Francisco Vallarino ff2ea3b414
Fix type error in examples (#263)
* Fix type error in examples

* Attempt to run build including examples

* Force build failure

* Revert "Force build failure"

This reverts commit 9728f0b0ac.
2023-02-26 23:18:45 +01:00

286 lines
8.7 KiB

Module : Main
Copyright : (c) 2018 Francisco Vallarino
License : BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file)
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
Main module for the 'Ticker' example.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (forever, forM_, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.STM
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Default
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Formatting as F
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wreq as W
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Wuss
import Monomer
import BinanceTypes
import TickerTypes
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
type TickerWenv = WidgetEnv TickerModel TickerEvt
type TickerNode = WidgetNode TickerModel TickerEvt
tickerPct :: Ticker -> TickerNode
tickerPct t = pctLabel where
diff = 100 * (t ^. close - t ^. open)
pct = diff / t ^. open
pctText = formatTickerPct pct <> "%"
| abs pct < 0.01 = rgbHex "#428FE0"
| pct > 0 = rgbHex "#51A39A"
| otherwise = rgbHex "#E25141"
pctLabel = label pctText `styleBasic` [width 100, textRight, textColor pctColor]
tickerRow :: TickerWenv -> Int -> Ticker -> TickerNode
tickerRow wenv idx t = row where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
dragColor = rgbaHex "#D3D3D3" 0.5
rowSep = rgbaHex "#A9A9A9" 0.5
rowBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" . non def
trashBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" . non def
trashFg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" . non def
trashIcon action = button remixDeleteBinLine action
`styleBasic` [textFont "Remix", textMiddle, textColor trashFg, bgColor transparent, border 0 transparent]
`styleHover` [bgColor trashBg]
`styleFocus` [bgColor (sectionBg & L.a .~ 0.5)]
`styleFocusHover` [bgColor trashBg]
dropTicker pair
= dropTarget_ (TickerMovePair pair) [dropTargetStyle [bgColor darkGray]]
tickerInfo = hstack [
label (t ^. symbolPair) `styleBasic` [width 100],
label (formatTickerValue (t ^. close))
`styleBasic` [textRight, minWidth 100],
tickerPct t
] `styleBasic` [cursorHand]
row = hstack [
dropTicker (t ^. symbolPair) $
draggable_ (t ^. symbolPair) [draggableStyle [bgColor dragColor]]
trashIcon (TickerRemovePairBegin (t ^. symbolPair))
] `styleBasic` [padding 10, borderB 1 rowSep]
`styleHover` [bgColor rowBg]
buildUI :: TickerWenv -> TickerModel -> TickerNode
buildUI wenv model = widgetTree where
sectionBg = wenv ^. L.theme . L.sectionColor
tickerList = vstack tickerRows where
orderedTickers = (\e -> model ^? tickers . ix e) <$> model ^. symbolPairs
tickerFade idx t = animRow where
action = TickerRemovePair (t ^. symbolPair)
item = tickerRow wenv idx t
animRow = animFadeOut_ [onFinished action] item `nodeKey` (t ^. symbolPair)
tickerRows = zipWith tickerFade [0..] (catMaybes orderedTickers)
widgetTree = vstack [
hstack [
label "New pair:",
keystroke [("Enter", TickerAddClick)] $ textField newPair `nodeKey` "newPair",
button "Add" TickerAddClick
] `styleBasic` [padding 20, bgColor sectionBg],
scroll_ [scrollOverlay] $ tickerList `styleBasic` [padding 10]
:: AppEnv
-> TickerWenv
-> TickerNode
-> TickerModel
-> TickerEvt
-> [EventResponse TickerModel TickerEvt TickerModel TickerEvt]
handleEvent env wenv node model evt = case evt of
TickerInit -> [
Model $ model
& symbolPairs .~ initialList,
Producer (startProducer env),
Task (subscribeInitial env initialList),
SetFocusOnKey "newPair"
TickerAddClick -> [
Model $ model
& symbolPairs %~ (model ^. newPair <|)
& newPair .~ "",
Task $ subscribe env [model ^. newPair],
SetFocusOnKey "newPair"
TickerRemovePairBegin pair -> [
Message (WidgetKey pair) AnimationStart]
TickerRemovePair pair -> [
Task $ unsubscribe env [pair],
