Add documentation to Widgets/Util module. Remove some unused definitions.

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-05-31 22:39:01 -03:00
parent 356b1aebd9
commit b1364f9498
8 changed files with 303 additions and 132 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Focus
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for focus handling.
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Focus (
@ -27,32 +36,92 @@ import Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
-- | Checks if the given node is focused
isNodeFocused :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeFocused wenv node = wenv ^. L.focusedPath == node ^. . L.path
-- | Checks if the given node is a parent of the focused node
isNodeParentOfFocused :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeParentOfFocused wenv node = seqStartsWith parentPath focusedPath where
parentPath = node ^. . L.path
focusedPath = wenv ^. L.focusedPath
-- | Returns the parent path of a node
parentPath :: WidgetNode s e -> Path
parentPath node = Seq.take (Seq.length path - 1) path where
path = node ^. . L.path
-- | Returns the index of the child matching the next step implied by target.
nextTargetStep :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Maybe PathStep
nextTargetStep target node = nextStep where
currentPath = node ^. . L.path
nextStep = Seq.lookup (Seq.length currentPath) target
nextTargetPath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Maybe Path
nextTargetPath target node = nextPath where
nextStep = nextTargetStep target node
nextPath = (node ^. . L.path |>) <$> nextStep
Checks if the node is a candidate for next focus in the given direction. The
node must be focusable, enabled and visible, plus having the correct position
considering the direction.
isFocusCandidate :: FocusDirection -> Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isFocusCandidate FocusFwd = isFocusFwdCandidate
isFocusCandidate FocusBwd = isFocusBwdCandidate
-- | Checks if the node's path matches the target.
isTargetReached :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isTargetReached target node = target == node ^. . L.path
-- | Checks if the node has a child matching the next target step.
isTargetValid :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isTargetValid target node = valid where
children = node ^. L.children
valid = case nextTargetStep target node of
Just step -> step < Seq.length children
Nothing -> False
-- | Checks if the node is parent of the provided path.
isNodeParentOfPath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeParentOfPath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
lenWidgetPath = Seq.length widgetPath
pathPrefix = Seq.take lenWidgetPath path
result = widgetPath == pathPrefix
-- | Checks if the node's path is after the target (deeper or to the right).
isNodeAfterPath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeAfterPath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
lenPath = Seq.length path
lenWidgetPath = Seq.length widgetPath
widgetPathPrefix = Seq.take lenPath widgetPath
| lenWidgetPath > lenPath = path <= widgetPathPrefix
| otherwise = path < widgetPath
-- | Checks if the node's path is after the target (higher or to the left).
isNodeBeforePath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeBeforePath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
| path == emptyPath = True
| otherwise = path > widgetPath
-- | Generates a result with events and requests associated to a focus change.
:: Typeable e
=> (c -> [Path -> e]) -- ^ Getter for event handler in a config type.
-> (c -> [WidgetRequest s e]) -- ^ Getter for reqs handler in a config type.
-> c -- ^ The node's config.
-> Path -- ^ The path of next/prev target, accordingly.
-> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The node receiving the event.
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -- ^ The result.
handleFocusChange evtFn reqFn config path node = result where
evts = ($ path) <$> evtFn config
reqs = reqFn config
| not (null evts && null reqs) = Just $ resultReqsEvts node reqs evts
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Helpers
isFocusFwdCandidate :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isFocusFwdCandidate startFrom node = isValid where
info = node ^.
