
136 lines
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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msg30.h"
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Collectiondb.h"
static void gotReplyWrapper30 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
static void handleRequest30 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) ;
bool Msg30::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x0A
// . use the high prioirty udpServer for best response time
//if ( ! g_udpServer2.registerHandler ( 0x30, handleRequest ))
// return log("Msg0::set: udp server registration failed");
// . can't use HOT high priority until request is smaller!!
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x30, handleRequest30 ))
return false;
return true;
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
// . tells ALL hosts update to this coll rec
bool Msg30::update ( CollectionRec *rec ,
bool deleteIt ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state ) ) {
// bail if this is an interface machine, don't modify the main
if ( g_conf.m_interfaceMachine ) return true;
// remember callback parms
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
// quick delete send
if ( deleteIt ) {
// include the terminating \0
m_sendBufSize = gbstrlen ( rec->m_coll ) + 1;
memcpy ( m_sendBuf , rec->m_coll , m_sendBufSize );
else {
// serialize the rec into m_sendBuf
m_sendBufSize = sizeof(CollectionRec);
memcpy ( m_sendBuf , rec , sizeof(CollectionRec) );
// reset some parms
m_requests = 0;
m_replies = 0;
// send a Msg30 to all hosts so they update it!
long n = g_hostdb.getNumHosts();
for ( long i = 0; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get the ith host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( i );
// not to THIS host, however
if ( h->m_hostId == g_hostdb.m_hostId ) continue;
// # requests sent
// . send to him
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . NEVER timeout... like Msg10 (add url)
if ( g_udpServer.sendRequest ( m_sendBuf ,// request
m_sendBufSize,// requestLen
0x30 ,// msgType 0x30
h->m_ip ,
h->m_port ,
h->m_hostId ,
NULL , // slotPtr
this , // state data
gotReplyWrapper30 ,
60*60*24*365 ) ) continue;
// log it
log("admin: Error sending collection record update request: "
// got it w/o blocking?? how?
g_errno = 0;
// mark reply as read
// return false if waiting on any reply
if ( m_replies < m_requests ) return false;
// got em all!
return true;
void gotReplyWrapper30 ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
// log it
if ( g_errno )
log("admin: Received error sending collection record update "
"request: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
// get the state
Msg30 *THIS = (Msg30 *)state;
// don't let udpserver free the sendbuf, we own it
slot->m_sendBufAlloc = NULL;
// count reply
// continue if not done reading replies yet
if ( THIS->m_replies < THIS->m_requests ) return;
// otherwise, call callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
// be destroyed
void handleRequest30 ( UdpSlot *slot , long niceness ) {
// get what we've read
char *readBuf = slot->m_readBuf;
long readBufSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
// is it a delete?
if ( readBufSize < (long)sizeof(CollectionRec) ) {
char *coll = readBuf;
g_collectiondb.deleteRec ( coll );
CollectionRec *cr = (CollectionRec *)readBuf;
// otherwise add/update it
if ( ! g_collectiondb.addRec (cr->m_coll,NULL,0,true,-1,
false , // isdump?
true )) { // save it?
log("admin: Failed to update new record.");
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// set it
CollectionRec *nr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( cr->m_coll );
if ( ! nr ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"admin: New collection added but not found.");
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// set to what it should be
memcpy ( nr , cr , sizeof(CollectionRec) );
// always return a reply immediately, even though list not loaded yet
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot );