Add Cmb prefix to combinator typeclasses. Remove trailing _ from the name of those where it was being used

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-11-22 23:33:38 -03:00
parent 193a1c08d0
commit 8546126244
18 changed files with 280 additions and 280 deletions

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@ -11,164 +11,164 @@ import Monomer.Core.WidgetTypes
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
-- Input
class ValidInput t s | t -> s where
class CmbValidInput t s | t -> s where
validInput :: ALens' s Bool -> t
class SelectOnFocus t where
class CmbSelectOnFocus t where
selectOnFocus :: Bool -> t
-- Caption
class AcceptCaption t where
class CmbAcceptCaption t where
acceptCaption :: Text -> t
class CancelCaption t where
class CmbCancelCaption t where
cancelCaption :: Text -> t
class CloseCaption t where
class CmbCloseCaption t where
closeCaption :: Text -> t
-- Numeric
class Num a => MinValue t a | t -> a where
class Num a => CmbMinValue t a | t -> a where
minValue :: a -> t
class Num a => MaxValue t a | t -> a where
class Num a => CmbMaxValue t a | t -> a where
maxValue :: a -> t
-- Container
class IgnoreEmptyClick t where
class CmbIgnoreEmptyClick t where
ignoreEmptyClick :: Bool -> t
-- Text
class Decimals t where
class CmbDecimals t where
decimals :: Int -> t
class MaxLength t where
class CmbMaxLength t where
maxLength :: Int -> t
class TextMode_ t where
class CmbTextMode t where
textSingleLine :: t
textMultiLine :: t
class TextOverflow_ t where
class CmbTextOverflow t where
textEllipsis :: t
textClip :: t
class TextTrim_ t where
class CmbTextTrim t where
textTrim :: t
textKeepSpaces :: t
class SelectOnBlur t where
class CmbSelectOnBlur t where
selectOnBlur :: Bool -> t
-- Text style
class TextFont t where
class CmbTextFont t where
textFont :: Font -> t
class TextSize t where
class CmbTextSize t where
textSize :: Double -> t
class TextColor t where
class CmbTextColor t where
textColor :: Color -> t
class TextLeft t where
class CmbTextLeft t where
textLeft :: t
class TextCenter t where
class CmbTextCenter t where
textCenter :: t
class TextRight t where
class CmbTextRight t where
textRight :: t
class TextTop t where
class CmbTextTop t where
textTop :: t
class TextMiddle t where
class CmbTextMiddle t where
textMiddle :: t
class TextBottom t where
class CmbTextBottom t where
textBottom :: t
-- Events
class OnFocus t e | t -> e where
class CmbOnFocus t e | t -> e where
onFocus :: e -> t
class OnFocusReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnFocusReq t s | t -> s where
onFocusReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnBlur t e | t -> e where
class CmbOnBlur t e | t -> e where
onBlur :: e -> t
class OnBlurReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnBlurReq t s | t -> s where
onBlurReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnClick t e | t -> e where
class CmbOnClick t e | t -> e where
onClick :: e -> t
class OnClickReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnClickReq t s | t -> s where
onClickReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnClickEmpty t e | t -> e where
class CmbOnClickEmpty t e | t -> e where
onClickEmpty :: e -> t
class OnClickEmptyReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnClickEmptyReq t s | t -> s where
onClickEmptyReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnChange t a e | t -> e where
class CmbOnChange t a e | t -> e where
onChange :: (a -> e) -> t
class OnChangeIdx t a e | t -> e where
class CmbOnChangeIdx t a e | t -> e where
onChangeIdx :: (Int -> a -> e) -> t
class OnChangeReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnChangeReq t s | t -> s where
onChangeReq :: WidgetRequest s -> t
class OnChangeIdxReq t s | t -> s where
class CmbOnChangeIdxReq t s | t -> s where
onChangeIdxReq :: (Int -> WidgetRequest s) -> t
class OnLoadError t a e | t -> e where
class CmbOnLoadError t a e | t -> e where
onLoadError :: (a -> e) -> t
-- Size
class RangeWidth t where
class CmbRangeWidth t where
rangeWidth :: Double -> Double -> t
class RangeHeight t where
class CmbRangeHeight t where
rangeHeight :: Double -> Double -> t
class FlexWidth t where
class CmbFlexWidth t where
flexWidth :: Double -> t
class FlexHeight t where
class CmbFlexHeight t where
flexHeight :: Double -> t
class Width t where
class CmbWidth t where
