Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
David Vollbracht 2016-03-28 19:21:24 +00:00
commit a68f7c482a
30 changed files with 2569 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

Dockerfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
FROM haskell:7.10.3
RUN apt-get update &&\
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libpq5 libpq-dev &&\
apt-get clean

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Flipstone Technology Partners
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Setup.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

docker-compose.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
build: .
- .:/orville
working_dir: /orville

orville.cabal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- Initial orville.cabal generated by cabal init. For further
-- documentation, see
name: orville
synopsis: ORM
-- description:
license: AllRightsReserved
license-file: LICENSE
author: Flipstone Technology Partners
-- copyright:
category: Database
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans
exposed-modules: Database.Orville,
other-modules: Database.Orville.Internal.ConstraintDefinition,
default-extensions: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9,
containers >= 0.5,
convertible >= 1.1,
dlist >= 0.7,
exceptions >= 0.8,
lifted-base >= 0.2,
monad-control >= 1.0,
HDBC >= 2.4,
HDBC-postgresql >= 2.3,
mtl >= 2.2,
resource-pool >= 0.2,
time >= 1.5,
transformers >= 0.4,
transformers-base >= 0.4
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010

src/Data/Map/Helpers.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Data.Map.Helpers
( groupBy
, groupBy'
) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
groupBy :: Ord k => (a -> k) -> [a] -> Map.Map k [a]
groupBy keyFunc = groupBy' mkEntry
where mkEntry a = (keyFunc a, a)
groupBy' :: Ord k => (a -> (k,v)) -> [a] -> Map.Map k [v]
groupBy' mkEntry as = Map.fromListWith (++) (map mkListEntry as)
where mkListEntry a = let (k,v) = mkEntry a
in (k, [v])

src/Database/Orville.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module Database.Orville
( module Database.Orville.Core
, module Database.Orville.Popper
, module Database.Orville.Tracked
) where
import Database.Orville.Core
import Database.Orville.Popper
import Database.Orville.Tracked

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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Core
( SqlValue
, Orville
, OrvilleT, unOrvilleT, OrvilleEnv, newOrvilleEnv, ormEnvPool
, MonadOrville(..), runOrville, mapOrvilleT
, withTransaction
, ColumnFlag (..)
, Now(..)
, ColumnType (..)
, FieldDefinition
, TableDefinition (..)
, tablePrimaryKey
, IndexDefinition (..)
, uniqueIndex, simpleIndex
, ConstraintDefinition (..)
, uniqueConstraint, dropConstraint
, FromSql
, FromSqlError(..)
, ColumnSpecifier(..)
, col
, nullableCol
, nextColumn
, prefixed
, ToSql
, getField
, getComponent
, withFlag
, withName
, SchemaItem(..)
, SchemaDefinition
, Record
, CreatedAt
, TableComments
, noComments, say
, WhereCondition
, whereAnd, whereOr, isNull, isNotNull
, (.==), (.<-), (%==), (.>), (.>=), (.<), (.<=)
, SelectOptions(..)
, where_, order, limit, offset
, (<>)
, FieldUpdate(..)
, fieldUpdate, (.:=)
, OrderByClause (..)
, SortDirection (..)
, migrateSchema
, selectAll
, selectFirst
, deleteRecord
, deleteWhere
, findRecord
, findRecords
, findRecordsBy
, insertRecord
, insertRecordMany
, updateFields
, updateRecord
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Convertible
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Database.HDBC hiding (withTransaction)
import qualified Data.Map.Helpers as Map
import Database.Orville.Internal.ConstraintDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldUpdate
import Database.Orville.Internal.FromSql
import Database.Orville.Internal.IndexDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Monad
import Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateSchema
import Database.Orville.Internal.OrderBy
import Database.Orville.Internal.SelectOptions
import Database.Orville.Internal.TableDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Internal.Where
import Database.Orville.Raw
getField :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> (entity -> a) -> ToSql entity ()
getField f = do
value <- asks f
sqlValues <- get
put (convert value : sqlValues)
selectWhereBuild :: TableDefinition entity
-> FromSql result
-> SelectOptions
-> Orville [result]
selectWhereBuild tableDef builder opts =
selectSql querySql (selectOptValues opts) builder
selectClause = mkSelectClause tableDef
querySql = List.intercalate " " [
, selectOptClause opts
selectAll :: TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> Orville [entity Record]
selectAll tableDef = selectWhereBuild tableDef (tableFromSql tableDef)
selectFirst :: TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> Orville (Maybe (entity Record))
selectFirst tableDef opts = listToMaybe <$> selectAll tableDef (limit 1 <> opts)
deleteWhereBuild :: TableDefinition entity
-> [WhereCondition]
-> Orville Integer
deleteWhereBuild tableDef conds = do
let deleteSql = mkDeleteClause tableDef
let whereSql = whereClause conds
let values = whereValues conds
let querySql = deleteSql ++ " " ++ whereSql
withConnection $ \conn -> liftIO $ do
deletedCount <- run conn querySql values
return deletedCount
deleteWhere :: TableDefinition entity
-> [WhereCondition]
-> Orville Integer
deleteWhere tableDef = deleteWhereBuild tableDef
findRecords :: TableDefinition entity
-> [Record]
-> Orville (Map.Map Record (entity Record))
findRecords _ [] = return Map.empty
findRecords tableDef keys = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
mkEntry record = (tableGetKey tableDef record, record)
recordList <- selectAll tableDef (where_ $ keyField .<- keys)
pure $ Map.fromList (map mkEntry recordList)
findRecordsBy :: (Convertible SqlValue fieldValue, Ord fieldValue)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Orville (Map.Map fieldValue [entity Record])
findRecordsBy tableDef field opts = do
let builder = (,) <$> col field <*> tableFromSql tableDef
Map.groupBy' id <$> selectWhereBuild tableDef builder opts
findRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> Orville (Maybe (entity Record))
findRecord tableDef key = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
selectFirst tableDef (where_ $ keyField .== key)
updateFields :: TableDefinition entity
-> [FieldUpdate]
-> [WhereCondition]
-> Orville Integer
updateFields tableDef updates conds =
updateSql (updateClause ++ " " ++ condClause)
(updateValues ++ condValues)
condClause = whereClause conds
condValues = whereValues conds
updateValues = map fieldUpdateValue updates
updateClause = mkUpdateClause tableDef updates
updateRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> entity key
-> Orville (entity Record)
updateRecord tableDef recordId record = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
conds = [keyField .== recordId]
fields = filter (not . isUninsertedField)
(tableFields tableDef)
builder = tableToSql tableDef
updates = zipWith FieldUpdate
(runToSql builder record)
void $ updateFields tableDef updates conds
pure $ tableSetKey tableDef recordId record
insertRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> entity ()
-> Orville (entity Record)
insertRecord tableDef newRecord = do
let insertSql = mkInsertClause tableDef ++ " RETURNING id"
let builder = tableToSql tableDef
rows <- withConnection $ \conn -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn insertSql
let vals = (runToSql builder newRecord)
print vals
insert <- prepare conn insertSql
void $ execute insert vals
rows <- fetchAllRows' insert
return rows
case rows of
[[key]] -> case safeConvert key of
Right int -> return $ tableSetKey tableDef int newRecord
_ -> error "Got a non-integer key back from the db!"
[] -> error "Didn't get a key back from the database!"
_ -> error "Got more than one key back from the database!"
insertRecordMany :: TableDefinition entity
-> [entity ()]
-> Orville ()
insertRecordMany tableDef newRecords = do
let insertSql = mkInsertClause tableDef
let builder = tableToSql tableDef
withConnection $ \conn -> liftIO $ do
insert <- prepare conn insertSql
executeMany insert (map (runToSql builder) newRecords)
deleteRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> entity Record
-> Orville ()
deleteRecord tableDef record = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
n <- deleteWhere tableDef
[keyField .== tableGetKey tableDef record]
if n /= 1
then error $ "Expected to delete exactly 1 row for deleteRecord\
\but actually deleted" ++ show n
else pure ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Database.Orville.Internal.ConstraintDefinition
( uniqueConstraint
, dropConstraint
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
uniqueConstraint :: String -> TableDefinition entity -> [FieldDefinition] -> ConstraintDefinition
uniqueConstraint name tableDef fields =
ConstraintDefinition {
constraintName = name
, constraintTable = tableName tableDef
, constraintBody = "UNIQUE (" ++ intercalate "," (map escapedFieldName fields) ++ ")"
dropConstraint :: TableDefinition entity -> String -> SchemaItem
dropConstraint tableDef = DropConstraint (tableName tableDef)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition where
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
isPrimaryKey :: ColumnFlag -> Bool
isPrimaryKey PrimaryKey = True
isPrimaryKey _ = False
isNullFlag :: ColumnFlag -> Bool
isNullFlag Null = True
isNullFlag _ = False
isUninserted :: ColumnFlag -> Bool
isUninserted PrimaryKey = True
isUninserted (InsertDefault _) = True
isUninserted _ = False
fieldName :: FieldDefinition -> String
fieldName (name, _, _) = name
escapedFieldName :: FieldDefinition -> String
escapedFieldName field = "\"" ++ fieldName field ++ "\""
fieldType :: FieldDefinition -> ColumnType
fieldType (_,typ,_) = typ
isPrimaryKeyField :: FieldDefinition -> Bool
isPrimaryKeyField (_, _, flags) = any isPrimaryKey flags
withFlag :: FieldDefinition -> ColumnFlag -> FieldDefinition
withFlag (name, typ, flags) newFlag = (name, typ, newFlag : flags)
withName :: FieldDefinition -> String -> FieldDefinition
withName (_, typ, flags) newName = (newName, typ, flags)
isUninsertedField :: FieldDefinition -> Bool
isUninsertedField (_, _, flags) = any isUninserted flags