Model $ model & tickers . at pair .~ Nothing
TickerMovePair target pair -> [
Model $ model & symbolPairs .~ moveBefore (model^.symbolPairs) target pair
TickerUpdate updates -> [
Model (processTickerUpdates model updates)
TickerError err -> [Task $ print ("Error", err) >> return TickerIgnore]
TickerResponse resp -> [Task $ print ("Response", resp) >> return TickerIgnore]
TickerIgnore -> []
processTickerUpdates :: TickerModel -> [Ticker] -> TickerModel
processTickerUpdates model updates = foldl' stepTicker model updates where
stepTicker model ticker = model
& tickers . at (ticker ^. symbolPair) ?~ ticker
handleSubscription :: AppEnv -> [Text] -> Text -> IO TickerEvt
handleSubscription env pairs action = do
atomically $ writeTChan (env ^. channel) req
return TickerIgnore
subscription pair = T.toLower pair <> "@miniTicker"
req = ServerRequest 1 action (subscription <$> pairs)
subscribe :: AppEnv -> [Text] -> IO TickerEvt
subscribe env pairs = handleSubscription env pairs "SUBSCRIBE"
unsubscribe :: AppEnv -> [Text] -> IO TickerEvt
unsubscribe env pairs = handleSubscription env pairs "UNSUBSCRIBE"
moveBefore :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> a -> [a]
moveBefore list target item = result where
| target == item = list
| otherwise = moveBefore_ cleanList target item
cleanList = filter (/= item) list
moveBefore_ [] target item = [item]
moveBefore_ (x:xs) target item
| x == target = item : x : xs
| otherwise = x : moveBefore_ xs target item
startProducer :: AppEnv -> (TickerEvt -> IO ()) -> IO ()
startProducer env sendMsg = do
groupChannel <- newTChanIO
Wuss.runSecureClient url port path $ \connection -> do
groupTickers groupChannel sendMsg
receiveWs connection groupChannel sendMsg
sendWs (env ^. channel) connection
url = ""
port = 9443
path = "/ws"
subscribeInitial :: AppEnv -> [Text] -> IO TickerEvt
subscribeInitial env initialList = do
threadDelay 500000
subscribe env initialList
groupTickers :: TChan Ticker -> (TickerEvt -> IO a) -> IO ()
groupTickers channel sendMsg = void . forkIO . forever $ do
ticker <- atomically $ readTChan channel
tickers <- collectJustM . atomically $ tryReadTChan channel
sendMsg $ TickerUpdate (ticker : tickers)
threadDelay $ 500 * 1000
receiveWs :: WS.Connection -> TChan Ticker -> (TickerEvt -> IO ()) -> IO ()
receiveWs conn groupChannel sendMsg = void . forkIO . forever $ do
msg <- WS.receiveData conn
let serverMsg = decode msg
forM_ serverMsg $ \case
MsgResponse resp -> sendMsg $ TickerResponse resp
MsgError err -> sendMsg $ TickerError err
MsgTicker ticker -> atomically $ writeTChan groupChannel ticker
sendWs :: (Show a, ToJSON a) => TChan a -> WS.Connection -> IO ()
sendWs channel connection = forever $ do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan channel
WS.sendTextData connection (encode msg)
main :: IO ()
main = do
channel <- newTChanIO
let env = AppEnv channel
startApp initModel (handleEvent env) buildUI config
config = [
appWindowTitle "Ticker",
appWindowIcon "./assets/images/icon.png",
appTheme customDarkTheme,
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Remix" "./assets/fonts/remixicon.ttf",
appInitEvent TickerInit
initModel = def
customLightTheme :: Theme
customLightTheme = lightTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#ECECEC"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#D3D3D3"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" ?~ rgbHex "#808080"
customDarkTheme :: Theme
customDarkTheme = darkTheme
& L.userColorMap . at "rowBg" ?~ rgbHex "#656565"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashBg" ?~ rgbHex "#555555"
& L.userColorMap . at "trashFg" ?~ rgbHex "#909090"
collectJustM :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
collectJustM action = do
x <- action
case x of
Nothing -> return []
Just x -> do
xs <- collectJustM action
return (x : xs)
formatTickerValue :: FixedFloat -> Text
formatTickerValue = F.sformat (F.fixed 8)
formatTickerPct :: FixedFloat -> Text
formatTickerPct = F.sformat (F.fixed 2)
initialList :: [Text]