Improve life cycle tutorial

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2021-06-29 21:24:41 -03:00
parent d72b42835b
commit e458fbc981
2 changed files with 19 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -37,21 +37,23 @@ buildUI
-> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
listItem idx item = hstack [
label_ (item ^. text) [ellipsis] `style` [width 150],
label_ (item ^. text) [ellipsis] `style` [width 85],
textField (items . singular (ix idx) . text),
button "Delete" (RemoveItem idx)
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `style` [paddingT 5]
] `key` showt (item ^. ts) `style` [paddingT 10]
widgetTree = vstack [
keystroke [("Enter", AddItem)] $ hstack [
label "Description:",
textField_ newItemText [placeholder "Write here!"] `key` "description",
button "Add" AddItem `style` [paddingH 5]
button "Add" AddItem
`style` [paddingH 5]
`enabled` (model ^. newItemText /= "")
separatorLine `style` [paddingT 20, paddingB 15],
separatorLine `style` [paddingT 20, paddingB 10],
vstack (zipWith listItem [0..] (model ^. items))
] `style` [padding 20]
@ -63,12 +65,15 @@ handleEvent
-> [AppEventResponse AppModel AppEvent]
handleEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
AppInit -> []
AddItem -> [Model $ model
& newItemText .~ ""
& items .~ newItem : model ^. items,
setFocusOnKey wenv "description"]
| model ^. newItemText /= "" -> [
Model $ model
& newItemText .~ ""
& items .~ newItem : model ^. items,
setFocusOnKey wenv "description"]
RemoveItem idx -> [Model $ model
& items .~ removeIdx idx (model ^. items)]
_ -> []
newItem = ListItem (wenv ^. L.timestamp) (model ^. newItemText)

View File

@ -712,18 +712,20 @@
- Add tests for labeledCheckbox and labeledRadio.
- Try simple example rendering on a separate thread.
- Created sdl-continuous-resize which works correctly.
- Rethink default style for label.
- Apply improved styles to examples.
- Fix button disabled click.
- Improve disabled styles.
- Dropdown should scroll to selected item when opening.
- Dropdown selected item does not seem to be marked on init.
- Can image be aligned to right when fitting is applied?
- Should text be aligned based on ascending instead of line height?
- Review Books example.
- Add gap support in scroll?
- Think about rendering with custom beginFrame for some widgets
- Could work for rounded images.
- Dropdown should scroll to selected item when opening.
- Dropdown selected item does not seem to be marked on init.
- Improve base theme creation (scale argument?)
- Improve Main module (naming, refactor into smaller functions).
- Apply threading ideas (sdl-continuous-resize).