2017-02-08 12:06:57 -05:00
.. improve doxygen features 2015-11-12 11:23:28 -05:00 ADDED: Metadata support for base header level 2017-02-08 12:06:57 -05:00 CHANGED: Initial public commit 2017-01-18 22:43:15 -05:00 CHANGED: Initial public commit 2017-01-18 22:43:15 -05:00 CHANGED: Include license and project name information in 'version.h' 2017-01-16 11:52:41 -05:00

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

## About ##

|            |                           |  
| ---------- | ------------------------- |  
| Title:     | @My_Project_Title@        |  
| Author:    | @My_Project_Author@       |  
| Date:      | @My_Project_Revised_Date@ |  
| Copyright: | @My_Project_Copyright@    |  
| Version:   | @My_Project_Version@      |  

## Updates ##

* 2017-01-28 -- v 0.1.1a includes a few updates:

	* Metadata support
	* Metadata variables support
	* Extended ASCII range character checking
	* Rudimentary language translations, including German
	* Improved performance
	* Additional testing:
		* CriticMarkup
		* HTML Blokcs
		* Metadata/Variables
		* "pathologic" test cases from CommonMark

* 2017-02-07 --  v 0.1.2a:

	* "pathologic" test suite -- fix handling of nested brackets, e.g.
	`[[[[foo]]]]` to avoid bogging down checking for reference links that
	don't exist.  
	* Table support -- a single blank line separates sections of tables, so
	at least two blank lines are needed between adjacent tables.
	* Definition list support
	* "fuzz testing" -- stress test the parser for unexpected failures
	* Table of Contents support
	* Improved compatibility mode parsing

## An Announcement! ##

I would like to officially announce that MultiMarkdown version 6 is in public
alpha.  It's finally at a point where it is usable, but there are quite a few

This post is a way for me to organize some of my thoughts, provide some
history for those who are interested, and to provide some tips and tricks from
my experiences for those who are working on their own products.

But first, some background...

### Why a New Version? ###

MultiMarkdown version 5 was released in November of 2015, but the codebase was
essentially the same as that of v4 -- and that was released in beta in April
of 2013.  A few key things prompted work on a new version:

* Accuracy -- MMD v4 and v5 were the most accurate versions yet, and a lot of
effort went into finding and resolving various edge cases.  However, it began
to feel like a game of whack-a-mole where new bugs would creep in every time I
fixed an old one.  The PEG began to feel rather convoluted in spots, even
though it did allow for a precise (if not always accurate) specification of
the grammar.

* Performance -- "Back in the day" [peg-markdown] was one of the fastest
Markdown parsers around.  MMD v3 was based on peg-markdown, and would leap-
frog with it in terms of performance.  Then [CommonMark] was released, which
was a bit faster. Then a couple of years went by and CommonMark became *much*
faster -- in one of my test suites, MMD v 5.4.0 takes about 25 times longer to
process  a long document than CommonMark 0.27.0.


Last spring, I decided I wanted to rewrite MultiMarkdown from scratch,
building the parser myself rather than relying on a pre-rolled solution.  (I
had been using [greg]( to compile the PEG
into parser code.  It worked well overall, but lacked some features I needed,
requiring a lot of workarounds.)

## First Attempt ##

My first attempt  started by hand-crafting a parser that scanned through the
document a line at a time, deciding what to do with each line as it found
them.  I used regex parsers made with [re2c]( to
help classify each line, and then a separate parser layer to process groups of
lines into blocks.  Initially this approach worked well, and was really
efficient.  But I quickly began to code my way into a dead-end -- the strategy
was not elegant enough to handle things like nested lists, etc.

One thing that did turn out well from the first attempt, however, was an
approach for handling `<emph>` and `<strong>` parsing.  I've learned over the
years that this can be one of the hardest parts of coding accurately for
Markdown.  There are many examples that are obvious to a person, but difficult
to properly "explain" how to parse to a computer.

