Add style prefix to the six style combinators (avoid reserving some common names)

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-07-31 12:48:22 -03:00
parent a38617c313
commit 44109ca217
37 changed files with 340 additions and 344 deletions

View File

@ -147,21 +147,21 @@ handleAppEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
buildUI :: WidgetEnv App AppEvent -> App -> WidgetNode App AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
widgetSizes = vgrid [
hgrid [spacer `style` [bgColor darkGray], label "Test" `style` [textUnderline, border 1 violet, radius 50]],
hgrid [spacer `style` [bgColor darkBlue], label "Test" `style` [textUnderline, border 1 salmon, radius 50]]
hgrid [spacer `styleBasic` [bgColor darkGray], label "Test" `styleBasic` [textUnderline, border 1 violet, radius 50]],
hgrid [spacer `styleBasic` [bgColor darkBlue], label "Test" `styleBasic` [textUnderline, border 1 salmon, radius 50]]
--widgetImgTest = vstack [hstack [widgetImgTest2]] `style` [border 40 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), borderL 50 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderT 20 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderB 20 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), radius 30, radiusTL 0, radiusBL 40, radiusBR 50]
widgetImgTest = vstack [hstack [widgetImgTest2]] `style` [border 40 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), borderL 100 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderT 20 (blue & L.a .~ 0.5), borderB 20 (violet & L.a .~ 0.5)]
--widgetImgTest = vstack [hstack [widgetImgTest2]] `styleBasic` [border 40 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), borderL 50 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderT 20 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderB 20 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), radius 30, radiusTL 0, radiusBL 40, radiusBR 50]
widgetImgTest = vstack [hstack [widgetImgTest2]] `styleBasic` [border 40 (green & L.a .~ 0.5), borderL 100 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), borderT 20 (blue & L.a .~ 0.5), borderB 20 (violet & L.a .~ 0.5)]
widgetImgTest2 = image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill, imageRepeatX, imageRepeatY, onLoadError ImageMsg]
`style` [bgColor orange, border 10 red, borderL 40 green, radius 60]
`styleBasic` [bgColor orange, border 10 red, borderL 40 green, radius 60]
--(pink & L.a .~ 0.5)
-- `style` [bgColor green, width 60, height 60, radius 30]
-- `styleBasic` [bgColor green, width 60, height 60, radius 30]
widgetText = vstack [
label "Test",
hstack [
label "Test",
textArea textArea1 -- `style` [textSpaceH 0, textSpaceV 0]
textArea textArea1 -- `styleBasic` [textSpaceH 0, textSpaceV 0]
hslider int1 0 100
@ -171,26 +171,26 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
hstack [
dateField_ testDay [validInput testDayValid, minValue (fromGregorian 1900 1 1)],
spacer `style` [width 30, bgColor (if model ^. testDayValid then green else red)],
spacer `styleBasic` [width 30, bgColor (if model ^. testDayValid then green else red)],
labelS (model ^. testDay) `style` [textFont "Bold", textSpacing 4],
labelS (model ^. testDay) `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSpacing 4],
dateField_ mtestDay [caretMs 100, validInput mtestDayValid, minValue (Just $ fromGregorian 1900 1 1)]
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. mtestDayValid then violet else red), textFont "Bold", textSpacing 4],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. mtestDayValid then violet else red), textFont "Bold", textSpacing 4],
timeField_ testTimeOfDay [caretMs 1000, validInput testTimeOfDayValid, minValue (TimeOfDay 14 10 20), timeFormatHHMMSS]
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. testTimeOfDayValid then green else red)],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. testTimeOfDayValid then green else red)],
timeField_ mtestTimeOfDay [validInput mtestTimeOfDayValid, minValue (Just $ TimeOfDay 14 10 20), timeFormatHHMMSS]
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. mtestTimeOfDayValid then green else red)],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. mtestTimeOfDayValid then green else red)],
numericField_ int1 [validInput int1Valid] --, minValue 100, maxValue 200
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. int1Valid then green else red)],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. int1Valid then green else red)],
numericField_ mfloat1 [validInput mfloat1Valid, minValue (Just 10), maxValue (Just 100)]
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. mfloat1Valid then green else red)],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. mfloat1Valid then green else red)],
labelS (model ^. mfloat1),
numericField_ mint1 [validInput mint1Valid, minValue (Just 10), maxValue (Just 100)]
`style` [bgColor (if model ^. mint1Valid then green else red)],
`styleBasic` [bgColor (if model ^. mint1Valid then green else red)],
labelS (model ^. mint1),
textArea_ textArea1 [caretWidth 1, caretMs 200] `style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textSpacing 4]
textArea_ textArea1 [caretWidth 1, caretMs 200] `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textSpacing 4]
widgetSlider = vstack [
@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
hstack [
vslider_ int1 (-100) 100 [radius 3, thumbVisible]
] `style` [paddingT 1]
] `styleBasic` [paddingT 1]
widgetSimple = vstack [
label $ "Count: " <> showt (model ^. clickCount),
button "Increase" IncButton
widgetAnimate = vstack [
animSlideIn_ [slideLeft] (label "Hello!!!!" `style` [bgColor red]) `key` "anim1",
animSlideOut_ [slideLeft] (label "Good bye!!!!" `style` [bgColor green]) `key` "anim2",
animSlideIn_ [slideLeft] (label "Hello!!!!" `styleBasic` [bgColor red]) `key` "anim1",
animSlideOut_ [slideLeft] (label "Good bye!!!!" `styleBasic` [bgColor green]) `key` "anim2",
hstack [
labelS (model ^. clickCount),
button "Increase" IncButton
@ -221,29 +221,29 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
button "Confirm" ShowConfirm
widgetLabels = vstack [
label "Underline |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline],
label "Overline |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textOverline],
label "Through |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textThroughline],
label "This is a test: All styles |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline, textOverline, textThroughline]
label "Underline |" `styleBasic` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline],
label "Overline |" `styleBasic` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textOverline],
label "Through |" `styleBasic` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textThroughline],
label "This is a test: All styles |" `styleBasic` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline, textOverline, textThroughline]
widgetScroll = vscroll (hgrid [
vstack [
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
widgetLVs `style` [height 300],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
selectList dropdown1 items label `style` [height 300],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200]
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
widgetLVs `styleBasic` [height 300],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
selectList dropdown1 items label `styleBasic` [height 300],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `styleBasic` [height 200]
label "Test"
@ -253,17 +253,17 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
label "Test",
themeSwitch (darkTheme & L.basic . L.labelStyle . L.bgColor ?~ red) (label "Test")
labelDrag idx = draggable_ idx [transparency 0.8, draggableStyle [bgColor pink, border 20 blue]] (tooltip ("TT: " <> showt idx) $ label ("Label: " <> showt idx) `hover` [cursorIcon CursorHand])
labelDrag idx = draggable_ idx [transparency 0.8, draggableStyle [bgColor pink, border 20 blue]] (tooltip ("TT: " <> showt idx) $ label ("Label: " <> showt idx) `styleHover` [cursorIcon CursorHand])
widgetDrag = hgrid [
dropTarget DropTo1 (scroll $ vstack (fmap labelDrag (model ^. dragList1))),
dropTarget_ DropTo2 [dropTargetStyle [bgColor orange]] (scroll $ vstack (fmap labelDrag (model ^. dragList2)))
widgetAlign = vstack [
hstack [
label "Label 1 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 10, textBottom],
label "Label 2 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 20, textBottom],
label "Label 3 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 40, textBottom]
] `style` [bgColor orange]
label "Label 1 - ja - ^&~@$" `styleBasic` [textSize 10, textBottom],
label "Label 2 - ja - ^&~@$" `styleBasic` [textSize 20, textBottom],
label "Label 3 - ja - ^&~@$" `styleBasic` [textSize 40, textBottom]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor orange]
--widgetDialSingle = dial double1 (-100) 100
widgetRow = hstack [
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
label "Label 2"
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `style` [width 50, height 50]
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `styleBasic` [width 50, height 50]
widgetDial = vstack [
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [],
@ -289,18 +289,18 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
numericField_ rational1 [minValue (-100), maxValue 100],
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" $ label "Test",
box_ [expandContent] widgetRow `hover` [bgColor gray, cursorIcon CursorHand],
box_ [expandContent] widgetRow `styleHover` [bgColor gray, cursorIcon CursorHand],
dial rational1 (-100) 100,
hstack [
