Improve handling of lower layers in zstack. Add option to ignore events in a container

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-12-29 14:07:15 -03:00
parent acff0fffd4
commit 19595aee5d
8 changed files with 122 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -198,12 +198,14 @@ buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor orange]
hstack [
vgrid [
label "",
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, width 200]
box_ (
hstack [
vgrid [
label "",
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, width 200]
] `style` [height 480]
) [alignRight]
] [onlyTopActive False]
widgetTree4 = hgrid [
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],

View File

@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ class Num a => CmbMaxValue t a | t -> a where
class Num a => CmbDragRate t a | t -> a where
dragRate :: a -> t
-- Container
class CmbIgnoreEmptyArea t where
ignoreEmptyArea :: Bool -> t
-- Text
class CmbDecimals t where
decimals :: Int -> t

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
data BoxCfg s e = BoxCfg {
_boxExpandContent :: Maybe Bool,
_boxIgnoreEmptyArea :: Maybe Bool,
_boxAlignH :: Maybe AlignH,
_boxAlignV :: Maybe AlignV,
_boxOnClick :: [e],
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ data BoxCfg s e = BoxCfg {
instance Default (BoxCfg s e) where
def = BoxCfg {
_boxExpandContent = Nothing,
_boxIgnoreEmptyArea = Nothing,
_boxAlignH = Nothing,
_boxAlignV = Nothing,
_boxOnClick = [],
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ instance Default (BoxCfg s e) where
instance Semigroup (BoxCfg s e) where
(<>) t1 t2 = BoxCfg {
_boxExpandContent = _boxExpandContent t2 <|> _boxExpandContent t1,
_boxIgnoreEmptyArea = _boxIgnoreEmptyArea t2 <|> _boxIgnoreEmptyArea t1,
_boxAlignH = _boxAlignH t2 <|> _boxAlignH t1,
_boxAlignV = _boxAlignV t2 <|> _boxAlignV t1,
_boxOnClick = _boxOnClick t1 <> _boxOnClick t2,
@ -56,6 +59,11 @@ instance Semigroup (BoxCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (BoxCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance CmbIgnoreEmptyArea (BoxCfg s e) where
ignoreEmptyArea ignore = def {
_boxIgnoreEmptyArea = Just ignore
instance CmbAlignLeft (BoxCfg s e) where
alignLeft = def {
_boxAlignH = Just ALeft
@ -126,11 +134,16 @@ makeNode widget managedWidget = defaultWidgetNode "box" widget
makeBox :: BoxCfg s e -> Widget s e
makeBox config = widget where
widget = createContainer def {
containerIgnoreEmptyArea = ignoreEmptyArea && emptyHandlersCount == 0,
containerHandleEvent = handleEvent,
containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq,
containerResize = resize
ignoreEmptyArea = fromMaybe True (_boxIgnoreEmptyArea config)
= length (_boxOnClickEmpty config) + length (_boxOnClickEmptyReq config)
handleEvent wenv ctx evt node = case evt of
Click point btn -> result where
child = Seq.index (node ^. L.children) 0

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ type ContainerResizeHandler s e
-> (WidgetNode s e, Seq (Rect, Rect))
type ContainerRenderHandler s e
= Renderer
= Renderer
-> WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetNode s e
-> IO ()
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ data Container s e = Container {
containerUseScissor :: Bool,
containerStyleOnMerge :: Bool,
containerResizeRequired :: Bool,
containerIgnoreEmptyArea :: Bool,
containerUseCustomSize :: Bool,
containerUseChildrenSizes :: Bool,
containerGetBaseStyle :: ContainerGetBaseStyle s e,
@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ instance Default (Container s e) where
containerUseScissor = True,
containerStyleOnMerge = False,
containerResizeRequired = True,
containerIgnoreEmptyArea = False,
containerUseCustomSize = False,
containerUseChildrenSizes = False,
containerGetBaseStyle = defaultGetBaseStyle,
@ -433,6 +435,7 @@ findByPointWrapper
-> WidgetNode s e
-> Maybe Path
findByPointWrapper container wenv start point node = result where
ignoreEmpty = containerIgnoreEmptyArea container
handler = containerFindByPoint container
isVisible = node ^. . L.visible
inVp = pointInViewport point node
@ -450,7 +453,9 @@ findByPointWrapper container wenv start point node = result where
childPath = widgetFindByPoint childWidget wenv newStartPath point child
child = Seq.index children idx
childWidget = child ^. L.widget
Nothing -> Just $ node ^. . L.path
| not ignoreEmpty -> Just $ node ^. . L.path
| otherwise -> Nothing
| isVisible && (inVp || resultPath /= Just path) = resultPath
| otherwise = Nothing