width :: Double -> t
class Height t where
class CmbHeight t where
height :: Double -> t
class MinWidth t where
class CmbMinWidth t where
minWidth :: Double -> t
class MinHeight t where
class CmbMinHeight t where
minHeight :: Double -> t
class MaxWidth t where
class CmbMaxWidth t where
maxWidth :: Double -> t
class MaxHeight t where
class CmbMaxHeight t where
maxHeight :: Double -> t
class SizeReqW t where
class CmbSizeReqW t where
sizeReqW :: SizeReq -> t
class SizeReqH t where
class CmbSizeReqH t where
sizeReqH :: SizeReq -> t
class ResizeFactor t where
class CmbResizeFactor t where
resizeFactor :: Double -> t
class ResizeFactorDim t where
class CmbResizeFactorDim t where
resizeFactorW :: Double -> t
resizeFactorH :: Double -> t
@ -178,138 +178,138 @@ infixl 5 `hover`
infixl 5 `focus`
infixl 5 `disabled`
class Style_ t where
class CmbStyle t where
style :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class Hover_ t where
class CmbHover t where
hover :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class Focus_ t where
class CmbFocus t where
focus :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class Disabled_ t where
class CmbDisabled t where
disabled :: t -> [StyleState] -> t
class BgColor t where
class CmbBgColor t where
bgColor :: Color -> t
class FgColor t where
class CmbFgColor t where
fgColor :: Color -> t
class HlColor t where
class CmbHlColor t where
hlColor :: Color -> t
class Transparency t where
class CmbTransparency t where
transparency :: Double -> t
-- Item List
class ItemListStyle t s | t -> s where
class CmbItemListStyle t s | t -> s where
itemListStyle :: s -> t
class ItemNormalStyle t s | t -> s where
class CmbItemNormalStyle t s | t -> s where
itemNormalStyle :: s -> t
class ItemHoverStyle t s | t -> s where
class CmbItemHoverStyle t s | t -> s where
itemHoverStyle :: s -> t
class ItemSelectedStyle t s | t -> s where
class CmbItemSelectedStyle t s | t -> s where
itemSelectedStyle :: s -> t
-- Align
class AlignLeft t where
class CmbAlignLeft t where
alignLeft :: t
class AlignCenter t where
class CmbAlignCenter t where
alignCenter :: t
class AlignRight t where
class CmbAlignRight t where
alignRight :: t
class AlignTop t where
class CmbAlignTop t where
alignTop :: t
class AlignMiddle t where
class CmbAlignMiddle t where
alignMiddle :: t
class AlignBottom t where
class CmbAlignBottom t where
alignBottom :: t
-- Margin
class Margin_ t where
class CmbMargin t where
margin :: Double -> t
class MarginL t where
class CmbMarginL t where
marginL :: Double -> t
class MarginR t where
class CmbMarginR t where
marginR :: Double -> t
class MarginT t where
class CmbMarginT t where
marginT :: Double -> t
class MarginB t where
class CmbMarginB t where
marginB :: Double -> t
-- Padding
class Padding_ t where
class CmbPadding t where
padding :: Double -> t
class PaddingL t where
class CmbPaddingL t where
paddingL :: Double -> t
class PaddingR t where
class CmbPaddingR t where
paddingR :: Double -> t
class PaddingT t where
class CmbPaddingT t where
paddingT :: Double -> t
class PaddingB t where
class CmbPaddingB t where
paddingB :: Double -> t
-- Border
class Border_ t where
class CmbBorder t where
border :: Double -> Color -> t
class BorderL t where
class CmbBorderL t where
borderL :: Double -> Color -> t
class BorderR t where
class CmbBorderR t where
borderR :: Double -> Color -> t
class BorderT t where
class CmbBorderT t where
borderT :: Double -> Color -> t
class BorderB t where
class CmbBorderB t where
borderB :: Double -> Color -> t
-- Radius
class Radius_ t where
class CmbRadius t where
radius :: Double -> t
class RadiusTL t where
class CmbRadiusTL t where
radiusTL :: Double -> t
class RadiusTR t where
class CmbRadiusTR t where
radiusTR :: Double -> t
class RadiusBL t where
class CmbRadiusBL t where
radiusBL :: Double -> t
class RadiusBR t where
class CmbRadiusBR t where
radiusBR :: Double -> t
-- Inner Radius
class InnerRadius_ t where
class CmbInnerRadius t where
iradius :: Double -> t
class InnerRadiusTL t where
class CmbInnerRadiusTL t where
iradiusTL :: Double -> t
class InnerRadiusTR t where
class CmbInnerRadiusTR t where
iradiusTR :: Double -> t
class InnerRadiusBL t where
class CmbInnerRadiusBL t where
iradiusBL :: Double -> t
class InnerRadiusBR t where
class CmbInnerRadiusBR t where
iradiusBR :: Double -> t

