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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Msge1.h"
#include "Test.h"
// utility functions
bool getTestIp ( char *url , long *retIp , bool *found , long niceness ,
char *testDir ) ;
bool addTestIp ( char *host , long hostLen , long ip ) ;
bool saveTestBuf ( char *testDir ) ;
Msge1::Msge1() {
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
Msge1::~Msge1() {
#define SLAB_SIZE (8*1024)
void Msge1::reset() {
m_errno = 0;
m_ipBuf = NULL;
if ( m_buf ) mfree ( m_buf , m_bufSize,"Msge1buf");
m_buf = NULL;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . get various information for each url in a list of urls
// . urls in "urlBuf" are \0 terminated
// . used to be called getSiteRecs()
// . you can pass in a list of docIds rather than urlPtrs
bool Msge1::getFirstIps ( TagRec **grv ,
char **urlPtrs ,
linkflags_t *urlFlags ,//Links::m_linkFlags
long numUrls ,
// if skipOldLinks && urlFlags[i]&LF_OLDLINK, skip it
bool skipOldLinks ,
char *coll ,
long niceness ,
void *state ,
void (*callback)(void *state) ,
long nowGlobal ,
bool addTags ,
char *testDir ) {
// bail if no urls or linkee
if ( numUrls <= 0 ) return true;
// save all input parms
m_grv = grv;
m_urlPtrs = urlPtrs;
m_urlFlags = urlFlags;
m_numUrls = numUrls;
m_skipOldLinks = skipOldLinks;
m_coll = coll;
m_niceness = niceness;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
m_nowGlobal = nowGlobal;
m_addTags = addTags;
m_testDir = testDir;
// . how much mem to alloc?
// . include an extra 4 bytes for each one to hold possible errno
long need = 4 + 4; // ip + error
// one per url
need *= numUrls;
// allocate the buffer to hold all the info we gather
m_buf = (char *)mcalloc ( need , "Msge1buf" );
if ( ! m_buf ) return true;
m_bufSize = need;
// clear it all
memset ( m_buf , 0 , m_bufSize );
// set the ptrs!
char *p = m_buf;
m_ipBuf = (long *)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
m_ipErrors = (long *)p ; p += numUrls * 4;
// initialize
m_numRequests = 0;
m_numReplies = 0;
// . point to first url to process
// . url # m_n
m_n = 0;
// clear the m_used flags
memset ( m_used , 0 , MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 );
// . launch the requests
// . a request can be a msg8a, msgc, msg50 or msg20 request depending
// on what we need to get
// . when a reply returns, the next request is launched for that url
// . we keep a msge1Slot state for each active url in the buffer
// . we can have up to MAX_ACTIVE urls active
if ( ! launchRequests ( 0 ) ) return false;
// save it? might be a page parser
//if ( ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) saveTestBuf();
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// none blocked, we are done
return true;
// we only come back up here 1) in the very beginning or 2) when a url
// completes its pipeline of requests
bool Msge1::launchRequests ( long starti ) {
// reset any error code
g_errno = 0;
// stop if no more urls. return true if we got all replies! no block.
if ( m_n >= m_numUrls ) return (m_numRequests == m_numReplies);
// if we are maxed out, we basically blocked!
if (m_numRequests - m_numReplies >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1)return false;
// . skip if "old"
// . we are not planning on adding this to spiderdb, so Msg16
// want to skip the ip lookup, etc.
if ( m_urlFlags && (m_urlFlags[m_n] & LF_OLDLINK) && m_skipOldLinks ) {
goto loop;
// grab the "firstip" from the tagRec if we can
TagRec *gr = m_grv[m_n];
Tag *tag = NULL;
if ( gr ) tag = gr->getTag("firstip");
long ip;
// grab the ip that was in there
if ( tag ) ip = atoip(tag->getTagData());
// if we had it but it was 0 or -1, then time that out
// after a day or so in case it works again! 0 and -1 mean
// NXDOMAIN or timeout error, etc.
if ( tag && ( ip == 0 || ip == -1 ) )
if ( m_nowGlobal - tag->m_timestamp > 3600*24 ) tag = NULL;
// . if we still got the tag, use that, even if ip is 0 or -1
// . this keeps things fast
// . this makes sure doConsistencyCheck() does not block too in
// XmlDoc.cpp... cuz it cores if it does block
if ( tag ) {
// now "ip" might actually be -1 or 0 (invalid) so be careful
m_ipBuf[m_n] = ip;
// what is this?
