
5786 lines
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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include "Facebook.h"
#include "HttpServer.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "Repair.h"
// use this to get an access token for the event guru app
// client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&client_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET&
// grant_type=client_credentials
// use this to cache a facebook user's friends, and userid of themselves
Facebookdb g_facebookdb;
Likedb g_likedb;
static void queueSleepWrapper ( int fd, void *state );
bool base64Decode ( char *dst, char *src, long dstSize ) ;
void Facebookdb::reset() {
bool Facebookdb::init ( ) {
if ( ! g_conf.m_indexEventsOnly ) return true;
// load this here so calling saveQueryLoopState() does not overwrite it
loadQueryLoopState ();
// hit the queue
if ( ! g_loop.registerSleepCallback(500,NULL,queueSleepWrapper))
return false;
char tmp[2048];
char *sr = "eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJITUFDLVNIQTI1NiIsImV4cGlyZXMiOjEzMzA0NTkyMDAsImlzc3VlZF9hdCI6MTMzMDQ1Mjk3Miwib2F1dGhfdG9rZW4iOiJBQUFGRWczUUE1eWdCQUg1b3dJTEt6WkNaQ0FDNmNTUVRaQWVaQmE2WkFiT1J2dkllSzc2MktGWFg2RmxaQ29iZWFzcENzWE5BZGh1R2VMQm1VM1hnNmMyTm1JenhxRlZkQ3d1Z0ZLRzVHWkN6WXlWaUpwZkN4UlYiLCJ1c2VyIjp7ImNvdW50cnkiOiJ1cyIsImxvY2FsZSI6ImVuX1VTIiwiYWdlIjp7Im1pbiI6MjF9fSwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjEwMDAwMzUzMjQxMTAxMSJ9";
base64Decode ( tmp , sr , 2040 );
log("facebook: %s",tmp);
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg facebookdb rec size of about 1000 bytes
// . NOTE: 32 bytes of the 1000 are overhead
long maxMem = 5000000;
long maxTreeNodes = maxMem / 1000;//82;
// each entry in the cache is usually just a single record, no lists,
// unless a hostname has multiple sites in it. has 24 bytes more
// overhead in cache.
//long maxCacheNodes = g_conf.m_tagdbMaxCacheMem / 106;
// we now use a page cache for the banned turks table which
// gets hit all the time
//if(! m_pc.init ("facebookdb",RDB_TAGDB,10000000,GB_TFNDB_PAGE_SIZE))
// return log("facebookdb: Tagdb init failed.");
// initialize our own internal rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"facebookdb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
-1 , // fixed record size
2,//g_conf.m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge ,
maxMem, // 5MB g_conf.m_tagdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge list
true , // balance tree?
0 , //g_conf.m_tagdbMaxCacheMem ,
0 , //maxCacheNodes ,
false , // half keys?
false , //m_tagdbSaveCache
NULL, // &m_pc ,
false, // is titledb
false, // preload disk page cache
sizeof(key96_t), // key size
false , // bias disk page cache?
true ); // iscollectionless? syncdb,facebookdb,...
bool Facebookdb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
return true;
Msgfb::Msgfb ( ) {
m_facebookReply = NULL;
//m_facebookReply2 = NULL;
m_msg7 = NULL;
m_fbId = 0LL;
m_inProgress = false;
#include "Process.h"
void Msgfb::reset ( ) {
// this can happen if we try to save and exit while in progress
if ( g_process.m_mode != EXIT_MODE &&
m_inProgress ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_requests = 0;
m_replies = 0;
m_errno = 0;
m_errorCount = 0;
m_fbId = 0;
m_state = NULL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_collnum = 0;
m_niceness = MAX_NICENESS;
m_socket = NULL;
m_retryCount = 0;
m_widgetId = 0;
m_userToUserWidgetId = 0LL;
if ( m_facebookReply ) {
mfree ( m_facebookReply , m_facebookAllocSize ,"msgfb");
m_facebookReply = NULL;
//if ( m_facebookReply2 ) {
// mfree ( m_facebookReply2 , m_facebookAllocSize2 ,"msgfb");
// m_facebookReply2 = NULL;
if ( m_msg7 ) {
mdelete ( m_msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "FBInject" );
delete ( m_msg7);
m_msg7 = NULL;
m_hr.reset();// = NULL;
m_fbrecPtr = NULL;
// free mem
Msgfb::~Msgfb ( ) {
static void gotFBUserRecWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->gotFBUserRec ( ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
static void gotFBAccessTokenWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->gotFBAccessToken( s ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// format like strncpy()
bool base64Decode ( char *dst, char *src, long dstSize ) {
// make the map
static unsigned char s_bmap[256];
static bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
memset ( s_bmap , 0 , 256 );
unsigned char val = 0;
for ( unsigned char c = 'A' ; c <= 'Z'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
for ( unsigned char c = 'a' ; c <= 'z'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
for ( unsigned char c = '0' ; c <= '9'; c++ )
s_bmap[c] = val++;
if ( val != 62 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
s_bmap['+'] = 62;
s_bmap['/'] = 63;
// leave room for \0
char *dstEnd = dst + dstSize - 5;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)src;
unsigned char val;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 6 bits
*dst <<= 6;
*dst |= val;
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 2 bits
*dst <<= 2;
*dst |= (val>>4);
// copy 4 bits
*dst = val & 0xf;
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 4 bits
*dst <<= 4;
*dst |= (val>>2);
// copy 2 bits
*dst = (val&0x3);
if ( *p ) {val = s_bmap[*p]; p++; } else val = 0;
// copy 6 bits
*dst <<= 6;
*dst |= val;
// sanity
if ( dst >= dstEnd ) {
log("facebook: bas64decode breach");
//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
*dst = '\0';
return false;
if ( ! *p ) break;
// null term just in case
dst[1] = '\0';
return true;
bool Msgfb::getFacebookUserInfo ( HttpRequest *hr,
TcpSocket *s,
char *coll,
void *state ,
char *redirPath,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ) {
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
//m_hr = hr;
m_oldFbrec = NULL;
m_redirPath = redirPath;
m_socket = s;
m_collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( coll );
m_retryCount = 0;
// they just logged out
if ( hr->getLong("logout",0 ) ) return true;
// need to make a copy of it so we can access it
m_hr.copy ( hr );
// save this
m_widgetId = hr->getLongLongFromCookie("widgetid",0LL);
// make the facebook key url for tagdb lookup
char *fbidStr = m_hr.getStringFromCookie("fbid",NULL);
// check for "usefbid"
char *useFbid = m_hr.getString("usefbid",NULL);
// that overrides
if ( useFbid ) {
long long used = strtoull(useFbid,NULL,10);
long h32a = hash32 ( (char *)&used, 8 );
// this has to be a long long because fh is printed as
// an unsigned long and atol() will croak
long h32b = m_hr.getLongLong("fh",0);
if ( h32a != h32b ) {
useFbid = NULL;
log("facebook: bad usefbid=%lli h32=%lu fh=%lu",
fbidStr = useFbid;
// they've logged in before if we got this cookie, otherwise,
// they got cookies off or they have not logged in ever yet, so
// we gotta ask facebook for the access token.
if ( ! fbidStr )
return downloadAccessToken ( );
// . make the facebook key url for facebook user rec
// . we are here because we are assuming they are already logged in
// at some point in time and we should try to get their list
// of friends from the facebookdb rec so if they click
// to show all the events their friends are going to we can do that
long long fbId = strtoull ( fbidStr , NULL, 10 );
// if they come into the canvas page we receive an encoded access
// token and fbid from facebook. so get that and do the lookup.
// if we do not have the username in the facebookdb rec or we do not
// even have a facebook id rec, then we will have to use cmd1 fql
// before they can be logged in.
char *sr = m_hr.getString("signed_request",NULL);
if ( sr ) sr = strchr(sr,'.');
if ( sr ) sr++;
// decode that
char dsr[2048];
if ( sr ) base64Decode ( dsr , sr , 2040 );
// parse that json for fb user id
char *jsonfbid = NULL;
if ( sr ) jsonfbid = strstr ( dsr , "user_id\":\"" );
if ( jsonfbid ) jsonfbid += 10;
if ( jsonfbid ) fbId = atoll(jsonfbid);
// sometimes there's also an access token, if that is the case
// we can just right to the cmd1 fql call downloadFBUserInfo().
char *at = NULL;
if ( dsr ) at = strstr ( dsr , "oauth_token\":\"" );
if ( at ) at += 14;
if ( at && fbId ) {
// copy into m_accessToken
char *p = at;
for ( ; *p && *p != '\"' && *p != ',' ; p++);
*p = '\0';
if ( p - at + 1 < MAX_TOKEN_LEN ) {
strcpy ( m_accessToken , at );
log("facebook: got access token from canvas app");
if ( ! downloadUserToUserRequestInfo() ) return false;
return downloadFBUserInfo();
// for the facebookdb lookup to be legit this must be non-zero
if ( fbId == 0LL )
return downloadAccessToken ( );
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = fbId;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = fbId;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
10, // minrecsizes
this ,
niceness ) )
return false;
// i guess we got it without blocking
return gotFBUserRec();
bool Msgfb::gotFBUserRec ( ) {
// . it can be empty if never got saved!
// . or if they logged out then logged back in, fbid will be 0
if ( m_list1.getListSize() <= 0 ) return downloadAccessToken();
// cast the list
FBRec *fbrec = (FBRec *)m_list1.getList();
// save that ptr
m_fbrecPtr = fbrec;
// get timestamp on that
//long now = getTimeGlobal();
//long elapsed = now - fbrec->m_accessTokenCreated;
// if stale, re-get it all from facebook.
//if ( elapsed >= 60*60 ) return downloadAccessToken ( );
// if still fresh, don't bother hitting facebook again, but we
// need to deserialize
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(FBRec) ,
&fbrec->size_accessToken ,
&fbrec->size_friendIds ,
&fbrec->ptr_accessToken ,
fbrec->m_buf );
// need to set this for printBlackBar()
m_fbId = fbrec->m_fbId;
log("facebook: loaded fbrec for fbid=%llu",fbrec->m_fbId);
log("facebook: loaded emailfreq=%li",(long)fbrec->m_emailFrequency);
log("facebook: loaded myradius=%li",(long)fbrec->m_myRadius);
// or if its an hour old i guess, get another token
//long expires = fbrec->m_accessTokenCreated + 3600;
// debug
//expires = 0;
//if ( getTimeGlobal() > expires ) {
// // use this to save again with new access token
// m_oldFbrec = fbrec;
// return downloadAccessToken();
// use the same access token
return true;
bool Msgfb::downloadAccessToken ( ) {
// ok, no cookie, so see if user just pushed the login button
long fbcodeLen = 0;
char *fbcode = m_hr.getString("code", &fbcodeLen, NULL);
// no they did not, no user info is available?
if ( ! fbcode ) return true;
// get current page url (minus the facebook code=)
SafeBuf cup;
// but take out the &code=
char *fix = strstr(cup.getBufStart(),"&code=");
if ( fix ) *fix = 0;
// use code to get access token
// that calls
// client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL&
char fbuf[1024];
SafeBuf fburl ( fbuf,1024 );
fburl.safePrintf (""
//, m_redirPath
// KEEP It simple because this redirect_uri
// must EXACTLY match the one we used in
// PageEvents.cpp. and it can't have cgi crap in it
// because facebook strips them out...
//, "/"
, cup.getBufStart()
, fbcode );
// this fburl must match the previous url i think... i think the
// "page" in it changes up and mess wit hit
log("facebook: getting access token code=%s url=%s",fbcode,
// reset
g_errno = 0;
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( fburl.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
gotFBAccessTokenWrapper , // callback
10*1000 , // 10 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
10000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
10000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// error?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// let caller know we did not block
return gotFBAccessToken ( NULL );
bool Msgfb::gotFBAccessToken ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// some kind of error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("facebook: error launching read of access token: %s",
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// the access token should be in the reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad access request http status = %li. "
httpStatus ,
reply );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
// assume no accesstoken provided
//long expires = 0;
m_accessToken[0] = '\0';
// look for access token
char *at = strstr(content,"access_token=");
if ( at ) {
char *p = at + 13;
char *start = p;
for ( ; *p && *p != '&' ;p++ );
long len = p - start;
if ( len > MAX_TOKEN_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
memcpy ( m_accessToken , start , len );
m_accessToken [ len ] = '\0';
// error?
if ( ! m_accessToken[0] ) {
log("facebook: could not find access token");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// set this timestamp
//m_accessTokenCreated = getTimeGlobal();
// sanity
if ( gbstrlen(m_accessToken) > MAX_TOKEN_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( ! downloadUserToUserRequestInfo() ) return false;
return downloadFBUserInfo();
static void gotFQLUserInfoWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
// . returns false if it blocks
// . returns true with g_errno set on error
if ( ! mfb->gotFQLUserInfo ( s ) ) return;
// error?
if ( g_errno && mfb->m_retryCount++ < 5 ) {
// retry again. this returns false if blocks;
if ( ! mfb->downloadFBUserInfo() ) return;
// probably an error if it returns true!!
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// BEGIN SPECIAL FACEBOOK APPREQUEST parsing for m_userToUserWidgetId
static void gotFBUserToUserRequestWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->gotFBUserToUserRequest ( s ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// before calling downloadFBUserInfo() call this to set the m_widgetId
// parameter correctly! so we can see which facebook user sent them
// this user_to_user apprequest. we need to do this before downloading
// the user info so we can store the m_originatingWidgetId into the
// FBRec before we save it!
bool Msgfb::downloadUserToUserRequestInfo ( ) {
// hmmm. hr is invalid here.
char *request_ids = m_hr.getString("request_ids",NULL);
if ( ! request_ids ) return true;
// if already got one, forget this...
if ( m_widgetId ) return true;
char fbuf[1024];
SafeBuf fburl ( fbuf,1024 );
fburl.safePrintf (""
, request_ids
, m_accessToken );
// this fburl must match the previous url i think... i think the
// "page" in it changes up and mess wit hit
log("facebook: getting referral fbid url=%s", fburl.getBufStart());
// reset
g_errno = 0;
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( fburl.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
gotFBUserToUserRequestWrapper ,
10*1000 , // 10 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
10000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
10000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// error?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// let caller know we did not block
return gotFBUserToUserRequest ( NULL );
bool Msgfb::gotFBUserToUserRequest ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// some kind of error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("facebook: error launching read of fb request: %s",
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// the access token should be in the reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad fb request reply http status = %li. "
httpStatus ,
reply );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
// "data": [
// {
// "id": "417422284951090_100003381767946",
// "application": {
// "name": "Event Guru",
// "namespace": "eventguru",
// "canvas_name": "eventguru",
// "id": "356806354331432"
// },
// "to": {
// "name": "Jezebel Wells",
// "id": "100003381767946"
// },
// "from": {
// "name": "Matt Wells",
// "id": "100003532411011"
// },
// "data": "100003532411011",
// "message": "Hi my friend, I recommend for discovering interesting local events. Plus, if you login to Event Guru I make a buck.",
// "created_time": "2012-03-29T02:41:37+0000"
// }
// ],
// "paging": {
// "previous": "",
// "next": ""
// }
// mine out who sent it
char *from = strstr ( content , "\"from\":" );
long long id1 = 0LL;
if ( from ) {
char *ids = strstr ( from , "\"id\":" );
for ( ; ids && *ids && ! is_digit(*ids) ; ids++ );
if ( ids && *ids ) id1 = atoll(ids);
// mine out who sent it again... this is only present for paid invites
char *data = NULL;
// start mining AFTER "from" because there is a top "data" field!!
if ( from ) data = strstr ( from , "\"data\":" );
long long id2 = 0LL;
if ( data ) {
char *ids = strstr ( data , "\"id\":" );
for ( ; ids && *ids && ! is_digit(*ids) ; ids++ );
if ( ids && *ids ) id2 = atoll(ids);
// must match to be an official paid invite. we only include
// the "data" for the paid invites.
if ( id1 == id2 )
// set that to our widgetid then
m_widgetId = id1;
// download facebook info now
return downloadFBUserInfo();
// END SPECIAL FACEBOOK APPREQUEST parsing for user_to_user m_widgetId
//long long mdw = 100003532411011LL; // my uid for Matt Wells
// 100003316058818 // uid for flurbit
// shows pics for a uid
bool Msgfb::downloadFBUserInfo ( ) {
log("facebook: downloading user info initial login");
SafeBuf cmd1;
// get your facebook id
cmd1.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid,username,first_name,last_name,name,pic_square,profile_update_time,timezone,religion,birthday,birthday_date,sex,hometown_location,current_location,activities,interests,is_app_user,music,tv,movies,books,about_me,status,online_presence,proxied_email,verified,website,is_blocked,contact_email,email,is_minor,work,education,sports,languages,likes_count,friend_count FROM user where uid=me()");
log("facebook: cmd1 = %s",cmd1.getBufStart());
// make a url
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd1.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: getting url = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
gotFQLUserInfoWrapper , // callback
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
//return gotFQLReply();
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
static bool queueFBId ( long long fbId , collnum_t collnum );
static void savedFBRecWrapper1 ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! g_errno ) queueFBId ( mfb->m_fbId , mfb->m_collnum );
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
static void doneRecheckingWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->doneRechecking ( ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// returns true with g_errno set on error
bool Msgfb::gotFQLUserInfo ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fql: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// get reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// we reference into this, so do not free it!!
m_facebookReply = s->m_readBuf;
m_facebookReplySize = s->m_readOffset;
m_facebookAllocSize = s->m_readBufSize;
// do not allow tcpsocket to free it. we free it in destructor.
s->m_readBuf = NULL;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad fql request http status = %li",
httpStatus );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
long contentLen = reply + replySize - content;
// check for error
char *errMsg = strstr(content,"<error_msg>");
if ( errMsg ) {
log("facebook: error in fql reply: %s", content );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// set it on stack i guess
//FBRec fbrec;
// all the FBRec::ptr_* things reference into "reply"
// import friendids from existing rec if there, we just want to
// save the new access token!!!!
if ( ! setFBRecFromFQLReply ( content,contentLen, &m_fbrecGen) ){
log("fql: error setting fb rec from fql");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
// must be there!
if ( ! m_fbrecGen.m_fbId ) {
log("fql: failed to get facebook id from reply");
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// sanity
log("facebook: got initial facebook reply. fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
// point to it!
m_fbrecPtr = &m_fbrecGen;
// now that we got the fbid see if its in facebookdb again
long long fbId = m_fbrecGen.m_fbId;
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = fbId;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = fbId;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
//char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl(m_collnum);
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
12, // minrecsizes
this ,
0 ) )//niceness ) )
return false;
// i guess we got it without blocking
return doneRechecking();
// MERGE/UPDATE the old fbrec with the new fbrec
void mergeFBRec ( FBRec *dst , FBRec *src ) {
// if we had a pre-existing fbrec in facebookdb, do not just
// save m_fbrecGen because it does not have ptr_friendIds set!
