Add alignment options to image

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-07-02 23:56:33 -03:00
parent 694eddb719
commit 230922c40c
12 changed files with 113 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:todo"
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:books"
--test ":main"

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import TextShow
import Monomer.Core.Combinators
import Monomer.Core.Style
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.ColorTable (gray)
import Monomer.Graphics.Util
import Monomer.Core.WidgetTypes
import Monomer.Core.Util
import Monomer.Widgets

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
bookImage imgId size = maybe filler coverImg imgId where
baseUrl = "<id>-<size>.jpg"
imgUrl i = T.replace "<size>" size $ T.replace "<id>" (showt i) baseUrl
coverImg i = image_ (imgUrl i) [fitFill]
coverImg i = image_ (imgUrl i) [fitHeight, alignRight]
bookRow b = box_ cfg content `style` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
cfg = [expandContent, onClick (BooksShowDetails b)]
content = bookRowContent b

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: 0034398fa73a706ff4f38ec5d91fd53a82457809731868c37b24630a6c431354
-- hash: e9cd0fb27bcf456724b1c412cf85e4063c1b7d69e6d55a9c36b6260203aeb70d
name: monomer
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ library

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import Data.Default
import GHC.Generics
import Monomer.Common
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import Monomer.Graphics.Util
Represents a size requirement for a specific axis. Mainly used by stack and box,

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Data.Default
import Monomer.Core.Combinators
import Monomer.Core.Style
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ Graphics module, including all related types, low level renderer interface,
nanovg implementation and higher level drawing helpers.
module Monomer.Graphics (
module Monomer.Graphics.Color,
module Monomer.Graphics.NanoVGRenderer,
module Monomer.Graphics.Text,
module Monomer.Graphics.Types
module Monomer.Graphics.Types,
module Monomer.Graphics.Util
) where
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.NanoVGRenderer
import Monomer.Graphics.Text
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import Monomer.Graphics.Util

View File

@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ Color table imported from
module Monomer.Graphics.ColorTable where
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import Monomer.Graphics.Util (rgbHex)
maroon = rgbHex "#800000"
darkRed = rgbHex "#8B0000"

View File

@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
Module : Monomer.Graphics.Color
Module : Monomer.Graphics.Util
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for color related operations.
Helper functions for graphics related operations.
module Monomer.Graphics.Color (
module Monomer.Graphics.Util (
) where
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Monomer.Common.BasicTypes
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import Monomer.Helper
@ -58,3 +62,35 @@ rgba r g b a = Color {
-- | Creates a non visible color.
transparent :: Color
transparent = rgba 0 0 0 0
Aligns the child rect inside the parent given the alignment constraints.
Note: The child rect can overflow the parent.
alignInRect :: Rect -> Rect -> AlignH -> AlignV -> Rect
alignInRect parent child ah av = newRect where
tempRect = alignVInRect parent child av
newRect = alignHInRect parent tempRect ah
-- | Aligns the child rect horizontally inside the parent.
alignHInRect :: Rect -> Rect -> AlignH -> Rect
alignHInRect parent child ah = newRect where
Rect px _ pw _ = parent
Rect _ cy cw ch = child
newX = case ah of
ALeft -> px
ACenter -> px + (pw - cw) / 2
ARight -> px + pw - cw
newRect = Rect newX cy cw ch
-- | Aligns the child rect vertically inside the parent.
alignVInRect :: Rect -> Rect -> AlignV -> Rect
alignVInRect parent child av = newRect where
Rect _ py _ ph = parent
Rect cx _ cw ch = child
newY = case av of
ATop -> py
AMiddle -> py + (ph - ch) / 2
ABottom -> py + ph - ch
newRect = Rect cx newY cw ch

View File

@ -334,33 +334,8 @@ makeBox config = widget where
raChild = Rect cx cy (min cw contentW) (min ch contentH)
ah = fromMaybe ACenter (_boxAlignH config)
av = fromMaybe AMiddle (_boxAlignV config)
raAligned = alignInRect ah av contentArea raChild
raAligned = alignInRect contentArea raChild ah av
expand = fromMaybe False (_boxExpandContent config)
| expand = (resultNode node, Seq.singleton contentArea)
| otherwise = (resultNode node, Seq.singleton raAligned)
alignInRect :: AlignH -> AlignV -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignInRect ah av parent child = newRect where
tempRect = alignVInRect av parent child
newRect = alignHInRect ah parent tempRect
alignHInRect :: AlignH -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignHInRect ah parent child = newRect where
Rect px _ pw _ = parent
Rect _ cy cw ch = child
newX = case ah of
ALeft -> px
ACenter -> px + (pw - cw) / 2
ARight -> px + pw - cw
newRect = Rect newX cy cw ch
alignVInRect :: AlignV -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignVInRect av parent child = newRect where
Rect _ py _ ph = parent
Rect cx _ cw ch = child
newY = case av of
ATop -> py
AMiddle -> py + (ph - ch) / 2
ABottom -> py + ph - ch
newRect = Rect cx newY cw ch

