Restrict area of focus changes. Improve dropdown communication with ListView

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-10-21 21:37:39 -03:00
parent eb3344f705
commit 6dd083d7f2
14 changed files with 154 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import Monomer.Core.Style
import Monomer.Core.WidgetTypes
import Monomer.Core.Util
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Main.Util
import Monomer.Widgets
data EditableItem = EditableItem {

View File

@ -76,7 +76,12 @@ handleAppEvent model evt = case evt of
_ -> Model model
buildUI :: App -> WidgetInstance App AppEvent
buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
buildUI model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree5 where
widgetTree5 = vstack [
textDropdown_ textField1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx] `style` [bgColor lightBlue],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [minWidth 200]
widgetTree = zstack [
alert "Message" CloseAlert `visible` model ^. showAlert,

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import TextShow
import Monomer.Core.Combinators
import Monomer.Core.Style
import Monomer.Graphics.Color
import Monomer.Main.Util
import Monomer.Core.WidgetTypes
import Monomer.Core.Util
import Monomer.Widgets

View File

@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class OnTextOverflow t where
textEllipsis :: t
textClip :: t
class SelectOnBlur t where
selectOnBlur :: Bool -> t
class SelectOnFocus t where
selectOnFocus :: Bool -> t
@ -78,6 +81,12 @@ class Num a => MaxValue t a | t -> a where
maxValue :: a -> t
-- Events
class OnBlur t e | t -> e where
onBlur :: e -> t
class OnBlurReq t s | t -> s where
onBlurReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnClick t e | t -> e where
onClick :: e -> t

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ runApp window theme fonts widgetRoot = do
mainModel .= _weModel newWenv
pathFocus .= findNextFocus newWenv FocusFwd rootPath resizedRoot
pathFocus .= findNextFocus newWenv FocusFwd rootPath Nothing resizedRoot
mainLoop window renderer loopArgs

View File

@ -155,9 +155,10 @@ handleFocusChange
handleFocusChange systemEvent stopProcessing (wenv, events, widgetRoot)
| focusChangeRequested = do
oldFocus <- use L.pathFocus
overlay <- use L.pathOverlay
(wenv1, events1, root1) <- handleSystemEvent wenv Blur oldFocus widgetRoot
let newFocus = findNextFocus wenv1 focusDirection oldFocus root1
let newFocus = findNextFocus wenv1 focusDirection oldFocus overlay root1
let tempWenv = wenv1 {
_weFocusedPath = newFocus

View File

@ -34,11 +34,19 @@ initMonomerContext model winSize useHiDPI devicePixelRate = MonomerContext {
:: WidgetEnv s e -> FocusDirection -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Path
findNextFocus wenv direction focus widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> FocusDirection
-> Path
-> Maybe Path
-> WidgetInstance s e
-> Path
findNextFocus wenv direction focus overlay widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
widget = _wiWidget widgetRoot
candidateFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction focus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus = widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction rootPath widgetRoot
restartPath = fromMaybe rootPath overlay
candidateFocus =
widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction focus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus =
widgetFindNextFocus widget wenv direction restartPath widgetRoot
nextFocus = candidateFocus <|> fromRootFocus <|> Just focus

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ module Monomer.Widgets.Alert (
) where
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Lens ((&), (.~))
import Data.Default

View File

@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ findNextFocusWrapper handler wenv direction start widgetInst = nextFocus where
| direction == FocusFwd = handlerResult
| otherwise = Seq.reverse handlerResult
isBeforeTarget ch
| direction == FocusFwd = isTargetBeforeCurrent start ch
| otherwise = isTargetAfterCurrent start ch
| direction == FocusFwd = isTargetBeforeWidget start ch
| otherwise = isTargetAfterWidget start ch
nextCandidate ch = widgetFindNextFocus (_wiWidget ch) wenv direction start ch
filtered = Seq.filter isBeforeTarget children
candidates = fmap nextCandidate filtered

