Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2019-09-23 11:46:21 -03:00
commit 910a51dbc5
30 changed files with 1821 additions and 0 deletions

.ghci Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
:set -fno-ghci-sandbox

.ghcid Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
--command "stack repl" --test ":main"

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
app copy/
src copy/

3 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Changelog for hs-music
## Unreleased changes

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Author name here nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

1 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
# hs-music

Setup.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

app/Main.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default
import Foreign.C.Types
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import NanoVG
import SDL (($=))
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Debug.Trace
import System.Remote.Monitoring
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Sequence as SQ
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
import qualified Foreign.C.String as STR
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Vect
import qualified SDL.Input.Mouse as Mouse
import qualified SDL.Raw.Error as SRE
import Types
import GUI.Core
import qualified GUI.Data.Tree as TR
import qualified GUI.NanoVGRenderer as NV
import qualified GUI.Widget.Core as W
import qualified GUI.Widget.Style as S
import qualified GUI.Widget.Widgets as WS
foreign import ccall unsafe "initGlew" glewInit :: IO CInt
data AppEvent = Action1 Int | Action2 deriving (Show, Eq)
type WidgetM = StateT App IO
type LocalWidget = W.Widget AppEvent WidgetM
type WidgetTree = TR.Tree (W.WidgetNode AppEvent WidgetM)
(screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480)
windowSize = (Rect 0 0 (fromIntegral screenWidth) (fromIntegral screenHeight))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- forkServer "localhost" 8000
SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo]
SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleLinear
do renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality
when (renderQuality /= SDL.ScaleLinear) $
putStrLn "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!"
let customOpenGL = SDL.OpenGLConfig {
SDL.glColorPrecision = SDL.V4 8 8 8 0,
SDL.glDepthPrecision = 24,
SDL.glStencilPrecision = 8,
SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Debug 3 2,
SDL.glMultisampleSamples = 1
window <-
"SDL / OpenGL Example"
SDL.defaultWindow {SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 screenWidth screenHeight,
SDL.windowOpenGL = Just customOpenGL }
err <- SRE.getError
err <- STR.peekCString err
putStrLn err
_ <- SDL.glCreateContext window
_ <- glewInit
c@(Context c') <- createGL3 (S.fromList [Antialias, StencilStrokes, Debug])
fontRes <- createFont c "sans" (FileName "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf")
runStateT (runWidgets window c) def
putStrLn "About to destroyWindow"
SDL.destroyWindow window
handleAppEvent :: AppEvent -> WidgetM ()
handleAppEvent evt = do
case evt of
Action1 v -> do
when (v == 0) $ clickCount += 1
count <- use clickCount
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Clicked button: " ++ (show v) ++ " - Count is: " ++ (show count)
Action2 -> liftIO . putStrLn $ "I don't know what's this"
buildUI :: App -> WidgetTree
buildUI model = styledTree where
border1 = S.border 5 (RGB 0 255 0) 20
border2 = S.borderLeft 20 (RGB 200 200 0) <> S.borderRight 20 (RGB 200 0 200)
style1 = S.bgColor (RGB 0 0 255) <> S.textSize 64 <> border1 <> border2 <> S.bgRadius 20
--extraWidgets = if _clickCount model < 3 then [] else [WS.button (Action1 0)] -- map (\i -> WS.button (Action1 0)) [0..(_clickCount model)]
extraWidgets = map (\i -> WS.button (Action1 i)) [1..(_clickCount model)]
widgetTree = WS.vgrid_ ([
WS.button (Action1 0) `` style1
] ++ extraWidgets)
-- widgetTree = WS.container_ [
-- WS.button (Action1 1) `` style1,
-- WS.button (Action1 2),
-- WS.button (Action1 3),
-- WS.container `` S.bgColor (RGB 0 0 255) `W.children` [
-- WS.button (Action1 4),
-- WS.button (Action1 5) `` (S.bgColor (RGB 255 0 255) <> S.bgRadius 10),
-- WS.button (Action1 6) `` border1,
-- WS.button (Action1 7)
-- ]
-- ]
styledTree = W.cascadeStyle mempty widgetTree
runWidgets :: SDL.Window -> Context -> WidgetM ()
runWidgets window c = do
let renderer = NV.makeRenderer c
ticks <- SDL.ticks
app <- get
resizedUI <- W.resizeUI renderer windowSize (buildUI app)
mainLoop window c renderer (fromIntegral ticks) resizedUI
mainLoop :: SDL.Window -> Context -> Renderer WidgetM -> Int -> WidgetTree -> WidgetM ()
mainLoop window c renderer prevTicks widgets = do
ticks <- fmap fromIntegral SDL.ticks
events <- SDL.pollEvents
let frameLength = 1000 `div` 30
let nextFrame = \t -> if t >= frameLength then 0 else frameLength - t
let !ts = (ticks - prevTicks)
let eventsPayload = fmap SDL.eventPayload events
let quit = elem SDL.QuitEvent eventsPayload
newWidgets <- handleSystemEvents renderer (convertEvents eventsPayload) widgets
renderWidgets window c renderer newWidgets ticks
liftIO $ threadDelay $ (nextFrame ts) * 1000
unless quit (mainLoop window c renderer ticks newWidgets)
handleSystemEvents :: Renderer WidgetM -> [W.SystemEvent] -> WidgetTree -> WidgetM WidgetTree
handleSystemEvents renderer systemEvents widgets = updatedWidgets where
(eventsWidgets, appEvents) = W.handleEvents widgets systemEvents
updatedWidgets = if | length appEvents == 0 -> return widgets
| otherwise -> handleAppEvents renderer appEvents eventsWidgets
handleAppEvents :: Renderer WidgetM -> SQ.Seq AppEvent -> WidgetTree -> WidgetM WidgetTree
handleAppEvents renderer appEvents oldWidgets = do
app <- get
forM_ appEvents handleAppEvent
newApp <- get
let newWidgets = W.mergeTrees (buildUI newApp) oldWidgets
let mergedWidgets = if | app /= newApp -> W.resizeUI renderer windowSize newWidgets
| otherwise -> return oldWidgets
when (app /= newApp) $ liftIO $ putStrLn "App changed!"
renderWidgets :: SDL.Window -> Context -> Renderer WidgetM -> WidgetTree -> Int -> WidgetM ()
renderWidgets !window !c !renderer widgets ticks = do
SDL.V2 fbWidth fbHeight <- SDL.glGetDrawableSize window
let !pxRatio = fromIntegral fbWidth / fromIntegral fbHeight
let !w = fromIntegral screenWidth
let !h = fromIntegral screenHeight
liftIO $ GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer]
liftIO $ beginFrame c screenWidth screenHeight pxRatio
mapM_ (\widgetNode -> W.handleRender renderer ticks widgetNode) widgets
liftIO $ endFrame c
SDL.glSwapWindow window
convertEvents :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
convertEvents events = newEvents
newEvents = mouseEvents ++ keyboardEvents
mouseEvents = mouseClick events
keyboardEvents = keyboardEvent events
--SDL.P (SDL.V2 mouseX mouseY) <- Mouse.getAbsoluteMouseLocation
mouseClick :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
mouseClick events =
case clickEvent of
Just (SDL.MouseButtonEvent SDL.MouseButtonEventData
{ SDL.mouseButtonEventMotion = motion,
SDL.mouseButtonEventButton = button,
SDL.mouseButtonEventPos = SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y) }) -> leftClicked ++ leftReleased ++ rightClicked ++ rightReleased
where isLeft = button == SDL.ButtonLeft
isRight = button == SDL.ButtonRight
isClicked = motion == SDL.Pressed
isReleased = motion == SDL.Released
mousePos = Point (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
leftClicked = if isLeft && isClicked then [W.Click mousePos W.LeftBtn W.PressedBtn] else []
leftReleased = if isLeft && isReleased then [W.Click mousePos W.LeftBtn W.ReleasedBtn] else []
rightClicked = if isRight && isClicked then [W.Click mousePos W.RightBtn W.PressedBtn] else []
rightReleased = if isRight && isReleased then [W.Click mousePos W.RightBtn W.ReleasedBtn] else []
otherwhise -> []
where clickEvent = L.find (\evt -> case evt of
SDL.MouseButtonEvent _ -> True
otherwhise -> False
) events
keyboardEvent :: [SDL.EventPayload] -> [W.SystemEvent]
keyboardEvent events = activeKeys
activeKeys = map (\(SDL.KeyboardEvent k) -> W.KeyAction (keyCode k) (keyMotion k)) (unsafeCoerce keyboardEvents)
keyCode event = fromIntegral $ SDL.unwrapKeycode $ SDL.keysymKeycode $ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym event
keyMotion event = if SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion event == SDL.Pressed then W.KeyPressed else W.KeyReleased
keyboardEvents = filter (\e -> case e of
SDL.KeyboardEvent k -> True
_ -> False) events