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.FieldUpdate where
import Data.Convertible
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
fieldUpdate :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> FieldUpdate
fieldUpdate def = FieldUpdate def . convert
(.:=) :: Convertible a SqlValue => FieldDefinition -> a -> FieldUpdate
(.:=) = fieldUpdate
fieldUpdateSql :: FieldUpdate -> String
fieldUpdateSql u =
fieldName (fieldUpdateField u) ++ " = ?"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.FromSql where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Convertible
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
convertFromSql :: Convertible SqlValue a => SqlValue -> FromSql a
convertFromSql sqlValue =
case safeConvert sqlValue of
Right value -> return value
Left conversionError -> throwError $ RowDataError $ prettyConvertError conversionError
nextColumn :: Convertible SqlValue a => FromSql a
nextColumn = do
columns <- get
case columns of
[] -> throwError $ QueryError $ "Insufficient column values to build type"
(_,sqlValue) : rest -> do
put rest
convertFromSql sqlValue
columnPrefix :: FromSql String
columnPrefix = ask
prefixed :: String -> FromSql a -> FromSql a
prefixed str = local (++str)
fullColumnName :: ColumnSpecifier col => col -> FromSql String
fullColumnName colSpec = do
prefix <- columnPrefix
pure $ prefix ++ columnName colSpec
col :: (ColumnSpecifier col, Convertible SqlValue a)
=> col -> FromSql a
col colSpec = do
columns <- get
name <- fullColumnName colSpec
case lookup name columns of
Just sqlValue -> convertFromSql sqlValue
Nothing ->
throwError $ QueryError $ concat [ "Column "
, name
, " not found in result set, "
, " actual columns: "
, intercalate "," $ map fst columns
-- allows a Nothing to be returned for a (Maybe field) within a (Maybe data_type)
nullableCol :: (ColumnSpecifier col, Convertible SqlValue a)
=> col
-> FromSql (Maybe (Maybe a))
nullableCol colSpec = (col colSpec) >>= pure . Just
class ColumnSpecifier col where
columnName :: col -> String
instance ColumnSpecifier FieldDefinition where
columnName = fieldName
instance ColumnSpecifier [Char] where
columnName = id
instance ColumnSpecifier T.Text where
columnName = T.unpack
instance ColumnSpecifier LT.Text where
columnName = LT.unpack
instance ColumnSpecifier BS.ByteString where
columnName = BS.unpack
instance ColumnSpecifier LBS.ByteString where
columnName = LBS.unpack

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Database.Orville.Internal.IndexDefinition
( uniqueIndex, simpleIndex
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
uniqueIndex :: String -> TableDefinition entity -> [FieldDefinition] -> IndexDefinition
uniqueIndex name tableDef fields =
IndexDefinition {
indexName = name
, indexUnique = True
, indexTable = tableName tableDef
, indexBody = indexFieldsBody fields
simpleIndex :: String -> TableDefinition entity -> [FieldDefinition] -> IndexDefinition
simpleIndex name tableDef fields =
IndexDefinition {
indexName = name
, indexUnique = False
, indexTable = tableName tableDef
, indexBody = indexFieldsBody fields
indexFieldsBody :: [FieldDefinition] -> String
indexFieldsBody fields = "(" ++ intercalate "," (map escapedFieldName fields) ++ ")"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateConstraint
( createConstraint
, dropConstraint
, getConstraints
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Convertible
import Data.List
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
createConstraint :: IConnection conn => conn -> ConstraintDefinition -> IO ()
createConstraint conn (ConstraintDefinition {..}) = do
let ddl = intercalate " " [ "ALTER TABLE"
, "\"" ++ constraintTable ++ "\""
, "\"" ++ constraintName ++ "\""
, constraintBody
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
dropConstraint :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> String -> IO ()
dropConstraint conn tableName constraintName = do
let ddl = "ALTER TABLE " ++ tableName ++ " DROP CONSTRAINT " ++ constraintName
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
getConstraints :: IConnection conn => conn -> IO [String]
getConstraints conn = do
query <- prepare conn "SELECT conname \
\FROM pg_constraint \
\JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_constraint.connamespace \
\WHERE nspname = 'public'"
void $ execute query []
map (convert . head) <$> fetchAllRows' query

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateIndex
( createIndex
, dropIndex
, getIndexes
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Convertible
import Data.List
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
createIndex :: IConnection conn => conn -> IndexDefinition -> IO ()
createIndex conn (IndexDefinition {..}) = do
let ddl = intercalate " " [ "CREATE"
, if indexUnique then "UNIQUE" else ""
, indexName
, "ON"
, "\"" ++ indexTable ++ "\""
, indexBody
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
dropIndex :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> IO ()
dropIndex conn name = do
let ddl = "DROP INDEX " ++ name
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
getIndexes :: IConnection conn => conn -> IO [String]
getIndexes conn = do
query <- prepare conn "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'public';"
void $ execute query []
map (convert . head) <$> fetchAllRows' query

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateSchema
( migrateSchema
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Convertible
import Data.Int
import Database.HDBC hiding (withTransaction)
import Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateConstraint
import Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateIndex
import Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateTable
import Database.Orville.Internal.Monad
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Raw
orvilleLockScope :: Int32
orvilleLockScope = 17772
migrationLockId :: Int32
migrationLockId = 7995632
migrateSchema :: SchemaDefinition -> Orville ()
migrateSchema schemaDef = withConnection $ \conn -> do
withTransaction $ liftIO $ do
void $ run conn
"SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(?,?)"
[convert orvilleLockScope, convert migrationLockId]
tables <- getTables conn
indexes <- getIndexes conn
constraints <- getConstraints conn
forM_ schemaDef $ \table ->
case table of
Table tableDef ->
if tableName tableDef `elem` tables
then migrateTable conn tableDef
else createTable conn tableDef
DropTable name ->
when (name `elem` tables)
(dropTable conn name)
Index indexDef ->
when (not $ indexName indexDef `elem` indexes)
(createIndex conn indexDef)
DropIndex name ->
when (name `elem` indexes)
(dropIndex conn name)
Constraint constraintDef ->
when (not $ constraintName constraintDef `elem` constraints)
(createConstraint conn constraintDef)
DropConstraint tableName name ->
when (name `elem` constraints)
(dropConstraint conn tableName name)