@ -68,52 +137,3 @@ isFocusBwdCandidate startFrom node = isValid where
isFocusable = info ^. L.focusable
isEnabled = info ^. L.visible && info ^. L.enabled
isValid = isBefore && isFocusable && isEnabled
isTargetReached :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isTargetReached target node = target == node ^. . L.path
isTargetValid :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isTargetValid target node = valid where
children = node ^. L.children
valid = case nextTargetStep target node of
Just step -> step < Seq.length children
Nothing -> False
isNodeParentOfPath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeParentOfPath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
lenWidgetPath = Seq.length widgetPath
pathPrefix = Seq.take lenWidgetPath path
result = widgetPath == pathPrefix
isNodeAfterPath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeAfterPath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
lenPath = Seq.length path
lenWidgetPath = Seq.length widgetPath
widgetPathPrefix = Seq.take lenPath widgetPath
| lenWidgetPath > lenPath = path <= widgetPathPrefix
| otherwise = path < widgetPath
isNodeBeforePath :: Path -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeBeforePath path node = result where
widgetPath = node ^. . L.path
| path == emptyPath = True
| otherwise = path > widgetPath
:: Typeable e
=> (c -> [Path -> e])
-> (c -> [WidgetRequest s e])
-> c
-> Path
-> WidgetNode s e
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)
handleFocusChange evtFn reqFn config path node = result where
evts = ($ path) <$> evtFn config
reqs = reqFn config
| not (null evts && null reqs) = Just $ resultReqsEvts node reqs evts
| otherwise = Nothing

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Hover
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for hover related actions.
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Hover (
@ -24,24 +34,34 @@ import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
-- | Checks if the given point is inside the node's viewport.
isPointInNodeVp :: Point -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isPointInNodeVp p node = pointInRect p (node ^. . L.viewport)
-- | Checks if the given point is inside the ellipse delimited by the viewport.
isPointInNodeEllipse :: Point -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isPointInNodeEllipse p node = pointInEllipse p (node ^. . L.viewport)
-- | Checks if the main button is pressed and pointer inside the vieport.
isNodeActive :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeActive = isNodeActive_ False
-- | Checks if the main button is pressed inside the vieport.
isNodePressed :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodePressed = isNodePressed_ False
-- | Checks if the node or any of its children is active.
isNodeTreeActive :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeTreeActive = isNodeActive_ True
-- | Checks if the node or any of its children is pressed.
isNodeTreePressed :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeTreePressed = isNodePressed_ True
Checks if the node is active, optionally including children. An active node was
clicked with the main button and has the pointer inside its viewport.
isNodeActive_ :: Bool -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeActive_ includeChildren wenv node = validPos && pressed where
viewport = node ^. . L.viewport
@ -49,6 +69,10 @@ isNodeActive_ includeChildren wenv node = validPos && pressed where
validPos = pointInRect mousePos viewport
pressed = isNodePressed_ includeChildren wenv node
Checks if the node is pressed, optionally including children. A pressed node was
clicked with the main button.
isNodePressed_ :: Bool -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodePressed_ includeChildren wenv node = result == Just True where
path = node ^. . L.path
@ -57,12 +81,17 @@ isNodePressed_ includeChildren wenv node = result == Just True where
| includeChildren = seqStartsWith path <$> pressed
| otherwise = (path ==) <$> pressed
Checks if the node is being dragged. The node must have made a previous
request to be in that state.
isNodeDragged :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeDragged wenv node = mainPressed && draggedPath == Just nodePath where
mainPressed = isJust (wenv ^. L.mainBtnPress)
draggedPath = wenv ^? L.dragStatus . _Just . _1
nodePath = node ^. . L.path
-- | Checks if node is hovered. Pointer must be in viewport and node top layer.
isNodeHovered :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeHovered wenv node = validPos && validPress && topLevel where
viewport = node ^. . L.viewport
@ -72,6 +101,7 @@ isNodeHovered wenv node = validPos && validPress && topLevel where
validPress = isNothing pressed || isNodePressed wenv node
topLevel = isNodeTopLevel wenv node
-- | Checks if node is hovered, limited to an elliptical shape.
isNodeHoveredEllipse_ :: Rect -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeHoveredEllipse_ area wenv node = validPos && validPress && topLevel where
mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos
@ -80,6 +110,9 @@ isNodeHoveredEllipse_ area wenv node = validPos && validPress && topLevel where
validPress = isNothing pressed || isNodePressed wenv node
topLevel = isNodeTopLevel wenv node
Checks if a node is in a top layer. Being in zstack can cause this to be False.
