Describe examples

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-08-04 18:33:02 -03:00
parent 12c118ceda
commit 83bbc9208a
13 changed files with 243 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:todo"
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:books"
--test ":main"

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@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
An easy to use, cross platform, GUI library for writing Haskell applications.
It provides a framework similar to the Elm Architecture, allowing to create GUIs
using an extensible set of widgets with pure Haskell.
It provides a framework similar to the Elm Architecture, allowing the creation
of GUIs using an extensible set of widgets with pure Haskell.
## Objectives
- It should be easy to use.
- It should be extensible with custom widgets.
- It should run on Windows, Linux and macOS.
- It should have good documentation.
- It should have good examples.
- Be easy to learn and use.
- Be extensible with custom widgets.
- Run on Windows, Linux and macOS.
- Have good documentation.
- Have good examples.
### These are not objectives for this project
@ -22,23 +22,51 @@ using an extensible set of widgets with pure Haskell.
- You want to write your application in Haskell.
- You want to write a native, not web based, application.
## Usage
### Setup
You can read how to setup the library [here](docs/tutorials/
### Tutorials
Several introductory tutorials are available:
- [01 - Basics](docs/tutorials/
- [02 - Styling](docs/tutorials/
- [03 - Life cycle](docs/tutorials/
- [04 - Tasks](docs/tutorials/
- [05 - Producers](docs/tutorials/
- [06 - Composite](docs/tutorials/
- [07 - Custom widget](docs/tutorials/
- [08 - Themes](docs/tutorials/
### Examples
Beyond the tutorials, a few _real world like_ examples are available:
- [Todo](docs/examples/
- [Books](docs/examples/
- [Ticker](docs/examples/
- [Generative](docs/examples/
## Roadmap
There is not a planned timeline for the tasks in the roadmap.
- Stability and performance.
- Add mobile support.
- Add support for Vulkan/Metal.
## Current limitations
- Multi-platform features depend (mostly) on what SDL already provides.
- Copy/paste is only supported for text, not images.
- Only supports left to right text editing at the moment.
## Roadmap
There is not a planned timeline for the tasks in the roadmap, nor a guarantee
that they will be implemented.
- Add mobile support.
- Add support for Vulkan/Metal.
## License
The library is licensed under [BSD-3 license](LICENSE).
The library is licensed under the [BSD-3 license](LICENSE).
Fonts used in examples:

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@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ for handling this requirement:
### Make the state explicit
Users take care of storing and providing the state to the library. This would be
Users take care of storing and providing the state to the library. This is
similar to how the model's fields are associated to widgets.
The advantage is that this makes the library more functionally pure. Plus, this
would simplify its internals.
The advantage is that this makes the library more functionally pure. It also
simplify the internals and improve performance, since the merge process can be
The disadvantage is that it requires more boilerplate from part of the user,
since fields for each of the widget's state need to be added to a global state
@ -26,13 +27,13 @@ type (or mix it with the model).
### Keep the state internal
Widgets have and internal state which is saved/restored by the library.
Widgets have an internal state that is saved/restored by the library.
The main advantage is that it's simpler for the user. Only widgets that handle
input require the user to provide them model fields, while the rest of them is
transparent from the user's point of view.
input require the user to provide them model fields, while their internal state
is transparent from the user's point of view.
The disadvantages are that it makes the library more complex and, in a way, less
The disadvantages are that it makes the library more complex and less
functionally pure than the other approach. It also makes creating custom widgets
a bit more complex, since the merge process needs to be considered.
@ -49,16 +50,16 @@ While it's true that you can create a customized version of a widget using
functions, and it is in fact encouraged and used in the examples, in some cases
it is not enough.
Some widgets are built out of nested widgets, and do not expose style options
for all their sub widgets. In this scenario, themes allow you to customize those
nested widgets as needed.
Some widgets, such as dialogs, are built out of nested widgets and do not expose
style options for all their sub widgets. In this scenario, themes allow you to
customize those nested widgets as needed.
Themes also have the nice property of simplifying color scheme switching.
## Why is there not a margin property, considering border and padding do exist?
It used to be part of the library, but caused issues and was confusing. Since
margin is space outside the border, it can be emulated by adding a wrapper
margin is just space outside the border, it can be emulated by adding a wrapper
widget. For example:

