Improve focus handling

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-07-24 19:27:25 -03:00
parent 189930c204
commit 78773159b5
7 changed files with 36 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -75,14 +75,17 @@ runWidgets window c widgetRoot = do
_weInputStatus = defInputStatus,
_weTimestamp = ticks
(newWenv, _, initializedRoot) <- handleWidgetInit renderer wenv widgetRoot
let pathReadyRoot = widgetRoot {
_instancePath = Seq.singleton 0
(newWenv, _, initializedRoot) <- handleWidgetInit renderer wenv pathReadyRoot
let newWidgetRoot = resizeWidget wenv newWindowSize initializedRoot
let resizedRoot = resizeWidget newWenv newWindowSize initializedRoot
mainModel .= _weModel newWenv
focused .= findNextFocusable newWenv rootPath newWidgetRoot
focused .= findNextFocusable newWenv rootPath resizedRoot
mainLoop window c renderer widgetPlatform ticks 0 0 newWidgetRoot
mainLoop window c renderer widgetPlatform ticks 0 0 resizedRoot
mainLoop :: (MonomerM s m) => SDL.Window -> NV.Context -> Renderer m -> WidgetPlatform -> Int -> Int -> Int -> WidgetInstance s e -> m ()
mainLoop window c renderer widgetPlatform !prevTicks !tsAccum !frames widgetRoot = do

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Monomer.Main.Util where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -28,9 +29,11 @@ initMonomerContext model winSize useHiDPI devicePixelRate = MonomerContext {
findNextFocusable :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Path
findNextFocusable wenv currentFocus widgetRoot = fromMaybe rootFocus candidateFocus where
candidateFocus = _widgetNextFocusable (_instanceWidget widgetRoot) wenv currentFocus widgetRoot
rootFocus = fromMaybe currentFocus $ _widgetNextFocusable (_instanceWidget widgetRoot) wenv rootPath widgetRoot
findNextFocusable wenv currentFocus widgetRoot = fromJust nextFocus where
widget = _instanceWidget widgetRoot
candidateFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget wenv currentFocus widgetRoot
fromRootFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget wenv rootPath widgetRoot
nextFocus = candidateFocus <|> fromRootFocus <|> Just currentFocus
resizeWidget :: WidgetEnv s e -> Size -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
resizeWidget wenv windowSize widgetRoot = newWidgetRoot where

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@ -125,17 +125,15 @@ mergeChildren wenv oldFull@(oldChild :<| oldChildren) (newChild :<| newChildren)
-- | Find next focusable item
containerNextFocusable :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
containerNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInstance = nextFocus where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInstance
filterChildren child = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom child && not (isTargetReached startFrom child)
indexes = Seq.fromList [0..length children]
maybeFocused = fmap getFocused (Seq.filter filterChildren children)
focusedPaths = fromJust <$> Seq.filter isJust maybeFocused
nextFocus = Seq.lookup 0 focusedPaths
isFocusable child = _instanceFocusable child && _instanceEnabled child
getFocused child
| isFocusable child = Just (_instancePath child)
| otherwise = _widgetNextFocusable (_instanceWidget child) wenv startFrom child
containerNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInst = nextFocus where
children = _instanceChildren widgetInst
isBeforeTarget ch = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom ch
nextCandidate ch = _widgetNextFocusable (_instanceWidget ch) wenv startFrom ch
candidates = fmap nextCandidate (Seq.filter isBeforeTarget children)
focusedPaths = fmap fromJust (Seq.filter isJust candidates)
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_instancePath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Seq.lookup 0 focusedPaths
-- | Find instance matching point
containerFind :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path

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@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ widgetMerge mergeHandler wenv oldInstance newInstance = result where
result = mergeHandler wenv oldState newInstance
defaultNextFocusable :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInstance = Nothing
defaultNextFocusable wenv startFrom widgetInst
| isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = Just (_instancePath widgetInst)
| otherwise = Nothing
defaultFind :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> Point -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe Path
defaultFind wenv path point widgetInstance = Just $ _instancePath widgetInstance
defaultFind wenv path point widgetInstance = Just (_instancePath widgetInstance)
defaultHandleEvent :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> SystemEvent -> WidgetInstance s e -> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)
defaultHandleEvent wenv target evt widgetInstance = Nothing

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@ -133,10 +133,7 @@ compositeNextFocusable comp state wenv startFrom widgetComposite = nextFocus whe
CompositeState{..} = state
widget = _instanceWidget _compositeRoot
cwenv = convertWidgetEnv wenv _compositeGlobalKeys _compositeModel
isEnabled = _instanceEnabled _compositeRoot
| isEnabled = _widgetNextFocusable widget cwenv startFrom _compositeRoot
| otherwise = Nothing
nextFocus = _widgetNextFocusable widget cwenv startFrom _compositeRoot
compositeFind :: CompositeState s e -> WidgetEnv sp ep -> Path -> Point -> WidgetInstance sp ep -> Maybe Path
compositeFind CompositeState{..} wenv startPath point widgetComposite

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@ -175,6 +175,13 @@ nextTargetStep target widgetInst = nextStep where
isFocused :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocused ctx widgetInst = _weFocusedPath ctx == _instancePath widgetInst
isFocusCandidate :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocusCandidate startFrom widgetInst = isValid where
isBefore = isTargetBeforeCurrent startFrom widgetInst
isFocusable = _instanceFocusable widgetInst
isEnabled = _instanceVisible widgetInst && _instanceEnabled widgetInst
isValid = isBefore && isFocusable && isEnabled
isTargetReached :: Path -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isTargetReached target widgetInst = target == _instancePath widgetInst

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@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
- Should Resize be restored? -> Restored
- Make sure enabled/visible attributes are being used
- This needs modifying WidgetContext (former PathContext) to include visible and enabled attributes
- Pending
- Move widgetPath into WidgetInstance (do it in init/merge)
- Move currentPath into WidgetInstance
- Move focusedPath and targetPath to WidgetEnv
- Visible and enabled would get updated on init/merge
- Pending
- Format code!
- Add testing
- Delayed until this point to try to settle down interfaces