Add V versions of widgets

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-09-26 17:44:47 -03:00
parent a4031157dd
commit 29cf555505
11 changed files with 72 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -127,9 +127,10 @@ handleAppEvent model evt = case evt of
CheckboxSt st -> Task $ do
putStrLn $ "Checkbox is: " ++ show st
return Nothing
RadioSt st -> Task $ do
putStrLn $ "Radio is: " ++ show st
return Nothing
-- RadioSt st -> Task $ do
-- putStrLn $ "Radio is: " ++ show st
-- return Nothing
RadioSt st -> Model (model & fruit .~ st)
_ -> Model model
buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
@ -160,9 +161,9 @@ buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
-- ] `key` "Main"
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
radio_ fruit Apple (onChange RadioSt),
radio_ fruit Orange (onChange RadioSt),
radio_ fruit Pear (onChange RadioSt)
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Apple,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Orange,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Pear
hstack [
checkbox condition1,
@ -184,12 +185,6 @@ buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
integralField_ integer1 (validInput validInteger1 <> minValue 10 <> maxValue 100)
`style` if model ^. validInteger1 then def else border 1 red,
listView textField1 items label
-- hstack [
-- label "This is a long label",
-- label "Another long label",
-- label "Yet another long label"
-- ],
-- image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `style` marginT 10
] `style` borderT 20 red <> borderL 10 blue <> borderR 10 green <> borderB 10 gray <> iradius 50 -- <> padding 20
newLabel i = label ("New: " <> showt i) `style` altColor i
altColor i = bgColor (if even i then gray else darkGray)

View File

@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Why Lens and not MicroLens?
Why does Widget have a reference to children widget, considering the Widget may not have any?
Why records of functions instead of typeclasses?
Why functional dependencies instead of type families for widget combinators?
Why do you use Lens style record field names for internal config types?

View File

@ -69,11 +69,12 @@ checkbox field = checkbox_ field def
checkbox_ :: ALens' s Bool -> CheckboxCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
checkbox_ field config = checkboxD_ (WidgetLens field) def
checkboxV :: Bool -> WidgetInstance s e
checkboxV value = checkboxV_ value def
checkboxV :: Bool -> (Bool -> e) -> WidgetInstance s e
checkboxV value handler = checkboxV_ value handler def
checkboxV_ :: Bool -> CheckboxCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
checkboxV_ value config = checkboxD_ (WidgetValue value) def
checkboxV_ :: Bool -> (Bool -> e) -> CheckboxCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
checkboxV_ value handler config = checkboxD_ (WidgetValue value) newConfig where
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
checkboxD_ :: WidgetData s Bool -> CheckboxCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
checkboxD_ widgetData config = checkboxInstance where

View File

@ -127,23 +127,26 @@ dropdown_ field items makeMain makeRow config = newInst where
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> Text)
-> (a -> WidgetInstance s e)
-> WidgetInstance s e
dropdownV value items makeMain makeRow = newInst where
newInst = dropdownV_ value items makeMain makeRow def
dropdownV value handler items makeMain makeRow = newInst where
newInst = dropdownV_ value handler items makeMain makeRow def
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> Text)
-> (a -> WidgetInstance s e)
-> DropdownCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
dropdownV_ value items makeMain makeRow config = newInst where
newInst = dropdownD_ (WidgetValue value) items makeMain makeRow config
dropdownV_ value handler items makeMain makeRow config = newInst where
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
newInst = dropdownD_ (WidgetValue value) items makeMain makeRow newConfig
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)

View File

@ -118,15 +118,19 @@ floatingField_ field config = floatingFieldD_ (WidgetLens field) config
:: FormattableFloat a
=> a -> WidgetInstance s e
floatingFieldV field = floatingFieldV_ field def
=> a -> (a -> e) -> WidgetInstance s e
floatingFieldV value handler = floatingFieldV_ value handler def
:: FormattableFloat a
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> FloatingFieldCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
floatingFieldV_ field config = floatingFieldD_ (WidgetValue field) config
floatingFieldV_ value handler config = newInst where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
newInst = floatingFieldD_ widgetData newConfig
:: FormattableFloat a

View File

@ -105,15 +105,19 @@ integralField_
-> WidgetInstance s e
integralField_ field config = integralFieldD_ (WidgetLens field) config
integralFieldV :: FormattableInt a => a -> WidgetInstance s e
integralFieldV field = integralFieldV_ field def
integralFieldV :: FormattableInt a => a -> (a -> e) -> WidgetInstance s e
integralFieldV value handler = integralFieldV_ value handler def
:: FormattableInt a
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> IntegralFieldCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
integralFieldV_ field config = integralFieldD_ (WidgetValue field) config
integralFieldV_ value handler config = newInst where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
newInst = integralFieldD_ widgetData newConfig
:: FormattableInt a