View File

@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ newtype DropdownState = DropdownState {
_isOpen :: Bool
newtype DropdownMessage
data DropdownMessage
= OnChangeMessage Int
| OnListBlur
deriving Typeable
@ -207,68 +208,70 @@ makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config state = widget where
isOpen = _isOpen state
currentValue wenv = widgetDataGet (_weModel wenv) widgetData
createDropdown wenv newState widgetInst = newInstance where
createDropdown wenv newState inst = newInstance where
selected = currentValue wenv
path = _wiPath widgetInst
path = _wiPath inst
listViewInst = makeListView widgetData items makeRow config path selected
newWidget = makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config newState
newInstance = widgetInst {
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = newWidget,
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton listViewInst
init wenv widgetInst = resultWidget $ createDropdown wenv state widgetInst
init wenv inst = resultWidget $ createDropdown wenv state inst
merge wenv oldState newInst = result where
newState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
result = resultWidget $ createDropdown wenv newState newInst
handleEvent wenv target evt widgetInst = case evt of
handleEvent wenv target evt inst = case evt of
Click point _
| openRequired point widgetInst -> Just $ openDropdown wenv widgetInst
| closeRequired point widgetInst -> Just $ closeDropdown wenv widgetInst
| openRequired point inst -> Just $ openDropdown wenv inst
| closeRequired point inst -> Just $ closeDropdown wenv inst
KeyAction mode code status
| isKeyOpenDropdown && not isOpen -> Just $ openDropdown wenv widgetInst
| isKeyEsc code && isOpen -> Just $ closeDropdown wenv widgetInst
| isKeyOpenDropdown && not isOpen -> Just $ openDropdown wenv inst
| isKeyEsc code && isOpen -> Just $ closeDropdown wenv inst
where isKeyOpenDropdown = isKeyDown code || isKeyUp code
| not isOpen -> Just $ resultReqs [IgnoreChildrenEvents] widgetInst
| not isOpen -> Just $ resultReqs [IgnoreChildrenEvents] inst
| otherwise -> Nothing
openRequired point widgetInst = not isOpen && inViewport where
inViewport = pointInRect point (_wiViewport widgetInst)
openRequired point inst = not isOpen && inViewport where
inViewport = pointInRect point (_wiViewport inst)
closeRequired point widgetInst = isOpen && not inOverlay where
inOverlay = case Seq.lookup 0 (_wiChildren widgetInst) of
closeRequired point inst = isOpen && not inOverlay where
inOverlay = case Seq.lookup 0 (_wiChildren inst) of
Just inst -> pointInRect point (_wiViewport inst)
Nothing -> False
openDropdown wenv widgetInst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
openDropdown wenv inst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
selected = currentValue wenv
selectedIdx = fromMaybe 0 (Seq.elemIndexL selected items)
newState = DropdownState True
newInstance = widgetInst {
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config newState
path = _wiPath widgetInst
path = _wiPath inst
-- listView is wrapped by a scroll
lvPath = path |> 0 |> 0
requests = [SetOverlay path, SetFocus lvPath]
closeDropdown wenv widgetInst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
path = _wiPath widgetInst
closeDropdown wenv inst = resultReqs requests newInstance where
path = _wiPath inst
newState = DropdownState False
newInstance = widgetInst {
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config newState
requests = [ResetOverlay, SetFocus path]
handleMessage wenv target message widgetInst = cast message
>>= \(OnChangeMessage idx) -> Seq.lookup idx items
>>= \value -> Just $ onChange wenv idx value widgetInst
handleMessage wenv target msg inst = cast msg >>= handleLvMsg wenv inst
onChange wenv idx item widgetInst = result where
WidgetResult reqs events newInstance = closeDropdown wenv widgetInst
handleLvMsg wenv inst (OnChangeMessage idx) = Seq.lookup idx items
>>= \value -> Just $ onChange wenv idx value inst
handleLvMsg wenv inst OnListBlur = Just $ closeDropdown wenv inst
onChange wenv idx item inst = result where
WidgetResult reqs events newInstance = closeDropdown wenv inst
newReqs = Seq.fromList $ widgetDataSet widgetData item
++ _ddcOnChangeReq config
++ fmap ($ idx) (_ddcOnChangeIdxReq config)
@ -276,13 +279,13 @@ makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config state = widget where
++ fmap (\fn -> fn idx item) (_ddcOnChangeIdx config)
result = WidgetResult (reqs <> newReqs) (events <> newEvents) newInstance
getSizeReq wenv widgetInst children = sizeReq where
style = instanceStyle wenv widgetInst
getSizeReq wenv inst children = sizeReq where
style = instanceStyle wenv inst
Size w h = getTextSize wenv style (dropdownLabel wenv)
factor = 1
sizeReq = (FlexSize w factor, FixedSize h)
resize wenv viewport renderArea children widgetInst = resized where
resize wenv viewport renderArea children inst = resized where
Size winW winH = _weAppWindowSize wenv
Rect rx ry rw rh = renderArea
dropdownY dh
@ -302,9 +305,9 @@ makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config state = widget where
Nothing -> (viewport, renderArea)
assignedArea = Seq.singleton area
resized = (widgetInst, assignedArea)
resized = (inst, assignedArea)
render renderer wenv widgetInst@WidgetInstance{..} = do
render renderer wenv inst@WidgetInstance{..} = do
drawStyledBackground renderer renderArea style
drawStyledText_ renderer renderArea style (dropdownLabel wenv)
@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ makeDropdown widgetData items makeMain makeRow config state = widget where
listViewOverlay = Seq.lookup 0 _wiChildren
renderArea = _wiRenderArea
style = instanceStyle wenv widgetInst
style = instanceStyle wenv inst
renderOverlay renderer wenv overlayInstance = renderAction where
widget = _wiWidget overlayInstance
@ -334,6 +337,8 @@ makeListView
makeListView value items makeRow config path selected = listViewInst where
DropdownCfg{..} = config
lvConfig = [
selectOnBlur True,
onBlurReq (SendMessage path OnListBlur),
onChangeIdxReq (SendMessage path . OnChangeMessage),
setStyle _ddcSelectedStyle selectedStyle,
setStyle _ddcHoverStyle hoverStyle,