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
goto loop;
// or if banned
Tag *btag = NULL;
if ( gr ) btag = gr->getTag("manualban");
if ( btag && btag->getTagData()[0] !='0') {
// debug for now
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugDns )
log("dns: skipping dns lookup on banned hostname");
// -1 means time out i guess
m_ipBuf[m_n] = -1;
goto loop;
// . get the next url
// . if m_xd is set, create the url from the ad id
char *p = m_urlPtrs[m_n];
// if it is ip based that makes things easy
long hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( p , &hlen );
// reset this again
ip = 0;
// see if the hostname is actually an ip like ""
if ( host && is_digit(host[0]) ) ip = atoip ( host , hlen );
// if legit this is non-zero
if ( ip ) {
// what is this? i no longer have this bug really - i fixed
// it - but it did core here probably from a bad dns reply!
// so take this out...
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_ipBuf[m_n] = ip;
goto loop;
// use domain, we are "firstip" only now!!!
//long dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( p , &dlen );
// get the length
//long plen = gbstrlen(p);
// look up in our m_testBuf.
if ( m_coll && ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
bool found = false;
// do we got it?
long quickIp ; bool status = getTestIp ( p , &quickIp, &found);
// error?
if ( ! status ) {
// save it
m_errno = g_errno;
// hard exit
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// an ip of 0 means we could not find it
if ( found ) { // quickIp != 0 ) {
// set it
m_ipBuf[m_n] = quickIp;
goto loop;
// . grab a slot
// . m_msg8as[i], m_msgCs[i], m_msg50s[i], m_msg20s[i]
long i;
for ( i = starti ; i < MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 ; i++ )
if ( ! m_used[i] ) break;
// sanity check
if ( i >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_MSGE1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// normalize the url
//m_urls[i].set ( p , plen );
// save the url number, "n"
m_ns [i] = m_n;
// claim it
m_used[i] = true;
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// log(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge1: processing url %s",p);
// . start it off
// . this will start the pipeline for this url
// . it will set m_used[i] to true if we use it and block
// . it will increment m_numRequests and NOT m_numReplies if it blocked
//sendMsgC ( i , dom , dlen );
sendMsgC ( i , host , hlen );
// consider it launched
// inc the url count
// try to do another
goto loop;
static void gotMsgCWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) ;
bool Msge1::sendMsgC ( long i , char *host , long hlen ) {
// we are processing the nth url
long n = m_ns[i];
// set m_errno if we should at this point
if ( ! m_errno && g_errno != ENOTFOUND ) m_errno = g_errno;
// reset it
g_errno = 0;
// using the the ith msgC
MsgC *m = &m_msgCs[i];
// save i and this in the msgC itself
m->m_state2 = this;
m->m_state3 = (void *)i;
// note it
//if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
// logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: msge1: getting ip for %s",
// m_urlPtrs[n]);
//long hlen = 0;
//char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// look up in our m_testBuf.
if ( m_coll && ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
bool found = false;
// shortcut
//char *p = m_urlPtrs[n];
// do we got it?