app/Types.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Types where
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Data.Default
data App = App {
_clickCount :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default App where
def = App 0
makeLenses ''App

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

cbits/glew.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nanovg.h"
#include "math.h"
void initGlew() {
glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
GLenum err = glewInit();
if(err != GLEW_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not init GLEW: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
else {

package.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
name: hs-gui
github: "fjvallarino/hs-gui"
license: BSD3
author: "Francisco Vallarino"
maintainer: ""
copyright: "2018 Francisco Vallarino"
# Metadata used when publishing your package
# synopsis: GUI Library
# category: GUI
# To avoid duplicated efforts in documentation and dealing with the
# complications of embedding Haddock markup inside cabal files, it is
# common to point users to the file.
description: Please see the README on Github at <>
- OverloadedStrings
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- containers
- data-default
- ekg
- extra
- microlens
- microlens-mtl
- microlens-th
- mtl
- nanovg
- OpenGL
- sdl2
- text
- unordered-containers
- vector
source-dirs: src
- cbits/glew.c
- -fPIC
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -O0
main: Main.hs
source-dirs: app
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- -with-rtsopts=-T
- -O0
- hs-gui
main: Spec.hs
source-dirs: test/unit
- -fwarn-incomplete-patterns
- -threaded
- -rtsopts
- -with-rtsopts=-N
- call-stack
- hs-gui
- hedgehog
- hedgehog-classes
- hspec
- HUnit
- silently

1 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
stack build --profile && stack exec -- hs-music-exe +RTS -A128m -n2m -s -p

src/GUI/Core.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module GUI.Core where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import qualified Data.Text as T
data Align = Align AlignH AlignV deriving (Show, Eq)
data AlignH = ALeft | ACenter | ARight deriving (Show, Eq)
data AlignV = ATop | AMiddle | ABottom deriving (Show, Eq)
data Point = Point {
_x :: !Double,
_y :: !Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default Point where
def = Point 0 0
data Size = Size {
_w :: !Double,
_h :: !Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default Size where
def = Size 0 0
data Rect = Rect {
_rx :: !Double,
_ry :: !Double,
_rw :: !Double,
_rh :: !Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default Rect where
def = Rect 0 0 0 0
data Color =
RGB !Double !Double !Double
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Color where
(<>) _ c2 = c2
instance Default Color where
def = RGB 0 0 0
white = RGB 255 255 255
black = RGB 0 0 0
red = RGB 255 0 0
green = RGB 0 255 0
blue = RGB 0 0 255
makeLenses ''Point
makeLenses ''Size
makeLenses ''Rect
type Font = T.Text
type FontSize = Double
data Renderer m = (Monad m) => Renderer {
beginPath :: m (),
stroke :: m (),
fill :: m (),
fillColor :: Color -> m (),
fillLinearGradient :: Point -> Point -> Color -> Color -> m (),
strokeColor :: Color -> m (),
strokeWidth :: Double -> m (),
moveTo :: Point -> m (),
line :: Point -> Point -> m (),
lineTo :: Point -> m (),
rect :: Rect -> m (),
arc :: Point -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m (),
quadTo :: Point -> Point -> m (),
ellipse :: Rect -> m (),
text :: Rect -> Font -> FontSize -> Align -> T.Text -> m (),
textBounds :: Font -> FontSize -> T.Text -> m Size
inRect :: Rect -> Point -> Bool
inRect (Rect x y w h) (Point x2 y2) = (x2 >= x && x2 < x + w) && (y2 >= y && y2 < y + h)
firstJust :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
firstJust (Just val) _ = Just val
firstJust _ value = value
justDef :: (Default a) => Maybe a -> a
justDef Nothing = def
justDef (Just val) = val
midPoint :: Point -> Point -> Point
midPoint (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = Point x3 y3 where
x3 = (x2 + x1) / 2
y3 = (y2 + y1) / 2

src/GUI/Data/Tree.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module GUI.Data.Tree where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
data Tree a = Node a (S.Seq (Tree a)) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type Path = [Int]
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton value = Node value S.empty
nodeValue :: Tree a -> a
nodeValue (Node value _) = value
nodeChildren :: Tree a -> S.Seq (Tree a)
nodeChildren (Node _ children) = children
nodeChildrenList :: Tree a -> [a]
nodeChildrenList (Node _ children) = seqToList children
seqToList :: (S.Seq (Tree a)) -> [a]
seqToList children = (fmap nodeValue . F.toList) children
fromList :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
fromList value children = Node value (S.fromList children)
lookup :: Path -> Tree a -> Maybe a
lookup [] (Node val _) = Just val
lookup (idx:xs) (Node val seq) = case S.lookup idx seq of
Just tree -> lookup xs tree
otherwise -> Nothing
updateNode :: Path -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
updateNode [] _ new = new
updateNode (idx:xs) node@(Node val seq) new = case S.lookup idx seq of
Just tree -> Node val newChildren where
newChildren = S.update idx newNode seq
newNode = updateNode xs tree new
Nothing -> node

