Fix issue when splitting multi line text

This commit is contained in:
Francisco Vallarino 2020-12-15 00:35:33 -03:00
parent c2682392e7
commit eaf31364f4
6 changed files with 39 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -102,11 +102,13 @@ handleAppEvent model evt = case evt of
_ -> []
buildUI :: WidgetEnv App AppEvent -> App -> WidgetNode App AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetTree where
buildUI wenv model = trace "Creating UI" widgetLV where
widgetLV = vstack [
listView dropdown1 items label
dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200]
scroll $ vstack $ (\i -> box $ label ("Label: " <> showt i)) <$> [0..100::Int]
-- listView dropdown1 items label
-- ,
-- dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200]
widgetWindow = vstack [
hstack [

View File

@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ instance Default TextMetrics where
data TextLine = TextLine {
_tlText :: Text,
_tlSize :: Size,
_tlRect :: Rect,
_tlGlyphs :: Seq GlyphPos,
_tlMetrics :: TextMetrics
_tlText :: !Text,
_tlSize :: !Size,
_tlRect :: !Rect,
_tlGlyphs :: !(Seq GlyphPos),
_tlMetrics :: !TextMetrics
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ImageAddAction

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
@ -164,23 +165,23 @@ makeBox config = widget where
raChild = Rect cx cy (min cw contentW) (min ch contentH)
ah = fromMaybe ACenter (_boxAlignH config)
av = fromMaybe AMiddle (_boxAlignV config)
vpContent = fromMaybe def (intersectRects viewport contentArea)
raAligned = alignInRect ah av contentArea raChild
vpAligned = fromMaybe def (intersectRects viewport raAligned)
!vpContent = fromMaybe def (intersectRects viewport contentArea)
!raAligned = alignInRect ah av contentArea raChild
!vpAligned = fromMaybe def (intersectRects viewport raAligned)
expand = fromMaybe False (_boxExpandContent config)
| expand = (node, Seq.singleton (vpContent, contentArea))
| otherwise = (node, Seq.singleton (vpAligned, raAligned))
alignInRect :: AlignH -> AlignV -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignInRect ah av parent child = newRect where
alignInRect !ah !av !parent !child = newRect where
tempRect = alignVInRect av parent child
newRect = alignHInRect ah parent tempRect
alignHInRect :: AlignH -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignHInRect ah parent child = newRect where
Rect px _ pw _ = parent
Rect cx cy cw ch = child
Rect !px _ !pw _ = parent
Rect _ !cy !cw !ch = child
newX = case ah of
ALeft -> px
ACenter -> px + (pw - cw) / 2
@ -189,8 +190,8 @@ alignHInRect ah parent child = newRect where
alignVInRect :: AlignV -> Rect -> Rect -> Rect
alignVInRect av parent child = newRect where
Rect _ py _ ph = parent
Rect cx cy cw ch = child
Rect _ !py _ !ph = parent
Rect !cx _ !cw !ch = child
newY = case av of
ATop -> py
AMiddle -> py + (ph - ch) / 2

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Monomer.Widgets.Label (
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ makeLabel config state = widget where
rect = fromMaybe def (removeOuterBounds style renderArea)
Rect px py pw ph = textRect
Rect nx ny nw nh = rect
fittedLines = fitTextToRect wenv style overflow mode trimSpaces rect caption
!fittedLines = fitTextToRect wenv style overflow mode trimSpaces rect caption
| pw == nw && ph == nh = moveTextLines (nx - px) (ny - py) textLines
| otherwise = fittedLines

View File

@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ module Monomer.Widgets.Util.Text (
) where
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Lens ((&), (+~))
import Data.Default
import Data.List (foldl')
@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ fitTextToRect
-> Rect
-> Text
-> Seq TextLine
fitTextToRect wenv style overflow mode trim rect text = newTextLines where
fitTextToRect wenv style overflow mode trim !rect !text = newTextLines where
Rect cx cy cw ch = rect
alignH = styleTextAlignH style
alignV = styleTextAlignV style
@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ fitTextToRect wenv style overflow mode trim rect text = newTextLines where
| mode == MultiLine = fittedLines
| otherwise = Seq.take 1 fittedLines
newTextLines = alignTextLines rect alignH alignV textLines
!newTextLines = alignTextLines rect alignH alignV textLines
alignTextLines :: Rect -> AlignH -> AlignV -> Seq TextLine -> Seq TextLine
alignTextLines parentRect alignH alignV textLines = newTextLines where
@ -281,8 +279,10 @@ addEllipsisToTextLine wenv style width textLine = newTextLine where
fitGroups :: Seq GlyphGroup -> Double -> Bool -> Seq GlyphGroup
fitGroups Empty _ _ = Empty
fitGroups (g :<| gs) width keepTailSpaces = currentLine <| extraLines where
extraGroups = fitExtraGroups gs (width - getGlyphsWidth g) keepTailSpaces
fitGroups (g :<| gs) !width !keepTailSpaces = currentLine <| extraLines where
gW = getGlyphsWidth g
gMax = getGlyphsMax g
extraGroups = fitExtraGroups gs (width - gW) gMax keepTailSpaces
(lineGroups, remainingGroups) = extraGroups
currentLine = g <> lineGroups
extraLines = fitGroups remainingGroups width keepTailSpaces
@ -290,16 +290,20 @@ fitGroups (g :<| gs) width keepTailSpaces = currentLine <| extraLines where
:: Seq GlyphGroup
-> Double
-> Double
-> Bool
-> (Seq GlyphPos, Seq GlyphGroup)
fitExtraGroups Empty _ _ = (Empty, Empty)
fitExtraGroups (g :<| gs) width keepTailSpaces
| gw <= width || keepSpace = (g <> newFit, newRest)
fitExtraGroups Empty _ _ _ = (Empty, Empty)
fitExtraGroups (g :<| gs) !width !prevGMax !keepTailSpaces
| gW + wDiff <= width || keepSpace = (g <> newFit, newRest)
| otherwise = (Empty, g :<| gs)
gw = getGlyphsWidth g
gW = getGlyphsWidth g
gMax = getGlyphsWidth g
wDiff = gMax - prevGMax
remWidth = width - (gW + wDiff)
keepSpace = keepTailSpaces && isSpaceGroup g
(newFit, newRest) = fitExtraGroups gs (width - gw) keepTailSpaces
(newFit, newRest) = fitExtraGroups gs remWidth gMax keepTailSpaces
isSpaceGroup :: Seq GlyphPos -> Bool
isSpaceGroup Empty = False

View File

@ -324,6 +324,7 @@
- Rename WidgetResult's widget to node
- Remove createThemed and move Alert/Dialog to use composite
- Restore container changes for controlling merge of children (part of reverted scroll changes)
- Draw close button on Dialog
- Pending
- Add testing
@ -341,7 +342,6 @@
- Add user documentation
Maybe postponed after release?
- Draw close button on Dialog
- Check why putting box reduces label's space
- scroll $ vstack $ (\i -> box $ label ("Label: " <> showt i)) <$> [0..100::Int]
- Set focus on ButtonDown, not Click