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@ -15,141 +15,141 @@ import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import qualified Monomer.Core.Lens as L
paddingH :: (Semigroup a, PaddingL a, PaddingR a) => Double -> a
paddingH :: (Semigroup a, CmbPaddingL a, CmbPaddingR a) => Double -> a
paddingH p = paddingL p <> paddingR p
paddingV :: (Semigroup a, PaddingT a, PaddingB a) => Double -> a
paddingV :: (Semigroup a, CmbPaddingT a, CmbPaddingB a) => Double -> a
paddingV p = paddingT p <> paddingB p
-- Size
instance Width SizeReq where
instance CmbWidth SizeReq where
width w = FixedSize w
instance Height SizeReq where
instance CmbHeight SizeReq where
height h = FixedSize h
instance FlexWidth SizeReq where
instance CmbFlexWidth SizeReq where
flexWidth w = FlexSize w 1
instance FlexHeight SizeReq where
instance CmbFlexHeight SizeReq where
flexHeight h = FlexSize h 1
instance RangeWidth SizeReq where
instance CmbRangeWidth SizeReq where
rangeWidth w1 w2 = RangeSize w1 w2 1
instance RangeHeight SizeReq where
instance CmbRangeHeight SizeReq where
rangeHeight h1 h2 = RangeSize h1 h2 1
instance MinWidth SizeReq where
instance CmbMinWidth SizeReq where
minWidth w = MinSize w 1
instance MinHeight SizeReq where
instance CmbMinHeight SizeReq where
minHeight h = MinSize h 1
instance MaxWidth SizeReq where
instance CmbMaxWidth SizeReq where
maxWidth w = MaxSize w 1
instance MaxHeight SizeReq where
instance CmbMaxHeight SizeReq where
maxHeight h = MaxSize h 1
-- Text
instance TextFont TextStyle where
instance CmbTextFont TextStyle where
textFont font = def & L.font ?~ font
instance TextSize TextStyle where
instance CmbTextSize TextStyle where
textSize size = def & L.fontSize ?~ FontSize size
instance TextColor TextStyle where
instance CmbTextColor TextStyle where
textColor col = def & L.fontColor ?~ col
instance TextLeft TextStyle where
instance CmbTextLeft TextStyle where
textLeft = textAlignH ALeft
instance TextCenter TextStyle where
instance CmbTextCenter TextStyle where
textCenter = textAlignH ACenter
instance TextRight TextStyle where
instance CmbTextRight TextStyle where
textRight = textAlignH ARight
instance TextTop TextStyle where
instance CmbTextTop TextStyle where
textTop = textAlignV ATop
instance TextMiddle TextStyle where
instance CmbTextMiddle TextStyle where
textMiddle = textAlignV AMiddle
instance TextBottom TextStyle where
instance CmbTextBottom TextStyle where
textBottom = textAlignV ABottom
-- Padding
instance Padding_ Padding where
instance CmbPadding Padding where
padding padd = Padding jp jp jp jp where
jp = Just padd
instance PaddingL Padding where
instance CmbPaddingL Padding where
paddingL padd = def & L.left ?~ padd
instance PaddingR Padding where
instance CmbPaddingR Padding where
paddingR padd = def & L.right ?~ padd
instance PaddingT Padding where
instance CmbPaddingT Padding where
paddingT padd = def & ?~ padd
instance PaddingB Padding where
instance CmbPaddingB Padding where
paddingB padd = def & L.bottom ?~ padd
-- Border
instance Border_ Border where
instance CmbBorder Border where
border w col = Border bs bs bs bs where
bs = Just (BorderSide w col)
instance BorderL Border where
instance CmbBorderL Border where
borderL w col = def & L.left ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderR Border where
instance CmbBorderR Border where
borderR w col = def & L.right ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderT Border where
instance CmbBorderT Border where
borderT w col = def & ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderB Border where
instance CmbBorderB Border where
borderB w col = def & L.bottom ?~ BorderSide w col
-- Radius
instance Radius_ Radius where
instance CmbRadius Radius where
radius rad = Radius jrad jrad jrad jrad where
jrad = Just $ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusTL Radius where
instance CmbRadiusTL Radius where
radiusTL rad = def & L.topLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusTR Radius where
instance CmbRadiusTR Radius where
radiusTR rad = def & L.topRight ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusBL Radius where
instance CmbRadiusBL Radius where
radiusBL rad = def & L.bottomLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusBR Radius where
instance CmbRadiusBR Radius where
radiusBR rad = def & L.bottomRight ?~ radiusCorner rad
-- Inner radius
instance InnerRadius_ Radius where
instance CmbInnerRadius Radius where
iradius rad = Radius jrad jrad jrad jrad where
jrad = Just $ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusTL Radius where
instance CmbInnerRadiusTL Radius where
iradiusTL rad = def & L.topLeft ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusTR Radius where
instance CmbInnerRadiusTR Radius where
iradiusTR rad = def & L.topRight ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusBL Radius where
instance CmbInnerRadiusBL Radius where
iradiusBL rad = def & L.bottomLeft ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusBR Radius where
instance CmbInnerRadiusBR Radius where
iradiusBR rad = def & L.bottomRight ?~ iradiusCorner rad
@ -157,143 +157,143 @@ instance InnerRadiusBR Radius where
-- Size
instance Width StyleState where
instance CmbWidth StyleState where
width w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ FixedSize w
instance Height StyleState where
instance CmbHeight StyleState where
height h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ FixedSize h
instance FlexWidth StyleState where
instance CmbFlexWidth StyleState where
flexWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ FlexSize w 1
instance FlexHeight StyleState where
instance CmbFlexHeight StyleState where
flexHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ FlexSize h 1
instance RangeWidth StyleState where
instance CmbRangeWidth StyleState where
rangeWidth w1 w2 = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ RangeSize w1 w2 1
instance RangeHeight StyleState where
instance CmbRangeHeight StyleState where
rangeHeight h1 h2 = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ RangeSize h1 h2 1
instance MinWidth StyleState where
instance CmbMinWidth StyleState where
minWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ MinSize w 1
instance MinHeight StyleState where
instance CmbMinHeight StyleState where
minHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ MinSize h 1
instance MaxWidth StyleState where
instance CmbMaxWidth StyleState where
maxWidth w = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ MaxSize w 1
instance MaxHeight StyleState where
instance CmbMaxHeight StyleState where
maxHeight h = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ MaxSize h 1
instance SizeReqW StyleState where
instance CmbSizeReqW StyleState where
sizeReqW srW = def & L.sizeReqW ?~ srW
instance SizeReqH StyleState where
instance CmbSizeReqH StyleState where
sizeReqH srH = def & L.sizeReqH ?~ srH
-- Color
instance BgColor StyleState where
instance CmbBgColor StyleState where
bgColor col = def & L.bgColor ?~ col
instance FgColor StyleState where
instance CmbFgColor StyleState where
fgColor col = def & L.fgColor ?~ col
instance HlColor StyleState where
instance CmbHlColor StyleState where
hlColor col = def & L.hlColor ?~ col
-- Text
instance TextFont StyleState where
instance CmbTextFont StyleState where
textFont font = def & L.text ?~ textFont font
instance TextSize StyleState where
instance CmbTextSize StyleState where
textSize size = def & L.text ?~ textSize size
instance TextColor StyleState where
instance CmbTextColor StyleState where
textColor col = def & L.text ?~ textColor col
instance TextLeft StyleState where
instance CmbTextLeft StyleState where
textLeft = styleTextAlignH ALeft
instance TextCenter StyleState where
instance CmbTextCenter StyleState where
textCenter = styleTextAlignH ACenter
instance TextRight StyleState where
instance CmbTextRight StyleState where
textRight = styleTextAlignH ARight
instance TextTop StyleState where
instance CmbTextTop StyleState where
textTop = styleTextAlignV ATop
instance TextMiddle StyleState where
instance CmbTextMiddle StyleState where
textMiddle = styleTextAlignV AMiddle
instance TextBottom StyleState where
instance CmbTextBottom StyleState where
textBottom = styleTextAlignV ABottom
-- Padding
instance Padding_ StyleState where
instance CmbPadding StyleState where
padding padd = def & L.padding ?~ padding padd
instance PaddingL StyleState where
instance CmbPaddingL StyleState where
paddingL padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.left ?~ padd
instance PaddingR StyleState where
instance CmbPaddingR StyleState where
paddingR padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.right ?~ padd
instance PaddingT StyleState where
instance CmbPaddingT StyleState where
paddingT padd = def & L.padding . non def . ?~ padd
instance PaddingB StyleState where
instance CmbPaddingB StyleState where
paddingB padd = def & L.padding . non def . L.bottom ?~ padd
-- Border
instance Border_ StyleState where
instance CmbBorder StyleState where
border w col = def & L.border ?~ border w col
instance BorderL StyleState where
instance CmbBorderL StyleState where
borderL w col = def & L.border . non def . L.left ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderR StyleState where
instance CmbBorderR StyleState where
borderR w col = def & L.border . non def . L.right ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderT StyleState where
instance CmbBorderT StyleState where
borderT w col = def & L.border . non def . ?~ BorderSide w col
instance BorderB StyleState where
instance CmbBorderB StyleState where
borderB w col = def & L.border . non def . L.bottom ?~ BorderSide w col
-- Radius
instance Radius_ StyleState where
instance CmbRadius StyleState where
radius rad = def & L.radius ?~ radius rad
instance RadiusTL StyleState where
instance CmbRadiusTL StyleState where
radiusTL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusTR StyleState where
instance CmbRadiusTR StyleState where
radiusTR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topRight ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusBL StyleState where
instance CmbRadiusBL StyleState where
radiusBL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomLeft ?~ radiusCorner rad
instance RadiusBR StyleState where
instance CmbRadiusBR StyleState where
radiusBR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomRight ?~ radiusCorner rad
-- Inner radius
instance InnerRadius_ StyleState where
instance CmbInnerRadius StyleState where
iradius rad = def & L.radius ?~ iradius rad
instance InnerRadiusTL StyleState where
instance CmbInnerRadiusTL StyleState where
iradiusTL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topLeft ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusTR StyleState where
instance CmbInnerRadiusTR StyleState where
iradiusTR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.topRight ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusBL StyleState where
instance CmbInnerRadiusBL StyleState where
iradiusBL rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomLeft ?~ iradiusCorner rad
instance InnerRadiusBR StyleState where
instance CmbInnerRadiusBR StyleState where
iradiusBR rad = def & L.radius . non def . L.bottomRight ?~ iradiusCorner rad
-- Internal