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Graphics.Util
import Monomer.Widgets.Single

View File

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ Portability : non-portable
Displays an image from local storage or a url.
Note: depending on the type of image fit chosen and the assigned viewport, extra
space may remain unused. The alignment options exist to handle this situation.
- transparency: the alpha to apply when rendering the image.
@ -19,6 +22,12 @@ Configs:
- fitFill: stretches the image to match the viewport.
- fitWidth: stretches the image to match the viewport width. Maintains ratio.
- fitHeight: stretches the image to match the viewport height. Maintains ratio.
- alignLeft: aligns left if extra space is available.
- alignRight: aligns right if extra space is available.
- alignCenter: aligns center if extra space is available.
- alignTop: aligns top if extra space is available.
- alignMiddle: aligns middle if extra space is available.
- alignBottom: aligns bottom if extra space is available.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
@ -75,6 +84,8 @@ data ImageCfg e = ImageCfg {
_imcLoadError :: [ImageLoadError -> e],
_imcFlags :: [ImageFlag],
_imcFit :: Maybe ImageFit,
_imcAlignH :: Maybe AlignH,
_imcAlignV :: Maybe AlignV,
_imcTransparency :: Maybe Double
@ -83,6 +94,8 @@ instance Default (ImageCfg e) where
_imcLoadError = [],
_imcFlags = [],
_imcFit = Nothing,
_imcAlignH = Nothing,
_imcAlignV = Nothing,
_imcTransparency = Nothing
@ -91,6 +104,8 @@ instance Semigroup (ImageCfg e) where
_imcLoadError = _imcLoadError i1 ++ _imcLoadError i2,
_imcFlags = _imcFlags i1 ++ _imcFlags i2,
_imcFit = _imcFit i2 <|> _imcFit i1,
_imcAlignH = _imcAlignH i2 <|> _imcAlignH i1,
_imcAlignV = _imcAlignV i2 <|> _imcAlignV i1,
_imcTransparency = _imcTransparency i2 <|> _imcTransparency i1
@ -142,6 +157,42 @@ instance CmbFitHeight (ImageCfg e) where
_imcFit = Just FitHeight
instance CmbAlignLeft (ImageCfg e) where
alignLeft_ False = def
alignLeft_ True = def {
_imcAlignH = Just ALeft
instance CmbAlignCenter (ImageCfg e) where
alignCenter_ False = def
alignCenter_ True = def {
_imcAlignH = Just ACenter
instance CmbAlignRight (ImageCfg e) where
alignRight_ False = def
alignRight_ True = def {
_imcAlignH = Just ARight
instance CmbAlignTop (ImageCfg e) where
alignTop_ False = def
alignTop_ True = def {
_imcAlignV = Just ATop
instance CmbAlignMiddle (ImageCfg e) where
alignMiddle_ False = def
alignMiddle_ True = def {
_imcAlignV = Just AMiddle
instance CmbAlignBottom (ImageCfg e) where
alignBottom_ False = def
alignBottom_ True = def {
_imcAlignV = Just ABottom
data ImageSource
= ImageMem String
| ImagePath String
@ -272,23 +323,26 @@ makeImage imgSource config state = widget where
contentArea = getContentArea style node
alpha = fromMaybe 1 (_imcTransparency config)
fitMode = fromMaybe FitNone (_imcFit config)
alignH = fromMaybe ALeft (_imcAlignH config)
alignV = fromMaybe ATop (_imcAlignV config)
imgPath = imgName imgSource
imgFlags = _imcFlags config
imageRect = fitImage fitMode imgSize contentArea
imageRect = fitImage contentArea imgSize fitMode alignH alignV
ImageState _ imgData = state
imageLoaded = isJust imgData
(imgBytes, imgSize) = fromJust imgData
imageExists = isJust (getImage renderer imgPath)
fitImage :: ImageFit -> Size -> Rect -> Rect
fitImage fitMode imageSize viewport = case fitMode of
FitNone -> Rect x y iw ih
FitFill -> Rect x y w h
FitWidth -> Rect x y w ih
FitHeight -> Rect x y iw h
fitImage :: Rect -> Size -> ImageFit -> AlignH -> AlignV -> Rect
fitImage viewport imageSize fitMode alignH alignV = case fitMode of
FitNone -> alignImg iw ih
FitFill -> alignImg w h
FitWidth -> alignImg w (w * ih / iw)
FitHeight -> alignImg (h * iw / ih) h
Rect x y w h = viewport
Size iw ih = imageSize
alignImg nw nh = alignInRect viewport (Rect x y nw nh) alignH alignV
handleImageLoad :: ImageCfg e -> WidgetEnv s e -> String -> IO ImageMessage
handleImageLoad config wenv path =