Rename WidgetInstance fields

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-08-02 20:57:54 -03:00
parent a969a901dc
commit 3f2c26460b
21 changed files with 208 additions and 208 deletions

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ runWidgets window c widgetRoot = do
_weTimestamp = startTs
let pathReadyRoot = widgetRoot {
_instancePath = Seq.singleton 0
_wiPath = Seq.singleton 0
(newWenv, _, initializedRoot) <- handleWidgetInit renderer wenv pathReadyRoot
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ renderWidgets
-> m ()
renderWidgets !window !c !renderer wenv widgetRoot =
doInDrawingContext window c $
_widgetRender (_instanceWidget widgetRoot) renderer wenv widgetRoot
_widgetRender (_wiWidget widgetRoot) renderer wenv widgetRoot
:: (MonomerM s m)
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ preProcessEvent
=> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> SystemEvent -> m [SystemEvent]
preProcessEvent wenv widgetRoot evt@(Move point) = do
hover <- use latestHover
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let current = _widgetFind widget wenv rootPath point widgetRoot
let hoverChanged = isJust hover && current /= hover
let enter = [Enter point | isNothing hover || hoverChanged]
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ preProcessEvent wenv widgetRoot evt@(Move point) = do
return $ leave ++ enter ++ [evt]
preProcessEvent wenv widgetRoot evt@(ButtonAction point btn PressedBtn) = do
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let current = _widgetFind widget wenv rootPath point widgetRoot
latestPressed .= current

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ getTargetPath wenv pressed overlay target event widgetRoot = case event of
Leave oldPath _ -> pathEvent oldPath
startPath = fromMaybe rootPath overlay
widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
pathEvent = Just
pathFromPoint point = _widgetFind widget wenv startPath point widgetRoot
pointEvent point = pressed <|> pathFromPoint point <|> overlay
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ handleSystemEvent renderer wenv event currentTarget widgetRoot = do
case getTargetPath wenv pressed overlay currentTarget event widgetRoot of
Nothing -> return (wenv, Seq.empty, widgetRoot)
Just target -> do
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let emptyResult = WidgetResult Seq.empty Seq.empty widgetRoot
let evtResult = _widgetHandleEvent widget wenv target event widgetRoot
let widgetResult = fromMaybe emptyResult evtResult
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ handleWidgetInit
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleWidgetInit renderer wenv widgetRoot = do
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let widgetResult = _widgetInit widget wenv widgetRoot
handleWidgetResult renderer wenv widgetResult
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ handleSendMessages renderer reqs previousStep = nextStep where
let (wenv, events, widgetRoot) = previousStep
let emptyResult = WidgetResult Seq.empty Seq.empty widgetRoot
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let msgResult = _widgetHandleMessage widget wenv path message widgetRoot
let widgetResult = fromMaybe emptyResult msgResult

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ initMonomerContext model winSize useHiDPI devicePixelRate = MonomerContext {
findNextFocusable :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Path
findNextFocusable wenv currentFocus widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
candidateFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget wenv currentFocus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget wenv rootPath widgetRoot
nextFocus = candidateFocus <|> fromRootFocus <|> Just currentFocus
@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ resizeWidget
resizeWidget wenv windowSize widgetRoot = newRoot where
Size w h = windowSize
assigned = Rect 0 0 w h
widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
preferredSize = _widgetPreferredSize widget wenv widgetRoot
newRoot = _widgetResize widget wenv assigned assigned preferredSize widgetRoot

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ processTaskEvent renderer wenv widgetRoot path event = do
currentFocus <- use focused
let emptyResult = WidgetResult Seq.empty Seq.empty widgetRoot
let widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
let widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
let msgResult = _widgetHandleMessage widget wenv path event widgetRoot
let widgetResult = fromMaybe emptyResult msgResult