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@ -45,45 +45,45 @@ getContentArea :: StyleState -> WidgetInstance s e -> Rect
getContentArea style inst = fromMaybe def area where
area = removeOuterBounds style (_wiRenderArea inst)
instance Style_ Style where
instance CmbStyle Style where
style oldStyle states = newStyle where
state = mconcat states
newStyle = oldStyle & L.basic ?~ state
instance Hover_ Style where
instance CmbHover Style where
hover oldStyle states = newStyle where
state = mconcat states
newStyle = oldStyle & L.hover ?~ state
instance Focus_ Style where
instance CmbFocus Style where
focus oldStyle states = newStyle where
state = mconcat states
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focus ?~ state
instance Disabled_ Style where
instance CmbDisabled Style where
disabled oldStyle states = newStyle where
state = mconcat states
newStyle = oldStyle & L.disabled ?~ state
instance Style_ (WidgetInstance s e) where
instance CmbStyle (WidgetInstance s e) where
style inst states = inst & .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = inst ^.
newStyle = oldStyle & L.basic ?~ state
instance Hover_ (WidgetInstance s e) where
instance CmbHover (WidgetInstance s e) where
hover inst states = inst & .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = inst ^.
newStyle = oldStyle & L.hover ?~ state
instance Focus_ (WidgetInstance s e) where
instance CmbFocus (WidgetInstance s e) where
focus inst states = inst & .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = inst ^.
newStyle = oldStyle & L.focus ?~ state
instance Disabled_ (WidgetInstance s e) where
instance CmbDisabled (WidgetInstance s e) where
disabled inst states = inst & .~ newStyle where
state = mconcat states
oldStyle = inst ^.