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (<|), (|>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Monomer.Graphics.Lens
@ -35,10 +36,13 @@ import Monomer.Widgets.Stack
import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L
data ListViewCfg s e a = ListViewCfg {
_lvcOnBlur :: [e],
_lvcOnBlurReq :: [WidgetRequest s],
_lvcOnChange :: [a -> e],
_lvcOnChangeReq :: [WidgetRequest s],
_lvcOnChangeIdx :: [Int -> a -> e],
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq :: [Int -> WidgetRequest s],
_lvcSelectedOnBlur :: Maybe Bool,
_lvcSelectedStyle :: Maybe StyleState,
_lvcHoverStyle :: Maybe StyleState,
_lvcHighlightedColor :: Maybe Color
@ -46,10 +50,13 @@ data ListViewCfg s e a = ListViewCfg {
instance Default (ListViewCfg s e a) where
def = ListViewCfg {
_lvcOnBlur = [],
_lvcOnBlurReq = [],
_lvcOnChange = [],
_lvcOnChangeReq = [],
_lvcOnChangeIdx = [],
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = [],
_lvcSelectedOnBlur = Nothing,
_lvcSelectedStyle = Just $ bgColor gray,
_lvcHoverStyle = Just $ bgColor darkGray,
_lvcHighlightedColor = Just lightGray
@ -57,10 +64,13 @@ instance Default (ListViewCfg s e a) where
instance Semigroup (ListViewCfg s e a) where
(<>) t1 t2 = ListViewCfg {
_lvcOnBlur = _lvcOnBlur t1 <> _lvcOnBlur t2,
_lvcOnBlurReq = _lvcOnBlurReq t1 <> _lvcOnBlurReq t2,
_lvcOnChange = _lvcOnChange t1 <> _lvcOnChange t2,
_lvcOnChangeReq = _lvcOnChangeReq t1 <> _lvcOnChangeReq t2,
_lvcOnChangeIdx = _lvcOnChangeIdx t1 <> _lvcOnChangeIdx t2,
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = _lvcOnChangeIdxReq t1 <> _lvcOnChangeIdxReq t2,
_lvcSelectedOnBlur = _lvcSelectedOnBlur t2 <|> _lvcSelectedOnBlur t1,
_lvcSelectedStyle = _lvcSelectedStyle t2 <|> _lvcSelectedStyle t1,
_lvcHoverStyle = _lvcHoverStyle t2 <|> _lvcHoverStyle t1,
_lvcHighlightedColor = _lvcHighlightedColor t2 <|> _lvcHighlightedColor t1
@ -68,15 +78,28 @@ instance Semigroup (ListViewCfg s e a) where
instance Monoid (ListViewCfg s e a) where
mempty = ListViewCfg {
_lvcOnBlur = [],
_lvcOnBlurReq = [],
_lvcOnChange = [],
_lvcOnChangeReq = [],
_lvcOnChangeIdx = [],
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = [],
_lvcSelectedOnBlur = Nothing,
_lvcSelectedStyle = Nothing,
_lvcHoverStyle = Nothing,
_lvcHighlightedColor = Nothing
instance OnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_lvcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_lvcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (ListViewCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_lvcOnChange = [fn]
@ -97,6 +120,11 @@ instance OnChangeIdxReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = [req]
instance SelectOnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) where
selectOnBlur select = def {
_lvcSelectedOnBlur = Just select
instance SelectedStyle (ListViewCfg s e a) where
selectedStyle style = def {
_lvcSelectedStyle = Just style
@ -203,103 +231,115 @@ makeListView widgetData items makeRow config state = widget where
currentValue wenv = widgetDataGet (_weModel wenv) widgetData
createListView wenv newState widgetInst = newInstance where
createListView wenv newState inst = newInstance where
selected = currentValue wenv
highlighted = _highlighted newState
path = _wiPath widgetInst
path = _wiPath inst
itemsList = makeItemsList items makeRow config path selected highlighted
newInstance = widgetInst {
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeListView widgetData items makeRow config newState,
_wiChildren = Seq.singleton itemsList
init wenv widgetInst = resultWidget $ createListView wenv state widgetInst
init wenv inst = resultWidget $ createListView wenv state inst
merge wenv oldState newInstance = result where
newState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
result = resultWidget $ createListView wenv newState newInstance
handleEvent wenv target evt widgetInst = case evt of
handleEvent wenv target evt inst = case evt of
Blur -> result where
isTabPressed = getKeyStatus (_weInputStatus wenv) keyTab == KeyPressed
changeReq = isTabPressed && fromMaybe False (_lvcSelectedOnBlur config)
WidgetResult tempReqs tempEvts tempInst
| changeReq = selectItem wenv inst (_highlighted state)
| otherwise = resultWidget inst
evts = tempEvts <> Seq.fromList (_lvcOnBlur config)
reqs = tempReqs <> Seq.fromList (_lvcOnBlurReq config)