//bool status = getTestIp ( p , &m_ipBuf[n], &found);
bool status = getTestIp ( host, &m_ipBuf[n],&found,m_niceness,
m_testDir );
// error?
if ( ! status ) {
// save it
m_errno = g_errno;
// hard exit
char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;
// an ip of 0 means we could not find it
if ( found )
return addTag(i);
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! m->getIp ( host ,
hlen ,
&m_ipBuf[n] ,
m , // state
gotMsgCWrapper ))// callback
return false;
return doneSending ( i );
void gotMsgCWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) {
MsgC *m = (MsgC *)state;
Msge1 *THIS = (Msge1 *)m->m_state2;
long i = (long )m->m_state3;
if ( ! THIS->doneSending ( i ) ) return;
// try to launch more, returns false if not done
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests(i) ) return;
// . save it if we should. might be a page parser
// . mdw i uncommented this when we cored all the time
//if ( ! strcmp(THIS->m_coll,"qatest123")) saveTestBuf();
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// must be all done, call the callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
void doneAddingTagWrapper ( void *state ) ;
bool Msge1::doneSending ( long i ) {
// we are processing the nth url
long n = m_ns[i];
// save the error
m_ipErrors[n] = g_errno;
// save m_errno
if ( g_errno && ! m_errno ) m_errno = g_errno;
// clear it
g_errno = 0;
// get ip we got
long ip = m_ipBuf[n];
// what is this?
//if ( ip == 3 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
//log ( LOG_DEBUG, "build: Finished Msge1 for url [%li,%li]: %s ip=%s",
// n, i, m_urls[i].getUrl() ,iptoa(ip));
// store it?
if ( ! strcmp(m_coll,"qatest123") ) {
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// get host
long hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// use domain, we are "firstip" only now!!!
//long dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &dlen );
// add it to "./test/ips.txt"
addTestIp ( host , hlen ,ip);
//addTestIp ( dom,dlen ,ip);
// . all done if invalid
// . otherwise, add the "firstip" tag to this the domain in tagdb
// . we now add invalid ips to keep doConsistencyCheck() from
// blocking as well as to keep performance fast so we do not
// have to keep re-looking up bad ips to get their "firstip",
// but we only respect bad "firstips" for 1 day (see above)
// before we try to recompute them
//if ( ip == 0 || ip == -1 ) {
// // close it up
// doneAddingTag ( i );
// return true;
return addTag ( i );
bool Msge1::addTag ( long i ) {
// we are processing the nth url
long n = m_ns[i];
// get ip we got
//long ip = m_ipBuf[n];
// HACK: hijack this MsgC to use as a "state" for call to msg9a
// so we can add the "firstip" tag, since we did not have one!
// using the the ith msgC
MsgC *m = &m_msgCs[i];
// save i and this in the msgC itself
m->m_state2 = this;
m->m_state3 = (void *)i;
// store the domain here
//char *domBuf = m->m_request;
// get the domain
//long dlen = 0;
//char *dom = getDomFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &dlen );
// make it all host based
//char *hostBuf = m->m_request;
// get the host
long hlen = 0;
char *host = getHostFast ( m_urlPtrs[n] , &hlen );
// if invalid or ip-based, skip it!
//if ( ! dom || dlen <= 0 )
if ( ! host || hlen <= 0 )
return doneAddingTag ( i );
if ( ! m_addTags )
return doneAddingTag ( i );
// now let xmldoc add the firstip tags of each outlink!
return doneAddingTag ( i );
// store it
//strncpy ( domBuf , dom , dlen );
strncpy ( hostBuf , host , hlen );
// NULL term it
//domBuf[dlen] = '\0';
hostBuf[hlen] = '\0';
// get time now synced with host #0
//long nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
// put in buf
char ipbuf[32];
sprintf(ipbuf,"%s",iptoa(ip) );
// . make the tag rec to add
// . msg9a copies it into a request buffer, so no need to be persistent
TagRec gr;
// returns false and sets g_errno on error
if ( !gr.addTag("firstip",m_nowGlobal,"msge1",ip,ipbuf,gbstrlen(ipbuf))){
// should never have error
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// shortcut
Msg9a *m9 = &m_msg9as[i];
// . now add to "firstip" in tagdb
// . borrow the ith msg9a (only 40 bytes each)
// . this should only return control to us once it is safely in tagdb!
