Switch item positions in cursor related tuples

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-02-15 00:12:49 -03:00
parent d23ee09e00
commit 7cf5fa2268
5 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ data WidgetEnv s e = WidgetEnv {
_weOverlayPath :: Maybe Path,
_weDragStatus :: Maybe (Path, WidgetDragMsg),
_weMainBtnPress :: Maybe (Path, Point),
_weCursor :: Maybe (CursorIcon, Path),
_weCursor :: Maybe (Path, CursorIcon),
_weModel :: s,
_weInputStatus :: InputStatus,
_weTimestamp :: Timestamp,

View File

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ handleSetCursorIcon
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleSetCursorIcon wid icon previousStep = do
cursors <- use L.cursorStack >>= dropNonParentWidgetId wid
L.cursorStack .= (icon, wid) : cursors
L.cursorStack .= (wid, icon) : cursors
cursor <- (Map.! icon) <$> use L.cursorIcons
SDLE.setCursor cursor
@ -407,10 +407,10 @@ handleResetCursorIcon
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleResetCursorIcon wid previousStep = do
cursors <- use L.cursorStack >>= dropNonParentWidgetId wid
let newCursors = dropWhile ((==wid) . snd) cursors
let newCursors = dropWhile ((==wid) . fst) cursors
let newCursorIcon
| null newCursors = CursorArrow
| otherwise = fst . head $ newCursors
| otherwise = snd . head $ newCursors
L.cursorStack .= newCursors
cursor <- (Map.! newCursorIcon) <$> use L.cursorIcons
SDLE.setCursor cursor
@ -751,8 +751,8 @@ cursorToSDL CursorDiagTR = SDLEnum.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW
:: (MonomerM s m)
=> WidgetId
-> [(CursorIcon, WidgetId)]
-> m [(CursorIcon, WidgetId)]
-> [(WidgetId, a)]
-> m [(WidgetId, a)]
dropNonParentWidgetId wid [] = return []
dropNonParentWidgetId wid (x:xs) = do
path <- getWidgetIdPath wid
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ dropNonParentWidgetId wid (x:xs) = do
then return (x:xs)
else dropNonParentWidgetId wid xs
(cursor, cwid) = x
(cwid, _) = x
isParentPath parent child = seqStartsWith parent child && parent /= child

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ data MonomerCtx s = MonomerCtx {
_mcHdpi :: Bool,
_mcDpr :: Double,
_mcInputStatus :: InputStatus,
_mcCursorStack :: [(CursorIcon, WidgetId)],
_mcCursorStack :: [(WidgetId, CursorIcon)],
_mcFocusedPath :: Path,
_mcHoveredPath :: Maybe Path,
_mcOverlayWidgetId :: Maybe WidgetId,
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ data MonomerCtx s = MonomerCtx {
data MonomerCtxPersist = MonomerCtxPersist {
_mcpCursorStack :: [(CursorIcon, WidgetId)],
_mcpCursorStack :: [(WidgetId, CursorIcon)],
_mcpFocusedPath :: Path,
_mcpHoveredPath :: Maybe Path,
_mcpOverlayWidgetId :: Maybe WidgetId,

View File

@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ getDraggedMsgInfo = do
Just (DragAction wid msg) -> Just . (, msg) <$> getWidgetIdPath wid
Nothing -> return Nothing
getCurrentCursor :: (MonomerM s m) => m (Maybe (CursorIcon, Path))
getCurrentCursor :: (MonomerM s m) => m (Maybe (Path, CursorIcon))
getCurrentCursor = do
cursorHead <- fmap headMay (use L.cursorStack)
case cursorHead of
Just (icon, wid) -> do
Just (wid, icon) -> do
path <- getWidgetIdPath wid
return $ Just (icon, path)
return $ Just (path, icon)
otherwhise -> return Nothing

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ handleCursorChange wenv target evt style cfg node = reqs where
widgetId = node ^. L.info . L.widgetId
isTarget = node ^. L.info . L.path == target
hasCursor = isJust (style ^. L.cursorIcon)
(curIcon, _) = fromMaybe def (wenv ^. L.cursor)
(_, curIcon) = fromMaybe def (wenv ^. L.cursor)
inOverlay = isNodeInOverlay wenv node
outsideActiveOverlay = isJust (wenv ^. L.overlayPath) && not inOverlay