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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// . class for linking words together for query expansion
// . all character strings should be treated as utf8
#ifndef _THESAURUS_H_
#define _THESAURUS_H_
#include "HashTableT.h"
#define MAX_SYNS 32 // maximum number of synonym links
#define DEF_AFFINITY (long)(MAX_AFFINITY * 0.9)
struct Suffix {
char *m_suffix;
long m_len;
long m_numReps;
char **m_reps;
long *m_repLens;
class StateAffinity {
uint64_t m_time;
HashTableT<uint64_t, uint64_t> m_hitsTable;
HashTableT<uint64_t, int64_t> m_synTable;
HashTableT<uint64_t, int64_t> *m_newTable;
HashTableT<uint64_t, int64_t> *m_oldTable;
class Thesaurus *m_thes;
char *m_synstart;
char *m_syn;
char *m_synend;
char *m_synonymText;
char m_server[MAX_URL_LEN];
long m_n;
long m_next;
long m_ip;
long m_built;
long m_skip;
long m_sent;
long m_recv;
long m_errors;
long m_cache;
long m_old;
bool m_fullRebuild;
void (*m_callback)(void *);
// for m_type field, ranges 0-15 for the current data structure
#define SYN_SYNONYM 0 // thesaurus
#define SYN_STEM 1 // stemmer
#define SYN_SPELLING 2 // speller
#define SYN_ACRONYM 3 // thesaurus
#define SYN_NUMBER 4 // number parser
#define SYN_PHRASE 5 // phrase generator
#define SYN_TRANS 6 // word is a foreign translation
#define SYN_UNKNOWN 15
#define SYN_INVALID 127
// bits
#define SYNBIT_SYNOMYM 0x0001
#define SYNBIT_STEM 0x0002
#define SYNBIT_SPELLING 0x0004
#define SYNBIT_ACRONYM 0x0008
#define SYNBIT_NUMBER 0x0010
#define SYNBIT_PHRASE 0x0020
#define SYNBIT_TRANS 0x0040
#define SYNBIT_UNKNOWN 0x8000
#define SYNBIT_STATIC 0x0049 // Synonym, acronym, translation
#define SYNBIT_DYNAMIC 0x0036 // stem, spelling, number, phrase
#define SYNBIT_ALL 0x7FFF
// TODO: Maybe make this a Msg class
class SynonymInfo {
bool growSyns();
bool growText();
bool growTids();
void reset();
bool setWord(char *s, long len, uint64_t h);
bool addSynonym(char *syn, long affinity,
long offset, long len,
char type, char sort, bool hasSpace,
int64_t leftWordId, int64_t rightWordId);
char *m_word;
uint64_t m_h;
long m_wordLen;
long m_numSyns;
long m_numIds; // not 1:1 with syns
long m_slots;
char m_highSort; // highest sort priority
char **m_syn;
long *m_affinity;
long *m_offset;
long *m_len;
long *m_firstId; // certain synonyms can have multiple termIds
long *m_lastId; // so this maps them, inclusive
char *m_type;
char *m_sort; // sort priority (lower = higher on the list)
bool *m_hasSpace;
int64_t *m_leftSynHash; // for phrases, leftmost/rightmost syn hashes
int64_t *m_rightSynHash;
uint64_t *m_synHash;
int64_t *m_termId; // for getTermFreqs (stored in its own buffer)
int64_t m_tidBuf[16];
long m_tidSize;
char *m_balloc;
long m_ballocSize;
char m_buf[1024];
char *m_talloc;
long m_tallocSize;
char m_tbuf[2048];
long m_tbufLen;
// only used for rebuilding the thesaurus, not saved or used elsewhere,
// but we need this for the HashTableT we use in rebuildSynonyms
// m_syn here is actually offsets, if positive they were in dict/words, if
// negative they were only in the add files
struct SynonymLinkGroup {
long m_n;
uint64_t m_h[MAX_SYNS];
long m_syn[MAX_SYNS];
char m_type[MAX_SYNS];
long m_aff[MAX_SYNS];