No solution is perfect, but I developed an approach that seems to accurately
handle a wide range of situations without a great deal of complexity:

1.  Scan the documents for asterisks (`*`).  Each one will be handled one at a

2.  Unlike brackets (`[` and `]`), an asterisk is "ambidextrous", in that it
may be able to open a matched pair of asterisks, close a pair, or both.  For
example, in `foo *bar* foo`:

	1.	The first asterisk can open a pair, but not close one.

	2.	The second asterisk can close a pair, but not open one.

3.  So, once the asterisks have been identified, each has to be examined to
determine whether it can open/close/both.  The algorithm is not that complex,
but I'll describe it in general terms.  Check the code for more specifics.
This approach seems to work, but might still need some slight tweaking.  In
the future, I'll codify this better in language rather than just in code.

	1.	If there is whitespace to the left of an asterisk, it can't close.

	2.	If there is whitespace or punctuation to the right it can't open.

	3.	"Runs" of asterisks, e.g. `**bar` are treated as a unit in terms of
	looking left/right.

	4.	Asterisks inside a word are a bit trickier -- we look at the number of
	asterisks before the word, the number in the current run, and the number
	of asterisks after the word to determine which combinations, if any, are

4.  Once all asterisks have been tagged as able to open/close/both, we proceed
through them in order:

	1.	When we encounter a tag that can close, we look to see if there is a
	previous opener that has not been paired off.  If so, pair the two and
	remove the opener from the list of available asterisks.

	2.	When we encounter an opener, add it to the stack of available openers.

	3.	When encounter an asterisk that can do both, see if it can close an
	existing opener.  If not, then add it to the stack.

5.  After all tokens in the block have been paired, then we look for nesting
pairs of asterisks in order to create `<emph>` and `<strong>` sets.  For
example, assume we have six asterisks wrapped around a word, three in front,
and three after.  The asterisks are indicated with numbers: `123foo456`. We
proceed in the following manner:

	1.	Based on the pairing algorithm above, these asterisks would be paired as
	follows, with matching asterisks sharing numbers -- `123foo321`.

	2.	Moving forwards, we come to asterisk "1".  It is followed by an
	asterisk, so we check to see if they should be grouped as a `<strong>`.
	Since the "1" asterisks are wrapped immediately outside the "2" asterisks,
	they are joined together.  More than two pairs can't be joined, so we now
	get the following -- `112foo211`, where the "11" represents the opening
	and closing of a `<strong>`, and the "2" represents a `<emph>`.

6.  When matching a pair, any unclosed openers that are on the stack are
removed, preventing pairs from "crossing" or "intersecting".  Pairs can wrap
around each other, e.g. `[(foo)]`, but not intersect like `[(foo])`.  In the
second case, the brackets would close, removing the `(` from the stack.

7.  This same approach is used in all tokens that are matched in pairs--
`[foo]`, `(foo)`, `_foo_`, etc.  There's slightly more to it, but once you
figure out how to assign opening/closing ability, the rest is easy.  By using
a stack to track available openers, it can be performed efficiently.

In my testing, this approach has worked quite well.  It handles all the basic
scenarios I've thrown at it, and all of the "basic" and "devious" edge cases I
have thought of (some of these don't necessarily have a "right" answer -- but
v6 gives consistency answers that seem as reasonable as any others to me).
There are also three more edge cases I've come up can still stump it, and
ironically they are handled correctly by most implementations.  They just
don't follow the rules above.  I'll continue to work on this.

In the end, I scrapped this effort, but kept the lessons learned in the token
pairing algorithm.

## Second Attempt ##

I tried again this past Fall.  This time, I approached the problem with lots
of reading.  *Lots and lots* of reading -- tons of websites, computer science
journal articles, PhD theses, etc.  Learned a lot about lexers, and a lot
about parsers, including hand-crafting vs using parser generators.  In brief:

1. I learned about the [AhoCorasick algorithm], which is a great way to
efficiently search a string for multiple target strings at once.  I used this
to create a custom lexer to identify tokens in a MultiMarkdown text document
(e.g. `*`, `[ `, `{++`, etc.).  I learned a lot, and had a good time working
out the implementation.  This code efficiently allowed me to break a string of
text into the tokens that mattered for Markdown parsing.