// so inherit or import the friendIds from the pre-existing
// rec. otherwise we lose the friends until the cmd2 executes
// and that could be a while or that could fail!
if ( dst->size_friendIds <= 0 ) {
dst->ptr_friendIds = src-> ptr_friendIds;
dst->size_friendIds = src->size_friendIds;
// also this stuff too!
dst->m_emailFrequency = src->m_emailFrequency;
dst->m_myRadius = src->m_myRadius;
dst->ptr_mergedInterests = src->ptr_mergedInterests;
dst->size_mergedInterests = src->size_mergedInterests;
dst->ptr_myLocation = src->ptr_myLocation;
dst->size_myLocation = src->size_myLocation;
// save this stuff now too for Emailer
dst->m_nextRetry = src->m_nextRetry;
dst->m_timeToEmail = src->m_timeToEmail;
dst->m_lastEmailAttempt = src->m_lastEmailAttempt;
// other stuff
dst->m_eventsDownloaded = src->m_eventsDownloaded;
dst->m_accessTokenCreated = src->m_accessTokenCreated;
// new stuff
dst->m_flags = src->m_flags; // FB_INQUEUE
// for payment info:
dst->m_originatingWidgetId = src->m_originatingWidgetId;
// overwrite it if zero
if ( src->m_firstFacebookLogin )
dst->m_firstFacebookLogin = src->m_firstFacebookLogin;
// if it is zero in the old rec, overwrite it!
if ( src->m_lastLoginIP )
dst->m_lastLoginIP = src->m_lastLoginIP;
//dst-> = src->;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Msgfb::saveFBRec ( FBRec *fbrec ) {
log("facebook: saving fbrec for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
log("facebook: saving myradius=%li",fbrec->m_myRadius);
log("facebook: saving mylocation=%s",fbrec->ptr_myLocation);
log("facebook: saving emailfreq=%li",(long)fbrec->m_emailFrequency);
// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
// . "true" means we should make mr.ptr_* reference into the newly
// serialized buffer
long replySize;
char *reply = serializeMsg ( sizeof(FBRec) ,
&fbrec->size_friendIds,// lastsizeparm
&fbrec->ptr_accessToken , // firststrptr
fbrec , // thisptr
&replySize ,
0 ,
false ); // true );
if ( ! reply ) {
log("facebook: could not save fbrec: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
// make the binary tag then for this facebook user
//char *rec = (char *)&m_key;//fbId;
//long recSize = (char *)&m_ids[m_numIds] - rec;
FBRec *serializedRec = (FBRec *)reply;
// set this after we know it
serializedRec->m_dataSize = replySize - sizeof(key96_t) - 4;
//char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
// use the list we got
key128_t startKey;
key128_t endKey;
// use m_list2 and not m_list since m_fbrecPtr is referencing
// m_list's content from our facebookdb lookup above
m_list2.set ( reply ,
replySize ,
0 ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
-1 ,
true , // own data? yeah, free it when done
false ,
sizeof(key96_t) );
// . just use TagRec::m_msg1 now
// . no, can't use that because tags are added using SafeBuf::addTag()
// which first pushes the rdbid, so we gotta use msg4
// . if a host is down we have to fix msg1 (and msg4) so they both
// just write to a file until that host comes back up.
if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_list2 ,
"none",//coll ,
this ,
m_afterSaveCallback, // savedFBRecWrapper ,
false ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
// no block?
//return downloadEvents();
return true;
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Msgfb::doneRechecking ( ) {
if ( g_errno ) {
log("facebook: recheck lookup failed: %s",
return true;
// try to set the old fbrec
if ( m_list4.getListSize() > 0 ) {
// cast the list
m_oldFbrec = (FBRec *)m_list4.getList();
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(FBRec) ,
&m_oldFbrec->size_accessToken ,
&m_oldFbrec->size_friendIds ,
&m_oldFbrec->ptr_accessToken ,
m_oldFbrec->m_buf );
// sanity
if ( m_fbId != m_oldFbrec->m_fbId )
log("facebook: fbid mismatch 3 %llu != %llu",
// shortcuts
FBRec *src = m_oldFbrec;
FBRec *dst = &m_fbrecGen;
// merge src into dst. merge the old into the new.
mergeFBRec ( dst , src );
// if it did not exist, then this is the first time they logged
// in i guess...
else {
// . try to save this
// . PageEvents.cpp issues a Set-Cookie: widgetid=xxxxxx;
// if si->m_widget is '1'. it uses si->m_widgetId which
// is set from the cgi parms of the iframe.
// . use 1 if this is zero, they did not have one then...
// . it's important we save the widgetid here correctly
// so we can payout the $1 reward.
// . if it was a facebook user_to_user app request we
// should have called downloadUserToUserRequestInfo() to
// set m_widgetId if it was not already set.
long long widgetId = m_widgetId;
if ( ! widgetId ) widgetId = 1;
m_fbrecGen.m_originatingWidgetId = widgetId;
m_fbrecGen.m_lastLoginIP = m_socket->m_ip;
// avoid a core
long now ;
if ( isClockInSync() ) now = getTimeGlobal();
else now = getTimeLocal();
m_fbrecGen.m_firstFacebookLogin = now;
// saveFBRec should queue it after it saves it. we want to make sure
// its only after a successful save because the facebookdb rec
// needs to have been saved so we can use its access token to get
// get event info of the user and his friends. but since that stuff
// is more involved we have a queue that handles the requests.
// that 2nd pipeline will set the FBRec::ptr_* things we did not set
// here and save them back to facebookdb.
m_afterSaveCallback = savedFBRecWrapper1;
log("facebook: saving rec for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
// . queue it up. it returns true if added to the queue.
// . it won't add it if no room or its already in the queue.
if ( ! g_errno && queueFBId ( m_fbrecGen.m_fbId , m_collnum ) )
// . before saving it, mark it has being in the queue!!
// . then PageEvents.cpp can tell you that it is still
// downloading you and your friends event info so its
// incomplete if you try to search for that stuff
// . once we process it we clear this flag and re-save this rec
m_fbrecGen.m_flags |= FB_INQUEUE;
// this calls serializeMsg() which mallocs a new reply to add
if ( ! saveFBRec( &m_fbrecGen ) ) return false;
// all done
return true;
class LikedbTableSlot {
long long m_uid;
long m_start_time;
long m_rsvp;
bool Msgfb::setFBRecFromFQLReply ( char *content,
long contentLen,
FBRec *fbrec ) {
// shortcut
char *reply = content;
// i've seen crappy facebook return essentially an empty
// reply here, so make sure we have all the fields!!
if ( ! strstr(reply,"<uid>") ||
! strstr(reply,"<name") ||
! strstr(reply,"<first_name") ||
// might be <interests/>
! strstr(reply,"<interests") ) {
log("facebook: missing uid in facebook reply");
SafeBuf eb;
eb.safeMemcpy ( content,contentLen);
char fname[128];
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return false;
Xml xml;
xml.set ( content,
false , // owndata
0 , // allocsize
true , // purexml
// shortcut
FBRec *f = fbrec;
// clear the entire rec
f->m_fbId = xml.getLongLong("uid",0LL);
// need this too i guess
m_fbId = f->m_fbId;
// scan for friend ids first since we add \0s below
char *p = strstr ( content , "<uid2>" );
for ( ; p ; p = strstr (p+1,"<uid2>") ) {
long long uid2 = strtoull(p+6,NULL,10);
if ( uid2 <= 0 ) continue;
// add it
if ( m_fidBuf.getAvail() < 8 && ! m_fidBuf.reserve(5000) )
return false;
// push it
m_fidBuf.pushLongLong ( uid2 );
// point to those. might have to re-set if we grow m_fidBuf more!
f->ptr_friendIds = m_fidBuf.getBufStart();
f->size_friendIds = m_fidBuf.length();
f->ptr_firstName = xml.getString("first_name",&f->size_firstName);
f->ptr_lastName = xml.getString("last_name",&f->size_lastName);
// get the <name> tag right AFTER <last_name>, otherwise we
// get the multi query name tag "query1"
long n0 = xml.getNodeNum ("last_name");
if ( n0 >= 0 )
f->ptr_name = xml.getString(n0,n0+5,"name",&f->size_name);
f->ptr_pic_square = xml.getString("pic_square",&f->size_pic_square);
f->ptr_religion = xml.getString("religion",&f->size_religion);
f->ptr_birthday = xml.getString("birthday",&f->size_birthday);
f->ptr_birthday_date = xml.getString("birthday_date",
f->ptr_sex = xml.getString("sex",&f->size_sex);
f->ptr_hometown_location =xml.getString("hometown_location",
f->ptr_current_location = xml.getString("current_location",
f->ptr_activities = xml.getString("activities",&f->size_activities);
f->ptr_interests = xml.getString("interests",&f->size_interests);
f->ptr_music = xml.getString("music",&f->size_music);
f->ptr_tv = xml.getString("tv",&f->size_tv);
f->ptr_movies = xml.getString("movies",&f->size_movies);
f->ptr_books = xml.getString("books",&f->size_books);
f->ptr_about_me = xml.getString("about_me",&f->size_about_me);
f->ptr_status = xml.getString("status",&f->size_status);
f->ptr_online_presence = xml.getString("online_presence",
f->ptr_proxied_email = xml.getString("proxied_email",
f->ptr_website = xml.getString("website",&f->size_website);
f->ptr_contact_email = xml.getString("contact_email",
f->ptr_email = xml.getString("email",&f->size_email);
f->ptr_sports = xml.getString("sports",&f->size_sports);
// full nodes (lists)
f->ptr_work = xml.getNode("work",&f->size_work);
f->ptr_education = xml.getNode("education",&f->size_education);
f->ptr_languages = xml.getNode("languages",&f->size_languages);
f->m_timezone = xml.getLong("timezone",99);
f->m_is_app_user = xml.getLong("is_app_user",0);
f->m_is_blocked = xml.getLong("is_blocked",0);
f->m_verified = xml.getLong("verified",0);
f->m_is_minor = xml.getLong("is_minor",0);
f->m_likes_count = xml.getLong("likes_count",0);
f->m_friend_count = xml.getLong("friend_count",0);
// now that we got what we want, NULL term everything
if ( f->ptr_firstName) f->ptr_firstName[f->size_firstName++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_lastName) f->ptr_lastName[f->size_lastName++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_name) f->ptr_name[f->size_name++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_pic_square)f->ptr_pic_square[f->size_pic_square++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_religion) f->ptr_religion[f->size_religion++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_birthday)f->ptr_birthday[f->size_birthday++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_birthday_date)
f->ptr_birthday_date[f->size_birthday_date++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_sex) f->ptr_sex[f->size_sex++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_hometown_location)
f->ptr_hometown_location[f->size_hometown_location++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_current_location)
f->ptr_current_location[f->size_current_location++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_activities) f->ptr_activities[f->size_activities++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_interests)f->ptr_interests[f->size_interests++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_music)f->ptr_music[f->size_music++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_tv)f->ptr_tv[f->size_tv++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_movies)f->ptr_movies[f->size_movies++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_books)f->ptr_books[f->size_books++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_about_me)f->ptr_about_me[f->size_about_me++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_status)f->ptr_status[f->size_status++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_online_presence)
f->ptr_online_presence[f->size_online_presence++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_proxied_email)
f->ptr_proxied_email[f->size_proxied_email++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_website)
f->ptr_website[f->size_website++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_contact_email)
f->ptr_contact_email[f->size_contact_email++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_email) f->ptr_email[f->size_email++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_sports)f->ptr_sports[f->size_sports++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_work) f->ptr_work[f->size_work++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_education)f->ptr_education[f->size_education++] = '\0';
if ( f->ptr_languages)f->ptr_languages[f->size_languages++] = '\0';
// allow dups! one eid can have many likes
// . add the eids facebook provided into m_eidBuf
// . create a likedb record for each one to add to likedb
bool hadError = false;
char *line = NULL;
// scan the xmlnodes, looking for event_member
long i; for ( i = 0 ; i < xml.m_numNodes ; i++ ) {
// get an <event_member> tag
XmlNode *node = &xml.m_nodes[i];
char *s = node->m_node;
if ( strncmp(s,"<event_member",13) ) continue;
line = s;
hadError = true;
// skip til end of tag
s += 13;
for ( ; *s && *s != '>' ; s++ ) ;
// eof?
if ( ! *s ) break;
// skip >
// next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be <uid> afterwards
if ( strncmp ( s, "<uid>" , 5 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 5;
// long long
long long uid = strtoull ( s , NULL, 10 );
// skip til next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be /uid
if ( strncmp ( s, "</uid>", 6 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 6;
// next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be <eid>
if ( strncmp ( s, "<eid>" , 5 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 5;
// long long
long long eid = strtoull ( s , NULL, 10 );
// skip til next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be /uid
if ( strncmp ( s, "</eid>", 6 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 6;
// next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be <eid>
if ( strncmp ( s, "<rsvp_status>" , 13 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 13;
// skip whitespace
for ( ; *s && is_wspace_a(*s) ; s++ );
// long long
char *rsvp_status = s;
// skip til next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be /uid
if ( strncmp ( s, "</rsvp_status>", 14 ) ) break;
// null term so "status" is null terminated
//*s = '\0';
// skip that
s += 14;
// next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be <eid>
if ( strncmp ( s, "<start_time>" , 12 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 12;
// long long
long start_time = (unsigned long)(atoll ( s ));
// skip til next tag
for ( ; *s && *s != '<' ; s++ ) ;
// must be /uid
if ( strncmp ( s, "</start_time>", 13 ) ) break;
// skip that
s += 13;
// next tag
hadError = false;
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugFacebook ) {
char c = rsvp_status[6];
rsvp_status[6] = '\0';
log("facebook: got event "
"eid=%llu "
"uid=%llu "
"rsvp_status=%s "
, eid
, uid
, rsvp_status
, start_time
rsvp_status[6] = c;
// ensure enough room
if ( m_eidBuf.getAvail() < 8 && ! m_eidBuf.reserve(5000) )
return false;
// dedup eidbuf
if ( ! m_dedupEidBuf.isInTable ( &eid ) ) {
// push it in
m_eidBuf.pushLongLong (eid );
// add it now
m_dedupEidBuf.addKey ( &eid );
// TODO: what about uid/rsvp_status/start_time ???
// we need that info for adding to likedb so make a likedb
// key here and we'll add that if the inject goes through
//long recSize;
//char *rec = g_likedb.makeRec ( uid ,
// docId ,
// gbeventId ,
// rsvp_status ,
// start_time ,
// &recSize );
// a problem?
