
847 lines
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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
//#include "PageTurk.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
#include "SafeBuf.h"
static bool sendReply ( SafeBuf *sb ) ;
class State60 {
Msg0 m_msg0;
RdbList m_list;
char m_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1];
char m_user[MAX_USER_SIZE];
//char m_url[MAX_URL_LEN+1];
// the docid to edit
long long m_docId;
bool sendPageTurk ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {
// get the current timestamp
long now = getTimeGlobal ();
char *coll = r->getString("c");
if ( ! coll )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply( s, 500, "No collection");
// make a state for callback
State60 *st ;
try { st = new ( State60 ); }
catch ( ... ) {
g_errno = ENOMEM;
log( "pgrank: new(%i): %s", sizeof(State60),
mstrerror(g_errno) );
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerrno(g_errno));
mnew ( st , sizeof(State60) , "PageTurk" );
// get username
char *username = r->getStringFromCookie("username", NULL);
if ( !username ) username = r->getString("username",NULL);
if ( !username ) username = r->getString("user",NULL);
if ( !username ) username = r->getString("code",NULL);
if ( ! username )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"No username");
long ulen = gbsrlen(username);
if ( ulen >= MAX_USER_SIZE )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"Bad username");
// save crap. don't we need to copy "r" into our own? yeah...
st->m_s = s;
// save username
// assume no url
//st->m_url[0] = 0;
// copy coll
// this is 1 to imply to edit a page
st->m_editMode = r->getString("edit",0);
st->m_docId = r->getLongLong("docid",0LL);
// get url
//char *url = r->getString ("url", NULL);
// if no url is given then present their stats page
if ( ! edit ) return sendPageTurkStats (st);
// copy url
//strcpy ( st->m_url , url );
// otherwise, send them the eval page
return sendPageTurkEval (st);
bool sendPageTurkStats ( State60 *st ) {
// . for this username, scan transdb (transactiondb) to get all their
// info, and then turn that into stats to display on this page.
// . use the hash of the username for making the key. 32 bit hash
// is probably good enough!
// . username hash will be in the hi bits, timestamp below that, that
// way we store by username first
// . use a rolling incremental count to break up the time_t into up
// to 65535 intervals and keep the keys unique.
//key128_t startKey=g_transdb.makeKey ( 0 , 0 , username );
//key128_t endKey =g_transdb.makeKey ( 0x7fffffff, 0xffff, username );
key128_t startKey = g_transdb.makeStartKey (username);
key128_t endKey = g_transdb.makeEndKey (username);
// get all the transactions associated with this username
if ( ! st->m_msg0.getList ( -1 , // hostId
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // maxAge ,
false , // addToCache?
RDB_TRANSDB , // rdbId
st->m_coll , // coll
&st->m_list ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
200000 , // minRecSizes (get all!)
st , // state
gotTransdbListWrapper ,
0 )) // niceness
// return false if that blocked on us
return false;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("turk: error reading transdb for stats: %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerrno(g_errno));
// got the list. this should send a page back to httpserver
gotTransdbList ( st );
// later on we can add ticket buying selling, commissions, etc. to this
// to replace the mysqldb on the front end possibly.
#define AT_RECEIVE_DOC 1 // recv a docid to edit or verify
#define AT_SUBMIT_DOC 2 // submit all your edits for the doc
#define AT_PASS_DOC 3 // when someone verifies your doc
#define AT_FAIL_DOC 4 // when someone verifies your doc
#define AT_ACCURACY_EVAL 5 // for last 100 or so docs
#define AT_CHARGE 6 // you charge flurbit. once per day.
#define AT_PAYMENT 7 // we pay you using paypal, every friday.
