOffset > cx + cw = tw - glyphX
| alignR && curX + oldOffset < cx = tw - cw - glyphX
| alignC && curX + oldOffset > cx + cw = cx + cw - curX
| alignC && curX + oldOffset < cx = cx - curX
| otherwise = oldOffset
newState = InputFieldState {
_ifsCurrValue = value,

View File

@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ initWrapper
-> WidgetResult s e
initWrapper initHandler getBaseStyle wenv inst = newResult where
baseStyle = getBaseStyle wenv inst
tempResult = initHandler wenv inst
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv baseStyle tempResult
styledInst = initInstanceStyle wenv baseStyle inst
newResult = initHandler wenv styledInst
defaultMerge :: SingleMergeHandler s e
defaultMerge wenv oldState newInst = resultWidget newInst
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ mergeWrapper mergeHandler getBaseStyle wenv oldInst newInst = newResult where
_wiRenderArea = _wiRenderArea oldInst
baseStyle = getBaseStyle wenv tempInst
tempResult = mergeHandler wenv oldState tempInst
newResult = baseStyleToResult wenv baseStyle tempResult
styledInst = initInstanceStyle wenv baseStyle tempInst
newResult = mergeHandler wenv oldState styledInst
defaultDispose :: SingleDisposeHandler s e
defaultDispose _ inst = resultWidget inst

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Base (
@ -45,20 +45,18 @@ baseStyleFromTheme theme = style where
_sstText = Just $ _thsText tstate
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> Maybe Style
-> WidgetResult s e
-> WidgetResult s e
baseStyleToResult wenv mbaseStyle result = newResult where
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetInstance s e
initInstanceStyle wenv mbaseStyle inst = newInst where
instStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ _wiStyle inst
baseStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ fromMaybe def mbaseStyle
themeStyle = baseStyleFromTheme (_weTheme wenv)
WidgetResult reqs evts inst = result
newInst = inst {
_wiStyle = themeStyle <> baseStyle <> instStyle
newResult = WidgetResult reqs evts newInst
mergeBasicStyle :: Style -> Style
mergeBasicStyle st = newStyle where

View File

@ -258,7 +258,10 @@
- Check displaced textField when adding characters on right align
- Also, when right is reached from left, everything is pushed out of screen
- Double clicking on empty puts the cursor at the end of ghost character
- Right aligned version has cusor overlaid
- Right aligned version has cusor overlaid (add caret size to offset in specific cases)
- Make left added char visible
- Check clipboard
- Check Container thing in hover adding columns (not targetValid = Nothing should be removed)
- Add testing
- Delayed until this point to try to settle down interfaces
- Validate stack assigns space correctly