Fall back to main thread rendering when secondary setup fails (#131)

* Attempt to recover from SDL_GL_MakeCurrent error, and fallback to rendering on the main thread

* Check if -threaded flag was used before setting up rendering thread. Add notes to appRenderingOnMainThread

* Remove reference to the error from Setup page

* Update Changelog

* Fix typo

* Fix issues with RunInRenderThread when running on single threaded mode. Improve handling of initialization, simplify Core's state variables

* Update Changelog

* Add note about threaded rendering in 'Running the examples' section. Fix typo.
This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2022-04-30 16:00:17 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d2b56c430a
commit dbb603a4a7
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 148 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
- Differences in glyphs positions used by `FontManager` and nanovg; temporary workaround ([PR #105](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer/pull/105)).
- `nodeInfoFromKey` relies on `nodeInfoFromPath` to retrieve information instead of fetching it directly from `WidgetEnv`'s `widgetKeyMap`, which can be stale ([PR #110](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer/pull/110)).
- Glyph positioning issues in `FontManager`; removed workaround added in #105 ([PR #125](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer/pull/125)).
- Will attempt to fall back to rendering on the main thread if threaded rendering setup fails ([PR #131](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer/pull/131)).
- Space leak in StyleUtil's mergeNodeStyleState ([PR #132](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer/pull/132)).
### Added

View File

@ -114,16 +114,6 @@ Inside your project's directory:
stack build
#### Linux notes
One case has been reported where an _"Unable to make GL context current"_ error
ocurred on application startup. This seems to be a driver issue, and it's not
something that can be fixed from the library.
As a workaround, an application configuration option called
`appRenderOnMainThread` is available. It can be added to the `config` list of
the starter application or to the corresponding section of any of the examples.
## Build the examples included with the library
In case you want to test the examples the library provides, you need to clone
@ -153,6 +143,24 @@ stack run ticker
stack run generative
#### Notes
Monomer uses a secondary thread for rendering to be able to redraw the content
while the user resizes the window. In some configurations, mainly with NVIDIA
drivers on Linux, setting up an OpenGL context in a secondary thread fails.
If this happens, Monomer will try to fall back to rendering in the main thread
and warn about the situation with a message similar to:
Setup of the rendering thread failed: Unable to make GL context current
Falling back to rendering in the main thread.
Besides having the content stretched while resizing the window (i.e. not
dinamically resized), there are no other differences between the threaded and
non-threaded modes.
## Development mode
Since compilation times can be annoying, I personally prefer to rely on