View File

@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ containerInit
-> WidgetResult s e
containerInit initHandler wenv widgetInst = result where
WidgetResult reqs events tempInstance = initHandler wenv widgetInst
children = _instanceChildren tempInstance
children = _wiChildren tempInstance
indexes = Seq.fromList [0..length children]
zipper idx child = _widgetInit newWidget wenv newChild where
newChild = cascadeCtx widgetInst child idx
newWidget = _instanceWidget newChild
newWidget = _wiWidget newChild
results = Seq.zipWith zipper indexes children
newReqs = fold $ fmap _wrRequests results
newEvents = fold $ fmap _wrEvents results
newChildren = fmap _wrWidget results
newInstance = tempInstance {
_instanceChildren = newChildren
_wiChildren = newChildren
result = WidgetResult (reqs <> newReqs) (events <> newEvents) newInstance
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ containerMergeTrees
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetResult s e
containerMergeTrees mergeHandler wenv oldInst newInst = result where
oldState = _widgetGetState (_instanceWidget oldInst) wenv
oldState = _widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldInst) wenv
WidgetResult uReqs uEvents uInstance = mergeHandler wenv oldState newInst
oldChildren = _instanceChildren oldInst
updatedChildren = _instanceChildren uInstance
oldChildren = _wiChildren oldInst
updatedChildren = _wiChildren uInstance
indexes = Seq.fromList [0..length updatedChildren]
zipper idx child = cascadeCtx newInst child idx
newChildren = Seq.zipWith zipper indexes updatedChildren
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ containerMergeTrees mergeHandler wenv oldInst newInst = result where
mergedReqs = concatSeq $ fmap _wrRequests mergedResults
mergedEvents = concatSeq $ fmap _wrEvents mergedResults
mergedInstance = uInstance {
_instanceChildren = mergedChildren
_wiChildren = mergedChildren
newReqs = uReqs <> mergedReqs
newEvents = uEvents <> mergedEvents
@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ mergeChildren
-> Seq (WidgetResult s e)
mergeChildren _ _ Empty = Empty
mergeChildren wenv Empty newItems = result where
init child = _widgetInit (_instanceWidget child) wenv child
init child = _widgetInit (_wiWidget child) wenv child
result = fmap init newItems
mergeChildren wenv oldItems newItems = result where
oldChild :<| oldChildren = oldItems
newChild :<| newChildren = newItems
newWidget = _instanceWidget newChild
oldKeyMatch = _instanceKey newChild >>= flip M.lookup (_weGlobalKeys wenv)
newWidget = _wiWidget newChild
oldKeyMatch = _wiKey newChild >>= flip M.lookup (_weGlobalKeys wenv)
mergedOld = _widgetMerge newWidget wenv oldChild newChild
mergedKey = _widgetMerge newWidget wenv (fromJust oldKeyMatch) newChild
initNew = _widgetInit newWidget wenv newChild
@ -145,21 +145,21 @@ mergeChildren wenv oldItems newItems = result where
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
containerNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInst = nextFocus where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
isBeforeTarget ch = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom ch
nextCandidate ch = _widgetNextFocusable (_instanceWidget ch) wenv startFrom ch
nextCandidate ch = _widgetNextFocusable (_wiWidget ch) wenv startFrom ch
candidates = fmap nextCandidate (Seq.filter isBeforeTarget children)
focusedPaths = fmap fromJust (Seq.filter isJust candidates)
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_instancePath widgetInst)
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Seq.lookup 0 focusedPaths
-- | Find instance matching point
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
containerFind wenv startPath point widgetInst = result where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
pointInWidget wi = pointInRect point (_instanceViewport wi)
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
pointInWidget wi = pointInRect point (_wiViewport wi)
newStartPath = Seq.drop 1 startPath
childIdx = case startPath of
Empty -> Seq.findIndexL pointInWidget children
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ containerFind wenv startPath point widgetInst = result where
Just idx -> childPath where
childPath = _widgetFind childWidget wenv newStartPath point child
child = Seq.index children idx
childWidget = _instanceWidget child
Nothing -> Just $ _instancePath widgetInst
childWidget = _wiWidget child
Nothing -> Just $ _wiPath widgetInst
-- | Event Handling
type ContainerEventHandler s e
@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ containerHandleEvent pHandler wenv target event widgetInst
| otherwise = mergeParentChildEvts widgetInst pResponse cResponse childIdx
-- Having targetValid = False means the next path step is not in
-- _instanceChildren, but may still be valid in the receiving widget
-- _wiChildren, but may still be valid in the receiving widget
-- For example, Composite has its own tree of child widgets with (possibly)
-- different types for Model and Events, and is candidate for the next step
targetReached = isTargetReached target widgetInst