//if ( ! rec )
// continue;
// convert rsvpstatus to a value
long rsvp = 0;
if ( ! strncmp(rsvp_status,"not_replied",11) )
rsvp = LF_INVITED;
else if ( ! strncmp(rsvp_status,"attending",9 ) )
rsvp = LF_GOING;
else if ( ! strncmp(rsvp_status,"declined",8 ) )
else if ( ! strncmp(rsvp_status,"unsure" ,6 ) )
rsvp = LF_MAYBE_FB;
log("facebook: unknown rsvp_status=%s",rsvp_status);
// the data
LikedbTableSlot lts;
lts.m_uid = uid;
lts.m_start_time = start_time;
lts.m_rsvp = rsvp;
// store that in table so if we end up injecting this
// eid successfully, we'll scan the table and add all these
// likedb recs for it. return false with g_errno set on error.
if ( ! m_likedbTable.addKey ( &eid , &lts ) )
return false;
// if we broke out when we should not have...
if ( hadError ) {
log("facebook: had error processing event_members reply %s",
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return false;
// point to the access token from the old facebookdb rec so the
// new one keeps it going
fbrec->ptr_accessToken = m_accessToken;
fbrec->size_accessToken = gbstrlen(m_accessToken)+1;
fbrec->m_accessTokenCreated = getTimeGlobal();
// set key, just the fbid
fbrec->m_key.n1 = 0;
fbrec->m_key.n0 = fbrec->m_fbId;
fbrec->m_key.n0 <<= 1;
fbrec->m_key.n0 |= 0x01;
return true;
// high priority queue for ppl that login
long long g_fbq1 [100];
collnum_t g_colls1 [100];
long g_n1 = 0;
// low priority queue for passive facebookdb scanning
//long long g_fbq2 [100];
//collnum_t g_colls2 [100];
//long g_n2 = 0;
// used for queue
Msgfb g_msgfb;
bool isInQueue ( long long fbId , collnum_t collnum ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_n1 ; i++ )
if ( g_fbq1 [ i ] == fbId ) return true;
return false;
bool queueFBId ( long long fbId , collnum_t collnum ) {
// skip matt wells for now
//if ( fbId == 100003532411011LL ) {
// log("facebook: skipping matt wells in queue");
// return true;
if ( g_n1 >= 100 )
return log("facebook: could not add fbid=%lli to queue",fbId);
// make sure not already in
if ( isInQueue ( fbId , collnum ) ) return false;
log("facebook: queueing fbid=%lli",fbId);
g_fbq1 [ g_n1 ] = fbId;
g_colls1 [ g_n1 ] = collnum;
return true;
static void doneProcessingWrapper ( void *state ) {
// shortcut
long err = g_msgfb.m_errno;
// or inherit this. we might have forgotten to set m_errno
if ( ! err && g_errno ) err = g_errno;
// no longer in progress
g_msgfb.m_inProgress = false;
// note it
log("facebook: done with queue for fbid=%llu. error=%s",
// save it for potential re-add
//long long fsaved = g_fbq1 [0];
//collnum_t csaved = g_colls1[0];
// shift queue down
for ( long i = 1 ; i < g_n1 ; i++ ) {
g_fbq1 [i-1] = g_fbq1 [i];
g_colls1[i-1] = g_colls1[i];
// one less in queue
// . on error, re-add to the end of the queue
// . leave this out for now. we should have some kinda download
// loop perhaps to download it. at least leave this out until we
// have a backoff scheme in place.
//if ( err ) queueFBId ( fsaved , csaved );
#define NUM_MSGFBS 3
Msgfb g_msgfbs[NUM_MSGFBS];
long g_numOut = 0;
// evaluate events associated with the fbuserids in the queue
void queueSleepWrapper ( int fd, void *state ) {
// skip for now
// return if empty
if ( g_n1 == 0 ) return;
// sanity
if ( g_n1 >= 100 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// wait for clock to be in sync
if ( ! isClockInSync() )
// wait until done repairing... so we do not inject events!
if ( g_repair.isRepairActive() )
// get an fbid
if ( g_numOut >= (long)NUM_MSGFBS ) return;
// return if all out and no more to put out
if ( g_n1 <= g_numOut ) return;
// get the next fbid
long long fbId = g_fbq1[g_numOut];
// get one not in use
Msgfb *mfb = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < NUM_MSGFBS ; i++ ) {
if ( g_msgfbs[i].m_inProgress ) continue;
mfb = &g_msgfbs[i];
// return if all in progress. how can this be?
if ( ! mfb ) return;
// get the fbid
//long long fbId = g_fbq1[0];
//collnum_t collnum = g_colls1[0];
// inc this now!
// set it up
mfb->m_fbId = fbId;
mfb->m_phase = 0;
// and launch it. will not re-launch since it sets m_inProgress = true
// set it up
//if( ! g_msgfb.processFBId (fbid,collnum,NULL,doneProcessingWrapper) )
// return;
// error?
//log("fbqueue: error of some sort = %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// wtf?
//g_msgfb.m_inProgress = false;
// the queue loop
static bool s_init = false;
static long s_flip = 0;
static SafeBuf s_tbuf1;
static SafeBuf s_tbuf2;
static long s_ptr1 = 0; // facebook dictionary query cursor
static long s_ptr2 = 0; // facebook location query cursor
static long s_ptr3 = 0; // stubhub cursor
static long long s_ptr4 = 0; // eventbrite cursor
static long long s_ptr5 = 0; // local facebookdb scanner cursor
static long s_holdOffStubHubTill = 0;
static long long s_lastEventBriteEventId = 0;
static long s_eventBriteWaitUntil = 0;
static long s_localWaitUntil = 0;
static char *getNextQuery ();
static void queueLoopWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *msgfb = (Msgfb *)state;
static void queueLoopWrapper2 ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *msgfb = (Msgfb *)state;
msgfb->m_socket = s;
static void queueLoopWrapper5 ( void *state , RdbList *list, Msg5 *msg5 ) {
Msgfb *msgfb = (Msgfb *)state;
void Msgfb::queueLoop ( ) {
// skip for now
// assume in use
//m_inProgress = true;
if ( m_phase == 0 ) {
// do not reset this!
long long saved = m_fbId;
// make sure this is empty and ready to go
// re-establish this
m_fbId = saved;
// set this
m_inProgress = true;
// if an fbid of -3 means to get scan facebookdb locally
if ( m_phase == 0 && m_fbId == -3LL ) {
// use msg5 then i guess
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = s_ptr5;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
// advance phase to a special phase
m_phase = 50;
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_FACEBOOKDB,
"", // coll
13, // minrecsizes
true , // includetree?
false, // addtocache?
0, // maxcacheage
0, // startfilenum
-1, // numfiles
this ,
m_niceness ,
true // doErrorCorrection?
) )
// handle special phase from msg5 call above
if ( m_phase == 50 ) {
// grab the rec
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting local facebookdb rec: %s",
goto error;
// empty is means done
if ( m_list33.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
// set this
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// wait for a day then
s_localWaitUntil = now + 86400;
// reset the scan for the scan tomorrow
s_ptr5 = 0;
// all done
m_phase = 16;
// remove from queue
goto skipdown;
// get the facebook rec... why?
m_oldFbrec = (FBRec *)m_list33.getList();
// get is fbid and queue that
if ( m_oldFbrec->m_fbId < 0 ) {
log("fbqueue: bad fbid in local scan: %lli",
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
goto error;
// ok, queue that fbid now
queueFBId ( m_oldFbrec->m_fbId , m_collnum );
// update our scan cursor
s_ptr5 = m_oldFbrec->m_fbId + 1;
// and remove ourselves from the queue
m_phase = 16;
goto skipdown;
// if an fbid of -2 means to get some eventbrite
if ( m_fbId == -2LL && m_phase == 0 ) {
// . loop over all events sorted by id
// . use &since_id=<s_ptr4> to avoid duppage
// . we assume they only increment that id, if that is
// not the case we'll have to restart from 0 each
// time, and maybe two a roll twice per day
// . they say they limit to 1000 requests per day!
SafeBuf cmd10;
// ask for 100 results
// no need to add 1 to s_ptr4, just make
// sure that it exactly equals the LAST
// id we injected because it is EXCLUDED
// from these results and eventbrite starts
// with s_ptr4+1
log("fbspider: getting eventbrite results: cmd10 = %s",
cmd10.getBufStart() );
// advance to phase to parse the events out of the reply
m_phase = 11;
// this will be set in queueLoopWrapper2()
m_socket = NULL;
// use defaults i guess
char *ua = g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent;
char *proto = "HTTP/1.0";
// pillage from eventbrite
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( cmd10.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
80*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
100000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
100000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
ua ,
proto ))
// return false if blocked
// this is not possible, must be error!
log("fbspider: got error downloading eventbrite results = %s",
goto error;
// if an fbid of -1 means to close our eyes and suck down some stubhub
if ( m_fbId == -1LL && m_phase == 0 ) {
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// now subtract 12 so that gmtime() call below will
// return current time in hawaii or right before that...
now -= 12*3600;
SafeBuf cmd9;
if ( s_ptr3 == 0 ) s_ptr3 = now;
// . convert into canonical time format
// . this should be basically close to the time in hawaii
// which lags pretty much everyone else, that way
// we will get events about to happen right now in hawaii
struct tm *tt = gmtime(&s_ptr3);
// . now print it out for the stubhub query
// . it uses the SOLR format that lucene uses for queries
// like "event_data:[X TO Y]" for doing ranges
// &start=0&rows=10
char tbuf[512];
strftime ( tbuf , 512, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00Z" , tt );
cmd9.urlEncode ( tbuf );
// add the half day here
long delta = 12*3600;
// 3+ months out use a full day
if ( s_ptr3 - now > 90*86400 ) delta = 24*3600;
// subtract 1 to avoid dups for next call in case stubhub
// uses a closed interval, and not half open
s_ptr3 += delta - 1;
// get the endpoint then
tt = gmtime(&s_ptr3);
strftime ( tbuf , 512, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00Z" , tt );
cmd9.urlEncode ( tbuf );
// add the second back
log("fbspider: getting stubhub results: cmd9 = %s",
cmd9.getBufStart() );
// advance to phase to parse the events out of the reply
m_phase = 11;
// this will be set in queueLoopWrapper2()
m_socket = NULL;
char *ua = g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent;
char *proto = "HTTP/1.0";
//if ( m_fbId < 0 ) {
// ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; "
// "en-US; rv: Gecko/20100715 "
// "Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.7";
// proto = "HTTP/1.1";
// pillage from stubhub
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( cmd9.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
80*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
100000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
100000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
ua ,
proto ))
// return false if blocked
// this is not possible, must be error!
log("fbspider: got error downloading stubhub results = %s",
goto error;
// if an fbid of 0 is used that means to do a query against
// facebook's massively lame event search engine
if ( m_fbId == 0LL && m_phase == 0 ) {
// . ok, pick a query to send to facebook
// . pick the next most popular word,
// or the next most popular location name
// . interleave between words and location names
char *fbq = getNextQuery ( );
// don't core!
if ( ! fbq ) {
log("fbspider: getNextQuery() returned null. "
"possibly a state without an official name "
"and getStateName() returned NULL?");
goto error;
// . make the query
// . &format=xml is pointless and will not work!
// they made it 100% json now
SafeBuf cmd8;
// encode the query
cmd8.urlEncode ( fbq );
// and put in the rest
log("fbspider: getting fb results: cmd8 = %s",
cmd8.getBufStart() );
// advance to phase to parse the events out of the reply
m_phase = 11;
// this will be set in queueLoopWrapper2()
m_socket = NULL;
// pillage from facebook!
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( cmd8.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
100000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
100000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// this is not possible, must be error!
log("fbspider: got error downloading fb results = %s",
goto error;
// first phase is loading the facebook rec
if ( m_phase == 0 ) {
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = m_fbId;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = m_fbId;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
// now we use this
m_dedupEidBuf.set (8,0,0,NULL,0,false,m_niceness,"deibuf");
// advance phase
m_phase = 1;
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
13, // minrecsizes
this ,
m_niceness ) )
// check for errors
if ( m_phase == 1 ) {
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting facebookdb rec: %s",
goto error;
// empty is bad
if ( m_list1.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
log("fbqueue: facebookdb rec is empty. wtf? fbid=%lli",
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
goto error;
// get the facebook rec... why?
m_oldFbrec = (FBRec *)m_list1.getList();
// sanity
if ( m_oldFbrec->m_fbId != m_fbId ) {
log("fbqueue: fbid mismatch. fbid=%lli", m_fbId);
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
goto error;
// deserialize...
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(FBRec) ,
&m_oldFbrec->size_accessToken ,
&m_oldFbrec->size_friendIds ,
&m_oldFbrec->ptr_accessToken ,
m_oldFbrec->m_buf );
// copy for calling fql
strcpy ( m_accessToken , m_oldFbrec->ptr_accessToken );
// note it
log("facebook: downloading user info again");
// get your facebook user info again in case it changed
SafeBuf cmd;
cmd.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid,username,first_name,last_name,name,pic_square,profile_update_time,timezone,religion,birthday,birthday_date,sex,hometown_location,current_location,activities,interests,is_app_user,music,tv,movies,books,about_me,status,online_presence,proxied_email,verified,website,is_blocked,contact_email,email,is_minor,work,education,sports,languages,likes_count,friend_count FROM user where uid=me()");
// fql-queries make a url
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// advance phase
m_phase = 2;
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
queueLoopWrapper2 ,
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
//return gotFQLReply();
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
// got reply
if ( m_phase == 2 ) {
// bail on http reply error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting fb user rec: %s",
goto error;
m_phase = 3;
// a quick sanity check
char *reply = m_socket->m_readBuf;
long replyLen = m_socket->m_readOffset;
// i've seen crappy facebook return essentially an empty
// reply here, so make sure we have all the fields!!
if ( ! strstr(reply,"<uid>") ||
! strstr(reply,"<name") ||
! strstr(reply,"<first_name") ||
// might be <interests/>
! strstr(reply,"<interests") ) {
log("facebook: missing uid in facebook reply #1");
SafeBuf eb;
eb.safeMemcpy ( reply,replyLen);
char fname[128];
// do a retry
if ( m_retryCount++ < 5 ) {
log("facebook: retrying %li.",m_retryCount);
goto retryDownload;
// otherwise abandon ship
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
goto error;
// copy reply into our final SafeBuf buffer
m_fullReply.safeMemcpy ( m_socket->m_readBuf,
m_socket->m_readOffset );
// download friend list
if ( m_phase == 3 ) {
// note it
log("facebook: downloading friend list fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
// get your facebook user info again in case it changed
SafeBuf cmd;
cmd.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid2 from friend WHERE uid1=me()");
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// advance phase
m_phase = 4;
// reset start for phase 3
m_chunkStart = 0;
// reset chunksize for phase 3
m_chunkSize = 300;
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
queueLoopWrapper2 ,
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
// got reply
if ( m_phase == 4 ) {
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( m_socket->m_readBuf, m_socket->m_readOffset-1,NULL);
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// bail on http reply error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting friend list fbid=%lli: "
"%s", m_fbId, mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
m_phase = 5;
// copy reply into our final SafeBuf buffer
m_fullReply.safeMemcpy ( m_socket->m_readBuf,
m_socket->m_readOffset );
// download some event member rsvp statuses
if ( m_phase == 5 ) {
// note it
log("facebook: downloading event members #%li-#%li "
// get status of each friend attending an event & what eventid
SafeBuf cmd;
// if this fails then chunk down to 50 instead of 300
cmd.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid, eid, rsvp_status, start_time "
"FROM event_member where uid IN "
"( SELECT uid2 from friend WHERE uid1=me() "
"LIMIT %li,%li) "
, m_chunkStart , m_chunkSize
// this start_time from the event_member table
// is not accurate. it is often in the past!
// wtf?
//"AND start_time > now()"
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// advance chunkstart
m_chunkStart += m_chunkSize;
// advance phase
m_phase = 6;
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
queueLoopWrapper2 ,
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
// got a reply
if ( m_phase == 6 ) {
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( m_socket->m_readBuf, m_socket->m_readOffset-1,NULL);
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// bail on http reply error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting event members fbid=%lli: "
"%s", m_fbId, mstrerror(g_errno));
// count it
// retry?
if ( m_errorCount < 10 ) goto recallMembers;
// final phase. wrap it up
goto error;
// advance
m_phase = 7;
// copy reply into our final SafeBuf buffer
m_fullReply.safeMemcpy ( m_socket->m_readBuf,
m_socket->m_readOffset );
// if we had some repeat!
if ( strstr ( m_socket->m_readBuf , "<eid>" ) ) {
log("facebook: recalling event members");
goto recallMembers;
// reset for my events
m_myChunkStart = 0;
m_myChunkSize = 300;
if ( m_phase == 7 ) {
// get MY events
// note it
log("facebook: downloading my event ids #%li-#%li "
// get status of each friend attending an event & what eventid
SafeBuf cmd;
// if this fails then chunk down to 50 instead of 300
cmd.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid, eid, rsvp_status, start_time "
"FROM event_member where uid=me() "
"LIMIT %li,%li"
, m_myChunkStart , m_myChunkSize
// this start_time from the event_member table
// is not accurate. it is often in the past!