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ module Monomer.Main.Core (
) where
import Control.Concurrent (MVar, forkIO, forkOS, newMVar, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (TChan, newTChanIO, readTChan, writeTChan)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.=), (.~), use)
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Graphics.GL
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified SDL
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ type AppUIBuilder s e = UIBuilder s e
data MainLoopArgs sp e ep = MainLoopArgs {
_mlOS :: Text,
_mlRenderer :: Maybe Renderer,
_mlTheme :: Theme,
_mlAppStartTs :: Millisecond,
_mlMaxFps :: Int,
@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ data MainLoopArgs sp e ep = MainLoopArgs {
_mlFrameCount :: Int,
_mlExitEvents :: [e],
_mlWidgetRoot :: WidgetNode sp ep,
_mlWidgetShared :: MVar (Map Text WidgetShared),
_mlChannel :: TChan (RenderMsg sp ep)
_mlWidgetShared :: MVar (Map Text WidgetShared)
data RenderState s e = RenderState {
@ -136,7 +135,8 @@ runAppLoop window glCtx channel widgetRoot config = do
dpr <- use L.dpr
winSize <- use L.windowSize
let useRenderThread = fromMaybe True (_apcUseRenderThread config)
let useRenderThreadFlag = fromMaybe True (_apcUseRenderThread config)
let useRenderThread = useRenderThreadFlag && rtsSupportsBoundThreads
let maxFps = fromMaybe 60 (_apcMaxFps config)
let fonts = _apcFonts config
let theme = fromMaybe def (_apcTheme config)
@ -148,9 +148,6 @@ runAppLoop window glCtx channel widgetRoot config = do
model <- use L.mainModel
os <- liftIO getPlatform
widgetSharedMVar <- liftIO $ newMVar Map.empty
renderer <- if useRenderThread
then return Nothing
else liftIO $ Just <$> makeRenderer fonts dpr
fontManager <- liftIO $ makeFontManager fonts dpr
let wenv = WidgetEnv {
@ -183,13 +180,52 @@ runAppLoop window glCtx channel widgetRoot config = do
let pathReadyRoot = widgetRoot
& L.info . L.path .~ rootPath
& L.info . L.widgetId .~ WidgetId (wenv ^. L.timestamp) rootPath
let makeMainThreadRenderer = do
renderer <- liftIO $ makeRenderer fonts dpr
L.renderMethod .= Left renderer
return RenderSetupSingle
setupRes <- if useRenderThread
then do
stpChan <- liftIO newTChanIO
liftIO . void . forkOS $
The wenv and widgetRoot values are not used, since they are replaced
during MsgInit. Kept to avoid issues with the Strict pragma.
startRenderThread stpChan channel window glCtx fonts dpr wenv widgetRoot
setupRes <- liftIO . atomically $ readTChan stpChan
case setupRes of
RenderSetupMakeCurrentFailed msg -> do
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Setup of the rendering thread failed: " ++ msg
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Falling back to rendering in the main thread. "
++ "The content may not be updated while resizing the window."
_ -> do
return RenderSetupMulti
else do
(newWenv, newRoot, _) <- handleWidgetInit wenv pathReadyRoot
Deferred initialization step to account for Widgets that rely on OpenGL. They
need the Renderer to be setup before handleWidgetInit is called, and it is
safer to initialize the watcher after this happens.
case setupRes of
RenderSetupMulti -> do
liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan channel (MsgInit newWenv newRoot)
liftIO $ watchWindowResize channel
_ -> return ()
let loopArgs = MainLoopArgs {
_mlOS = os,
_mlRenderer = renderer,
_mlTheme = theme,
_mlMaxFps = maxFps,
_mlAppStartTs = appStartTs,
@ -199,17 +235,11 @@ runAppLoop window glCtx channel widgetRoot config = do
_mlFrameCount = 0,
_mlExitEvents = exitEvents,
_mlWidgetRoot = newRoot,
_mlWidgetShared = widgetSharedMVar,
_mlChannel = channel
_mlWidgetShared = widgetSharedMVar
L.mainModel .= _weModel newWenv
when useRenderThread $ do
liftIO $ watchWindowResize channel
liftIO . void . forkOS $
startRenderThread channel window glCtx fonts dpr newWenv newRoot
mainLoop window fontManager config loopArgs
@ -314,20 +344,22 @@ mainLoop window fontManager config loopArgs = do
-- Rendering
renderCurrentReq <- checkRenderCurrent startTs _mlLatestRenderTs
let useRenderThread = fromMaybe True (_apcUseRenderThread config)
let renderEvent = any isActionEvent eventsPayload
let winRedrawEvt = windowResized || windowExposed
let renderNeeded = winRedrawEvt || renderEvent || renderCurrentReq
when (renderNeeded && useRenderThread) $
liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan _mlChannel (MsgRender newWenv newRoot)
when renderNeeded $ do
renderMethod <- use L.renderMethod
when (renderNeeded && not useRenderThread) $ do
let renderer = fromJust _mlRenderer
let bgColor = newWenv ^. L.theme . L.clearColor
case renderMethod of
Right renderChan -> do
liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan renderChan (MsgRender newWenv newRoot)
Left renderer -> do
let bgColor = newWenv ^. L.theme . L.clearColor
liftIO $ renderWidgets window dpr renderer bgColor newWenv newRoot
liftIO $ renderWidgets window dpr renderer bgColor newWenv newRoot
-- Used in the next rendering cycle
L.renderRequested .= windowResized
let fps = realToFrac _mlMaxFps
@ -353,9 +385,18 @@ mainLoop window fontManager config loopArgs = do
unless shouldQuit (mainLoop window fontManager config newLoopArgs)
Attempts to initialize a GL context in a separate OS thread to handle rendering
actions. This allows for continuous content updates when the user resizes the
In case the setup fails, it notifies the parent process so it can fall back to
rendering in the main thread.
:: (Eq s, WidgetEvent e)
=> TChan (RenderMsg s e)
=> TChan RenderSetupResult
-> TChan (RenderMsg s e)
-> SDL.Window
-> SDL.GLContext
-> [FontDef]
@ -363,12 +404,23 @@ startRenderThread
-> WidgetEnv s e
-> WidgetNode s e
-> IO ()
startRenderThread channel window glCtx fonts dpr wenv root = do
SDL.glMakeCurrent window glCtx
renderer <- liftIO $ makeRenderer fonts dpr
fontMgr <- liftIO $ makeFontManager fonts dpr
startRenderThread setupChan msgChan window glCtx fonts dpr wenv root = do
resp <- try $ SDL.glMakeCurrent window glCtx
waitRenderMsg channel window renderer fontMgr state
case resp of
Right{} -> do
renderer <- liftIO $ makeRenderer fonts dpr
fontMgr <- liftIO $ makeFontManager fonts dpr
atomically $ writeTChan setupChan RenderSetupMulti
waitRenderMsg msgChan window renderer fontMgr state
Left (SDL.SDLCallFailed _ _ err) -> do
let msg = T.unpack err
atomically $ writeTChan setupChan (RenderSetupMakeCurrentFailed msg)
Left e -> do
let msg = displayException e
atomically $ writeTChan setupChan (RenderSetupMakeCurrentFailed msg)
state = RenderState dpr wenv root
@ -380,10 +432,10 @@ waitRenderMsg
-> FontManager
-> RenderState s e
-> IO ()
waitRenderMsg channel window renderer fontMgr state = do
msg <- liftIO . atomically $ readTChan channel
waitRenderMsg msgChan window renderer fontMgr state = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan msgChan
newState <- handleRenderMsg window renderer fontMgr state msg
waitRenderMsg channel window renderer fontMgr newState
waitRenderMsg msgChan window renderer fontMgr newState
:: (Eq s, WidgetEvent e)
@ -393,6 +445,9 @@ handleRenderMsg
-> RenderState s e
-> RenderMsg s e
-> IO (RenderState s e)
handleRenderMsg window renderer fontMgr state (MsgInit newWenv newRoot) = do
let RenderState dpr _ _ = state
return (RenderState dpr newWenv newRoot)
handleRenderMsg window renderer fontMgr state (MsgRender tmpWenv newRoot) = do
let RenderState dpr _ _ = state
let newWenv = tmpWenv

