2021-05-08 14:50:05 -03:00

479 lines
18 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Lens ((&), (^.), (.~), (?~), (%~))
import Data.Default
import Data.List (delete)
import TextShow
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Remote.Monitoring
import Monomer
import qualified Monomer.Lens as L
import KeysComposite
import TestComposite
import Types
main :: IO ()
main = do
--forkServer "localhost" 28000
let model = def
let theme :: Theme = darkTheme
-- & L.basic . L.fgColor .~ blue
-- & L.hover . L.fgColor .~ white
-- & L.focus . L.fgColor .~ white
let config = [
--windowSize (1280, 960),
--windowSize (320, 240),
--appWindowState MainWindowFullScreen,
--appWindowState MainWindowMaximized,
--appWindowState $ MainWindowNormal (640, 480),
--appWindowResizable False,
--appWindowBorder False,
appMaxFps 60,
appWindowTitle "This is my title",
appUseHdpi True,
appTheme theme,
appInitEvent InitApp,
appDisposeEvent DisposeApp,
appExitEvent CancelExitApp,
appResizeEvent ResizeApp,
appMainButton LeftBtn,
--appStateFileMain "main-tree.ser",
appFontDef "Regular" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
appFontDef "Bold" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf",
appFontDef "Italic" "./assets/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf" ]
simpleApp model handleAppEvent buildUI config
:: WidgetEnv App AppEvent
-> WidgetNode App AppEvent
-> App
-> AppEvent
-> [AppEventResponse App AppEvent]
handleAppEvent wenv node model evt = case evt of
SliderPos pos -> [Task $ do
print pos
return IgnoreEvt]
IncButton -> [Model (model & clickCount %~ (+1)),
Task $ do
threadDelay 1000000
putStrLn "Done 1"
return IgnoreEvt,
Task $ do
threadDelay 2000000
putStrLn "Done 2"
return IgnoreEvt
-- PrintMessage txt -> Model (model & showAlert .~ True)
PrintMessage txt -> [Task $ do
print txt
return IgnoreEvt]
CheckboxSt st -> [Task $ do
putStrLn $ "Checkbox is: " ++ show st
return IgnoreEvt]
-- RadioSt st -> Task $ do
-- putStrLn $ "Radio is: " ++ show st
-- return IgnoreEvt
RadioSt st -> [Model (model & fruit .~ st)]
ImageMsg msg -> [Task $ do
putStrLn $ "Image msg is: " ++ show msg
return IgnoreEvt]
DropdownVal txt -> [Task $ do
threadDelay 200
--putStrLn $ "Dropdown txt is: " ++ show txt
return IgnoreEvt]
DropdownIdx idx txt -> [Task $ do
threadDelay 300
--putStrLn $ "Dropdown (idx, txt) is: " ++ show (idx, txt)
return IgnoreEvt]
ShowAlert -> [Model (model & showAlert .~ True)]
CloseAlert -> [Model (model & showAlert .~ False)]
ShowConfirm -> [Model (model & showConfirm .~ True)]
AcceptConfirm -> [Model (model & showConfirm .~ False)]
CancelConfirm -> [Model (model & showConfirm .~ False)]
RunShortTask -> [Task $ do
putStrLn "Running!"
return $ PrintMessage "Done!"]
