Handle textField overflow

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-09-05 19:57:36 -03:00
parent 1ca5ce5070
commit 2992a7f12e
9 changed files with 151 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
-- radio fruit Orange,
-- radio fruit Pear
textField textField1 `style` bgColor lightGray <> height 200 <> textCenter,
textField textField1 `style` bgColor lightGray <> height 200 <> textLeft,
textField textField2,
hstack [
label "This is a long label",
label "Another long label",

View File

@ -39,9 +39,13 @@ makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''Size
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''Rect
pointInRect :: Point -> Rect -> Bool
pointInRect (Point px py) (Rect x y w h) = pointInH && pointInV where
pointInH = px >= x && px < x + w
pointInV = py >= y && py < y + h
pointInRect (Point px py) rect = coordInRectH px rect && coordInRectY py rect
coordInRectH :: Double -> Rect -> Bool
coordInRectH px (Rect x y w h) = px >= x && px < x + w
coordInRectY :: Double -> Rect -> Bool
coordInRectY py (Rect x y w h) = py >= y && py < y + h
addToSize :: Size -> Double -> Double -> Size
addToSize (Size w h) w2 h2 = Size nw nh where

View File

@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ module Monomer.Common.StyleUtil (
) where
import Data.Default
@ -12,6 +18,25 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Monomer.Common.Geometry
import Monomer.Common.Style
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
textStyle :: StyleState -> TextStyle
textStyle sst = fromMaybe def (_sstText sst)
textFont :: StyleState -> Font
textFont style = fromMaybe def (_txsFont $ textStyle style)
textSize :: StyleState -> FontSize
textSize style = fromMaybe def (_txsFontSize $ textStyle style)
textColor :: StyleState -> Color
textColor style = fromMaybe def (_txsColor $ textStyle style)
textAlignH :: StyleState -> AlignH
textAlignH style = fromMaybe def (_txsAlignH $ textStyle style)
textAlignV :: StyleState -> AlignV
textAlignV style = fromMaybe def (_txsAlignV $ textStyle style)
mergeThemeStyle :: ThemeState -> StyleState -> StyleState
mergeThemeStyle theme style = newStyle where
@ -20,9 +45,9 @@ mergeThemeStyle theme style = newStyle where
_txsFontSize = Just $ _thsFontSize theme,
_txsColor = Just $ _thsColor theme
textFgColor = Just $ _thsFgColor theme
themeFgColor = Just $ _thsFgColor theme
newStyle = style {
_sstFgColor = _sstFgColor style <> textFgColor,
_sstFgColor = _sstFgColor style <> themeFgColor,
_sstText = _sstText style <> themeText

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Monomer.Graphics.Drawing (
) where
@ -83,12 +84,32 @@ drawStyledBackground renderer viewport style =
drawStyledText :: Renderer -> Rect -> StyleState -> Text -> IO Rect
drawStyledText renderer viewport style txt = action where
action = drawText renderer viewport (_sstText style) txt
action = drawText renderer viewport tsColor tsFont tsFontSize tsAlign txt
TextStyle{..} = fromMaybe def (_sstText style)
tsColor = justDef _txsColor
tsFont = justDef _txsFont
tsFontSize = fromMaybe def _txsFontSize
tsAlignH = justDef _txsAlignH
tsAlignV = justDef _txsAlignV
tsAlign = Align tsAlignH tsAlignV
drawStyledText_ :: Renderer -> Rect -> StyleState -> Text -> IO ()
drawStyledText_ renderer viewport style txt = void action where
action = drawStyledText renderer viewport style txt
:: Renderer
-> Rect
-> Color
-> Font
-> FontSize
-> Align
-> Text
-> IO Rect
drawText renderer viewport color font fontSize align txt = do
setFillColor renderer color
renderText renderer viewport font fontSize align txt
drawImage :: Renderer -> Rect -> String -> IO ()
drawImage renderer viewport imgName = action where
action = renderImage renderer viewport imgName
@ -315,20 +336,6 @@ strokeBorder renderer from to (Just BorderSide{..}) = do
renderLineTo renderer to
stroke renderer
drawText :: Renderer -> Rect -> Maybe TextStyle -> Text -> IO Rect
drawText renderer viewport Nothing txt =
drawText renderer viewport (Just mempty) txt
drawText renderer viewport (Just TextStyle{..}) txt = do
setFillColor renderer tsColor
renderText renderer viewport tsFont tsFontSize tsAlign txt
tsColor = justDef _txsColor
tsFont = justDef _txsFont
tsFontSize = fromMaybe def _txsFontSize
tsAlignH = justDef _txsAlignH
tsAlignV = justDef _txsAlignV
tsAlign = Align tsAlignH tsAlignV
justDef :: (Default a) => Maybe a -> a
justDef val = fromMaybe def val

View File

@ -124,13 +124,15 @@ newRenderer c dpr lock envRef = Renderer {..} where
-- Scissor operations
setScissor rect =
setScissor rect = do
VG.save c
VG.scissor c x y w h
CRect x y w h = rectToCRect rect dpr
resetScissor =
resetScissor = do
VG.resetScissor c
VG.restore c
-- Strokes
stroke =