// wtf?
//"AND start_time > now()"
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// advance chunkstart
m_myChunkStart += m_myChunkSize;
// advance phase
m_phase = 8;
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
queueLoopWrapper2 ,
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
// got a reply
if ( m_phase == 8 ) {
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( m_socket->m_readBuf, m_socket->m_readOffset-1,NULL);
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// bail on http reply error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting my events fbid=%lli: "
"%s", m_fbId, mstrerror(g_errno));
// count it
// retry?
if ( m_errorCount < 10 ) goto recallMembers;
// final phase. wrap it up
goto error;
// advance
m_phase = 9;
// copy reply into our final SafeBuf buffer
m_fullReply.safeMemcpy ( m_socket->m_readBuf,
m_socket->m_readOffset );
// if we had some repeat!
if ( strstr ( m_socket->m_readBuf , "<eid>" ) ) {
log("facebook: recalling my events");
goto recallMyEvents;
// init this for downloading events
m_eventStartNum = 0;
// start off high, reduce to 10 on error
m_eventStep = 100;
// save the fbrec from m_fullReply
if ( m_phase == 9 ) {
// save to disk for debug
char fname[64];
// compile into a new facebook rec
char *content = m_fullReply.getBufStart();
long contentLen = m_fullReply.length();
// sanity
long long origFbId = m_fbId;
// is this messing up our Msgfb::m_fbId???
if ( ! setFBRecFromFQLReply(content,contentLen,&m_fbrecGen)) {
log("fql: error setting fb rec from fql");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
goto error;
// must be there!
if ( ! m_fbrecGen.m_fbId ) {
log("fql: failed to get facebook id from reply");
goto error;
// sanity
if ( m_fbId != origFbId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// we loaded this in phase 0
FBRec *src = m_oldFbrec;
// we just made this from facebook replies
FBRec *dst = &m_fbrecGen;
// merge src into dst. merge the old into the new.
mergeFBRec ( dst , src );
// advance to downloading events now
m_phase = 10;
// come here when done saving
m_afterSaveCallback = queueLoopWrapper;
// save the merged rec now
if ( ! saveFBRec( &m_fbrecGen ) ) return;
// get events now
if ( m_phase == 10 ) {
// reset these so we do not re-inject the same events
// skip matt wells for now
if ( m_fbId == MATTWELLS ) { // 100003532411011LL ) {
log("facebook: skipping matt wells event members "
// save it so we can turn off the in queue bit
//m_phase = 15;
//goto skipdown;
// note it
log("facebook: downloading events #%li-#%li fbid=%lli",
SafeBuf cmd;
cmd.safePrintf ( "SELECT eid, "
"name, "
// deprecated as of july 5th 2012
//"tagline, "
//"nid, "
"pic_small, "
"pic_big, "
"pic_square, "
"pic, "
"host, "
"description, "
// deprecated as of july 5th 2012
//"event_type, "
//"event_subtype, "
"start_time, "
"end_time, "
"creator, "
"update_time, "
"location, "
"venue, "
"privacy, "
"hide_guest_list, "
"can_invite_friends "
"FROM event WHERE "
// this does not seem to work either!
//"start_time > now() AND "
"eid IN (" );
// from buf
long max = m_eidBuf.length() / 8;
// did we add any?
bool printed = false;
// shortcut
long long *eids = (long long *)m_eidBuf.getBufStart();
// list some eids here
for ( long i = m_eventStartNum ;
i < max &&
i < m_eventStartNum + m_eventStep ; i++ ) {
if ( printed ) cmd.pushChar(',');
printed = true;
// end it
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd = %s",ubuf.getBufStart());
// advance chunkstart
m_eventStartNum += m_eventStep;
// advance phase
m_phase = 11;
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
queueLoopWrapper2 ,
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
goto error;
// got events reply
if ( m_phase == 11 ) {
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
if ( m_socket && ! g_errno ) {
mime.set ( m_socket->m_readBuf,
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// bail on http reply error
if ( g_errno ) {
char *reply = "";
if ( m_socket && m_socket->m_readBuf )
reply = m_socket->m_readBuf;
log("fbqueue: error getting events fbid=%lli: "
"%s : %s", m_fbId, mstrerror(g_errno),reply);
// bail right away if doing spider
if ( m_fbId <= 0 ) goto error;
// final phase. wrap it up
if ( ++m_errorCount >= 10 ) goto error;
// first time?
if ( m_eventStep > 10 ) m_eventStartNum -= m_eventStep;
// reduce step
m_eventStep = 10;
// retry
goto recallEvents;
// convert json to xml
m_rbuf.safeMemcpy ( m_socket->m_readBuf ,
m_socket->m_readOffset );
// nuke the read buf then from the http server
mfree ( m_socket->m_readBuf , m_socket->m_readBufSize,"sss" );
// do not allow tcpsocket to free it again
m_socket->m_readBuf = NULL;
char *type = NULL;
if ( m_fbId == 0LL ) type = "facebook";
if ( m_fbId == -1LL ) type = "stubhub";
if ( m_fbId == -2LL ) type = "eventbrite";
// show it
if ( type )
log("facebook: got %s reply (%li bytes)"
, type , m_rbuf.length() );
//fprintf(stderr,"full raw reply=%s",m_rbuf.getBufStart());
// do not do jsontoxml on the mime header!
char *rb = m_rbuf.getBufStart();
char *rc = strstr(rb,"\r\n\r\n");
long pos = 0;
if ( rc ) pos = (rc+4) - rb;
// convert json to xml if it is in json. only for facebook
m_rbuf.convertJSONtoXML ( m_niceness , pos );
//"full converted reply=%s",m_rbuf.getBufStart());
// show it
//if ( m_fbId == 0LL )
// log("facebook: got fb reply xml: %s",
// m_rbuf.getBufStart() );
// did it have some events?
//char *hadSome = strstr ( m_socket->m_readBuf , "<eid>" ) ;
// save reply
//m_facebookReply2 = m_socket->m_readBuf;
//m_facebookReplySize2 = m_socket->m_readOffset;
//m_facebookAllocSize2 = m_socket->m_readBufSize;
// sanity. must be \0. httpserver should add this if not
// already there!
//if ( m_facebookReply2 [ m_facebookReplySize2 ] ) {
// log("fbqueue: facebookreply2 does not end in \\0");
// g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// goto error;
// . set m_numEvents and m_eventPtrs from m_facebookReply
// . they reference into the reply, so do not free
// m_facebookReply until destructor is called
m_numEvents = 0;
// . get the event delimeter in the xml
// . both facebook and eventbrite use this
char *delim = "<event>";
char *dend = "</event>";
// stubhub uses "<doc>" to delineate events
if ( m_fbId == -1 ) {
delim = "<doc>";
dend = "</doc>";
// parse the events into an array of ptrs for easier injection
// scan for <event> tags and set m_evptrs safebuf to
// each ptr to those
char *p = m_rbuf.getBufStart(); // facebookReply2;
for ( ; *p ; ) {
// scan to first <event> tag
p = strstr ( p , delim );
if ( ! p ) break;
// store start for ptr
char *start = p + gbstrlen(delim);
// find end
char *end = strstr ( p , dend );
if ( ! end ) break;
// null term it
*end = '\0';
// for next round
p = end + gbstrlen(dend);
// try to get event id
char *ep = NULL;
if ( m_fbId >= 0 ) {
ep = strstr ( start, "<eid>");
if ( ep ) ep += 5;
// is it a stubhub event?
// <str name="event_id">2659223</str>
if ( m_fbId == -1 ) {
ep = strstr ( start, "=\"event_id\">");
if ( ep ) ep += 12;
// . is it an eventbrite event?
// . the first <id> after the <event> is the event id
if ( m_fbId == -2 ) {
ep = strstr ( start, "<id>");
if ( ep ) ep += 4;
if ( ! ep ) continue;
long long eid = strtoull ( ep , NULL , 10 );
if ( eid == 0 ) continue;
if ( eid < 0 ) log("facebook: wtf? eid is 0");
// for eventbrite record the last eventid because
// we use that for paging through
if ( m_fbId == -2 )
s_lastEventBriteEventId = eid;
// store it
if ( ! m_evPtrBuf.pushLong ( (long)start)) goto error;
if ( ! m_evIdsBuf.pushLongLong ( eid)) goto error;
// count them
log("facebook: got %li events from %s",m_numEvents,type);
// if we got 0 events from an eventbrite request, then
// wait for an hour before retrying
if ( m_numEvents == 0 && m_fbId == -2 ) {
log("facebook: pausing eventbrite feed for 1 hour");
long now = getTimeGlobal();
s_eventBriteWaitUntil = now + 3600;
// reset loop
m_i = 0;
// make a new state
if ( m_numEvents > 0 ) {
Msg7 *msg7;
try { msg7 = new (Msg7); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("facebook: inject msg7 new(%i): %s",
goto error;
mnew ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInjct7" );
// save it for freeing in destructor
m_msg7 = msg7;
// advance
m_phase = 12;
// if no events, skip injection and adding likes i guess...
if ( m_numEvents == 0 ) m_phase = 15;
// injection loop
if ( m_phase == 12 ) {
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
char **eventPtrs = (char **)m_evPtrBuf.getBufStart();
long long *eventIds = (long long *)m_evIdsBuf.getBufStart();
// get ptr to it
char *content = eventPtrs[m_i];
long contentLen = gbstrlen(content);
// debug thing
//if ( eventIds[m_i] != 314901535212815LL ) {m_i++; continue;}
// make a fake url
char url[128];
// is it a stubhub event? <str name="event_id">2659223</str>
if ( m_fbId == -1 )
if ( m_fbId == -2 )
// test debug (on for eventbrite now)
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugFacebook )
log("facebook: %s",content);
// set m_privacy for event being injected
char *s = strstr(content,"<privacy");
// skip that
if ( s ) s += 8;
// skip til '>'
for ( ; s && *s && *s !='>' ; s++ );
// skip actual >
if ( s && *s == '>' ) s++;
// skip whitespace
for ( ; s && *s && is_wspace_a(*s) ; s++ );
// compare
m_privacy = 0;
if ( s && ! strncasecmp(s,"secret",6) )
m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
if ( s && ! strncasecmp(s,"closed",6) )
m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
// event brite privacy. 0 means private event.
if ( m_fbId == -2 && s && ! strncasecmp(s,"0",1) )
m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
//if ( eventIds[m_i] == 273883416016761LL )
// m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
// test
//m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
// use a forced ip for speed! otherwise it takes
// forever lookup up for some reason!
long forcedIp = atoip("");
// advance up here
// and the phase too
m_phase = 13;
// inject just that
if ( ! m_msg7->inject ( url ,
content ,
contentLen ,
false, // recyclecontent
CT_XML, // contentType,
coll ,
false ,
NULL, // username
NULL , // pwd
this ,
queueLoopWrapper ) )
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) goto error;
// how did this happen? it needs to block... otherwise
// we have to add to likedb here.
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( m_phase == 13 ) {
// error?
if ( g_errno )
log("facebook: injection had error: %s",
// add the likes
XmlDoc *xd = &m_msg7->m_xd;
// if event was not found or added for some reason...
if ( xd->m_numHashableEvents <= 0 ) {
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents ) goto recallInject;
// or another round?
if ( m_numEvents > 0 ) goto recall
if ( xd->m_indexCode && xd->m_indexCodeValid ) {
// note it
log("facebook: could not index doc: %s",
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents ) goto recallInject;
if ( xd->m_indexCode && xd->m_indexCodeValid )
// note it
log("facebook: could not index doc: %s",
// advancwe
m_phase = 14;
// scan the event_members reply we got and cross-reference
// those facebook eventids with our eventhash/evid/docid guys
// we got in the injection reply to see if we added the
// facebook event to our db. in that case, we also want to add
// the maybe/goingto/invitedto/notgoing flags.
// uses the eventhash64, eventid, docid of event added!
// returns false with g_errno set on error.
if ( ! makeLikedbKeyList ( m_msg7 , &m_list3 ) )
goto error;
// if nothing to add, we are done
//if ( m_list3.getListSize() == 0 && m_i < m_numEvents )
// goto recallInject;
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
// add that
if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_list3 ,
coll ,
this ,
false ,
m_niceness ) ) // niceness
if ( m_phase == 14 ) {
// we saved the likes...
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents ) goto recallInject;
// . all done, but need to load more events?
// . skip if fbid is zero, which means its facebook spider
if ( m_fbId > 0 && m_numEvents > 0 ) goto recallEvents;
// ok, i guess, we are done
m_phase = 15;
if ( m_phase == 15 ) {
// we can nuke this now
// advance
m_phase = 16;
// a 0 fbid is spidering facebook
if ( m_fbId > 0 ) {
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
m_afterSaveCallback = queueLoopWrapper;
log("facebook: saving final rec for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
m_fbrecGen.m_flags &= ~FB_INQUEUE;
m_fbrecGen.m_eventsDownloaded = getTimeGlobal();
// this calls serializeMsg() which mallocs a
// new reply to add
if ( ! saveFBRec( &m_fbrecGen ) ) return;
// . remove from queue
// . all done!
if ( m_phase == 16 ) {
// shortcut
long err = m_errno;
// or inherit this. we might have forgotten to set m_errno
if ( ! err && g_errno ) err = g_errno;
// no longer in progress
m_inProgress = false;
// this will purge fullreply
// note it
log("facebook: done with queue for fbid=%lli. error=%s",
// if we are eventbrite, update s_ptr4 to the last eventid
// that we had on that page
s_ptr4 = s_lastEventBriteEventId;
// save it for potential re-add
//long long fsaved = g_fbq1 [0];
//collnum_t csaved = g_colls1[0];
// shift queue down
for ( long i = 1 ; i < g_n1 ; i++ ) {
g_fbq1 [i-1] = g_fbq1 [i];
g_colls1[i-1] = g_colls1[i];
// one less in queue
log("facebook: queue fbid %lli had error: %s",
// no longer in progress
m_inProgress = false;
// this will purge fullreply
// save it for potential re-add
long long fsaved = g_fbq1 [0];
collnum_t csaved = g_colls1[0];
// shift queue down
for ( long i = 1 ; i < g_n1 ; i++ ) {
g_fbq1 [i-1] = g_fbq1 [i];
g_colls1[i-1] = g_colls1[i];
// one less in queue
// re-add on certain errors
if ( g_errno == ETIMEDOUT || g_errno == ESOCKETCLOSED ) {
log("facebook: re-queue fbid %lli from error: %s",
queueFBId ( fsaved , csaved );
// . these are ptrs to likedb records
// . these first long long is the least significant
// . the 2nd long long is more
int likedbCmp ( const void *a , const void *b ) {
const key192_t *k1 = (key192_t *)a;
const key192_t *k2 = (key192_t *)b;
if ( k1->n2 < k2->n2 ) return -1;
if ( k1->n2 > k2->n2 ) return 1;
if ( k1->n1 < k2->n1 ) return -1;
if ( k1->n1 > k2->n1 ) return 1;
if ( k1->n0 < k2->n0 ) return -1;
if ( k1->n0 > k2->n0 ) return 1;
return 0;
// scan the event_members reply we got and cross-reference
// those facebook eventids with our eventhash/evid/docid guys
// we got in the injection reply to see if we added the facebook
// event to our db. in that case, we also want to add the
// maybe/goingto/invitedto/notgoing flags
// returns false with g_errno set on error.
bool Msgfb::makeLikedbKeyList ( Msg7 *msg7 , RdbList *list ) {
// reset
// sanity
if ( m_i-1 < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// shortcuts
XmlDoc *xd = &msg7->m_xd;
long long docId = xd->m_docId;
// none if no events!
if ( ! xd->size_eventData ) return true;
if ( ! xd->m_eventDataValid ) return true;
// . get first event and use that one
// . really, being facebook, there should only be one eventid!