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.MigrateTable
( createTable
, dropTable
, migrateTable
, MigrateTableException(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
createTable :: IConnection conn => conn -> TableDefinition entity -> IO ()
createTable conn tableDef = do
let ddl = mkCreateTableDDL tableDef
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
dropTable :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> IO ()
dropTable conn name = do
let ddl = "DROP TABLE \"" ++ name ++ "\""
putStrLn ddl
void $ run conn ddl []
migrateTable :: IConnection conn => conn -> TableDefinition entity -> IO ()
migrateTable conn tableDef = do
columns <- describeTable conn (tableName tableDef)
case mkMigrateTableDDL columns tableDef of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ddl -> do
putStrLn ddl
stmt <- prepare conn ddl
executeRaw stmt
`Exc.catch` (Exc.throw . MTE tableDef)
mkMigrateTableDDL :: [(String, SqlColDesc)] -> TableDefinition entity -> Maybe String
mkMigrateTableDDL columns tableDef =
if null stmts then
Just $ "ALTER TABLE \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++ "\" " ++ cols
where fields = tableFields tableDef
fieldColumn fieldDef = lookup (fieldName fieldDef) columns
colStmt = mkMigrateColumnDDL <$> id <*> fieldColumn
dropStmt = mkDropColumnDDL <$> id <*> flip lookup columns
stmts = List.concatMap colStmt fields ++
List.concatMap dropStmt (tableSafeToDelete tableDef)
cols = List.intercalate ", " $ stmts
mkMigrateColumnTypeDDL :: FieldDefinition -> SqlColDesc -> Maybe String
mkMigrateColumnTypeDDL fieldDef colDesc =
let fieldDesc = sqlFieldDesc fieldDef
in if colType fieldDesc /= colType colDesc ||
colSize fieldDesc /= colSize colDesc then
Just $ "ALTER COLUMN " ++ fieldName fieldDef ++ " SET DATA TYPE " ++
mkTypeDDL (fieldType fieldDef)
mkMigrateColumnNullDDL :: FieldDefinition -> SqlColDesc -> Maybe String
mkMigrateColumnNullDDL fieldDef colDesc =
let fieldDesc = sqlFieldDesc fieldDef
fieldNull = fromMaybe True (colNullable fieldDesc)
colNull = fromMaybe True (colNullable colDesc)
in if fieldNull && not colNull then
Just $ "ALTER COLUMN " ++ fieldName fieldDef ++ " DROP NOT NULL"
else if not fieldNull && colNull then
Just $ "ALTER COLUMN " ++ fieldName fieldDef ++ " SET NOT NULL"
mkMigrateColumnDDL :: FieldDefinition -> Maybe SqlColDesc -> [String]
mkMigrateColumnDDL fieldDef Nothing = ["ADD COLUMN " ++ mkFieldDDL fieldDef]
mkMigrateColumnDDL fieldDef (Just desc) = catMaybes [
mkMigrateColumnTypeDDL fieldDef desc
, mkMigrateColumnNullDDL fieldDef desc
mkDropColumnDDL :: ColumnName -> Maybe SqlColDesc -> [String]
mkDropColumnDDL _ Nothing = []
mkDropColumnDDL name (Just _) = ["DROP COLUMN " ++ name]
mkFlagDDL :: ColumnFlag -> String
mkFlagDDL PrimaryKey = "PRIMARY KEY"
mkFlagDDL Unique = "UNIQUE"
mkFlagDDL Null = "NULL"
mkFlagDDL (Default def) = "DEFAULT " ++ toColumnDefaultSql def
mkFlagDDL (InsertDefault def) = "DEFAULT " ++ toColumnDefaultSql def
mkFlagDDL (References table field) =
"REFERENCES \"" ++ tableName table ++ "\" (" ++ fieldName field ++ ")"
mkTypeDDL :: ColumnType -> String
mkTypeDDL AutomaticId = "SERIAL"
mkTypeDDL ForeignId = "INTEGER"
mkTypeDDL Integer = "INTEGER"
mkTypeDDL BigInteger = "BIGINT"
mkTypeDDL Boolean = "BOOLEAN"
mkTypeDDL (Text len) = "CHAR(" ++ show len ++ ")"
mkTypeDDL (VarText len) = "VARCHAR(" ++ show len ++ ")"
mkTypeDDL (Date) = "DATE"
mkTypeDDL (Timestamp) = "TIMESTAMP with time zone"
mkTypeDDL TextSearchVector = "TSVECTOR"
mkFieldDDL :: FieldDefinition -> String
mkFieldDDL (name, columnType, flags) =
name ++ " " ++ sqlType ++ " " ++ flagSql
where sqlType = mkTypeDDL columnType
flagSql = List.intercalate " " (notNull : map mkFlagDDL flags)
notNull = if any isNullFlag flags then
mkCreateTableDDL :: TableDefinition entity -> String
mkCreateTableDDL tableDef =
"CREATE TABLE \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++ "\" (" ++ fields ++ ")"
where fields = List.intercalate ", " $ map mkFieldDDL (tableFields tableDef)
columnTypeSqlId :: ColumnType -> SqlTypeId
columnTypeSqlId AutomaticId = SqlBigIntT
columnTypeSqlId ForeignId = SqlBigIntT
columnTypeSqlId Integer = SqlBigIntT
columnTypeSqlId Boolean = SqlBitT
columnTypeSqlId BigInteger = SqlBigIntT
columnTypeSqlId Double = SqlFloatT
columnTypeSqlId (VarText _) = SqlVarCharT
columnTypeSqlId (Text _) = SqlCharT
columnTypeSqlId Date = SqlDateT
columnTypeSqlId Timestamp = SqlTimestampWithZoneT
columnTypeSqlId TextSearchVector = SqlUnknownT "3614"
columnTypeSqlSize :: ColumnType -> Maybe Int
columnTypeSqlSize AutomaticId = Just 4
columnTypeSqlSize ForeignId = Just 4
columnTypeSqlSize Integer = Just 4
columnTypeSqlSize BigInteger = Just 8
columnTypeSqlSize Double = Just 8
columnTypeSqlSize Boolean = Just 1
columnTypeSqlSize (VarText n) = Just n
columnTypeSqlSize (Text n) = Just n
columnTypeSqlSize Date = Just 4
columnTypeSqlSize Timestamp = Just 8
columnTypeSqlSize TextSearchVector = Nothing
sqlFieldDesc :: FieldDefinition -> SqlColDesc
sqlFieldDesc (_, columnType, flags) = SqlColDesc {
colType = columnTypeSqlId columnType
, colSize = columnTypeSqlSize columnType
, colNullable = Just (any isNullFlag flags)
, colOctetLength = Nothing
, colDecDigits = Nothing
data MigrateTableException = forall entity. MTE (TableDefinition entity) Exc.SomeException
deriving Typeable
instance Show MigrateTableException where
show = formatMigrationException
instance Exc.Exception MigrateTableException
formatMigrationException :: MigrateTableException -> String
formatMigrationException (MTE tableDef exception) = message
where message = "There was an error migrating table " ++ name ++ ".\n\
\The error is:\n\
\ " ++ Exc.displayException exception ++ "\\n\
\Here are the developer comments regarding the table:\n\
\ " ++ comments ++ "\
name = tableName tableDef
comments = formatTableComments " " tableDef
formatTableComments :: String -> TableDefinition entity -> String
formatTableComments indent tableDef =
List.intercalate ("\n" ++ indent) commentLines
commentLines = map formatTableComment comments
comments = runComments (tableComments tableDef)
formatTableComment :: TableComment -> String
formatTableComment c = List.intercalate " - " [
tcWhat c
, show (tcWhen c)
, tcWho c