targetValid = isTargetValid target widgetInst
childIdx = fromJust $ nextTargetStep target widgetInst
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
child = Seq.index children childIdx
childWidget = _instanceWidget child
childWidget = _wiWidget child
pResponse = pHandler wenv target event widgetInst
childrenIgnored = isJust pResponse && ignoreChildren (fromJust pResponse)
| childrenIgnored || not (_instanceEnabled child) = Nothing
| childrenIgnored || not (_wiEnabled child) = Nothing
| otherwise = _widgetHandleEvent childWidget wenv target event child
@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ containerHandleMessage mHandler wenv target arg widgetInst
targetReached = isTargetReached target widgetInst
targetValid = isTargetValid target widgetInst
childIdx = fromJust $ nextTargetStep target widgetInst
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
child = Seq.index children childIdx
message = _widgetHandleMessage (_instanceWidget child) wenv target arg child
message = _widgetHandleMessage (_wiWidget child) wenv target arg child
messageResult = updateChild <$> message
updateChild cr = cr {
_wrWidget = replaceChild widgetInst (_wrWidget cr) childIdx
@ -291,10 +291,10 @@ containerPreferredSize
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Tree SizeReq
containerPreferredSize psHandler wenv widgetInst = preferredSize where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
childrenReqs = fmap updateChild children
updateChild child = Node (updateSizeReq req child) reqs where
Node req reqs = _widgetPreferredSize (_instanceWidget child) wenv child
Node req reqs = _widgetPreferredSize (_wiWidget child) wenv child
preferredSize = psHandler wenv widgetInst children childrenReqs
-- | Resize
@ -321,19 +321,19 @@ containerResize
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetInstance s e
containerResize handler wenv viewport renderArea reqs widgetInst = newSize where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
defReqs = Seq.replicate (Seq.length children) (singleNode def)
curReqs = nodeChildren reqs
childrenReqs = if Seq.null curReqs then defReqs else curReqs
(tempInst, assigned) =
handler wenv viewport renderArea children childrenReqs widgetInst
resizeChild (child, req, (viewport, renderArea)) =
_widgetResize (_instanceWidget child) wenv viewport renderArea req child
_widgetResize (_wiWidget child) wenv viewport renderArea req child
newChildren = resizeChild <$> Seq.zip3 children childrenReqs assigned
newSize = tempInst {
_instanceViewport = viewport,
_instanceRenderArea = renderArea,
_instanceChildren = newChildren
_wiViewport = viewport,
_wiRenderArea = renderArea,
_wiChildren = newChildren
-- | Rendering
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ type ContainerRenderHandler s e m
defaultContainerRender :: ContainerRenderHandler s e m
defaultContainerRender renderer wenv WidgetInstance{..} =
drawStyledBackground renderer _instanceRenderArea _instanceStyle
drawStyledBackground renderer _wiRenderArea _wiStyle
:: (Monad m)
@ -356,12 +356,12 @@ containerRender
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> m ()
containerRender rHandler renderer wenv widgetInst = do
let children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
let children = _wiChildren widgetInst
rHandler renderer wenv widgetInst
forM_ children $ \child -> when (_instanceVisible child) $
_widgetRender (_instanceWidget child) renderer wenv child
forM_ children $ \child -> when (_wiVisible child) $
_widgetRender (_wiWidget child) renderer wenv child
-- | Event Handling Helpers
ignoreChildren :: WidgetResult s e -> Bool
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ ignoreParent result = not (Seq.null ignoreReqs) where
:: WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Int -> WidgetInstance s e
replaceChild parent child idx = parent { _instanceChildren = newChildren } where
newChildren = Seq.update idx child (_instanceChildren parent)
replaceChild parent child idx = parent { _wiChildren = newChildren } where
newChildren = Seq.update idx child (_wiChildren parent)
:: Seq (WidgetInstance s e)
@ -383,18 +383,18 @@ visibleChildrenReq
-> (Seq (WidgetInstance s e), Seq SizeReq)
visibleChildrenReq children reqs = Seq.unzipWith extract filtered where
pairs = children reqs
isVisible (child, req) = _instanceVisible child
isVisible (child, req) = _wiVisible child
filtered = Seq.filter isVisible pairs
extract (child, treq) = (child, nodeValue treq)
:: WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Int -> WidgetInstance s e
cascadeCtx parent child idx = newChild where
parentPath = _instancePath parent
parentVisible = _instanceVisible parent
parentEnabled = _instanceEnabled parent
parentPath = _wiPath parent
parentVisible = _wiVisible parent
parentEnabled = _wiEnabled parent
newChild = child {
_instancePath = parentPath |> idx,
_instanceVisible = _instanceVisible child && parentVisible,
_instanceEnabled = _instanceEnabled child && parentEnabled
_wiPath = parentPath |> idx,
_wiVisible = _wiVisible child && parentVisible,
_wiEnabled = _wiEnabled child && parentEnabled