docs/examples/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Example 01 - Todo
## Description
This example implements a really basic Todo list. It allows adding, modifying
and removing Todo items. The objective is showing a more complex example with
user input, sections displayed/hidden depending on the context, and animations.
There is not persistence of any kind.
## Interesting bits
Types and UI are split in separate files. This is usually the best approach for
modularity and compilation speed.
The `TodoType` and `TodoStatus` types, both basic algebraic data types, are used
with `textDropdownS`. Helper functions use the fact that both types are Enum
instances to generate the list of all possible values. If you need more control
over how the text of each option is generated, you can use `textDropdown_` and
provide a custom conversion function.
A few colors are defined at the bottom of the UI file and are used to customize
the default themes. You can toggle the commented lines in `customLightTheme` and
`customDarkTheme` to test how a different theme would look like.
The icons provided by the Remix library are used in this example to indicate the
remove and edit actions. Since they are distributed as a .ttf file, they can be
loaded and used in labels or buttons as any other font.
The edit section is displayed/hidden with a slide animation effect. Since slide
animation is unidirectional, two of them with different direction are nested to
provide the desired in/out animations. Each of them is started/stopped by the
event handler according to the current action.

docs/examples/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Example 02 - Books
## Description
This example shows a UI for searching books. It uses an https endpoint provided
by Internet Archive's _Open Library_, which allows querying books using any
piece of information (title, authors, ISBN, etc).
## Interesting bits
The BookTypes module defines, besides all the needed types, the
[Aeson]( instances used to deserialize
the JSON response returned by the API. Only a few fields are retrieved and
displayed in the UI, but quite a few more are available.
The `BooksSearch` event is used to run a Task that calls the https endpoint.
When a successful response is received, and event with the result is sent back
to the application. The same happens with errors, which are displayed as an
alert dialog.
The zstack widget is used to always keep the background visible while showing
details or errors. Unless specifically requested, input is only received by the
top layer of zstack.
A `box` with the `mergeRequired` configuration option set is used to avoid
running the merge process on the result widgets whenever the model changes (this
happens when the user inputs text, a dialog is displayed, etc). This is an
optimization and should only be used when a long list of items is displayed.
booksChanged old new = old ^. books /= new ^. books
box_ [mergeRequired booksChanged] $
vscroll (vstack (bookRow wenv <$> model ^. books)) `nodeKey` "mainScroll"

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Example 03 - Ticker
## Description
This example shows a ticker of cryptocurrencies, consuming Binance's websockets
Why where cryptocurrencies used for the example? The objective was showing a
real time streaming API and, to make the example easy to use, that API needed to
be free and without user registration required. No other available service
satisfied those constraints with the same amount of constantly changing data.
## Interesting bits
On startup a channel is created. It is used to send subscribe/unsubscribe
requests to the thread handling the communication with the remote API.
During the `TickerInit` event, a `Producer` is launched. This producer, which
runs on a separate thread from the application as `Task` do, performs these
- Connects to the websockets API.
- Launches a new thread for receiving ticker data. A separate thread is required
because the producer also needs to receive messages from the application.
- Subscribes to the initial ticker list.
- Waits for application messages on its initial thread.
From that point on:
- When a new message from the API is received, it is feed into the application
using the provided `sendMsg` function.
- When a message from the application is received, it is formatted and forwarded
to the server.
The `TickerIgnore` event is used in Tasks that process errors and don't
currently feed information into the application. In general you will want to
report these errors to the user, but this is useful at prototyping time.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Example 04 - Generative
## Description
This example is a really basic attempt at generative art. The objective is
creating custom widgets that render more complex things than stock widgets.
## Interesting bits
Both widgets provide customization options for size, randomness and style. The
UI for modifying these configuration options is handled by the application, not
the individual widgets, and serves as an example on how integrating larger,
customizable, pieces into a single application can work.
This example uses the dial widget. It provides functionality similar to slider,
but does so with smaller size requirements.

