Add config/theming options to scroll

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-12-15 23:54:51 -03:00
parent ce9f16f4b6
commit 86ca5efd80
5 changed files with 77 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
] `hover` [bgColor red],
hstack [
scroll_ (
scroll (image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [minWidth 200])
image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [minWidth 200]
) []
spacer_ [resizeFactor 1],

View File

@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ data ThemeState = ThemeState {
_thsRadioStyle :: StyleState,
_thsScrollBarColor :: Color,
_thsScrollThumbColor :: Color,
_thsScrollWidth :: Double,
_thsScrollBarWidth :: Double,
_thsScrollThumbWidth :: Double,
_thsScrollThumbRadius :: Double,
_thsScrollWheelRate :: Double,
_thsUserStyleMap :: M.Map String StyleState
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -89,6 +92,9 @@ instance Default ThemeState where
_thsRadioStyle = def,
_thsScrollBarColor = def,
_thsScrollThumbColor = def,
_thsScrollWidth = def,
_thsScrollBarWidth = 10,
_thsScrollThumbWidth = 8,
_thsScrollThumbRadius = 0,
_thsScrollWheelRate = 10,
_thsUserStyleMap = M.empty

View File

@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ darkBasic = def
& L.radioStyle . L.fgColor ?~ gray
& L.scrollBarColor .~ (gray & L.a .~ 0.2)
& L.scrollThumbColor .~ (darkGray & L.a .~ 0.6)
& L.scrollWidth .~ 10
& L.scrollBarWidth .~ 10
& L.scrollThumbWidth .~ 8
& L.scrollThumbRadius .~ 4
& L.scrollWheelRate .~ 10
darkHover :: ThemeState
darkHover = darkBasic

View File

@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ module Monomer.Widgets.Scroll (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -24,7 +27,6 @@ import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (^.), (.~), (^?!), cloneLens, ix)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -46,34 +48,43 @@ data ActiveBar
data ScrollCfg = ScrollCfg {
_scScrollType :: Maybe ScrollType,
_scWheelRate :: Maybe Double,
_scBarColor :: Maybe Color,
_scBarHoverColor :: Maybe Color,
_scThumbColor :: Maybe Color,
_scThumbHoverColor :: Maybe Color,
_scStyle :: Maybe (ALens' ThemeState StyleState),
_scWidth :: Maybe Double
_scBarWidth :: Maybe Double,
_scThumbWidth :: Maybe Double,
_scThumbRadius :: Maybe Double
instance Default ScrollCfg where
def = ScrollCfg {
_scScrollType = Nothing,
_scWheelRate = Nothing,
_scBarColor = Nothing,
_scBarHoverColor = Nothing,
_scThumbColor = Nothing,
_scThumbHoverColor = Nothing,
_scStyle = Nothing,
_scWidth = Nothing
_scBarWidth = Nothing,
_scThumbWidth = Nothing,
_scThumbRadius = Nothing
instance Semigroup ScrollCfg where
(<>) t1 t2 = ScrollCfg {
_scScrollType = _scScrollType t2 <|> _scScrollType t1,
_scWheelRate = _scWheelRate t2 <|> _scWheelRate t1,
_scBarColor = _scBarColor t2 <|> _scBarColor t1,
_scBarHoverColor = _scBarHoverColor t2 <|> _scBarHoverColor t1,
_scThumbColor = _scThumbColor t2 <|> _scThumbColor t1,
_scThumbHoverColor = _scThumbHoverColor t2 <|> _scThumbHoverColor t1,
_scStyle = _scStyle t2 <|> _scStyle t1,
_scWidth = _scWidth t2 <|> _scWidth t1
_scBarWidth = _scBarWidth t2 <|> _scBarWidth t1,
_scThumbWidth = _scThumbWidth t2 <|> _scThumbWidth t1,
_scThumbRadius = _scThumbRadius t2 <|> _scThumbRadius t1
instance Monoid ScrollCfg where
@ -118,29 +129,44 @@ scrollType st = def {
_scScrollType = Just st
barColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
barColor col = def {
scrollWheelRate :: Double -> ScrollCfg
scrollWheelRate rate = def {
_scWheelRate = Just rate
scrollBarColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
scrollBarColor col = def {
_scBarColor = Just col
barHoverColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
barHoverColor col = def {
scrollBarHoverColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
scrollBarHoverColor col = def {
_scBarHoverColor = Just col
thumbColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
thumbColor col = def {
scrollThumbColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
scrollThumbColor col = def {
_scThumbColor = Just col
thumbHoverColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
thumbHoverColor col = def {
scrollThumbHoverColor :: Color -> ScrollCfg
scrollThumbHoverColor col = def {
_scThumbHoverColor = Just col
barWidth :: Double -> ScrollCfg
barWidth w = def {
_scWidth = Just w
scrollBarWidth :: Double -> ScrollCfg
scrollBarWidth w = def {
_scBarWidth = Just w
scrollThumbWidth :: Double -> ScrollCfg
scrollThumbWidth w = def {
_scThumbWidth = Just w
scrollThumbRadius :: Double -> ScrollCfg
scrollThumbRadius r = def {
_scThumbRadius = Just r
scrollStyle :: ALens' ThemeState StyleState -> ScrollCfg
@ -148,9 +174,6 @@ scrollStyle style = def {
_scStyle = Just style
wheelRate :: Double
wheelRate = 10
scroll :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e
scroll managedWidget = scroll_ managedWidget [def]
@ -252,11 +275,13 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
_ -> Nothing
theme = activeTheme wenv node
style = scrollActiveStyle wenv node
contentArea = getContentArea style node
Rect cx cy cw ch = contentArea
sctx@ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv state node
scrollReqs = [IgnoreChildrenEvents, IgnoreParentEvents]
wheelRate = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollWheelRate) (_scWheelRate config)
scrollAxis reqDelta childLength vpLength
| maxDelta == 0 = 0
@ -390,15 +415,20 @@ makeScroll config state = widget where
drawRect renderer vScrollRect barColorV Nothing
when hScrollRequired $
drawRect renderer hThumbRect thumbColorH Nothing
drawRect renderer hThumbRect thumbColorH thumbRadius
when vScrollRequired $
drawRect renderer vThumbRect thumbColorV Nothing
drawRect renderer vThumbRect thumbColorV thumbRadius
ScrollContext{..} = scrollStatus config wenv state node
draggingH = _sstDragging state == Just HBar
draggingV = _sstDragging state == Just VBar
theme = wenv ^. L.theme
athm = activeTheme wenv node
tmpRad = fromMaybe (athm ^. L.scrollThumbRadius) (_scThumbRadius config)
| tmpRad > 0 = Just (radius tmpRad)
| otherwise = Nothing
cfgBarBCol = _scBarColor config
cfgBarHCol = _scBarHoverColor config
@ -442,7 +472,8 @@ scrollStatus config wenv scrollState node = ScrollContext{..} where
theme = activeTheme wenv node
style = scrollActiveStyle wenv node
contentArea = getContentArea style node
barW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollWidth) (_scWidth config)
barW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollBarWidth) (_scBarWidth config)
thumbW = fromMaybe (theme ^. L.scrollThumbWidth) (_scThumbWidth config)
caLeft = _rX contentArea
caTop = _rY contentArea
caWidth = _rW contentArea
@ -472,14 +503,14 @@ scrollStatus config wenv scrollState node = ScrollContext{..} where
hThumbRect = Rect {
_rX = caLeft - hScrollRatio * dx,
_rY = caTop + hScrollTop,
_rY = caTop + hScrollTop + (barW - thumbW) / 2,
_rW = hScrollRatio * caWidth,
_rH = barW
_rH = thumbW
vThumbRect = Rect {
_rX = caLeft + vScrollLeft,
_rX = caLeft + vScrollLeft + (barW - thumbW) / 2,
_rY = caTop - vScrollRatio * dy,
_rW = barW,
_rW = thumbW,
_rH = vScrollRatio * caHeight
hMouseInScroll = pointInRect mousePos hScrollRect

