Add UpdateWidgetId request, handle it in Handlers/WidgetTask

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-12-27 22:12:24 -03:00
parent a13da072bd
commit babbd865bd
11 changed files with 134 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -59,7 +59,16 @@ handleAppEvent
-> AppEvent
-> [AppEventResponse App AppEvent]
handleAppEvent wenv model evt = case evt of
IncButton -> [Model (model & clickCount %~ (+1))]
IncButton -> [Model (model & clickCount %~ (+1)),
Task $ do
threadDelay 1000000
putStrLn "Done 1"
return Nothing,
Task $ do
threadDelay 2000000
putStrLn "Done 2"
return Nothing
-- PrintMessage txt -> Model (model & showAlert .~ True)
PrintMessage txt -> [Task $ do
print txt
@ -107,7 +116,14 @@ handleAppEvent wenv model evt = case evt of
_ -> []
buildUI :: WidgetEnv App AppEvent -> App -> WidgetNode App AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetIdChanged where
widgetIdChanged = vstack [
button "Show label" IncButton,
hstack $ [label "First" | model ^. clickCount > 0] ++ [
label "Test",
image_ "" [fitFill, onLoadError ImageMsg]
widgetInput = vstack [
dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200],
hgrid [

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetEnv
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetRequest
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetResult
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetData
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetId
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetNode
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetNodeInfo
makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''WidgetInstanceNode

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ data WidgetData s a
data WidgetId = WidgetId {
_widTs :: Int,
_widPath :: Path
} deriving (Eq, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
instance Default WidgetId where
def = WidgetId 0 rootPath
@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ data WidgetRequest s
| ExitApplication Bool
| UpdateWindow WindowRequest
| UpdateModel (s -> s)
| UpdateWidgetPath WidgetId Path
| forall i . Typeable i => SendMessage Path i
| forall i . Typeable i => RunTask Path (IO i)
| forall i . Typeable i => RunProducer Path ((i -> IO ()) -> IO ())
| forall i . Typeable i => RunTask WidgetId Path (IO i)
| forall i . Typeable i => RunProducer WidgetId Path ((i -> IO ()) -> IO ())
data WidgetResult s e = WidgetResult {
_wrNode :: WidgetNode s e,
@ -314,6 +315,7 @@ instance Show (WidgetRequest s) where
show ExitApplication{} = "ExitApplication"
show (UpdateWindow req) = "UpdateWindow: " ++ show req
show UpdateModel{} = "UpdateModel"
show (UpdateWidgetPath wid path) = "UpdateWidgetPath: " ++ show (wid, path)
show SendMessage{} = "SendMessage"
show RunTask{} = "RunTask"
show RunProducer{} = "RunProducer"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ module Monomer.Main.Handlers (
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (%~), (.=), (?=), at, non, use)
import Control.Lens (
(&), (^.), (.~), (%~), (.=), (%=), (?=), ix, at, non, use, _1)
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, newTChanIO, writeTChan)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -194,9 +195,10 @@ handleRequests reqs step = foldM handleRequest step reqs where
ExitApplication exit -> handleExitApplication exit step
UpdateWindow req -> handleUpdateWindow req step
UpdateModel fn -> handleUpdateModel fn step
UpdateWidgetPath wid path -> handleUpdateWidgetPath wid path step
SendMessage path msg -> handleSendMessage path msg step
RunTask path handler -> handleRunTask path handler step
RunProducer path handler -> handleRunProducer path handler step
RunTask wid path handler -> handleRunTask wid path handler step
RunProducer wid path handler -> handleRunProducer wid path handler step
:: (MonomerM s m)
@ -368,6 +370,12 @@ handleUpdateModel fn (wenv, evts, root) = do
wenv2 = wenv & L.model %~ fn
:: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetId -> Path -> HandlerStep s e -> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleUpdateWidgetPath wid path step = do
setWidgetIdPath wid path
return step
:: forall s e m msg . (MonomerM s m, Typeable msg)
=> Path
@ -386,29 +394,35 @@ handleSendMessage path message (wenv, events, widgetRoot) = do
:: forall s e m i . (MonomerM s m, Typeable i)
=> Path
=> WidgetId
-> Path
-> IO i
-> HandlerStep s e
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleRunTask path handler previousStep = do
handleRunTask widgetId path handler previousStep = do
asyncTask <- liftIO $ async (liftIO handler)
previousTasks <- use L.widgetTasks
L.widgetTasks .= previousTasks |> WidgetTask path asyncTask
L.widgetTasks .= previousTasks |> WidgetTask widgetId asyncTask
addWidgetIdPath widgetId path
return previousStep
:: forall s e m i . (MonomerM s m, Typeable i)
=> Path
=> WidgetId
-> Path
-> ((i -> IO ()) -> IO ())
-> HandlerStep s e
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleRunProducer path handler previousStep = do
handleRunProducer widgetId path handler previousStep = do
newChannel <- liftIO newTChanIO
asyncTask <- liftIO $ async (liftIO $ handler (sendMessage newChannel))
previousTasks <- use L.widgetTasks
L.widgetTasks .= previousTasks |> WidgetProducer path newChannel asyncTask
L.widgetTasks .= previousTasks |> WidgetProducer widgetId newChannel asyncTask
addWidgetIdPath widgetId path
return previousStep
@ -532,3 +546,11 @@ cursorToSDL CursorSizeH = SDLEnum.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE
setWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetId -> Path -> m ()
setWidgetIdPath widgetId path =
L.widgetPaths . ix widgetId . _1 .= path
addWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetId -> Path -> m ()
addWidgetIdPath widgetId path =
L.widgetPaths . at widgetId . non (path, 0) %= \(_, c) -> (path, c + 1)