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.Monad where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Pool
import Database.HDBC hiding (withTransaction)
type Orville a = forall m conn.
(MonadOrville conn m, MonadThrow m)
=> m a
data ConnectionEnv conn = ConnectionEnv {
ormTransactionOpen :: Bool
, ormConnection :: conn
data OrvilleEnv conn = OrvilleEnv {
ormEnvPool :: Pool conn
, ormEnvConnectionEnv :: Maybe (ConnectionEnv conn)
newOrvilleEnv :: Pool conn -> OrvilleEnv conn
newOrvilleEnv pool = OrvilleEnv pool Nothing
setConnectionEnv :: ConnectionEnv conn -> OrvilleEnv conn -> OrvilleEnv conn
setConnectionEnv c ormEnv = ormEnv { ormEnvConnectionEnv = Just c }
newtype OrvilleT conn m a = OrvilleT
{ unOrvilleT :: ReaderT (OrvilleEnv conn) m a }
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Alternative
, Monad
, MonadPlus
, MonadIO
, MonadThrow
, MonadCatch
, MonadMask
mapOrvilleT :: Monad n => (m a -> n b) -> OrvilleT conn m a -> OrvilleT conn n b
mapOrvilleT f (OrvilleT action) = OrvilleT $ do
ma <- runReaderT action <$> ask
lift (f ma)
runOrville :: OrvilleT conn m a -> Pool conn -> m a
runOrville ormt = runReaderT (unOrvilleT ormt) . newOrvilleEnv
newConnectionEnv :: conn -> ConnectionEnv conn
newConnectionEnv = ConnectionEnv False
withConnectionEnv :: MonadOrville conn m => (ConnectionEnv conn -> m a) -> m a
withConnectionEnv action = do
ormEnv <- getOrvilleEnv
case ormEnvConnectionEnv ormEnv of
Just connected -> action connected
Nothing ->
withResource (ormEnvPool ormEnv) $ \conn -> do
let connected = newConnectionEnv conn
localOrvilleEnv (const $ ormEnv { ormEnvConnectionEnv = Just connected }) $
action connected
withConnection :: MonadOrville conn m => (conn -> m a) -> m a
withConnection action = withConnectionEnv (action . ormConnection)
instance MonadTrans (OrvilleT conn) where
lift = OrvilleT . lift
instance (MonadError e m) => MonadError e (OrvilleT conn m) where
throwError = lift . throwError
catchError action handler =
OrvilleT ((unOrvilleT action) `catchError` (unOrvilleT . handler))
instance MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (OrvilleT conn m) where
liftBase = lift . liftBase
class (Monad m, MonadIO m, IConnection conn, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> MonadOrville conn m | m -> conn where
getOrvilleEnv :: m (OrvilleEnv conn)
localOrvilleEnv :: (OrvilleEnv conn -> OrvilleEnv conn) -> m a -> m a
startTransactionSQL :: m String
startTransactionSQL = pure "START TRANSACTION"
instance (Monad m, MonadIO m, IConnection conn, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> MonadOrville conn (OrvilleT conn m) where
getOrvilleEnv = OrvilleT ask
localOrvilleEnv modEnv (OrvilleT a) = OrvilleT (local modEnv a)
instance MonadOrville conn m => MonadOrville conn (ReaderT a m) where
getOrvilleEnv = lift getOrvilleEnv
localOrvilleEnv modEnv action =
ReaderT $ \val -> localOrvilleEnv modEnv (runReaderT action val)
instance MonadOrville conn m => MonadOrville conn (StateT a m) where
getOrvilleEnv = lift getOrvilleEnv
localOrvilleEnv modEnv action =
StateT $ \val -> localOrvilleEnv modEnv (runStateT action val)
instance MonadTransControl (OrvilleT conn) where
type StT (OrvilleT conn) a = StT (ReaderT (OrvilleEnv conn)) a
liftWith = defaultLiftWith OrvilleT unOrvilleT
restoreT = defaultRestoreT OrvilleT
instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (OrvilleT conn m) where
type StM (OrvilleT conn m) a = ComposeSt (OrvilleT conn) m a
liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
restoreM = defaultRestoreM

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.OrderBy where
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
data SortDirection =
| Descending
deriving Show
instance QueryKeyable SortDirection where
queryKey dir = QKOp (sqlDirection dir) QKEmpty
sqlDirection :: SortDirection -> String
sqlDirection Ascending = "ASC"
sqlDirection Descending = "DESC"
data OrderByClause = OrderByClause String
instance QueryKeyable OrderByClause where
queryKey (OrderByClause sql vals dir) =
QKList [QKField sql, queryKey vals, queryKey dir]
sortingSql :: OrderByClause -> String
sortingSql (OrderByClause sql _ sortDir) =
sql ++ " " ++ sqlDirection sortDir
sortingValues :: OrderByClause -> [SqlValue]
sortingValues (OrderByClause _ values _) =
class ToOrderBy a where
toOrderBy :: a -> SortDirection -> OrderByClause
instance ToOrderBy FieldDefinition where
toOrderBy fieldDef = OrderByClause (fieldName fieldDef) []
instance ToOrderBy (String, [SqlValue]) where
toOrderBy (sql, values) = OrderByClause sql values

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.QueryCache
( QueryCached
, runQueryCached
, selectCached
, selectFirstCached
, findRecordCached
, findRecordsCached
, findRecordsByCached
, unsafeLift
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Convertible
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Helpers as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Database.HDBC hiding (withTransaction)
import Database.Orville.Internal.FromSql
import Database.Orville.Internal.Monad
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
import Database.Orville.Internal.SelectOptions
import Database.Orville.Internal.TableDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Internal.Where
import Database.Orville.Raw
type QueryCache = Map.Map QueryKey ResultSet
newtype QueryCached m a =
QueryCached (StateT QueryCache m a)
(Functor, Applicative, Monad)
runQueryCached :: Monad m => QueryCached m a -> m a
runQueryCached (QueryCached statet) = evalStateT statet Map.empty
cached :: Monad m => QueryKey -> QueryCached m ResultSet -> QueryCached m ResultSet
cached key action = do
cache <- QueryCached get
case Map.lookup key cache of
Just result -> do
pure result
Nothing -> do
result <- action
QueryCached $ put (Map.insert key result cache)
pure result
selectCachedRows :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> QueryCached m ResultSet
selectCachedRows tableDef opts =
cached key $ unsafeLift $ selectSqlRows querySql (selectOptValues opts)
selectClause = mkSelectClause tableDef
key = mconcat [queryKey tableDef, queryKey opts]
querySql = List.intercalate " " [
, selectOptClause opts
selectCached :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> QueryCached m [entity Record]
selectCached tableDef opts = do
rows <- selectCachedRows tableDef opts
unsafeLift $ decodeSqlRows (tableFromSql tableDef) rows
selectFirstCached :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> QueryCached m (Maybe (entity Record))
selectFirstCached tableDef opts =
listToMaybe <$> selectCached tableDef (limit 1 <> opts)
findRecordsCached :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> [Record]
-> QueryCached m (Map.Map Record (entity Record))
findRecordsCached tableDef recordIds = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
mkEntry record = (tableGetKey tableDef record, record)
recordList <- selectCached tableDef (where_ $ keyField .<- recordIds)
pure $ Map.fromList (map mkEntry recordList)
findRecordCached :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> QueryCached m (Maybe (entity Record))
findRecordCached tableDef recordId = do
let keyField = tablePrimaryKey tableDef
selectFirstCached tableDef (where_ $ keyField .== recordId)
findRecordsByCached :: ( Convertible SqlValue fieldValue
, Ord fieldValue
, MonadThrow m
, MonadOrville conn m)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> QueryCached m (Map.Map fieldValue [entity Record])
findRecordsByCached tableDef field opts = do
let builder = (,) <$> col field <*> tableFromSql tableDef
rows <- selectCachedRows tableDef opts
Map.groupBy' id <$> unsafeLift (decodeSqlRows builder rows)
-- this is unsafe in the sense that it does not provide
-- any guarantees that the action won't chance values in
-- the database, rendering the cache incorrect. It is not
-- exposed publically, but all usages of it here need to
-- be examined for correctness manually.
unsafeLift :: Monad m => m a -> QueryCached m a
unsafeLift = QueryCached . lift

