
684 lines
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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
static void gotReplyWrapper20 ( void *state , void *state20 ) ;
//static void gotReplyWrapper20b ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot );
static void handleRequest20 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice );
static bool gotReplyWrapperxd ( void *state ) ;
Msg20::Msg20 () { constructor(); }
Msg20::~Msg20() { reset(); }
void Msg20::constructor () {
m_request = NULL;
m_r = NULL;
m_inProgress = false;
m_launched = false;
void Msg20::destructor () { reset(); m_mcast.destructor(); }
void Msg20::reset() {
// not allowed to reset one in progress
if ( m_inProgress ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
m_launched = false;
if ( m_request && m_request != m_requestBuf )
mfree ( m_request , m_requestSize , "Msg20rb" );
// sometimes the msg20 reply carries an merged bffer from
// msg40 that is a constructed ptr_eventSummaryLines from a
// merge operation in msg40. this fixes the "merge20buf1" memory
// leak from Msg40.cpp
if ( m_r ) m_r->destructor();
if ( m_r && m_ownReply ) //&& (char *)m_r != m_replyBuf )
mfree ( m_r , m_replyMaxSize , "Msg20b" );
m_request = NULL; // the request buf ptr
m_r = NULL; // the reply ptr
m_gotReply = false;
m_errno = 0;
m_requestDocId = -1LL;
m_callback = NULL;
m_callback2 = NULL;
m_state = NULL;
m_ownReply = true;
// resets
m_pqr_old_score = 0.0;
m_pqr_factor_quality = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_diversity = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_inlinkers = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_proximity = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_ctype = 1.0;
m_pqr_factor_lang = 1.0; // includes country
bool Msg20::registerHandler ( ) {
// . register ourselves with the udp server
// . it calls our callback when it receives a msg of type 0x20
if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x20, handleRequest20 ))
return false;
return true;
// copy "src" to ourselves
void Msg20::copyFrom ( Msg20 *src ) {
memcpy ( this , src , sizeof(Msg20) );
// if the Msg20Reply was actually in src->m_replyBuf[] we have to
// re-serialize into our this->m_replyBuf[] in order for the ptrs
// to be correct
//if ( (char *)src->m_r == src->m_replyBuf ) {
// // ok, point our Msg20Reply to our m_replyBuf[]
// m_r = (Msg20Reply *)m_replyBuf;
// // serialize the reply into that buf
// src->m_r->serialize ( m_replyBuf , MSG20_MAX_REPLY_SIZE );
// // then change the offsets to ptrs into this->m_replyBuf
// m_r->deserialize ();
// make sure it does not free it!
src->m_r = NULL;
// why would we need to re-do the request? dunno, pt to it just in case
if ( src->m_request == src->m_requestBuf )
m_request = m_requestBuf;
// make sure destructor does not free this
src->m_request = NULL;
// but should free its request, m_request, if it does not point to
// src->m_requestBuf[], but an allocated buffer
// returns true and sets g_errno on error, otherwise, blocks and returns false
bool Msg20::getSummary ( Msg20Request *req ) {
// reset ourselves in case recycled
// consider it "launched"
m_launched = true;
// save it
m_requestDocId = req->m_docId;
m_state = req->m_state;
m_callback = req->m_callback;
m_callback2 = req->m_callback2;
m_expected = req->m_expected;
m_eventId = req->m_eventId;
// clear this
// set this
//if ( req->m_eventId ) m_eventIdBits.addEventId(req->m_eventId);
Hostdb *hostdb = req->m_hostdb;
// ensure hostdb has a host in it
if ( ! hostdb ) hostdb = &g_hostdb;
// does this ever happen?
if ( hostdb->getNumHosts() <= 0 ) {
log("build: hosts2.conf is not in working directory, or "
"contains no valid hosts.");
return true;
// do not re-route to twins if accessing an external network
if ( hostdb != &g_hostdb ) req->m_expected = false;
// get groupId from docId, if positive
unsigned long shardNum;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
if ( req->m_docId >= 0 )
shardNum = hostdb->getShardNumFromDocId(req->m_docId);
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
else {
long long pdocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(req->ptr_ubuf);
shardNum = getShardNumFromDocId(pdocId);
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// we might be getting inlinks for a spider request
// so make sure timeout is inifinite for that...