button "Test" RunShortTask,
mainButton "Test" RunShortTask
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg",
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" (label "Test" `style` [border 1 pink]) `style` [bgColor orange, textSize 20]
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" (label "Test" `styleBasic` [border 1 pink]) `styleBasic` [bgColor orange, textSize 20]
widgetSplit = hsplit (button "Button" RunShortTask, button "Button!!!" RunShortTask)
widgetSplitH = keystroke [("C-a", ShowAlert), ("C-c", ShowConfirm), ("C-S-p", ShowConfirm)] $ hsplit (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg", widgetTree)
widgetSplitV = vsplit (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `style` [rangeHeight 200 1000], widgetTree `style` [rangeHeight 200 1000])
widgetSplitV = vsplit (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `styleBasic` [rangeHeight 200 1000], widgetTree `styleBasic` [rangeHeight 200 1000])
mkImg i = vstack [
label ("Image: " <> showt i),
image ("" <> showt i)
@ -314,16 +314,16 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
scroll $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [width 1000, height 1000]
scroll $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `styleBasic` [width 1000, height 1000]
widgetHover = vstack [
hstack [
label "Test" `hover` [bgColor red, textSize 32],
label "Test" `hover` [bgColor green],
textField textField1 `hover` [bgColor orange, textSize 32]
label "Test" `styleHover` [bgColor red, textSize 32],
label "Test" `styleHover` [bgColor green],
textField textField1 `styleHover` [bgColor orange, textSize 32]
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
vstack $ fmap (\i -> label ("AAAA: " <> showt i) `hover` [textSize 40]) [1..10::Int],
vstack $ fmap (\i -> label ("AAAA: " <> showt i) `styleHover` [textSize 40]) [1..10::Int],
selectList dropdown1 items label
widgetIdChanged = vstack [
@ -339,27 +339,27 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
label "Username: ",
textField textField1,
label ""
] `style` [padding 5],
] `styleBasic` [padding 5],
hgrid [
label "Password: ",
textField textField2,
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
] `styleBasic` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
hgrid [
label "Integral: ",
numericField_ integer1 [minValue 0],
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
] `styleBasic` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
hgrid [
label "Floating: ",
numericField_ float1 [minValue (-20), maxValue 20],
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0]
] `styleBasic` [padding 5, paddingT 0]
widgetLV = vstack [
scroll $ vstack $ (\i -> box $ label ("Label: " <> showt i)) <$> [0..1000::Int]
label "aaa"
, selectList dropdown1 items label `style` [height 300]
, selectList dropdown1 items label `styleBasic` [height 300]
, scroll $ image "assets/images/pecans.jpg"
, dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200]
@ -403,55 +403,55 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
vstack [
label "test",
button "Test" IncButton,
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor blue],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor orange]
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [bgColor blue],
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [bgColor orange]
box_ [alignRight] $
hstack [
vgrid [
label "",
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, width 200]
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [bgColor lightBlue, width 200]
] `style` [height 480]
] `styleBasic` [height 480]
widgetTree4 = hgrid [
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor blue],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor gray],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor blue],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor orange],
vstack [
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor gray],
label "2" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 gray],
textField textField1 `style` [textCenter, bgColor gray],
label "3" `style` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `style` [textRight, bgColor gray],
label "4" `style` [bgColor pink]
label "1" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink],
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [bgColor gray],
label "2" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink, border 1 gray],
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [textCenter, bgColor gray],
label "3" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `styleBasic` [textRight, bgColor gray],
label "4" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink]
vstack [
--textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink]
label "1" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink]
] `visible` False,
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray]
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor orange],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor gray],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor blue],
label "" `styleBasic` [bgColor gray]
widgetTree3 = hgrid [
label "Hi!\nThis\nis\na\nnew\ttest\n\n Double!" `style` [bgColor pink, textBottom, textCenter],
label "Hi!\nThis\nis\na\nnew\ttest\n\n Double!" `styleBasic` [bgColor pink, textBottom, textCenter],
vgrid [
label "1",
label "2",
label "3",
label "4",
label "5",
label_ "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly" [multiLine] `style` [bgColor blue],
label_ "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly" [multiLine] `styleBasic` [bgColor blue],
label "6",
label "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly, using a longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong invalid word" `style` [bgColor blue, textBottom, textRight]
label "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly, using a longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong invalid word" `styleBasic` [bgColor blue, textBottom, textRight]
label "",
label ""
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
--dropdown dropdown1 items id label
label "Text",
textField textField1
]-- `style` [padding 10]
]-- `styleBasic` [padding 10]
longMessage word = "Are you sure?\n\n\n\n" <> T.replicate 100 (word <> " ")
@ -496,32 +496,32 @@ buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetTree where
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
hgrid [
vstack [
label "jLabel 1" `style` [bgColor darkGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 12" `style` [bgColor lightGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 123" `style` [bgColor darkGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 1234" `style` [bgColor lightGray] `hover` [textSize 40]
] `style` [bgColor red],
label "jLabel 1" `styleBasic` [bgColor darkGray] `styleHover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 12" `styleBasic` [bgColor lightGray] `styleHover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 123" `styleBasic` [bgColor darkGray] `styleHover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 1234" `styleBasic` [bgColor lightGray] `styleHover` [textSize 40]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor red],
vstack [
label "jLabel 1" `style` [bgColor lightGray, textBottom],
label "Label 12" `style` [bgColor darkGray],
label "Label 123" `style` [bgColor lightGray],
label "Label 1234" `style` [bgColor darkGray]
] `style` [bgColor blue]
] `style` [bgColor green],
label "jLabel 1" `styleBasic` [bgColor lightGray, textBottom],
label "Label 12" `styleBasic` [bgColor darkGray],
label "Label 123" `styleBasic` [bgColor lightGray],
label "Label 1234" `styleBasic` [bgColor darkGray]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor blue]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor green],
hgrid [
label_ "This is a really long label used to check what I did works fine" [multiLine, ellipsis],
label "Jj label" `hover` [textSize 40]
] `hover` [bgColor red],
label (model ^. dropdown1) `style` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
textField_ textField1 [fieldDisplayChar '*'] `style` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
label "Jj label" `styleHover` [textSize 40]
] `styleHover` [bgColor red],
label (model ^. dropdown1) `styleBasic` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
textField_ textField1 [fieldDisplayChar '*'] `styleBasic` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
colorPicker_ color [showAlpha],
hstack [
scroll_ [] (image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [radius 20]),
scroll_ [] (image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `styleBasic` [radius 20]),
scroll_ [] $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill],
scroll_ [] $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill],
image_ "" [fitFill, onLoadError ImageMsg] `style` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid, border 40 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), radius 100, radiusBL 0, radiusBR 0]
image_ "" [fitFill, onLoadError ImageMsg] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid, border 40 (orange & L.a .~ 0.5), radius 100, radiusBL 0, radiusBR 0]
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
button_ "Click\nme!" (PrintMessage "Button clicked") [] --multiLine, ellipsis
] `key` "main vstack" `style` [borderT 20 red, borderL 10 blue, borderR 10 green, borderB 10 gray, radius 50] --, padding 20
] `key` "main vstack" `styleBasic` [borderT 20 red, borderL 10 blue, borderR 10 green, borderB 10 gray, radius 50] --, padding 20
items = fmap (\i -> "This is a long label: " <> showt i) [1..100::Int]