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@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ instance FromJSON BookResp where
data BooksModel = BooksModel {
_bkmQuery :: Text,
_bmkSearching :: Bool,
_bmkSelected :: Maybe Book,
_bkmBooks :: [Book]
_bkmErrorMsg :: Maybe Text,
_bkmBooks :: [Book],
_bmkSelected :: Maybe Book
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data BooksEvt
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ data BooksEvt
| BooksSearchError Text
| BooksShowDetails Book
| BooksCloseDetails
| BooksCloseError
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields 'Book

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@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import TextShow
@ -84,6 +86,9 @@ buildUI
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
errorOverlay = alertMsg msg BooksCloseError where
msg = fromMaybe "" (model ^. errorMsg)
bookOverlay = alert BooksCloseDetails content where
content = maybe spacer bookDetail (model ^. selected)
@ -112,6 +117,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
box_ [mergeRequired booksChanged] $
vscroll (vstack (bookRow wenv <$> model ^. books)) `nodeKey` "mainScroll"
errorOverlay `nodeVisible` isJust (model ^. errorMsg),
bookOverlay `nodeVisible` isJust (model ^. selected),
searchOverlay `nodeVisible` model ^. searching
@ -132,21 +138,38 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
Message "mainScroll" ScrollReset,
Model $ model
& searching .~ False
& errorMsg .~ Nothing
& books .~ resp ^. docs
BooksSearchError msg -> []
BooksSearchError msg -> [
Model $ model
& searching .~ False
& errorMsg ?~ msg
& books .~ []
BooksShowDetails book -> [Model $ model & selected ?~ book]
BooksCloseDetails -> [Model $ model & selected .~ Nothing]
BooksCloseError -> [Model $ model & errorMsg .~ Nothing]
searchBooks :: Text -> IO BooksEvt
searchBooks query = do
print ("Searching", query)
resp <- W.asJSON =<< W.get url
return $ case resp ^? W.responseBody . _Just of
Just resp -> BooksSearchResult resp
Nothing -> BooksSearchError "Failed"
putStrLn . T.unpack $ "Searching: " <> query
result <- catchAny (fetch url) (return . Left . T.pack . show)
case result of
Right resp -> return (BooksSearchResult resp)
Left err -> return (BooksSearchError err)
url = "" <> T.unpack query
url = "" <> T.unpack query
checkEmpty resp
| null (resp ^. docs) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just resp
fetch url = do
resp <- W.get url
>>= W.asJSON
>>= return . preview (W.responseBody . _Just)
return $ maybeToEither "Empty response" (resp >>= checkEmpty)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -160,7 +183,7 @@ main = do
appInitEvent BooksInit
initBook = Book "This is my book" ["Author1", "Author 2"] (Just 2000) (Just 1234)
initModel = BooksModel "pedro paramo" False (Just initBook) [initBook]
initModel = BooksModel "pedro paramo" False Nothing [initBook] (Just initBook)
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
@ -169,3 +192,7 @@ customLightTheme = lightTheme
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
-- Utility function to avoid the "Ambiguous type variable..." error
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = catch