src/GUI/NanoVGRenderer.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module GUI.NanoVGRenderer where
import Data.Default
import qualified GUI.Core as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified NanoVG as VG
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import GHC.Float
makeRenderer :: (MonadIO m) => VG.Context -> C.Renderer m
makeRenderer c = C.Renderer {..} where
beginPath =
liftIO $ VG.beginPath c
stroke =
liftIO $ VG.stroke c
fill =
liftIO $ VG.fill c
fillColor (C.RGB r g b) = do
liftIO $ VG.fillColor c (VG.rgb (round r) (round g) (round b))
fillLinearGradient (C.Point x1 y1) (C.Point x2 y2) (C.RGB r1 g1 b1) (C.RGB r2 g2 b2) =
col1 = VG.rgb (round r1) (round g1) (round b1)
col2 = VG.rgb (round r2) (round g2) (round b2)
in do
gradient <- liftIO $ VG.linearGradient c (realToFrac x1) (realToFrac y1) (realToFrac x2) (realToFrac y2) col1 col2
liftIO $ VG.fillPaint c gradient
strokeColor (C.RGB r g b) = do
liftIO $ VG.strokeColor c (VG.rgb (round r) (round g) (round b))
strokeWidth width = do
liftIO $ VG.strokeWidth c (realToFrac width)
moveTo (C.Point x y) = do
liftIO $ nvMoveTo c x y
line (C.Point x1 y1) (C.Point x2 y2) = do
liftIO $ nvMoveTo c x1 y1
liftIO $ nvLineTo c x2 y2
lineTo (C.Point x y) = do
liftIO $ nvLineTo c x y
rect (C.Rect x y w h) = do
liftIO $ VG.rect c (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) (realToFrac w) (realToFrac h)
arc (C.Point x1 y1) rad angleStart angleEnd = do
liftIO $ nvArc c x1 y1 rad angleStart angleEnd VG.CW
quadTo (C.Point x1 y1) (C.Point x2 y2) = do
liftIO $ VG.quadTo c (realToFrac x1) (realToFrac y1) (realToFrac x2) (realToFrac y2)
ellipse (C.Rect x y w h) = do
liftIO $ VG.ellipse c (realToFrac cx) (realToFrac cy) (realToFrac rx) (realToFrac ry)
where cx = x + rx
cy = y + ry
rx = w / 2
ry = h / 2
text _ _ _ _ "" = return ()
text (C.Rect x y w h) font fontSize (C.Align ha va) message = do
liftIO $ VG.fontFace c font
liftIO $ VG.fontSize c $ realToFrac fontSize
VG.Bounds (VG.V4 x1 _ x2 _) <- liftIO $ VG.textBounds c (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) message
(asc, desc, _) <- liftIO $ VG.textMetrics c
let tw = x2 - x1
th = asc + desc
tx | ha == C.ALeft = x
| ha == C.ACenter = x + (w - realToFrac tw) / 2
| otherwise = x + (w - realToFrac tw)
ty | va == C.ATop = y + realToFrac th
| va == C.AMiddle = y + (h + realToFrac th) / 2
| otherwise = y + h
liftIO $ VG.text c (realToFrac tx) (realToFrac ty) message
textBounds _ _ "" = return def
textBounds font fontSize message = do
liftIO $ VG.fontFace c font
liftIO $ VG.fontSize c $ realToFrac fontSize
VG.Bounds (VG.V4 x1 y1 x2 y2) <- liftIO $ VG.textBounds c 0 0 message
return $ C.Size (realToFrac $ x2 - x1) (realToFrac $ y2 - y1)
nvMoveTo :: VG.Context -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
nvMoveTo c x y = do
VG.moveTo c (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
nvLineTo :: VG.Context -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
nvLineTo c x y = do
VG.lineTo c (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
nvArc :: VG.Context -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> VG.Winding -> IO ()
nvArc c cx cy radius angleStart angleEnd winding = do
VG.arc c (realToFrac cx) (realToFrac cy) (realToFrac radius) (VG.degToRad $ realToFrac angleStart) (VG.degToRad $ realToFrac angleEnd) winding