// but maybe later it may be different and we'll have to "like"
// each eventid/docid combo
EventDisplay *ed = (EventDisplay *)xd->ptr_eventData;
if ( ! ed ) {
log("facebook: eventdisplay is null! wtf?");
return true;
long gbeventId = ed->m_indexedEventId;
//long gbeventHash32 = (long)((unsigned long)ed->m_eventHash64);
unsigned long long evh64 = ed->m_eventHash64;
// shortcuts
//char **eventPtrs = (char **)m_evPtrBuf.getBufStart();
long long *eventIds = (long long *)m_evIdsBuf.getBufStart();
// what facebook eventid did we just inject?
long long eid = eventIds[m_i-1];
long count = 0;
SafeBuf tmpBuf;
if ( ! tmpBuf.reserve ( 50 ) ) return false;
// but don't use lts->m_start_time, it is not UTC really
// so use our own...
Interval *ii = (Interval *)ed->m_int;
// must be there
if ( ed->m_intSize <= 0 ) {
log("facebook: wtf? no intervals!");
return true;
long start_time = ii->m_a;
// scan the table to see what users had an rsvp_status for this event
for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_likedbTable.m_numSlots ; i++ ) {
// skip empties
if ( ! m_likedbTable.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get the record in there
long long *eid2 = (long long *)m_likedbTable.getKeyFromSlot(i);
// skip if not a match
if ( *eid2 != eid ) continue;
// the data is a key that we made above
LikedbTableSlot *lts;
lts = (LikedbTableSlot *)m_likedbTable.getDataFromSlot(i);
// debug note
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugFacebook )
log("facebook: makerec uid=%lli",lts->m_uid);
// assume they "like" it
long long value = 1LL;
// unless it is "negative"
//if ( negative ) value = 0LL;
// make the flags
long flag = lts->m_rsvp;
// indicate from facebook so we do not upload it
// . this makes two recs to add to likedb
// . the first one starts with uid in the key so it will be
// used to find events that your friends are
// . the second one starts with docid/evid so it can be used
// to lookup who likes an event when we generate the summary
// for the event because its in the search results
char *recs = g_likedb.makeRecs ( lts->m_uid ,
docId ,
gbeventId ,
start_time ,
//lts->m_start_time ,
//lts->m_rsvp ,
flag ,
evh64 ,
value );
// add to list otherwise
tmpBuf.safeMemcpy ( recs , (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE*2 );
// add a separate rec for LF_PRIVATE if we need to because we can't
// set more than one bit in a likedb key otherwise you can't UNDO
// or delete key bits easily... i guess the event could change
// privacy status the next time we index it, so this needs to
// override... and since the uid is 0 (the system uid) let's ignore
// the first record and only add the second.
// and because i only want to add these keys when the event is
// private to avoid bloat, let's just add a negative key when its
// public in order to nuke any possible private key.
char *recs = g_likedb.makeRecs ( 0LL , // uid
docId ,
gbeventId ,
start_time ,
evh64 ,
1LL );
// point to the 2nd key
char *rec2 = recs + LIKEDB_RECSIZE;
long recSize = (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE;
// make it a del/negative key by clearing the lowest bit
if ( ! m_privacy ) {
rec2[0] &= 0xfe;
// negative keys are keys only - no data!!!
recSize = (long)LIKEDB_KEYSIZE;
// add to list otherwise
tmpBuf.safeMemcpy ( rec2 , recSize );
// debug
//key192_t *k2 = (key192_t *)rec2;
//log("key: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx",k2->n2,k2->n1,k2->n0);
// all done if nothing
if ( count == 0 ) return true;
// sort the records in tmp now
char *buf = tmpBuf.getBufStart();
// sort for rdblist
gbqsort ( buf , count , (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE, likedbCmp );
// use the list we got
key192_t startKey;
key192_t endKey;
// that is our list
list->set ( buf ,
tmpBuf.length() ,
buf, // alloc
tmpBuf.getCapacity() , // allocSize
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
LIKEDB_DATASIZE , // fixed datasize
true , // own data? yeah, free it when done
false , // use half keys? no.
sizeof(key192_t) );
// steal it from safebuf so it doesn't free it
return true;
static void gotRecWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->hitFacebook ( ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// get it from facebookdb
bool Msgfb::processFBId ( long long fbId ,
collnum_t collnum,
void *state ,
void (* callback) (void *) ) {
m_inProgress = true;
m_fbId = fbId;
m_collnum = collnum;
m_state = state;
m_callback = callback;
// sanity
if ( ! m_fbId ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long niceness = 0;
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = m_fbId;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = m_fbId;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
//char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
10, // minrecsizes
this ,
niceness ) )
return false;
// i guess we got it without blocking
return hitFacebook();
static void gotFQLReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->gotFQLReply( s ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// once we get the facebook access token, we can get the user info
// NO... i would use one fql call at this point...
// if it says "Requires valid signature" you need the access token
// fql console:
bool Msgfb::hitFacebook ( ) {
log("facebook: downloading event_members for %llu",m_fbId);
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fbqueue: error getting facebookdb rec: %s",
return true;
// empty is bad
if ( m_list1.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
log("fbqueue: facebookdb rec is empty. wtf? fbid=%lli",
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
// get the facebook rec... why?
m_fbrecPtr = (FBRec *)m_list1.getList();
// sanity
if ( m_fbrecPtr->m_fbId != m_fbId ) {
log("fbqueue: fbid mismatch. fbid=%lli", m_fbId);
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
// deserialize...
deserializeMsg ( sizeof(FBRec) ,
&m_fbrecPtr->size_accessToken ,
&m_fbrecPtr->size_friendIds ,
&m_fbrecPtr->ptr_accessToken ,
m_fbrecPtr->m_buf );
// copy for calling fql
strcpy ( m_accessToken , m_fbrecPtr->ptr_accessToken );
// get your facebook user info again in case it changed
SafeBuf cmd1;
cmd1.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid,username,first_name,last_name,name,pic_square,profile_update_time,timezone,religion,birthday,birthday_date,sex,hometown_location,current_location,activities,interests,is_app_user,music,tv,movies,books,about_me,status,online_presence,proxied_email,verified,website,is_blocked,contact_email,email,is_minor,work,education,sports,languages,likes_count,friend_count FROM user where uid=me()");
// get all friends for saving into likedb
SafeBuf cmd2;
cmd2.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid2 from friend WHERE uid1=me()");
// get status of each friend attending an event and what eventid
SafeBuf cmd3;
cmd3.safePrintf ( "SELECT uid, eid, rsvp_status, start_time "
"FROM event_member where uid IN "
"( SELECT uid2 from friend WHERE uid1=me()) "
// this start_time from the event_member table
// is not accurate. it is often in the past! wtf?
//"AND start_time > now()"
// composite
SafeBuf json;
, cmd1.getBufStart()
, cmd2.getBufStart()
, cmd3.getBufStart()
// make a url
SafeBuf ubuf;
, json.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: queryurl = %s", ubuf.getBufStart() );
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
gotFQLReplyWrapper , // callback
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
//return gotFQLReply();
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
static void savedFBRecWrapper2 ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->downloadEvents ( ) ) return;
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
if ( ! mfb->doFinalFBRecSave ( ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
bool Msgfb::gotFQLReply ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fql: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// get reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// we reference into this, so do not free it!!
m_facebookReply = s->m_readBuf;
m_facebookReplySize = s->m_readOffset;
m_facebookAllocSize = s->m_readBufSize;
// do not allow tcpsocket to free it. we free it in destructor.
s->m_readBuf = NULL;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad fql request 2 http status = %li. reply=%s"
, httpStatus
, reply
log("facebook: resuming despite error to download friends "
"for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
//g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = EBADREPLY;
//return true;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
long contentLen = reply + replySize - content;
// check for error
char *errMsg = strstr(content,"<error_msg>");
if ( errMsg ) {
log("facebook: error in fql reply: %s", content );
log("facebook: resuming despite error to download friends "
"for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
//g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = EBADREPLY;
//return true;
// . set m_fbrecGen now !!
// . compare to m_fbrecPtr to see what eventids are new
if ( ! m_errno &&
! setFBRecFromFQLReply ( content ,
contentLen ,
&m_fbrecGen ) ) {
log("fql: error setting fb rec from fql. pipeline 2.");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
// merge fbrecPtr into m_fbrecGen
if ( ! m_errno ) mergeFBRec ( &m_fbrecGen , m_fbrecPtr );
// must match
if ( ! m_errno && m_fbId != m_fbrecGen.m_fbId ) {
log("fql: fbid mismatch in fql reply.");
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// just make sure
m_afterSaveCallback = savedFBRecWrapper2;
// start at event #0
m_eventStartNum = 0;
// 100 events at a time
m_eventStep = 100;
// save that before we start downloading the events
if ( ! m_errno && ! saveFBRec ( &m_fbrecGen ) ) return false;
// try to download new events
return downloadEvents ( );
static void injectFBEventsWrapper ( void *state, TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->injectFBEvents ( s ) ) return;
// error? try advancing!
if ( mfb->m_errno && mfb->m_eventStartNum < 500 ) {
if ( mfb->m_eventStep == 100 ) mfb->m_eventStep = 10;
else mfb->m_eventStartNum += mfb->m_eventStep;
if ( ! mfb->downloadEvents() ) return;
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
if ( ! mfb->doFinalFBRecSave ( ) ) return;
if ( mfb->m_callback ) mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// download the new events and then inject them (ptr_newEvents)
bool Msgfb::downloadEvents ( ) {
// reset this since we check for it in injectFBEventsWrapper
m_errno = 0;
log("facebook: downloading events for %llu (#%li-#%li)",
// skip matt wells for now
if ( m_fbId == MATTWELLS ) { // 100003532411011LL ) {
log("facebook: skipping matt wells event download");
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
return doFinalFBRecSave ( );
// save some mem
//long now = getTimeGlobal();
// sanity checks
if ( m_eventStartNum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( m_eventStep <= 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
if ( m_eventStartNum >= 100 &&
m_eventStartNum < 130 &&
m_errorCount >= 10 ) {
log("facebook: too many errors in event downloads. "
"fbid=%lli . giving up. start=%li errcount=%li",
return doFinalFBRecSave();
// get the events your friends are related to
SafeBuf cmd4;
cmd4.safePrintf ( "SELECT eid, "
"name, "
"tagline, "
"nid, "
"pic_small, "
"pic_big, "
"pic_square, "
"pic, "
"host, "
"description, "
"event_type, "
"event_subtype, "
"start_time, "
"end_time, "
"creator, "
"update_time, "
"location, "
"venue, "
"privacy, "
"hide_guest_list, "
"can_invite_friends "
"FROM event WHERE "
"start_time > now() AND "
"eid IN ("
// how do i include events i am assoc. with too?
" SELECT eid FROM event_member WHERE "
"uid IN "
"( SELECT uid2 from friend WHERE uid1=me()) ) "
"LIMIT %li,%li"
, m_eventStartNum
, m_eventStep
// list all the new event ids here
//long long *newIds = (long long *)m_eidBuf.getBufStart();
//long n = m_eidBuf.length() / 8;
//bool firstOne = true;
//for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// if ( ! firstOne ) cmd4.pushChar(',');
// firstOne = false;
// cmd4.safePrintf("%llu",newIds[i]);
//cmd4.safePrintf ( ")" // ORDER by start_time ASC "
// // LIMIT 1001,100 etc.
// // LIMIT x,y (x is offset, y is # results)
// //"LIMIT 0,100"
// //, fbId
// );
// composite
// make a url
SafeBuf ubuf;
, cmd4.getBufStart()
, m_accessToken
log("facebook: cmd4url = %s", ubuf.getBufStart() );
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// get the results
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( ubuf.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
injectFBEventsWrapper , // callback
40*1000 , // 20 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
//return gotFQLReply();
log("fql: http get did not block!");
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("fql: error getting doc: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
return doFinalFBRecSave ( );
static void addLikesWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->addLikes ( ) ) return;
if ( ! mfb->doInjectionLoop ( ) ) return;
// try to read more!!
if ( mfb->m_numEvents > 0 ) {
mfb->m_eventStartNum += mfb->m_eventStep;
if ( ! mfb->downloadEvents() ) return;
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
if ( ! mfb->doFinalFBRecSave ( ) ) return;
if ( mfb->m_callback ) mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
#define MAXEVENTPTRS 1000
bool Msgfb::injectFBEvents ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) {
log("fql: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// get reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad fql request 3 http status = %li. reply=%s",
httpStatus ,reply );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
// check for error
char *errMsg = strstr(content,"<error_msg>");
if ( errMsg ) {
log("facebook: error in fql reply2: %s", content );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
m_errno = g_errno;
return true;
// if we are re-using this class. need to reset some things.
// save reply
m_facebookReply2 = s->m_readBuf;
m_facebookReplySize2 = s->m_readOffset;
m_facebookAllocSize2 = s->m_readBufSize;
// do not allow tcpsocket to free it. we free it in destructor.
s->m_readBuf = NULL;
// . set m_numEvents and m_eventPtrs from m_facebookReply
// . they reference into the reply, so do not free m_facebookReply
// until destructor is called
m_numEvents = 0;
// scan for <event> tags and set m_evptrs safebuf to each ptr to those
char *p = content;
for ( ; *p ; ) {
// scan to first <event> tag
p = strstr ( p , "<event>" );
if ( ! p ) break;
// store start for ptr
char *start = p + 7;
// find end
char *end = strstr ( p , "</event>" );
if ( ! end ) break;
// null term it
*end = '\0';
// for next round
p = end + 8;
// try to get event id
char *ep = strstr ( start, "<eid>");
if ( ! ep ) continue;
long long eid = strtoull ( ep + 5 , NULL , 10 );
if ( eid == 0 ) continue;
if ( eid < 0 ) log("facebook: wtf? eid is 0");
// store it
if ( ! m_evPtrBuf.pushLong ( (long)start ) ) return false;
if ( ! m_evIdsBuf.pushLongLong ( eid ) ) return false;
// count them
long askedFor = m_eidBuf.length() / 8;
if ( askedFor != m_numEvents )
log("facebook: asked for %li events but got %li",
askedFor,m_numEvents );
// bail if none!
if ( m_numEvents <= 0 ) return true;
// make a new state
Msg7 *msg7;
try { msg7 = new (Msg7); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("facebook: inject msg7 new(%i): %s",
return true;
mnew ( msg7, sizeof(Msg7) , "PageInject" );
// save it for freeing in destructor
m_msg7 = msg7;
m_i = 0;
return doInjectionLoop ( );
bool Msgfb::doInjectionLoop ( ) {
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
char **eventPtrs = (char **)m_evPtrBuf.getBufStart();
long long *eventIds = (long long *)m_evIdsBuf.getBufStart();
for ( ; m_i < m_numEvents ;) {
// get ptr to it
char *content = eventPtrs[m_i];
long contentLen = gbstrlen(content);
// debug thing
//if ( eventIds[m_i] != 314901535212815LL ) {m_i++; continue; }
// yoyo tuesdays:
//if ( eventIds[m_i] != 371365776212884LL ) {m_i++; continue; }
// latin dance night
//if ( eventIds[m_i] != 111680095620647LL ) {m_i++; continue; }
//if (eventIds[m_i] != 273883416016761LL ) {m_i++; continue; }
// temp thing
//m_c = content[contentLen];
//content[contentLen] = '\0';
// make a fake url
char url[128];
// test debug
if ( g_conf.m_logDebugFacebook )
log("facebook: %s",content);
// set m_privacy for event being injected
char *s = strstr(content,"<privacy");
// skip that
if ( s ) s += 8;
// skip til '>'
for ( ; s && *s && *s !='>' ; s++ );
// skip actual >
if ( s && *s == '>' ) s++;
// skip whitespace
for ( ; s && *s && is_wspace_a(*s) ; s++ );
// compare
m_privacy = 0;
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"secret",6) )
m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
if ( ! strncasecmp(s,"closed",6) )
m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
//if ( eventIds[m_i] == 273883416016761LL )
// m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
// test
//m_privacy = LF_PRIVATE;
// use a forced ip for speed! otherwise it takes forever
// lookup up for some reason!!!
long forcedIp = atoip("");
// advance to next event to inject
// inject just that
if ( ! m_msg7->inject ( url ,
content ,
contentLen ,
false, // recyclecontent
CT_XML, // contentType,
coll ,
false ,
NULL, // username
NULL , // pwd
this ,
addLikesWrapper ) )
return false;
// bail on error
if ( g_errno ) return true;
// how did this happen? it needs to block... otherwise
// we have to add to likedb here.