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
dial_ (circlesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. circlesCfg . itemWidth) `styleBasic` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (circlesCfg . seed)
@ -43,11 +44,14 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
dial_ (boxesCfg . itemWidth) 20 50 [dragRate 0.5],
labelS (model ^. boxesCfg . itemWidth) `styleBasic` [textSize 14, textCenter]
label "Seed",
seedDropdown (boxesCfg . seed),
label "Palette type",
textDropdown (boxesCfg . paletteType) [1..4],
label "Palette size",
vstack [
dial_ (boxesCfg . paletteSize) 1 50 [dragRate 0.5],
@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
textDropdown_ activeGen genTypes genTypeDesc [] `nodeKey` "activeType",
labeledCheckbox "Show config:" showCfg
] `styleBasic` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
zstack [
@ -70,6 +75,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
`nodeVisible` model ^. showCfg
`styleBasic` [padding 20, width 200, bgColor sectionBg]
] `nodeVisible` (model ^. activeGen == CirclesGrid),
hstack [
boxesPalette (model ^. boxesCfg) `styleBasic` [padding 20],
@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ main = do
model = GenerativeModel CirclesGrid False def def
config = [
appWindowTitle "Generative art",
appWindowTitle "Generative",
appTheme darkTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appInitEvent GenerativeInit

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@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ handleEvent env wenv node model evt = case evt of
Task (subscribeInitial env initialList),
setFocusOnKey wenv "newPair"
TickerAddClick -> [
Model $ model
& symbolPairs %~ (model ^. newPair <|)
@ -125,20 +126,27 @@ handleEvent env wenv node model evt = case evt of
Task $ subscribe env [model ^. newPair],
setFocusOnKey wenv "newPair"
TickerRemovePairBegin pair -> [
Message (WidgetKey pair) AnimationStart]
TickerRemovePair pair -> [
Task $ unsubscribe env [pair],
Model $ model & tickers . at pair .~ Nothing
TickerMovePair target pair -> [
Model $ model & symbolPairs .~ moveBefore (model^.symbolPairs) target pair
TickerUpdate ticker -> [
Model $ model & tickers . at (ticker ^. symbolPair) ?~ ticker
TickerError err -> [Task $ print ("Error", err) >> return TickerIgnore]
TickerResponse resp -> [Task $ print ("Response", resp) >> return TickerIgnore]
TickerIgnore -> []
handleSubscription :: AppEnv -> [Text] -> Text -> IO TickerEvt

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@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ todoRow wenv model idx t = animRow `nodeKey` todoKey where
animRow = animFadeOut_ [onFinished (TodoDelete idx t)] todoInfo
todoEdit :: TodoWenv -> TodoModel -> TodoNode
todoEdit wenv model = editNode where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
@ -152,47 +151,57 @@ handleEvent
-> [EventResponse TodoModel TodoEvt TodoModel ()]
handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
TodoInit -> [setFocusOnKey wenv "todoNew"]
TodoNew -> [
Event TodoShowEdit,
Model $ model
& action .~ TodoAdding
& activeTodo .~ def,
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoDesc"]
TodoEdit idx td -> [
Event TodoShowEdit,
Model $ model
& action .~ TodoEditing idx
& activeTodo .~ td,
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoDesc"]
TodoAdd -> [
Event TodoHideEdit,
Model $ addNewTodo wenv model,
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoNew"]
TodoSave idx -> [
Event TodoHideEdit,
Model $ model
& todos . ix idx .~ (model ^. activeTodo),
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoNew"]
TodoDeleteBegin idx todo -> [
Message (WidgetKey (todoRowKey todo)) AnimationStart]
TodoDelete idx todo -> [
Model $ model
& action .~ TodoNone
& todos .~ remove idx (model ^. todos),
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoNew"]
TodoCancel -> [
Event TodoHideEdit,
Model $ model
& activeTodo .~ def,
setFocusOnKey wenv "todoNew"]
TodoShowEdit -> [
Message "animEditIn" AnimationStart,
Message "animEditOut" AnimationStop
TodoHideEdit -> [
Message "animEditIn" AnimationStop,
Message "animEditOut" AnimationStart
TodoHideEditDone -> [
Model $ model
& action .~ TodoNone]

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@ -801,6 +801,8 @@
- Can remove resize flag from Container/selectList
- Update merge tutorial, since cursor position is not a good example anymore.
- Adjust theme colors.
- Remove dpr calculations from NanoVGRenderer.
- Same with FontManager.
- When testing Windows/Linux, check if scroll rate needs to be adjusted.