src/GUI/Widget/Core.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module GUI.Widget.Core where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.State
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Data.Char
import Data.Default
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable
import Unsafe.Coerce
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Debug.Trace
import GUI.Core
import GUI.Data.Tree
import GUI.Widget.Style
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Sequence as SQ
type Timestamp = Int
data Button = LeftBtn | RightBtn deriving (Show, Eq)
data ButtonState = PressedBtn | ReleasedBtn deriving (Show, Eq)
type KeyCode = Int
data KeyMotion = KeyPressed | KeyReleased deriving (Show, Eq)
data SystemEvent = Update Timestamp |
Click Point Button ButtonState |
KeyAction KeyCode KeyMotion deriving (Show, Eq)
data FontInstance = FontInstance
data Theme = Theme {
_backgroundColor :: Color,
_primaryColor :: Color,
_secondaryColor :: Color,
_palette :: [Color],
_titleFont :: FontInstance,
_subtitleFont :: FontInstance,
_labelFont :: FontInstance,
_messageFont :: FontInstance
data EventResult e m = NoEvents | Events [e] | EventsState [e] (Widget e m)
newtype WidgetType = WidgetType String deriving Eq
newtype WidgetKey = WidgetKey String deriving Eq
instance IsString WidgetType where
fromString string = WidgetType string
instance IsString WidgetKey where
fromString string = WidgetKey string
newtype NodePath = NodePath [Int]
data NodeInfo = NodeInfo WidgetType (Maybe WidgetKey)
instance Semigroup (EventResult e m) where
(<>) NoEvents er2 = er2
(<>) er1 NoEvents = er1
(<>) (Events e1) (Events e2) = Events (e1 ++ e2)
(<>) (EventsState e1 s1) (Events e2) = EventsState (e1 ++ e2) s1
(<>) (Events e1) (EventsState e2 s2) = EventsState (e1 ++ e2) s2
(<>) (EventsState e1 s1) (EventsState e2 s2) = EventsState (e1 ++ e2) s2
data Widget e m =
(Monad m) => Widget {
-- | Type of the widget
_widgetType :: WidgetType,
-- | Handles an event
-- Region assigned to the widget
-- Event to handle
-- Returns: the list of generated events and, maybe, a new version of the widget if internal state changed
_handleEvent :: Rect -> SystemEvent -> EventResult e m,
-- | Minimum size desired by the widget
-- Style options
-- Preferred size for each of the children widgets
-- Renderer (mainly for text sizing functions)
-- Returns: the minimum size desired by the widget
_preferredSize :: Renderer m -> Style -> [Size] -> m Size,
-- | Resizes the children of this widget
-- Region assigned to the widget
-- Style options
-- Preferred size for each of the children widgets
-- Returns: the size assigned to each of the children
_resizeChildren :: Rect -> Style -> [Size] -> [Rect],
-- | Renders the widget
-- Region assigned to the widget
-- Style options
-- Renderer
-- Returns: unit
_render :: Renderer m -> Timestamp -> Rect -> Style -> m ()
-- | Complementary information to a Widget, forming a node in the view tree
-- Type variables:
-- * n: Identifier for a node
data WidgetNode e m =
(Monad m) => WidgetNode {
-- | Key/Identifier of the widget. If provided, it needs to be unique in the same hierarchy level (not globally)
_widgetKey :: Maybe WidgetKey,
_widget :: Widget e m,
_viewport :: Rect,
_style :: Style,
_calculatedStyle :: Style,
_calculatedSize :: Size
key :: (Monad m) => WidgetKey -> WidgetNode e m -> WidgetNode e m
key key wn = wn { _widgetKey = Just key }
style :: (Monad m) => Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> Style -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
style (Node value children) newStyle = Node (value { _style = newStyle }) children
children :: (Monad m) => Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> [Tree (WidgetNode e m)] -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
children (Node value _) newChildren = fromList value newChildren
cascadeStyle :: (Monad m) => Style -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
cascadeStyle parentStyle (Node (wn@WidgetNode{..}) children) = newNode where
newNode = Node (wn { _calculatedStyle = newStyle }) newChildren
newStyle = _style <> parentStyle
newChildren = fmap (cascadeStyle newStyle) children
defaultWidgetNode :: (Monad m) => Widget e m -> WidgetNode e m
defaultWidgetNode widget = WidgetNode {
_widgetKey = Nothing,
_widget = widget,
_viewport = def,
_style = mempty,
_calculatedStyle = mempty,
_calculatedSize = def
singleWidget :: (Monad m) => Widget e m -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
singleWidget widget = singleton (defaultWidgetNode widget)
parentWidget :: (Monad m) => Widget e m -> [Tree (WidgetNode e m)] -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
parentWidget widget = fromList (defaultWidgetNode widget)
widgetMatches :: (Monad m) => WidgetNode e m -> WidgetNode e m -> Bool
widgetMatches wn1 wn2 = _widgetType (_widget wn1) == _widgetType (_widget wn2) && _widgetKey wn1 == _widgetKey wn2
mergeTrees :: (Monad m) => Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
mergeTrees node1@(Node widget1 seq1) (Node widget2 seq2) = newNode where
matches = widgetMatches widget1 widget2
newNode = if | matches -> Node widget2 newChildren
| otherwise -> node1
newChildren = mergedChildren SQ.>< addedChildren
mergedChildren = fmap mergeChild ( seq1 seq2)
addedChildren = SQ.drop (SQ.length seq2) seq1
mergeChild = \(c1, c2) -> mergeTrees c1 c2
handleWidgetEvents :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => Widget e m -> Rect -> t SystemEvent -> EventResult e m
handleWidgetEvents (Widget {..}) viewport systemEvents =
foldl (\eventResult event -> eventResult <> _handleEvent viewport event) NoEvents systemEvents
handleEvents :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> t SystemEvent -> (Tree (WidgetNode e m), SQ.Seq e)
handleEvents (Node (wn@WidgetNode { .. }) children) systemEvents = (newNode, childEvents) where
(newWidget, events) = case handleWidgetEvents _widget _viewport systemEvents of
NoEvents -> (_widget, [])
Events evts -> (_widget, evts)
EventsState evts wdt -> (wdt, evts)
(newChildren, childEvents) = foldl (\(ws, evs) widgetNode -> case handleEvents widgetNode systemEvents of
(ws2, evs2) -> (ws SQ.|> ws2, evs SQ.>< evs2)) (SQ.empty, SQ.fromList events) children
newNode = Node (wn { _widget = newWidget }) newChildren
handleRender :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Timestamp -> WidgetNode e m -> m ()
handleRender renderer ts (WidgetNode _ Widget{..} viewport _ calculatedStyle _) = _render renderer ts viewport calculatedStyle
resizeUI :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> m (Tree (WidgetNode e m))
resizeUI renderer assignedRect widgetNode = do
preferredSizes <- buildPreferredSizes renderer widgetNode
resizeNode renderer assignedRect preferredSizes widgetNode
buildPreferredSizes :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> m (Tree Size)
buildPreferredSizes renderer (Node (WidgetNode {..}) children) = do
childrenSizes <- mapM (buildPreferredSizes renderer) children
size <- _preferredSize _widget renderer _style (seqToList childrenSizes)
return $ Node size childrenSizes
resizeNode :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Tree Size -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> m (Tree (WidgetNode e m))
resizeNode renderer assignedRect (Node _ {--widgetSize--} childrenSizes) (Node widgetNode childrenWns) = do
let widget = _widget widgetNode
let style = _style widgetNode
let updatedNode = widgetNode { _viewport = assignedRect }
let assignedRects = (_resizeChildren widget) assignedRect style (seqToList childrenSizes)
let childrenPair = SQ.zip3 childrenSizes childrenWns (SQ.fromList assignedRects)
let childResize = \(size, node, rect) -> resizeNode renderer rect size node
newChildren <- mapM childResize childrenPair
return (Node updatedNode newChildren)
-- _preferredSize :: Renderer m -> Style -> [Size] -> m Size,
-- _resizeChildren :: Rect -> Style -> [Size] -> [Rect],
resizeNodeOld :: (Monad m) => Rect -> Tree (WidgetNode e m) -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
resizeNodeOld !rt@(Rect x y w h) (Node (WidgetNode widgetKey widget _ style calculatedStyle calculatedSize) children) = newNode where
newNode = Node (WidgetNode widgetKey widget rt style calculatedStyle calculatedSize) newChildren
rows = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral (length children)
cols = (length children) `div` rows
iw = w / fromIntegral cols
ih = h / fromIntegral rows
newChildren = fmap (\(w, i) -> resizeNodeOld (newRt i) w) widgetIdxPairs
widgetIdxPairs = children (SQ.fromList [0..(length children)])
newRt i = Rect (x + fromIntegral (i `mod` cols) * iw) (y + fromIntegral (i `div` cols) * ih) iw ih