View File

@ -76,5 +76,5 @@ buildComp wenv model = trace "Created composite UI" $
button "Run Producer" StartProducer,
label ("Produced: " <> showt (_csProduced model))
] `style` [bgColor gray]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor gray]

View File

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ Once these declarations are in place, you can choose which font to use for any
label or widget that displays text.
label text `style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20]
label text `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20]
There are several functions you can use for modifying a widget node. These
functions are generally used infix, since the intention is clearer that way. In
particular, the `style` function allows providing different style options with a
particular, the `styleBasic` function allows providing different style options with a
Since this style is used a few times in the example, it would be nice to avoid
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ duplicating the code all over the example. An easy way to avoid this is to
create a function that returns the label styled as needed:
titleText text = label text `style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20]
titleText text = label text `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20]
In general, all components which display text support the following styles:
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ priority to the latest value set. This allows, for instance, to easily set all
sides to one padding size and leave the right side with a different value:
node `style` [padding 10, paddingR 0]
node `styleBasic` [padding 10, paddingR 0]
This concept of overriding values in the provided list also applies to regular
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ For reference, the colors mentioned by name in the examples come from
## Enabled and visible
Besides `style`, other two common attributes of a node you may be interested in
Besides `styleBasic`, other two common attributes of a node you may be interested in
controlling are `enabled` and `visible`, both boolean.

View File

@ -35,16 +35,16 @@ The only context where you need to be careful is if the position of your widgets
change. Just to clarify: this only is a concern if there are widgets with state
involved, although it's probably safer to just always handle it.
In the example, a `key` is associated to each row. It works similarly to `style`
In the example, a `key` is associated to each row. It works similarly to `styleBasic`
but receives a Text argument.
listItem idx item = hstack [
label (item ^. text) `style` [width 100],
label (item ^. text) `styleBasic` [width 100],
textField (items . singular (ix idx) . text),
button "Delete" (RemoveItem idx)
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `style` [paddingT 5]
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `styleBasic` [paddingT 5]
In the case of a `textField`, the internal state contains the current cursor

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ from lowest to highest layer level.
pushLayers = zstack [
image_ "./assets/images/red-button.png" [fitFill] `visible` not (model ^. hoverButton),
image_ "./assets/images/red-button-hover.png" [fitFill] `visible` model ^. hoverButton,
label "Push!" `style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textCenter]
label "Push!" `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textCenter]

View File

@ -35,46 +35,46 @@ bookRow wenv b = row where
rowContent b = hstack [
vstack [
label_ (b ^. title) [resizeFactor 1]
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 16],
`styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textSize 16],
label_ (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors)) [resizeFactor 1]
`style` [textSize 14]
`styleBasic` [textSize 14]
vstack [
label publishYear `style` [width 50, textSize 14],
label publishYear `styleBasic` [width 50, textSize 14],
bookImage (b ^. cover) "S" `style` [width 35]
bookImage (b ^. cover) "S" `styleBasic` [width 35]
row = box_ cfg content `style` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
row = box_ cfg content `styleBasic` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
cfg = [expandContent, onClick (BooksShowDetails b)]
content = rowContent b
`style` [height 80, padding 20, radius 5]
`hover` [bgColor rowBgColor, cursorIcon CursorHand]
`styleBasic` [height 80, padding 20, radius 5]
`styleHover` [bgColor rowBgColor, cursorIcon CursorHand]
bookDetail :: Book -> WidgetNode s BooksEvt
bookDetail b = content `style` [minWidth 500, paddingH 20] where
bookDetail b = content `styleBasic` [minWidth 500, paddingH 20] where
hasCover = isJust (b ^. cover)
publishYear = maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
shortLabel value = label value `style` [textFont "Medium", textTop]
shortLabel value = label value `styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textTop]
longLabel value = label_ value [multiLine, ellipsis, trimSpaces]
content = hstack . concat $ [[
vstack [
longLabel (b ^. title)
`style` [textSize 20, textFont "Medium"],
`styleBasic` [textSize 20, textFont "Medium"],
longLabel (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors))
`style` [textSize 16],
`styleBasic` [textSize 16],
label publishYear
`style` [textSize 14]
`styleBasic` [textSize 14]
[filler | hasCover],
[bookImage (b ^. cover) "M" `style` [width 200] | hasCover]
[bookImage (b ^. cover) "M" `styleBasic` [width 200] | hasCover]
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
bookOverlay = alert BooksCloseDetails content where
content = maybe spacer bookDetail (model ^. selected)
searchOverlay = box content `style` [bgColor (darkGray & L.a .~ 0.8)] where
content = label "Searching" `style` [textSize 20, textColor black]
searchOverlay = box content `styleBasic` [bgColor (darkGray & L.a .~ 0.8)] where
content = label "Searching" `styleBasic` [textSize 20, textColor black]
searchForm = keystroke [("Enter", BooksSearch)] $ vstack [
hstack [
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
textField query `key` "query",
mainButton "Search" BooksSearch
] `style` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 25]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 25]
countLabel = label caption `style` [padding 10] where
countLabel = label caption `styleBasic` [padding 10] where
caption = "Books (" <> showt (length $ model ^. books) <> ")"
booksChanged old new = old ^. books /= new ^. books

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
label "Width",
vstack [
dial_ (circlesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. circlesCfg . itemWidth) `style` [textSize 14, textCenter]
labelS (model ^. circlesCfg . itemWidth) `styleBasic` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (circlesCfg . seed)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
label "Width",
vstack [
dial_ (boxesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . itemWidth) `style` [textSize 14, textCenter]
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . itemWidth) `styleBasic` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (boxesCfg . seed),
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
label "Palette size",
vstack [
dial_ (boxesCfg . paletteSize) 1 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . paletteSize) `style` [textSize 14, textCenter]
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . paletteSize) `styleBasic` [textSize 14, textCenter]
@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
textDropdown_ activeGen genTypes genTypeDesc [] `key` "activeType",
labeledCheckbox "Show config:" showCfg
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
] `styleBasic` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
zstack [
hstack [
circlesGrid (model ^. circlesCfg) `style` [padding 20],
circlesGrid (model ^. circlesCfg) `styleBasic` [padding 20],
`visible` model ^. showCfg
`style` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
`styleBasic` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
] `visible` (model ^. activeGen == CirclesGrid),
hstack [
boxesPalette (model ^. boxesCfg) `style` [padding 20],
boxesPalette (model ^. boxesCfg) `styleBasic` [padding 20],
`visible` model ^. showCfg
`style` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
`styleBasic` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
] `visible` (model ^. activeGen == BoxesPalette)