View File

@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ widgetMerge
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetResult s e
widgetMerge mergeHandler wenv oldInstance newInstance = result where
oldState = _widgetGetState (_instanceWidget oldInstance) wenv
oldState = _widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldInstance) wenv
result = mergeHandler wenv oldState newInstance
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInst
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_instancePath widgetInst)
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Nothing
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultFind wenv path point widgetInst = Just (_instancePath widgetInst)
defaultFind wenv path point widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
:: WidgetEnv s e
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ defaultResize
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> WidgetInstance s e
defaultResize wenv viewport renderArea reqs widgetInst = widgetInst {
_instanceViewport = viewport,
_instanceRenderArea = renderArea
_wiViewport = viewport,
_wiRenderArea = renderArea

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ compositeInit comp state wenv widgetComp = result where
CompositeState{..} = state
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
tempRoot = cascadeCtx widgetComp _cmpRoot
widget = _instanceWidget tempRoot
widget = _wiWidget tempRoot
WidgetResult reqs evts root = _widgetInit widget cwenv tempRoot
newEvts = maybe evts (evts |>) _cmpInitEvent
newState = state {
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ compositeMerge
-> WidgetInstance sp ep
-> WidgetResult sp ep
compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComposite newComposite = result where
oldState = _widgetGetState (_instanceWidget oldComposite) wenv
oldState = _widgetGetState (_wiWidget oldComposite) wenv
validState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
CompositeState oldModel oldRoot oldInit oldGlobalKeys = validState
-- Duplicate widget tree creation is avoided because the widgetRoot created
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComposite newComposite = result where
_cmpRoot = newRoot,
_cmpGlobalKeys = collectGlobalKeys M.empty newRoot
newWidget = _instanceWidget newRoot
newWidget = _wiWidget newRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv oldGlobalKeys oldModel
mergeRequired = instanceMatches newRoot oldRoot
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ compositeNextFocusable
-> Maybe Path
compositeNextFocusable comp state wenv startFrom widgetComp = nextFocus where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
nextFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget cwenv startFrom _cmpRoot
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ compositeFind CompositeState{..} wenv startPath point widgetComp
| validStep = _widgetFind widget cwenv newStartPath point _cmpRoot
| otherwise = Nothing
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
validStep = Seq.null startPath || Seq.index startPath 0 == 0
newStartPath = Seq.drop 1 startPath
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ compositeHandleEvent
-> Maybe (WidgetResult sp ep)
compositeHandleEvent comp state wenv target evt widgetComp = result where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
rootEnabled = _instanceEnabled _cmpRoot
rootEnabled = _wiEnabled _cmpRoot
processEvent = reduceResult comp state wenv widgetComp
| rootEnabled = _widgetHandleEvent widget cwenv target evt _cmpRoot
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ compositeHandleMessage comp state@CompositeState{..} wenv target arg widgetComp
Nothing -> Nothing
| otherwise = fmap processEvent result where
processEvent = reduceResult comp state wenv widgetComp
cmpWidget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
cmpWidget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
result = _widgetHandleMessage cmpWidget cwenv target arg _cmpRoot
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ compositePreferredSize
-> Tree SizeReq
compositePreferredSize state wenv _ = preferredSize where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
preferredSize = _widgetPreferredSize widget cwenv _cmpRoot
@ -251,16 +251,16 @@ compositeResize
-> WidgetInstance sp ep
compositeResize comp state wenv newView newArea reqs widgetComp = resized where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
newRoot = _widgetResize widget cwenv newView newArea reqs _cmpRoot
newState = state {
_cmpRoot = newRoot
resized = widgetComp {
_instanceWidget = createComposite comp newState,
_instanceViewport = newView,
_instanceRenderArea = newArea
_wiWidget = createComposite comp newState,
_wiViewport = newView,
_wiRenderArea = newArea
-- Render
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ compositeRender
-> m ()
compositeRender comp state renderer wenv _ = action where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _cmpRoot
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
action = _widgetRender widget renderer cwenv _cmpRoot
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ reduceResult comp state wenv widgetComp widgetResult = newResult where
ReducedEvents{..} = reduceCompEvents _cmpGlobalKeys evtHandler evtModel evts
WidgetResult uReqs uEvts uWidget =
updateComposite comp state wenv _reModel evtsRoot widgetComp
currentPath = _instancePath widgetComp
currentPath = _wiPath widgetComp
newReqs = toParentReqs reqs
<> tasksToRequests currentPath _reTasks
<> producersToRequests currentPath _reProducers
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ updateComposite comp state wenv newModel widgetRoot widgetComp = result where
| changed = rebuildComposite comp state wenv newModel widgetRoot widgetComp
| otherwise = resultWidget $ widgetComp {
_instanceWidget = createComposite comp newState
_wiWidget = createComposite comp newState
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ rebuildComposite
rebuildComposite comp state wenv newModel widgetRoot widgetComp = result where
CompositeState{..} = state
builtRoot = cascadeCtx widgetComp (_uiBuilder comp newModel)
builtWidget = _instanceWidget builtRoot
builtWidget = _wiWidget builtRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys newModel
mergedResult = _widgetMerge builtWidget cwenv widgetRoot builtRoot
resizedResult = resizeResult state wenv mergedResult widgetComp
@ -357,11 +357,11 @@ resizeResult
-> WidgetResult s e
resizeResult state wenv result widgetComp = resizedResult where
CompositeState{..} = state
viewport = _instanceViewport widgetComp
renderArea = _instanceRenderArea widgetComp
viewport = _wiViewport widgetComp
renderArea = _wiRenderArea widgetComp
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
widgetRoot = _wrWidget result
widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
newReqs = _widgetPreferredSize widget cwenv widgetRoot
newRoot = _widgetResize widget cwenv viewport renderArea newReqs widgetRoot
resizedResult = result {
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ reduceEvtResponse globalKeys curr@ReducedEvents{..} response = case response of
Event event -> curr { _reEvents = _reEvents |> event }
Message key message -> case M.lookup key globalKeys of
Just inst -> curr {
_reMessages = _reMessages |> SendMessage (_instancePath inst) message
_reMessages = _reMessages |> SendMessage (_wiPath inst) message
Nothing -> curr
Report report -> curr { _reReports = _reReports |> report }
@ -431,9 +431,9 @@ collectGlobalKeys
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Map WidgetKey (WidgetInstance s e)
collectGlobalKeys keys widgetInst = foldl' collect updatedMap children where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
collect currKeys child = collectGlobalKeys currKeys child
updatedMap = case _instanceKey widgetInst of
updatedMap = case _wiKey widgetInst of
Just key -> M.insert key widgetInst keys
_ -> keys
@ -450,11 +450,11 @@ convertWidgetEnv wenv globalKeys model = WidgetEnv {
cascadeCtx :: WidgetInstance sp ep -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
cascadeCtx parent child = newChild where
parentPath = _instancePath parent
parentVisible = _instanceVisible parent
parentEnabled = _instanceEnabled parent
parentPath = _wiPath parent
parentVisible = _wiVisible parent
parentEnabled = _wiEnabled parent
newChild = child {
_instancePath = parentPath |> 0,
_instanceVisible = _instanceVisible child && parentVisible,
_instanceEnabled = _instanceEnabled child && parentEnabled
_wiPath = parentPath |> 0,
_wiVisible = _wiVisible child && parentVisible,
_wiEnabled = _wiEnabled child && parentEnabled

View File

@ -200,27 +200,27 @@ data Widget s e =
data WidgetInstance s e =
WidgetInstance {
-- | Type of the widget
_instanceType :: !WidgetType,
_wiType :: !WidgetType,
-- | Key/Identifier of the widget
_instanceKey :: Maybe WidgetKey,
_wiKey :: Maybe WidgetKey,
-- | The path of the instance in the widget tree
_instancePath :: !Path,
_wiPath :: !Path,
-- | The actual widget
_instanceWidget :: Widget s e,
_wiWidget :: Widget s e,
-- | The children widget, if any
_instanceChildren :: Seq (WidgetInstance s e),
_wiChildren :: Seq (WidgetInstance s e),
-- | Indicates if the widget is enabled for user interaction
_instanceEnabled :: !Bool,
_wiEnabled :: !Bool,
-- | Indicates if the widget is visible
_instanceVisible :: !Bool,
_wiVisible :: !Bool,
-- | Indicates whether the widget can receive focus
_instanceFocusable :: !Bool,
_wiFocusable :: !Bool,
-- | The visible area of the screen assigned to the widget
_instanceViewport :: !Rect,
_wiViewport :: !Rect,
-- | The area of the screen where the widget can draw
-- | Usually equal to _instanceViewport, but may be larger if the widget is
-- | Usually equal to _wiViewport, but may be larger if the widget is
-- | wrapped in a scrollable container
_instanceRenderArea :: !Rect,
_wiRenderArea :: !Rect,
-- | Style attributes of the widget instance
_instanceStyle :: Style
_wiStyle :: Style