View File

@ -188,11 +188,15 @@ mergeWrapper
-> WidgetResult s e
mergeWrapper mergeHandler wenv oldInst newInst = result where
oldState = widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldInst) wenv
WidgetResult uReqs uEvents uInstance = mergeHandler wenv oldState newInst
tempInst = newInst {
_wiViewport = _wiViewport oldInst,
_wiRenderArea = _wiRenderArea oldInst
WidgetResult uReqs uEvents uInstance = mergeHandler wenv oldState tempInst
oldChildren = _wiChildren oldInst
updatedChildren = _wiChildren uInstance
indexes = Seq.fromList [0..length updatedChildren]
zipper idx child = cascadeCtx newInst child idx
zipper idx child = cascadeCtx tempInst child idx
newChildren = Seq.zipWith zipper indexes updatedChildren
(mergedResults, removedResults) = mergeChildren wenv oldChildren newChildren
mergedChildren = fmap _wrWidget mergedResults

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ defaultInit :: SingleInitHandler s e
defaultInit _ widgetInst = resultWidget widgetInst
defaultMerge :: SingleMergeHandler s e
defaultMerge wenv oldState newInstance = resultWidget newInstance
defaultMerge wenv oldState newInst = resultWidget newInst
defaultDispose :: SingleDisposeHandler s e
defaultDispose _ widgetInst = resultWidget widgetInst
@ -147,9 +147,13 @@ mergeWrapper
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetResult s e
mergeWrapper mergeHandler wenv oldInstance newInstance = result where
oldState = widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldInstance) wenv
result = mergeHandler wenv oldState newInstance
mergeWrapper mergeHandler wenv oldInst newInst = result where
oldState = widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldInst) wenv
tempInst = newInst {
_wiViewport = _wiViewport oldInst,
_wiRenderArea = _wiRenderArea oldInst
result = mergeHandler wenv oldState tempInst
defaultFindNextFocus :: SingleFindNextFocusHandler s e
defaultFindNextFocus wenv startFrom widgetInst

View File

@ -218,6 +218,10 @@ getTextGlyphs wenv theme style text = glyphs where
(font, fontSize) = getFontAndSize theme style
glyphs = _wpComputeGlyphsPos (_wePlatform wenv) font fontSize text
glyphsLength :: Seq GlyphPos -> Double
glyphsLength Empty = 0
glyphsLength (gs :|> g) = _glpXMax g
fitGlyphsCount :: Double -> Double -> Seq GlyphPos -> (Int, Double)
fitGlyphsCount _ _ Empty = (0, 0)
fitGlyphsCount totalW currW (g :<| gs)
@ -305,18 +309,6 @@ activeFgColor wenv inst = fromMaybe themeColor styleColor where
styleColor = style ^. S.fgColor
themeColor = theme ^. S.fgColor
textStyle :: StyleState -> TextStyle
textStyle sst = fromMaybe def (_sstText sst)
textFont :: StyleState -> Font
textFont style = fromMaybe def (_txsFont $ textStyle style)
textSize :: StyleState -> FontSize
textSize style = fromMaybe def (_txsFontSize $ textStyle style)
textColor :: StyleState -> Color
textColor style = fromMaybe def (_txsColor $ textStyle style)
resizeInstance :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
resizeInstance wenv inst = newInst where
viewport = _wiViewport inst