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// it did not block, i gues we are done
//if ( ! doneInjecting ( ) ) return false;
return true;
void doneAddingLikesWrapper ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->doInjectionLoop() ) return;
// try to read more!!
if ( mfb->m_numEvents > 0 ) {
mfb->m_eventStartNum += mfb->m_eventStep;
if ( ! mfb->downloadEvents() ) return;
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
if ( ! mfb->doFinalFBRecSave ( ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
bool Msgfb::addLikes ( ) { // doneInjecting ( ) {
// get ptr to it so we can revert the character
//char *content = m_eventPtrs[m_i-1];
//long contentLen = m_eventLens[m_i-1];
//content[contentLen] = m_c;
XmlDoc *xd = &m_msg7->m_xd;
// if event was not found or added for some reason...
if ( xd->m_numHashableEvents <= 0 ) {
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents && ! doInjectionLoop ( ) ) return false;
// all done! no need to loop back up for more, they're done
return true;
if ( xd->m_indexCode && xd->m_indexCodeValid ) {
// note it
log("facebook: could not index doc: %s",
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents && ! doInjectionLoop ( ) ) return false;
// all done! no need to loop back up for more, they're done
return true;
// get msg7 reply. it needs to have
// scan the event_members reply we got and cross-reference
// those facebook eventids with our eventhash/evid/docid guys
// we got in the injection reply to see if we added the
// facebook event to our db. in that case, we also want to add
// the maybe/goingto/invitedto/notgoing flags.
// uses the eventhash64, eventid, docid of event added!
// returns false with g_errno set on error.
if ( ! makeLikedbKeyList ( m_msg7 , &m_list3 ) )
return true;
// if nothing to add, we are done
if ( m_list3.getListSize() == 0 ) {
// try to do the next one
if ( m_i < m_numEvents && ! doInjectionLoop ( ) ) return false;
// all done! no need to loop back up for more, they're done
return true;
// extract info from state
//TcpSocket *s = m_msg7->m_socket;
//long long docId = xd->m_docId;
//long hostId = 0;//msg7->m_msg7.m_hostId;
char *coll = g_collectiondb.getColl ( m_collnum );
// add that
if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_list3 ,
coll ,
this ,
doneAddingLikesWrapper ,
false ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
// this might just add to tree in a single server setup so it
// will not block...
//if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// error must be set!
return true;
//return doInjectionLoop ( );
// all done with everything!
static void savedFinalFBRecWrapper3 ( void *state ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
// final save of rec to clear the FB_INQUEUE bit
bool Msgfb::doFinalFBRecSave ( ) {
m_afterSaveCallback = savedFinalFBRecWrapper3;
log("facebook: saving final rec for fbid=%lli",m_fbId);
m_fbrecGen.m_flags &= ~FB_INQUEUE;
m_fbrecGen.m_eventsDownloaded = getTimeGlobal();
// this calls serializeMsg() which mallocs a new reply to add
return saveFBRec( &m_fbrecGen );
void Likedb::reset() {
bool Likedb::init ( ) {
long long uid = 123456789123LL;
long long docId = 999888777666LL;
long eventId = 12345;
long rsvp_status = LF_GOING;//|LF_HIDE;
long start_time = 6543210;
unsigned long long eventHash64 = 9999997398453LL;
unsigned long eventHash32 = (unsigned long)eventHash64;
long value = 999888;
char *recs = g_likedb.makeRecs ( uid ,
docId ,
eventId ,
start_time ,
rsvp_status ,
eventHash64 ,
value );
char *p = recs;
long long uid2 = g_likedb.getUserIdFromRec ( p );
if ( uid2 != uid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long flags = g_likedb.getFlagsFromRec ( p );
if ( flags != rsvp_status ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
unsigned long eh = g_likedb.getEventHash32FromRec ( p );
if ( eh != eventHash32 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( g_likedb.getValueFromRec ( p ) != value ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
uid2 = g_likedb.getUserIdFromRec ( p );
if ( uid2 != uid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
flags = g_likedb.getFlagsFromRec ( p );
eh = g_likedb.getEventHash32FromRec ( p );
if ( eh != eventHash32 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( flags != rsvp_status ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . NOTE: 32 bytes of the 82 are overhead
long maxMem = 50000000;
long maxTreeNodes = maxMem / 48;
// initialize our own internal rdb
return m_rdb.init ( g_hostdb.m_dir ,
"likedb" ,
true , // dedup same keys?
LIKEDB_DATASIZE , // fixed record size
2,//g_conf.m_tagdbMinFilesToMerge ,
maxMem, // 5MB g_conf.m_tagdbMaxTreeMem ,
maxTreeNodes ,
// now we balance so Sync.cpp can ordered huge list
true , // balance tree?
0 , //g_conf.m_tagdbMaxCacheMem ,
0 , //maxCacheNodes ,
false , // half keys?
false , //m_tagdbSaveCache
NULL , // pagecache - tree only!
false, // is titledb
false, // preload disk page cache
sizeof(key192_t), // key size
false ); // bias disk page cache?
bool Likedb::addColl ( char *coll, bool doVerify ) {
if ( ! m_rdb.addColl ( coll ) ) return false;
return true;
// key192_t:
// uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu
// uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu u=uid (fb userid)
// dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd d=docid
// dddddd00 00000000 eeeeeeee eeeeeeee e=gbeventid D=delbit
// ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss start_time
// ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffff0D flags (LF_HIDE,etc.)
// key192_t:
// dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd d=docid
// dddddd00 00000000 eeeeeeee eeeeeeee e=gbeventid
// uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu u=uid (fb userid)
// uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu
// ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss ssssssss start_time
// ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffff1D flags (LF_HIDE,etc.)
// data:
// hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh eventhash32
// vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv v=value of flag or facebook event id
// vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv
// NOTE: we set "v" to facebook event id for the LF_ADDEDTOFACEBOOK flag
long Likedb::getEventIdFromRec ( void *rec ) {
key192_t *k = (key192_t *)rec;
if ( k->n0 & LF_TYPEBIT )
return k->n2 & 0xffff;
return k->n1 & 0xffff;
void Likedb::setEventId ( char *rec , long eventId ) {
key192_t *k = (key192_t *)rec;
// sanbity
if ( eventId & 0xffff0000 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// is it a SECOND REC?
if ( k->n0 & LF_TYPEBIT ) {
// clear out old event id bits
k->n2 &= 0xffffffffffff0000LL;
// or in new, shifted up 1 for delbit
k->n2 |= eventId;
else {
// clear out old event id bits
k->n1 &= 0xffffffffffff0000LL;
// or in new, shifted up 1 for delbit
k->n1 |= eventId;
// use our docid/eventid because that is what we use in datedb when
// doing a search. the docid and eventid should be returned by the msg7
// inject reply.
char *Likedb::makeRecs ( long long uid ,
long long docId ,
long eventId ,
long start_time ,
long rsvp_status ,
unsigned long long eventHash64 ,
long long value ) {
// sanity
if ( rsvp_status & LF_TYPEBIT ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( rsvp_status & LF_DELBIT ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// only one flag can be set!!!
long ignore = 0;
ignore |= LF_DELBIT;
ignore |= LF_TYPEBIT;
if ( getNumBitsOn32(rsvp_status & ~ignore)!=1) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
if ( docId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( eventId > 0xffff ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( eventId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// the record
static char s_buf[2*LIKEDB_RECSIZE];
// store a 16 byte key first
key192_t k;
// the destination ptr
char *p = s_buf;
unsigned long eventHash32 = (unsigned long)eventHash64;
//log("facebook: adding eventhash64 = %llu",eventHash64 );
//log("facebook: adding eventhash32 = %lu",eventHash32 );
// make the first type of rec
// . this is the facebook userid OR the eventGuruId
// . can also be the userid we assign someone i guess on our end
k.n2 = uid;
// reset
k.n1 = 0;
// then docid
k.n1 |= docId;
// then 10 zero bits
k.n1 <<= 10;
// make room for event id
k.n1 <<= 16;
k.n1 |= eventId;
// starttime
k.n0 = start_time;
k.n0 <<= 32;
k.n0 |= rsvp_status;
// we are a positive key!
k.n0 |= LF_DELBIT;
// store that
*(key192_t *)p = k;
// skip key
p += sizeof(key192_t);
// then 4 byte data
*(long *)p = eventHash32;
p += 4;
// then the value
*(long long *)p = value;
p += 8;
// now make the 2nd rec
k.n2 = k.n1;
k.n1 = uid;
// this is the 2nd type of rec, so set this bit
k.n0 |= LF_TYPEBIT;
// store second key
*(key192_t *)p = k;
// skip second key
p += sizeof(key192_t);
// now this
*(long *)p = eventHash32;
p += 4;
// then the value
*(long long *)p = value;
p += 8;
return s_buf;
// make a "type 2" key (docid leads)
key192_t Likedb::makeStartKey ( long long docId, long eventId ) {
key192_t k;
// reset
k.n2 = docId;
// then 10 zero bits
k.n2 <<= 10;
// make room for event id
k.n2 <<= 16;
k.n2 |= eventId;
// any user id
k.n1 = 0LL;
// any starttime or flags
k.n0 = 0LL;
return k;
// make a "type 2" key (docid leads)
key192_t Likedb::makeEndKey ( long long docId, long eventId ) {
key192_t k;
// reset
k.n2 = docId;
// then 10 zero bits
k.n2 <<= 10;
// make room for event id
k.n2 <<= 16;
k.n2 |= eventId;
// max user id
k.n1 = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
// max starttime and flags
k.n0 = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
return k;
long long Likedb::getUserIdFromRec ( void *rec ) {
key192_t *k = (key192_t *)rec;
if ( k->n0 & LF_TYPEBIT ) return k->n1;
return k->n2;
long long Likedb::getDocIdFromRec ( char *rec ) {
key192_t *k = (key192_t *)rec;
if ( k->n0 & LF_TYPEBIT ) return k->n2 >> 26;
return k->n1 >> 26;
key192_t Likedb::makeStartKey2 ( long long uid ) {
key192_t k;
k.n2 = uid;
k.n1 = 0;
k.n0 = 0;
return k;
// . a facebook user uses likedb to tag an event rsvp_status
// . similar to facebook's event_members table, but uses our technology
// . use Rdb, but prohibit from dumping to disk! must always be in tree.
// . add this to likedb (or remove if "neg" is true.
bool Msgfc::addLikedbTag ( long long userId ,
long long docId,
long gbeventId,
unsigned long long eventHash64 ,
long start_time,
long rsvp , // LF_* #define's above
bool negative , // turn off that flag?
char *coll,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *) ) {
if ( userId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
char *p = m_recs;
long size = (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE*2;
long count = 0;
//long eventHash32 = (long)((unsigned long long)eventHash64);
long long value = 1LL;
if ( negative ) value = 0LL;
//if ( eventHash == 0 || eventHash32 == -1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// sanity
long ignore;
ignore |= LF_DELBIT;
ignore |= LF_TYPEBIT;
if ( getNumBitsOn32 ( rsvp & ~ignore ) != 1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// only use start_time for "going". everything else tags all
// occurences of the event: like,hide,accept,reject,invited.
// otherwise if you like an event you have to unlike the exact
// same occurence to turn the flags off!
if ( ! ( rsvp & LF_GOING ) ) start_time = 0;
// . this makes two recs to add to likedb
// . the first one starts with uid in the key so it will be
// used to find events that your friends are
// . the second one starts with docid/evid so it can be used
// to lookup who likes an event when we generate the summary
// for the event because its in the search results
char *recs = g_likedb.makeRecs ( userId ,
docId ,
gbeventId ,
start_time ,
rsvp ,
eventHash64 ,
value );
// add to list otherwise
memcpy ( p , recs , size );
p += size;
count += 2;
// sort for rdblist
gbqsort ( m_recs , count , (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE, likedbCmp );
// use the list we got
key192_t startKey;
key192_t endKey;
// that is our list
m_list6.set ( m_recs ,
p - m_recs , // listsize
NULL, // alloc
0 , // allocSize
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
LIKEDB_DATASIZE , // fixed datasize
true , // own data? yes, free it when done
false , // use half keys? no.
// add that
if ( ! m_msg1.addList ( &m_list6 ,
coll ,
state, // this ,
callback, //doneAddingLikedbTagWrapper ,
false ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
return true;
long Likedb::getUserFlags ( long long userId ,
long start_time ,
char *list,
long listSize ) {
// bail if not valid user id
if ( userId == 0LL ) return 0;
// scan
char *p = list;
char *pend = list + listSize;
long flags = 0;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += LIKEDB_RECSIZE ) {
// check for matching userid
long long uid = g_likedb.getUserIdFromRec ( p );
if ( uid != userId ) continue;
// got it
long ff = g_likedb.getFlagsFromRec ( p );
// get value
long long val = g_likedb.getValueFromRec ( p );
// skip if 0, that means unset!
if ( ! val ) continue;
// restrict to just this instance of its a "GOING" flag
if ( ff & LF_GOING ) {
long start = g_likedb.getStartTimeFromRec ( p );
if ( start&&start_time && start!=start_time) continue;
// keep tabs
flags |= ff;
return flags;
long Likedb::getPositiveFlagsFromRec ( char *rec ) {
if ( ! g_likedb.getValueFromRec ( rec ) ) return 0;
long flags = (*(long *)rec) & ~(LF_DELBIT|LF_TYPEBIT);
return flags;
char *Likedb::getRecFromLikedbList ( long long userId ,
long start_time ,
long flags ,
char *list ,
long listSize ) {
// bail if not valid user id
if ( userId == 0LL ) return NULL;
// scan
char *p = list;
char *pend = list + listSize;
for ( ; p < pend ; p += LIKEDB_RECSIZE ) {
// check for matching userid
long long uid = g_likedb.getUserIdFromRec ( p );
if ( uid != userId ) continue;
// got it
long ff = g_likedb.getFlagsFromRec ( p );
// must match
if ( ! ( ff & flags) ) continue;
// get value
long long val = g_likedb.getValueFromRec ( p );
// skip if 0, that means unset!
if ( ! val ) continue;
// restrict to just this instance of its a "GOING" flag
if ( flags & LF_GOING ) {
long start = g_likedb.getStartTimeFromRec ( p );
if ( start&&start_time && start!=start_time) continue;
return p;
return NULL;
// scan over all events that have someone going to them or maybe going
// and make sure facebook has that status.
// therefore maybe add LF_EGMAYBE and LF_FBMAYBE as separate flags
// so we know if the bit can from facebook or not. once we update facebook
// with the event then we can set LF_FBMAYBE or LF_FBGOING for that user
// assuming they have a facebook id. also, if we initially use their
// eventguruid and they tag an event then later they log in and we get
// their facebookid, we have to make sure to update the event on facebook
// to reflect they are unsure/goingtoit.
// also, if an event has LF_ACCEPTED we should upload it to facebook under
// our appid.
// so, let's be perpetually scanning likedb to do this...
// maybe just host #0 should do it to avoid slamming facebook?
bool Msgfb::addEventToFacebook ( char *title ,
char *desc ,
long start_time ,
long end_time ,
void *state ,
void (* callback)(void *state) ,
long niceness ) {
// how do we get the accesstoken for the app? must have to pass
// in our secret somehow.
if ( ! getAppAccessToken ( ) ) return false;
return gotAppAccessToken();
static void addedFBEventWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->addedFBEvent ( s ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
bool Msgfb::gotAppAccessToken ( ) {
SafeBuf args;
args.urlEncode( title );
args.urlEncode( description );
, start_time
, end_time
, latitude
, longitude
SafeBuf purl;
, m_appAccessToken
, args.getBufStart() );
// reset
g_errno = 0;
// . get the results
// . TODO: make sure post puts the args in the post section
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( purl.getBufStart() ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
addedFBEventWrapper , // callback
40*1000 , // 40 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
30000000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
30000000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ,
true ) ) // doPost?
// return false if blocked
return false;
// otherwise, somehow got it without blocking... wtf?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
log("facebook: error adding event: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
return true;
bool Msgfb::addedFBEvent ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// get the event id from reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
char *s = strstr ( reply , "id" );
if ( ! s ) {
log("facebook: add event reply had no eid");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
// get it otherwise
char *p = s;
for ( ; *p && !is_digit(*p) ; p++ );
if ( ! is_digit ( *p ) ) {
log("facebook: add event reply had no eid 2");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
return true;
long long eid = strtoull(p,NULL,10);
// add it to likedb as being in facebook now!
if ( ! m_msgfc.addLikedbTag ( 0 , // eventGuruId,
APPID , // facebookId,
flags , // LF_* #define's above
false, // negative - turn off that flag?
m_coll ,
this ,
addedLikedbTag2 ) )
return false;
static char s_appAccessToken[256];
static bool s_appAccessTokenValid = false;
static bool s_inProgress = false;
static void gotAppAccessTokenWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
Msgfb *mfb = (Msgfb *)state;
if ( ! mfb->gotAppAccessToken ( s ) ) return;
mfb->m_callback ( mfb->m_state );
bool Msgfb::getAppAccessToken ( ) {
if ( s_appAccessTokenValid ) {
strcpy ( m_appAccessToken , s_appAccessToken );
return true;
// must not be in progress
if ( s_inProgress ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
s_inProgress = true;
// use code to get access token
// that calls
// client_id=YOUR_APP_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_URL&
// client_secret=YOUR_APP_SECRET
char fburl[1024];
// reset
g_errno = 0;
if ( ! g_httpServer.getDoc ( fburl ,
0 , // urlIp
0 , // offset
-1 ,
0 , // ifModifiedSince ,
this , // state
gotAppAccessTokenWrapper , // callback
10*1000 , // 10 sec timeout
0 , // proxyip
0 , // proxyport
10000 , // maxTextDocLen ,
10000 , // maxOtherDocLen ,
g_conf.m_spiderUserAgent ) )
// return false if blocked
return false;
// error?
if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// all done
s_inProgress = false;
// let caller know we did not block
return gotAppAccessToken ( NULL );
bool Msgfb::gotAppAccessToken ( TcpSocket *s ) {
// all done
s_inProgress = false;
// some kind of error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("facebook: error launching read of app access token: %s",
// the access token should be in the reply
char *reply = s->m_readBuf;
long replySize = s->m_readOffset;
// mime error?