long timeout = 9999999; // 10 million seconds, basically inf.
if ( req->m_niceness == 0 ) timeout = 20;
// get our group
long allNumHosts = hostdb->getNumHostsPerShard();
Host *allHosts = hostdb->getShard ( shardNum );//getGroup(groupId );
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// put all alive hosts in this array
Host *cand[32];
long long nc = 0;
for ( long i = 0 ; i < allNumHosts ; i++ ) {
// get that host
Host *hh = &allHosts[i];
// skip if dead
if ( g_hostdb.isDead(hh) ) continue;
// add it if alive
cand[nc++] = hh;
// if none alive, make them all candidates then
bool allDead = (nc == 0);
for ( long i = 0 ; allDead && i < allNumHosts ; i++ )
cand[nc++] = &allHosts[i];
// route based on docid region, not parity, because we want to hit
// the urldb page cache as much as possible
long long sectionWidth =((128LL*1024*1024)/nc)+1;//(DOCID_MASK/nc)+1LL;
long long probDocId = req->m_docId;
// i think reference pages just pass in a url to get the summary
if ( probDocId < 0 && req->size_ubuf )
probDocId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId ( req->ptr_ubuf );
if ( probDocId < 0 ) {
log("query: Got bad docid/url combo.");
probDocId = 0;
// we mod by 1MB since tied scores resort to sorting by docid
// so we don't want to overload the host responsible for the lowest
// range of docids. CAUTION: do this for msg22 too!
// in this way we should still ensure a pretty good biased urldb
// cache...
// . TODO: fix the urldb cache preload logic
long hostNum = (probDocId % (128LL*1024*1024)) / sectionWidth;
if ( hostNum < 0 ) hostNum = 0; // watch out for negative docids
if ( hostNum >= nc ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
long firstHostId = cand [ hostNum ]->m_hostId ;
// . make buffer m_request to hold the request
// . tries to use m_requestBuf[] if it is big enough to hold it
// . allocs a new buf if MAX_MSG20_REQUEST_SIZE is too small
// . serializes the request into m_request
// . sets m_requestSize to the size of the serialized request
m_requestSize = 0;
m_request = req->serialize ( &m_requestSize, m_requestBuf ,
// . it sets g_errno on error and returns NULL
// . we MUST call gotReply() here to set m_gotReply
// otherwise Msg40.cpp can end up looping forever
// calling Msg40::launchMsg20s()
if ( ! m_request ) { gotReply(NULL); return true; }
// . otherwise, multicast to a host in group "groupId"
// . returns false and sets g_errno on error
// . use a pre-allocated buffer to hold the reply
// . TMPBUFSIZE is how much a UdpSlot can hold w/o allocating
if ( ! m_mcast.send ( m_request ,
m_requestSize ,
0x20 , // msgType 0x20
false , // m_mcast own m_request?
shardNum , // send to group (groupKey)
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
false , // send to whole group?
probDocId , // key is lower bits of docId
this , // state data
NULL , // state data
gotReplyWrapper20 ,
timeout , // 60 second time out
req->m_niceness ,
false , // real time?
firstHostId , // first hostid
NULL,//m_replyBuf ,
false , // free reply buf?
false , // do disk load balancing?