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Monomer.Widgets.Stack (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -17,19 +19,56 @@ import Monomer.Widgets.Container
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
newtype StackCfg = StackCfg {
_stcIgnoreEmptyArea :: Maybe Bool
instance Default StackCfg where
def = StackCfg Nothing
instance Semigroup StackCfg where
(<>) s1 s2 = StackCfg {
_stcIgnoreEmptyArea = _stcIgnoreEmptyArea s2 <|> _stcIgnoreEmptyArea s1
instance Monoid StackCfg where
mempty = def
instance CmbIgnoreEmptyArea StackCfg where
ignoreEmptyArea ignore = def {
_stcIgnoreEmptyArea = Just ignore
hstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e
hstack children = newNode where
newNode = defaultWidgetNode "hstack" (makeStack True)
hstack children = hstack_ children def
:: (Traversable t)
=> t (WidgetNode s e)
-> [StackCfg]
-> WidgetNode s e
hstack_ children configs = newNode where
config = mconcat configs
newNode = defaultWidgetNode "hstack" (makeStack True config)
& L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children
vstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetNode s e) -> WidgetNode s e
vstack children = newNode where
newNode = defaultWidgetNode "vstack" (makeStack False)
vstack children = vstack_ children def
:: (Traversable t)
=> t (WidgetNode s e)
-> [StackCfg]
-> WidgetNode s e
vstack_ children configs = newNode where
config = mconcat configs
newNode = defaultWidgetNode "vstack" (makeStack False config)
& L.children .~ foldl' (|>) Empty children
makeStack :: Bool -> Widget s e
makeStack isHorizontal = widget where
makeStack :: Bool -> StackCfg -> Widget s e
makeStack isHorizontal config = widget where
widget = createContainer def {
containerIgnoreEmptyArea = ignoreEmptyArea,
containerUseCustomSize = True,
containerFindByPoint = defaultFindByPoint,
containerGetSizeReq = getSizeReq,
@ -37,6 +76,7 @@ makeStack isHorizontal = widget where
isVertical = not isHorizontal
ignoreEmptyArea = fromMaybe True (_stcIgnoreEmptyArea config)
getSizeReq wenv node children = (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) where
vchildren = Seq.filter (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children

View File

@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ makeZStack config = widget where
topVisibleIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.findIndexR (_wniVisible . _wnInfo) children)
isPointEmpty point idx = not covered where
prevs = Seq.drop (idx + 1) children
isCovered c = isVisible c && pointInViewport point c
target c = widgetFindByPoint (c ^. L.widget) wenv Empty point c
isCovered c = isVisible c && isJust (target c)
covered = any isCovered prevs
isTopLayer idx child point = prevTopLayer && isValid where
prevTopLayer = _weInTopLayer wenv point

View File

@ -359,6 +359,7 @@
- Refactor modules where consistency is lacking
- Make sure WidgetTask/Node association is preserved if node location in tree changes
- Button should handle ReleaseBtn instead of Click (allow multi click)
- ZStack should set _weIsTopLayer based on used space
- Pending
- Add header in all files, indicating license and documenting what the module does
@ -371,7 +372,6 @@
- Add user documentation
Maybe postponed after release?
- ZStack should set _weIsTopLayer based on used space
- Reimplement containerIgnoreEmptyClick
- Box should allow setting size of children and ignore the rest
- Check multiple resize when opening dialogs

View File

@ -13,16 +13,19 @@ import Monomer.TestUtil
import Monomer.Widgets.Box
import Monomer.Widgets.Button
import Monomer.Widgets.Label
import Monomer.Widgets.ZStack
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
data BtnEvent
= BtnClick
newtype BtnEvent
= BtnClick Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Box" $ do
@ -32,14 +35,47 @@ handleEvent = describe "handleEvent" $ do
events (Point 3000 3000) `shouldBe` Seq.empty
it "should generate an event if the button (centered) is clicked" $
events (Point 320 240) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton BtnClick
events (Point 320 240) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (BtnClick 0)
wenv = mockWenv ()
btn = button "Click" BtnClick
btn = button "Click" (BtnClick 0)
boxNode = nodeInit wenv (box btn)
events p = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv [Click p LeftBtn] boxNode
handleEventIgnoreEmpty :: Spec
handleEventIgnoreEmpty = describe "handleEventIgnoreEmpty" $ do
it "should click the bottom layer, since nothing is handled on top" $
clickIgnored (Point 200 15) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (BtnClick 1)
it "should click the top layer, since pointer is on the button" $
clickIgnored (Point 320 240) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (BtnClick 2)
wenv = mockWenv ()
ignoredNode = zstack_ [
button "Click 1" (BtnClick 1),
box (button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `style` [height 10])
] [onlyTopActive False]
clickIgnored p = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv [Click p LeftBtn] ignoredNode
handleEventSinkEmpty :: Spec
handleEventSinkEmpty = describe "handleEventSinkEmpty" $ do
it "should do nothing, since event is not passed down" $
clickSunk (Point 200 15) `shouldBe` Seq.empty
it "should click the top layer, since pointer is on the button" $
clickSunk (Point 320 240) `shouldBe` Seq.singleton (BtnClick 2)
wenv = mockWenv ()
centeredBtn = button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `style` [height 10]
sunkNode = zstack_ [
button "Click 1" (BtnClick 1),
box_ centeredBtn [ignoreEmptyArea False]
] [onlyTopActive False]
clickSunk p = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv [Click p LeftBtn] sunkNode
updateSizeReq :: Spec
updateSizeReq = describe "updateSizeReq" $ do
it "should return width = Flex 50 0.01" $