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ instance Semigroup AlertCfg where
instance Monoid AlertCfg where
mempty = def
instance CloseCaption AlertCfg where
instance CmbCloseCaption AlertCfg where
closeCaption t = def {
_alcClose = Just t

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@ -51,52 +51,52 @@ instance Semigroup (BoxCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (BoxCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance AlignLeft (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignLeft (BoxCfg s e) where
alignLeft = def {
_boxAlignH = Just ALeft
instance AlignCenter (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignCenter (BoxCfg s e) where
alignCenter = def {
_boxAlignH = Just ACenter
instance AlignRight (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignRight (BoxCfg s e) where
alignRight = def {
_boxAlignH = Just ARight
instance AlignTop (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignTop (BoxCfg s e) where
alignTop = def {
_boxAlignV = Just ATop
instance AlignMiddle (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignMiddle (BoxCfg s e) where
alignMiddle = def {
_boxAlignV = Just AMiddle
instance AlignBottom (BoxCfg s e) where
instance CmbAlignBottom (BoxCfg s e) where
alignBottom = def {
_boxAlignV = Just ABottom
instance OnClick (BoxCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnClick (BoxCfg s e) e where
onClick handler = def {
_boxOnClick = [handler]
instance OnClickReq (BoxCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnClickReq (BoxCfg s e) s where
onClickReq req = def {
_boxOnClickReq = [req]
instance OnClickEmpty (BoxCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnClickEmpty (BoxCfg s e) e where
onClickEmpty handler = def {
_boxOnClickEmpty = [handler]
instance OnClickEmptyReq (BoxCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnClickEmptyReq (BoxCfg s e) s where
onClickEmptyReq req = def {
_boxOnClickEmptyReq = [req]

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ instance Semigroup (ButtonCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (ButtonCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance TextOverflow_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
instance CmbTextOverflow (ButtonCfg s e) where
textEllipsis = def {
_btnTextOverflow = Just Ellipsis
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ instance TextOverflow_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
_btnTextOverflow = Just ClipText
instance TextMode_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
instance CmbTextMode (ButtonCfg s e) where
textSingleLine = def {
_btnTextMode = Just SingleLine
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ instance TextMode_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
_btnTextMode = Just MultiLine
instance TextTrim_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
instance CmbTextTrim (ButtonCfg s e) where
textTrim = def {
_btnTrim = Just TrimSpaces
@ -100,37 +100,37 @@ instance TextTrim_ (ButtonCfg s e) where
_btnTrim = Just KeepSpaces
instance OnFocus (ButtonCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (ButtonCfg s e) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_btnOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_btnOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (ButtonCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (ButtonCfg s e) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_btnOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_btnOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnClick (ButtonCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnClick (ButtonCfg s e) e where
onClick handler = def {
_btnOnClick = [handler]
instance OnClickReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnClickReq (ButtonCfg s e) s where
onClickReq req = def {
_btnOnClickReq = [req]
instance ResizeFactorDim (ButtonCfg s e) where
instance CmbResizeFactorDim (ButtonCfg s e) where
resizeFactorW w = def {
_btnFactorW = Just w

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@ -59,32 +59,32 @@ instance Semigroup (CheckboxCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (CheckboxCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance OnFocus (CheckboxCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (CheckboxCfg s e) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_ckcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_ckcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (CheckboxCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (CheckboxCfg s e) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_ckcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_ckcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (CheckboxCfg s e) Bool e where
instance CmbOnChange (CheckboxCfg s e) Bool e where
onChange fn = def {
_ckcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (CheckboxCfg s e) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_ckcOnChangeReq = [req]

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@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ instance Semigroup ConfirmCfg where
instance Monoid ConfirmCfg where
mempty = def
instance AcceptCaption ConfirmCfg where
instance CmbAcceptCaption ConfirmCfg where
acceptCaption t = def {
_cfcAccept = Just t
instance CancelCaption ConfirmCfg where
instance CmbCancelCaption ConfirmCfg where
cancelCaption t = def {
_cfcCancel = Just t