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ tickerPct t = pctLabel where
| pct > 0 = rgbHex "#51A39A"
| otherwise = rgbHex "#E25141"
pctLabel = label pctText `style` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
pctLabel = label pctText `styleBasic` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
tickerRow :: TickerWenv -> Int -> Ticker -> TickerNode
tickerRow wenv idx t = row where
@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ tickerRow wenv idx t = row where
trashBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" . non def
trashFg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" . non def
trashIcon action = button remixDeleteBinLine action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor trashFg, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor trashBg]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor trashFg, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`styleHover` [bgColor trashBg]
dropTicker pair
= dropTarget_ (TickerMovePair pair) [dropTargetStyle [bgColor darkGray]]
tickerInfo = hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `style` [width 100],
label (t ^. symbolPair) `styleBasic` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close))
`style` [textRight, minWidth 100],
`styleBasic` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t
] `style` [cursorHand]
] `styleBasic` [cursorHand]
row = hstack [
dropTicker (t ^. symbolPair) $
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ tickerRow wenv idx t = row where
trashIcon (TickerRemovePairBegin (t ^. symbolPair))
] `style` [padding 10, borderB 1 rowSep]
`hover` [bgColor rowBg]
] `styleBasic` [padding 10, borderB 1 rowSep]
`styleHover` [bgColor rowBg]
buildUI :: TickerWenv -> TickerModel -> TickerNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
keystroke [("Enter", TickerAddClick)] $ textField newPair `key` "newPair",
button "Add" TickerAddClick
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `style` [padding 10]
] `styleBasic` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `styleBasic` [padding 10]

View File

@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ todoRow wenv model idx t = animRow `key` todoKey where
| otherwise = (pendingBg, pendingFg)
todoStatus = labelS (t ^. status)
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 12, textAscender, textColor todoFg, padding 6, paddingH 8, radius 12, bgColor todoBg]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textSize 12, textAscender, textColor todoFg, padding 6, paddingH 8, radius 12, bgColor todoBg]
rowButton caption action = button caption action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor rowButtonColor, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor sectionBg]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor rowButtonColor, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`styleHover` [bgColor sectionBg]
todoInfo = hstack [
vstack [
labelS (t ^. todoType) `style` [textSize 12, textColor darkGray],
labelS (t ^. todoType) `styleBasic` [textSize 12, textColor darkGray],
spacer_ [width 5],
label (t ^. description) `style` [textThroughline_ todoDone]
label (t ^. description) `styleBasic` [textThroughline_ todoDone]
box_ [alignRight] todoStatus `style` [width 80],
box_ [alignRight] todoStatus `styleBasic` [width 80],
rowButton remixEdit2Line (TodoEdit idx t),
rowButton remixDeleteBinLine (TodoDeleteBegin idx t)
] `style` (paddingV 15 : [borderB 1 rowSepColor | not isLast])
] `styleBasic` (paddingV 15 : [borderB 1 rowSepColor | not isLast])
animRow = animFadeOut_ [onFinished (TodoDelete idx t)] todoInfo
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ todoEdit wenv model = editNode where
button "Cancel" TodoCancel
] `style` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
buildUI :: TodoWenv -> TodoModel -> TodoNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
isEditing = model ^. action /= TodoNone
countLabel = label caption `style` styles where
countLabel = label caption `styleBasic` styles where
caption = "Tasks (" <> showt (length $ model ^. todos) <> ")"
styles = [textFont "Regular", textSize 16, padding 20, bgColor sectionBg]
@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
keystroke [("Enter", saveAction), ("Esc", TodoCancel)] $
todoEdit wenv model,
] `style` [bgColor (grayDark & L.a .~ 0.5)]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor (grayDark & L.a .~ 0.5)]
mainLayer = vstack [
scroll_ [] (todoList `style` [padding 20, paddingT 5]),
scroll_ [] (todoList `styleBasic` [padding 20, paddingT 5]),
box_ [alignRight] newButton
`style` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
`styleBasic` [bgColor sectionBg, padding 20]
widgetTree = zstack [

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ buildUI
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
widgetTree = vstack [
titleText "Text",
box (textField sampleText) `style` [paddingV 10],
box (textField sampleText) `styleBasic` [paddingV 10],
titleText "Font name",
hgrid [
@ -49,29 +49,29 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
radio "Italic" fontName,
] `style` [paddingV 10],
] `styleBasic` [paddingV 10],
titleText "Font size",
hslider fontSize 10 200
`style` [paddingV 10, fgColor orange],
`styleBasic` [paddingV 10, fgColor orange],
titleText "Font color",
hstack [
labeledCheckbox "Show color picker " showPicker,
] `style` [paddingT 10, paddingB 5],
] `styleBasic` [paddingT 10, paddingB 5],
colorPicker fontColor
`visible` (model ^. showPicker)
`style` [paddingB 10],
`styleBasic` [paddingB 10],
] `style` [padding 10]
] `styleBasic` [padding 10]
titleText text = label text
`style` [textFont "Medium", textSize 20]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textSize 20]
sampleTextLabel = label_ (model ^. sampleText) [ellipsis]
`style` [
`styleBasic` [
bgColor dimGray,
border 4 lightGray,
radius 10,

View File

@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ buildUI
-> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
listItem idx item = vstack [
label_ (item ^. text) [ellipsis] `style` [textSize 12, paddingH 8],
label_ (item ^. text) [ellipsis] `styleBasic` [textSize 12, paddingH 8],
hstack [
textField (items . singular (ix idx) . text),
button "Delete" (RemoveItem idx)
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `style` [paddingT 10]
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `styleBasic` [paddingT 10]
widgetTree = vstack [
keystroke [("Enter", AddItem)] $ hstack [
@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
textField_ newItemText [placeholder "Write here!"] `key` "description",
button "Add" AddItem
`style` [paddingH 5]
`styleBasic` [paddingH 5]
`enabled` (model ^. newItemText /= "")
separatorLine `style` [paddingT 20, paddingB 10],
separatorLine `styleBasic` [paddingT 20, paddingB 10],
vstack (zipWith listItem [0..] (model ^. items))
] `style` [padding 20]
] `styleBasic` [padding 20]
:: WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent

