Add highlighted color

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-09-09 17:15:55 -03:00
parent 0b06ac5e4a
commit e698cd6d70
8 changed files with 80 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -26,17 +26,19 @@ instance Monoid Theme where
data ThemeState = ThemeState {
_thsFgColor :: Color,
_thsHlColor :: Color,
_thsFont :: Font,
_thsFontSize :: FontSize,
_thsColor :: Color
_thsFontColor :: Color
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Default ThemeState where
def = ThemeState {
_thsFgColor = Color 255 255 255 1,
_thsHlColor = Color 0 0 200 1,
_thsFont = Font "sans",
_thsFontSize = FontSize 36,
_thsColor = Color 255 255 255 1
_thsFontColor = Color 255 255 255 1
instance Semigroup ThemeState where
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ data StyleState = StyleState {
_sstRadius :: Maybe Radius,
_sstBgColor :: Maybe Color,
_sstFgColor :: Maybe Color,
_sstHlColor :: Maybe Color,
_sstText :: Maybe TextStyle
} deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ instance Default StyleState where
_sstRadius = Nothing,
_sstBgColor = Nothing,
_sstFgColor = Nothing,
_sstHlColor = Nothing,
_sstText = Nothing
@ -104,6 +108,7 @@ instance Semigroup StyleState where
_sstRadius = _sstRadius s1 <> _sstRadius s2,
_sstBgColor = _sstBgColor s1 <> _sstBgColor s2,
_sstFgColor = _sstFgColor s1 <> _sstFgColor s2,
_sstHlColor = _sstHlColor s1 <> _sstHlColor s2,
_sstText = _sstText s1 <> _sstText s2
@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ instance Monoid Radius where
data TextStyle = TextStyle {
_txsFont :: Maybe Font,
_txsFontSize :: Maybe FontSize,
_txsColor :: Maybe Color,
_txsFontColor :: Maybe Color,
_txsAlignH :: Maybe AlignH,
_txsAlignV :: Maybe AlignV
} deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ instance Default TextStyle where
def = TextStyle {
_txsFont = Nothing,
_txsFontSize = Nothing,
_txsColor = Nothing,
_txsFontColor = Nothing,
_txsAlignH = Nothing,
_txsAlignV = Nothing
@ -252,7 +257,7 @@ instance Semigroup TextStyle where
(<>) ts1 ts2 = TextStyle {
_txsFont = _txsFont ts2 <|> _txsFont ts1,
_txsFontSize = _txsFontSize ts2 <|> _txsFontSize ts1,
_txsColor = _txsColor ts2 <|> _txsColor ts1,
_txsFontColor = _txsFontColor ts2 <|> _txsFontColor ts1,
_txsAlignH = _txsAlignH ts2 <|> _txsAlignH ts1,
_txsAlignV = _txsAlignV ts2 <|> _txsAlignV ts1

View File

@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ bgColor col = def & L.bgColor ?~ col
fgColor :: Color -> StyleState
fgColor col = def & L.fgColor ?~ col
hlColor :: Color -> StyleState
hlColor col = def & L.hlColor ?~ col
textFont :: Font -> StyleState
textFont font = def & L.text . non def . L.font ?~ font
@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ textSize :: Double -> StyleState
textSize size = def & L.text . non def . L.fontSize ?~ FontSize size
textColor :: Color -> StyleState
textColor col = def & L.text . non def . L.color ?~ col
textColor col = def & L.text . non def . L.fontColor ?~ col
textAlignH :: AlignH -> StyleState
textAlignH align = def & L.text . non def . L.alignH ?~ align