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@ -67,42 +67,42 @@ instance Semigroup (DropdownCfg s e a) where
instance Monoid (DropdownCfg s e a) where
mempty = def
instance OnChange (DropdownCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChange (DropdownCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_ddcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (DropdownCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (DropdownCfg s e a) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_ddcOnChangeReq = [req]
instance OnChangeIdx (DropdownCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChangeIdx (DropdownCfg s e a) a e where
onChangeIdx fn = def {
_ddcOnChangeIdx = [fn]
instance OnChangeIdxReq (DropdownCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeIdxReq (DropdownCfg s e a) s where
onChangeIdxReq req = def {
_ddcOnChangeIdxReq = [req]
instance MaxHeight (DropdownCfg s e a) where
instance CmbMaxHeight (DropdownCfg s e a) where
maxHeight h = def {
_ddcMaxHeight = Just h
instance ItemListStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
instance CmbItemListStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
itemListStyle style = def {
_ddcListStyle = Just style
instance ItemNormalStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
instance CmbItemNormalStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
itemNormalStyle style = def {
_ddcItemStyle = Just style
instance ItemSelectedStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
instance CmbItemSelectedStyle (DropdownCfg s e a) Style where
itemSelectedStyle style = def {
_ddcItemSelectedStyle = Just style

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@ -82,57 +82,57 @@ instance Semigroup (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
instance Monoid (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
mempty = def
instance ValidInput (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbValidInput (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
validInput field = def {
_ffcValid = Just (WidgetLens field)
instance SelectOnFocus (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
instance CmbSelectOnFocus (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
selectOnFocus sel = def {
_ffcSelectOnFocus = Just sel
instance FormattableFloat a => MinValue (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a where
instance FormattableFloat a => CmbMinValue (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a where
minValue len = def {
_ffcMinValue = Just len
instance FormattableFloat a => MaxValue (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a where
instance FormattableFloat a => CmbMaxValue (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a where
maxValue len = def {
_ffcMaxValue = Just len
instance Decimals (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
instance CmbDecimals (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) where
decimals num = def {
_ffcDecimals = Just num
instance OnFocus (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_ffcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_ffcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_ffcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_ffcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChange (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_ffcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (FloatingFieldCfg s e a) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_ffcOnChangeReq = [req]

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@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ instance Semigroup (ImageCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (ImageCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance Transparency (ImageCfg s e) where
instance CmbTransparency (ImageCfg s e) where
transparency alpha = def {
_imcTransparency = Just alpha
instance OnLoadError (ImageCfg s e) ImageLoadError e where
instance CmbOnLoadError (ImageCfg s e) ImageLoadError e where
onLoadError err = def {
_imcLoadError = [err]

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@ -79,52 +79,52 @@ instance Semigroup (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) where
instance Monoid (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) where
mempty = def
instance ValidInput (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbValidInput (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
validInput field = def {
_nfcValid = Just (WidgetLens field)
instance SelectOnFocus (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) where
instance CmbSelectOnFocus (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) where
selectOnFocus sel = def {
_nfcSelectOnFocus = Just sel
instance FormattableInt a => MinValue (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a where
instance FormattableInt a => CmbMinValue (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a where
minValue len = def {
_nfcMinValue = Just len
instance FormattableInt a => MaxValue (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a where
instance FormattableInt a => CmbMaxValue (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a where
maxValue len = def {
_nfcMaxValue = Just len
instance OnFocus (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_nfcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_nfcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_nfcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_nfcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChange (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_nfcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (IntegralFieldCfg s e a) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_nfcOnChangeReq = [req]

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ instance Semigroup LabelCfg where
instance Monoid LabelCfg where
mempty = def
instance TextOverflow_ LabelCfg where
instance CmbTextOverflow LabelCfg where
textEllipsis = def {
_lscTextOverflow = Just Ellipsis
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ instance TextOverflow_ LabelCfg where
_lscTextOverflow = Just ClipText
instance TextMode_ LabelCfg where
instance CmbTextMode LabelCfg where
textSingleLine = def {
_lscTextMode = Just SingleLine
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ instance TextMode_ LabelCfg where
_lscTextMode = Just MultiLine
instance TextTrim_ LabelCfg where
instance CmbTextTrim LabelCfg where
textTrim = def {
_lscTrim = Just TrimSpaces
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ instance TextTrim_ LabelCfg where
_lscTrim = Just KeepSpaces
instance ResizeFactorDim LabelCfg where
instance CmbResizeFactorDim LabelCfg where
resizeFactorW w = def {
_lscFactorW = Just w

