# Core Some StyleUtil functions # Event Nothing to test # Graphics Nothing to test # Main Refactor Core's mainLoop so it takes a list of SystemEvents Handlers Some sort of _real_ application, with nested Composites # Widget Utils - Focus functions - [x] Next Target - [x] Focus Candidate - Style functions - [x] activeStyle - [x] handleStyleChange - Text functions - [x] Ellipsis - [x] Multiline # Widgets - Alert - [x] Click Close - [x] Click Outside - Box - [x] Click - [x] Expand (click) - [x] Align (click) - Button - Currently covered - [x] Enter/space - Checkbox - [x] Click - [x] Enter/space - [x] Handle value version - Composite - Maybe tested as part of _real_ test application - [x] Event handling - [ ] Message handling - [x] Nested composites - Confirm - [x] Click Accept - [x] Click Cancel - [x] Click Outside - Container - Nothing for the time being; tested through other components - Dropdown - Manual overlay handling (not going) through Core's Handlers - [ ] Open/close/select with mouse - [ ] Open/close/select with keyboard - [ ] Select on blur - [ ] Implement focus/blur - Floating field - [x] Input valid number - [x] Input two dots - [x] Event with letter - [x] Remove character - Grid - Currently covered - Image - [x] Check load task request is created - [x] Check merging with new path creates new load task - InputField - Tested through TextField and numeric related versions - Integral field - [x] Input valid number - [x] Input one dot - [x] Event with letter - [x] Remove character - Label - [x] Size - [x] Size multiline - ListView - [x] Navigate/select with keyboard - [x] Navigate/scroll/select with mouse - Radio - [x] Click (more than one instance) - [x] Enter/space - [x] Handle value version - Scroll - Tested through ListView - [ ] Nest a box component to check viewport assignment - Single - Nothing for the time being; tested through other components - Spacer - [x] Tested in stack - Stack - [x] Currently covered - [x] Add RangedSize tests? - [x] Ignore empty click (mention it's tested in zstack) - Text dropdown - Already covered in dropdown - Textfield - [x] Select on focus (delete too) - [x] Add/remove characters - [x] Copy/Paste - ZStack - [x] Assign size - [x] Handle click passthrough/focus - [x] stack's ignore empty click