src/GUI/Widget/Drawing.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module GUI.Widget.Drawing where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import GUI.Core
import GUI.Widget.Style
defaultColor :: Color
defaultColor = RGB 255 255 255
defaultFont :: Font
defaultFont = "sans"
defaultFontSize :: FontSize
defaultFontSize = 32
defaultAlignH :: AlignH
defaultAlignH = ACenter
defaultAlignV :: AlignV
defaultAlignV = AMiddle
degToRad :: Double -> Double
degToRad rad = rad * 3.1416 / 180.0
drawBgRect :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Style -> m ()
drawBgRect renderer rect Style{..} = do
drawRect renderer rect _bgColor _bgRadius
when (isJust _border) $ do
drawRoundedBorder renderer rect (fromJust _border)
drawRect :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Maybe Color -> Maybe Radius -> m ()
drawRect _ _ Nothing _ = pure ()
drawRect renderer rt (Just color) Nothing = do
beginPath renderer
fillColor renderer color
rect renderer rt
fill renderer
drawRect renderer rt (Just color) (Just radius) = do
beginPath renderer
fillColor renderer color
drawRoundedRect renderer rt radius
fill renderer
drawRoundedRect :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Radius -> m ()
drawRoundedRect renderer (Rect x y w h) Radius{..} =
xl = x
xr = x + w
yt = y
yb = y + h
x1 = x + (justDef _rTopLeft)
x2 = x + w - (justDef _rTopRight)
x3 = x + (justDef _rBottomLeft)
x4 = x + w - (justDef _rBottomRight)
y1 = y + (justDef _rTopLeft)
y2 = y + h - (justDef _rBottomLeft)
y3 = y + (justDef _rTopRight)
y4 = y + h - (justDef _rBottomRight)
in do
arc renderer (Point x1 y1) (justDef _rTopLeft) 180 270
lineTo renderer (Point x2 yt) --
arc renderer (Point x2 y1) (justDef _rTopRight) 270 0
lineTo renderer (Point xr y2) --
arc renderer (Point x2 y2) (justDef _rBottomRight) 0 90
lineTo renderer (Point x1 yb) --
arc renderer (Point x1 y2) (justDef _rBottomLeft) 90 180
lineTo renderer (Point xl y1) --
drawRoundedBorder :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Border -> m ()
drawRoundedBorder renderer (Rect x y w h) Border{..} =
Radius {..} = justDef _bRadius
_minRadius = 0.5
-- Border width
btw = _bsWidth $ justDef _bTop
bbw = _bsWidth $ justDef _bBottom
blw = _bsWidth $ justDef _bLeft
brw = _bsWidth $ justDef _bRight
-- Radius
rtl = justDef _rTopLeft
rtr = justDef _rTopRight
rbl = justDef _rBottomLeft
rbr = justDef _rBottomRight
-- Main points
-- Top
xtl1 = x + (if rtl > _minRadius then rtl else 0)
xtl2 = x + (if rtl > _minRadius then rtl else 0) + blw
xtr1 = x + w - (if rtr > _minRadius then rtr else 0)
xtr2 = x + w - (if rtr > _minRadius then rtr else 0) - brw
yt1 = y
yt2 = y + btw
-- Bottom
xbl1 = x + (if rbl > _minRadius then rbl else 0)
xbl2 = x + (if rbl > _minRadius then rbl else 0) + blw
xbr1 = x + w - (if rbr > _minRadius then rbr else 0)
xbr2 = x + w - (if rbr > _minRadius then rbr else 0) - brw
yb1 = y + h
yb2 = y + h - bbw
-- Left
xl1 = x
xl2 = x + blw
ytl1 = y + (if rtl > _minRadius then rtl else 0)
ytl2 = y + (if rtl > _minRadius then rtl else 0) + btw
ybl1 = y + h - (if rbl > _minRadius then rtl else 0)
ybl2 = y + h - (if rbl > _minRadius then rtl else 0) - bbw
-- Right
xr1 = x + w
xr2 = x + w - brw
ytr1 = y + (if rtr > _minRadius then rtr else 0)
ytr2 = y + (if rtr > _minRadius then rtr else 0) + btw
ybr1 = y + h - (if rbr > _minRadius then rtr else 0)
ybr2 = y + h - (if rbr > _minRadius then rtr else 0) - bbw
drawTrapezoid borderSide p1 p2 p3 p4 =
when (_bsWidth (justDef borderSide) > 0.5) $ do
beginPath renderer
fillColor renderer (_bsColor (fromJust borderSide))
moveTo renderer p1
lineTo renderer p2
lineTo renderer p3
lineTo renderer p4
lineTo renderer p1
fill renderer
drawRadius s1 s2 p1 p2 p3 p4 cp1 cp2 = do
beginPath renderer
moveTo renderer p1
quadTo renderer cp1 p2
lineTo renderer p3
quadTo renderer cp2 p4
lineTo renderer p1
if isJust s1 && isJust s2 && fromJust s1 /= fromJust s2 then
fillLinearGradient renderer (midPoint p1 p4) (midPoint p2 p3) (_bsColor (fromJust s1)) (_bsColor (fromJust s2))
else if (isJust s1) then
fillColor renderer (_bsColor (fromJust s1))
fillColor renderer (_bsColor (fromJust s2))
fill renderer
in do
-- The 0.5 +/- are used to avoid breaks
drawTrapezoid _bTop (Point (xtl1 - 0.5) yt1) (Point (xtr1 + 0.5) yt1) (Point (xtr2 + 0.5) yt2) (Point (xtl2 - 0.5) yt2)
drawTrapezoid _bBottom (Point (xbl1 - 0.5) yb1) (Point (xbr1 + 0.5) yb1) (Point (xbr2 + 0.5) yb2) (Point (xbl2 - 0.5) yb2)
drawTrapezoid _bLeft (Point xl1 (ytl1 - 0.5)) (Point xl1 (ybl1 + 0.5)) (Point xl2 (ybl2 + 0.5)) (Point xl2 (ytl2 - 0.5))
drawTrapezoid _bRight (Point xr1 (ytr1 - 0.5)) (Point xr1 (ybr1 + 0.5)) (Point xr2 (ybr2 + 0.5)) (Point xr2 (ytr2 - 0.5))
when (rtl > 0.5) $
drawRadius _bLeft _bTop (Point xl1 ytl1) (Point xtl1 yt1) (Point xtl2 yt2) (Point xl2 ytl2) (Point xl1 yt1) (Point xl2 yt2)
when (rtr > 0.5) $
drawRadius _bTop _bRight (Point xtr1 yt1) (Point xr1 ytr1) (Point xr2 ytr2) (Point xtr2 yt2) (Point xr1 yt1) (Point xr2 yt2)
when (rbr > 0.5) $
drawRadius _bRight _bBottom (Point xr1 ybr1) (Point xbr1 yb1) (Point xbr2 yb2) (Point xr2 ybr2) (Point xr1 yb1) (Point xr2 yb2)
when (rbl > 0.5) $
drawRadius _bBottom _bLeft (Point xbl1 yb1) (Point xl1 ybl1) (Point xl2 ybl2) (Point xbl2 yb2) (Point xl1 yb1) (Point xl2 yb2)
drawText :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Rect -> Maybe TextStyle -> T.Text -> m ()
drawText renderer viewport Nothing txt = drawText renderer viewport (Just mempty) txt
drawText renderer viewport (Just TextStyle{..}) txt = do
let tsColor = fromMaybe defaultColor _tsColor
tsFontSize = fromMaybe defaultFontSize _tsFontSize
tsAlignH = fromMaybe defaultAlignH _tsAlignH
tsAlignV = fromMaybe defaultAlignV _tsAlignV
tsAlign = Align tsAlignH tsAlignV
fillColor renderer tsColor
text renderer viewport defaultFont tsFontSize tsAlign txt
calcTextBounds :: (Monad m) => Renderer m -> Maybe TextStyle -> T.Text -> m Size
calcTextBounds renderer Nothing txt = calcTextBounds renderer (Just mempty) txt
calcTextBounds renderer (Just TextStyle{..}) txt =
tsFontSize = fromMaybe defaultFontSize _tsFontSize
textBounds renderer defaultFont tsFontSize txt
subtractBorder :: Rect -> Border -> Rect
subtractBorder (Rect x y w h) (Border l r t b _) = Rect nx ny nw nh where
nx = x + (_bsWidth (justDef l))
ny = y + (_bsWidth (justDef t))
nw = w - (_bsWidth (justDef l)) - (_bsWidth (justDef r))
nh = h - (_bsWidth (justDef t)) - (_bsWidth (justDef b))
subtractPadding :: Rect -> Padding -> Rect
subtractPadding (Rect x y w h) (Padding l r t b) = Rect nx ny nw nh where
nx = x + (justDef l)
ny = y + (justDef t)
nw = w - (justDef l) - (justDef r)
nh = h - (justDef t) - (justDef b)