mergedResult = Just $ WidgetResult reqs evts tempInst
| changeReq || not (null evts && null reqs) = mergedResult
| otherwise = Nothing
KeyAction mode code status
| isKeyDown code && status == KeyPressed -> highlightNext wenv widgetInst
| isKeyUp code && status == KeyPressed -> highlightPrev wenv widgetInst
| isKeyDown code && status == KeyPressed -> highlightNext wenv inst
| isKeyUp code && status == KeyPressed -> highlightPrev wenv inst
| isSelectKey code && status == KeyPressed -> resultSelected
resultSelected = Just $ selectItem wenv widgetInst (_highlighted state)
resultSelected = Just $ selectItem wenv inst (_highlighted state)
isSelectKey code = isKeyReturn code || isKeySpace code
_ -> Nothing
highlightNext wenv widgetInst = highlightItem wenv widgetInst nextIdx where
highlightNext wenv inst = highlightItem wenv inst nextIdx where
tempIdx = _highlighted state
| tempIdx < length items - 1 = tempIdx + 1
| otherwise = tempIdx
highlightPrev wenv widgetInst = highlightItem wenv widgetInst nextIdx where
highlightPrev wenv inst = highlightItem wenv inst nextIdx where
tempIdx = _highlighted state
| tempIdx > 0 = tempIdx - 1
| otherwise = tempIdx
handleMessage wenv target message widgetInst = result where
handleSelect (OnClickMessage idx) = selectItem wenv widgetInst idx
handleMessage wenv target message inst = result where
handleSelect (OnClickMessage idx) = selectItem wenv inst idx
result = fmap handleSelect (cast message)
highlightItem wenv widgetInst nextIdx = result where
highlightItem wenv inst nextIdx = result where
newState = ListViewState nextIdx
newWidget = makeListView widgetData items makeRow config newState
-- ListView's merge uses the old widget's state. Since we want the newly
-- created state, the old widget is replaced here
oldInstance = widgetInst {
oldInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = newWidget
-- ListView's tree will be rebuilt in merge, before merging its children,
-- so it does not matter what we currently have
newInstance = oldInstance
widgetResult = widgetMerge newWidget wenv oldInstance newInstance
scrollToReq = itemScrollTo widgetInst nextIdx
scrollToReq = itemScrollTo inst nextIdx
requests = Seq.fromList scrollToReq
result = Just $ widgetResult {
_wrRequests = requests,
_wrWidget = resizeInstance wenv (_wrWidget widgetResult)
selectItem wenv widgetInst idx = result where
selectItem wenv inst idx = result where
selected = currentValue wenv
value = fromMaybe selected (Seq.lookup idx items)
valueSetReq = widgetDataSet widgetData value
scrollToReq = itemScrollTo widgetInst idx
scrollToReq = itemScrollTo inst idx
events = fmap ($ value) (_lvcOnChange config)
++ fmap (\fn -> fn idx value) (_lvcOnChangeIdx config)
changeReqs = _lvcOnChangeReq config
++ fmap ($ idx) (_lvcOnChangeIdxReq config)
focusReq = [SetFocus $ _wiPath widgetInst]
focusReq = [SetFocus $ _wiPath inst]
requests = valueSetReq ++ scrollToReq ++ changeReqs ++ focusReq
newState = ListViewState idx
newInstance = widgetInst {
newInstance = inst {
_wiWidget = makeListView widgetData items makeRow config newState
result = resultReqsEvents requests events newInstance
itemScrollTo widgetInst idx = maybeToList (fmap scrollReq renderArea) where
renderArea = itemRenderArea widgetInst idx
scrollPath = parentPath widgetInst
itemScrollTo inst idx = maybeToList (fmap scrollReq renderArea) where
renderArea = itemRenderArea inst idx
scrollPath = parentPath inst
scrollReq rect = SendMessage scrollPath (ScrollTo rect)
itemRenderArea widgetInst idx = renderArea where
itemRenderArea inst idx = renderArea where
lookup idx inst = Seq.lookup idx (_wiChildren inst)
renderArea = fmap _wiRenderArea $ pure widgetInst
renderArea = fmap _wiRenderArea $ pure inst
>>= lookup 0 -- vstack
>>= lookup idx -- item
getSizeReq wenv widgetInst children = (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) where
getSizeReq wenv inst children = (newSizeReqW, newSizeReqH) where
child = Seq.index children 0
newSizeReqW = _wiSizeReqW child
newSizeReqH = _wiSizeReqH child
resize wenv viewport renderArea children widgetInst = resized where
resize wenv viewport renderArea children inst = resized where
assignedArea = Seq.singleton (viewport, renderArea)
resized = (widgetInst, assignedArea)
resized = (inst, assignedArea)
render renderer wenv inst = do
renderWrapper defaultRender renderer wenv inst