-1 , // max cache age
0 , // cacheKey
0 , // bogus rdbId
-1 , // minRecSizes(unknownRDsize)
true , // sendToSelf
true , // retry forever
hostdb )) {
// sendto() sometimes returns "Network is down" so i guess
// we just had an "error reply".
log("msg20: error sending mcast %s",mstrerror(g_errno));
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
m_gotReply = true;
return true;
// we are officially "in progress"
m_inProgress = true;
// we blocked
return false;
void gotReplyWrapper20 ( void *state , void *state2 ) {
Msg20 *THIS = (Msg20 *)state;
// gotReply() does not block, and does NOT call our callback
THIS->gotReply ( NULL ) ;
if ( THIS->m_callback ) THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
else THIS->m_callback2 ( THIS->m_state );
void gotReplyWrapper20b ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
Msg20 *THIS = (Msg20 *)state;
// gotReply() does not block, and does NOT call our callback
THIS->gotReply ( slot ) ;
THIS->m_callback ( THIS->m_state );
// . set m_reply/m_replySize to the reply
void Msg20::gotReply ( UdpSlot *slot ) {
// we got the reply
m_gotReply = true;
// no longer in progress, we got a reply
m_inProgress = false;
// sanity check
if ( m_r ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// save error so Msg40 can look at it
if ( g_errno ) {
m_errno = g_errno;
if ( g_errno != EMISSINGQUERYTERMS )
log("query: msg20: got reply for docid %lli : %s",
// . get the best reply we got
// . we are responsible for freeing this reply
bool freeit;
// . freeit is true if mcast will free it
// . we should always own it since we call deserialize and has ptrs
// into it
char *rp = NULL;
if ( slot ) {
rp = slot->m_readBuf;
m_replySize = slot->m_readBufSize;
m_replyMaxSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
freeit = false;
rp =m_mcast.getBestReply(&m_replySize,&m_replyMaxSize,&freeit);
//if( rp != m_replyBuf )
relabel( rp , m_replyMaxSize, "Msg20-mcastGBR" );
// sanity check
if ( freeit ) {
log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg20: gotReply: Bad engineer.");
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
// see if too small for a getSummary request
if ( m_replySize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) ) {
log("query: Summary reply is too small.");
//char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
m_errno = g_errno = EREPLYTOOSMALL; return; }
// cast it
m_r = (Msg20Reply *)rp;
// reset this since constructor never called
m_r->m_tmp = 0;
// we own it now
m_ownReply = true;
// deserialize it, sets g_errno on error??? not yet TODO!
// . this is called
// . destroys the UdpSlot if false is returned
void handleRequest20 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
// . check g_errno
// . before, we were not sending a reply back here and we continued
// to process the request, even though it was empty. the slot
// had a NULL m_readBuf because it could not alloc mem for the read
// buf i'm assuming. and the slot was saved in a line below here...
// state20->m_msg22.m_parent = slot;
if ( g_errno ) {
log("net: Msg20 handler got error: %s.",mstrerror(g_errno));
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// ensure request is big enough
if ( slot->m_readBufSize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Request) ) {
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
// parse the request
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// . turn the string offsets into ptrs in the request
// . this is "destructive" on "request"
long nb = req->deserialize();
// sanity check
if ( nb != slot->m_readBufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// sanity check, the size include the \0
if ( req->size_coll <= 1 || *req->ptr_coll == '\0' ) {
log("query: Got empty collection in msg20 handler. FIX!");
char *xx =NULL; *xx = 0;
// if it's not stored locally that's an error
if ( req->m_docId >= 0 && ! g_titledb.isLocal ( req->m_docId ) ) {
log("query: Got msg20 request for non-local docId %lli",
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , ENOTLOCAL );
// sanity
if ( req->m_docId == 0 && ! req->ptr_ubuf ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
long long startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
// alloc a new state to get the titlerec
XmlDoc *xd;
try { xd = new (XmlDoc); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log("query: msg20 new(%i): %s", sizeof(XmlDoc),
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot, g_errno );
mnew ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "xd20" );
// ok, let's use the new XmlDoc.cpp class now!
xd->set20 ( req );
// encode slot
xd->m_slot = slot;
// set the callback
xd->setCallback ( xd , gotReplyWrapperxd );
// set set time
xd->m_setTime = startTime;
// . now as for the msg20 reply!
// . TODO: move the parse state cache into just a cache of the
// XmlDoc itself, and put that cache logic into XmlDoc.cpp so
// it can be used more generally.
