Add ellipsis handling to multiline label

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-11-05 00:25:09 -03:00
parent 773f27b1ea
commit 5033bffc2f
3 changed files with 74 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -78,10 +78,19 @@ handleAppEvent model evt = case evt of
_ -> []
buildUI :: App -> WidgetInstance App AppEvent
buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree3 where
widgetTree3 = hgrid [
label "Hola\nEsta\nes\nuna\nnueva\tprueba\n\n Doble!" `style` [bgColor pink, textBottom, textCenter],
label "Este es un label bien largo para ver si se cortan correctamentereallyverybien las lineas" `style` [bgColor blue, textBottom, textRight],
vgrid [
label "1",
label "2",
label "3",
label "4",
label "5",
label "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "6",
label_ "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly, using a longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong invalid word" [textClip] `style` [bgColor blue, textBottom, textRight]
label "",
label ""

View File

@ -111,8 +111,9 @@ makeLabel config state = widget where
alignH = styleTextAlignH style
alignV = styleTextAlignV style
fontColor = styleFontColor style
tempTextLines = fitTextLines wenv style cw True caption
newTextLines = alignTextLines contentArea alignH alignV tempTextLines
textLinesW = fitTextToWidth wenv style cw True caption
textLines = fitTextLinesToHeight wenv style textOverflow cw ch textLinesW
newTextLines = alignTextLines contentArea alignH alignV textLines
newWidget = makeLabel config (LabelState caption newTextLines)
newInst = inst {
_wiWidget = newWidget
@ -178,25 +179,50 @@ getTextLinesSize textLines = size where
| Seq.null textLines = def
| otherwise = Size width height
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> StyleState
-> TextOverflow
-> Double
-> Double
-> Seq TextLine
-> Seq TextLine
fitTextLinesToHeight wenv style overflow w h Empty = Empty
fitTextLinesToHeight wenv style overflow w h (g1 :<| g2 :<| gs)
| h >= g1H + g2H = g1 :<| g2 :<| rest
| h >= g1H = Seq.singleton newG1
| otherwise = Empty
g1H = _sH (_tlSize g1)
g2H = _sH (_tlSize g2)
newH = h - g1H - g2H
rest = fitTextLinesToHeight wenv style overflow w newH gs
newG1 = case overflow of
Ellipsis -> addEllipsisToTextLine wenv style w g1
_ -> g1
fitTextLinesToHeight wenv style overflow w h (g :<| gs)
| h < _sH (_tlSize g) = Empty
| otherwise = Seq.singleton g
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> StyleState
-> Double
-> Bool
-> Text
-> Seq TextLine
fitTextLines wenv style width trim text = resultLines where
fitTextToWidth wenv style width trim text = resultLines where
font = styleFont style
fontSize = styleFontSize style
metrics = computeTextMetrics (_weRenderer wenv) font fontSize
lineH = _txhLineH metrics
helper acc currLine = (currLines <> newLines, newTop) where
helper acc line = (currLines <> newLines, newTop) where
(currLines, currTop) = acc
newLines = fitTextLine wenv font fontSize currTop width lineH trim currLine
newLines = fitLineToWidth wenv font fontSize currTop width lineH trim line
newTop = currTop + fromIntegral (Seq.length newLines) * lineH
(resultLines, _) = foldl' helper (Empty, 0) (T.lines text)
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> Font
-> FontSize
@ -206,7 +232,7 @@ fitTextLine
-> Bool
-> Text
-> Seq TextLine
fitTextLine wenv font fontSize top width lineH trim text = result where
fitLineToWidth wenv font fontSize top width lineH trim text = result where
spaces = " "
newText = T.replace "\t" spaces text
glyphs = computeGlyphsPos (_weRenderer wenv) font fontSize newText
@ -235,6 +261,30 @@ buildTextLine top lineH idx glyphs = textLine where
_tlGlyphs = glyphs
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> StyleState
-> Double
-> TextLine
-> TextLine
addEllipsisToTextLine wenv style width textLine = newTextLine where
TextLine text ts tr _ = textLine
font = styleFont style
fontSize = styleFontSize style
textWidth = _sW ts
textLen = max 1 $ fromIntegral (T.length text)
| width >= (textLen + 1) * (textWidth / textLen) = text <> "..."
| otherwise = T.dropEnd 2 text <> "..."
newGlyphs = computeGlyphsPos (_weRenderer wenv) font fontSize newText
newW = glyphSeqLen newGlyphs
newTextLine = TextLine {
_tlText = newText,
_tlSize = ts { _sW = newW },
_tlRect = tr { _rW = newW },
_tlGlyphs = newGlyphs
fitGroups :: Seq GlyphGroup -> Double -> Seq GlyphGroup
fitGroups Empty _ = Empty
fitGroups (g :<| gs) width = currentLine <| extraLines where

View File

@ -238,8 +238,10 @@ renderWrapper
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> IO ()
renderWrapper rHandler renderer wenv inst =
drawStyledAction renderer renderArea style $ \_ ->
rHandler renderer wenv inst
drawInScissor renderer True viewport $
drawStyledAction renderer renderArea style $ \_ ->
rHandler renderer wenv inst
renderArea = _wiRenderArea inst
style = activeStyle wenv inst
viewport = _wiViewport inst
renderArea = _wiRenderArea inst