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@ -4,13 +4,7 @@ module Monomer.Common.StyleUtil (
) where
import Data.Default
@ -20,34 +14,18 @@ import Monomer.Common.Geometry
import Monomer.Common.Style
import Monomer.Graphics.Types
textStyle :: StyleState -> TextStyle
textStyle sst = fromMaybe def (_sstText sst)
textFont :: StyleState -> Font
textFont style = fromMaybe def (_txsFont $ textStyle style)
textSize :: StyleState -> FontSize
textSize style = fromMaybe def (_txsFontSize $ textStyle style)
textColor :: StyleState -> Color
textColor style = fromMaybe def (_txsColor $ textStyle style)
textAlignH :: StyleState -> AlignH
textAlignH style = fromMaybe def (_txsAlignH $ textStyle style)
textAlignV :: StyleState -> AlignV
textAlignV style = fromMaybe def (_txsAlignV $ textStyle style)
mergeThemeStyle :: ThemeState -> StyleState -> StyleState
mergeThemeStyle theme style = newStyle where
themeFgColor = Just $ _thsFgColor theme
themeHlColor = Just $ _thsHlColor theme
themeText = Just def {
_txsFont = Just $ _thsFont theme,
_txsFontSize = Just $ _thsFontSize theme,
_txsColor = Just $ _thsColor theme
_txsFontColor = Just $ _thsFontColor theme
themeFgColor = Just $ _thsFgColor theme
newStyle = style {
_sstFgColor = _sstFgColor style <> themeFgColor,
_sstHlColor = _sstHlColor style <> themeHlColor,
_sstText = _sstText style <> themeText

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ drawStyledText :: Renderer -> Rect -> StyleState -> Text -> IO Rect
drawStyledText renderer viewport style txt = action where
action = drawText renderer viewport tsColor tsFont tsFontSize tsAlign txt
TextStyle{..} = fromMaybe def (_sstText style)
tsColor = justDef _txsColor
tsColor = justDef _txsFontColor
tsFont = justDef _txsFont
tsFontSize = fromMaybe def _txsFontSize
tsAlignH = justDef _txsAlignH

View File

@ -274,11 +274,6 @@ getContentRect style inst = removeOuterBounds style (_wiRenderArea inst)
isFocused :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Bool
isFocused wenv widgetInst = _weFocusedPath wenv == _wiPath widgetInst
instanceStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> StyleState
instanceStyle wenv inst = mergeThemeStyle theme style where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
activeStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> StyleState
activeStyle wenv inst = fromMaybe def styleState where
Style{..} = _wiStyle inst
@ -302,12 +297,49 @@ activeTheme wenv inst = themeState where
| isFocus = _themeFocus theme
| otherwise = _themeBasic theme
activeFgColor :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Color
activeFgColor wenv inst = fromMaybe themeColor styleColor where
instanceStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> StyleState
instanceStyle wenv inst = mergeThemeStyle theme style where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
instanceFgColor :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Color
instanceFgColor wenv inst = fromMaybe themeColor styleColor where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
styleColor = style ^. S.fgColor
themeColor = theme ^. S.fgColor
styleColor = _sstFgColor style
themeColor = _thsFgColor theme
instanceHlColor :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Color
instanceHlColor wenv inst = fromMaybe themeColor styleColor where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
styleColor = _sstHlColor style
themeColor = _thsHlColor theme
instanceTextStyle :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> TextStyle
instanceTextStyle wenv inst = textStyle <> textTheme where
style = activeStyle wenv inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
textStyle = fromMaybe def (_sstText style)
textTheme = TextStyle {
_txsFont = Just (_thsFont theme),
_txsFontSize = Just (_thsFontSize theme),
_txsFontColor = Just (_thsFontColor theme),
_txsAlignH = Nothing,
_txsAlignV = Nothing
instanceFont :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Font
instanceFont wenv inst = fromJust (_txsFont textStyle) where
textStyle = instanceTextStyle wenv inst
instanceFontSize :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> FontSize
instanceFontSize wenv inst = fromJust (_txsFontSize textStyle) where
textStyle = instanceTextStyle wenv inst
instanceFontColor :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> Color
instanceFontColor wenv inst = fromJust (_txsFontColor textStyle) where
textStyle = instanceTextStyle wenv inst
resizeInstance :: WidgetEnv s e -> WidgetInstance s e -> WidgetInstance s e
resizeInstance wenv inst = newInst where

