Improve Ticker example styling

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-07-23 16:27:34 -03:00
parent 5e88da0323
commit 94fbb8d507
4 changed files with 57 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:todo"
--command "stack repl --main-is monomer:exe:ticker"
--test ":main"

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@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ import Control.Monad (forever, forM_, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.STM
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Text (Text)
import TextShow
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -37,45 +35,54 @@ buildUI
-> TickerModel
-> WidgetNode TickerModel TickerEvt
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
dragColor = lightGray & L.a .~ 0.5
closeIcon = icon_ IconClose [width 4] `style` [width 12, height 12, fgColor crimson, cursorHand]
sectionColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
dragColor = rgbaHex "#D3D3D3" 0.5
rowSep = rgbaHex "#A9A9A9" 0.5
rowBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" . non def
trashBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" . non def
trashFg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" . non def
trashIcon action = button remixDeleteBinLine action
`style` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor trashFg, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`hover` [bgColor trashBg]
dropTicker pair widget = dropTarget_ (TickerMovePair pair) [dropTargetStyle [bgColor darkGray]] widget
tickerPct t = label pctText `style` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor] where
tickerPct t = pctLabel where
diff = toRealFloat $ 100 * (t ^. close - t ^. open)
pct = diff / toRealFloat (t ^. open)
pctText = formatTickerPct (fromFloatDigits pct) <> "%"
| abs pct < 0.01 = white
| pct > 0 = green
| otherwise = red
tickerItem t = vstack [
| abs pct < 0.01 = rgbHex "#428FE0"
| pct > 0 = rgbHex "#51A39A"
| otherwise = rgbHex "#E25141"
pctLabel = label pctText `style` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
tickerItem idx t = hstack [
dropTicker (t ^. symbolPair) $
draggable_ (t ^. symbolPair) [draggableStyle [bgColor dragColor]] $ hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `style` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close)) `style` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t,
box_ [onClick (TickerRemovePairBegin (t ^. symbolPair))] closeIcon
] `style` [cursorHand]
draggable_ (t ^. symbolPair) [draggableStyle [bgColor dragColor]] $
hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `style` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close))
`style` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t
] `style` [cursorHand],
trashIcon (TickerRemovePairBegin (t ^. symbolPair))
] `style` [padding 10, borderB 1 rowSep]
`hover` [bgColor rowBg]
tickerList = vstack tickerRows where
orderedTickers = (\e -> model ^? tickers . ix e) <$> model ^. symbolPairs
tickerFade t = fadeOut_ [onFinished action] item `key` (t ^. symbolPair) where
tickerFade idx t = fadeOut_ [onFinished action] item `key` (t ^. symbolPair) where
action = TickerRemovePair (t ^. symbolPair)
item = tickerItem t
tickerRows = tickerFade <$> catMaybes orderedTickers
item = tickerItem idx t
tickerRows = zipWith tickerFade [0..] (catMaybes orderedTickers)
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
label "New pair: ",
keystroke [("Enter", TickerAddClick)] $ textField newPair `key` "newPair",
button "Add" TickerAddClick
] `style` [padding 5, paddingB 0],
scroll $ tickerList `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0]
] `style` [padding 20, bgColor sectionColor],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `style` [padding 20, paddingT 10]
@ -93,12 +100,11 @@ handleEvent env wenv node model evt = case evt of
Task (subscribeInitial env initialList),
setFocusOnKey wenv "newPair"
TickerAddClick -> [Event $ TickerAddPair (model ^. newPair)]
TickerAddPair pair -> [
TickerAddClick -> [
Model $ model
& symbolPairs %~ (pair <|)
& symbolPairs %~ (model ^. newPair <|)
& newPair .~ "",
Task $ subscribe env [pair],
Task $ subscribe env [model ^. newPair],
setFocusOnKey wenv "newPair"
TickerRemovePairBegin pair -> [
@ -181,13 +187,25 @@ main = do
config = [
appWindowTitle "Ticker",
appTheme darkTheme,
appTheme customDarkTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Bold" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf",
appFontDef "Remix" "./assets/fonts/remixicon.ttf",
appInitEvent TickerInit
initModel = def
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#ECECEC"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#D3D3D3"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" ?~ rgbHex "#808080"
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#515151"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" ?~ rgbHex "#909090"
formatTickerValue :: Scientific -> Text
formatTickerValue = T.pack . formatScientific Fixed (Just 8)

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@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ data TickerEvt
= TickerInit
| TickerIgnore
| TickerAddClick
| TickerAddPair Text
| TickerRemovePairBegin Text
| TickerRemovePair Text
| TickerMovePair Text Text

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@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ lightThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
btnMainBgDisabled = blue04,
btnMainText = white,
btnMainTextDisabled = white,
dialogBg = gray01,
dialogBorder = gray01,
dialogText = white,
dialogTitleText = white,
dialogBg = gray09,
dialogBorder = white,
dialogText = black,
dialogTitleText = black,
emptyOverlay = gray07 & L.a .~ 0.8,
externalLinkBasic = blue07,
externalLinkHover = blue08,
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ darkTheme = baseTheme darkThemeColors
darkThemeColors :: BaseThemeColors
darkThemeColors = BaseThemeColors {
clearColor = gray03,
sectionColor = gray02,
clearColor = gray02,
sectionColor = gray03,
btnFocusBorder = blue09,
btnBgBasic = gray07,
btnBgHover = gray09,