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2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
module Main where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (void)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
import Data.Convertible (convert)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL as Postgres
import System.Environment (getEnv)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
import qualified Database.Orville.PostgreSQL as O
import Database.Orville.PostgreSQL.Connection
import qualified Database.Orville.PostgreSQL.Raw as ORaw
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
import Example.Data.Major
( Major(..)
, MajorCollege(..)
, MajorId(..)
, MajorName(..)
import Example.Data.Student (Student(..), StudentId(..), StudentName(..))
import Example.Schema.Student
( majorIdField
, majorNameField
, studentIdField
, studentMajorField
, studentNameField
import Example.SchemaStudent (majorTable, studentSchema, studentTable)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Connecting to db"
connStr <- getEnv "TEST_CONN_STRING"
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
putStrLn connStr
poolConn <- createConnectionPool 1 10000 1 connStr
let env = O.newOrvilleEnv poolConn
_ <- O.runOrville initialInsertMajors env
_ <- O.runOrville initialInsertStudents env
((O.runOrville insertStudentFail env) >>=
T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName)
(\e -> do
let err = show (e :: SomeException)
("Warning: Could not insert record. Postgres error message:\n\"" ++
err ++ "\"\n"))
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
resultSelect <- O.runOrville selectFirstTest env
putStrLn "\nSelect first business major result:"
case resultSelect of
Just (student) -> T.putStrLn $ studentNameText $ studentName student
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
Nothing -> putStrLn "no record returned"
resultFind <- O.runOrville findRecordTest env
putStrLn "\nFind record with ID 1:"
case resultFind of
Just (student) -> T.putStrLn $ studentNameText $ studentName student
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
Nothing -> putStrLn "no record returned"
resultSelectAll <- O.runOrville selectAllTest env
putStrLn "\nSelect all result: "
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName) resultSelectAll
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
deletedStudent <- O.runOrville deleteTest env
putStrLn $
"\nInserted and deleted: " ++
unpack (studentNameText $ studentName deletedStudent) ++
", ID: " ++ show (studentIdInt $ studentId deletedStudent)
deletedMajor <- O.runOrville deleteMajorSuccess env
putStrLn $
"\nInserted and deleted: " ++
unpack (majorNameText $ majorName deletedMajor) ++
", ID: " ++ show (majorIdInt $ majorId deletedMajor)
numDeletedMajors <- O.runOrville deleteWhereMajorSuccess env
putStrLn $
"\nNumber of records deleted from major table: " ++ (show numDeletedMajors)
((O.runOrville deleteMajorDoesNotExist env) >>=
putStrLn . ("Number of records deleted from major table: " ++) . show)
(\e -> do
let err = show (e :: SomeException)
("Warning: Could not delete record. Postgres error message:\n\"" ++
err ++ "\"\n"))
((O.runOrville violateFKDelete env) >>= putStrLn . show)
(\e -> do
let err = show (e :: SomeException)
("\nWarning: Could not delete record. Postgres error message:\n\"" ++
err ++ "\"\n"))
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
findRecordsResult <- O.runOrville findRecordsTest env
let resultList = Map.toList findRecordsResult
let names =
map (\(_, student) -> studentNameText $ studentName student) resultList
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
putStrLn "\nIDs 1-3:"
mapM_ (T.putStrLn) names
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
updateTest <- O.runOrville updateFieldsTest env
putStr "\nTest update (number updated): "
putStrLn $ show updateTest
allEconStudents <- O.runOrville (findAllStudentsByMajor "Economics") env
putStrLn "\nAll Econ Students"
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName) allEconStudents
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
popOutput <- O.runOrville popRecordTest env
putStrLn "\npopRecord' test:"
putStrLn $ unpack (studentNameText $ studentName popOutput)
popHasOutput <- O.runOrville popHasOneTest env
putStrLn "\nhasOne' test:"
putStrLn $ unpack (studentNameText $ studentName popHasOutput)
hasManyTest <- O.runOrville popHasManyTest env
putStrLn "\nhasMany test:"
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName) hasManyTest
popManyTest <- O.runOrville popManyHasOne env
putStrLn "\nhasOne' & popMany:"
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName) popManyTest
popManyHasManyTest <- O.runOrville popManyHasMany env
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
putStrLn "\nhasMany & popMany:"