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ makeCheckbox config = widget where
checkboxT = _rY rarea
sz = min (_rW rarea) (_rH rarea)
checkboxArea = Rect checkboxL checkboxT sz sz
fgColor = activeFgColor wenv inst
fgColor = instanceFgColor wenv inst
renderCheckbox :: Renderer -> CheckboxCfg s e -> Rect -> Color -> IO ()
renderCheckbox renderer config rect color = action where

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ makeRadio config = widget where
radioT = _rY rarea
sz = min (_rW rarea) (_rH rarea)
radioArea = Rect radioL radioT sz sz
fgColor = activeFgColor wenv inst
fgColor = instanceFgColor wenv inst
renderRadio :: Renderer -> RadioCfg s e a -> Rect -> Color -> IO ()
renderRadio renderer config rect color = action where

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Monomer.Widget.Widgets.TextField (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (.~), (^.), (^?))
import Control.Lens (ALens', (&), (.~), (^.), (^?), _Just, non)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import Monomer.Widget.BaseSingle
import Monomer.Widget.Types
import Monomer.Widget.Util
import qualified Monomer.Common.LensStyle as S
data TextFieldCfg s e = TextFieldCfg {
_tfcValue :: WidgetValue s Text,
_tfcOnChange :: [Text -> e],
@ -255,20 +257,18 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
render renderer wenv inst = do
setScissor renderer contentRect
textRect <- renderContent renderer state contentRect mergedStyle currText
textRect <- renderContent renderer state contentRect style currText
when (isJust currSel) $
drawRect renderer (selRect textRect) selColor Nothing
drawRect renderer (selRect textRect) (Just selColor) Nothing
when (isFocused wenv inst) $
drawRect renderer (caretRect textRect) caretColor Nothing
drawRect renderer (caretRect textRect) (Just caretColor) Nothing
resetScissor renderer
WidgetInstance{..} = inst
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
style = activeStyle wenv inst
mergedStyle = mergeThemeStyle theme style
style = instanceStyle wenv inst
contentRect = getContentRect style inst
Rect cx cy cw ch = contentRect
selRect textRect = maybe def (mkSelRect textRect) currSel
@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ makeTextField config state = widget where
| isFocused wenv inst = 0.5
| otherwise = 0.3
selColor = Just $ textColor style & alpha .~ selAlpha
selColor = instanceHlColor wenv inst & alpha .~ selAlpha
| isFocused wenv inst = if (ts `mod` 1000) < 500 then 1 else 0
| otherwise = 0
caretColor = Just $ textColor style & alpha .~ caretAlpha
caretColor = instanceFontColor wenv inst & alpha .~ caretAlpha
caretWidth = _tfcCaretWidth config
| currPos == 0 = 0
@ -302,10 +302,11 @@ renderContent renderer state viewport style currText =
Rect x y w h = viewport
textW = glyphsLength $ _tfGlyphs state
!tsRect = Rect (x + _tfOffset state) y textW h
tsFont = textFont style
tsFontSize = textSize style
tsColor = textColor style
tsAlignV = textAlignV style
textStyle = fromJust (_sstText style)
tsFont = fromJust (_txsFont textStyle)
tsFontSize = fromJust (_txsFontSize textStyle)
tsColor = fromJust (_txsFontColor textStyle)
tsAlignV = fromMaybe AMiddle (_txsAlignV textStyle)
tsAlign = Align ALeft tsAlignV
@ -318,14 +319,15 @@ newTextState
-> TextFieldState
newTextState wenv inst oldState text cursor selection = newState where
theme = activeTheme wenv inst
style = activeStyle wenv inst
style = instanceStyle wenv inst
Rect cx cy cw ch = getContentRect style inst
glyphs = getTextGlyphs wenv theme style text
curX = maybe 0 _glpXMax $ Seq.lookup (cursor - 1) glyphs
oldOffset = _tfOffset oldState
textW = glyphsLength glyphs
textFits = cw >= textW
align = fromMaybe ALeft (_txsAlignH $ textStyle style)
textStyle = fromJust (_sstText style)
align = fromMaybe ALeft (_txsAlignH textStyle)
| textFits && align == ALeft = 0
| textFits && align == ACenter = (cw - textW) / 2