Add selection basics to textArea

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-05-19 23:49:15 -03:00
parent 0c05c6b03e
commit 4d50b9fc61
4 changed files with 70 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ data ThemeState = ThemeState {
_thsSliderThumbFactor :: Double,
_thsSliderWheelRate :: Rational,
_thsSliderWidth :: Double,
_thsTextAreaStyle :: StyleState,
_thsTooltipStyle :: StyleState,
_thsUserStyleMap :: M.Map String StyleState
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ instance Default ThemeState where
_thsSliderThumbFactor = 1.25,
_thsSliderWheelRate = 10,
_thsSliderWidth = 10,
_thsTextAreaStyle = def,
_thsTooltipStyle = def,
_thsUserStyleMap = M.empty
@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ instance Semigroup ThemeState where
_thsSliderWheelRate = _thsSliderWheelRate t2,
_thsSliderWidth = _thsSliderWidth t2,
_thsSliderRadius = _thsSliderRadius t2 <|> _thsSliderRadius t1,
_thsTextAreaStyle = _thsTextAreaStyle t1 <> _thsTextAreaStyle t2,
_thsTooltipStyle = _thsTooltipStyle t1 <> _thsTooltipStyle t2,
_thsUserStyleMap = _thsUserStyleMap t1 <> _thsUserStyleMap t2

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@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ baseBasic themeMod = def
& L.sliderStyle . L.fgColor ?~ inputFgBasic themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputHlBasic themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.sndColor ?~ inputSndBasic themeMod
& L.textAreaStyle .~ inputStyle themeMod
& L.tooltipStyle . L.text ?~ (smallFont & L.fontColor ?~ tooltipText themeMod)
& L.tooltipStyle . L.bgColor ?~ tooltipBg themeMod
& L.tooltipStyle . L.border ?~ border 1 (tooltipBorder themeMod)
@ -249,6 +250,7 @@ baseHover themeMod = baseBasic themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputHlHover themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.sndColor ?~ inputSndHover themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorHand
& L.textAreaStyle . L.cursorIcon ?~ CursorIBeam
baseFocus :: BaseThemeColors -> ThemeState
baseFocus themeMod = baseBasic themeMod
@ -272,6 +274,8 @@ baseFocus themeMod = baseBasic themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.fgColor ?~ inputFgFocus themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputHlFocus themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.sndColor ?~ inputSndFocus themeMod
& L.textAreaStyle . L.border ?~ borderFocus themeMod
& L.textAreaStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputSelFocus themeMod
baseFocusHover :: BaseThemeColors -> ThemeState
baseFocusHover themeMod = (baseHover themeMod <> baseFocus themeMod)
@ -298,6 +302,8 @@ baseActive themeMod = baseFocusHover themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.fgColor ?~ inputFgActive themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputHlActive themeMod
& L.sliderStyle . L.sndColor ?~ inputSndActive themeMod
& L.textAreaStyle . L.border ?~ borderFocus themeMod
& L.textAreaStyle . L.hlColor ?~ inputSelFocus themeMod
baseDisabled :: BaseThemeColors -> ThemeState
baseDisabled themeMod = baseBasic themeMod

