BUILD_DIR = build DOC_DIR = documentation XCODE_BUILD_DIR = build-xcode XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR = build-xcode-debug # The release target will perform additional optimization .PHONY : release release: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); \ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # Also build a shared library .PHONY : shared shared: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); \ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSHAREDBUILD=1 .. # Build zip file package .PHONY : zip zip: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); touch README.html; \ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DZIP=1 .. # debug target enables CuTest unit testing .PHONY : debug debug: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); \ cmake -DTEST=1 DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG .. # analyze target enables use of clang's scan-build (if installed) # will then need to run 'scan-build make' to compile and analyze # 'scan-build -V make' will show the results graphically in your # web browser .PHONY : analyze analyze: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); \ scan-build cmake -DTEST=1 DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG .. .PHONY : map map: cd $(BUILD_DIR); \ ../tools/ ../Sources/libMultiMarkdown/include/libMultiMarkdown.h enumMap.txt; # Create xcode project # You can then build within XCode, or using the commands: # xcodebuild -configuration Debug # xcodebuild -configuration Release .PHONY : xcode xcode: $(XCODE_BUILD_DIR) cd $(XCODE_BUILD_DIR); \ cmake -G Xcode .. .PHONY : xcode-debug xcode-debug: $(XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR) cd $(XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR); \ cmake -G Xcode -DTEST=1 .. # Build Swift debug variant .PHONY : swift swift: $(BUILD_DIR) swift build -c debug --build-path ${BUILD_DIR} -Xcc -fbracket-depth=264 # Build Swift release variant .PHONY : swift-release swift-release: $(BUILD_DIR) swift build -c release --build-path ${BUILD_DIR} -Xcc -fbracket-depth=264 -Xcc -DNDEBUG=1 # Cross-compile for Windows using MinGW on *nix .PHONY : windows windows: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); touch README.html; \ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../tools/Toolchain-MinGW-w64-64bit.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # Build Windows zip file using MinGW on *nix .PHONY : windows-zip windows-zip: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); touch README.html; \ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../tools/Toolchain-MinGW-w64-64bit.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DZIP=1 .. # Cross-compile for Windows using MinGW on *nix (32-bit) .PHONY : windows-32 windows-32: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); touch README.html; \ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../tools/Toolchain-MinGW-w64-32bit.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # Build Windows zip file using MinGW on *nix (32-bit) .PHONY : windows-zip-32 windows-zip-32: $(BUILD_DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR); touch README.html; \ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../tools/Toolchain-mingw32.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DZIP=1 .. # Build the documentation using doxygen .PHONY : documentation documentation: -mkdir $(DOC_DIR) 2>/dev/null; \ cd $(DOC_DIR); \ cmake -DDOCUMENTATION=1 ..; cd ..; \ doxygen $(DOC_DIR)/doxygen.conf .PHONY : gh-pages gh-pages: documentation cp -r $(BUILD_DIR)/documentation/html/* documentation/ # Clean out the build directory .PHONY : clean clean: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/* # Create build directory if it doesn't exist $(BUILD_DIR): CHANGELOG -mkdir $(BUILD_DIR) 2>/dev/null -cd $(BUILD_DIR); rm -rf * # Build xcode directories if they don't exist $(XCODE_BUILD_DIR): -mkdir $(XCODE_BUILD_DIR) 2>/dev/null -cd $(XCODE_BUILD_DIR); rm -rf * $(XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR): -mkdir $(XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR) 2>/dev/null -cd $(XCODE_DEBUG_BUILD_DIR); rm -rf * # Generate a list of changes since last commit to 'master' branch .PHONY : CHANGELOG CHANGELOG: git log master..develop --format="* %s" | sort | uniq > CHANGELOG-UNRELEASED