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
module Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Database.HDBC
data QueryKey =
QKValue OrdSqlValue
| QKField String
| QKTable String
| QKOp String QueryKey
| QKList [QueryKey]
| QKEmpty
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Monoid QueryKey where
mempty = QKEmpty
mappend a b = QKList [a, b]
mconcat = QKList
class QueryKeyable a where
queryKey :: a -> QueryKey
instance QueryKeyable QueryKey where
queryKey = id
instance QueryKeyable a => QueryKeyable [a] where
queryKey = foldMap queryKey
instance QueryKeyable a => QueryKeyable (Maybe a) where
queryKey = foldMap queryKey
instance QueryKeyable SqlValue where
queryKey = QKValue . OrdSqlValue
qkOp :: (QueryKeyable a)
=> String -> a -> QueryKey
qkOp op a = QKOp op $ queryKey a
qkOp2 :: (QueryKeyable a, QueryKeyable b)
=> String -> a -> b -> QueryKey
qkOp2 op a b = QKOp op $ QKList [queryKey a, queryKey b]
newtype OrdSqlValue = OrdSqlValue SqlValue
instance Ord OrdSqlValue where
compare (OrdSqlValue s) (OrdSqlValue s') = compareSqlValue s s'
instance Eq OrdSqlValue where
a == b = compare a b == EQ
compareSqlValue :: SqlValue -> SqlValue -> Ordering
compareSqlValue (SqlString v) (SqlString v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlString _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlString _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlByteString v) (SqlByteString v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlByteString _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlByteString _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlWord32 v) (SqlWord32 v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlWord32 _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlWord32 _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlWord64 v) (SqlWord64 v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlWord64 _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlWord64 _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlInt32 v) (SqlInt32 v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlInt32 _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlInt32 _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlInt64 v) (SqlInt64 v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlInt64 _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlInt64 _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlInt32 v) (SqlInt32 v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlInt32 _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlInt32 _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlInteger v) (SqlInteger v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlInteger _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlInteger _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlChar v) (SqlChar v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlChar _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlChar _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlBool v) (SqlBool v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlBool _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlBool _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlDouble v) (SqlDouble v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlDouble _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlDouble _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlRational v) (SqlRational v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlRational _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlRational _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalDate v) (SqlLocalDate v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalDate _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlLocalDate _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalTimeOfDay v) (SqlLocalTimeOfDay v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalTimeOfDay _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlLocalTimeOfDay _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay v z) (SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay v' z') =
compare v v' <> compare z z'
compareSqlValue (SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay _ _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlZonedLocalTimeOfDay _ _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalTime v) (SqlLocalTime v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlLocalTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlLocalTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlZonedTime (ZonedTime v z)) (SqlZonedTime (ZonedTime v' z')) =
compare v v' <> compare z z'
compareSqlValue (SqlZonedTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlZonedTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlUTCTime v) (SqlUTCTime v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlUTCTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlUTCTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlDiffTime v) (SqlDiffTime v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlDiffTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlDiffTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlPOSIXTime v) (SqlPOSIXTime v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlPOSIXTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlPOSIXTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlEpochTime v) (SqlEpochTime v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlEpochTime _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlEpochTime _) = GT
compareSqlValue (SqlTimeDiff v) (SqlTimeDiff v') = compare v v'
compareSqlValue (SqlTimeDiff _) _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ (SqlTimeDiff _) = GT
compareSqlValue SqlNull SqlNull = EQ
compareSqlValue SqlNull _ = LT
compareSqlValue _ SqlNull = GT

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.SelectOptions where
import Data.Convertible
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition ()
import Database.Orville.Internal.OrderBy
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types ()
import Database.Orville.Internal.Where
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
data SelectOptions = SelectOptions {
selectOptWhere :: [WhereCondition]
, selectOptOrder :: [OrderByClause]
, selectOptLimit :: First Int
, selectOptOffset :: First Int
selectOptLimitSql :: SelectOptions -> Maybe SqlValue
selectOptLimitSql = fmap convert . getFirst . selectOptLimit
selectOptOffsetSql :: SelectOptions -> Maybe SqlValue
selectOptOffsetSql = fmap convert . getFirst . selectOptOffset
instance Monoid SelectOptions where
mempty = SelectOptions mempty mempty mempty mempty
mappend opt opt' =
SelectOptions (selectOptWhere opt <> selectOptWhere opt')
(selectOptOrder opt <> selectOptOrder opt')
(selectOptLimit opt <> selectOptLimit opt')
(selectOptOffset opt <> selectOptOffset opt')
instance QueryKeyable SelectOptions where
queryKey opt =
mconcat [ qkOp "WHERE" $ selectOptWhere opt
, qkOp "ORDER" $ selectOptOrder opt
, qkOp "LIMIT" $ selectOptLimitSql opt
, qkOp "OFFSET" $ selectOptOffsetSql opt
selectOptClause :: SelectOptions -> String
selectOptClause opts = List.intercalate " "
[ selectWhereClause opts
, selectOrderByClause opts
, selectLimitClause opts
, selectOffsetClause opts
selectWhereClause :: SelectOptions -> String
selectWhereClause = whereClause . selectOptWhere
selectOrderByClause :: SelectOptions -> String
selectOrderByClause = clause . selectOptOrder
clause [] = ""
clause sortClauses =
"ORDER BY " ++ List.intercalate ", " (map sortingSql sortClauses)
selectOptValues :: SelectOptions -> [SqlValue]
selectOptValues opts = concat [
whereValues $ selectOptWhere opts
, concatMap sortingValues $ selectOptOrder opts
, maybeToList $ selectOptLimitSql opts
, maybeToList $ selectOptOffsetSql opts
selectLimitClause :: SelectOptions -> String
selectLimitClause opts =
case getFirst $ selectOptLimit opts of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> "LIMIT ?"
selectOffsetClause :: SelectOptions -> String
selectOffsetClause opts =
case getFirst $ selectOptOffset opts of
Nothing -> ""
Just _ -> "OFFSET ?"
where_ :: WhereCondition -> SelectOptions
where_ clause = SelectOptions [clause]
order :: ToOrderBy a => a -> SortDirection -> SelectOptions
order orderable dir = SelectOptions mempty
[toOrderBy orderable dir]
limit :: Int -> SelectOptions
limit n = SelectOptions mempty
(First $ Just n)
offset :: Int -> SelectOptions
offset n = SelectOptions mempty
(First $ Just n)

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module Database.Orville.Internal.TableDefinition where
import qualified Data.List as List
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldUpdate
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
tableColumnNames :: TableDefinition entity -> [String]
tableColumnNames = map fieldName . tableFields
tablePrimaryKey :: TableDefinition entity -> FieldDefinition
tablePrimaryKey tableDef =
case List.find isPrimaryKeyField (tableFields tableDef) of
Just field -> field
Nothing -> error $ "No primary key defined for " ++ tableName tableDef
mkInsertClause :: TableDefinition entity -> String
mkInsertClause tableDef =
"INSERT INTO \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++
"\" (" ++ columns ++ ") VALUES (" ++ placeholders ++ ")"
where insertFields = filter (not . isUninsertedField)
(tableFields tableDef)
columns = List.intercalate "," $ map fieldName insertFields
placeholders = List.intercalate "," $ map (const "?") insertFields
mkUpdateClause :: TableDefinition entity -> [FieldUpdate] -> String
mkUpdateClause tableDef updates =
"UPDATE \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++
"\" SET " ++ placeholders
where placeholders = List.intercalate "," $ map fieldUpdateSql updates
mkSelectClause :: TableDefinition entity -> String
mkSelectClause tableDef =
"SELECT " ++ columns ++ " FROM \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++ "\""
where columns = List.intercalate ", " $ tableColumnNames tableDef
mkDeleteClause :: TableDefinition entity -> String
mkDeleteClause tableDef =
"DELETE FROM \"" ++ tableName tableDef ++ "\""