src/GUI/Widget/Style.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module GUI.Widget.Style where
import Data.Default
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import GUI.Core
-- | Basic styling attributes
-- Remember adjacent margin collapse behavior
data Style =
Style {
_padding :: Maybe Padding,
_bgRadius :: Maybe Radius,
_bgColor :: Maybe Color,
_border :: Maybe Border,
_textStyle :: Maybe TextStyle
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Monoid Style where
mempty = Style {
_padding = Nothing,
_bgRadius = Nothing,
_bgColor = Nothing,
_border = Nothing,
_textStyle = Nothing
instance Semigroup Style where
(<>) style1 style2 = Style {
_padding = (_padding style2) <> (_padding style1),
_bgRadius = (_bgRadius style2) <> (_bgRadius style1),
_bgColor = firstJust (_bgColor style2) (_bgColor style1),
_border = (_border style2) <> (_border style1),
_textStyle = (_textStyle style2) <> (_textStyle style1)
data Padding = Padding {
_pLeft :: Maybe Double,
_pRight :: Maybe Double,
_pTop :: Maybe Double,
_pBottom :: Maybe Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Padding where
(<>) p1 p2 = Padding {
_pLeft = firstJust (_pLeft p2) (_pLeft p1),
_pRight = firstJust (_pRight p2) (_pRight p1),
_pTop = firstJust (_pTop p2) (_pTop p1),
_pBottom = firstJust (_pBottom p2) (_pBottom p1)
instance Monoid Padding where
mempty = Padding {
_pLeft = Nothing,
_pRight = Nothing,
_pTop = Nothing,
_pBottom = Nothing
data BorderSide = BorderSide {
_bsWidth :: Double,
_bsColor :: Color
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup BorderSide where
(<>) _ b2 = b2
instance Default BorderSide where
def = BorderSide {
_bsWidth = 0,
_bsColor = def
data Border = Border {
_bLeft :: Maybe BorderSide,
_bRight :: Maybe BorderSide,
_bTop :: Maybe BorderSide,
_bBottom :: Maybe BorderSide,
_bRadius :: Maybe Radius
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Border where
(<>) b1 b2 = Border {
_bLeft = (_bLeft b2) <> (_bLeft b1),
_bRight = (_bRight b2) <> (_bRight b1),
_bTop = (_bTop b2) <> (_bTop b1),
_bBottom = (_bBottom b2) <> (_bBottom b1),
_bRadius = (_bRadius b2) <> (_bRadius b1)
instance Monoid Border where
mempty = Border {
_bLeft = def,
_bRight = def,
_bTop = def,
_bBottom = def,
_bRadius = def
data Radius = Radius {
_rTopLeft :: Maybe Double,
_rTopRight :: Maybe Double,
_rBottomLeft :: Maybe Double,
_rBottomRight :: Maybe Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Radius where
(<>) _ br2 = br2
instance Default Radius where
def = Radius {
_rTopLeft = Nothing,
_rTopRight = Nothing,
_rBottomLeft = Nothing,
_rBottomRight = Nothing
data TextStyle = TextStyle {
_tsFont :: Maybe String,
_tsFontSize :: Maybe Double,
_tsColor :: Maybe Color,
_tsAlignH :: Maybe AlignH,
_tsAlignV :: Maybe AlignV
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup TextStyle where
(<>) ts1 ts2 = TextStyle {
_tsFont = firstJust (_tsFont ts2) (_tsFont ts1),
_tsFontSize = firstJust (_tsFontSize ts2) (_tsFontSize ts1),
_tsColor = firstJust (_tsColor ts2) (_tsColor ts1),
_tsAlignH = firstJust (_tsAlignH ts2) (_tsAlignH ts1),
_tsAlignV = firstJust (_tsAlignV ts2) (_tsAlignV ts1)
instance Monoid TextStyle where
mempty = TextStyle {
_tsFont = Nothing,
_tsFontSize = Nothing,
_tsColor = Nothing,
_tsAlignH = Nothing,
_tsAlignV = Nothing
border :: Double -> Color -> Double -> Style
border width color radius = mempty {
_border = Just mempty {
_bLeft = Just (BorderSide width color),
_bRight = Just (BorderSide width color),
_bTop = Just (BorderSide width color),
_bBottom = Just (BorderSide width color),
_bRadius = Just (Radius (Just radius) (Just radius) (Just radius) (Just radius))
borderTop :: Double -> Color -> Style
borderTop width color = mempty {
_border = Just mempty {
_bTop = Just (BorderSide width color)
borderBottom :: Double -> Color -> Style
borderBottom width color = mempty {
_border = Just mempty {
_bBottom = Just (BorderSide width color)
borderLeft :: Double -> Color -> Style
borderLeft width color = mempty {
_border = Just mempty {
_bLeft = Just (BorderSide width color)
borderRight :: Double -> Color -> Style
borderRight width color = mempty {
_border = Just mempty {
_bRight = Just (BorderSide width color)
bgColor :: Color -> Style
bgColor color = mempty { _bgColor = (Just color) }
bgRadius :: Double -> Style
bgRadius rad = mempty { _bgRadius = (Just (Radius jrad jrad jrad jrad)) } where
jrad = Just rad
textSize :: Double -> Style
textSize size = mempty {
_textStyle = Just $ mempty {
_tsFontSize = Just size
textAlignH :: AlignH -> Style
textAlignH alignH = mempty {
_textStyle = Just $ mempty {
_tsAlignH = Just alignH
textAlignV :: AlignV -> Style
textAlignV alignV = mempty {
_textStyle = Just $ mempty {
_tsAlignV = Just alignV
--makeLenses ''Style
--makeLenses ''TextStyle
--textAlignV :: AlignV -> Style
--textAlignV alignV = mempty & textStyle ?~ (mempty & tsAlignV ?~ alignV)
minStyleSize = 0 :: Double
maxStyleSize = 100000 :: Double
data Unit = Px | Pct deriving (Show, Eq)
data SizeReq = SizeReq Double Double Unit deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup SizeReq where
(<>) (SizeReq min1 max1 Px) (SizeReq min2 max2 Px) = SizeReq (max min1 min2) (max max1 max2) Px
(<>) (SizeReq min1 max1 Pct) (SizeReq min2 max2 Pct) = SizeReq (max min1 min2) (max max1 max2) Pct
(<>) s1@(SizeReq _ _ Px) _ = s1
(<>) _ s2@(SizeReq _ _ Px) = s2
instance Monoid SizeReq where
mempty = SizeReq 0 maxStyleSize Pct
minSizePx size = SizeReq size maxStyleSize Px
maxSizePx size = SizeReq minStyleSize size Px
minSizePct size = SizeReq size maxStyleSize Pct
maxSizePct size = SizeReq minStyleSize size Pct
data Style = Style {
_sWidth :: SizeReq,
_sHeight :: SizeReq,
_sBgColor :: C.Color,
_sFont :: T.Text,
_sFontSize :: Int,
_sFontColor :: C.Color
instance Semigroup Style where
(<>) s1 s2 = Style {
_sWidth = (_sWidth s1) <> (_sWidth s2),
_sHeight = (_sHeight s1) <> (_sHeight s2),
_sBgColor = (_sBgColor s2),
_sFont = (_sFont s2),
_sFontSize = (_sFontSize s2),
_sFontColor = (_sFontColor s2)
instance Monoid Style where
mempty = Style mempty mempty "sans" 16 C.white
data Stroke = Solid | Dashed deriving (Show, Eq)
data Unit = Px | Pct deriving (Show, Eq)
data Side = Top | Bottom | Left | Right | All deriving (Show, Eq)
data Corner = C_TL | C_TR | C_BL | C_BR | C_T | C_B | C_L | C_R | C_TBLR deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Corner where
(<>) _ b = b
instance Monoid Corner where
mempty = C_TBLR
data Alignment = A_LT | A_LM | A_LB | A_CT | A_CM | A_CB | A_RT | A_RM | A_RB deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Alignment where
(<>) _ b = b
instance Monoid Alignment where
mempty = A_LT
data SizeReq = SizeReq Double Double Unit deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup SizeReq where
(<>) (SizeReq min1 max1 Px) (SizeReq min2 max2 Px) = SizeReq (max min1 min2) (max max1 max2) Px
(<>) (SizeReq min1 max1 Pct) (SizeReq min2 max2 Pct) = SizeReq (max min1 min2) (max max1 max2) Pct
(<>) s1@(SizeReq _ _ Px) _ = s1
(<>) _ s2@(SizeReq _ _ Px) = s2
instance Monoid SizeReq where
mempty = SizeReq 0 100000 Pct
data CornerShape = Normal | Straight | Rounded deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup CornerShape where
(<>) Normal _ = Normal
(<>) _ Normal = Normal
(<>) cs1 _ = cs1
instance Monoid CornerShape where
mempty = Normal
data CornerStyle = CornerStyle Corner CornerShape Double Unit deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup CornerStyle where
(<>) _ b = b
instance Monoid CornerStyle where
mempty = CornerStyle C_TBLR Normal 1 Px
data Border = Border {
_bLeft :: (Stroke, Double, Unit),
_bRight :: (Stroke, Double, Unit),
_bTop :: (Stroke, Double, Unit),
_bBottom :: (Stroke, Double, Unit)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Border where
(<>) (Border l1 r1 t1 b1) (Border l2 r2 t2 b2) = Border (bmax l1 l2) (bmax r1 r2) (bmax t1 t2) (bmax b1 b2) where
bmax t1@(s1, v1, Px) t2@(s2, v2, Px) = if v1 > v2 then t1 else t2
bmax t1@(s1, v1, Pct) t2@(s2, v2, Pct) = if v1 > v2 then t1 else t2
bmax t1@(s1, v1, Px) _ = t1
bmax _ t2@(s1, v1, Px) = t2
instance Monoid Border where
mempty = Border ev ev ev ev where
ev = (Solid, 0, Px)
data Padding = Padding {
_pLeft :: Double,
_pRight :: Double,
_pTop :: Double,
_pBottom :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Padding where
(<>) (Padding l1 r1 t1 b1) (Padding l2 r2 t2 b2) = Padding (max l1 l2) (max r1 r2) (max t1 t2) (max b1 b2)
instance Monoid Padding where
mempty = Padding 0 0 0 0
data Offset = Offset {
_oLeft :: Double,
_oRight :: Double,
_oTop :: Double,
_oBottom :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup Offset where
(<>) (Offset l1 r1 t1 b1) (Offset l2 r2 t2 b2) = Offset (max l1 l2) (max r1 r2) (max t1 t2) (max b1 b2)
instance Monoid Offset where
mempty = Offset 0 0 0 0
--data Style = Width SizeReq | Height SizeReq | Padding [(Double, Side)] | Offset [(Double, Side)] | Border [Border] | Align [Alignment] | CornerStyle [CornerStyle]
--data StyleClass = String [Style]
data Style = Style {
_sWidth :: SizeReq,
_sHeight :: SizeReq,
_sPadding :: Padding,
_sOffset :: Offset,
_sBorder :: Border,
_sAlignment :: Alignment,
_sCorner :: CornerStyle
instance Semigroup Style where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid Style where
mempty = Style mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
mappend (Style w1 h1 p1 o1 b1 a1 c1) (Style w2 h2 p2 o2 b2 a2 c2) = Style {
_sWidth = w1 <> w2,
_sHeight = h1 <> h2,
_sPadding = p1 <> p2,
_sOffset = o1 <> o2,
_sBorder = b1 <> b2,
_sAlignment = a1 <> a2,
_sCorner = c1 <> c2
- Width
- Height
- Padding
- Offset
- Border
- Alignment
- Corners