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ textArea_ field configs = node where
makeTextArea :: WidgetData s Text -> TextAreaCfg -> TextAreaState -> Widget s e
makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
widget = createSingle state def {
singleGetBaseStyle = getBaseStyle,
singleInit = init,
singleDispose = dispose,
singleHandleEvent = handleEvent,
@ -109,6 +110,9 @@ makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
currText = _tasText state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
getBaseStyle wenv node = Just style where
style = collectTheme wenv L.textAreaStyle
init wenv node = resultWidget newNode where
text = getModelValue wenv
newState = stateFromText wenv node state text
@ -132,26 +136,30 @@ makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
| isMoveWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordPos Nothing
| isMoveLineL = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, tpY) Nothing
| isMoveLineR = Just $ moveCursor txt (lineLen tpY, tpY) Nothing
-- | isSelectAll = Just $ moveCursor txt 0 (Just txtLen)
-- | isSelectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp - 1) (Just tp)
-- | isSelectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tp + 1) (Just tp)
-- | isSelectWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordStartIdx (Just tp)
-- | isSelectWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordEndIdx (Just tp)
| isSelectAll = Just $ moveCursor txt (0, 0) (Just (totalLines, lineLen (totalLines - 1)))
| isSelectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX - 1, tpY) (Just tp)
| isSelectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt (tpX + 1, tpY) (Just tp)
| isSelectWordL = Just $ moveCursor txt prevWordPos (Just tp)
| isSelectWordR = Just $ moveCursor txt nextWordPos (Just tp)
-- | isSelectLineL = Just $ moveCursor txt 0 (Just tp)
-- | isSelectLineR = Just $ moveCursor txt txtLen (Just tp)
-- | isDeselectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt minTpSel Nothing
-- | isDeselectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt maxTpSel Nothing
| isDeselectLeft = Just $ moveCursor txt minTpSel Nothing
| isDeselectRight = Just $ moveCursor txt maxTpSel Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
txt = currText
txtLen = T.length txt
(tpX, tpY) = _tasCursorPos state
tp@(tpX, tpY) = _tasCursorPos state
selStart = _tasSelStart state
(minTpSel, maxTpSel)
| swap tp <= swap (fromJust selStart) = (tp, fromJust selStart)
| otherwise = (fromJust selStart, tp)
emptySel = isNothing selStart
line idx
| length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.text
| otherwise = ""
lineLen = T.length . line
totalLines = length textLines
--(part1, part2) = T.splitAt currPos currText
--currSelVal = fromMaybe 0 selStart
activeSel = isJust selStart
@ -289,6 +297,10 @@ makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
sizeReq = (minWidth 100, minHeight 100)
render wenv node renderer = do
when selRequired $
forM_ selRects $ \rect ->
drawRect renderer rect (Just selColor) Nothing
forM_ textLines (drawTextLine renderer style)
when caretRequired $
@ -300,12 +312,15 @@ makeTextArea wdata config state = widget where
caretRequired = isNodeFocused wenv node && ts `mod` 1000 < 500
caretColor = styleFontColor style
caretRect = getCaretRect state contentArea
selRequired = isJust (_tasSelStart state)
selColor = styleHlColor style
selRects = getSelectionRects state contentArea
getCaretRect :: TextAreaState -> Rect -> Rect
getCaretRect state contentArea = caretRect where
Rect cx cy cw ch = contentArea
(cursorX, cursorY) = _tasCursorPos state
TextMetrics _ _ lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
TextMetrics _ desc lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
(lineRect, glyphs) = case Seq.lookup cursorY textLines of
Just tl -> (tl ^. L.rect, tl ^. L.glyphs)
@ -316,9 +331,44 @@ getCaretRect state contentArea = caretRect where
| cursorX == length glyphs = _glpXMax (Seq.index glyphs (cursorX - 1))
| otherwise = _glpXMin (Seq.index glyphs cursorX)
caretX = max 0 $ min (cx + cw - caretW) (tx + caretPos)
caretY = cy + ty
caretY = cy + ty + desc
caretRect = Rect caretX caretY caretW lineh
getSelectionRects :: TextAreaState -> Rect -> [Rect]
getSelectionRects state contentArea = rects where
currPos = _tasCursorPos state
currSel = fromMaybe def (_tasSelStart state)
TextMetrics _ desc lineh = _tasTextMetrics state
textLines = _tasTextLines state
line idx
| length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.text
| otherwise = ""
lineLen = T.length . line
glyphs idx
| length textLines > idx = Seq.index textLines idx ^. L.glyphs
| otherwise = Seq.empty
glyphPos posx posy
| posx == 0 = 0
| posx == lineLen posy = _glpXMax (Seq.index (glyphs posy) (posx - 1))
| otherwise = _glpXMin (Seq.index (glyphs posy) posx)
((selX1, selY1), (selX2, selY2))
| swap currPos <= swap currSel = (currPos, currSel)
| otherwise = (currSel, currPos)
makeRect cx1 cx2 cy = Rect rx ry rw rh where
rx = glyphPos cx1 cy
rw = glyphPos cx2 cy - rx
ry = fromIntegral cy * lineh
rh = lineh
| selY1 == selY2 = [makeRect selX1 selX2 selY1]
| otherwise = begin : middle ++ end where
begin = makeRect selX1 (lineLen selY1) selY1
middleLines = Seq.drop selY1 . Seq.take (selY2 - selY2) $ textLines
middle = toList (view L.rect <$> textLines)
end = [makeRect 0 selX2 selY2]
offset = Point (contentArea ^. L.x) (contentArea ^. L.y + desc)
rects = moveRect offset <$> pairs
:: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> TextAreaState -> Text -> TextAreaState
stateFromText wenv node state text = newState where

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@ -626,6 +626,7 @@
- Create ContextMenu (could work similarly to Tooltip)
- Add support for multiline text editing
- Rename _thsInputNumericStyle
- Check cross compilation