ChangeTitle title -> [Request (UpdateWindow (WindowSetTitle title))]
InitApp -> [Task $ putStrLn "Init" >> return IgnoreEvt ]
DisposeApp -> [Task $ putStrLn "Dispose" >> return IgnoreEvt ]
ResizeApp newSize -> [Task $ print ("Resize", newSize) >> return IgnoreEvt ]
ExitApp -> [Request $ ExitApplication True]
CancelExitApp -> [] --[Request $ ExitApplication False]
FullWindow -> [Request (UpdateWindow WindowSetFullScreen)]
MaxWindow -> [Request (UpdateWindow WindowMaximize)]
MinWindow -> [Request (UpdateWindow WindowMinimize), Event RestoreWindowSchedule]
RestoreWindowSchedule -> [Task $ do
threadDelay 2000000
return RestoreWindow]
RestoreWindow -> [Request (UpdateWindow WindowRestore)]
ToFrontWindow -> [Request (UpdateWindow WindowBringToFront)]
ToFrontWindowSchedule -> [Task $ do
threadDelay 2000000
return ToFrontWindow]
DropTo1 idx -> [Model $ model
& dragList2 .~ delete idx (model ^. dragList2)
& dragList1 .~ model ^. dragList1 ++ [idx]]
DropTo2 idx -> [Model $ model
& dragList1 .~ delete idx (model ^. dragList1)
& dragList2 .~ model ^. dragList2 ++ [idx]]
StartAnimation -> [
Message "anim1" AnimationStart,
Message "anim2" AnimationStart
StopAnimation -> [
Message "anim1" AnimationStop,
Message "anim2" AnimationStop
IgnoreEvt -> []
UpdateColor col -> trace "Change" []
FocusColor prev -> trace "Focus" []
BlurColor next -> trace "Blur" []
_ -> []
buildUI :: WidgetEnv App AppEvent -> App -> WidgetNode App AppEvent
buildUI wenv model = traceShow "Creating UI" widgetDial where
widgetSlider = vstack [
image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill, imageRepeatX],
hstack [externalLink "Launch GitHub" ""],
colorPicker_ color [colorPickerAlpha True, onChange UpdateColor, onFocus FocusColor, onBlur BlurColor],
labelS (model ^. int1),
hslider_ int1 (-100) 100 [sliderRadius 10, sliderWidth 20],
hstack [
vslider_ int1 (-100) 100 [sliderRadius 3, sliderThumbVisible True]
] `style` [paddingT 1]
widgetSimple = vstack [
label $ "Count: " <> showt (model ^. clickCount),
button "Increase" IncButton
widgetAnimate = vstack [
slideIn_ [leftSide] (label "Hello!!!!" `style` [bgColor red]) `key` "anim1",
slideOut_ [leftSide] (label "Good bye!!!!" `style` [bgColor green]) `key` "anim2",
hstack [
labelS (model ^. clickCount),
button "Increase" IncButton
button "Start" StartAnimation,
button "Stop" StopAnimation
widgetButtons = vstack [
button "Confirm" ShowConfirm
widgetLabels = vstack [
label "Underline |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline],
label "Overline |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textOverline],
label "Through |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textThroughline],
label "This is a test: All styles |" `style` [textFont "Italic", textSize 100, textUnderline, textOverline, textThroughline]
widgetScroll = vscroll (hgrid [
vstack [
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
listView dropdown1 items label `style` [height 300],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200],
scroll (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg") `style` [height 200]
label "Test"
mkDd i = textDropdown dropdown1 items
widgetLVs = scroll $ vstack (mkDd <$> [1..40::Int])
widgetThemeSwitch = hstack [
label "Test",
themeSwitch (darkTheme & L.basic . L.labelStyle . L.bgColor ?~ red) (label "Test")
labelDrag idx = draggable_ idx [transparency 0.8, draggableStyle [bgColor pink, border 20 blue]] (tooltip ("TT: " <> showt idx) $ label ("Label: " <> showt idx) `hover` [cursorIcon CursorHand])
widgetDrag = hgrid [
dropTarget DropTo1 (scroll $ vstack (fmap labelDrag (model ^. dragList1))),
dropTarget_ DropTo2 [dropTargetStyle [bgColor orange]] (scroll $ vstack (fmap labelDrag (model ^. dragList2)))
widgetAlign = vstack [
hstack [
label "Label 1 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 10, textBottom],
label "Label 2 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 20, textBottom],
label "Label 3 - ja - ^&~@$" `style` [textSize 40, textBottom]
] `style` [bgColor orange]
--widgetDialSingle = dial double1 (-100) 100
widgetRow = hstack [
vstack [