isNodeTopLevel :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeTopLevel wenv node = maybe inTopLayer isPrefix (wenv ^. L.overlayPath) where
mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos
@ -87,6 +120,7 @@ isNodeTopLevel wenv node = maybe inTopLayer isPrefix (wenv ^. L.overlayPath) whe
path = node ^. . L.path
isPrefix parent = Seq.take (Seq.length parent) path == parent
-- | Checks if the node is part of the active overlay, if any.
isNodeInOverlay :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isNodeInOverlay wenv node = maybe False isPrefix (wenv ^. L.overlayPath) where
path = node ^. . L.path

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Lens
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Lenses for the Widget types.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Parser
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Very basic parsing helpers used by numeric input fields.
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Parser where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -6,15 +16,17 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- Parsing helpers
-- | Combines a list of text parsers.
join :: [A.Parser Text] -> A.Parser Text
join [] = return T.empty
join (x:xs) = (<>) <$> x <*> join xs
-- | Combines a parser up to a maximum of repetitions.
upto :: Int -> A.Parser Text -> A.Parser Text
upto n p
| n > 0 = (<>) <$> A.try p <*> upto (n-1) p <|> return T.empty
| otherwise = return T.empty
-- | Matches a single character.
single :: Char -> A.Parser Text
single c = T.singleton <$> A.char c

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Style
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for style related operations.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -41,17 +51,19 @@ instance Default (ActiveStyleCfg s e) where
_ascIsActive = isNodeActive
-- | Extracts/copies the field of a style into an empty style.
:: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t)
-> Style
-> Style
:: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -- ^ The field into the state.
-> Style -- ^ The source style.
-> Style -- ^ The new style.
collectStyleField fieldS source = collectStyleField_ fieldS source def
-- | Extracts/copies the field of a style into a provided style.
:: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t)
-> Style
-> Style
-> Style
:: Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -- ^ The field into the state.
-> Style -- ^ The source style.
-> Style -- ^ The target style.
-> Style -- ^ The updated style.
collectStyleField_ fieldS source target = style where
basic = Just $ target ^. L.basic . non def
& fieldS .~ source ^? L.basic . _Just . fieldS . _Just
@ -67,10 +79,16 @@ collectStyleField_ fieldS source target = style where
& fieldS .~ source ^? L.disabled . _Just . fieldS . _Just
style = Style basic hover focus focusHover active disabled
-- | Returns the active style for the given node.
activeStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState
activeStyle wenv node = activeStyle_ def wenv node
activeStyle_ :: ActiveStyleCfg s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState
Returns the active style for the given node, using the provided functions to
determine hover, focus and active status.
:: ActiveStyleCfg s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState
activeStyle_ config wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where
Style{..} = node ^. .
mousePos = wenv ^. L.inputStatus . L.mousePos
@ -86,9 +104,14 @@ activeStyle_ config wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where
| isFocus = _styleFocus
| otherwise = _styleBasic
-- | Returns the correct focused style, depending if it's hovered or not.
focusedStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState
focusedStyle wenv node = focusedStyle_ isNodeHovered wenv node
Returns the correct focused style, depending if it's hovered or not, using the
provided function.
focusedStyle_ :: IsHovered s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> StyleState
focusedStyle_ isHoveredFn wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where
Style{..} = node ^. .