View File

@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ rootPath = Seq.empty
defaultWidgetInstance :: WidgetType -> Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e
defaultWidgetInstance widgetType widget = WidgetInstance {
_instanceType = widgetType,
_instanceKey = Nothing,
_instancePath = Seq.empty,
_instanceWidget = widget,
_instanceChildren = Seq.empty,
_instanceEnabled = True,
_instanceVisible = True,
_instanceFocusable = False,
_instanceViewport = def,
_instanceRenderArea = def,
_instanceStyle = def
_wiType = widgetType,
_wiKey = Nothing,
_wiPath = Seq.empty,
_wiWidget = widget,
_wiChildren = Seq.empty,
_wiEnabled = True,
_wiVisible = True,
_wiFocusable = False,
_wiViewport = def,
_wiRenderArea = def,
_wiStyle = def
widgetValueGet :: s -> WidgetValue s a -> a
@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ widgetValueSet (WidgetLens lens) value = [UpdateModel updateFn] where
key :: WidgetInstance s e -> Text -> WidgetInstance s e
key widgetInst key = widgetInst {
_instanceKey = Just (WidgetKey key)
_wiKey = Just (WidgetKey key)
style :: WidgetInstance s e -> Style -> WidgetInstance s e
style widgetInst newStyle = widgetInst {
_instanceStyle = newStyle
_wiStyle = newStyle
visible :: WidgetInstance s e -> Bool -> WidgetInstance s e
visible widgetInst visibility = widgetInst {
_instanceVisible = visibility
_wiVisible = visibility
resultWidget :: WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetResult s e
@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ useState (Just (WidgetState state)) = cast state
instanceMatches :: WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
instanceMatches newInstance oldInstance = typeMatches && keyMatches where
typeMatches = _instanceType oldInstance == _instanceType newInstance
keyMatches = _instanceKey oldInstance == _instanceKey newInstance
typeMatches = _wiType oldInstance == _wiType newInstance
keyMatches = _wiKey oldInstance == _wiKey newInstance
updateSizeReq :: SizeReq -> WidgetInstance s e -> SizeReq
updateSizeReq sizeReq widgetInst = newSizeReq where
width = _styleWidth . _instanceStyle $ widgetInst
height = _styleHeight . _instanceStyle $ widgetInst
width = _styleWidth . _wiStyle $ widgetInst
height = _styleHeight . _wiStyle $ widgetInst
| isNothing width = sizeReq
| otherwise = sizeReq {
@ -180,39 +180,39 @@ isMacOS :: WidgetEnv s e -> Bool
isMacOS wenv = _wpOS (_wePlatform wenv) == "Mac OS X"
firstChildPath :: WidgetInstance s e -> Path
firstChildPath widgetInst = _instancePath widgetInst |> 0
firstChildPath widgetInst = _wiPath widgetInst |> 0
nextTargetStep :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe PathStep
nextTargetStep target widgetInst = nextStep where
currentPath = _instancePath widgetInst
currentPath = _wiPath widgetInst
nextStep = Seq.lookup (Seq.length currentPath) target
pointInViewport :: Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
pointInViewport p inst = pointInRect p (_instanceViewport inst)
pointInViewport p inst = pointInRect p (_wiViewport inst)
isFocused :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocused ctx widgetInst = _weFocusedPath ctx == _instancePath widgetInst
isFocused ctx widgetInst = _weFocusedPath ctx == _wiPath widgetInst
isFocusCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isBefore = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _instanceFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _instanceVisible widgetInst && _instanceEnabled widgetInst
isFocusable = _wiFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _wiVisible widgetInst && _wiEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isBefore && isFocusable && isEnabled
isTargetReached :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetReached target widgetInst = target == _instancePath widgetInst
isTargetReached target widgetInst = target == _wiPath widgetInst
isTargetValid :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetValid target widgetInst = valid where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
valid = case nextTargetStep target widgetInst of
Just step -> step < Seq.length children
Nothing -> False
isTargetBeforeCurrent :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetBeforeCurrent target widgetInst = targetPrefix < currentPath where
currentPath = _instancePath widgetInst
currentPath = _wiPath widgetInst
lenTarget = Seq.length target
lenCurrent = Seq.length currentPath

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ makeButton config = widget where
_ -> Nothing
preferredSize wenv widgetInst = singleNode sizeReq where
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst
size = getTextBounds wenv _styleText (_btnLabel config)
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize StrictSize
@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ makeButton config = widget where
drawStyledText_ renderer renderArea style (_btnLabel config)
renderArea = _instanceRenderArea
style = _instanceStyle
renderArea = _wiRenderArea
style = _wiStyle