View File

@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
pushLayers = zstack [
image_ "./assets/images/red-button.png" [fitFill] `visible` not (model ^. hoverButton),
image_ "./assets/images/red-button-hover.png" [fitFill] `visible` model ^. hoverButton,
label "Push!" `style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textCenter]
label "Push!" `styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 20, textCenter]
pushButton = box_ [onClick AppGenRandom, onEnter AppOnEnterBtn, onLeave AppOnLeaveBtn] pushLayers
`style` [width 160, height 160, cursorHand]
`styleBasic` [width 160, height 160, cursorHand]
numberLabel = labelS (model ^. selected)
`style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 100, textColor black, textCenter, width 160]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 100, textColor black, textCenter, width 160]
numberedImage url idx = scroll (image_ url [fitNone])
`visible` (model ^. selected == idx)
imageSet = hstack [
@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
numberedImage "" 4,
numberedImage "" 5,
numberedImage "" 6
] `style` [padding 10]
] `styleBasic` [padding 10]
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
tooltip "Click to pick a random number" pushButton
`style` [textSize 16, bgColor steelBlue, paddingH 5, radius 5],
`styleBasic` [textSize 16, bgColor steelBlue, paddingH 5, radius 5],
] `style` [bgColor moccasin]
] `styleBasic` [bgColor moccasin]
:: WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
timeString = T.pack . show $ model ^. currentTime
timeLabel = label (T.takeWhile (/= '.') timeString)
`style` [textFont "Bold", textSize 80, textCenter, textMiddle, flexHeight 100]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Bold", textSize 80, textCenter, textMiddle, flexHeight 100]
widgetTree = vstack [
animFadeIn timeLabel `key` "fadeTimeLabel"

View File

@ -48,26 +48,26 @@ buildUIComp wenv model = widgetTree where
textDrag = rgbHex "#E0FFFF"
itemA val = label ("Item: " <> showt val)
`style` [textColor black, padding 5]
`styleBasic` [textColor black, padding 5]
dragItem val = draggable_ val
[draggableStyle [bgColor textDrag, radius 5]]
(itemA val)
`style` [cursorHand]
`styleBasic` [cursorHand]
dragList items = vstack (dragItem <$> items)
dropContainer target list = dropTarget_ target
[dropTargetStyle [radius 10, bgColor sectionHover]]
(dragList (model ^. list))
`style` [minWidth 100, flexHeight 100, padding 5, radius 10, bgColor sectionBg]
`styleBasic` [minWidth 100, flexHeight 100, padding 5, radius 10, bgColor sectionBg]
dropTargetA = dropContainer DropToA listA
dropTargetB = dropContainer DropToB listB
widgetTree = hstack [
box dropTargetA `style` [paddingR 5],
box dropTargetB `style` [paddingL 5]
box dropTargetA `styleBasic` [paddingR 5],
box dropTargetB `styleBasic` [paddingL 5]
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
hstack [
button "Show Dialog" ShowDialog
] `style` [padding 10]
] `styleBasic` [padding 10]
closeIcon = icon IconClose
`style` [width 16, height 16, fgColor black, cursorHand]
`styleBasic` [width 16, height 16, fgColor black, cursorHand]
dialogLayer = vstack [
hstack [
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
compWidget dialogModel
] `style` [width 500, height 400, padding 10, radius 10, bgColor darkGray]
] `styleBasic` [width 500, height 400, padding 10, radius 10, bgColor darkGray]
widgetTree = zstack [
box_ [alignCenter, alignMiddle] dialogLayer
`visible` model ^. showDialog
`style` [bgColor (gray & L.a .~ 0.8)]
`styleBasic` [bgColor (gray & L.a .~ 0.8)]

View File

@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
widgetTree = vstack [
button "Reset canvas" AppResetCanvas,
canvas `key` "mainCanvas" `style` [border 1 gray]
-- canvas_ [canvasColor pink] `key` "mainCanvas" `style` [border 1 gray]
] `style` [padding 10]
canvas `key` "mainCanvas" `styleBasic` [border 1 gray]
-- canvas_ [canvasColor pink] `key` "mainCanvas" `styleBasic` [border 1 gray]
] `styleBasic` [padding 10]
:: WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
button "Decrease count" AppDecrease
] `style` [padding 20]
] `styleBasic` [padding 20]
:: WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent

View File

@ -516,12 +516,12 @@ class CmbMaxDim t where
infixl 5 `key`
infixl 5 `enabled`
infixl 5 `visible`
infixl 5 `style`
infixl 5 `hover`
infixl 5 `focus`
infixl 5 `focusHover`
infixl 5 `active`
infixl 5 `disabled`
infixl 5 `styleBasic`
infixl 5 `styleHover`
infixl 5 `styleFocus`
infixl 5 `styleFocusHover`
infixl 5 `styleActive`
infixl 5 `styleDisabled`
-- | Key combinator, used mainly infix for widgets.
class CmbKey t a | t -> a where
@ -536,32 +536,32 @@ class CmbVisible t where
visible :: t -> Bool -> t
-- | Focusable combinator, used mainly infix for widgets.
class CmbFocusable t where
class CmbStyleFocusable t where
focusable :: t -> Bool -> t
-- | Basic style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbStyle t where
style :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleBasic t where
styleBasic :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Hover style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbHover t where
hover :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleHover t where
styleHover :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Focus style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbFocus t where
focus :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleFocus t where
styleFocus :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Focus Hover style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbFocusHover t where
focusHover :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleFocusHover t where
styleFocusHover :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Active style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbActive t where
active :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleActive t where
styleActive :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Disabled style combinator, used mainly infix for widgets as a list.
class CmbDisabled t where
disabled :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class CmbStyleDisabled t where
styleDisabled :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
-- | Ignore theme settings and start with blank style.
class CmbIgnoreTheme t where
@ -610,8 +610,8 @@ class CmbCursorIcon t where
cursorIcon :: CursorIcon -> t
-- | Basic style for each item of a list.
class CmbItemNormalStyle t s | t -> s where
itemNormalStyle :: s -> t
class CmbItemBasicStyle t s | t -> s where
itemBasicStyle :: s -> t
-- | Hover style for an item of a list.
class CmbItemHoverStyle t s | t -> s where

View File

@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ Helper functions for style types.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Monomer.Core.StyleUtil (
@ -59,28 +55,28 @@ getContentArea :: WidgetNode s e -> StyleState -> Rect
getContentArea node style = fromMaybe def area where
area = removeOuterBounds style (node ^. . L.viewport)
instance CmbStyle Style where
style oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleBasic Style where
styleBasic oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & L.basic .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbHover Style where
hover oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleHover Style where
styleHover oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & L.hover .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbFocus Style where
focus oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleFocus Style where
styleFocus oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focus .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbFocusHover Style where
focusHover oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleFocusHover Style where
styleFocusHover oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focusHover .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbActive Style where
active oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleActive Style where
styleActive oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbDisabled Style where
disabled oldStyle states = newStyle where
instance CmbStyleDisabled Style where
styleDisabled oldStyle states = newStyle where
newStyle = oldStyle & L.disabled .~ maybeConcat states
instance CmbKey (WidgetNode s e) Text where
@ -92,41 +88,41 @@ instance CmbEnabled (WidgetNode s e) where
instance CmbVisible (WidgetNode s e) where
visible node visibility = node & . L.visible .~ visibility
instance CmbFocusable (WidgetNode s e) where
instance CmbStyleFocusable (WidgetNode s e) where
focusable node isFocusable = node & . L.focusable .~ isFocusable
instance CmbStyle (WidgetNode s e) where
style node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleBasic (WidgetNode s e) where
styleBasic node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & L.basic ?~ state
instance CmbHover (WidgetNode s e) where
hover node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleHover (WidgetNode s e) where
styleHover node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & L.hover ?~ state
instance CmbFocus (WidgetNode s e) where
focus node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleFocus (WidgetNode s e) where
styleFocus node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focus ?~ state
instance CmbFocusHover (WidgetNode s e) where
focusHover node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleFocusHover (WidgetNode s e) where
styleFocusHover node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focusHover ?~ state
instance CmbActive (WidgetNode s e) where
active node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleActive (WidgetNode s e) where
styleActive node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & ?~ state
instance CmbDisabled (WidgetNode s e) where
disabled node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
instance CmbStyleDisabled (WidgetNode s e) where
styleDisabled node states = node & . .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = node ^. .
newStyle = oldStyle & L.disabled ?~ state