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.Types where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Typeable
import Database.HDBC
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
type Record = Int
type CreatedAt = Time.UTCTime
data ColumnType =
| ForeignId
| Text Int
| VarText Int
| Date
| Timestamp
| Integer
| BigInteger
| TextSearchVector
| Double
| Boolean
data ColumnFlag =
| forall a. ColumnDefault a => InsertDefault a
| forall a. ColumnDefault a => Default a
| Null
| Unique
| forall entity. References (TableDefinition entity) FieldDefinition
class ColumnDefault a where
toColumnDefaultSql :: a -> String
data Now = Now
instance ColumnDefault [Char] where
toColumnDefaultSql s = "'" ++ s ++ "'"
instance ColumnDefault Now where
toColumnDefaultSql _ = "(now() at time zone 'utc')"
instance ColumnDefault Integer where
toColumnDefaultSql val = show val
instance ColumnDefault Bool where
toColumnDefaultSql True = "true"
toColumnDefaultSql False = "false"
type FieldDefinition = (String, ColumnType, [ColumnFlag])
instance QueryKeyable (String, ColumnType, [ColumnFlag]) where
queryKey (name, _, _) = QKField name
data FieldUpdate = FieldUpdate {
fieldUpdateField :: FieldDefinition
, fieldUpdateValue :: SqlValue
type ColumnName = String
data TableComment = TableComment {
tcWhat :: String
, tcWhen :: (Int, Int, Int)
, tcWho :: String
newtype TableComments a = TableComments (Writer [TableComment] a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
runComments :: TableComments a -> [TableComment]
runComments (TableComments commenter) = snd (runWriter commenter)
noComments :: TableComments ()
noComments = return ()
say :: String -> (Int, Int, Int) -> String -> TableComments ()
say msg date commenter = TableComments $
writer ((), [TableComment msg date commenter])
data FromSqlError =
RowDataError String
| QueryError String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception FromSqlError
newtype FromSql a = FromSql { unFromSql :: ReaderT String
(StateT [(String, SqlValue)]
(Either FromSqlError))
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadError FromSqlError
, MonadReader String
, MonadState [(String, SqlValue)]
runFromSql :: FromSql a -> [(String,SqlValue)] -> Either FromSqlError a
runFromSql = evalStateT . flip runReaderT "" . unFromSql
newtype ToSql a b = ToSql { unToSql :: ReaderT a
(State [SqlValue])
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadState [SqlValue]
, MonadReader a
runToSql :: ToSql a b -> a -> [SqlValue]
runToSql tosql a = reverse $ execState (runReaderT (unToSql tosql) a) []
getComponent :: (entity -> a) -> ToSql a () -> ToSql entity ()
getComponent getComp (ToSql serializer) =
ToSql (withReaderT getComp serializer)
data TableDefinition entity = TableDefinition {
tableName :: String
, tableFields :: [FieldDefinition]
, tableSafeToDelete :: [ColumnName]
, tableFromSql :: FromSql (entity Record)
, tableToSql :: forall key. ToSql (entity key) ()
, tableSetKey :: forall key1 key2. key2 -> entity key1 -> entity key2
, tableGetKey :: forall key. entity key -> key
, tableComments :: TableComments ()
instance QueryKeyable (TableDefinition entity) where
queryKey = QKTable . tableName
data SchemaItem =
forall entity. Table (TableDefinition entity)
| DropTable String
| Index IndexDefinition
| DropIndex String
| Constraint ConstraintDefinition
| DropConstraint String String
instance Show SchemaItem where
show (Table tableDef) = "Table <" ++ tableName tableDef ++ " definition>"
show (DropTable name) = "DropTable " ++ show name
show (Index indexDef) = "Index (" ++ show indexDef ++ ")"
show (DropIndex name) = "DropIndex " ++ show name
type SchemaDefinition = [SchemaItem]
data IndexDefinition = IndexDefinition {
indexName :: String
, indexUnique :: Bool
, indexTable :: String
, indexBody :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ConstraintDefinition = ConstraintDefinition {
constraintName :: String
, constraintTable :: String
, constraintBody :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Orville.Internal.Where where
import Data.Convertible
import qualified Data.List as List
import Database.HDBC
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryKey
data WhereCondition =
BinOp String FieldDefinition SqlValue
| IsNull FieldDefinition
| IsNotNull FieldDefinition
| In FieldDefinition [SqlValue]
| Or [WhereCondition]
| And [WhereCondition]
| AlwaysFalse
instance QueryKeyable WhereCondition where
queryKey (BinOp op field value) = qkOp2 op field value
queryKey (IsNull field) = qkOp "IS NULL" field
queryKey (IsNotNull field) = qkOp "NOT IS NULL" field
queryKey (In field values) = qkOp2 "IN" field values
queryKey (Or conds) = qkOp "OR" conds
queryKey (And conds) = qkOp "And" conds
queryKey AlwaysFalse = qkOp "FALSE" QKEmpty
(.==) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef .== a = BinOp "=" fieldDef (convert a)
(.>) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef .> a = BinOp ">" fieldDef (convert a)
(.>=) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef .>= a = BinOp ">=" fieldDef (convert a)
(.<) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef .< a = BinOp "<" fieldDef (convert a)
(.<=) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef .<= a = BinOp "<=" fieldDef (convert a)
(.<-) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> [a] -> WhereCondition
_ .<- [] = AlwaysFalse
fieldDef .<- as = In fieldDef (List.nub $ map convert as)
(%==) :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> FieldDefinition -> a -> WhereCondition
fieldDef %== a = BinOp "@@" fieldDef (convert a)
whereConditionSql :: WhereCondition -> String
whereConditionSql (BinOp op fieldDef _) =
fieldName fieldDef ++ " " ++ op ++ " ?"
whereConditionSql (IsNull fieldDef) =
fieldName fieldDef ++ " IS NULL"
whereConditionSql (IsNotNull fieldDef) =
fieldName fieldDef ++ " IS NOT NULL"
whereConditionSql (In fieldDef values) =
fieldName fieldDef ++ " IN (" ++ quesses ++ ")"
quesses = List.intercalate "," (map (const "?") values)
whereConditionSql AlwaysFalse = "TRUE = FALSE"
whereConditionSql (Or conds) = List.intercalate " OR " condsSql
where condsSql = map condSql conds
condSql c = "(" ++ whereConditionSql c ++ ")"
whereConditionSql (And conds) = List.intercalate " AND " condsSql
where condsSql = map condSql conds
condSql c = "(" ++ whereConditionSql c ++ ")"
whereConditionValues :: WhereCondition -> [SqlValue]
whereConditionValues (BinOp _ _ value) = [value]
whereConditionValues (IsNull _) = []
whereConditionValues (IsNotNull _) = []
whereConditionValues (In _ values) = values
whereConditionValues AlwaysFalse = []
whereConditionValues (Or conds) = concatMap whereConditionValues conds
whereConditionValues (And conds) = concatMap whereConditionValues conds
whereAnd :: [WhereCondition] -> WhereCondition
whereAnd = And
whereOr :: [WhereCondition] -> WhereCondition
whereOr = Or
isNull :: FieldDefinition -> WhereCondition
isNull fieldDef = IsNull fieldDef
isNotNull :: FieldDefinition -> WhereCondition
isNotNull fieldDef = IsNotNull fieldDef
whereClause :: [WhereCondition] -> String
whereClause [] = ""
whereClause conds = "WHERE " ++ whereConditionSql (whereAnd conds)
whereValues :: [WhereCondition] -> [SqlValue]
whereValues = List.concatMap whereConditionValues