class Thesaurus {
void reset();
// returns NULL if the offset does not point to the beginning of a word
char *getSynonymFromOffset(long offset);
// fills a SynonymInfo object with EVERYTHING
bool getAllInfo(char *s, SynonymInfo *syn, long slen, long bits);
// fills a SynonymInfo with static data
bool getSynonymInfo(char *s, SynonymInfo *syn,
long slen = 0, long bits = SYNBIT_ALL);
bool getSynonymInfo(uint64_t h, SynonymInfo *syn,
long bits = SYNBIT_ALL);
// all these functions are here for convienience/debugging but they're
// terribly slow (O(n^2/2) if you use them iteratively), it's better
// to use getSynonymInfo if you need to retrieve all the info at once
// for all the N functions, N = 0 is the word itself, and N = numSyns
// is the least popular synonym
long getAffinity(char *s1, char *s2, long l1 = 0, long l2 = 0);
long getAffinity(uint64_t h1, uint64_t h2);
long getAffinityN(char *s1, long n, long l = 0);
long getAffinityN(uint64_t h1, long n);
// maybe this is pointless, but it could be used to verify that one
// word is a synonym of another, if we decide we want to do that
char *getSynonym(char *s1, char *s2, long l1 = 0, long l2 = 0);
char *getSynonym(uint64_t h1, uint64_t h2);
char *getSynonymN(char *s, long n, long l = 0);
char *getSynonymN(uint64_t h, long n);
long getNumSyns(char *s, long l = 0);
long getNumSyns(uint64_t h);
long getSlot(char *s1, char *s2, long l1 = 0, long l2 = 0);
long getSlot(uint64_t h1, uint64_t h2);
long getSlotN(char *s, long n, long l = 0);
long getSlotN(uint64_t h, long n);
long getOffset(char *s, long l = 0);
long getOffset(uint64_t h);
char getFlag(char *s1, char *s2, long l1 = 0, long l2 = 0);
char getFlag(uint64_t h1, uint64_t h2);
char getFlagN(char *s, long n, long l = 0);
char getFlagN(uint64_t h, long n);
int64_t getValue(char *s1, char *s2, long l1 = 0, long l2 = 0);
int64_t getValue(uint64_t h1, uint64_t h2);
int64_t getValueN(char *s, long n, long l = 0);
int64_t getValueN(uint64_t h, long n);
// cuts off and/or attaches suffixes to generate new words
bool getStems(char *s, long slen, SynonymInfo *info);
// turns a string/int into the other form ("2" -> "two" & vice versa)
bool parseNumbers(long long n, SynonymInfo *syn);
bool parseNumbers(char *s, long slen, SynonymInfo *syn);
// generates new phrase synonyms off two-term phrases
bool generatePhrases(char *s, long slen,
SynonymInfo *info, long bits);
bool rebuild(char *server, bool fullRebuild);
bool rebuildAffinity(char *server, bool fullRebuild);
bool save();
bool load();
inline bool init() {
return load();
void cancelRebuild();
StateAffinity *m_affinityState;
long m_lastRebuild; // . gettimeofday() to force another
// full affinity rebuild
bool m_rebuilding; // is it currently rebuilding?
HashTableT<uint64_t, int64_t> m_synonymTable;
char m_buf[2 * HT_BUF_SIZE]; // . synonym table buffer
char *m_synonymText;
long m_synonymLen;
long m_synonymSize;
long m_numSynonyms;
long m_totalPairs;
Suffix *m_suffixes;
long m_numSuffixes;
SafeBuf m_suffixBuffer;
char **m_reps;
long m_numReps;
long *m_repLens;
SafeBuf m_stemBuffer;
HashTableT<unsigned long, char *> m_stemTable;
bool initStems();
bool rebuildSynonyms();
extern Thesaurus g_thesaurus;