View File

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ isFocusCandidate FocusBwd = isFocusBwdCandidate
isFocusFwdCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusFwdCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isBefore = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isBefore = isTargetBeforeWidget startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _wiFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _wiVisible widgetInst && _wiEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isBefore && isFocusable && isEnabled
isFocusBwdCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusBwdCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isAfter = isTargetAfterCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isAfter = isTargetAfterWidget startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _wiFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _wiVisible widgetInst && _wiEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isAfter && isFocusable && isEnabled
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ isTargetValid target widgetInst = valid where
Just step -> step < Seq.length children
Nothing -> False
isTargetBeforeCurrent :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetBeforeCurrent target widgetInst = result where
isTargetBeforeWidget :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetBeforeWidget target widgetInst = result where
currentPath = _wiPath widgetInst
lenTarget = Seq.length target
lenCurrent = Seq.length currentPath
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ isTargetBeforeCurrent target widgetInst = result where
| lenTarget > lenCurrent = targetPrefix <= currentPath
| otherwise = target < currentPath
isTargetAfterCurrent :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetAfterCurrent target widgetInst
isTargetAfterWidget :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetAfterWidget target widgetInst
| target == rootPath = True
| otherwise = target > currentPath

View File

@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Misc where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Monomer.Core
import Monomer.Event
pointInViewport :: Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
pointInViewport p inst = pointInRect p (_wiViewport inst)
getKeyStatus :: InputStatus -> KeyCode -> KeyStatus
getKeyStatus inputStatus code = status where
keys = _ipsKeys inputStatus
status = fromMaybe KeyReleased (M.lookup code keys)
isShortCutControl :: WidgetEnv s e -> KeyMod -> Bool
isShortCutControl wenv mod = isControl || isCommand where
isControl = not (isMacOS wenv) && _kmLeftCtrl mod

View File

@ -231,11 +231,13 @@
- Most likely handled as part of style. Discard margins, but consider border + padding
- Maybe also add an option like SetOverlay
- Handle findNextFocus in zstack (only consider top layer, unless configured otherwise)
- Keyboard not working on dropdown
- Pending
- Keyboard not working on dropdown
- Add way of ignoring unassigned events in stack (or return nothing on findByPoint)
- Make sure that focus change requests do not leave overlay if active (most likely an if clause is needed in handleFocusChange)
- Add way of requesting findNextFocus (needed on Dropdown)
- Return list of actions instead of Monoid in eventHandler
- Use theme for all components
- Multiline label
- Add testing