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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// Copyright Gigablast, Inc. Mar 2007
#ifndef _REPAIR_H_
#define _REPAIR_H_
#include "RdbList.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
#include "RdbCache.h"
#include "Msg1.h"
#include "Msg4.h"
//#include "Msg23.h"
//#include "LinkText.h"
//#include "Msg14.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
//#include "TitleRec.h"
#include "Tagdb.h"
#define SR_BUFSIZE 2048
extern char g_repairMode;
extern bool g_callAllHostsReady;
extern bool g_saveRepairState;
class Repair {
// is the scan active and adding recs to the secondary rdbs?
bool isRepairActive() ;
bool init();
//void allHostsReady();
void initScan();
void resetForNewCollection();
void getNextCollToRepair();
bool loop( void *state = NULL );
bool dumpLoop();
void resetSecondaryRdbs();
bool dumpsCompleted();
void updateRdbs ( ) ;
// titledbscan functions
bool scanRecs();
bool gotScanRecList ( );
//bool gotTfndbList ( );
//bool getTagRec ( void **state ) ;
bool getTitleRec ( );
bool injectTitleRec ( ) ; // TitleRec *tr );
//bool computeRecs ( );
//bool getRootQuality ( );
//bool addToSpiderdb2 ( ) ;
//bool addToTfndb2 ( );
//bool addToChecksumdb2 ( );
//bool addToClusterdb2 ( );
//bool addToIndexdb2 ( );
//bool addToIndexdb2b( );
//bool addToDatedb2 ( );
//bool addToTitledb2 ( );
//bool addToLinkdb2 ( );
// spiderdb scan functions
//bool scanSpiderdb ( );
//bool getTfndbListPart2 ( );
//bool getTagRecPart2 ( );
//bool getRootQualityPart2 ( );
//bool addToSpiderdb2Part2 ( );
//bool addToTfndb2Part2 ( );
// called by Pages.cpp
bool printRepairStatus ( SafeBuf *sb , long fromIp );
// if we core, call these so repair can resume where it left off
bool save();
bool load();
bool m_completed;
// general scan vars
Msg5 m_msg5;
Msg5 m_msg5b;
Msg4 m_msg4;
bool m_needsCallback;
//Msg50 m_msg50;
char m_docQuality;
//Msg14 m_msg14;
//RdbList m_scanList;
RdbList m_titleRecList;
long long m_docId;
char m_isDelete;
RdbList m_ulist;
RdbList m_addlist;
//long m_ruleset;
//LinkTextReply m_rootLinkText;
long long m_totalMem;
long m_stage ;
long m_tfn;
long m_count;
bool m_updated;
//key_t m_currentTitleRecKey; // for tfndb
// titledb scan vars
//key_t m_nextRevdbKey;
key_t m_nextTitledbKey;
key_t m_nextSpiderdbKey;
//key_t m_nextIndexdbKey;
key_t m_nextPosdbKey;
//key_t m_nextDatedbKey;
key128_t m_nextLinkdbKey;
//key128_t m_nextPlacedbKey;
key_t m_endKey;
long long m_uh48;
//TitleRec m_tr;
//Msg8a m_msg8a;
long m_priority;
uint64_t m_contentHash;
//key_t m_tfndbKey;
//char m_checksumdbKey[32];
key_t m_clusterdbKey ;
key_t m_spiderdbKey;
char m_srBuf[SR_BUFSIZE];
char m_tmpBuf[32];
IndexList *m_newIndexList;
IndexList *m_dateListToAdd;
IndexList *m_noSplitList;
RdbList m_linkdbListToAdd;
uint64_t m_chksum1LongLong;
XmlDoc m_doc;
// spiderdb scan vars
bool m_isNew;
//SpiderRec m_sr;
//SiteRec m_siteRec;
TagRec m_tagRec;
// . state info
// . indicator of what we save to disk
char m_SAVE_START;
long long m_lastDocId;
long long m_prevDocId;
bool m_completedFirstScan ;
bool m_completedSpiderdbScan ;
//bool m_completedIndexdbScan ;
//key_t m_lastRevdbKey;
key_t m_lastTitledbKey;
key_t m_lastSpiderdbKey;
long long m_recsScanned;
long long m_recsOutOfOrder;
long long m_recsetErrors;
long long m_recsCorruptErrors;
long long m_recsXmlErrors;
long long m_recsDupDocIds;
long long m_recsNegativeKeys;
long long m_recsOverwritten;
long long m_recsUnassigned;
long long m_noTitleRecs;
long long m_recsWrongGroupId;
long long m_recsRoot;
long long m_recsNonRoot;
long long m_recsInjected;
//long m_fn;
// spiderdb scan stats
long m_spiderRecsScanned ;
long m_spiderRecSetErrors ;
long m_spiderRecNotAssigned ;
long m_spiderRecBadTLD ;
// generic scan parms
char m_rebuildTitledb ;
//char m_rebuildIndexdb ;
char m_rebuildPosdb ;
//char m_rebuildNoSplits ;
//char m_rebuildDatedb ;
//char m_rebuildTfndb ;
//char m_rebuildChecksumdb ;
char m_rebuildClusterdb ;
char m_rebuildSpiderdb ;
char m_rebuildSitedb ;
char m_rebuildLinkdb ;
char m_rebuildTagdb ;
//char m_rebuildPlacedb ;
//char m_rebuildSectiondb ;
//char m_rebuildRevdb ;
char m_fullRebuild ;
//char m_removeBadPages ;
char m_rebuildRoots ;
char m_rebuildNonRoots ;
// current collection being repaired
long m_collLen;
collnum_t m_collnum;
char m_newColl[MAX_COLL_LEN];
long m_newCollLen;
collnum_t m_newCollnum;
// . m_colli is the index into m_colls
// . m_colli is the index into g_collectiondb.m_recs if the list
// of collections to repair was empty
long m_colli;
// list of collections to repair, only valid of g_conf.m_collsToRepair
// is not empty
long m_collOffs[100];
long m_collLens[100];
long m_numColls;
// end the stuff to be saved
char m_SAVE_END;
// i'd like to save these but they are ptrs
char *m_coll;
CollectionRec *m_cr;
//for timing a repair process
long long m_startTime;
// if repairing is disabled in the middle of a repair
char m_isSuspended;
// keep track of how many injects we have out
long m_numOutstandingInjects;
bool m_allowInjectToLoop;
// sanity check
bool m_msg5InUse ;
bool m_saveRepairState;
bool m_isRetrying;
// the global class
extern Repair g_repair;