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Monomer.Core.BasicTypes
import Monomer.Core.Combinators
import Monomer.Core.StyleTypes
import Monomer.Core.ThemeTypes
import Monomer.Core.WidgetTypes
import Monomer.Event.Types
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
@ -35,8 +36,8 @@ data RenderSchedule = RenderSchedule {
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data WidgetTask
= forall i . Typeable i => WidgetTask Path (Async i)
| forall i . Typeable i => WidgetProducer Path (TChan i) (Async ())
= forall i . Typeable i => WidgetTask WidgetId (Async i)
| forall i . Typeable i => WidgetProducer WidgetId (TChan i) (Async ())
data MonomerContext s = MonomerContext {
_mcMainModel :: s,
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ data MonomerContext s = MonomerContext {
_mcOverlayPath :: Maybe Path,
_mcMainBtnPress :: Maybe (Path, Point),
_mcWidgetTasks :: Seq WidgetTask,
_mcWidgetPaths :: Map WidgetId (Path, Int),
_mcCursorIcons :: Map CursorIcon SDLR.Cursor,
_mcRenderRequested :: Bool,
_mcRenderSchedule :: Map Path RenderSchedule,

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ initMonomerContext model win winSize useHiDPI devicePixelRate = MonomerContext {
_mcOverlayPath = Nothing,
_mcMainBtnPress = Nothing,
_mcWidgetTasks = Seq.empty,
_mcWidgetPaths = Map.empty,
_mcCursorIcons = Map.empty,
_mcRenderRequested = False,
_mcRenderSchedule = Map.empty,