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@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Popper
( PopError(..)
, Popper
, Popped(..)
, (>>>), (<<<)
, abortPop
, certainly
, certainly'
, fromKern
, hasMany
, hasManyIn
, hasManyWhere
, hasOne
, hasOne'
, hasOneWhere
, kern
, missingRecordMessage
, popMissingRecord
, onKern
, pop, popThrow
, popFirst
, popMany
, popMaybe
, popQuery
, popRecord
, popRecord'
, popTable
) where
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Convertible
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Database.Orville.Core
import Database.Orville.Internal.FieldDefinition (fieldName)
import Database.Orville.Internal.QueryCache
-- Simple helpers and such that make the public API
kern :: Popper a a
kern = PopId
fromKern :: (a -> b) -> Popper a b
fromKern f = f <$> kern
onKern :: (a -> b -> c) -> Popper b a -> Popper b c
onKern mkPuff popper = mkPuff <$> popper <*> kern
liftPop :: (a -> Popped b) -> Popper a b
liftPop = PopLift
abortPop :: PopError -> Popper a b
abortPop = PopAbort
popQuery :: Orville b -> Popper a b
popQuery = PopQuery
certainly :: PopError-> Popper (Maybe b) b
certainly err = liftPop $ maybe (PoppedError err) PoppedValue
certainly' :: Popper a PopError
-> Popper a (Maybe b)
-> Popper a b
certainly' msgPopper bPopper =
(msgPopper &&& bPopper) >>>
liftPop (\(err, maybeB) -> maybe (PoppedError err) PoppedValue maybeB)
popRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> Popper a (Maybe (entity Record))
popRecord tableDef recordId = popQuery (findRecord tableDef recordId)
popRecord' :: TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> Popper a (entity Record)
popRecord' td ri =
popRecord td ri >>> certainly err
err = MissingRecord td (tablePrimaryKey td) (convert ri)
popFirst :: TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper a (Maybe (entity Record))
popFirst tableDef opts = popQuery (selectFirst tableDef opts)
popTable :: TableDefinition entity
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper a ([entity Record])
popTable tableDef opts = popQuery (selectAll tableDef opts)
popMaybe :: Popper a b -> Popper (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
popMaybe = PopMaybe
hasMany :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> Popper Record [entity Record]
hasMany tableDef fieldDef = PopRecordManyBy tableDef fieldDef mempty
hasManyIn :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> Popper [Record] (Map.Map Record (entity Record))
hasManyIn tableDef fieldDef = PopRecordsBy tableDef fieldDef mempty
hasManyWhere :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper Record [entity Record]
hasManyWhere = PopRecordManyBy
hasOne :: ( Convertible a SqlValue
, Convertible SqlValue a
, Ord a
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> Popper a (Maybe (entity Record))
hasOne tableDef fieldDef =
hasOneWhere tableDef fieldDef mempty
hasOneWhere :: ( Convertible a SqlValue
, Convertible SqlValue a
, Ord a
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper a (Maybe (entity Record))
hasOneWhere = PopRecordBy
hasOne' :: ( Convertible a SqlValue
, Convertible SqlValue a
, Ord a
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> Popper a (entity Record)
hasOne' tableDef fieldDef =
certainly' (popMissingRecord tableDef fieldDef) (hasOne tableDef fieldDef)
popMissingRecord :: Convertible a SqlValue
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> Popper a PopError
popMissingRecord tableDef fieldDef =
fromKern (MissingRecord tableDef fieldDef . convert)
-- popMany is the most involved helper. It recursively
-- rewrites the entire Popper expression to avoid
-- running the popper's queries individually for each
-- item in the list.
-- This is where the magic happens.
popMany :: Popper a b -> Popper [a] [b]
popMany (PopRecord tableDef) =
zipWith Map.lookup <$> kern
<*> (repeat <$> PopRecords tableDef)
popMany (PopRecordBy tableDef fieldDef selectOptions) =
zipWith Map.lookup <$> kern
<*> (repeat <$> PopRecordsBy tableDef fieldDef selectOptions)
popMany (PopRecordManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts) =
zipWith getRecords <$> kern
<*> (repeat <$> PopRecordsManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts)
getRecords key = fromMaybe [] . Map.lookup key
popMany (PopRecords tableDef) =
(zipWith restrictMap)
<$> kern
<*> (fromKern concat >>>
PopRecords tableDef >>>
fromKern repeat)
where restrictMap keys = Map.filterWithKey (isKey keys)
isKey keys key _ = key `elem` keys
popMany (PopRecordsManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts) =
(zipWith restrictMap)
<$> kern
<*> (fromKern concat >>>
PopRecordsManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts >>>
fromKern repeat)
where restrictMap keys = Map.filterWithKey (isKey keys)
isKey keys key _ = key `elem` keys
popMany (PopRecordsBy tableDef fieldDef opts) =
(zipWith restrictMap)
<$> kern
<*> (fromKern concat >>>
PopRecordsBy tableDef fieldDef opts >>>
fromKern repeat)
where restrictMap keys = Map.filterWithKey (isKey keys)
isKey keys key _ = key `elem` keys
popMany PopId = PopId
popMany (PopAbort err) = (PopAbort err)
popMany (PopPure a) =
PopPure (repeat a) -- lists here should be treated as
-- ZipLists, so 'repeat' is 'pure'
popMany (PopLift f) = PopLift $ \inputs ->
let poppeds = map f inputs
extract (PoppedValue b) (PoppedValue bs) = PoppedValue (b : bs)
extract _ (PoppedError err) = PoppedError err
extract (PoppedError err) _ = PoppedError err
in foldr extract (PoppedValue []) poppeds
popMany (PopMap f popper) = PopMap (fmap f) (popMany popper)
popMany (PopApply fPopper aPopper) =
getZipList <$>
PopApply (fmap (<*>) (ZipList <$> popMany fPopper))
(ZipList <$> popMany aPopper)
popMany (PopChain bPopper aPopper) =
PopChain (popMany bPopper) (popMany aPopper)
popMany (PopArrowFirst popper) =
fromKern unzip >>>
first (popMany popper) >>>
fromKern (uncurry zip)
popMany (PopArrowLeft popper) =
rebuildList <$> kern
<*> (fromKern lefts >>> popMany popper)
rebuildList [] _ = []
rebuildList (Left _ : _) [] = [] -- shouldn't happen?
rebuildList (Right c : eacs) bs = Right c : rebuildList eacs bs
rebuildList (Left _ : eacs) (b : bs) = Left b : rebuildList eacs bs
popMany (PopMaybe singlePopper) =
rebuildList <$> kern
<*> (fromKern catMaybes >>> popMany singlePopper)
rebuildList [] _ = []
rebuildList (Just _ : _) [] = [] -- shouldn't happen?
rebuildList (Nothing : as) bs = Nothing : rebuildList as bs
rebuildList (Just _ : as) (b : bs) = Just b : rebuildList as bs
popMany (PopQuery orm) =
-- the orm query here doesn't depend on the Popper input,
-- so we can run it once and then construct an infinite
-- list of the results to be lined up as the outputs for
-- each input in the list
-- ('repeat' is 'pure' since lists here are zipped)
PopQuery (repeat <$> orm)
-- The Popper guts
data PopError =
forall ent. MissingRecord (TableDefinition ent) FieldDefinition SqlValue
| Unpoppable String
instance Show PopError where
show (MissingRecord tableDef fieldDef fieldValue) =
"MissingRecord: " ++ missingRecordMessage tableDef fieldDef fieldValue
show (Unpoppable msg) =
"Unpoppable: " ++ msg
missingRecordMessage :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SqlValue
-> String
missingRecordMessage tableDef fieldDef fieldValue =
concat [ "Unable to find "
, tableName tableDef
, " with "
, fieldName fieldDef
, " = "
, show fieldValue
instance Exception PopError
data Popped a =
PoppedValue a
| PoppedError PopError
instance Functor Popped where
fmap f (PoppedValue a) = PoppedValue (f a)
fmap _ (PoppedError err) = PoppedError err
instance Applicative Popped where
pure = PoppedValue
(PoppedValue f) <*> (PoppedValue a) = PoppedValue (f a)
(PoppedError err) <*> _ = PoppedError err
_ <*> (PoppedError err) = PoppedError err
-- Popper GADT. This defines the popper expression dsl
-- that is used internally to represent poppers. These
-- constructors are not exposed, so they can be changed
-- freely as long as the exported API is stable.
data Popper a b where
PopQuery :: Orville b -> Popper a b
PopRecord :: TableDefinition entity
-> Popper Record (Maybe (entity Record))
PopRecords :: TableDefinition entity
-> Popper [Record] (Map.Map Record (entity Record))
PopRecordBy :: ( Convertible c SqlValue
, Convertible SqlValue c
, Ord c
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper c (Maybe (entity Record))
PopRecordManyBy :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper Record [entity Record]
PopRecordsBy :: ( Convertible c SqlValue
, Convertible SqlValue c
, Ord c
=> TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper [c] (Map.Map c (entity Record))
PopRecordsManyBy :: TableDefinition entity
-> FieldDefinition
-> SelectOptions
-> Popper [Record] (Map.Map Record [entity Record])
PopId :: Popper a a
PopPure :: b -> Popper a b
PopLift :: (a -> Popped b) -> Popper a b
PopAbort :: PopError -> Popper a b
PopMap :: (b -> c) -> Popper a b -> Popper a c
PopApply :: Popper a (b -> c)
-> Popper a b
-> Popper a c
PopChain :: Popper b c -> Popper a b -> Popper a c
PopArrowFirst :: Popper a b -> Popper (a, c) (b, c)
PopArrowLeft :: Popper a b -> Popper (Either a c) (Either b c)
PopMaybe :: Popper a b -> Popper (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
instance Functor (Popper a) where
fmap = PopMap
instance Applicative (Popper a) where
pure = PopPure
(<*>) = PopApply
instance Category Popper where
id = PopId
(.) = PopChain
instance Arrow Popper where
arr = fromKern
first = PopArrowFirst
instance ArrowChoice Popper where
left = PopArrowLeft
popThrow :: Popper a b -> a -> Orville b
popThrow popper a = do
popped <- pop popper a
case popped of
PoppedValue b -> return b
PoppedError e -> throwM e
-- This is where the action happens. pop converts the
-- Popper DSL into Orville calls with the provided input
pop :: Popper a b -> a -> Orville (Popped b)
pop popper a = runQueryCached $ popCached popper a
popCached :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOrville conn m)
=> Popper a b -> a -> QueryCached m (Popped b)
popCached (PopQuery query) _ =
PoppedValue <$> unsafeLift query
popCached (PopRecordBy tableDef fieldDef opts) recordId =
PoppedValue <$> selectFirstCached tableDef
( where_ (fieldDef .== recordId)
<> opts
popCached (PopRecordManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts) recordId =
PoppedValue <$> selectCached tableDef
( where_ (fieldDef .== recordId)
<> opts
popCached (PopRecordsBy tableDef fieldDef opts) recordIds =
PoppedValue <$> head
<$> findRecordsByCached tableDef
( where_ (fieldDef .<- recordIds)
<> opts
popCached (PopRecordsManyBy tableDef fieldDef opts) recordIds =
PoppedValue <$> findRecordsByCached tableDef
( where_ (fieldDef .<- recordIds)
<> opts
popCached (PopRecord tableDef) recordId =
PoppedValue <$> findRecordCached tableDef recordId
popCached (PopRecords tableDef) recordIds =
PoppedValue <$> findRecordsCached tableDef recordIds
popCached (PopAbort err) _ =
pure (PoppedError err)
popCached PopId a =
pure (PoppedValue a)
popCached (PopPure a) _ =
pure (PoppedValue a)
popCached (PopLift f) a =
pure (f a)
popCached (PopMap f popper) a =
fmap f <$> popCached popper a
popCached (PopApply fPopper bPopper) a =
(fmap (<*>) (popCached fPopper a)) <*> popCached bPopper a
popCached (PopChain popperB popperA) a = do
value <- popCached popperA a
case value of
PoppedError err -> pure (PoppedError err)
PoppedValue b -> popCached popperB b
popCached (PopArrowFirst popper) (a,c) = do
poppedB <- popCached popper a
case poppedB of
PoppedValue b -> return (PoppedValue (b, c))
PoppedError err -> return (PoppedError err)
popCached (PopArrowLeft popper) ac = do
case ac of
Left a -> fmap Left <$> popCached popper a
Right c -> pure (PoppedValue (Right c))
popCached (PopMaybe popper) a =
case a of
Nothing -> pure (PoppedValue Nothing)
Just val -> fmap Just <$> popCached popper val