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ makeLabeledItem textSide caption labelCfg itemNode = widget where
& collectStyleField_ L.sndColor nodeStyle
& collectStyleField_ L.cursorIcon nodeStyle
baseLabel = label_ caption [labelCfg] `style` [cursorHand]
baseLabel = label_ caption [labelCfg] `styleBasic` [cursorHand]
labelNode = baseLabel
& . <>~ labelStyle
styledNode = itemNode

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Configs:
- onChangeIdxReq: WidgetRequest to generate when selected item changes. Includes
- maxHeight: maximum height of the list when dropdown is expanded.
- itemNormalStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemBasicStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemSelectedStyle: style of the selected item in the list.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ instance CmbMaxHeight (DropdownCfg s e a) where
_ddcMaxHeight = Just h
instance CmbItemNormalStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
itemNormalStyle style = def {
instance CmbItemBasicStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
itemBasicStyle style = def {
_ddcItemStyle = Just style
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ makeSelectList wenv value items makeRow config widgetId = selectListNode where
onBlurReq (const $ SendMessage widgetId OnListBlur),
onChangeIdxReq (\idx it -> SendMessage widgetId (OnChangeMessage idx it)),
itemNormalStyle itemStyle,
itemBasicStyle itemStyle,
itemSelectedStyle itemSelStyle
slStyle = collectTheme wenv L.dropdownListStyle

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Configs:
- selectOnBlur: whether to select the currently highlighted item when navigating
away from the widget with tab key.
- itemNormalStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemBasicStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemSelectedStyle: style of the selected item in the list.
- mergeRequired: whether merging children is required. Useful when select list
is part of another widget such as dropdown.
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ instance CmbSelectOnBlur (SelectListCfg s e a) where
_slcSelectOnBlur = Just select
instance CmbItemNormalStyle (SelectListCfg s e a) Style where
itemNormalStyle style = def {
instance CmbItemBasicStyle (SelectListCfg s e a) Style where
itemBasicStyle style = def {
_slcItemStyle = Just style

View File

@ -185,19 +185,19 @@ buildUI config wenv model = mainTree where
showAlpha = fromMaybe False (_cpcShowAlpha config)
colorSample = zstack [
patternImage 2 10 (rgb 255 255 255) (rgb 150 150 150),
filler `style` [bgColor model]
] `style` [width 32]
filler `styleBasic` [bgColor model]
] `styleBasic` [width 32]
compRow lensCol evt lbl minV maxV = hstack [
label lbl `style` [width 48],
label lbl `styleBasic` [width 48],
spacer_ [width 2],
hslider_ lensCol minV maxV [onChange evt, onFocus PickerFocus,
onBlur PickerBlur]
`style` [paddingV 5],
`styleBasic` [paddingV 5],
spacer_ [width 2],
numericField_ lensCol [minValue minV, maxValue maxV, onChange evt,
onFocus PickerFocus, onBlur PickerBlur]
`style` [width 40, padding 0, textRight]
`styleBasic` [width 40, padding 0, textRight]
colorRow lens lbl = compRow lens ColorChanged lbl 0 255
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ buildUI config wenv model = mainTree where
alphaRow L.a "Alpha" `visible` showAlpha
spacer_ [width 2],
box_ [alignTop] colorSample `style` [flexHeight 50]
] `style` [padding 0]
box_ [alignTop] colorSample `styleBasic` [flexHeight 50]
] `styleBasic` [padding 0]
:: (WidgetModel sp, WidgetEvent ep)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Configs:
- onChangeIdxReq: WidgetRequest to generate when selected item changes. Includes
- maxHeight: maximum height of the list when dropdown is expanded.
- itemNormalStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemBasicStyle: style of an item in the list when not selected.
- itemSelectedStyle: style of the selected item in the list.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

View File

@ -797,16 +797,16 @@
- Rename style combinators?
- Document themes and how widgets use them.
- Make resize process smarter
- Keep list of widgets requesting resize
- If children requested resize, it overrides viewport check
- Can remove resize flag from Container/selectList
- Remove dpr calculations from NanoVGRenderer.
- Same with FontManager.
- When testing Windows/Linux, check if scroll rate needs to be adjusted.
- Create ContextMenu (could work similarly to Tooltip).
- Make resize process smarter
- Keep list of widgets requesting resize
- If children requested resize, it overrides viewport check
- Can remove resize flag from Container/selectList
- Check if Windows/Linux also miss top pixel
- Fix for all if they do
- If they don't, add custom handling for macOS

View File

@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ handleEventSimple = describe "handleEventSimple" $ do
wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit ()
node = vstack [
label "Test",
label "Test" `style` [cursorIcon CursorHand],
label "Test" `style` [cursorIcon CursorIBeam],
label "Test" `style` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid]
label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand],
label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorIBeam],
label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid]
icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs
p1 = Point 100 10
@ -105,17 +105,17 @@ handleEventNested = describe "handleEventNested" $ do
label "Test",
hgrid [
hgrid [
label "Test" `style` [cursorIcon CursorSizeH],
label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorSizeH],
] `style` [cursorIcon CursorHand],
] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand],
hgrid [
hgrid [
label "Test" `style` [cursorIcon CursorSizeV],
label "Test" `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorSizeV],
] `style` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid],
] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid],
] `style` [cursorIcon CursorHand]
] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorHand]
icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs
p11 = Point 100 10
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ handleEventOverlay = describe "handleEventOverlay" $ do
node = vstack [
textDropdown selectedItem [0..10::Int],
] `style` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid]
] `styleBasic` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid]
icons egs = getIcons wenv node egs
p1 = Point 100 10 -- Header
p2 = Point 100 50 -- List overlay

View File

@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ handleEventResize = describe "handleEventResize" $ do
_ -> [Model (model & clicks %~ (+1))]
buildChild wenv model = vstack [
button "Click" ChildBtnClicked,
label "Test" `style` [height 3000] `visible` (model ^. clicks > 0)
label "Test" `styleBasic` [height 3000] `visible` (model ^. clicks > 0)
:: WidgetEnv MainModel MainEvt

View File

@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ handleEventIgnoreEmpty = describe "handleEventIgnoreEmpty" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
btn2 = button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `style` [height 10]
btn2 = button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `styleBasic` [height 10]
ignoredNode = zstack_ [onlyTopActive False] [
button "Click 1" (BtnClick 1),
box_ [ignoreEmptyArea_ True] btn2
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ handleEventSinkEmpty = describe "handleEventSinkEmpty" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
centeredBtn = button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `style` [height 10]
centeredBtn = button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `styleBasic` [height 10]
sunkNode = zstack_ [onlyTopActive False] [
button "Click 1" (BtnClick 1),
box_ [ignoreEmptyArea_ False] centeredBtn

