Add support for x height based vertical alignment. Make it default

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-07-01 17:10:47 -03:00
parent 49bed0c564
commit 231a30f20c
13 changed files with 63 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -195,6 +195,12 @@ class CmbTextAscender t where
textAscender = textAscender_ True
textAscender_ :: Bool -> t
-- | Align text to the vertical middle based on the x height.
class CmbTextLowerX t where
textLowerX :: t
textLowerX = textLowerX_ True
textLowerX_ :: Bool -> t
-- | Align text to the bottom.
class CmbTextBottom t where
textBottom :: t

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@ -148,6 +148,10 @@ instance CmbTextAscender TextStyle where
textAscender_ False = def
textAscender_ True = textAlignV ATAscender
instance CmbTextLowerX TextStyle where
textLowerX_ False = def
textLowerX_ True = textAlignV ATLowerX
instance CmbTextBottom TextStyle where
textBottom_ False = def
textBottom_ True = textAlignV ATBottom
@ -337,6 +341,10 @@ instance CmbTextAscender StyleState where
textAscender_ False = def
textAscender_ True = styleTextAlignV ATAscender
instance CmbTextLowerX StyleState where
textLowerX_ False = def
textLowerX_ True = styleTextAlignV ATLowerX
instance CmbTextBottom StyleState where
textBottom_ False = def
textBottom_ True = styleTextAlignV ATBottom

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@ -289,11 +289,16 @@ newRenderer c dpr lock envRef = Renderer {..} where
computeTextMetrics !font !fontSize = unsafePerformIO $ do
setFont c envRef dpr font fontSize
(asc, desc, lineh) <- getTextMetrics c
lowerX <- (V.!? 0) <$> textGlyphPositions c 0 0 "x"
let heightLowerX = case lowerX of
Just lx -> VG.glyphPosMaxY lx - VG.glyphPosMinY lx
Nothing -> realToFrac asc
return $ TextMetrics {
_txmAsc = asc / dpr,
_txmDesc = desc / dpr,
_txmLineH = lineh / dpr
_txmLineH = lineh / dpr,
_txmLowerX = realToFrac heightLowerX / dpr
computeTextSize !font !fontSize !text = unsafePerformIO $ do

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Monomer.Graphics.Text (
) where
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (+~))
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (^?), (+~), ix, non)
import Data.Default
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
@ -91,13 +91,18 @@ calcTextRect
calcTextRect renderer containerRect font fontSize ha va text = textRect where
Rect x y w h = containerRect
Size tw _ = computeTextSize renderer font fontSize text
TextMetrics asc desc lineh = computeTextMetrics renderer font fontSize
TextMetrics asc desc lineh lowerX = computeTextMetrics renderer font fontSize
tx | ha == ATLeft = x
| ha == ATCenter = x + (w - tw) / 2
| otherwise = x + (w - tw)
This logic differs from alignTextLines, since it works from bottom to top, but
the result is the same.
ty | va == ATTop = y + asc
| va == ATMiddle = y + h + desc - (h - lineh) / 2
| va == ATAscender = y + h - (h - asc) / 2
| va == ATLowerX = y + h - (h - lowerX) / 2
| otherwise = y + h + desc
textRect = Rect {
@ -173,13 +178,16 @@ alignTextLines
alignTextLines style parentRect textLines = newTextLines where
Rect _ py _ ph = parentRect
Size _ th = getTextLinesSize textLines
TextMetrics asc _ _ = Seq.index textLines 0 ^. L.metrics
TextMetrics asc _ lineH lowerX = (textLines ^? ix 0) ^. non def . L.metrics
isSingle = length textLines == 1
alignH = styleTextAlignH style
alignV = styleTextAlignV style
alignOffsetY = case alignV of
ATTop -> 0
| length textLines == 1 -> (ph - asc) / 2
| isSingle -> (ph - asc) / 2
| isSingle -> (ph - lowerX) / 2 - (asc - lowerX)
ATBottom -> ph - th
ATBaseline -> ph - th
_ -> (ph - th) / 2 -- ATMiddle

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@ -111,12 +111,13 @@ data AlignTV
= ATTop
| ATMiddle
| ATAscender
| ATLowerX
| ATBottom
| ATBaseline
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Default AlignTV where
def = ATAscender
def = ATLowerX
-- | Information of a text glyph instance.
data GlyphPos = GlyphPos {
@ -154,16 +155,18 @@ data TextOverflow
-- | Text metrics.
data TextMetrics = TextMetrics {
_txmAsc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double, -- ^ The heigth above the baseline.
_txmDesc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double, -- ^ The heigth below the baseline.
_txmLineH :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- ^ The total heigth.
_txmAsc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double, -- ^ The height above the baseline.
_txmDesc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double, -- ^ The height below the baseline.
_txmLineH :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double, -- ^ The total height.
_txmLowerX :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double -- ^ The height of lowercase x.
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance Default TextMetrics where
def = TextMetrics {
_txmAsc = 0,
_txmDesc = 0,
_txmLineH = 0
_txmLineH = 0,
_txmLowerX = 0
-- | A text line with associated rendering information.