label "Label 1",
label "Label 2"
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `style` [width 50, height 50]
widgetDial = vstack [
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [],
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" $ label "Test",
hstack [
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Apple,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Orange,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Pear
] `key` "radio hstack",
textField textField1,
hstack [
checkbox condition1,
checkbox_ condition2 [checkboxMark CheckboxTimes]
numericField_ rational1 [minValue (-100), maxValue 100],
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" $ label "Test",
box_ [expandContent] widgetRow `hover` [bgColor gray, cursorIcon CursorHand],
dial rational1 (-100) 100,
hstack [
button "Test" RunShortTask,
mainButton "Test" RunShortTask
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg",
tooltip "Hello!\nThis is a long message, that will hopefully be split into several lines" (label "Test" `style` [border 1 pink]) `style` [bgColor orange, textSize 20]
widgetSplit = hsplit (button "Button" RunShortTask, button "Button!!!" RunShortTask)
widgetSplitH = keystroke [("C-a", ShowAlert), ("C-c", ShowConfirm), ("C-S-p", ShowConfirm)] $ hsplit (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg", widgetTree)
widgetSplitV = vsplit (image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `style` [rangeHeight 200 400], widgetTree `style` [rangeHeight 200 400])
mkImg i = vstack [
label ("Image: " <> showt i),
image ("" <> showt i)
widgetImages = scroll $ vstack (mkImg <$> [0..9::Int])
widgetSave = vstack [
textField textField1,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
scroll $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill] `style` [width 1000, height 1000]
widgetHover = vstack [
hstack [
label "Test" `hover` [bgColor red, textSize 32],
label "Test" `hover` [bgColor green],
textField textField1 `hover` [bgColor orange, textSize 32]
textDropdown dropdown1 items,
vstack $ fmap (\i -> label ("AAAA: " <> showt i) `hover` [textSize 40]) [1..10::Int],
listView dropdown1 items label
widgetIdChanged = vstack [
button "Show label" IncButton,
hstack $ [label "First" | model ^. clickCount > 0] ++ [
label "Test",
image_ "" [fitFill, onLoadError ImageMsg]
widgetInput = vstack [
dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200],
hgrid [
label "Username: ",
textField textField1,
label ""
] `style` [padding 5],
hgrid [
label "Password: ",
textField textField2,
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
hgrid [
label "Integral: ",
numericField_ integer1 [minValue 0],
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0],
hgrid [
label "Floating: ",
numericField_ float1 [minValue (-20), maxValue 20],
label ""
] `style` [padding 5, paddingT 0]
widgetLV = vstack [
scroll $ vstack $ (\i -> box $ label ("Label: " <> showt i)) <$> [0..1000::Int]
label "aaa"
, listView dropdown1 items label `style` [height 300]
, scroll $ image "assets/images/pecans.jpg"
, dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200]
widgetWindow = vstack [
hstack [
label "Title: ",
textField_ textField1 [onChange ChangeTitle]
hstack [
button "Fullscreen" FullWindow,
button "Maximize" MaxWindow,
button "Minimize" MinWindow,
button "Restore" RestoreWindow,
button "To Front" ToFrontWindowSchedule,
button "Short" RunShortTask,
button "Exit" ExitApp
| even (model ^. clickCount) = widgetTree10
| otherwise = widgetTree11
widgetTree10 = vstack [
hstack [
label ("Click count: " <> showt (model ^. clickCount)),
button "Increase" IncButton
image "assets/images/beach.jpg" `visible` False `key` "Beach",
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `key` "Pecans"
widgetTree11 = vstack [
hstack [
label ("Click count: " <> showt (model ^. clickCount)),
button "Increase" IncButton
image "assets/images/pecans.jpg" `visible` False `key` "Pecans",
image "assets/images/beach.jpg" `key` "Beach"
widgetTree5 = zstack_ [onlyTopActive False] [
hgrid [
vstack [
label "test",
button "Test" IncButton,