@ -97,9 +120,11 @@ focusedStyle_ isHoveredFn wenv node = fromMaybe def styleState where
| isHover = _styleFocusHover
| otherwise = _styleFocus
-- | Returns the active theme for the node.
activeTheme :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> ThemeState
activeTheme wenv node = activeTheme_ isNodeHovered wenv node
-- | Returns the active theme for the node.
activeTheme_ :: IsHovered s e -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> ThemeState
activeTheme_ isHoveredFn wenv node = themeState where
theme = _weTheme wenv
@ -116,6 +141,7 @@ activeTheme_ isHoveredFn wenv node = themeState where
| isFocus = _themeFocus theme
| otherwise = _themeBasic theme
-- | Checks if hover or focus states changed between versions of the node.
styleStateChanged :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> SystemEvent -> Bool
styleStateChanged wenv node evt = hoverChanged || focusChanged where
-- Hover
@ -123,11 +149,15 @@ styleStateChanged wenv node evt = hoverChanged || focusChanged where
-- Focus
focusChanged = isOnFocus evt || isOnBlur evt
Initializes the node style states. Mainly, it uses basic as the base of all the
other styles.
:: GetBaseStyle s e
-> WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetNode s e
-> WidgetNode s e
:: GetBaseStyle s e -- ^ The function to get the base style.
-> WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment.
-> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The widget node.
-> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The updated widget node.
initNodeStyle getBaseStyle wenv node = newNode where
nodeStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ node ^. .
baseStyle = mergeBasicStyle $ fromMaybe def (getBaseStyle wenv node)
@ -135,19 +165,25 @@ initNodeStyle getBaseStyle wenv node = newNode where
newNode = node
& . .~ (themeStyle <> baseStyle <> nodeStyle)
Checks for style changes between the old node and the provided result, in the
context of an event. Generates requests for resize, render and cursor change as
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> Path
-> StyleState
-> Bool
-> WidgetNode s e
-> SystemEvent
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e)
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment.
-> Path -- ^ The target of the event.
-> StyleState -- ^ The active style.
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to check/update the cursor.
-> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The old node.
-> SystemEvent -- ^ The event.
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -- ^ The result containing the new node.
-> Maybe (WidgetResult s e) -- ^ The updated result.
handleStyleChange wenv target style doCursor node evt result = newResult where
newResult = handleSizeChange wenv target evt node result
& handleCursorChange wenv target evt style node
-- Helpers
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> Path

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Text
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions to text related operations in widgets.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Text (
@ -17,6 +27,7 @@ import Monomer.Graphics
import Monomer.Lens as L
-- | Returns the text metrics of the active style.
getTextMetrics :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> TextMetrics
getTextMetrics wenv style = textMetrics where
renderer = _weRenderer wenv
@ -24,32 +35,42 @@ getTextMetrics wenv style = textMetrics where
font = styleFont style
fontSize = styleFontSize style
-- | Returns the size of the text using the active style and default options.
getTextSize :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> Text -> Size
getTextSize wenv style !text = size where
renderer = wenv ^. L.renderer
size = calcTextSize_ renderer style SingleLine KeepSpaces Nothing Nothing text
-- | Returns the size of the text using the active style.
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> StyleState
-> TextMode
-> TextTrim
-> Maybe Double
-> Maybe Int
-> Text
-> Size
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment.
-> StyleState -- ^ The active style.
-> TextMode -- ^ Whether to use single or multi line.
-> TextTrim -- ^ Whether to trim spacers or keep them.
-> Maybe Double -- ^ Maximum width (required for multi line).
-> Maybe Int -- ^ Max lines.
-> Text -- ^ Text to measure.
-> Size -- ^ The calculated size.
getTextSize_ wenv style mode trim mwidth mlines text = newSize where
renderer = wenv ^. L.renderer
newSize = calcTextSize_ renderer style mode trim mwidth mlines text
-- | Returns the rectangle used by a single line of text.
:: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> Rect -> AlignTH -> AlignTV -> Text -> Rect
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment.
-> StyleState -- ^ The active style.
-> Rect -- ^ The bounding rect.
-> AlignTH -- ^ The horizontal alignment.
-> AlignTV -- ^ The vertical alignment.
-> Text -- ^ The text to measure.