Msg20Reply *reply = xd->getMsg20Reply ( );
// this is just blocked
if ( reply == (void *)-1 ) return;
// got it?
gotReplyWrapperxd ( xd );
bool gotReplyWrapperxd ( void *state ) {
// grab it
XmlDoc *xd = (XmlDoc *)state;
// get it
UdpSlot *slot = (UdpSlot *)xd->m_slot;
// parse the request
Msg20Request *req = (Msg20Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
// print time
long long took = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - xd->m_setTime;
// if there is a baclkog of msg20 summary generation requests this
// is really not the cpu it took to make the smmary, but how long it
// took to get the reply. this request might have had to wait for the
// other summaries to finish computing before it got its turn,
// meanwhile its clock was ticking. TODO: make this better?
// only do for niceness 0 otherwise it gets interrupted by quickpoll
// and can take a long time.
if ( (req->m_isDebug || took > 100) && req->m_niceness == 0 )
log("query: Took %lli ms to compute summary for d=%lli u=%s "
xd->m_niceness );
// error?
if ( g_errno ) { xd->m_reply.sendReply ( xd ); return true; }
// this should not block now
Msg20Reply *reply = xd->getMsg20Reply ( );
// sanity check, should not block here now
if ( reply == (void *)-1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// NULL means error, -1 means blocked. on error g_errno should be set
if ( ! reply && ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
// send it off. will send an error reply if g_errno is set
return reply->sendReply ( xd );
Msg20Reply::Msg20Reply ( ) {
// this is free in destructor, so clear it here
//ptr_eventSummaryLines = NULL;
m_tmp = 0;
2013-11-19 02:53:30 +04:00
// seems to be an issue... caused a core with bogus size_dbuf
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
*sizePtr = 0;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// we need to free the ptr_summaryLines if it is pointing into a new buffer
// which is what Msg40 sometimes does to it when it merges Msg20Reply's
// summaries for events together.
Msg20Reply::~Msg20Reply ( ) {
void Msg20Reply::destructor ( ) {
// m_tmp is set to be the allocated buffer size in Msg40.cpp
//if ( m_tmp == 0 ) return;
//char *p = ptr_eventSummaryLines;
//if ( ! p ) return;
// this was causing a core!... try again now with NULLing out above
//mfree ( p , m_tmp , "merge20buf" );
//m_tmp = 0;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
bool Msg20Reply::sendReply ( XmlDoc *xd ) {
// get it
UdpSlot *slot = (UdpSlot *)xd->m_slot;
if ( g_errno ) {
// extract titleRec ptr
log("query: Had error generating msg20 reply for d=%lli: "
"%s",m_docId, mstrerror(g_errno));
// don't forget to delete this list
mdelete ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc) , "Msg20" );
delete ( xd );
g_udpServer.sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ) ;
return true;
// now create a buffer to store title/summary/url/docLen and send back
long need = getStoredSize();
char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Msg20Reply" );
if ( ! buf ) goto haderror;
// should never have an error!