2. However, in a few instances I really needed some features of regular
expressions to simplify more complex structures. After a quick bit of testing,
using re2c to create a tokenizer was just as efficient, and allowed me to
incorporate some regex functionality that simplified later parsing.  I'll keep
the Aho-Corasick stuff around, and will probably experiment more with it
later.  But I didn't need it for MMD now.  `` contains the source for
the tokenizer.

[AhoCorasick algorithm]:

I looked long and hard for a way to simplify the parsing algorithm to try and
"touch" each token only once.  Ideally, the program could step through each
token, and decide when to create a new block, when to pair things together,
etc.  But I'm not convinced it's possible.  Since Markdown's grammar varies
based on context, it seems to work best when handled in distinct phases:

1. Tokenize the string to identify key sections of text.  This includes line
breaks, allowing the text to be examined one line at time.

2. Join series of lines together into blocks, such as paragraphs, code blocks,
lists, etc.

3. The tokens inside each block can then be paired together to create more
complex syntax such as links, strong, emphasis, etc.

To handle the block parsing, I started off using the [Aho-Corasick] code to
handle my first attempt.  I had actually implemented some basic regex
functionality, and used that to group lines together to create blocks.  But
this quickly fell apart in the face of more complex structures such as
recursive lists.   After a lot of searching, and *tons* more reading, I
ultimately decided to use a parser generator to handle the task of group lines
into blocks.  `parser.y` has the source for this, and it is processed by the
[lemon]( parser generator to create the actual

I chose to do this because hand-crafting the block parser would be complex.
The end result would likely be difficult to read and understand, which would
make it difficult to update later on.  Using the parser generator allows me to
write things out in a way that can more easily be understood by a person.  In
all likelihood, the performance is probably as good as anything I could do
anyway, if not better.

Because lemon is a LALR(1) parser, it does require a bit of thinking ahead
about how to create the grammar used.  But so far, it has been able to handle
everything I have thrown at it.

## Optimization ##

One of my goals for MMD 6 was performance.  So I've paid attention to speed
along the way, and have tried to use a few tricks to keep things fast.  Here
are some things I've learned along the way.  In no particular order:

### Memory Allocation ###

When parsing a long document, a *lot* of token structures are created.  Each
one requires a small bit of memory to be allocated.  In aggregate, that time
added up and slowed down performance.

After reading for a bit, I ended up coming up with an approach that uses
larger chunks of memory.  I allocate pools of of memory in large slabs for
smaller "objects"".  For example, I allocate memory for 1024 tokens at a
single time, and then dole that memory out as needed.  When the slab is empty,
a new one is allocated.  This dramatically improved performance.

When pairing tokens, I created a new stack for each block.  I realized that an
empty stack didn't have any "leftover" cruft to interfere with re-use, so I
just used one for the entire document.  Again a sizeable improvement in
performance from only allocating one object instead of many.  When recursing
to a deeper level, the stack just gets deeper, but earlier levels aren't

Speaking of tokens, I realized that the average document contains a lot of
single spaces (there's one between every two words I have written, for
example.)  The vast majority of the time, these single spaces have no effect
on the output of Markdown documents.  I changed my whitespace token search to
only flag runs of 2 or more spaces, dramatically reducing the number of
tokens.  This gives the benefit of needing fewer memory allocations, and also
reduces the number of tokens that need to be processed later on.  The only
downside is remember to check for a single space character in a few instances
where it matters.

### Proper input buffering ###

When I first began last spring, I was amazed to see how much time was being
spent by MultiMarkdown simply reading the input file.  Then I discovered it
was because I was reading it one character at a time.  I switched to using a
buffered read approach and the time to read the file went to almost nothing. I
experimented with different buffer sizes, but they did not seem to make a
measurable difference.