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ container config managed = makeInstance (makeContainer config) managed
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget managedWidget = (defaultWidgetInstance "container" widget) {
_instanceChildren = Seq.singleton managedWidget,
_instanceFocusable = False
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton managedWidget,
_wiFocusable = False
makeContainer :: ContainerConfig s e -> Widget s e
@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ makeContainer config = widget where
point = statusMousePos (_weInputStatus wenv)
viewport = _instanceViewport widgetInst
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
viewport = _wiViewport widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ dropdown_ config = makeInstance (makeDropdown config newState) where
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget = (defaultWidgetInstance "dropdown" widget) {
_instanceFocusable = True
_wiFocusable = True
makeDropdown :: (Eq a) => DropdownConfig s e a -> DropdownState -> Widget s e
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ makeDropdown config state = widget where
createDropdown wenv newState widgetInst = newInstance where
selected = currentValue wenv
path = _instancePath widgetInst
path = _wiPath widgetInst
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeDropdown config newState,
_instanceChildren = Seq.singleton $ makeListView config path selected
_wiWidget = makeDropdown config newState,
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton $ makeListView config path selected
init wenv widgetInst = resultWidget $ createDropdown wenv state widgetInst
@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ makeDropdown config state = widget where
| otherwise -> Nothing
openRequired point widgetInst = not isOpen && inViewport where
inViewport = pointInRect point (_instanceViewport widgetInst)
inViewport = pointInRect point (_wiViewport widgetInst)
closeRequired point widgetInst = isOpen && not inOverlay where
inOverlay = case Seq.lookup 0 (_instanceChildren widgetInst) of
Just inst -> pointInRect point (_instanceViewport inst)
inOverlay = case Seq.lookup 0 (_wiChildren widgetInst) of
Just inst -> pointInRect point (_wiViewport inst)
Nothing -> False
openDropdown wenv widgetInst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ makeDropdown config state = widget where
selectedIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.elemIndexL selected (_ddItems config))
newState = DropdownState True
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeDropdown config newState
_wiWidget = makeDropdown config newState
path = _instancePath widgetInst
path = _wiPath widgetInst
lvPath = firstChildPath widgetInst
requests = [SetOverlay path, SetFocus lvPath]
closeDropdown wenv widgetInst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
path = _instancePath widgetInst
path = _wiPath widgetInst
newState = DropdownState False
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeDropdown config newState
_wiWidget = makeDropdown config newState
requests = [ResetOverlay, SetFocus path]
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ makeDropdown config state = widget where
result = WidgetResult (reqs <> newReqs) (events <> newEvents) newInstance
preferredSize wenv widgetInst children reqs = Node sizeReq reqs where
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst
size = getTextBounds wenv _styleText (dropdownLabel wenv)
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize StrictSize
@ -190,12 +190,12 @@ makeDropdown config state = widget where
createOverlay renderer $
renderOverlay renderer wenv (fromJust listViewOverlay)
listViewOverlay = Seq.lookup 0 _instanceChildren
renderArea = _instanceRenderArea
style = _instanceStyle
listViewOverlay = Seq.lookup 0 _wiChildren
renderArea = _wiRenderArea
style = _wiStyle
renderOverlay renderer wenv overlayInstance = renderAction where
widget = _instanceWidget overlayInstance
widget = _wiWidget overlayInstance
renderAction = _widgetRender widget renderer wenv overlayInstance
dropdownLabel wenv = _ddItemToText config $ currentValue wenv

View File

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import Monomer.Widget.BaseContainer
hgrid :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetInstance s e) -> WidgetInstance s e
hgrid children = (defaultWidgetInstance "hgrid" (makeFixedGrid True)) {
_instanceChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
_wiChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
vgrid :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetInstance s e) -> WidgetInstance s e
vgrid children = (defaultWidgetInstance "vgrid" (makeFixedGrid False)) {
_instanceChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
_wiChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
makeFixedGrid :: Bool -> Widget s e
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ makeFixedGrid isHorizontal = widget where
resize wenv viewport renderArea children reqs widgetInst = resized where
Rect l t w h = renderArea
vchildren = Seq.filter _instanceVisible children
vchildren = Seq.filter _wiVisible children
cols = if isHorizontal then length vchildren else 1
rows = if isHorizontal then 1 else length vchildren
cw = if cols > 0 then w / fromIntegral cols else 0
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ makeFixedGrid isHorizontal = widget where
| cols > 0 = t + fromIntegral (i `div` cols) * ch
| otherwise = 0
foldHelper (newAreas, index) child = (newAreas |> newArea, newIndex) where
visible = _instanceVisible child
newIndex = index + if _instanceVisible child then 1 else 0
visible = _wiVisible child
newIndex = index + if _wiVisible child then 1 else 0
newViewport = if visible then calcViewport index else def
newArea = (newViewport, newViewport)
calcViewport i = Rect (cx i) (cy i) cw ch

View File

@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ makeLabel caption = widget where
preferredSize wenv widgetInst = singleNode sizeReq where
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst
size = getTextBounds wenv _styleText caption
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize StrictSize
render renderer wenv WidgetInstance{..} = do
drawStyledBackground renderer _instanceRenderArea _instanceStyle
drawStyledText_ renderer _instanceRenderArea _instanceStyle caption
drawStyledBackground renderer _wiRenderArea _wiStyle
drawStyledText_ renderer _wiRenderArea _wiStyle caption