-> Rect -- ^ The used rect. May be larger than the bounding rect.
getTextRect wenv style !rect !alignH !alignV !text = textRect where
renderer = _weRenderer wenv
font = styleFont style
fontSize = styleFontSize style
!textRect = calcTextRect renderer rect font fontSize alignH alignV text
-- | Returns the glyphs of a single line of text.
getTextGlyphs :: WidgetEnv s e -> StyleState -> Text -> Seq GlyphPos
getTextGlyphs wenv style !text = glyphs where
font = styleFont style

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Theme
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for loading theme values.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Theme where
@ -10,43 +20,13 @@ import Monomer.Core
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
themeEmptyOverlay :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeEmptyOverlay wenv = collectTheme wenv L.emptyOverlayStyle
themeText :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeText wenv = collectThemeField wenv L.text L.textStyle
themeBtn :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeBtn wenv = collectTheme wenv L.btnStyle
themeBtnMain :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeBtnMain wenv = collectTheme wenv L.btnMainStyle
themeDialogFrame :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeDialogFrame wenv = collectTheme wenv L.dialogFrameStyle
themeDialogTitle :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeDialogTitle wenv = collectTheme wenv L.dialogTitleStyle
themeDialogCloseIcon :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeDialogCloseIcon wenv = collectTheme wenv L.dialogCloseIconStyle
themeDialogMsgBody :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeDialogMsgBody wenv = collectTheme wenv L.dialogMsgBodyStyle
themeDialogButtons :: WidgetEnv s e -> Style
themeDialogButtons wenv = collectTheme wenv L.dialogButtonsStyle
:: WidgetEnv s e -> Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -> Lens' ThemeState t -> Style
collectThemeField wenv fieldS fieldT = collectThemeField_ wenv fieldS fieldT def
-- | Updates a the field of style with the field value from the active theme.
:: WidgetEnv s e
-> Lens' StyleState (Maybe t)
-> Lens' ThemeState t
-> Style
-> Style
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment (to get the theme).
-> Lens' StyleState (Maybe t) -- ^ The target field of the style.
-> Lens' ThemeState t -- ^ The source field of the theme.
-> Style -- ^ The target style.
-> Style -- ^ The updated style.
collectThemeField_ wenv fieldStyle fieldTheme target = style where
basic = Just $ target ^. L.basic . non def
& fieldStyle ?~ wenv ^. L.theme . L.basic . fieldTheme
@ -62,7 +42,11 @@ collectThemeField_ wenv fieldStyle fieldTheme target = style where
& fieldStyle ?~ wenv ^. L.theme . L.disabled . fieldTheme
style = Style basic hover focus focusHover active disabled
collectTheme :: WidgetEnv s e -> Lens' ThemeState StyleState -> Style
-- | Collects all the style states from a given field in the active theme.
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment (to get the theme).
-> Lens' ThemeState StyleState -- ^ The field into the theme
-> Style -- ^ The collected style.
collectTheme wenv fieldT = style where
basic = Just $ wenv ^. L.theme . L.basic . fieldT
hover = Just $ wenv ^. L.theme . L.hover . fieldT
@ -72,7 +56,12 @@ collectTheme wenv fieldT = style where
disabled = Just $ wenv ^. L.theme . L.disabled . fieldT
style = Style basic hover focus focusHover active disabled
collectUserTheme :: WidgetEnv s e -> String -> Style
-- | Collects all the style states from a given entry in the map of user styles
-- | in the active theme.
:: WidgetEnv s e -- ^ The widget environment (to get the theme).
-> String -- ^ The key into the user map.