mapM_ (mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName)) popManyHasManyTest
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
majorStudentsTuples <- O.runOrville runAllMajors env
putStrLn "\nAll students in each major:"
mapM_ printTuple majorStudentsTuples
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
pure ()
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
printTuple :: StudentsForMajor -> IO ()
printTuple (major, studentList) = do
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show (majorNameText (majorName major)) ++ " students:"
mapM_ (T.putStrLn . studentNameText . studentName) studentList
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
-- demonstrates insertRecord function
initialInsertMajors :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Major MajorId)
initialInsertMajors = do
resetToBlankSchema studentSchema
_ <- O.insertRecord majorTable business
_ <- O.insertRecord majorTable econ
_ <- O.insertRecord majorTable math
_ <- O.insertRecord majorTable chem
O.insertRecord majorTable testMajor
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
-- demonstrates insertRecordMany function
initialInsertStudents :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO ()
initialInsertStudents = do
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
let student_list = [barry, allan, christine, erin, sam]
O.insertRecordMany studentTable student_list
-- insert invalid (student has Major Id that is not in major table)
insertStudentFail :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Student StudentId)
insertStudentFail = do
O.insertRecord studentTable testStudent
selectFirstTest ::
O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Maybe (Student StudentId))
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
selectFirstTest = do
let options = O.where_ $ (O..==) studentMajorField (MajorId 1)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
O.selectFirst studentTable options
selectAllTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [Student StudentId]
selectAllTest = do
2018-07-02 22:16:41 +03:00
let options = O.SelectOptions mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
O.selectAll studentTable options
findRecordTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Maybe (Student StudentId))
findRecordTest = do
O.findRecord studentTable (StudentId 1)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
deleteTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Student StudentId)
deleteTest = do
insertedStudent <- O.insertRecord studentTable allan
O.deleteRecord studentTable (studentId insertedStudent)
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
pure insertedStudent
deleteMajorSuccess :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Major MajorId)
deleteMajorSuccess = do
insertedMajor <- O.insertRecord majorTable testMajor
O.deleteRecord majorTable (majorId insertedMajor)
pure insertedMajor
deleteWhereMajorSuccess :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Integer)
deleteWhereMajorSuccess = do
let condit = [(O..==) majorIdField (MajorId 5)]
O.deleteWhere majorTable condit
--Will succeed even though major with Id 6 does not exist
deleteMajorDoesNotExist :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Integer)
deleteMajorDoesNotExist = do
let condit = [(O..==) majorIdField (MajorId 6)]
O.deleteWhere majorTable condit
-- invalid delete (tries to delete major still referenced in student table)
violateFKDelete :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Integer)
violateFKDelete = do
let condit = [(O..==) majorIdField (MajorId 2)]
O.deleteWhere majorTable condit
findRecordsTest ::
O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Map.Map StudentId (Student StudentId))
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
findRecordsTest = do
let id_list = [StudentId 1, StudentId 2, StudentId 3]
O.findRecords studentTable id_list
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
findRecordsByTest ::
O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Map.Map StudentId [Student StudentId])
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
findRecordsByTest = do
let options = O.where_ $ (O..==) studentMajorField (MajorId 2)
O.findRecordsBy studentTable studentIdField options
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
updateFieldsTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Integer)
updateFieldsTest = do
let updates = [O.fieldUpdate studentMajorField (MajorId 4)]
let condit = [(O..==) studentNameField (StudentName $ pack "Erin Valentino")]
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
O.updateFields studentTable updates condit
findMajor ::
String -> O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Maybe (Major MajorId))
findMajor str = do
let options = O.where_ $ (O..==) majorNameField (MajorName $ pack str)