View File

@ -125,20 +125,25 @@ listView_ field items makeRow config = newInst where
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (Int -> a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> WidgetInstance s e)
-> WidgetInstance s e
listViewV value items makeRow = listViewV_ value items makeRow def
listViewV value handler items makeRow = newInst where
newInst = listViewV_ value handler items makeRow def
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (Int -> a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> WidgetInstance s e)
-> ListViewCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
listViewV_ value items makeRow config = newInst where
newInst = listViewD_ (WidgetValue value) items makeRow config
listViewV_ value handler items makeRow config = newInst where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChangeIdx handler
newInst = listViewD_ widgetData items makeRow newConfig
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
@ -147,10 +152,10 @@ listViewD_
-> (a -> WidgetInstance s e)
-> ListViewCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
listViewD_ value items makeRow config = makeInstance widget where
listViewD_ widgetData items makeRow config = makeInstance widget where
newItems = foldl' (|>) Empty items
newState = ListViewState 0
widget = makeListView value newItems makeRow config newState
widget = makeListView widgetData newItems makeRow config newState
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget = (defaultWidgetInstance "listView" widget) {

View File

@ -69,14 +69,20 @@ radio field option = radio_ field option def
radio_ :: (Eq a) => ALens' s a -> a -> RadioCfg s e a -> WidgetInstance s e
radio_ field option config = radioD_ (WidgetLens field) option config
radioV :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> WidgetInstance s e
radioV value option = radioV_ value option def
radioV :: (Eq a) => a -> (a -> e) -> a -> WidgetInstance s e
radioV value handler option = radioV_ value handler option def
radioV_ :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> RadioCfg s e a -> WidgetInstance s e
radioV_ value option config = radioD_ (WidgetValue value) option config
radioV_ :: (Eq a) => a -> (a -> e) -> a -> RadioCfg s e a -> WidgetInstance s e
radioV_ value handler option config = radioD_ widgetData option newConfig where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
:: (Eq a) => WidgetData s a -> a -> RadioCfg s e a -> WidgetInstance s e
:: (Eq a)
=> WidgetData s a
-> a
-> RadioCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
radioD_ widgetData option config = radioInstance where
widget = makeRadio widgetData option config
radioInstance = (defaultWidgetInstance "radio" widget) {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Monomer.Widget.Types
import Monomer.Widget.Widgets.Label
import Monomer.Widget.Widgets.Dropdown
import Monomer.Widget.Widgets.WidgetCombinators
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
@ -36,21 +37,25 @@ textDropdown_ field items toText config = newInst where
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> Text)
-> WidgetInstance s e
textDropdownV value items toText = newInst where
newInst = textDropdownV_ value items toText def
textDropdownV value handler items toText = newInst where
newInst = textDropdownV_ value handler items toText def
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)
=> a
-> (a -> e)
-> t a
-> (a -> Text)
-> DropdownCfg s e a
-> WidgetInstance s e
textDropdownV_ value items toText config = newInst where
newInst = textDropdownD_ (WidgetValue value) items toText config
textDropdownV_ value handler items toText config = newInst where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
newInst = textDropdownD_ widgetData items toText newConfig
:: (Traversable t, Eq a)

View File

@ -88,11 +88,13 @@ textField field = textField_ field def
textField_ :: ALens' s Text -> TextFieldCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
textField_ field config = textFieldD_ (WidgetLens field) config
textFieldV :: Text -> WidgetInstance s e
textFieldV value = textFieldV_ value def
textFieldV :: Text -> (Text -> e) -> WidgetInstance s e
textFieldV value handler = textFieldV_ value handler def
textFieldV_ :: Text -> TextFieldCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
textFieldV_ value config = textFieldD_ (WidgetValue value) config
textFieldV_ :: Text -> (Text -> e) -> TextFieldCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
textFieldV_ value handler config = textFieldD_ widgetData newConfig where
widgetData = WidgetValue value
newConfig = config <> onChange handler
textFieldD_ :: WidgetData s Text -> TextFieldCfg s e -> WidgetInstance s e
textFieldD_ widgetData config = inputField where

View File

@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
- Pending
- textField should support textFieldV and validInputV
- Add mandatory event parameter for V constructors
- Add mandatory event parameter for V constructors
- Why does the model update when trying to input a char in FloatingInput?
- Focus event not received when click and gaining focus
- Focus event not received after clicking and gaining focus
- Rethink focus handling. Maybe return list of all focusable elements? Currently shift-tab is not possible
- Compare Cairo/Skia interfaces to make Renderer able to handle future implementations