#define AT_LOGIN 8
#define AT_LOGOUT 9
#define AT_AUTO_LOGOUT 10
#define AT_SKIP_DOC 11
class Trans {
char m_actionType;
long m_ip;
float m_number; // amount of money involved, or # of action pts.
long long m_docId;
char m_desc[]; // username who verfied you, etc.
void gotListWrapper ( void *st ) {
gotTransdbList ( (State60 *) st );
// . displays the stats for a username
// . show stats for every day we have them for
// . in a big list
// . if they click the day display all docids evaluated for that day
// . show the accuracy for that day too
// . how many docs they edited
// . how many of those docs were verified by another
// . and if there was consensus
void gotTransdbList ( State60 *st ) {
// get today's time range
time_t now = getTimeGlobal();
// get start of today
time_t dayStart = now / (24*3600);
SafeBuf sb;
// shortcut
TcpSocket *s = st->m_s;
// make about 200k of mem to write into
if ( ! sb.reserve ( 200000 ) )
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerrno(g_errno));
// print description so they can clikc a button to start the turk
"<title>Event Editor</title>\n"
"<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\">\n"
"<tr><td style=\"background-color:#0079ba;\">\n"
"<center><font color=#00000>"
"<h2>Event Editor</h2>\n"
// print the content
sb.safePrintf("<center><font size=4><blink>"
"<b><a href=\"/pageturk?c=%s&edit=1\">"
"Click here to start editing.</a></b></blink>"
"</font><br><i>Please take your "
"time to read the information below before you begin"
"</i><br><font color=\"red\" size=2> Warning: Adult "
"content might be presented to you."
" You should be above 18 years of age to continue."
sb.safePrintf("<font face=arial,sans-serif color=black size=3>"
"<p>By clicking <i>Start Voting</i>, you will be "
"presented with an interface for editing events. "
"The editor will display a modified web page that "
"contains one or more events. Each event's description "
"will be highlight with a blue background. You can "
"toggle whether a particular event is displayed by "
"clicking on that event's ID. You can highlight one or "
"multiple event descriptions at the same time. "
"By clicking on the section icons in the web page you "
"can tell the editor that a virtual fence should be "
"erected around that section. The fence will make sure "
"that event descriptions can not span across it. Each "
"event description must be fully contained either "
"inside or outside the fence. However, you can also "
"declare a section as a title section, which means that "
"the text that the title section contains is free to be "
"used by any event description."
"<p>When you are done erecting section fences, you "
"submit your changes. The more changes you make the "
"more points you earn. Other users may evaluate "
"your edits for accuracy. You will be paid based on the "
"points you earn as well as your accuracy. All "
"transactions are listed in the table below.</p>"
"<p>You may not change your username or password "
"but you can change your email address. Your email "
"address will be used to pay you with PayPal every "
"Friday. Paypal fees will be deducted on your end. By "
"using this service you agree to all stated Terms & "
// get the user record
User *uu = g_users.getUser ( username );
// print out their info, like paypal email
"<tr><td colspan=10><center>Your Info</center>"
"<td><input type=text value=%s></td>"
"<td>email address used to pay with paypal</td>"
"<tr><td colspan=10><input type=submit value=update>"
"</table>\n" ,
uu->m_payPalEmail );
// print your stats here now
"<tr><td colspan=10><center>Your Stats</center>"
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &st->m_list;
long lastDay = -1;
long totalReceives = 0;
long totalSubmits = 0;
long totalPasses = 0;
long totalFails = 0;
// scan the list
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; ) {
// get rec
char *rec = list->getCurrentRecord();
char *data = list->getCurrentData();
long dataSize = list->getCurrentDataSize();
// skip that
// skip if negative
if ( (rec[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
// get the time (global time - sync'd with host #0)
time_t tt = g_transdb.getTimeStamp ( rec );
// get day #
long daynum = tt / (24*3600);
// is it today?