View File

@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ getSizeReqMixedH = describe "several items, different reqSizes" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
gridNode = hgrid [
label "Label 1" `style` [width 100, height 100],
label "Label 2" `style` [maxWidth 300, maxHeight 300],
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [width 100, height 100],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [maxWidth 300, maxHeight 300],
label "Label 3"
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv gridNode
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ getSizeReqMixedV = describe "several items, different reqSizes" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
gridNode = vgrid [
label "Label 1" `style` [minWidth 100, minHeight 100],
label "Label 2" `style` [maxWidth 300, maxHeight 300],
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [minWidth 100, minHeight 100],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [maxWidth 300, maxHeight 300],
label "Label 3"
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv gridNode

View File

@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ handleChildrenFocus = describe "handleChildrenFocus" $ do
evts3 = [evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtK keyTab, evtClick point]
st = [width 640, height 480]
stackNode = vstack [
button "Button 1" Button1 `style` st,
button "Button 2" Button2 `style` st,
button "Button 3" Button3 `style` st,
button "Button 4" Button4 `style` st
button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` st,
button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` st,
button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` st,
button "Button 4" Button4 `styleBasic` st
ignoreNode = scroll_ [scrollFollowFocus_ False] stackNode
followNode = scroll stackNode
@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ handleNestedWheel = describe "handleNestedWheel" $ do
evts2 = [evtWheel pointWheel2, evtClick pointClick]
st = [width 320, height 480]
childNode = vscroll (vstack [
button "Button 1" Button1 `style` st,
button "Button 2" Button2 `style` st,
button "Button 3" Button3 `style` st
]) `style` [height 480]
button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` st,
button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` st,
button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` st
]) `styleBasic` [height 480]
mainNode = vstack [
button "Button 4" Button4 `style` st
] `style` [width 320]
button "Button 4" Button4 `styleBasic` st
] `styleBasic` [width 320]
scrollNode = vscroll $ hstack [
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ handleMessageReset = describe "handleMessageReset" $ do
Button3 -> [Message "mainScroll" ScrollReset]
_ -> []
buildUI wenv model = scroll (vstack [
button "Button 1" Button1 `style` [height 480],
button "Button 2" Button2 `style` [height 480],
button "Button 3" Button3 `style` [height 480]
button "Button 1" Button1 `styleBasic` [height 480],
button "Button 2" Button2 `styleBasic` [height 480],
button "Button 3" Button3 `styleBasic` [height 480]
]) `key` "mainScroll"
cmpNode = composite "main" id buildUI handleEvent
events es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es cmpNode
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ forwardStyle = describe "forwardStyle" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
snode1 = scroll (label "Test") `style` [border 1 black, padding 10]
snode2 = scroll_ [scrollFwdStyle scrollFwdDefault] (label "Test") `style` [border 1 black, padding 10]
snode1 = scroll (label "Test") `styleBasic` [border 1 black, padding 10]
snode2 = scroll_ [scrollFwdStyle scrollFwdDefault] (label "Test") `styleBasic` [border 1 black, padding 10]
pnode1 = nodeInit wenv snode1
cnode1 = pnode1 ^?! L.children . ix 0
pnode2 = nodeInit wenv snode2
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ resizeLarge = describe "resizeLarge" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 2000
scrollNode = scroll (label "" `style` [width 3000, height 2000])
scrollNode = scroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ resizeSmall = describe "resizeSmall" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 480
scrollNode = scroll (label "" `style` [width 300, height 200])
scrollNode = scroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 300, height 200])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ resizeOverlaySmall = describe "resizeOverlaySmall" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 480
scrollNode = scroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `style` [width 300, height 200])
scrollNode = scroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 300, height 200])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ resizeH = describe "resizeH" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 470
scrollNode = hscroll (label "" `style` [width 3000, height 2000])
scrollNode = hscroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ resizeV = describe "resizeV" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 630 2000
scrollNode = vscroll (label "" `style` [width 3000, height 2000])
scrollNode = vscroll (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ resizeOverlayH = describe "resizeOverlayH" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 3000 480
scrollNode = hscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `style` [width 3000, height 2000])
scrollNode = hscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ resizeOverlayV = describe "resizeOverlayV" $ do
wenv = mockWenv () & L.windowSize .~ Size 640 480
vp = Rect 0 0 640 480
cvp1 = Rect 0 0 640 2000
scrollNode = vscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `style` [width 3000, height 2000])
scrollNode = vscroll_ [scrollOverlay] (label "" `styleBasic` [width 3000, height 2000])
newNode = nodeInit wenv scrollNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
childrenVp = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _wnInfo <$> newNode ^. L.children

View File

@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ handleEventMouseDragH = describe "handleEventMouseDragH" $ do
wenv = mockWenv (TestModel 0.5)
btn1 = button "Text" Button1 `style` [rangeWidth 200 400]
btn2 = button "Longer" Button2 `style` [expandWidth 60]
btn1 = button "Text" Button1 `styleBasic` [rangeWidth 200 400]
btn2 = button "Longer" Button2 `styleBasic` [expandWidth 60]
splitNode = hsplit_ [splitHandlePos sliderPos] (btn1, btn2)
model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es splitNode
areas es = vp where
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ handleEventMouseDragV = describe "handleEventMouseDragV" $ do
wenv = mockWenv (TestModel 0.5)
-- Uses flexHeight otherwise buttons are fixed size and split will not move
btn1 = button "Text" Button1 `style` [flexHeight 20]
btn2 = button "Longer" Button2 `style` [rangeHeight 200 400]
btn1 = button "Text" Button1 `styleBasic` [flexHeight 20]
btn2 = button "Longer" Button2 `styleBasic` [rangeHeight 200 400]
splitNode = vsplit_ [splitHandlePosV 0.5, onChange SliderChanged] (btn1, btn2)
evts es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es splitNode
areas es = vp where
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ getSizeReq = describe "getSizeReq" $ do
wenv = mockWenv (TestModel 0)
btn1 = button "Button" Button1 `style` [expandWidth 60]
btn2 = button "Button" Button2 `style` [expandWidth 60]
btn1 = button "Button" Button1 `styleBasic` [expandWidth 60]
btn2 = button "Button" Button2 `styleBasic` [expandWidth 60]
(hsizeReqW, hsizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv (hsplit (btn1, btn2))
(vsizeReqW, vsizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv (vsplit (btn1, btn2))