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor blue],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor orange]
box_ [alignRight] $
hstack [
vgrid [
label "",
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, width 200]
] `style` [height 480]
widgetTree4 = hgrid [
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
vstack [
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor gray],
label "2" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 gray],
textField textField1 `style` [textCenter, bgColor gray],
label "3" `style` [bgColor pink],
textField textField1 `style` [textRight, bgColor gray],
label "4" `style` [bgColor pink]
vstack [
--textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
label "1" `style` [bgColor pink, border 1 pink]
] `visible` False,
label "" `style` [bgColor orange],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray],
label "" `style` [bgColor blue],
label "" `style` [bgColor gray]
widgetTree3 = hgrid [
label "Hi!\nThis\nis\na\nnew\ttest\n\n Double!" `style` [bgColor pink, textBottom, textCenter],
vgrid [
label "1",
label "2",
label "3",
label "4",
label "5",
label_ "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly" [multiLine] `style` [bgColor blue],
label "6",
label "This is a really long label used to check if line breaks and ellipsis are implemented correctly, using a longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglong invalid word" `style` [bgColor blue, textBottom, textRight]
label "",
label ""
widgetTree2 = zstack [
vstack [
hstack [
radio fruit Apple,
radio fruit Orange,
checkbox condition1
dropdown_ dropdown1 items label label [maxHeight 200],
label "Integral",
numericField integer1,
label "Floating",
numericField float1,
--image "assets/images/pecans.jpg"
listView_ dropdown1 items label [],
--dropdown dropdown1 items id label
label "Text",
textField textField1
]-- `style` [padding 10]
longMessage word = "Are you sure?\n\n\n\n" <> T.replicate 100 (word <> " ")
widgetTree = zstack [
alertMsg_ (longMessage "Alert") CloseAlert [titleCaption "Hey!"] `visible` model ^. showAlert,
confirmMsg_ (longMessage "Confirm") AcceptConfirm CancelConfirm [titleCaption "Hey!"] `visible` model ^. showConfirm
widgetTreeFull = vstack [
hstack [
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Apple,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Orange,
radioV (model ^. fruit) RadioSt Pear
] `key` "radio hstack",
hgrid [
button "Show Alert" ShowAlert,
mainButton "Show Confirm" ShowConfirm
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
hgrid [
vstack [
label "jLabel 1" `style` [bgColor darkGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 12" `style` [bgColor lightGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 123" `style` [bgColor darkGray] `hover` [textSize 40],
label "Label 1234" `style` [bgColor lightGray] `hover` [textSize 40]
] `style` [bgColor red],
vstack [
label "jLabel 1" `style` [bgColor lightGray, textBottom],
label "Label 12" `style` [bgColor darkGray],
label "Label 123" `style` [bgColor lightGray],
label "Label 1234" `style` [bgColor darkGray]
] `style` [bgColor blue]
] `style` [bgColor green],
hgrid [
label_ "This is a really long label used to check what I did works fine" [multiLine, ellipsis],
label "Jj label" `hover` [textSize 40]
] `hover` [bgColor red],
label (model ^. dropdown1) `style` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
textField textField1 `style` [bgColor lightBlue, textLeft],
hstack [
scroll_ [] $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill],
scroll_ [] $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill],
scroll_ [] $ image_ "assets/images/pecans.jpg" [fitFill],
image_ "" [fitFill, onLoadError ImageMsg] `style` [cursorIcon CursorInvalid]
textDropdown_ dropdown1 items id [onChange DropdownVal, onChangeIdx DropdownIdx],
button_ "Click\nme!" (PrintMessage "Button clicked") [] --multiLine, ellipsis
] `key` "main vstack" `style` [borderT 20 red, borderL 10 blue, borderR 10 green, borderB 10 gray, iradius 50] --, padding 20
items = fmap (\i -> "This is a long label: " <> showt i) [1..100::Int]