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ import qualified SDL.Raw.Types as SDLT
import Monomer.Core
import Monomer.Event
import Monomer.Graphics
import Monomer.Helper (headMay, seqStartsWith)
import Monomer.Main.Types
import Monomer.Main.Util
@ -547,9 +548,12 @@ handleRenderStop widgetId previousStep = do
:: MonomerM s e m => Text -> HandlerStep s e -> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleRemoveRendererImage name previousStep = do
renderChannel <- use L.renderChannel
renderMethod <- use L.renderMethod
case renderMethod of
Left renderer -> liftIO $ deleteImage renderer name
Right chan -> liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan chan (MsgRemoveImage name)
liftIO . atomically $ writeTChan renderChannel (MsgRemoveImage name)
return previousStep
@ -661,9 +665,17 @@ handleRunInRenderThread
-> HandlerStep s e
-> m (HandlerStep s e)
handleRunInRenderThread widgetId path handler previousStep = do
renderChannel <- use L.renderChannel
renderMethod <- use L.renderMethod
handleRunTask widgetId path (taskWrapper renderChannel) previousStep
task <- case renderMethod of
Left renderer -> do
-- Force running in main thread to avoid issues with OpenGL
result <- liftIO handler
return (return result)
Right chan -> do
return $ liftIO (taskWrapper chan)
handleRunTask widgetId path task previousStep
taskWrapper renderChannel = do
msgChan <- newTChanIO

View File

@ -47,11 +47,18 @@ type MonomerM s e m = (Eq s, MonadState (MonomerCtx s e) m, MonadCatch m, MonadI
-- | Messages received by the rendering thread.
data RenderMsg s e
= MsgRender (WidgetEnv s e) (WidgetNode s e)
= MsgInit (WidgetEnv s e) (WidgetNode s e)
| MsgRender (WidgetEnv s e) (WidgetNode s e)
| MsgResize Size
| MsgRemoveImage Text
| forall i . MsgRunInRender (TChan i) (IO i)
data RenderSetupResult
= RenderSetupSingle
| RenderSetupMulti
| RenderSetupMakeCurrentFailed String
deriving (Eq, Show)
Requirements for periodic rendering by a widget. Start time is stored to
calculate next frame based on the step ms. A maximum number of repetitions may
@ -93,8 +100,8 @@ data MonomerCtx s e = MonomerCtx {
_mcDpr :: Double,
-- | Event pixel rate.
_mcEpr :: Double,
-- | Event pixel rate.
_mcRenderChannel :: TChan (RenderMsg s e),
-- | Renderer instance or communication channel with the render thread.
_mcRenderMethod :: Either Renderer (TChan (RenderMsg s e)),
-- | Input status (mouse and keyboard).
_mcInputStatus :: InputStatus,
-- | Cursor icons (a stack is used because of parent -> child relationship).
@ -286,11 +293,21 @@ Performs rendering on the main thread. On macOS and Windows this also disables
continuous rendering on window resize, but in some Linux configurations it still
This option is useful when OpenGL driver issues prevent normal startup showing
the "Unable to make GL context current" error.
This configuration option was originally available to handle:
It can also be used for single threaded applications (without -threaded).
- OpenGL driver issues which prevented normal startup showing the "Unable to
make GL context current" error.
- Single threaded applications (without -threaded) which cannot use forkOS.
This flag is no longer necessary for those cases, since the library will:
- Attempt to fall back to rendering on the main thread if setting up a
secondary rendering thread fails.
- Will not attempt to set up a secondary rendering thread if the runtime does
not support bound threads (i.e. compiled without the -threaded flag).
{-# DEPRECATED appRenderOnMainThread
"Should no longer be needed. Check appRenderOnMainThread's Haddock page." #-}
appRenderOnMainThread :: AppConfig e
appRenderOnMainThread = def {
_apcUseRenderThread = Just False

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ initMonomerCtx ~win channel winSize dpr epr model = MonomerCtx {
_mcWindowSize = winSize,
_mcDpr = dpr,
_mcEpr = epr,
_mcRenderChannel = channel,
_mcRenderMethod = Right channel,
_mcInputStatus = def,
_mcCursorStack = [],
_mcFocusedWidgetId = def,