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@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ makeInputField config state = widget where
selRect = getSelRect state style
textOffsetY :: TextMetrics -> StyleState -> Double
textOffsetY (TextMetrics ta td tl) style = offset where
textOffsetY (TextMetrics ta td tl tlx) style = offset where
offset = case styleTextAlignV style of
ATBaseline -> -td
_ -> 0
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ renderContent renderer state style currText = do
getCaretH :: InputFieldState a -> Double
getCaretH state = ta - td * 2 where
TextMetrics ta td tl = _ifsTextMetrics state
TextMetrics ta td _ _ = _ifsTextMetrics state
getCaretRect :: InputFieldState a -> StyleState -> Rect -> Rect
getCaretRect state style carea = caretRect where
@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ inputFieldAlignH style = fromMaybe ATLeft alignH where
alignH = style ^? L.text . _Just . L.alignH . _Just
inputFieldAlignV :: StyleState -> AlignTV
inputFieldAlignV style = fromMaybe ATAscender alignV where
inputFieldAlignV style = fromMaybe ATLowerX alignV where
alignV = style ^? L.text . _Just . L.alignV . _Just
delim :: Char -> Bool

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Monomer.Widgets.Singles.Label (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (^?!), ix)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (^?), non, ix)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ makeLabel config state = widget where
style = activeStyle wenv node
viewport = node ^. . L.viewport
textMetrics = textLines ^?! ix 0 . L.metrics
desc = abs (textMetrics ^. L.desc)
textMetrics = textLines ^? ix 0 . L.metrics
desc = abs (textMetrics ^. non def . L.desc)
scissorVp = viewport
& L.y .~ (viewport ^. L.y - desc)
& L.h .~ (viewport ^. L.h + desc)

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@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
getCaretRect :: TextAreaState -> Rect
getCaretRect state = caretRect where
(cursorX, cursorY) = _tasCursorPos state
TextMetrics _ _ lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
(lineRect, glyphs) = case Seq.lookup cursorY textLines of
Just tl -> (tl ^. L.rect, tl ^. L.glyphs)
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ getSelectionRects :: TextAreaState -> Rect -> [Rect]
getSelectionRects state contentArea = rects where
currPos = _tasCursorPos state
currSel = fromMaybe def (_tasSelStart state)
TextMetrics _ desc lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
line idx
| length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.text
@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ replaceSelection textLines currPos currSel addText = result where
findClosestGlyphPos :: TextAreaState -> Point -> (Int, Int)
findClosestGlyphPos state point = (newPos, lineIdx) where
Point x y = point
TextMetrics _ _ lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
TextMetrics _ _ lineh _ = _tasTextMetrics state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
lineIdx = clamp 0 (length textLines - 1) (floor (y / lineh))

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ drawTextLine renderer style textLine = do
drawLine renderer (Point tx hy) (Point tr hy) lw (Just fontColor)
TextLine text size rect glyphs metrics = textLine
TextMetrics asc desc lineH = metrics
TextMetrics asc desc _ _ = metrics
Rect tx ty tw th = rect
tr = tx + tw
tb = ty + th

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ packages:
# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
- git:
commit: bb2fa74d1af58fd04e8794a8053701ba30ec2b08
commit: 7596db1bb22167ebdb49bb9387e4dacf8d792c74
- regex-posix-clib-2.7@sha256:998fca06da3d719818f0691ef0b8b9b7375afeea228cb08bd9e2db53f96b0cd7,1232
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
# flags: {}

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@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ packages:
size: 5654
sha256: adcda2a2a64a46c7dea05ab1be742b943d9c61a61454764a81bb3265dcdc877a
commit: bb2fa74d1af58fd04e8794a8053701ba30ec2b08
sha256: 1df0a66a4efd24d1cededf947dd598a7e74cf76e3c6f3039b3eac7ead60c4e12
commit: 7596db1bb22167ebdb49bb9387e4dacf8d792c74
commit: bb2fa74d1af58fd04e8794a8053701ba30ec2b08
commit: 7596db1bb22167ebdb49bb9387e4dacf8d792c74
- completed:
hackage: regex-posix-clib-2.7@sha256:998fca06da3d719818f0691ef0b8b9b7375afeea228cb08bd9e2db53f96b0cd7,1232

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@ -717,21 +717,23 @@
- Fix button disabled click.
- Improve disabled styles.
- timeField does not have a theme section.
- Should text be aligned based on ascending instead of line height?
- Refactor InputField to use same text centering function as the rest of the library.
- Should text be aligned based on ascending instead of line height?
- Review Books example.
- Check externalLink disabled state click.
- Check tooltip vertical alignment.
- Dropdown should scroll to selected item when opening.
- Dropdown selected item does not seem to be marked on init.
- Check externalLink disabled state click.
- Add gap support in scroll?
- Can image be aligned to right when fitting is applied?
- Think about rendering with custom beginFrame for some widgets
- Could work for rounded images.
- Improve base theme creation (scale argument?)
- Improve Main module (naming, refactor into smaller functions).
- Apply threading ideas (sdl-continuous-resize).
- Improve window resize situation
- SDL does not send resize until operation has finished, making content look ugly because it's not updated
- Check SDL_SetEventFilter trick instead of normal polling (
- Use channel to group SDL events, task status and render requests (to avoid checking all the time)
- Document themes and how widgets use them.
- Avoid building examples when used as a library.
- Create ContextMenu (could work similarly to Tooltip).
@ -740,10 +742,6 @@ Future
- Check if Windows/Linux also miss top pixel
- Fix for all if they do
- If they don't, add custom handling for macOS
- Use channel to group SDL events, task status and render requests (to avoid checking all the time)
- Improve window resize situation
- SDL does not send resize until operation has finished, making content look ugly because it's not updated
- Check SDL_SetEventFilter trick instead of normal polling (
- Check cross compilation

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@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ mockTextMetrics :: Font -> FontSize -> TextMetrics
mockTextMetrics font fontSize = TextMetrics {
_txmAsc = 15,
_txmDesc = 5,
_txmLineH = 20
_txmLineH = 20,
_txmLowerX = 10
mockTextSize :: Maybe Double -> Font -> FontSize -> Text -> Size