O.selectFirst majorTable options
findStudentsByMajorId ::
MajorId -> O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [Student StudentId]
findStudentsByMajorId majId = do
let options = O.where_ $ (O..==) studentMajorField majId
O.selectAll studentTable options
findAllStudentsByMajor ::
String -> O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [Student StudentId]
findAllStudentsByMajor majorStr = do
maybeMajor <- findMajor majorStr
case maybeMajor of
Nothing -> pure []
Just major -> do
findStudentsByMajorId (majorId major)
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
popRecordTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Student StudentId)
popRecordTest = do
let poppedRecord = O.popRecord' studentTable (StudentId 1)
O.popThrow poppedRecord ()
popHasOneTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO (Student StudentId)
popHasOneTest = do
let hasOneRec = O.hasOne' studentTable studentMajorField
O.popThrow hasOneRec (MajorId 3)
popHasManyTest :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [Student StudentId]
popHasManyTest = do
let manyRecs = O.hasMany studentTable studentMajorField
O.popThrow manyRecs (MajorId 3)
popManyHasOne :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [Student StudentId]
popManyHasOne = do
let result = O.hasOne' studentTable studentMajorField
let manyResult = O.popMany result
O.popThrow manyResult [MajorId 1, MajorId 2, MajorId 3]
popManyHasMany :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [[Student StudentId]]
popManyHasMany = do
let hasManyResult = O.hasMany studentTable studentMajorField
let popManyResult = O.popMany hasManyResult
O.popThrow popManyResult [MajorId 1, MajorId 2, MajorId 3]
type StudentsForMajor = (Major MajorId, [Student StudentId])
runAllMajors :: O.OrvilleT Postgres.Connection IO [StudentsForMajor]
runAllMajors = O.popThrow (allMajors >>> studentsForMajors) ()
allMajors :: O.Popper a [Major MajorId]
allMajors = O.popTable majorTable mempty
studentsForMajors :: O.Popper [Major MajorId] [StudentsForMajor]
studentsForMajors = O.popMany $ studentsWithMajor
studentsWithMajor :: O.Popper (Major MajorId) StudentsForMajor
studentsWithMajor = O.kern &&& getStudentsByMajor
getStudentsByMajor :: O.Popper (Major MajorId) [Student StudentId]
getStudentsByMajor = majorIdPopper >>> getStudentsByMajorId
getStudentsByMajorId :: O.Popper (MajorId) [Student StudentId]
getStudentsByMajorId = O.hasMany studentTable studentMajorField
majorIdPopper :: O.Popper (Major MajorId) (MajorId)
majorIdPopper = O.fromKern majorId
resetToBlankSchema :: O.MonadOrville conn m => O.SchemaDefinition -> m ()
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
resetToBlankSchema schemaDef = do
results <- ORaw.selectSqlRows "SELECT current_user" []
case results of
[[("current_user", currentUser)]] ->
void $ ORaw.updateSql ("DROP OWNED BY " ++ convert currentUser) []
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
_ ->
error $ "Expected single 'current_user' result row, got " ++ show results
O.migrateSchema schemaDef
business :: Major ()
business =
{ majorId = ()
, majorName = MajorName $ pack "Business"
, majorCollege = LiberalArts
econ :: Major ()
econ =
{ majorId = ()
, majorName = MajorName $ pack "Economics"
, majorCollege = LiberalArts
math :: Major ()
math =
{ majorId = ()
, majorName = MajorName $ pack "Math"
, majorCollege = NaturalScience
chem :: Major ()
chem =
{ majorId = ()
, majorName = MajorName $ pack "Chemistry"
, majorCollege = NaturalScience
testMajor :: Major ()
testMajor =
{ majorId = ()
, majorName = MajorName $ pack "Test Major"
, majorCollege = NaturalScience
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
allan :: Student ()
allan =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Allan Sherwood"
, studentMajor = MajorId 1
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
barry :: Student ()
barry =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Barry Zimmer"
, studentMajor = MajorId 2
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
christine :: Student ()
christine =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Christine Brown"
, studentMajor = MajorId 3
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
erin :: Student ()
erin =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Erin Valentino"
, studentMajor = MajorId 2
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
sam :: Student ()
sam =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Samuel Frazier"
, studentMajor = MajorId 3
2018-05-12 00:50:31 +03:00
testStudent :: Student ()
testStudent =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Test Student"
, studentMajor = MajorId 6
2018-04-27 00:10:15 +03:00
erinNew :: Student ()
erinNew =
{ studentId = ()
, studentName = StudentName $ pack "Erin K. Valentino"
, studentMajor = MajorId 1