bool isToday = ( daynum >= dayStart );
// point to the Transaction
Trans *trans = (Trans *)data;
// if is today, print it out verbatim
if ( isToday ) {
// print it in html row format to match table above
//printTrans ( &sb , rec );
// make it into a nice date
time_t dd = lastDay * 86400;
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime ( &dd );
char ppp[100];
// print last days stats first
// then stats
if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_RECEIVE_DOC )
"<td>%li pts</td>"
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_SUBMIT_DOC )
"<td>%li pts</td>"
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_PASS_DOC )
"<td>%li pts</td>"
"<td>docid=%llu was verified "
"by user=\"%s\"</td>",
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_FAIL_DOC )
"<td>%li pts</td>"
"<td>docid=%llu was deemed to "
"be incorrect "
"by user=\"%s\"</td>",
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_ACCURACY_EVAL)
sb.safePrintf("<td>accuracy eval</td>"
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_CHARGE)
"<td>You made money.</td>",
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_PAYMENT)
"<td>We paid you.</td>",
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_LOGIN)
"<td>You logged in.</td>");
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_LOGOUT)
"<td>You logged out.</td>");
else if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_AUTO_LOGOUT)
"<td>You were auto "
"logged out.</td>");
else {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if does not match last day, print out that last day's stats
// and reset for next guy
if ( daynum != lastDay && lastDay != -1 ) {
// make it into a nice date
time_t dd = lastDay * 86400;
struct tm *timeStruct = localtime ( &dd );
char ppp[100];
// print last days stats first
// then stats
"<td>Total received</td>"
"<td>Total submitted</td>"
"<td>Total accuracy tests passed</td>"
"<td>Total accuracy tests failed</td>"
// reset as well
totalReceived = 0;
totalSubmits = 0;
totalPasses = 0;
totalFails = 0;
// remember last day # we processed for accumulating stats
lastDay = daynum;
// accum stats
if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_RECEIVE_DOC )
if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_SUBMIT_DOC )
if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_PASS_DOC )
if ( trans->m_actionType == AT_FAIL_DOC )
sendReply ( &sb );
// . just keep it simple and store gbunturked for each page that has
// unturked events.
// . have it store gbsemiturked if similar pages from its site have been turked
// . have it store gbturked if it has been turked itself
// . if page events change then we must re-turk it!
// . just grabbing the pages based on docid should make us turk the
// most popular sites first on avg...
bool sendPageTurkEval ( State60 *st ) {
// if we already have a docid, the display the editor page
if ( st->m_docId ) return displayEditorPage ( st );
// . otherwise, do a search to get the best page
long long termId = hash64n("gbunturked");
// event id range is forced to 1 to 1 for this one since special
key128_t startKey = g_datedb.makeStartKey (termId);
key128_t endKey = g_datedb.makeEndKey (termId);
// get all the transactions associated with this username
if ( ! st->m_msg0.getList ( -1 , // hostId
-1 , // ip
-1 , // port
0 , // maxAge ,
false , // addToCache?
RDB_DATEDB , // rdbId
st->m_coll , // coll
&st->m_list ,
&startKey ,
&endKey ,
200000 , // minRecSizes (get all!)
st , // state
gotDatedbListWrapper ,
0 )) // niceness
// return false if that blocked on us
return false;
// error?
if ( g_errno ) {
log("turk: error reading datedb for docs to turk: %s",
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerrno(g_errno));
// got the list. this should send a page back to httpserver
gotDatedbList ( st );
void gotListWrapper ( void *st ) {
gotDatedbList ( (State60 *) st );
// TODO: make Process.cpp save this one!
HashTableX g_turkLocks;
// key is the docid
class TurkLock {
char m_user[MAX_USER_SIZE];
time_t m_lockTime;
void gotDatedbList ( State60 *st ) {
// must only be run on host #0 since we need just one lock table
if ( g_hostdb.m_myHost->m_hostId != 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// load turk lock table if we need to
bool s_init = false;
if ( ! s_init ) {
s_init = true;
if ( ! g_turkLocks.set(8,sizeof(TurkLock),256) )
log("turk: failed to init turk lock table");
if ( ! g_turkLocks.load(g_conf.m_dir,"turkdir/docidlocks.dat"))
log("turk: failed to load turk lock table");
time_t now = getTimeGlobal();
// shortcut
RdbList *list = &st->m_list;
// the best docid
long long best = 0LL;
// scan the list to get urls/docids to turk out
for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; ) {
// get rec
char *k = list->getCurrentKey();
// skip that
// skip if negative
if ( (k[0] & 0x01) == 0x00 ) continue;
// get the docid
long long docid = g_datedb.getDocId ( k );
// skip if locked
TurkLock *tt = (TurkLock *)g_turkLock.getValue(&docid);
// if there check time
if ( tt && now - tt->m_lockTime > 3600 ) {
// remove it
// nuke tt
tt = NULL;
// if still there, skip it and try next one
if ( tt ) continue;
// ok, we got a good docid to dish out
best = docId;
SafeBuf sb;
// print description so they can clikc a button to start the turk
"<title>Event Editor</title>\n"
"<table width=\"100%%\" border=\"0\">\n"
"<tr><td style=\"background-color:#0079ba;\">\n"
"<center><font color=#00000>"
"<h2>Event Editor</h2>\n"
// if we had no docid, give user an empty msg
if ( ! best ) {
sb.safePrintf("<center>Nothing currently available to edit. "
"Please try again later.</center>"
sendReply ( &sb );
// lock it!