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ listView_ config = makeInstance (makeListView config newState) where
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget = (defaultWidgetInstance "listView" widget) {
_instanceFocusable = True
_wiFocusable = True
makeListView :: (Eq a) => ListViewConfig s e a -> ListViewState -> Widget s e
@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ makeListView config state = widget where
createListView wenv newState widgetInst = newInstance where
selected = currentValue wenv
path = _instancePath widgetInst
path = _wiPath widgetInst
itemsList = makeItemsList config path selected (_highlighted newState)
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeListView config newState,
_instanceChildren = Seq.singleton (scroll itemsList)
_wiWidget = makeListView config newState,
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton (scroll itemsList)
init wenv widgetInst = resultWidget $ createListView wenv state widgetInst
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ makeListView config state = widget where
-- ListView's merge uses the old widget's state. Since we want the newly
-- created state, the old widget is replaced here
oldInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = newWidget
_wiWidget = newWidget
-- ListView's tree will be rebuilt in merge, before merging its children,
-- so it does not matter what we currently have
@ -166,16 +166,16 @@ makeListView config state = widget where
valueSetReq = widgetValueSet (_lvValue config) value
scrollToReq = itemScrollTo widgetInst idx
changeReqs = fmap ($ idx) (_lvOnChangeReq config)
focusReq = [SetFocus $ _instancePath widgetInst]
focusReq = [SetFocus $ _wiPath widgetInst]
requests = valueSetReq ++ scrollToReq ++ changeReqs ++ focusReq
newState = ListViewState idx
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeListView config newState
_wiWidget = makeListView config newState
itemScrollTo widgetInst idx = maybeToList (fmap scrollReq renderArea) where
lookup idx inst = Seq.lookup idx (_instanceChildren inst)
renderArea = fmap _instanceRenderArea $ pure widgetInst
lookup idx inst = Seq.lookup idx (_wiChildren inst)
renderArea = fmap _wiRenderArea $ pure widgetInst
>>= lookup 0 -- scroll
>>= lookup 0 -- vstack
>>= lookup idx -- item

View File

@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ makeSandbox onClick state = widget where
merge wenv oldState widgetInst = resultWidget newInstance where
newState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeSandbox onClick newState
_wiWidget = makeSandbox onClick newState
handleEvent wenv target evt widgetInst = case evt of
Click (Point x y) _ -> result where
events = [onClick]
requests = [RunTask (_instancePath widgetInst) runTask]
requests = [RunTask (_wiPath widgetInst) runTask]
newState = SandboxState (_clickCount state + 1)
newInstance = makeInstance $ makeSandbox onClick newState
result = Just $ resultReqsEvents requests events newInstance
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ makeSandbox onClick state = widget where
Nothing -> Nothing
preferredSize wenv widgetInst = singleNode sizeReq where
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst
size = getTextBounds wenv _styleText (T.pack label)
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize FlexibleSize
render renderer wenv WidgetInstance{..} = do
drawStyledBackground renderer _instanceRenderArea _instanceStyle
drawStyledText_ renderer _instanceRenderArea _instanceStyle (T.pack label)
drawStyledBackground renderer _wiRenderArea _wiStyle
drawStyledText_ renderer _wiRenderArea _wiStyle (T.pack label)

View File

@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ scroll_ config managed = makeInstance (makeScroll config defaultState) managed
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget managedWidget = (defaultWidgetInstance "scroll" widget) {
_instanceChildren = Seq.singleton managedWidget,
_instanceFocusable = False
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton managedWidget,
_wiFocusable = False
makeScroll :: ScrollConfig -> ScrollState -> Widget s e
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
merge wenv oldState widgetInst = resultWidget newInstance where
newState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeScroll config newState
_wiWidget = makeScroll config newState
handleEvent wenv target evt widgetInst = case evt of
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
| btnReleased = state { _sstDragging = Nothing }
| otherwise = state
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeScroll config newState
_wiWidget = makeScroll config newState
handledResult = Just $ resultReqs [IgnoreChildrenEvents] newInstance
@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
_ -> Nothing
viewport = _instanceViewport widgetInst
Rect vx vy vw vh = _instanceViewport widgetInst
viewport = _wiViewport widgetInst
Rect vx vy vw vh = _wiViewport widgetInst
sctx@ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv state viewport
scrollAxis reqDelta currScroll childPos vpLimit
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
| rectInRect rect viewport = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ resultWidget newInstance
viewport = _instanceViewport widgetInst
viewport = _wiViewport widgetInst
Rect rx ry rw rh = rect
Rect vx vy vw vh = viewport
diffL = vx - rx
@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
rebuildWidget wenv newState widgetInst reqs = newInst where
newWidget = makeScroll config newState
tempInst = widgetInst { _instanceWidget = newWidget }
widget = _instanceViewport tempInst
renderArea = _instanceRenderArea tempInst
tempInst = widgetInst { _wiWidget = newWidget }
widget = _wiViewport tempInst
renderArea = _wiRenderArea tempInst
newInst = scrollResize (Just newWidget) wenv widget renderArea reqs tempInst
preferredSize wenv widgetInst children reqs = Node sizeReq reqs where
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
scrollResize uWidget wenv viewport renderArea reqs widgetInst = newInst where
Rect l t w h = renderArea
child = Seq.index (_instanceChildren widgetInst) 0
child = Seq.index (_wiChildren widgetInst) 0
childReq = fromMaybe (singleNode def) (Seq.lookup 0 (nodeChildren reqs))
Size childWidth2 childHeight2 = _srSize $ nodeValue childReq
@ -260,14 +260,14 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
_sstReqSize = reqs
newWidget = fromMaybe defWidget uWidget
cWidget = _instanceWidget child
cWidget = _wiWidget child
newChild = _widgetResize cWidget wenv viewport cRenderArea childReq child
newInst = widgetInst {
_instanceViewport = viewport,
_instanceRenderArea = renderArea,
_instanceWidget = newWidget,
_instanceChildren = Seq.singleton newChild
_wiViewport = viewport,
_wiRenderArea = renderArea,
_wiWidget = newWidget,
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton newChild
render renderer wenv widgetInst = do
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
drawRect renderer vThumbRect (Just thumbColorV) Nothing
viewport = _instanceViewport widgetInst
viewport = _wiViewport widgetInst
ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv state viewport
draggingH = _sstDragging state == Just HBar
draggingV = _sstDragging state == Just VBar