HttpMime mime;
// exclude the \0 i guess. use NULL for url.
mime.set ( reply, replySize - 1, NULL );
// not good?
long httpStatus = mime.getHttpStatus();
if ( httpStatus != 200 ) {
log("facebook: bad app access request http status = %li",
httpStatus );
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// point to content
char *content = reply + mime.getMimeLen();
// assume no accesstoken provided
s_appAccessToken[0] = '\0';
// look for access token
char *at = strstr(content,"access_token=");
if ( at ) {
char *p = at + 13;
char *start = p;
for ( ; *p && *p != '&' ;p++ );
long len = p - start;
if ( len > MAX_TOKEN_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
memcpy ( s_appAccessToken , start , len );
s_appAccessToken [ len ] = '\0';
// error?
if ( ! s_appAccessToken[0] ) {
log("facebook: could not find app access token");
g_errno = EBADREPLY;
// sanity
if ( gbstrlen(m_accessToken) > MAX_TOKEN_LEN ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// set this timestamp
//m_accessTokenCreated = getTimeGlobal();
s_appAccessTokenValid = true;
strcpy ( m_appAccessToken , s_appAccessToken );
return true;
// we should also have a spiderloop to continually search for and find
// events on facebook and add them to our db
// . g_emailer is in Process.cpp and so is its 60 second sleep callback
// . some sleepwrapper should call this once every 10 seconds or so
bool Emailer::emailEntryLoop ( ) {
// temporarily disable
return true;
// skip if in progress already
if ( m_emailInProgress ) return true;
// wait for clock to be in sync
if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return true;
long now = getTimeGlobal();
if ( m_lastEmailLoop && now - m_lastEmailLoop < 60 ) return true;
// just use first event collection
CollectionRec *cr = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
if ( ! cr ) continue;
if ( ! cr->m_indexEventsOnly ) { cr = NULL; continue; }
if ( ! cr ) return true;
// lock it out
m_emailInProgress = true;
// we are doing a scan loop, not sending a single email
//m_sendSingleEmail = false;
// save this
m_coll = cr->m_coll;
m_collnum = g_collectiondb.getCollnum ( m_coll );
// . make sure m_emailTree is full
// . this returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . it should call emailScan() when done if it blocks
if ( ! populateEmailTree ( ) ) return false;
// do the scan loop
return emailScan( NULL );
// . ok, now m_emailTree should be fully populated
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Emailer::emailScan ( EmailState *es ) {
if ( es && es->m_sendSingleEmail ) {
es->m_singleCallback ( es->m_singleState );
return true;
log("emailer: scanning fbids");
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// scan for the fbids in the email tree
long n = m_emailTree.getFirstNode();
// get the key if n is good
key96_t *kp = NULL;
if ( n >= 0 ) kp = (key96_t *)m_emailTree.getKey(n);
// check time. stop scanning if in the future!
if ( kp && kp->n1 > (unsigned long)now ) n = -1;
// none remain?
if ( n < 0 ) {
// return false if waiting for email replies
if ( m_emailRequests > m_emailReplies ) return false;
// clear this so we can run again later
m_emailInProgress = false;
// i guess update this to the completion time
long now = getTimeGlobal();
m_lastEmailLoop = now;
return true;
// save id
long long fbId = kp->n0;
// nuke that node
m_emailTree.deleteNode ( n , true );
// . ok launch an email. pass in the facebook id
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
launchEmail ( fbId );
// . if we hit the outstanding limit, "block"
// . when an email reply comes it it should re-call
// emailScan()... and it should remove itself from
// m_emailTree so we do not re-do it!
if ( m_emailRequests - m_emailReplies >= MAX_OUTSTANDING_EMAILS )
return false;
// do another one!
goto loop;
//static void generateEventsEmailWrapper ( void *state ) {
// Emailer *em = (Emailer *)state;
// if ( ! em->generateEventsEmail( ) ) return;
// from PageEvents.cpp:
extern bool sendPageEvents2 ( TcpSocket *s ,
HttpRequest *hr ,
SafeBuf *resultsBuf,
SafeBuf *emailLikedbListBuf,
void *state ,
void (* emailCallback)(void *state) ,
SafeBuf *providedBuf ,
void *providedState ,
void (* providedCallback)(void *state) );
static void gotPageToEmailWrapper ( void *state ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->getMailServerIP( es ) ) return;
// scan next
em->emailScan( es );
bool Emailer::launchEmail ( long long fbId ) {
// we need an email state now!
EmailState *es = NULL;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_OUTSTANDING_EMAILS ; i++ ) {
if ( m_emailStates[i].m_inUse ) continue;
es = &m_emailStates[i];
// how can this happen?
if ( ! es ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// make a fake http request
//SafeBuf hrsb;
//return true;
// must remain on stack since the copied HttpRequest will point into
// this or the SearchInput will point into this
es->m_hrsb.safePrintf("GET /?"
// this should override the fbid in the cookie
" HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
, m_coll
, fbId
, hash32((char *)&fbId,8)
HttpRequest hr;
hr.set (es->m_hrsb.getBufStart(),
es->m_hrsb.length() ,
(TcpSocket *)NULL );
TcpSocket *s = NULL;
// two counts
// claim it
es->m_inUse = true;
// point to emailer
es->m_emailer = this;
// who are we sending to?
es->m_fbId = fbId;
// container class
es->m_emailer = this;
// reset this
es->m_errno = 0;
// our collection
es->m_coll = m_coll;
// we are doing a loop! so return to emailScan() function
es->m_sendSingleEmail = false;
// clear these
es->m_emailResultsBuf .purge();
// . use that to generate the search results
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
if ( ! sendPageEvents2 ( s ,
&hr , // this is copied right away!
// our special parms:
es ,
gotPageToEmailWrapper ,
NULL ) )
return false;
// we got it
return getMailServerIP ( es );
static void gotMXIpWrapper ( void *state , long ip ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->gotMXIp ( es ) ) return;
// scan next
em->emailScan( es );
// . PageEvents.cpp should have stored the html content into m_emailResultsBuf
// . so email that to the recipient
bool Emailer::getMailServerIP ( EmailState *es ) {
// if no results, skip it the next couple functions
if ( es->m_emailResultsBuf.length() == 0 ) {
log("emailer: no results for user %llu",es->m_fbId);
return gotEmailReply ( es , NULL );
// get email address from the msg
char *rb = es->m_emailResultsBuf.getBufStart();
char *emailTo = NULL;
if ( rb ) emailTo = strstr(rb,"RCPT To:<");
// bail on error
if ( ! emailTo ) {
log("emailer: no email address for %llu",es->m_fbId);
es->m_inUse = false;
return true;
// get domain from that
char *p = emailTo;
char *pend = p + 256;
for ( ; *p && *p != '@' && p < pend ; p++ ) ;
if ( p >= pend || ! *p ) {
log("emailer: no at sign in email address "
"for %llu",es->m_fbId);
es->m_inUse = false;
return true;
// skip over '@' sign
// set domain
char *dom = p;
// scan domain length
for ( ; *p && *p != '>' && p < pend ; p++ ) ;
long domLen = p - dom;
if ( p >= pend || ! *p || domLen > 80 ) {
log("emailer: no valid subdomain in email address "
"for %llu",es->m_fbId);
es->m_inUse = false;
return true;
// get the ip. use kinda a fake hostname to pass into MsgC
// so that it understands its a special MX record lookup
char *dst = es->m_emailSubdomain;
memcpy ( dst , "gbmxrec-" , 8 );
dst += 8;
memcpy ( dst , dom , domLen );
dst += domLen;
*dst = '\0';
// . now get the ip for that. get the MX record IP!!!
// . it will recognize the gbmxrec- prepension and ask for the
// MX record
if ( ! es->m_msgc.getIp ( es->m_emailSubdomain ,
dst - es->m_emailSubdomain ,
&es->m_ip ,
es ,
gotMXIpWrapper ) )
return false;
return gotMXIp ( es );
static void gotEmailReplyWrapper ( void *state , TcpSocket *s ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->gotEmailReply ( es , s ) ) return;
// scan next
em->emailScan( es );
bool Emailer::gotMXIp ( EmailState *es ) {
log("facebook: got mx ip of %s for %s",
iptoa(es->m_ip), es->m_emailSubdomain );
// our problem? like ENOME?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("emailer: had server side error getting ip: %s",
es->m_errno = g_errno;
return gotEmailReply ( es , NULL );
// shortcut
long ip = es->m_ip;//msgc.getIp();
// problem?
if ( ip == 0 || ip == -1 ) {
log("emailer: bad ip of %li for %s for %llu",
es->m_errno = EBADIP;
g_errno = EBADIP;
return gotEmailReply ( es , NULL );
// send the message
TcpServer *ts = g_httpServer.getTcp();
// log it
log ( LOG_WARN, "emailer: Sending email to %llu size=%li",
es->m_fbId , es->m_emailResultsBuf.length());
// THIS ONE WORKS so work backwards from here if you have issues
SafeBuf *eb = &es->m_emailResultsBuf;
"Mail From:<>\r\n"
"RCPT To:<>\r\n"
"From: mwells <>\r\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
"Subject: testing\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\r\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"
"<table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0></table>\r\n"
// debug by dumping to file!!!
char filename[512];
long now = getTimeLocal();
sprintf ( filename,"html/email/email.%llu.%lu"
, es->m_fbId
, now
log("facebook: saving email %s", filename);
SafeBuf embuf;
embuf.safePrintf("<a href=/email/email.%llu.%lu>email.%llu.%lu</a><br>"
, es->m_fbId
, now
, es->m_fbId
, now
log("facebook: emailing %li bytes",
es->m_emailResultsBuf.length() );
// skip actual email for now!
//gotEmailReply( es , NULL );
//if ( ! es->m_sendSingleEmail ) return true;
if ( ! ts->sendMsg ( ip,
25, // smtp (send mail transfer protocol) port
1000*1024 ) )
return false;
// we did not block, so update facebook rec with timestamps
gotEmailReply( es , NULL );
// we did not block
return true;
static void gotRecWrapper3 ( void *state ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->gotRec3 ( es ) ) return;
// scan next
em->emailScan( es );
bool Emailer::gotEmailReply ( EmailState *es , TcpSocket *s ) {
// don't free it that's our job!
if ( s ) s->m_sendBuf = NULL;
// free allocated memory
if ( g_errno ) {
log("emailer: got error sending to fbid=%lli: %s",es->m_fbId,
es->m_errno = g_errno;
// reset these errors just in case
g_errno = 0;
// . show the reply
// . seems to crash if we log the read buffer... no \0?
if ( s && s->m_readBuf )
log("emailer: got email server reply: %s", s->m_readBuf );
log("emailer: missing email server reply!");
log("emailer: getting fbrec for fbid=%lli",es->m_fbId);
// load the facebookdb rec so we can update it and save it then
key96_t startKey;
key96_t endKey;
startKey.n1 = 0;
startKey.n0 = es->m_fbId;
endKey.n1 = 0;
endKey.n0 = es->m_fbId;
startKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 <<= 1;
endKey.n0 |= 0x01;
if ( ! m_msg0.getList ( -1, // hostid
0 , // ip
0 , // port
0 , // maxcacheage
false, // addtocache
(char *)&startKey,
(char *)&endKey,
11, // minrecsizes
es, // this ,
return false;
// i guess we got it without blocking
return gotRec3 ( es );
static void savedUpdatedRecWrapper ( void *state ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->savedUpdatedRec ( es ) ) return;
// scan next
em->emailScan( es );
bool Emailer::gotRec3 ( EmailState *es ) {
// error loading?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("emailer: error loading facebookdb rec for %llu",
es->m_fbId );
es->m_errno = g_errno;
// empty is bad
if ( es->m_list9.getListSize() <= 0 ) {
log("emailer: facebookdb rec is empty. wtf? fbid=%lli",
es->m_errno = EBADREPLY;
// get the facebook rec... why?
FBRec *rec = (FBRec *)es->m_list9.getList();
// assume no error
if ( ! es->m_errno ) rec->m_nextRetry = 0;
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// on error...
if ( es->m_errno ) {
// did we have a previous attempt?
long elapsed = now - rec->m_lastEmailAttempt ;
// our first time? set to 6 hours retry then.
if ( rec->m_nextRetry == 0 ) elapsed = 0;
// ok, add 3 hours and double that
long wait = 2 * (elapsed + 3*3600);
// store that then
rec->m_nextRetry = now + wait;
// update the last send time
rec->m_lastEmailAttempt = now;
// . add the facebookdb rec back now with updated times
// . just use TagRec::m_msg1 now
// . no, can't use that because tags are added using SafeBuf::addTag()
// which first pushes the rdbid, so we gotta use msg4
// . if a host is down we have to fix msg1 (and msg4) so they both
// just write to a file until that host comes back up.
if ( ! es->m_msg1.addList ( &es->m_list9 ,
"none",//m_coll ,
es ,
false ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
// this does not block if only one host and in memory
return savedUpdatedRec ( es );
static void doneAddingEmailedLikesWrapper ( void *state ) {
EmailState *es = (EmailState *)state;
Emailer *em = es->m_emailer;
if ( ! em->doneAddingEmailedLikes ( es ) ) return;
// scan next
bool Emailer::savedUpdatedRec ( EmailState *es ) {
// now add to likedb if no error so we do not re-email these
// same events. start_time is non-zero so it is just the single
// instances of each event in the case of recurring events.
SafeBuf *eb = &es->m_emailLikedbListBuf;
// sort the records in tmp now
char *buf = eb->getBufStart();
long bufSize = eb->length();
// how many?
long count = bufSize / (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE;
// sort for rdblist
gbqsort ( buf , count , (long)LIKEDB_RECSIZE, likedbCmp );
// use the list we got
key192_t startKey;
key192_t endKey;
// that is our list
es->m_list5.set ( buf ,
bufSize ,
buf, // alloc
eb->getCapacity() , // allocSize
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
LIKEDB_DATASIZE , // fixed datasize
true , // own data? yeah, free it when done
false , // use half keys? no.
sizeof(key192_t) );
// steal it from safebuf so it doesn't free it
// note it
log("facebook: adding events to likedb to prevent re-emailing. "
// add that
if ( ! es->m_msg1.addList ( &es->m_list5 ,
es->m_coll ,
es , // this ,
false ,
0 ) ) // niceness
return false;
// it did not block
return doneAddingEmailedLikes ( es );
bool Emailer::doneAddingEmailedLikes ( EmailState *es ) {
es->m_inUse = false;
return true;
// code to send an individual email
// need to set EmailState::m_fbId, m_emailResultsBuf
bool Emailer::sendSingleEmail ( EmailState *es , long long fbId ) {
es->m_sendSingleEmail = true;
// claim it
es->m_inUse = true;
// point to emailer
es->m_emailer = this;
// who are we sending to?
es->m_fbId = fbId;
// container class
es->m_emailer = this;
// reset this
es->m_errno = 0;
// send it off
if ( ! getMailServerIP( es ) ) return false;
return true;
// code to populate the m_emailTree
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool Emailer::populateEmailTree ( ) {
// not if already in progress
if ( m_populateInProgress ) return true;
// stop if emailing now, it needs the tree
//if ( m_emailInProgress ) return true;
// re-scan only once per hour
long now = getTimeGlobal();
if ( m_lastScan && now - m_lastScan < 3600 ) return true;
// update that
m_lastScan = now;
// lock it up just in case...
m_populateInProgress = true;
// init the tree the first tim eonly
if ( ! m_init ) {
// . what's max # of tree nodes?
// . assume avg facebookdb rec size of about 1000 bytes
// . NOTE: 32 bytes overhead?
long maxMem = 10000000;
long maxTreeNodes = maxMem / 32;
if ( ! m_emailTree.set ( 0 ,
maxTreeNodes ,
true , // balance?
true , // owndata?
