Fix focus handling (navigating to previous was not working)

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-09-28 15:11:53 -03:00
parent 47f28ab3cb
commit 6931a1543a
9 changed files with 63 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ runApp window theme widgetRoot = do
mainModel .= _weModel newWenv
pathFocus .= findNextFocus newWenv rootPath resizedRoot
pathFocus .= findNextFocus newWenv FocusFwd rootPath resizedRoot
mainLoop window renderer loopArgs

View File

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ handleFocusChange systemEvent stopProcessing (wenv, events, widgetRoot)
oldFocus <- use pathFocus
(wenv1, events1, root1) <- handleSystemEvent wenv Blur oldFocus widgetRoot
let newFocus = findNextFocus wenv1 oldFocus root1
let newFocus = findNextFocus wenv1 focusDirection oldFocus root1
let tempWenv = wenv1 {
_weFocusedPath = newFocus
@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ handleFocusChange systemEvent stopProcessing (wenv, events, widgetRoot)
| otherwise = return (wenv, events, widgetRoot)
focusChangeRequested = not stopProcessing && isKeyPressed systemEvent keyTab
| isShiftPressed systemEvent = FocusBwd
| otherwise = FocusFwd
:: (MonomerM s m)

View File

@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ initMonomerContext model winSize useHiDPI devicePixelRate = MonomerContext {
_mcWidgetTasks = Seq.empty
findNextFocus :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Path
findNextFocus wenv currentFocus widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
:: WidgetEnv s e -> FocusDirection -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Path
findNextFocus wenv direction focus widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
candidateFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv currentFocus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv rootPath widgetRoot
nextFocus = candidateFocus <|> fromRootFocus <|> Just currentFocus
candidateFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction focus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction rootPath widgetRoot
nextFocus = candidateFocus <|> fromRootFocus <|> Just focus
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Size -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ type ContainerGetStateHandler s e
type ContainerFindNextFocusHandler s e
= WidgetEnv s e
-> FocusDirection
-> Path
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Maybe Path
@ -262,16 +263,20 @@ defaultGetState _ = Nothing
-- | Find next focusable item
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultFindNextFocus wenv startFrom widgetInst = nextFocus where
children = _wiChildren widgetInst
isBeforeTarget ch = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom ch
nextCandidate ch = widgetFindNextFocus (_wiWidget ch) wenv startFrom ch
:: WidgetEnv s e -> FocusDirection -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultFindNextFocus wenv direction start widgetInst = nextFocus where
| direction == FocusFwd = _wiChildren widgetInst
| otherwise = Seq.reverse (_wiChildren widgetInst)
isBeforeTarget ch
| direction == FocusFwd = isTargetBeforeCurrent start ch
| otherwise = isTargetAfterCurrent start ch
nextCandidate ch = widgetFindNextFocus (_wiWidget ch) wenv direction start ch
filtered = Seq.filter isBeforeTarget children
candidates = fmap nextCandidate filtered
focusedPaths = fmap fromJust (Seq.filter isJust candidates)
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
| isFocusCandidate direction start widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Seq.lookup 0 focusedPaths
-- | Find instance matching point

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ type SingleGetStateHandler s e
type SingleFindNextFocusHandler s e
= WidgetEnv s e
-> FocusDirection
-> Path
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Maybe Path
@ -156,8 +157,8 @@ mergeWrapper mergeHandler wenv oldInst newInst = result where
result = mergeHandler wenv oldState tempInst
defaultFindNextFocus :: SingleFindNextFocusHandler s e
defaultFindNextFocus wenv startFrom widgetInst
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
defaultFindNextFocus wenv direction startFrom widgetInst
| isFocusCandidate direction startFrom widgetInst = Just (_wiPath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Nothing
defaultFindByPoint :: SingleFindByPointHandler s e

View File

@ -173,14 +173,15 @@ compositeFindNextFocus
:: Composite s e ep
-> CompositeState s e
-> WidgetEnv sp ep
-> FocusDirection
-> Path
-> WidgetInstance sp ep
-> Maybe Path
compositeFindNextFocus comp state wenv startFrom widgetComp = nextFocus where
compositeFindNextFocus comp state wenv dir start widgetComp = nextFocus where
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _wiWidget _cmpRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _cmpGlobalKeys _cmpModel
nextFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget cwenv startFrom _cmpRoot
nextFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget cwenv dir start _cmpRoot
-- | Find

View File

@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ import Monomer.Graphics.Types
type Timestamp = Int
type GlobalKeys s e = Map WidgetKey (WidgetInstance s e)
data FocusDirection
= FocusFwd
| FocusBwd
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype WidgetType
= WidgetType { unWidgetType :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ data Widget s e =
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> FocusDirection
-> Path
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Maybe Path,

View File

@ -354,13 +354,24 @@ resizeInstance wenv inst = newInst where
instReqs = widgetUpdateSizeReq (_wiWidget inst) wenv inst
newInst = widgetResize (_wiWidget instReqs) wenv viewport renderArea instReqs
isFocusCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isFocusCandidate :: FocusDirection -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusCandidate FocusFwd = isFocusFwdCandidate
isFocusCandidate FocusBwd = isFocusBwdCandidate
isFocusFwdCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusFwdCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isBefore = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _wiFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _wiVisible widgetInst && _wiEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isBefore && isFocusable && isEnabled
isFocusBwdCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusBwdCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isAfter = isTargetAfterCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _wiFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _wiVisible widgetInst && _wiEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isAfter && isFocusable && isEnabled
isTargetReached :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetReached target widgetInst = target == _wiPath widgetInst
@ -381,6 +392,13 @@ isTargetBeforeCurrent target widgetInst = result where
| lenTarget > lenCurrent = targetPrefix <= currentPath
| otherwise = target < currentPath
isTargetAfterCurrent :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetAfterCurrent target widgetInst
| target == rootPath = True
| otherwise = target > currentPath
currentPath = _wiPath widgetInst
numberInBounds :: (Ord a, Num a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> a -> Bool
numberInBounds Nothing Nothing _ = True
numberInBounds (Just minVal) Nothing val = val >= minVal

View File

@ -178,13 +178,21 @@
- textField should support textFieldV and validInputV
- Add mandatory event parameter for V constructors
- Why does the model update when trying to input a char in FloatingInput?
- Focus event not received after clicking and gaining focus
- Pending
- Focus event not received after clicking and gaining focus
- Rethink focus handling. Maybe return a list of all focusable elements? Currently shift-tab is not possible
- Ver si tiene sentido esta opcion o es mejor volver a dos funciones
- Empezar desde atras pero con logica similar a la normal
- Think about argument position for widgets, in particular listview/radio
- Should value come before items/option?
- Should we use a list of configs instead of <> operator?
- Compare Cairo/Skia interfaces to make Renderer able to handle future implementations
- Can _wiChildren be removed from Widget and only be kept in Container?
- Rename spacer