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ module Monomer.Widget.Widgets.TextField (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (.~))
import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (.~), (^.), (^?))
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
@ -20,10 +21,12 @@ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Monomer.Common.Geometry
import Monomer.Common.Style
import Monomer.Common.StyleUtil
import Monomer.Event.Keyboard
import Monomer.Event.Types
import Monomer.Graphics.Drawing
import Monomer.Graphics.Renderer
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import Monomer.Widget.BaseSingle
import Monomer.Widget.Types
@ -37,10 +40,11 @@ data TextFieldCfg s e = TextFieldCfg {
data TextFieldState = TextFieldState {
_tfCurrText :: Text,
_tfCurrText :: !Text,
_tfGlyphs :: Seq GlyphPos,
_tfCursorPos :: Int,
_stSelStart :: Maybe Int
_tfCursorPos :: !Int,
_tfSelStart :: Maybe Int,
_tfOffset :: !Double
} deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
textFieldCfg :: WidgetValue s Text -> TextFieldCfg s e
@ -56,7 +60,8 @@ textFieldState = TextFieldState {
_tfCurrText = "",
_tfGlyphs = Seq.empty,
_tfCursorPos = 0,
_stSelStart = Nothing
_tfSelStart = Nothing,
_tfOffset = 0
textField :: ALens' s Text -> WidgetInstance s e
@ -79,21 +84,22 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
singleMerge = merge,
singleHandleEvent = handleEvent,
singleGetSizeReq = getSizeReq,
singleResize = resize,
singleRender = render
TextFieldState currText currGlyphs currPos currSel = state
TextFieldState currText currGlyphs currPos currSel _ = state
currentValue wenv = widgetValueGet (_weModel wenv) (_tfcValue config)
init wenv inst = resultWidget newInstance where
currText = currentValue wenv
newState = newTextState wenv inst currText 0 Nothing
newState = newTextState wenv inst state currText 0 Nothing
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
merge wenv oldState inst = resultWidget newInstance where
TextFieldState _ _ oldPos oldSel = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
TextFieldState _ _ oldPos oldSel _ = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
currText = currentValue wenv
currTextL = T.length currText
@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
| isNothing oldSel || currTextL < fromJust oldSel = Nothing
| otherwise = oldSel
newState = newTextState wenv inst currText newPos newSelStart
newState = newTextState wenv inst state currText newPos newSelStart
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
@ -175,7 +181,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
| currText /= newText = widgetValueSet (_tfcValue config) newText
| otherwise = []
reqs = reqGetClipboard ++ reqSetClipboard ++ reqUpdateModel
newState = newTextState wenv inst newText newPos newSel
newState = newTextState wenv inst state newText newPos newSel
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
@ -195,7 +201,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
| isJust currSel = 1 + min currPos (fromJust currSel)
| otherwise = currPos + T.length addedText
newState = newTextState wenv inst newText newPos Nothing
newState = newTextState wenv inst state newText newPos Nothing
reqs = widgetValueSet (_tfcValue config) newText
newInst = inst {
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
@ -221,15 +227,27 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
size = getTextSize wenv theme style currText
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize StrictSize
resize wenv viewport renderArea inst = newInst where
tempInst = inst {
_wiViewport = viewport,
_wiRenderArea = renderArea
newState = newTextState wenv tempInst state currText currPos currSel
newInst = tempInst {
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
render renderer wenv inst = do
textRect <- drawStyledText renderer contentRect mergedStyle currText
setScissor renderer contentRect
textRect <- renderContent renderer state contentRect mergedStyle currText
when (isJust currSel) $
drawRect renderer (selRect textRect) caretColor Nothing
drawRect renderer (selRect textRect) selColor Nothing
when (isFocused wenv inst && isNothing currSel) $
when (isFocused wenv inst) $
drawRect renderer (caretRect textRect) caretColor Nothing
resetScissor renderer
WidgetInstance{..} = inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
@ -245,30 +263,64 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
gw start end = abs $ _glpXMax (glyph end) - _glpXMin (glyph start)
glyph idx = Seq.index currGlyphs idx
ts = _weTimestamp wenv
| isFocused wenv inst = 0.5
| otherwise = 0.3
selColor = Just $ textColor style & alpha .~ selAlpha
| isFocused wenv inst = fromIntegral (ts `mod` 1000) / 1000.0
| isFocused wenv inst = if (ts `mod` 1000) < 500 then 1 else 0
| otherwise = 0
caretColor = Just $ textColor style & alpha .~ caretAlpha
caretWidth = _tfcCaretWidth config
| currPos == 0 = 0
| otherwise = _glpXMax (glyph $ currPos - 1)
caretRect (Rect tx ty tw th) = Rect (tx + caretPos) ty caretWidth th
caretX tx = max 0 $ min (cx + cw - caretWidth) (tx + caretPos)
caretRect (Rect tx ty tw th) = Rect (caretX tx) ty caretWidth th
:: Renderer -> TextFieldState -> Rect -> StyleState -> Text -> IO Rect
renderContent renderer state viewport style currText =
drawText renderer tsRect tsColor tsFont tsFontSize tsAlign currText
Rect x y w h = viewport
textW = glyphsLength $ _tfGlyphs state
!tsRect = Rect (x + _tfOffset state) y textW h
tsFont = textFont style
tsFontSize = textSize style
tsColor = textColor style
tsAlignV = textAlignV style
tsAlign = Align ALeft tsAlignV
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> TextFieldState
-> Text
-> Int
-> Maybe Int
-> TextFieldState
newTextState wenv inst text cursor selection = newState where
newTextState wenv inst oldState text cursor selection = newState where
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
style = activeStyle wenv inst
Rect cx cy cw ch = getContentRect style inst
glyphs = getTextGlyphs wenv theme style text
curX = maybe 0 _glpXMax $ Seq.lookup (cursor - 1) glyphs
oldOffset = _tfOffset oldState
textW = glyphsLength glyphs
textFits = cw >= textW
align = fromMaybe ALeft (_txsAlignH $ textStyle style)
| textFits && align == ALeft = 0
| textFits && align == ACenter = (cw - textW) / 2
| textFits && align == ARight = cw - textW
| curX + oldOffset > cw = cw - curX
| curX + oldOffset < 0 = -curX
| otherwise = oldOffset
newState = TextFieldState {
_tfCurrText = text,
_tfGlyphs = glyphs,
_tfCursorPos = cursor,
_stSelStart = selection
_tfSelStart = selection,
_tfOffset = newOffset