TurkLock tt;
strcpy ( tt.m_user , st->m_user );
tt.m_lockTime = now;
if ( ! g_lockTable.addLock ( &tt ) ) {
sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// . fetch the TitleRec
// . a max cache age of 0 means not to read from the cache
XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
// . when getTitleRec() is called it will load the old one
// since XmlDoc::m_setFromTitleRec will be true
// . niceness is 0
xd->set3 ( best , st->m_coll , 0 );
// if it blocks while it loads title rec, it will re-call this routine
xd->setCallback ( st , processLoopWrapper );
// good to go!
return processLoop ( st );
bool sendReply ( SafeBuf *sb ) {
// save this
TcpSocket *s = st->m_s;
// nuke state60
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "turk1" );
delete (st);
// get page to send back
char *buf = sb->getBufStart();
// does this include the \0???
long bufLen = sb->length();
// remove \0 i guess if we had one
if ( bufLen > 0 && buf[bufLen-1] == '\0' ) bufLen--;
// and send that back
bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
-1, // cachetime
false, // POSTReply?
-1, // httpstatus
NULL, // cookie
"utf8" ); // charset
// and convey the status
return status;
// returns true
bool sendErrorReply ( void *state , long err ) {
// ensure this is set
if ( ! err ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// get it
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
// get the tcp socket from the state
TcpSocket *s = st->m_s;
char tmp [ 1024*32 ] ;
sprintf ( tmp , "<b>had server-side error: %s</b><br>",
// nuke state60
mdelete ( st , sizeof(State60) , "turk1" );
delete (st);
// erase g_errno for sending
//g_errno = 0;
// . now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
//return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage ( s , tmp , gbstrlen(tmp) );
return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply ( s, err, mstrerror(err) );
void processLoopWrapper ( void *state ) {
processLoop ( state );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
// get it
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
// get the tcp socket from the state
TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
// get it
XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
if ( ! xd->m_loaded ) {
// setting just the docid. niceness is 0.
xd->set3 ( st->m_docId , st->m_coll , 0 );
// callback
xd->setCallback ( state , processLoop );
// . and tell it to load from the old title rec
// . if it returns false it blocked and will call our callback
// processLoop() when it completes
if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) ) return false;
if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// get the utf8 content
char **utf8 = xd->getUtf8Content();
//long len = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// wait if blocked???
if ( utf8 == (void *)-1 ) return false;
// strange
if ( xd->size_utf8Content<=0) return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
// alloc error?
if ( ! utf8 ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// get this host
Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId );
if ( ! h ) return sendErrorReply ( st , EBADENGINEER );
// make it into an editable page now for the turk guy
sendTurkPageReply ( st );
void xdcallback ( void *state ) {
State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
sendTurkPageReply ( st );
bool sendTurkPageReply ( State60 *st ) {
XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
//char *content = xd->ptr_utf8Content;
//long contentLen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
// count the total number of EventDesc classes for all evids
//char *evd = xd->ptr_eventData;
//EventDisplay *ed = (EventDisplay *)evd;
//char *addr = evd + (long)ed->m_addr;
//char timeZoneOffset = getTimeZoneFromAddr ( addr );
// in case getSections() block come right back in
xd->setCallback ( st , xdcallback );
// . set niceness to 1 so all this processing doesn't slow queries down
// . however, g_niceness should still be zero... hmmm...
xd->m_niceness = 1;
// default to 1 niceness
st->m_niceness = 1;
// now set the sections class
Sections *ss = xd->getSections();
// now for each section with alnum text, telescope up as far as
// possible without containing anymore alnum text than what it
// contained. set SEC_CONTROL bit. such sections will have the
// 2 green/blue dots, that are used for turning on/off title/desc.