### Output Buffering ###

I experimented with different approaches to creating the output after parsing.
I tried printing directly to `stdout`, and even played with different
buffering settings.  None of those seemed to work well, and all were slower
than using the `d_string` approach (formerly call `GString` in MMD 5).

### Fast Searches ###

After getting basic Markdown functionality complete, I discovered during
testing that the time required to parse a document grew exponentially as the
document grew longer.  Performance was on par with CommonMark for shorter
documents, but fell increasingly behind in larger tests.  Time profiling found
that the culprit was searching for link definitions when they didn't exist.
My first approach was to keep a stack of used link definitions, and to iterate
through them when necessary.  In long documents, this performs very poorly.
More research and I ended up using
[uthash](  This allows me to search for
a link (or footnote, etc.) by "name" rather than searching through an array.
This allowed me to get MMD's performance back to O(n), taking roughly twice as
much time to process a document that is twice as long.

### Efficient Utility Functions ###

It is frequently necessary when parsing Markdown to check what sort of
character we are dealing with at a certain position -- a letter, whitespace,
punctuation, etc.  I created a lookup table for this via `char_lookup.c` and
hard-coded it in `char.c`.  These routines allow me to quickly, and
consistently, classify any byte within a document. This saved a lot of
programming time, and saved time tracking down bugs from handling things
slightly differently under different circumstances.  I also suspect it
improved performance, but don't have the data to back it up.

### Testing While Writing ###

I developed several chunks of code in parallel while creating MMD 6.  The vast
majority of it was developed largely in a [test-driven development] approach.
The other code was largely created with extensive unit testing to accomplish

[test-driven development]:

MMD isn't particularly amenable to this approach at the small level, but
instead I relied more on integration testing with an ever-growing collection
of text files and the corresponding HTML files in the MMD 6 test suite.  This
allowed me to ensure new features work properly and that old features aren't
broken.  At this time, there are 29 text files in the test suite, and many
more to come.

### Other Lessons ###

Some things that didn't do me any good....

I considered differences between using `malloc` and `calloc` when initializing
tokens.  The time saved  by using `malloc` was basically exactly offset by the
initial time required to initialize the token to default null values as
compared to using `calloc`.  When trying `calloc` failed to help me out
(thinking that clearing a single slab in the object pool would be faster), I
stuck with `malloc` as it makes more sense to me in my workflow.

I read a bit about [struct padding] and reordered some of my structs.  It was
until later that I discovered the `-Wpadded` option, and it's not clear
whether my changes modified anything.  Since the structs were being padded
automatically, there was no noticeable performance change, and I didn't have
the tools to measure whether I could have improved memory usage at all.  Not
sure this would be worth the effort -- much lower hanging fruit available.

[struct padding]:

## Differences in MultiMarkdown Itself ##

MultiMarkdown v6 is mostly about making a better MMD parser, but it will
likely involve a few changes to the MultiMarkdown language itself.

1. I am thinking about removing Setext headers from the language.  I almost
never use them, much preferring to use ATX style headers (`# foo #`).
Additionally, I have never liked the fact that Setext headers allow the
meaning of a line to be completely changed by the following line.  It makes
the parsing slightly more difficult on a technical level (requiring some
backtracking at times).  I'm not 100% certain on this, but right now I believe
it's the only Markdown feature that doesn't exist in MMD 6 yet.

2. Whitespace is not allowed between the text brackets and label brackets in
reference links, images, footnotes, etc.  For example `[foo] [bar]` will no
longer be the same as `[foo][bar]`.

3. Link and image titles can be quoted with `'foo'`, `"foo"`, or `(foo)`.

4. HTML elements are handled slightly differently.  There is no longer a
`markdown="1"` feature.  Instead, HTML elements that are on a line by
themselves will open an HTML block that will cause the rest of the "paragraph"
to be treated as HTML such that Markdown will not be parsed in side of it.
HTML block-level tags are even "stronger" at starting an HTML block.  It is
not quite as complex as the approach used in CommonMark, but is similar under
most circumstances.