if ( ! m9->addTags ( NULL ,
//&domBuf ,
&hostBuf ,
1 ,
m_coll ,
m , // state
doneAddingTagWrapper ,
m_niceness ,
&gr ,
false ,
&ip ))
// we blocked
return false;
return doneAddingTag ( i );
void doneAddingTagWrapper ( void *state ) {
// get the hijacked msgc
MsgC *m = (MsgC *)state;
Msge1 *THIS = (Msge1 *)m->m_state2;
long i = (long )m->m_state3;
// return if that blocked
if ( ! THIS->doneAddingTag ( i ) ) return;
// loop back for more
if ( ! THIS->launchRequests ( i ) ) return;
// must be all done, call the callback
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
bool Msge1::doneAddingTag ( long i ) {
// unmangle
//*m_pathPtr[i] = '/';
// free it
m_used[i] = false;
// we did not block
return true;
#include "HashTableX.h"
static char *s_testBuf = NULL ;
static char *s_testBufPtr ;
static long s_testBufSize ;
static char *s_testBufEnd ;
static char s_needsReload = true ;
static char *s_last = NULL ;
static long s_lastLen = 0 ;
static HashTableX s_ht;
// . only call this if the collection is "qatest123"
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// . we try to get the ip by accessing the "./test/ips.txt" file
// . we also ad ips we lookup to that file in the collection is "qatest123"
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true on success
bool getTestIp ( char *url , long *retIp , bool *found , long niceness ,
char *testDir ) {
// set the url from the url string, "us"
Url u; u.set ( url );
// get host of the url
char *host = u.getHost();
long hlen = u.getHostLen();
// if it is an ip, that is easy!
if ( is_digit(host[0]) ) {
long aip = atoip(host,hlen);
if ( aip ) return aip;
// assume not found
*found = false;
// . if we are the "qatestq123" collection, check for "./test/ips.txt"
// file that gives us the ips of the given urls.
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// . if we end up doing some lookups we should append to that file
if ( ! s_testBuf || s_needsReload ) {
// assume needs reload now
s_needsReload = true;
// free it
if ( s_testBuf ) mfree ( s_testBuf , s_testBufSize, "msge1" );
// hashtable set, map urlhash32 to ip
if ( !s_ht.set(4,4,400000,NULL,0,false,niceness,"msge1tab")) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// null it out now, we freed it
s_testBuf = NULL;
//char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();
// filename
char fn[100];
// set it
File f; f.set ( fn );
// get size
long fsize = f.getFileSize ( );
// < 0 means error? does not exist?
if ( fsize < 0 ) fsize = 0;
// how much to alloc? 1MB for all for now
long need = 3000001;
// and what we had
need += fsize;
// make buf big enough to hold the read
s_testBuf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "tmsge1" );
// this for freeing
s_testBufSize = need;
s_testBufEnd = s_testBuf + need;
// error?
if ( ! s_testBuf ) {
// note it
log("test: failed to alloc %li bytes for ip buf",need);
// error out
return false;
// assign end to the beginning, assume nothing to read
s_testBufPtr = s_testBuf;
// read in the file, if it was there
if ( fsize > 0 ) {
// open it ( O_RDWR );
// read it in
long rs = ( s_testBuf , fsize , 0 ) ;
// check it
if ( rs != fsize ) {
// note it
log("test: failed to read %li bytes of "
"./%s/ips.txt file",fsize,testDir);
// close it
// error out
return false;
// recompute the end of s_testBuf
s_testBufPtr = s_testBuf + fsize;
// trim off ending punct like \n
for ( ; is_punct_a(s_testBufPtr[-1]) ; s_testBufPtr--);
// and null term
*s_testBufPtr = '\0';
// close it
// good to go
s_needsReload = false;
// fill hashtable, s_ht
char *p = s_testBuf;
// breathe
// skip over spaces
for ( ; p < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
// assign the url string, "us" to "p"
char *us = p;
// skip over that url
char *next = p;
for (;next<s_testBufPtr && !is_wspace_a(*next);next++);
// update
p = next;
// get hash of that host
long u32 = hash32 ( us,next-us);
// if no match, try the next hostname in s_testBuf
//if ( strncasecmp ( us , host , hlen ) ) goto loop;
// the url in the buf must be same length to be a match
//if ( ! is_wspace_a(us[hlen]) ) goto loop;
char *ips = next;
// skip spaces
for ( ; ips < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*ips) ; ips++ );
// all done? not found...