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Monomer.Main.WidgetTask (handleWidgetTasks) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async (poll)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (tryReadTChan)
import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.=), use)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.=), (%=), use, at, non, _1)
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Monomer.Core
import Monomer.Main.Handlers
import Monomer.Main.Lens
import Monomer.Main.Util
import Monomer.Main.Types
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ handleWidgetTasks wenv widgetRoot = do
(active, finished) <- partitionM isThreadActive (toList tasks)
widgetTasks .= Seq.fromList active
processTasks wenv widgetRoot tasks
result <- processTasks wenv widgetRoot tasks
mapM_ handleFinishedTask finished
return result
:: (MonomerM s m, Traversable t)
@ -51,41 +54,41 @@ processTask
-> WidgetNode s e
-> WidgetTask
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
processTask wenv widgetRoot (WidgetTask path task) = do
processTask wenv widgetRoot (WidgetTask widgetId task) = do
taskStatus <- liftIO $ poll task
case taskStatus of
Just taskRes -> processTaskResult wenv widgetRoot path taskRes
Just taskRes -> processTaskResult wenv widgetRoot widgetId taskRes
Nothing -> return (wenv, Seq.empty, widgetRoot)
processTask model widgetRoot (WidgetProducer path channel task) = do
processTask model widgetRoot (WidgetProducer widgetId channel task) = do
channelStatus <- liftIO . atomically $ tryReadTChan channel
case channelStatus of
Just taskMsg -> processTaskEvent model widgetRoot path taskMsg
Just taskMsg -> processTaskEvent model widgetRoot widgetId taskMsg
Nothing -> return (model, Seq.empty, widgetRoot)
:: (MonomerM s m, Typeable a)
=> WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetNode s e
-> Path
-> WidgetId
-> Either SomeException a
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
processTaskResult wenv widgetRoot _ (Left ex) = do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Error processing Widget task result: " ++ show ex
return (wenv, Seq.empty, widgetRoot)
processTaskResult wenv widgetRoot path (Right taskResult)
= processTaskEvent wenv widgetRoot path taskResult
processTaskResult wenv widgetRoot widgetId (Right taskResult)
= processTaskEvent wenv widgetRoot widgetId taskResult
:: (MonomerM s m, Typeable a)
=> WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetNode s e
-> Path
-> WidgetId
-> a
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
processTaskEvent wenv widgetRoot path event = do
currentFocus <- use L.focusedPath
processTaskEvent wenv widgetRoot widgetId event = do
path <- getWidgetIdPath widgetId
let emptyResult = WidgetResult widgetRoot Seq.empty Seq.empty
let widget = widgetRoot ^. L.widget
@ -94,6 +97,25 @@ processTaskEvent wenv widgetRoot path event = do
handleWidgetResult wenv widgetResult
isThreadActive :: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetTask -> m Bool
handleFinishedTask :: MonomerM s m => WidgetTask -> m ()
handleFinishedTask task = delWidgetIdPath (taskWidgetId task)
isThreadActive :: MonomerM s m => WidgetTask -> m Bool
isThreadActive (WidgetTask _ task) = fmap isNothing (liftIO $ poll task)
isThreadActive (WidgetProducer _ _ task) = fmap isNothing (liftIO $ poll task)
taskWidgetId :: WidgetTask -> WidgetId
taskWidgetId (WidgetTask widgetId _) = widgetId
taskWidgetId (WidgetProducer widgetId _ _) = widgetId
getWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetId -> m Path
getWidgetIdPath widgetId =
use $ L.widgetPaths . at widgetId . non (widgetId ^. L.path, 0) . _1
delWidgetIdPath :: (MonomerM s m) => WidgetId -> m ()
delWidgetIdPath widgetId =
L.widgetPaths . at widgetId %= remVal
remVal (Just (path, c))
| c > 1 = Just (path, c - 1)
remVal _ = Nothing

View File

@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ compositeMerge
-> WidgetNode sp ep
-> WidgetNode sp ep
-> WidgetResult sp ep
compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComp newComp = newResult where
compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComp newComp = result where
oldState = widgetGetState (oldComp ^. L.widget) wenv
validState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
CompositeState oldModel oldRoot oldGlobalKeys = validState
@ -318,6 +318,10 @@ compositeMerge comp state wenv oldComp newComp = newResult where
| mergeRequired = reduceResult comp newState wenv styledComp tempResult
| otherwise = resultWidget $ styledComp
& L.widget .~ oldComp ^. L.widget
widgetId = newComp ^. . L.widgetId
path = newComp ^. . L.path
result = newResult
& L.requests %~ (UpdateWidgetPath widgetId path <|)
-- | Dispose
@ -535,10 +539,11 @@ reduceResult comp state wenv widgetComp widgetResult = newResult where
reduceCompEvents _cpsGlobalKeys evtHandler cwenv evtModel evts
WidgetResult uWidget uReqs uEvts =
updateComposite comp state wenv _reModel evtsRoot widgetComp
currentPath = widgetComp ^. . L.path
widgetId = widgetComp ^. . L.widgetId
path = widgetComp ^. . L.path
newReqs = toParentReqs reqs
<> tasksToRequests currentPath _reTasks
<> producersToRequests currentPath _reProducers
<> tasksToRequests widgetId path _reTasks
<> producersToRequests widgetId path _reProducers
<> uReqs
<> toParentReqs _reRequests
<> _reMessages
@ -650,12 +655,21 @@ getModel
-> s
getModel comp wenv = widgetDataGet (_weModel wenv) (_cmpWidgetData comp)
tasksToRequests :: CompositeEvent e => Path -> Seq (IO e) -> Seq (WidgetRequest sp)
tasksToRequests path reqs = RunTask path <$> reqs
:: CompositeEvent e
=> WidgetId
-> Path
-> Seq (IO e)
-> Seq (WidgetRequest sp)
tasksToRequests widgetId path reqs = RunTask widgetId path <$> reqs
:: CompositeEvent e => Path -> Seq (ProducerHandler e) -> Seq (WidgetRequest sp)
producersToRequests path reqs = RunProducer path <$> reqs
:: CompositeEvent e
=> WidgetId
-> Path
-> Seq (ProducerHandler e)
-> Seq (WidgetRequest sp)
producersToRequests widgetId path reqs = RunProducer widgetId path <$> reqs
toParentReqs :: Seq (WidgetRequest s) -> Seq (WidgetRequest sp)
toParentReqs reqs = fmap fromJust $ Seq.filter isJust $ fmap toParentReq reqs
@ -674,13 +688,14 @@ toParentReq ResetOverlay = Just ResetOverlay
toParentReq (SetOverlay path) = Just (SetOverlay path)
toParentReq (SetCursorIcon icon) = Just (SetCursorIcon icon)
toParentReq (SendMessage path message) = Just (SendMessage path message)
toParentReq (RunTask path action) = Just (RunTask path action)
toParentReq (RunProducer path action) = Just (RunProducer path action)
toParentReq (RunTask wid path action) = Just (RunTask wid path action)
toParentReq (RunProducer wid path action) = Just (RunProducer wid path action)
toParentReq RenderOnce = Just RenderOnce
toParentReq (RenderEvery path ms) = Just (RenderEvery path ms)
toParentReq (RenderStop path) = Just (RenderStop path)
toParentReq (ExitApplication exit) = Just (ExitApplication exit)
toParentReq (UpdateWindow req) = Just (UpdateWindow req)
toParentReq (UpdateWidgetPath wid path) = Just (UpdateWidgetPath wid path)
toParentReq (UpdateModel fn) = Nothing

View File

@ -123,26 +123,30 @@ makeImage imgPath config state = widget where
init wenv node = resultReqs node reqs where
wid = node ^. . L.widgetId
path = node ^. . L.path
reqs = [RunTask path $ handleImageLoad wenv imgPath]
reqs = [RunTask wid path $ handleImageLoad wenv imgPath]
merge wenv oldState oldNode newNode = result where
newState = fromMaybe state (useState oldState)
wid = newNode ^. . L.widgetId
path = newNode ^. . L.path
newImgReqs = [ RunTask path $ do
widgetPathReq = UpdateWidgetPath wid path
newImgReqs = [ widgetPathReq, RunTask wid path $ do
removeImage wenv imgPath
handleImageLoad wenv imgPath
sameImgNode = newNode
& L.widget .~ makeImage imgPath config newState
| isImagePath newState == imgPath = resultWidget sameImgNode
| isImagePath newState == imgPath = resultReqs sameImgNode [widgetPathReq]
| otherwise = resultReqs newNode newImgReqs
dispose wenv node = resultReqs node reqs where
wid = node ^. . L.widgetId
path = node ^. . L.path
renderer = _weRenderer wenv
reqs = [RunTask path $ removeImage wenv imgPath]
reqs = [RunTask wid path $ removeImage wenv imgPath]
handleMessage wenv target message node = result where
result = cast message >>= useImage node

View File

@ -371,6 +371,7 @@
Maybe postponed after release?
- Make sure WidgetTask/Node association is preserved if node location in tree changes
- ZStack should set _weIsTopLayer based on used space
- Button should handle ReleaseBtn instead of Click (allow multi click)
- Check multiple resize when opening dialogs
- Listview is not properly changing styles
- Label needs to rebuild its glyphs if style/renderArea changes

View File

@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ initMergeWidget = describe "init/merge" $ do
Seq.length reqs1 `shouldBe` 1
Seq.index reqs1 0 `shouldSatisfy` isRunTask
it "should not create a task when merging to the same path" $
Seq.length reqs2 `shouldBe` 0
it "should not create a task when merging to the same path (UpdateWidgetPath is still added)" $
Seq.length reqs2 `shouldBe` 1
it "should create a task when merging to a different path" $ do
Seq.length reqs3 `shouldBe` 1
Seq.index reqs3 0 `shouldSatisfy` isRunTask
it "should create a task when merging to a different path (UpdateWidgetPath is still added)" $ do
Seq.length reqs3 `shouldBe` 2
Seq.index reqs3 1 `shouldSatisfy` isRunTask
wenv = mockWenv ()