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@ -93,57 +93,57 @@ instance Monoid (ListViewCfg s e a) where
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = []
instance OnFocus (ListViewCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (ListViewCfg s e a) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_lvcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_lvcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_lvcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_lvcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (ListViewCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChange (ListViewCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_lvcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_lvcOnChangeReq = [req]
instance OnChangeIdx (ListViewCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChangeIdx (ListViewCfg s e a) a e where
onChangeIdx fn = def {
_lvcOnChangeIdx = [fn]
instance OnChangeIdxReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeIdxReq (ListViewCfg s e a) s where
onChangeIdxReq req = def {
_lvcOnChangeIdxReq = [req]
instance SelectOnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) where
instance CmbSelectOnBlur (ListViewCfg s e a) where
selectOnBlur select = def {
_lvcSelectOnBlur = Just select
instance ItemNormalStyle (ListViewCfg s e a) Style where
instance CmbItemNormalStyle (ListViewCfg s e a) Style where
itemNormalStyle style = def {
_lvcItemStyle = Just style
instance ItemSelectedStyle (ListViewCfg s e a) Style where
instance CmbItemSelectedStyle (ListViewCfg s e a) Style where
itemSelectedStyle style = def {
_lvcItemSelectedStyle = Just style

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@ -57,32 +57,32 @@ instance Semigroup (RadioCfg s e a) where
instance Monoid (RadioCfg s e a) where
mempty = def
instance OnFocus (RadioCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (RadioCfg s e a) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_rdcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_rdcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (RadioCfg s e a) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (RadioCfg s e a) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_rdcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_rdcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (RadioCfg s e a) a e where
instance CmbOnChange (RadioCfg s e a) a e where
onChange fn = def {
_rdcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (RadioCfg s e a) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_rdcOnChangeReq = [req]

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@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ instance Semigroup SpacerCfg where
instance Monoid SpacerCfg where
mempty = def
instance Width SpacerCfg where
instance CmbWidth SpacerCfg where
width w = def {
_spcWidth = Just w
instance Height SpacerCfg where
instance CmbHeight SpacerCfg where
height h = def {
_spcHeight = Just h
instance ResizeFactor SpacerCfg where
instance CmbResizeFactor SpacerCfg where
resizeFactor f = def {
_spcFactor = Just f

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ instance Semigroup StackCfg where
instance Monoid StackCfg where
mempty = def
instance IgnoreEmptyClick StackCfg where
instance CmbIgnoreEmptyClick StackCfg where
ignoreEmptyClick ignore = def {
_stcIgnoreEmptyClick = Just ignore

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@ -66,47 +66,47 @@ instance Semigroup (TextFieldCfg s e) where
instance Monoid (TextFieldCfg s e) where
mempty = def
instance ValidInput (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
instance CmbValidInput (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
validInput field = def {
_tfcValid = Just (WidgetLens field)
instance SelectOnFocus (TextFieldCfg s e) where
instance CmbSelectOnFocus (TextFieldCfg s e) where
selectOnFocus sel = def {
_tfcSelectOnFocus = Just sel
instance MaxLength (TextFieldCfg s e) where
instance CmbMaxLength (TextFieldCfg s e) where
maxLength len = def {
_tfcMaxLength = Just len
instance OnFocus (TextFieldCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnFocus (TextFieldCfg s e) e where
onFocus fn = def {
_tfcOnFocus = [fn]
instance OnFocusReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnFocusReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
onFocusReq req = def {
_tfcOnFocusReq = [req]
instance OnBlur (TextFieldCfg s e) e where
instance CmbOnBlur (TextFieldCfg s e) e where
onBlur fn = def {
_tfcOnBlur = [fn]
instance OnBlurReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnBlurReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
onBlurReq req = def {
_tfcOnBlurReq = [req]
instance OnChange (TextFieldCfg s e) Text e where
instance CmbOnChange (TextFieldCfg s e) Text e where
onChange fn = def {
_tfcOnChange = [fn]
instance OnChangeReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
instance CmbOnChangeReq (TextFieldCfg s e) s where
onChangeReq req = def {
_tfcOnChangeReq = [req]