View File

@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ resizeFlexibleH = describe "flexible items, horizontal" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 112 0 256 640
cvp3 = Rect 368 0 112 640
hstackNode = hstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [expandWidth 70],
label "Label 2" `style` [expandWidth 160],
label "Label 3" `style` [expandWidth 70]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 70],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 160],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 70]
newNode = nodeInit wenv hstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ resizeFlexibleV = describe "flexible items, vertical" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 0 160 640 160
cvp3 = Rect 0 320 640 160
vstackNode = vstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [flexHeight 20],
label "Label Number Two" `style` [flexHeight 20],
label "Label 3" `style` [flexHeight 20]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 20],
label "Label Number Two" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 20],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 20]
newNode = nodeInit wenv vstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ resizeStrictFlexH = describe "strict/flexible items, horizontal" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 100 0 100 480
cvp3 = Rect 200 0 440 480
hstackNode = hstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [width 100],
label "Label 2" `style` [width 100],
label "Label 3" `style` [expandWidth 70]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [width 100],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [width 100],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 70]
newNode = nodeInit wenv hstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ resizeStrictFlexV = describe "strict/flexible items, vertical" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 0 100 640 20
cvp3 = Rect 0 120 640 360
vstackNode = vstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [height 100],
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [height 100],
label "Label 2",
label "Label 3" `style` [flexHeight 100]
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 100]
newNode = nodeInit wenv vstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ resizeMixedH = describe "mixed items, horizontal" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 196 0 444 20
hstackNode = vstack [
hstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [expandWidth 110],
label "Label 2" `style` [expandWidth 250]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 110],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [expandWidth 250]
newNode = nodeInit wenv hstackNode
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ resizeMixedV = describe "mixed items, vertical" $ do
vstackNode = hstack [
vstack [
label "Label 1",
label "Label 2" `style` [minHeight 250],
label "Label 3" `style` [flexHeight 20]
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [minHeight 250],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 20]
newNode = nodeInit wenv vstackNode
@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ resizeAllV = describe "all kinds of sizeReq, vertical" $ do
cvp4 = Rect 0 300 640 80
cvp5 = Rect 0 380 640 100
vstackNode = vstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [width 50, height 50],
label "Label 2" `style` [flexWidth 60, flexHeight 60],
label "Label 3" `style` [minWidth 70, minHeight 70],
label "Label 4" `style` [maxWidth 80, maxHeight 80],
label "Label 5" `style` [rangeWidth 90 100, rangeHeight 90 100]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [width 50, height 50],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [flexWidth 60, flexHeight 60],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [minWidth 70, minHeight 70],
label "Label 4" `styleBasic` [maxWidth 80, maxHeight 80],
label "Label 5" `styleBasic` [rangeWidth 90 100, rangeHeight 90 100]
newNode = nodeInit wenv vstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ resizeNoSpaceV = describe "vertical, without enough space" $ do
cvp4 = Rect 0 400 640 200
cvp5 = Rect 0 600 640 200
vstackNode = vstack [
label "Label 1" `style` [height 200],
label "Label 2" `style` [height 200],
label "Label 3" `style` [flexHeight 200],
label "Label 4" `style` [height 200],
label "Label 5" `style` [height 200]
label "Label 1" `styleBasic` [height 200],
label "Label 2" `styleBasic` [height 200],
label "Label 3" `styleBasic` [flexHeight 200],
label "Label 4" `styleBasic` [height 200],
label "Label 5" `styleBasic` [height 200]
newNode = nodeInit wenv vstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ resizeSpacerFlexH = describe "label flex and spacer, horizontal" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 211 0 8 480
cvp3 = Rect 219 0 421 480
hstackNode = hstack [
label "Label" `style` [flexWidth 100],
label "Label" `styleBasic` [flexWidth 100],
label "Label" `style` [flexWidth 200]
label "Label" `styleBasic` [flexWidth 200]
newNode = nodeInit wenv hstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport
@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ resizeSpacerFixedH = describe "label fixed and spacer, horizontal" $ do
cvp2 = Rect 100 0 340 480
cvp3 = Rect 440 0 200 480
hstackNode = hstack [
label "Label" `style` [width 100],
label "Label" `styleBasic` [width 100],
label "Label" `style` [width 200]
label "Label" `styleBasic` [width 200]
newNode = nodeInit wenv hstackNode
viewport = newNode ^. . L.viewport

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ handleEventAllLayersActive = describe "handleEventAllLayersActive" $ do
zstackNode = zstack_ [onlyTopActive False] [
button "Click 1" (BtnClick 1),
vstack [
button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `style` [height 10]
button "Click 2" (BtnClick 2) `styleBasic` [height 10]
button "Click 3" (BtnClick 3) `visible` False
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ getSizeReqItemsFixed = describe "several items, horizontal" $ do
vstack [
label "Long b1",
label "Long b2"
] `style` [width 300]
] `styleBasic` [width 300]
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv zstackNode

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ getSizeReq = describe "getSizeReq" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
btnNode1 = button "Click" BtnClick
btnNode2 = button_ "Click 2" BtnClick [resizeFactorW 1, resizeFactorH 2]
btnNode3 = button_ "Line line line" BtnClick [multiLine, trimSpaces] `style` [width 50]
btnNode3 = button_ "Line line line" BtnClick [multiLine, trimSpaces] `styleBasic` [width 50]
(sizeReqW1, sizeReqH1) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv btnNode1
(sizeReqW2, sizeReqH2) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv btnNode2
(sizeReqW3, sizeReqH3) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv btnNode3

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ getSizeReqMulti = describe "getSizeReq" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
lblNode = label_ "Line line line" [multiLine, trimSpaces] `style` [width 50]
lblNode = label_ "Line line line" [multiLine, trimSpaces] `styleBasic` [width 50]
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv lblNode
getSizeReqMultiKeepSpaces :: Spec
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ getSizeReqMultiKeepSpaces = describe "getSizeReq" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
caption = "Line line line"
lblNode = label_ caption [multiLine, trimSpaces_ False] `style` [maxWidth 50]
lblNode = label_ caption [multiLine, trimSpaces_ False] `styleBasic` [maxWidth 50]
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv lblNode
getSizeReqMultiMaxLines :: Spec
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ getSizeReqMultiMaxLines = describe "getSizeReq" $ do
wenv = mockWenv ()
caption = "Line line line line line"
lblNode = label_ caption [multiLine, trimSpaces_ False, maxLines 4] `style` [maxWidth 50]
lblNode = label_ caption [multiLine, trimSpaces_ False, maxLines 4] `styleBasic` [maxWidth 50]
(sizeReqW, sizeReqH) = nodeGetSizeReq wenv lblNode
getSizeReqMerge :: Spec
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ getSizeReqMerge = describe "getSizeReqMerge" $ do
wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit ()
& L.fontManager .~ fontMgr
lblNode = nodeInit wenv (label "Test Label")
lblNode2 = label "Test Label" `style` [textSize 60]
lblNode2 = label "Test Label" `styleBasic` [textSize 60]
lblRes = widgetMerge (lblNode2 ^. L.widget) wenv lblNode2 lblNode
WidgetResult lblMerged _ = lblRes
lblInfo = lblNode ^.

View File

@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ handleShiftFocus = describe "handleShiftFocus" $ do
& L.theme .~ darkTheme
p = Point 100 30
sliderNode = vstack [
hslider_ sliderVal (-500) 500 [wheelRate 1] `style` [height 20],
hslider_ sliderVal (-500) 500 [wheelRate 1, onFocus GotFocus] `style` [height 20]
hslider_ sliderVal (-500) 500 [wheelRate 1] `styleBasic` [height 20],
hslider_ sliderVal (-500) 500 [wheelRate 1, onFocus GotFocus] `styleBasic` [height 20]
evts es = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv es sliderNode

View File

@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ handleEventMouseSelect = describe "handleEventMouseSelect" $ do
wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit (TestModel "")
txtNode = vstack [
hstack [
textArea textValue `style` [height 50]
textArea textValue `styleBasic` [height 50]
model es = nodeHandleEventModel wenv es txtNode

View File

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ handleEventMouseSelect = describe "handleEventMouseSelect" $ do
wenv = mockWenvEvtUnit (TestModel "")
txtNode = vstack [
hstack [
textField textValue `style` [width 105],
textField textValue `styleBasic` [width 105],
hstack []