// but really the indians will only turn off sections that should
// not have a title/desc.
for ( Section *si = ss->m_rootSection ; si ; si = si->m_next ) {
// breathe
// skip if does not have text
if ( si->m_firstWordPos < 0 ) continue;
// otherwise, find biggest parent that contains just that text
Section *p = si->m_parent;
Section *last = si;
for ( ; p ; p = p->m_parent ) {
if ( p->m_firstWordPos != si->m_firstWordPos ) break;
if ( p->m_lastWordPos != si->m_lastWordPos ) break;
last = p;
// set that bit then
last->m_flags |= SEC_CONTROL;
// and speed up the loop
si = last;
// * now each SEC_CONTROL sections have a fence activated by a turker
// * an event title or description can not span a fence. it must be
// confined within a fence. however, it is allowed to include
// title or description from a "title section".
// * hold shift down to designate as title section when clicking it
// * show the raw text of each event changing as you fence
// sections in or out. show in a right frame.
// * show list of events on page in the top frame. can toggle them
// all individually.
// * and remove no-display from all tags so we can see everything.
// * highlight addresses, not just dates.
// * each section hash has its own unique bg color when activated
// * with a single click, completely reject an event because:
// contains bad time, address, title or desc. specify which so
// we can improve our algo.
// * when selecting an individual event, scroll to its tod...
// * remove all color from webpage that we can so our colors show up
// * remove all imgs. just src them to dev null.
// * allow for entering a custom title for an event or all events
// that are or will ever appear on the page.
// * when displaying the text of the events, use hyphens to
// delineate the section topology. strike out text as a section
// fence is activated.
// * when a section is activated is it easier to just redownload
// the whole text of the page? maybe just the text frame?
// * clicking on an individual sentence section should just remove
// that sentence. that is kinda a special content hash removal
// tag. like "Click here for video."
// * when an event id is selected i guess activate its bgcolor to
// be light blue for all sentences currently in the event that
// are not in activated sections. (make exception for designated
// title sections). so we need multiple tags for each events
// sentence div section. if sentence is split use multiple div tags
// then to keep the order. so each event sentence would have
// <div ev1=1 ev2=1 ev10=1>...</div> if it is in event ids 1,2 and
// 10. that way we can activate it when one of those event ids is
// activated.
SafeBuf sb;
// shortcuts
if ( ! xd->m_wordsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
Words *words = &xd->m_words;
long nw = words->getNumWords();
char **wptrs = words->getWords();
long *wlens = words->getWordLens();
nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();
// a special array for printing </div> tags
char *endCounts = (char *)mcalloc ( nw ,"endcounts");
if ( ! endCounts ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
// now loop over all the words. if word starts a section that has
// SEC_CONTROL bit set, and print out the section hash and a color
// tag to be activated if the turkey activates us.
// CAUTION: word may start multiple sections.
for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
// get section ptr
Section *sj = ss->m_sectionPtrs[i];
// sanity check. sj must be first section ptr that starts @ a
if ( sj && sj->m_a==i && sj->m_prev && sj->m_prev->m_a==i ) {
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . does word #i start a section?
// . if section is control, print out the control
while ( sj && sj->m_a == i ) {
// print this section's hash
if ( sj->m_flags & SEC_CONTROL) {
// after the turkeys have made all the edits
// they need to submit the changes they made.
// how can we get that data sent back to the
// back end? we need to send back the colors
// of the sections that have been activated
// i guess. just do a loop over them.
sb.safePrintf("<div nobreak gbsecid=%lu "
"bgcolor=#%lx "
(unsigned long)sj->m_tagHash,
(unsigned long)sj->m_tagHash);
// sanity check
if ( sj->m_b < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
if ( sj->m_b > nw ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// and inc the /div count for that word
// try next section too
sj = sj->m_next;
// if this is a tag, remove any coloring
if ( tids[i] ) {
// print the word, be it a tag, alnum, punct
sb.safeMemcpy ( wptrs[i] , wlens[i] );
// end a div tag?
if ( ! endCounts[i] ) continue;
// might be many so loop it
for ( long j = 0 ; j < endCounts[i] ; j++ )
return false;