src/GUI/Widget/Widgets.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module GUI.Widget.Widgets where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Debug.Trace
import GUI.Core
import GUI.Data.Tree
import GUI.Widget.Core
import GUI.Widget.Drawing
import GUI.Widget.Style
import qualified Data.Text as T
container_ :: (Monad m) => [Tree (WidgetNode e m)] -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
container_ = parentWidget makeContainer
emptyState :: Maybe ()
emptyState = Nothing
makeContainer :: (Monad m) => Widget e m
makeContainer = Widget widgetType handleEvent preferredSize resizeChildren render
widgetType = "container"
handleEvent _ _ = NoEvents
preferredSize _ _ _ = return def
resizeChildren _ _ children = []
render _ _ _ _ = return ()
button :: (Monad m) => e -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
button onClick = singleWidget (makeButton 0 onClick)
makeButton :: (Monad m) => Int -> e -> Widget e m
makeButton state onClick = Widget widgetType handleEvent preferredSize resizeChildren render
widgetType = "button"
handleEvent view evt = case evt of
Click (Point x y) _ status -> EventsState events (makeButton newState onClick) where
isPressed = status == PressedBtn && inRect view (Point x y)
newState = if isPressed then state + 1 else state
events = if isPressed then [onClick] else []
_ -> NoEvents
preferredSize renderer (style@Style{..}) _ = calcTextBounds renderer _textStyle (T.pack (show state))
resizeChildren _ _ _ = []
render renderer ts viewport (style@Style{..}) =
drawBgRect renderer viewport style
drawText renderer viewport _textStyle (T.pack (show state))
data Direction = Horizontal | Vertical deriving (Show, Eq)
hgrid_ :: (Monad m) => [Tree (WidgetNode e m)] -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
hgrid_ = parentWidget makeHGrid
makeHGrid :: (Monad m) => Widget e m
makeHGrid = makeFixedGrid "hgrid" Horizontal
vgrid_ :: (Monad m) => [Tree (WidgetNode e m)] -> Tree (WidgetNode e m)
vgrid_ = parentWidget makeVGrid
makeVGrid :: (Monad m) => Widget e m
makeVGrid = makeFixedGrid "vgrid" Vertical
makeFixedGrid :: (Monad m) => WidgetType -> Direction -> Widget e m
makeFixedGrid widgetType direction = Widget widgetType handleEvent preferredSize resizeChildren render
handleEvent _ _ = NoEvents
render _ _ _ _ = return ()
preferredSize _ _ children = return $ Size width height where
width = (fromIntegral wMul) * (maximum . map _w) children
height = (fromIntegral hMul) * (maximum . map _h) children
wMul = if direction == Horizontal then length children else 1
hMul = if direction == Horizontal then 1 else length children
resizeChildren (Rect l t w h) style children = newWidgets where
cols = if direction == Horizontal then (length children) else 1
rows = if direction == Horizontal then 1 else (length children)
newWidgets = fmap resizeChild [0..(length children - 1)]
resizeChild i = traceShow i $ Rect (cx i) (cy i) cw ch
cw = w / fromIntegral cols
ch = h / fromIntegral rows
cx i = l + (fromIntegral $ i `div` rows) * cw
cy i = t + (fromIntegral $ i `div` cols) * ch
makeSizedGrid :: (Monad m) => Direction -> Widget e m
makeSizedGrid direction = Widget widgetType handleEvent preferredSize resizeChildren render
widgetType = "directionalLayout"
handleEvent _ _ = NoEvents
render _ _ _ _ = return ()
preferredSize _ _ children = return $ Size (width children) (height children) where
width = if direction == Horizontal then (sum . map _w) else (maximum . (map _w))
height = if direction == Horizontal then (maximum . (map _h)) else (sum . (map _h))
resizeChildren rect style children = []
hgrid :: (Monad m) => Rect -> [Widget s m] -> m Bool -> Widget s m
hgrid rect widgets isVisible = makeGrid rect (length widgets) 1 widgets isVisible
vgrid :: (Monad m) => Rect -> [Widget s m] -> m Bool -> Widget s m
vgrid rect widgets isVisible = makeGrid rect 1 (length widgets) widgets isVisible
makeGrid :: (Monad m) => Rect -> Int -> Int -> [Widget s m] -> m Bool -> Widget s m
makeGrid r@(Rect l t w h) rows cols widgets iv = widget
widget = Widget widgetData iv (handleEvent widgets) (render widgets) resize showMe
widgetData = WidgetData l t w h
handleEvent widgets _ e = do
newWidgets <- mapM (\wt -> _handleEvent wt (Rect l t w h) e) widgets
pure $ makeGrid r rows cols newWidgets iv
render widgets r _ = mapM_ (\Widget{..} -> whenM _isVisible $ _render r (widgetDataToRect _widgetData)) widgets
showMe = show $ fmap _widgetData widgets
resize _ = makeGrid r rows cols newWidgets iv
newWidgets = fmap resizeChild (zip [0..] widgets)
resizeChild (i, child@(Widget {..})) = _resize $ child { _widgetData = (WidgetData (cx i) (cy i) cw ch) }
cw = w / fromIntegral cols
ch = h / fromIntegral rows
cx i = l + (fromIntegral $ i `mod` rows) * cw
cy i = t + (fromIntegral $ i `div` cols) * ch