-> Style -- ^ The collected style.
collectUserTheme wenv name = style where
basic = wenv ^. L.theme . L.basic . L.userStyleMap . at name
hover = wenv ^. L.theme . L.hover . L.userStyleMap . at name

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Module : Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Helper functions for widget lifecycle.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -18,7 +28,6 @@ module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Widget (
@ -47,6 +56,7 @@ import Monomer.Graphics.Types
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
-- | Creates a basic widget node, with the given type, instance and no children.
defaultWidgetNode :: WidgetType -> Widget s e -> WidgetNode s e
defaultWidgetNode widgetType widget = WidgetNode {
_wnWidget = widget,
@ -54,6 +64,7 @@ defaultWidgetNode widgetType widget = WidgetNode {
_wnChildren = Seq.empty
-- | Checks if the node is within the visible viewport, and itself visible.
isWidgetVisible :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
isWidgetVisible wenv node = isVisible && isOverlapped where
info = node ^.
@ -61,31 +72,40 @@ isWidgetVisible wenv node = isVisible && isOverlapped where
viewport = wenv ^. L.viewport
isOverlapped = rectsOverlap viewport (info ^. L.viewport)
-- | Checks if the visibility flags changed between the old and new node.
nodeVisibleChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
nodeVisibleChanged oldNode newNode = oldVisible /= newVisible where
oldVisible = oldNode ^. . L.visible
newVisible = newNode ^. . L.visible
-- | Checks if the enabled flags changed between the old and new node.
nodeEnabledChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
nodeEnabledChanged oldNode newNode = oldEnabled /= newEnabled where
oldEnabled = oldNode ^. . L.enabled
newEnabled = newNode ^. . L.enabled
-- | Checks if the enabled/visible flags changed between the old and new node.
nodeFlagsChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
nodeFlagsChanged oldNode newNode = visibleChanged || enabledChanged where
visibleChanged = nodeVisibleChanged oldNode newNode
enabledChanged = nodeEnabledChanged oldNode newNode
-- | Checks if the visibility flags changed between the old and new children.
-- | A change in count will result in a True result.
childrenVisibleChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
childrenVisibleChanged oldNode newNode = oldVisible /= newVisible where
oldVisible = fmap (^. . L.visible) (oldNode ^. L.children)
newVisible = fmap (^. . L.visible) (newNode ^. L.children)
-- | Checks if the enabled flags changed between the old and new children.
-- | A change in count will result in a True result.
childrenEnabledChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
childrenEnabledChanged oldNode newNode = oldVisible /= newVisible where
oldVisible = fmap (^. . L.enabled) (oldNode ^. L.children)
newVisible = fmap (^. . L.enabled) (newNode ^. L.children)
-- | Checks if enabled/visible flags changed between the old and new children.
-- | A change in count will result in a True result.
childrenFlagsChanged :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
childrenFlagsChanged oldNode newNode = lenChanged || flagsChanged where
oldChildren = oldNode ^. L.children
@ -93,56 +113,81 @@ childrenFlagsChanged oldNode newNode = lenChanged || flagsChanged where
flagsChanged = or (Seq.zipWith nodeFlagsChanged oldChildren newChildren)
lenChanged = length oldChildren /= length newChildren
-- | Returns the current value associated to the WidgetData.
widgetDataGet :: s -> WidgetData s a -> a
widgetDataGet _ (WidgetValue value) = value
widgetDataGet model (WidgetLens lens) = model ^# lens
Generates a model update request with the provided value when the WidgetData is
WidgetLens. For WidgetValue and onChange event should be used.
widgetDataSet :: WidgetData s a -> a -> [WidgetRequest s e]
widgetDataSet WidgetValue{} _ = []
widgetDataSet (WidgetLens lens) value = [UpdateModel updateFn] where
updateFn model = model & lens #~ value
-- | Generates a WidgetResult with only the node field filled.
resultNode :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetResult s e
resultNode node = WidgetResult node Seq.empty
-- | Generates a WidgetResult with the node field and events filled.
resultEvts :: Typeable e => WidgetNode s e -> [e] -> WidgetResult s e
resultEvts node events = result where
result = WidgetResult node (Seq.fromList $ RaiseEvent <$> events)
-- | Generates a WidgetResult with the node field and reqs filled.
resultReqs :: WidgetNode s e -> [WidgetRequest s e] -> WidgetResult s e
resultReqs node requests = result where
result = WidgetResult node (Seq.fromList requests)
Generates a WidgetResult with the node, events and reqs fields filled. These
related helpers exist because list has nicer literal syntax than Seq.
