Handle backwards focus change

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-04-12 18:04:59 -03:00
parent 9c6e6a381e
commit 678cad0a6e
4 changed files with 20 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -415,13 +415,14 @@ handleFocusChange renderer currentFocus systemEvent stopProcessing widgetRoot
ring <- use focusRing
oldFocus <- getCurrentFocus
newRoot1 <- handleSystemEvent renderer Blur oldFocus widgetRoot
focusRing .= rotateList ring
focusRing .= rotate ring
newFocus <- getCurrentFocus
newRoot2 <- handleSystemEvent renderer Focus newFocus newRoot1
return $ setFocusedStatus newFocus True (setFocusedStatus currentFocus False newRoot2)
| otherwise = return widgetRoot
focusChangeRequested = not stopProcessing && isKeyPressed systemEvent keycodeTab
focusChangeRequested = not stopProcessing && isKeyPressed systemEvent keyTab
rotate = if isShiftPressed systemEvent then inverseRotateList else rotateList
handleResizeChildren :: Renderer WidgetM -> [(Path, EventRequest)] -> WidgetTree -> AppM WidgetTree
handleResizeChildren renderer eventRequests widgetRoot =
@ -524,23 +525,6 @@ processCustomHandler renderer widgets path (Right val) = do
handleAppEvents renderer appEvents
>> handleResizeChildren renderer eventRequests newRoot
keycodeTab :: (Integral a) => a
keycodeTab = fromIntegral $ Keyboard.unwrapKeycode SDL.KeycodeTab
isKeyboardEvent :: SystemEvent -> Bool
isKeyboardEvent (KeyAction _ _ _) = True
isKeyboardEvent _ = False
isKeyPressed :: SystemEvent -> KeyCode -> Bool
isKeyPressed (KeyAction _ keyCode KeyPressed) keyCodeChecked = keyCode == keyCodeChecked
isKeyPressed _ _ = False
isKeyTab :: KeyCode -> Bool
isKeyTab key = matchesSDLKeyCode key SDL.KeycodeTab
matchesSDLKeyCode :: KeyCode -> SDL.Keycode -> Bool
matchesSDLKeyCode keyCode sdlKeyCode = keyCode == (fromIntegral $ Keyboard.unwrapKeycode sdlKeyCode)
handleAppEvents :: Renderer WidgetM -> SQ.Seq AppEvent -> AppM ()
handleAppEvents renderer appEvents = do
tasks <- zoom appContext $ do

View File

@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ isClipboardCopy event = checkKeyboard event (\mod code motion -> (keyModLeftGUI
isClipboardPaste :: SystemEvent -> Bool
isClipboardPaste event = checkKeyboard event (\mod code motion -> (keyModLeftGUI mod || keyModLeftCtrl mod) && isKeyV code)
isKeyboardEvent :: SystemEvent -> Bool
isKeyboardEvent (KeyAction _ _ _) = True
isKeyboardEvent _ = False
isKeyPressed :: SystemEvent -> KeyCode -> Bool
isKeyPressed (KeyAction _ keyCode KeyPressed) keyCodeChecked = keyCode == keyCodeChecked
isKeyPressed _ _ = False
isShiftPressed :: SystemEvent -> Bool
isShiftPressed (KeyAction keyMod _ _) = keyModLeftShift keyMod
isShiftPressed _ = False

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@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ keyLeft = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeLeft
keyRight = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeRight
keyUp = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeUp
keyDown = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeDown
keyTab = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeTab
keyC = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeC
keyV = getKeycode SDL.KeycodeV

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@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ rotateList :: [a] -> [a]
rotateList [] = []
rotateList (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]
inverseRotateList :: [a] -> [a]
inverseRotateList [] = []
inverseRotateList xs = last xs : init xs
rotateUntil :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
rotateUntil val list = case elemIndex val list of
Nothing -> list