src/Lib.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Lib
( someFunc
) where
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = putStrLn "someFunc"

stack.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# This file was automatically generated by 'stack init'
# Some commonly used options have been documented as comments in this file.
# For advanced use and comprehensive documentation of the format, please see:
# Resolver to choose a 'specific' stackage snapshot or a compiler version.
# A snapshot resolver dictates the compiler version and the set of packages
# to be used for project dependencies. For example:
# resolver: lts-3.5
# resolver: nightly-2015-09-21
# resolver: ghc-7.10.2
# resolver: ghcjs-0.1.0_ghc-7.10.2
# resolver:
# name: custom-snapshot
# location: "./custom-snapshot.yaml"
resolver: lts-14.4
# User packages to be built.
# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.
# packages:
# - some-directory
# -
# - location:
# git:
# commit: e7b331f14bcffb8367cd58fbfc8b40ec7642100a
# - location:
# extra-dep: true
# subdirs:
# - auto-update
# - wai
# A package marked 'extra-dep: true' will only be built if demanded by a
# non-dependency (i.e. a user package), and its test suites and benchmarks
# will not be run. This is useful for tweaking upstream packages.
- .
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver
# (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
- hedgehog-1.0
- hedgehog-classes-0.2.1
- nanovg-
- StateVar-,1417
- git:
commit: 647c5611e23ad2822e974d9868faa481059258ca
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
# flags: {}
# Extra package databases containing global packages
# extra-package-dbs: []
# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path
# system-ghc: true
# Require a specific version of stack, using version ranges
# require-stack-version: -any # Default
# require-stack-version: ">=1.6"
# Override the architecture used by stack, especially useful on Windows
# arch: i386
# arch: x86_64
# Extra directories used by stack for building
# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
# compiler-check: newer-minor

stack.yaml.lock Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# This file was autogenerated by Stack.
# You should not edit this file by hand.
# For more information, please see the documentation at:
- completed:
hackage: hedgehog-1.0@sha256:440dafedac48a34eac3871f8622b215462cfc0708536cb0458b7a8cf38247c69,4463
size: 2409
sha256: 985f5ddc16bc1fd4b0c33d4b4e6f54d205fc63aa97b5912b0fcb370dc2a672e3
hackage: hedgehog-1.0
- completed:
hackage: hedgehog-classes-0.2.1@sha256:17efa4f03e2de7936c119266d8b3710b167b2615a3455b45461c2dfa23b82fb6,5351
size: 4974
sha256: 625a4d7494774e9d1f58420c3520dc652d36798c97d7018763435e42fb8908e8
hackage: hedgehog-classes-0.2.1
- completed:
hackage: nanovg-,4146
size: 2477
sha256: a5e327e2216aea778723aeb77d8868376ff4999d1b3cd4d4fe17d38d0ff04265
hackage: nanovg-
- completed:
hackage: StateVar-,1417
size: 314
sha256: d2b673886d4d8866aecb9b7f32ec6719fa9a8f8d2ccccea059edc3c45db4e1f0
hackage: StateVar-,1417
- completed:
size: 11219
sha256: 036f43db9e3ac46d9c9b96b58b1b26defc6b39674633ff05886cb2159135520f
name: sdl2
size: 6949
sha256: d6ac403f4c9bf8622d1d2bb36276010c25bcb0a6f21db33f96f01af1d6ab6f7b
commit: 647c5611e23ad2822e974d9868faa481059258ca
commit: 647c5611e23ad2822e974d9868faa481059258ca
- completed:
size: 523884
sha256: 16f24be248b42c9e16d59db84378836b1e7c239448a041cae46d32daffa45a8b
original: lts-14.4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module GUI.Widget.CoreSpec where
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Widget.Core" $ do
stubSpec :: Spec
stubSpec =
describe "Stub" $ do
it "does not really test anything" $ do
2 `shouldBe` (1 + 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module GUI.Widget.StyleSpec where
import Hedgehog
import Hedgehog.Classes
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import GUI.Core
import GUI.Widget.Style
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Style" $ do
it "should do nothing, again" $ do
1 `shouldBe` 1
it "should have require function that checks hedgehog properties" $ do
require $ property $ do
x <- forAll ( Range.constantBounded)
x === x
it "should check BorderSide fulfills Semigroup laws" $ do
1 `shouldBe` 1
it "should check Padding fulfills Semigroup laws" $ do
checkLaws genPadding [monoidLaws]
genDouble :: Gen Double
genDouble = Gen.double (Range.linearFrac (-10000) 10000)
genMDouble :: Gen (Maybe Double)
genMDouble = Gen.maybe $ genDouble
genRGB :: Gen Color
genRGB = RGB <$> genDouble <*> genDouble <*> genDouble
genBorderSide :: Gen BorderSide
genBorderSide = BorderSide <$> genDouble <*> genRGB
genPadding :: Gen Padding
genPadding = Padding <$> genMDouble <*> genMDouble <*> genMDouble <*> genMDouble

test/unit/Spec.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

test/unit/TestUtils.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module TestUtils where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.CallStack
import Hedgehog
import Hedgehog.Classes
import Test.HUnit.Lang
import System.IO.Silently
import qualified Control.Exception as E
{-- Adapted from: --}
location :: HasCallStack => Maybe SrcLoc
location = case reverse callStack of
(_, loc) : _ -> Just loc
[] -> Nothing
require :: HasCallStack => Property -> Assertion
require p = do
(captured, result) <- capture $ liftIO $ check p
unless result $ do
putStrLn captured
E.throwIO (HUnitFailure location $ Reason "Hedgehog property test failed")
checkLaws :: HasCallStack => Gen a -> [Gen a -> Laws] -> Assertion
checkLaws gen laws = do
(captured, result) <- capture $ lawsCheckOne gen laws
unless result $ do
putStrLn captured
E.throwIO (HUnitFailure location $ Reason "Hedgehog classes property test failed")

1 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
ghcid --command "stack ghci hs-music:lib hs-music:test:hs-music-test --ghci-options=-fobject-code"