The events are appended __after__ the requests. If a specific order of events
and requests is needed, add the events to reqs using RaiseEvent.
:: Typeable e => WidgetNode s e -> [WidgetRequest s e] -> [e] -> WidgetResult s e
:: Typeable e
=> WidgetNode s e -- ^ The new version of the node.
-> [WidgetRequest s e] -- ^ The widget requests.
-> [e] -- ^ The user events.
-> WidgetResult s e -- ^ The result.
resultReqsEvts node requests events = result where
result = WidgetResult node (Seq.fromList requests <> evtSeq)
evtSeq = Seq.fromList $ RaiseEvent <$> events
Wraps a value in WidgetState, ignoring wenv and node. Useful when creating
Widget instances if the state is available beforehand.
:: WidgetModel i => i -> WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Maybe WidgetState
makeState state wenv node = Just (WidgetState state)
-- | Casts the wrapped value in WidgetState to the expected type, if possible.
useState :: WidgetModel i => Maybe WidgetState -> Maybe i
useState Nothing = Nothing
useState (Just (WidgetState state)) = cast state
matchFailedMsg :: WidgetNodeInfo -> WidgetNodeInfo -> String
matchFailedMsg oldInfo newInfo = message where
oldData = (oldInfo ^. L.widgetType, oldInfo ^. L.key)
newData = (newInfo ^. L.widgetType, newInfo ^. L.key)
message = "Nodes do not match: " ++ show oldData ++ " - " ++ show newData
-- | Checks if the type and key of two WidgetNodeInfo match.
infoMatches :: WidgetNodeInfo -> WidgetNodeInfo -> Bool
infoMatches oldInfo newInfo = typeMatches && keyMatches where
typeMatches = oldInfo ^. L.widgetType == newInfo ^. L.widgetType
keyMatches = oldInfo ^. L.key == newInfo ^. L.key
-- | Checks if the type and key of two WidgetNodes match.
nodeMatches :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetNode s e -> Bool
nodeMatches oldNode newNode = infoMatches oldInfo newInfo where
oldInfo = oldNode ^.
newInfo = newNode ^.
Checks if the path the node in the provided result changed compared to the old
node. In case it did, it appends a SetWidgetPath request to keep track of the
new location.
handleWidgetIdChange :: WidgetNode s e -> WidgetResult s e -> WidgetResult s e
handleWidgetIdChange oldNode result = newResult where
oldPath = oldNode ^. . L.path
@ -153,16 +198,20 @@ handleWidgetIdChange oldNode result = newResult where
& L.requests %~ (SetWidgetPath widgetId newPath <|)
| otherwise = result
-- | Returns the WidgetId associated to the given path, if any.
findWidgetIdFromPath :: WidgetEnv s e -> Path -> Maybe WidgetId
findWidgetIdFromPath wenv path = mwni ^? _Just . L.widgetId where
mwni = wenv ^. L.findByPath $ path
-- | Sends a message to the given node with a delay of n ms.
delayedMessage :: Typeable i => WidgetNode s e -> i -> Int -> WidgetRequest s e
delayedMessage node msg delay = delayedMessage_ widgetId path msg delay where
widgetId = node ^. . L.widgetId
path = node ^. . L.path
delayedMessage_ :: Typeable i => WidgetId -> Path -> i -> Int -> WidgetRequest s e
-- | Sends a message to the given WidgetId with a delay of n ms.
:: Typeable i => WidgetId -> Path -> i -> Int -> WidgetRequest s e
delayedMessage_ widgetId path msg delay = RunTask widgetId path $ do
threadDelay (delay * 1000)
return msg