"emailtree", // allocname
false , // datainptrs
NULL , // dbname
sizeof(key96_t) )) { // keysize
log("email: failed to init email tree");
return true;
// only do once
m_init = true;
// clear out all nodes
// reset start key for scan
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
return scanLoop();
static void gotScanListWrapper ( void *state, RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
// use this
Emailer *em = (Emailer *)state;
// this never blocks
em->gotScanList ();
// and resume the loop. return if it blocked.
if ( ! em->scanLoop () ) return;
// it did not block, it must be done...
// we were spawned from emailEntryLoop(), so go back there
em->emailScan( NULL );
// . scan facebookdb and get every facebookid, and couple it with the
// time we gotta send the email
// . sort by that in emailTree
// . re-scan facebookdb every few hours in case of new entries or if
// someone updates their email
// . i would also call addToEmailTree if a new facebookdb rec comes in.
// perhaps do that from Rdb.cpp?
// . returns false if blocked true otherwise
bool Emailer::scanLoop ( ) {
key96_t endKey ;
// get a meg at a time
long minRecSizes = 1024*1024;
key96_t oldk; oldk.setMin();
// use msg5 to get the list, should ALWAYS block since no threads
if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_FACEBOOKDB ,
m_coll ,
&m_list7 ,
&m_startKey ,
&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
true , // includeTree
false , // add to cache?
0 , // max cache age
0 , // startFileNum ,
-1 , // numFiles ,
this , // state
gotScanListWrapper , // callback
MAX_NICENESS , // niceness
false )) // err correction?
// return false if we blocked
return false;
// stuff the m_emailTree with some data based on m_list
gotScanList( );
// if something, get more
if ( ! m_list7.isEmpty() ) goto loop;
// stop
m_populateInProgress = false;
// i guess we did not block?
return true;
void Emailer::gotScanList ( ) {
long now = getTimeGlobal();
long dayStart = now - ( now % 86400 );
if ( m_list7.isEmpty() ) return;
// loop over entries in list
for ( m_list7.resetListPtr() ; ! m_list7.isExhausted() ;
m_list7.skipCurrentRecord() ) {
// get it
char *drec = m_list7.getCurrentRec();
// sanity check. delete key?
if ( (drec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
FBRec *fr = (FBRec *)drec;
char ef = fr->m_emailFrequency;
// 0 means none provided, so let's default it to weekly
//if ( ef == 0 ) continue;
if ( ef == 0 ) ef = 2;
// 3 means never
// 1 is daily, 2 is weekly
if ( ef == 3 ) continue;
// strange?
if ( ef != 1 && ef != 2 ) {
log("email: strange freq = %li",(long)ef);
// shortcut
unsigned long long fbId = fr->m_fbId;
// is assigned to us for emailing?
Host *group = g_hostdb.getMyGroup();
long hpg = g_hostdb.getNumHostsPerGroup();
long i = fbId % hpg;
Host *h = &group[i];
// skip if not assigned to us
if ( h->m_hostId != g_hostdb.m_hostId ) continue;
// add him to our list. sorted by next email time and
// fbid. so its a key96_t
key96_t k;
k.n0 = fr->m_fbId;
k.n1 = fr->m_nextRetry;
// at what time of day to email ( in minutes)? UTC
long tte = dayStart + fr->m_timeToEmail * 60;
// when was the last attempt to email?
long success = fr->m_lastEmailAttempt;
// reset this for debug
//success = 0;
// . "success" is non-zero if we had at least one successful
// emailing to this person
// . for daily frequency we must wait at least a day after
// the last successful email
// . we have minus 4 hours in case the email got off to
// a late start
if ( ef == 1 && success && now - success < 20*3600 )
tte += 24*3600;
// same goes for weekly emails
if ( ef == 2 && success && now - success < 7*24*3600-4*3600 )
tte += 7*24*3600;
// assume that's the unix timestamp then (UTC)
k.n1 = tte;
// if non-zero, this overrides. this is non-zero if we
// had our last email fail
if ( fr->m_nextRetry ) k.n1 = fr->m_nextRetry;
//k.n1 = 0;
// add to the tree now
if ( m_emailTree.addNode(m_collnum,(char *)&k,NULL,0) >= 0 )
// error!
log("email: email tree add error: %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
m_startKey = *(key96_t *)m_list7.getLastKey();
m_startKey += (unsigned long) 1;
// watch out for wrap around
//if ( startKey < *(key96_t *)list.getLastKey() ) return;
// . call this every second
// .
void facebookSpiderSleepWrapper ( int fd , void *state ) {
// only for host #0
//if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 ) return;
// all spiders off?
if ( ! g_conf.m_spideringEnabled ) return;
// if nothing on queue, push a 0 fbid on there to initiate
// the query spider algo on facebook
//if ( g_n1 >= 2 ) return;
// for now
//if ( g_n1 >= 1 ) return;
// flag
bool gotIt = false;
collnum_t collnum;
// get event collection
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_collectiondb.m_numRecs ; i++ ) {
// get it
CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.m_recs[i];
// skip if empty
if ( ! cr ) continue;
// or not events
if ( ! cr->m_indexEventsOnly ) continue;
// ok, use that
collnum = cr->m_collnum;
// flag it
gotIt = true;
// return if no such collection
if ( ! gotIt ) return;
// do we have an stubhubs already queued?
bool hasLocalFBId = false;
bool hasEventBrite = false;
bool hasStubHub = false;
bool hasFacebook = false;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < g_n1 ; i++ ) {
if ( g_fbq1[i] == -3 ) hasLocalFBId = true;
if ( g_fbq1[i] == -2 ) hasEventBrite = true;
if ( g_fbq1[i] == -1 ) hasStubHub = true;
if ( g_fbq1[i] >= 0 ) hasFacebook = true;
// need this
long now = getTimeGlobal();
// ok, it's empty! 0 fbid has special meaning. it means to
// do a spider round on facebook
if ( ! hasFacebook && g_conf.m_facebookSpideringEnabled &&
// only for host #0
g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 )
queueFBId ( 0 , collnum );
// . s_ptr3 is now used for stub hub and is a time_t!
// . reset it if it's over a year out
if ( ! hasStubHub && g_conf.m_stubHubSpideringEnabled &&
// only for host #0
g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 ) {
// if ptr is over a year into the future then reset to
// 0 and wait for 12 hours!!! spiders through
// in like an hour!
if ( s_ptr3 - now > 365*86400 ) {
// give it a delay too!
s_holdOffStubHubTill = now + 12*3600;
// log it
log("stubhub: stubhub spider completed. "
"waiting for 12 hours before "
"hitting stubhub again." );
// and reset our timer thing
s_ptr3 = 0;
// are we done waiting?
if ( now > s_holdOffStubHubTill )
// queue the stubhub
queueFBId ( -1 , collnum );
// . s_ptr3 is on the day we need to download events from eventbrite
// that were create on that day
// . if its 0 then play catch up until we hit today, then just
// hit it like once per hour for events created today
if ( ! hasEventBrite &&
g_conf.m_eventBriteSpideringEnabled &&
// only for host #0
g_hostdb.m_hostId == 0 &&
// if we got no results we delay like an hour until we
// try again, in hopes someone added some new events to
// eventbrite's index
now > s_eventBriteWaitUntil )
// queue the eventbrite
queueFBId ( -2 , collnum );
// this is for all hosts in stripe #0, not just host #0
if ( ! hasLocalFBId &&
// skip if not in bottom part
g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_stripe == 0 &&
// we do this once per day
now > s_localWaitUntil )
// queue the local facebookdb scan
queueFBId ( -3 , collnum );
#include "Speller.h"
// use unified dictionary
char *getNextQuery ( ) {
if ( g_hostdb.m_hostId != 0 ) {
log("qloop: wtf! not host #0");
return NULL;
if ( ! s_init ) {
// load query loop state
// try to load from disk
//if ( loadSortByPopTable() ) s_init = true;
bool s1 = false;
bool s2 = false;
s1 = s_tbuf1.load ( g_hostdb.m_dir,"/popsortwords.dat" );
s2 = s_tbuf2.load ( g_hostdb.m_dir,"/popsortplaces.dat" );
// if both loaded we are done
if ( s1 && s2 ) s_init = true;
// clear if one loaded but the other did not
else { s_tbuf1.reset(); s_tbuf2.reset(); }
// if load was unsuccessful, then create
if ( ! s_init ) {
// ok, create it and save it
HashTableX *ud = &g_speller.m_unifiedDict;
// init trees
RdbTree tree1;
RdbTree tree2;
tree1.set ( 4, // fixeddatasize
3000000, // maxnodes
true, // do balancing
-1 , // maxmem
false, // owndata?
"tree1", // allocname
false, // datainptrs?
NULL, // dbname
12 ); // keysize
tree2.set ( 4, // fixeddatasize
5000000, // maxnodes
true, // do balancing
-1 , // maxmem
false, // owndata?
"tree2", // allocname
false , // datainptrs?
NULL, // dbname
12 ); // keysize
// for keeping keys unique
long count = 0;
// scan the unified dictionary
long n1 = ud->m_numSlots;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n1 ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! ud->m_flags[i] ) continue;
// . get the ptr into m_unifiedBuf
// . word/phrase\tlangid\tpop\tlangid\tpop....
char *p = *(char **)ud->getValueFromSlot(i);
// point to \0 ending the word or the phonetic
char *w = p - 1;
// back up again until we are at the beginning of
// that word or phonetic
for ( ; w[-1] ; w-- );
// is it a phonetic?
if ( is_upper_a(w[0]) || w[0]=='*' ) {
// point to the \0 before it
// and back up to the start of the word/phrase
// that the phonetic represents
for ( ;w > g_speller.m_unifiedBuf &&w[-1];w--);
// scan word or phrase, we only want words not
// phrases for this... phrases are too spammy!
bool hadSpace = false;
for ( char *x = w; *x ; x++ ) {
if ( ! is_wspace_a ( *x ) ) continue;
hadSpace = true;
// skip if its a phrase
if ( hadSpace ) continue;
// get the max pop from all the language/pop tuples
long maxPop = -2;
long pop;
// skip over langid
for ( ; *p && *p !='\t';p++ );
// crazy? a pop should follow it!
if ( ! *p ) goto done;
// skip that
// get the pop
pop = atol(p);
// if negative make 0
if ( pop < 0 ) pop = 0;
// get max pop
if ( pop > maxPop ) maxPop = pop;
// skip over next tab, should be langid or \0
for ( ; *p && *p !='\t';p++ );
// if no more, get next word line
if ( ! *p ) goto done;
// skip that
if ( *p ) p++;
// get more if they are there
goto subloop;
// store it in tree
// how is this possible?
if ( maxPop < 0 ) continue;
// make the key
key_t k;
k.n1 = ~((unsigned long)maxPop);
k.n0 = count++;
// store offset
long woff = w - g_speller.m_unifiedBuf;
// . add to b-tree to sort by pop
// . data is the word/phrase ptr
tree1.addNode(0,k,(char *)woff,4);
// . now add the cities in there too!
// . scan the cities
// . g_nameTable is from Address.cpp
long n2 = g_nameTable.m_numSlots;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n2 ; i++ ) {
// skip if empty
if ( ! g_nameTable.m_flags[i] ) continue;
// get it
long offset = *(long *)g_nameTable.getValueFromSlot(i);
// get the ptr into g_pbuf for it
PlaceDesc *pd = (PlaceDesc *)(g_pbuf+offset);
// get the pop
unsigned long pop = pd->m_population;
// make the key
key_t k;
k.n1 = ~pop;
// "China" has many spellings and each one has an
// entry in the g_nameTable BUT they hash to the
// same PlaceDesc ptr, so use that as part of they
// key for making sure we have no dups in tree2.
k.n0 = (unsigned long long)pd;
//note it
//log("adding pop=%lu",pop);
// add to b-tree to sort by pop
tree2.addNode(0,k,(char *)offset,4);
// serialize tree1
for (long n=tree1.getLowestNode();n>=0;n=tree1.getNextNode(n)){
// get data. this one is a slot # in m_unifiedDict
long woff = (long)tree1.getData(n);
// store it
long reps = 0;
// serialize tree2
for (long n=tree2.getLowestNode();n>=0;n=tree2.getNextNode(n)){
// get data. this one is an offset into g_pbuf
long i = (long)tree2.getData(n);
// sample
PlaceDesc *pd = (PlaceDesc *)(g_pbuf+i);
// print it
if ( reps++ == 0 && pd->m_population < 1000000 ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// store it
// save both ( g_hostdb.m_dir,"/popsortwords.dat" ); ( g_hostdb.m_dir,"/popsortplaces.dat" );
// do not re-do
s_init = true;
// init the ptrs then
//s_ptr1 = 0;
//s_ptr2 = 0;
// save state
if ( s_flip == 0 ) s_flip = 1;
else s_flip = 0;
if ( s_flip == 0 && ! g_speller.m_unifiedBuf ) {
log("facebook: unifiedDict not loaded! skipping pop words "
"facebook spidering.");
s_flip = 1;
// get the next word or location
if ( s_flip == 0 ) {
long woff = ((long *)(s_tbuf1.getBufStart())) [s_ptr1];
if ( s_ptr1 * 4 > s_tbuf1.length() ) s_ptr1 = 0;
// just to keep things somewhat fresh, let's cycle
// once we hit 15,000 words which is about 5 days
// at the current rate. i am planning on increasing
// the fb spider rate though a little if i can since it
// seems to not be rate-limited so far
if ( s_ptr1 > 15000 ) s_ptr1 = 0;
char *v = g_speller.m_unifiedBuf + woff;
return v;
if ( s_flip == 1 ) {
long poff = s_ptr2 * 4;
if ( s_ptr2 * 4 > s_tbuf2.length() ) s_ptr2 = 0;
// just to keep things somewhat fresh, let's cycle
// once we hit 15,000 words which is about 5 days
// at the current rate. i am planning on increasing
// the fb spider rate though a little if i can since it
// seems to not be rate-limited so far
if ( s_ptr2 > 15000 ) s_ptr2 = 0;
long offset = *(long *)(s_tbuf2.getBufStart() + poff);
// get the ptr into g_pbuf for it
PlaceDesc *pd = (PlaceDesc *)(g_pbuf+offset);
if ( pd->m_flags & PDF_STATE )
return (char *)pd->getStateName();
if ( pd->m_flags & PDF_COUNTRY )
return (char *)pd->getCountryName();
// crap, official names has many dups because we have one
// place desc for every slang name of a place.
return pd->getOfficialName();
// shouldn't be here!
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
return NULL;
// . save the state of getNextQuery()
// . save the queue g_fbq1[100],g_colls1[100],g_n1
// . called from Process.cpp
bool saveQueryLoopState ( ) {
SafeBuf ss;
// the queue of fbids
ss.safeMemcpy((char *)g_fbq1,g_n1*4);
ss.safeMemcpy((char *)g_colls1,g_n1*4);
// local scan
ss.pushLong (s_localWaitUntil);
log("facebook: saving fbloop.dat. "
"s_ptr1=%li "
"s_ptr2=%li "
"s_ptr3=%li "
"s_ptr4=%lli "
"s_ptr5=%lli "
"s_holdOffStubHubTill=%lu "
"s_eventBriteWaitUntil=%lu "
"s_localWaitUntil=%lu "
bool loadQueryLoopState ( ) {
SafeBuf ss;
if ( ! ss.load(g_hostdb.m_dir,"fbloop.dat") ) return false;
// assign
char *p = ss.getBufStart();
char *pend = p + ss.length();
s_flip = *(long *)p; p += 4;
s_ptr1 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
s_ptr2 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
g_n1 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
memcpy ( g_fbq1 , p , g_n1 * 4 ); p += g_n1 * 4;
memcpy ( g_colls1 , p , g_n1 * 4 ); p += g_n1 * 4;
if ( p >= pend ) goto done;
s_ptr3 = *(long *)p; p += 4;
if ( p >= pend ) goto done;
s_holdOffStubHubTill = *(long *)p; p += 4;
if ( p >= pend ) goto done;
s_ptr4 = *(long long *)p; p += 8;
s_eventBriteWaitUntil = *(long *)p; p += 4;
// local scan
if ( p >= pend ) goto done;
s_ptr5 = *(long long *)p; p += 8;
s_localWaitUntil = *(long *)p; p += 4;
log("facebook: loaded fbloop.dat. "
"s_ptr1=%li "
"s_ptr2=%li "
"s_ptr3=%li "
"s_ptr4=%lli "
"s_ptr5=%lli "
"s_holdOffStubHubTill=%lu "
"s_eventBriteWaitUntil=%lu "
"s_localWaitUntil=%lu "
return true;