long used = serialize ( buf , need );
// sanity
if ( used != need ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// sanity check, no, might have been banned/filtered above around
// line 956 and just called sendReply directly
//if ( st->m_memUsed == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// use blue for our color
long color = 0x0000ff;
// but use dark blue for niceness > 0
if ( xd->m_niceness > 0 ) color = 0x0000b0;
//Msg20Reply *tt = (Msg20Reply *)buf;
// sanity check
if ( ! xd->m_utf8ContentValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// for records
long clen = 0;
if ( xd->m_utf8ContentValid ) clen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// show it in performance graph
if ( xd->m_startTimeValid )
g_stats.addStat_r ( clen ,
xd->m_startTime ,
gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() ,
color );
// . del the list at this point, we've copied all the data into reply
// . this will free a non-null State20::m_ps (ParseState) for us
mdelete ( xd , sizeof(XmlDoc) , "xd20" );
delete ( xd );
g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( buf , need , buf , need , slot );
return true;
// . this is destructive on the "buf". it converts offs to ptrs
// . sets m_r to the modified "buf" when done
// . sets g_errno and returns -1 on error, otherwise # of bytes deseril
long Msg20::deserialize ( char *buf , long bufSize ) {
if ( bufSize < (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) ) {
g_errno = ECORRUPTDATA; return -1; }
m_r = (Msg20Reply *)buf;
// do not free "buf"/"m_r"
m_ownReply = false;
return m_r->deserialize ( );
long Msg20Request::getStoredSize ( ) {
long size = (long)sizeof(Msg20Request);
// add up string buffer sizes
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
size += *sizePtr;
return size;
// . return ptr to the buffer we serialize into
// . return NULL and set g_errno on error
char *Msg20Request::serialize ( long *retSize ,
char *userBuf ,
long userBufSize ) {
// make a buffer to serialize into
char *buf = NULL;
long need = getStoredSize();
// big enough?
if ( need <= userBufSize ) buf = userBuf;
// alloc if we should
if ( ! buf ) buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "Msg20Ra" );
// bail on error, g_errno should be set
if ( ! buf ) return NULL;
// set how many bytes we will serialize into
*retSize = need;
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
memcpy ( p , (char *)this , sizeof(Msg20Request) );
p += (long)sizeof(Msg20Request);
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
char **strPtr = &ptr_qbuf;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// sanity check -- cannot copy onto ourselves
if ( p > *strPtr && p < *strPtr + *sizePtr ) {
char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// copy the string into the buffer
memcpy ( p , *strPtr , *sizePtr );
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
return buf;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
long Msg20Request::deserialize ( ) {
// point to our string buffer
char *p = m_buf;
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_qbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_displayMetas;
char **strPtr = &ptr_qbuf;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// convert the offset to a ptr
*strPtr = p;
// make it NULL if size is 0 though
if ( *sizePtr == 0 ) *strPtr = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( *sizePtr < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
// return how many bytes we processed
return (long)sizeof(Msg20Request) + (p - m_buf);
long Msg20Reply::getStoredSize ( ) {
long size = (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply);
// add up string buffer sizes
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; sizePtr++ )
size += *sizePtr;
return size;
// returns NULL and set g_errno on error
long Msg20Reply::serialize ( char *buf , long bufSize ) {
// copy the easy stuff
char *p = buf;
memcpy ( p , (char *)this , sizeof(Msg20Reply) );
p += (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply);
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
char **strPtr = &ptr_tbuf;
//char **strEnd= &ptr_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// sometimes the ptr is NULL but size is positive
// so watch out for that
if ( *strPtr ) {
memcpy ( p , *strPtr , *sizePtr );
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
long used = p - buf;
// sanity check, core on overflow of supplied buffer
if ( used > bufSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }
// return it
return used;
// convert offsets back into ptrs
long Msg20Reply::deserialize ( ) {
// point to our string buffer
char *p = m_buf;
// reset this since constructor never called
m_tmp = 0;
// then store the strings!
long *sizePtr = &size_tbuf;
long *sizeEnd = &size_note;
char **strPtr = &ptr_tbuf;
//char **strEnd= &ptr_note;
for ( ; sizePtr <= sizeEnd ; ) {
// convert the offset to a ptr
*strPtr = p;
// make it NULL if size is 0 though
if ( *sizePtr == 0 ) *strPtr = NULL;
// sanity check
if ( *sizePtr < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx =0; }
// advance our destination ptr
p += *sizePtr;
// advance both ptrs to next string
// sanity
if ( ptr_linkInfo && ((LinkInfo *)ptr_linkInfo)->m_size !=
size_linkInfo ) {
log("xmldoc: deserialize msg20 reply corruption error");
log("xmldoc: DO YOU NEED TO NUKE CACHEDB.DAT?????");
return -1;
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
// return how many bytes we used
return (long)sizeof(Msg20Reply) + (p - m_buf);