if ( ! ips[0] ) { *retIp = 0; return true; }
// sanity check, each line must have an IP!
if ( ips >= s_testBufPtr ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must be number
if ( ! is_digit(*ips) ) {
// there is a single line that is \0 0.0.0.\n
// so let's fix this by skipping until \n
for ( ; p<s_testBufPtr&& *p!='\n';p++);
goto loop;
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance to end
char *ie = ips;
for ( ; *ie && ie < s_testBufPtr ; ie++ )
// stop if not good char
if ( ! is_digit(*ie) && *ie != '.' ) break;
// get it
long ip = atoip ( ips , ie - ips );
// store in hash table for lookup below
if ( u32 && ! s_ht.addKey ( &u32 , &ip ) ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// advance p for next round
p = ie;
// skip over spaces
for ( ; p < s_testBufPtr && is_wspace_a(*p) ; p++ );
// do more if we should
if ( p < s_testBufPtr ) goto loop;
// assume none found
*retIp = 0;
// return 0 if no ips.txt data
//if ( ! s_testBuf || s_testBufPtr == s_testBuf ) return true;
// look it up in hash table now
long h = hash32 ( host,hlen);
long *ipPtr = (long *)s_ht.getValue(&h);
// if missed, return now
if ( ! ipPtr )
return true;
// set it
*retIp = *ipPtr;
// flag it
*found = true;
// note it
//log("test: found ip %s for %s in ips.txt",iptoa(ip),url);
// that is it
return true;
void resetTestIpTable ( ) {
// returns false if unable to add, returns true if added
bool addTestIp ( char *host , long hostLen , long ip ) {
// must have first tried to get it
if ( s_needsReload ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// must have allocated this
if ( ! s_testBuf )
return log("test: no test buf to add ip %s",iptoa(ip));
// make sure enough room
long need = 1 + hostLen + 1 + (4*3+3) + 1;
// add it to test buf
if ( s_testBufPtr + need >= s_testBufEnd )
return log("test: no room to add ip %s",iptoa(ip));
// did we just add this one? prevent dups this way...
if ( s_last && hostLen==s_lastLen && !strncmp(s_last,host,hostLen))
return true;
// preserve ptr to last one we added
s_last = s_testBufPtr;
s_lastLen = hostLen;
// print it
memcpy ( s_testBufPtr , host , hostLen );
// skip it
s_testBufPtr += hostLen;
// then space and ip
long ps = sprintf ( s_testBufPtr , " %s\n",iptoa(ip));
// skip that
s_testBufPtr += ps;
// add to hash table too
long u32 = hash32 ( host , hostLen );
if ( ! s_ht.addKey ( &u32 , &ip ) ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// success
return true;
// . save it back to disk
// . we should call this from Test.cpp when the run is completed!!
bool saveTestBuf ( char *testDir ) {
//char *testDir = g_test.getTestDir();
// filename
char fn[100]; sprintf(fn,"%s/%s/ips.txt",g_hostdb.m_dir, testDir);
// set it
File f; f.set ( fn );
// open it ( O_RDWR | O_CREAT );
// how much to write?
long size = s_testBufPtr - s_testBuf;
// write it out
long ws = f.write ( s_testBuf , size , 0 );
// close it
// bitch?
if ( ws != size )
return log("test: failed to write %li bytes to %s",size,fn);
// note it
log("test: saved ips.txt");
// ok
return true;