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@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ import Monomer.Widget.Util
hstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetInstance s e) -> WidgetInstance s e
hstack children = (defaultWidgetInstance "hstack" (makeStack True)) {
_instanceChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
_wiChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
vstack :: (Traversable t) => t (WidgetInstance s e) -> WidgetInstance s e
vstack children = (defaultWidgetInstance "vstack" (makeStack False)) {
_instanceChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
_wiChildren = foldl' (|>) Empty children
makeStack :: Bool -> Widget s e
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ makeStack isHorizontal = widget where
FlexibleSize -> (1 + fExtra) * sizeSelector srSize
RemainderSize -> rUnit
| not $ _instanceVisible childInstance = emptyRect
| not $ _wiVisible childInstance = emptyRect
| isHorizontal = hRect
| otherwise = vRect

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ textField_ config = makeInstance $ makeTextField config textFieldState
makeInstance :: Widget s e -> WidgetInstance s e
makeInstance widget = (defaultWidgetInstance "textField" widget) {
_instanceFocusable = True
_wiFocusable = True
makeTextField :: TextFieldConfig s e -> TextFieldState -> Widget s e
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
currText = currentValue wenv
newState = TextFieldState currText 0
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeTextField config newState
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
merge wenv oldState widgetInst = resultWidget newInstance where
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
| otherwise -> oldPos
newState = TextFieldState currText newPos
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeTextField config newState
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
handleKeyPress txt tp code
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
handleEvent wenv target evt widgetInst = case evt of
Click (Point x y) _ -> Just $ resultReqs reqs widgetInst where
reqs = [SetFocus $ _instancePath widgetInst]
reqs = [SetFocus $ _wiPath widgetInst]
KeyAction mod code KeyPressed -> Just $ resultReqs reqs newInstance where
(newText, newPos) = handleKeyPress currText currPos code
isPaste = isClipboardPaste wenv evt
isCopy = isClipboardCopy wenv evt
reqGetClipboard = [GetClipboard (_instancePath widgetInst) | isPaste]
reqGetClipboard = [GetClipboard (_wiPath widgetInst) | isPaste]
reqSetClipboard = [SetClipboard (ClipboardText currText) | isCopy]
| currText /= newText = widgetValueSet (_tfcValue config) newText
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
reqs = reqGetClipboard ++ reqSetClipboard ++ reqUpdateModel
newState = TextFieldState newText newPos
newInstance = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeTextField config newState
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
TextInput newText -> insertText wenv widgetInst newText
@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
newState = TextFieldState newText newPos
reqs = widgetValueSet (_tfcValue config) newText
newInst = widgetInst {
_instanceWidget = makeTextField config newState
_wiWidget = makeTextField config newState
preferredSize wenv widgetInst = singleNode sizeReq where
Style{..} = _instanceStyle widgetInst
Style{..} = _wiStyle widgetInst
size = getTextBounds wenv _styleText currText
sizeReq = SizeReq size FlexibleSize StrictSize
render renderer wenv widgetInst = do
drawStyledBackground renderer renderArea _instanceStyle
drawStyledBackground renderer renderArea _wiStyle
Rect tl tt _ _ <- drawText renderer renderArea textStyle currText
when (isFocused wenv widgetInst) $ do
@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
WidgetInstance{..} = widgetInst
ts = _weTimestamp wenv
renderArea@(Rect rl rt rw rh) = _instanceRenderArea
textStyle = _styleText _instanceStyle
renderArea@(Rect rl rt rw rh) = _wiRenderArea
textStyle = _styleText _wiStyle
| isFocused wenv widgetInst = fromIntegral (ts `mod` 1000) / 1000.0
| otherwise = 0

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@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ mockWenv model = WidgetEnv {
initWidget :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
initWidget wenv inst = newInst where
WidgetResult _ _ inst2 = _widgetInit (_instanceWidget inst) wenv inst
WidgetResult _ _ inst2 = _widgetInit (_wiWidget inst) wenv inst
Size w h = _weScreenSize wenv
vp = Rect 0 0 w h
reqs = _widgetPreferredSize (_instanceWidget inst2) wenv inst2
newInst = _widgetResize (_instanceWidget inst2) wenv vp vp reqs inst2
reqs = _widgetPreferredSize (_wiWidget inst2) wenv inst2
newInst = _widgetResize (_wiWidget inst2) wenv vp vp reqs inst2
instancePreferredSize :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> SizeReq
instancePreferredSize wenv inst = nodeValue reqs where
widget = _instanceWidget inst
widget = _wiWidget inst
reqs = _widgetPreferredSize widget wenv inst

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ handleEvent = describe "handleEvent" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
btn = initWidget wenv (button BtnClick "Click")
widget = _instanceWidget btn
widget = _wiWidget btn
click p = _widgetHandleEvent widget wenv rootPath (Click p LeftBtn) btn
events p = maybe Seq.empty _wrEvents (click p)