Francisco Vallarino ff2ea3b414
Fix type error in examples (#263)
* Fix type error in examples

* Attempt to run build including examples

* Force build failure

* Revert "Force build failure"

This reverts commit 9728f0b0ac.
2023-02-26 23:18:45 +01:00

213 lines
6.4 KiB

Module : Main
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Main module for the 'Books' example.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Default
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import TextShow
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wreq as W
import qualified Network.Wreq.Session as Sess
import BookTypes
import Monomer
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
type BooksWenv = WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
type BooksNode = WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
bookImage :: Maybe Int -> Text -> WidgetNode s BooksEvt
bookImage imgId size = maybe filler coverImg imgId where
baseUrl = "<id>-<size>.jpg"
imgUrl i = T.replace "<size>" size $ T.replace "<id>" (showt i) baseUrl
coverImg i = image_ (imgUrl i) [fitHeight, alignRight]
bookRow :: BooksWenv -> Book -> BooksNode
bookRow wenv b = row where
rowBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" . non def
publishYear = maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
rowContent b = hstack [
vstack [
label_ (b ^. title) [resizeFactor 1]
`styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textSize 16],
label_ (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors)) [resizeFactor 1]
`styleBasic` [textSize 14]
vstack [
label publishYear `styleBasic` [width 50, textSize 14],
bookImage (b ^. cover) "S" `styleBasic` [width 35]
row = box_ cfg content `styleBasic` [padding 10, paddingT 0] where
cfg = [expandContent, onClick (BooksShowDetails b)]
content = rowContent b
`styleBasic` [height 80, padding 20, radius 5]
`styleHover` [bgColor rowBgColor, cursorIcon CursorHand]
bookDetail :: Book -> WidgetNode s BooksEvt
bookDetail b = content `styleBasic` [minWidth 500, paddingH 20] where
hasCover = isJust (b ^. cover)
publishYear = maybe "" showt (b ^. year)
shortLabel value = label value `styleBasic` [textFont "Medium", textTop]
longLabel value = label_ value [multiline, ellipsis, trimSpaces]
content = hstack [
vstack_ [childSpacing] [
longLabel (b ^. title)
`styleBasic` [textSize 20, textFont "Medium"],
longLabel (T.intercalate ", " (b ^. authors))
`styleBasic` [textSize 16],
label publishYear
`styleBasic` [textSize 14]
widgetIf hasCover $ hstack [
bookImage (b ^. cover) "M"
`styleBasic` [width 200]
:: WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
-> BooksModel
-> WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBgColor = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
errorOverlay = alertMsg msg BooksCloseError where
msg = fromMaybe "" (model ^. errorMsg)
bookOverlay = alert BooksCloseDetails content where
content = maybe spacer bookDetail (model ^. selected)
searchOverlay = box content `styleBasic` [bgColor (darkGray & L.a .~ 0.8)] where
content = label "Searching" `styleBasic` [textSize 20, textColor black]
searchForm = keystroke [("Enter", BooksSearch)] $ vstack [
hstack [
label "Query:",
textField query `nodeKey` "query",
mainButton "Search" BooksSearch
] `styleBasic` [bgColor sectionBgColor, padding 25]
countLabel = label caption `styleBasic` [padding 10] where
caption = "Books (" <> showt (length $ model ^. books) <> ")"
booksChanged wenv old new = old ^. books /= new ^. books
widgetTree = zstack [
vstack [
box_ [mergeRequired booksChanged] $
vscroll (vstack (bookRow wenv <$> model ^. books)) `nodeKey` "mainScroll"
errorOverlay `nodeVisible` isJust (model ^. errorMsg),
bookOverlay `nodeVisible` isJust (model ^. selected),
searchOverlay `nodeVisible` model ^. searching
:: Sess.Session
-> WidgetEnv BooksModel BooksEvt
-> WidgetNode BooksModel BooksEvt
-> BooksModel
-> BooksEvt
-> [EventResponse BooksModel BooksEvt BooksModel BooksEvt]
handleEvent sess wenv node model evt = case evt of
BooksInit -> [SetFocusOnKey "query"]
BooksSearch -> [
Model $ model & searching .~ True,
Task $ searchBooks sess (model ^. query)
BooksSearchResult resp -> [
Message "mainScroll" ScrollReset,
Model $ model
& searching .~ False
& errorMsg .~ Nothing
& books .~ resp ^. docs
BooksSearchError msg -> [
Model $ model
& searching .~ False
& errorMsg ?~ msg
& books .~ []
BooksShowDetails book -> [Model $ model & selected ?~ book]
BooksCloseDetails -> [Model $ model & selected .~ Nothing]
BooksCloseError -> [Model $ model & errorMsg .~ Nothing]
searchBooks :: Sess.Session -> Text -> IO BooksEvt
searchBooks sess query = do
putStrLn . T.unpack $ "Searching: " <> query
result <- catchAny (fetch url) (return . Left . T.pack . show)
case result of
Right resp -> return (BooksSearchResult resp)
Left err -> return (BooksSearchError err)
url = "" <> T.unpack query
checkEmpty resp
| null (resp ^. docs) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just resp
fetch url = do
resp <- Sess.get sess url
>>= W.asJSON
>>= return . preview (W.responseBody . _Just)
return $ maybeToEither "Empty response" (resp >>= checkEmpty)
main :: IO ()
main = do
sess <- Sess.newAPISession
startApp initModel (handleEvent sess) buildUI config
config = [
appWindowTitle "Book search",
appWindowIcon "./assets/images/icon.png",
appTheme customDarkTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Medium" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf",
appInitEvent BooksInit
initModel = BooksModel "" False Nothing [] Nothing
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#ECECEC"
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBgColor" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
-- Utility function to avoid the "Ambiguous type variable..." error
catchAny :: IO a -> (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchAny = catch