View File

@ -331,6 +331,7 @@
- Can it be handled in Single/Container?
- Handled in Single, not in Container, since it clashes with children. Handle explicitly on Containers that need it.
- Restore focus to previous widget when zstack changes (dialog situation)
- Add config to invert mouse buttons (Core.hs:211)
- Pending
- Add testing
@ -348,7 +349,6 @@
- Add user documentation
Maybe postponed after release?
- Add config to invert mouse buttons (Core.hs:211)
- Scroll wheel rate should be configurable, or even depend on content size
- Image
- Can performance be improved? Use sbt functions?
@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ Maybe postponed after release?
- Remove delay logic when adding an image
- When adding image, on failure remove an the least used image and retry
- Make sure WidgetTask/Node association is preserved if node location in tree changes
- Check why after click focus is not immediately shown in listView items
- Further textField improvements
- Handle undo history
- Handle mouse selection
@ -364,6 +363,7 @@ Maybe postponed after release?
- Check if SDL can be initialized headless (for tests that involve the API)
- ZStack should set _weIsTopLayer based on used space
- Check why after click focus is not immediately shown in listView items
- Remove getSizeReq from Widget interface. Keep it in Single/Container
- Other Widgets should take care of updating those fields during init/merge/handleEvent/handleMessage
- Create Keystroke component (shortcuts and general key handling like Esc for dialog)
@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ Maybe postponed after release?
- SDL supports Drag and Drop integration with OS
- Compare Cairo/Skia/ImDrawList interfaces to make Renderer able to handle future implementations
- Implement ImDrawList based Renderer
- Improve window resize situation
- SDL does not send resize until operation has finished, making content look ugly because it's not updated
- Check SDL_SetEventFilter trick instead of normal polling (