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Database.Orville.PostgresSQL
( createConnectionPool
, Pool
, Connection
) where
import Data.Pool
import Data.Time
import Database.HDBC as HDBC
import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL
createConnectionPool :: Int -- Stripe Count
-> NominalDiffTime -- Linger time
-> Int -- Max resources per stripe
-> String
-> IO (Pool Connection)
createConnectionPool stripes linger maxRes connString =
createPool (connectPostgreSQL' connString)

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Database.Orville.Raw
( selectSql
, selectSqlRows
, decodeSqlRows
, ResultSet
, updateSql
, withConnection, withTransaction
) where
import Control.Exception.Lifted (finally, throw)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.IORef
import Database.HDBC hiding (withTransaction)
import Database.Orville.Internal.Monad
import Database.Orville.Internal.Types
type ResultSet = [[(String, SqlValue)]]
selectSqlRows :: String -> [SqlValue] -> Orville ResultSet
selectSqlRows sql values = do
withConnection $ \conn -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn sql
query <- prepare conn sql
void $ execute query values
fetchAllRowsAL' query
decodeSqlRows :: FromSql result -> ResultSet -> Orville [result]
decodeSqlRows builder rows =
fmap catMaybes $ forM rows $ \row -> do
case runFromSql builder row of
Right result -> pure $ Just result
(Left (RowDataError msg)) -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "** Warning ** Error converting row from sql. " ++
show msg
pure Nothing
Left err -> throw err
selectSql :: String
-> [SqlValue]
-> FromSql result
-> Orville [result]
selectSql sql values builder =
selectSqlRows sql values >>= decodeSqlRows builder
updateSql :: String
-> [SqlValue]
-> Orville Integer
updateSql sql values =
withConnection $ \conn -> liftIO $ do
putStrLn sql
run conn sql values
startTransaction :: ConnectionEnv conn -> ConnectionEnv conn
startTransaction c = c { ormTransactionOpen = True }
withTransaction :: MonadOrville conn m => m a -> m a
withTransaction action =
withConnectionEnv $ \connected ->
if ormTransactionOpen connected then
localOrvilleEnv (setConnectionEnv $ startTransaction connected)
doTransaction =
withConnection $ \conn -> do
committed <- liftIO $ newIORef False
startTran <- startTransactionSQL
let doAction = do liftIO $ (executeRaw =<< prepare conn startTran)
value <- action
liftIO $ commit conn >> (writeIORef committed True)
return value
let rollbackUncommitted = liftIO $ do
finished <- readIORef committed
when (not finished) (rollback conn)
doAction `finally` rollbackUncommitted

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Database.Orville.Tracked
( Sign(..)
, SignType(..)
, signTableAs
, signEntityFrom
, TrackedOrville
, Trail(..)
, MonadTrackedOrville (..)
, insertRecordTracked
, updateRecordTracked
, mapTrackedOrville
, runTrackedOrville
, trackedMapper
, trailToList
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.DList as D
import Data.Typeable
import Database.Orville.Core
data SignType = Inserted | Updated
deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
data Sign = forall entity. (Typeable entity) =>
Sign {
signType :: SignType
, signTable :: TableDefinition entity
, signEntity :: entity Record
signTableAs :: Typeable entity
=> TableDefinition entity
-> Sign
-> Maybe (TableDefinition entity)
signTableAs _ (Sign _ tableDef _) = cast tableDef
signEntityFrom :: Typeable entity
=> TableDefinition entity
-> Sign
-> Maybe (entity Record)
signEntityFrom _ (Sign _ _ entity) = cast entity
instance Show Sign where
show (Sign sType tableDef entity) =
"Sign " <>
show sType <> " " <>
tableName tableDef <> " " <>
show (tableGetKey tableDef entity)
newtype Trail = Trail (D.DList Sign)
deriving (Monoid)
newtype TrackedOrville m a = TrackedOrville {
unTrackedOrville :: WriterT Trail
} deriving ( Functor
, Alternative
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadPlus
, MonadIO
, MonadThrow
, MonadCatch
, MonadMask
, MonadError e
runTrackedOrville :: TrackedOrville m a -> m (a, Trail)
runTrackedOrville = runWriterT . unTrackedOrville
trailToList :: Trail -> [Sign]
trailToList (Trail dList) = D.toList dList
class (MonadOrville conn m, MonadThrow m)
=> MonadTrackedOrville conn m where
track :: Sign -> m ()
mapTrackedOrville :: (m (a,Trail) -> n (b,Trail)) -> TrackedOrville m a -> TrackedOrville n b
mapTrackedOrville f = TrackedOrville . mapWriterT f . unTrackedOrville
trackedMapper :: Monad m => (m a -> m b) -> m (a, Trail) -> m (b, Trail)
trackedMapper f trackedM = do
(a, trail) <- trackedM
b <- f (pure a)
pure (b, trail)
untracked :: Monad m => m a -> TrackedOrville m a
untracked = TrackedOrville . lift
insertRecordTracked :: (MonadTrackedOrville conn m, Typeable entity)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> entity ()
-> m (entity Record)
insertRecordTracked tableDef entity = do
record <- insertRecord tableDef entity
track $ Sign Inserted tableDef record
pure record
updateRecordTracked :: (MonadTrackedOrville conn m, Typeable entity)
=> TableDefinition entity
-> Record
-> entity key
-> m (entity Record)
updateRecordTracked tableDef recordId record = do
updated <- updateRecord tableDef recordId record
track $ Sign Updated tableDef updated
pure updated
instance (MonadOrville conn m, MonadThrow m) => MonadTrackedOrville conn (TrackedOrville m) where
track = TrackedOrville . tell . Trail . D.singleton
instance MonadTrans TrackedOrville where
lift = untracked
instance MonadBase IO m => MonadBase IO (TrackedOrville m) where
liftBase = lift . liftBase
instance MonadTransControl TrackedOrville where
type StT TrackedOrville a = StT (WriterT Trail) a
liftWith = defaultLiftWith TrackedOrville unTrackedOrville
restoreT = defaultRestoreT TrackedOrville
instance MonadBaseControl IO m =>
MonadBaseControl IO (TrackedOrville m) where
type StM (TrackedOrville m) a = ComposeSt TrackedOrville m a
liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
restoreM = defaultRestoreM
instance MonadOrville conn m => MonadOrville conn (TrackedOrville m) where
getOrvilleEnv = lift getOrvilleEnv
localOrvilleEnv f = mapTrackedOrville (localOrvilleEnv f)
startTransactionSQL = lift startTransactionSQL