	For example, this would not be parsed:


	But this would be:




5. "Malformed" reference link definitions are handled slightly differently.
For example, `Reference Footnotes.text` is parsed differently in compatibility
mode than MMD-5.  This started as a side-effect of the parsing algorithm, but
I actually think it makes sense.  This may or may not change in the future.

## Where Does MultiMarkdown 6 Stand? ##

### Features ###

I *think* that all basic Markdown features have been implemented, except for
Setext headers, as mentioned above.  Additionally, the following MultiMarkdown
features have been implemented:

* Automatic cross-reference targets
* Basic Citation support
* CriticMarkup support
* Definition lists
* Figures
* Footnotes
* Inline and reference footnotes
* Image and Link attributes (attributes can now be used with inline links as
	well as reference links)
* Math support
* Smart quotes (support for languages other than english is not fully
	implemented yet)
* Superscripts/subscripts
* Table of Contents
* Tables

Things that are partially completed:

* Citations -- still need:
	* Syntax for "not cited" entries
	* Output format
	* HTML --> separate footnotes and citations?
	* Locators required?
* CriticMarkup -- need to decide:
	* How to handle CM stretches that include blank lines
* Fenced code blocks
* Headers -- need support for manual labels
* Metadata
* Full/Snippet modes

Things yet to be completed:

* Abbreviations
* Glossaries
* File Transclusion
* Table Captions

### Accuracy ###

MultiMarkdown v6 successfully parses the Markdown [syntax page], except for
the Setext header at the top.  It passes the 29 test files currently in place.
There are a few at

[syntax page]:

### Performance ###

Basic tests show that currently MMD 6 takes about 20-25% longer the CommonMark
0.27.0 to process long files (e.g. 0.2 MB).  However, it is around 5% *faster*
than CommonMark when parsing a shorter file (27 kB) (measured by parsing the
same file 200 times over).  This test suite is performed by using the Markdown
[syntax page], modified to avoid the use of the Setext header at the top.  The
longer files tested are created by copying the same syntax page onto itself,
thereby doubling the length of the file with each iteration.

The largest file I test is approximately 108 MB (4096 copies of the syntax
page).  On my machine (2012 Mac mini with 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM),
it takes approximately 4.4 seconds to parse with MMD 6 and 3.7 seconds with
CommonMark.  MMD 6 processes approximately 25 MB/s on this test file.
CommonMark 0.27.0 gets about 29 MB/s on the same machine.

There are some slight variations with the smaller test files (8-32 copies),
but overall the performance of both programs (MMD 6 and CommonMark) are
roughly linear as the test file gets bigger (double the file size and it takes
twice as long to parse, aka O(n)).

Out of curiosity, I ran the same tests on the original by Gruber
(v 1.0.2b8).  It took approximately 178 seconds to parse 128 copies of the
file (3.4 MB) and was demonstrating quadratic performance characteristics
(double the file size and it takes 2^2 or 4 times longer to process, aka
O(n^2)). I didn't bother running it on larger versions of the test file.  For
comparison, MMD 6 can process 128 copies in approximately 140 msec.

Of note, the throughput speed drops when testing more complicated files
containing more advanced MultiMarkdown features, though it still seems to
maintain linear performance characteristics.  A second test file is created by
concatenating all of the test suite files (including the Markdown syntax
file).  In this case, MMD gets about 13 MB/s.  CommonMark doesn't support
these additional features, so testing it with that file is not relevant.  I
will work to see whether there are certain features in particular that are
more challenging and see whether they can be reworked to improve performance.

As above, I have done some high level optimization of the parse strategy, but
I'm sure there's still a lot of room for further improvement to be made.
Suggestions welcome!

## License ##
