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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// Matt Wells, copyright Feb 2001
// . get a list from any rdb (hostmap,tagdb,termdb,titledb,quotadb)
// . TODO: support concatenation of lists from different groups
#ifndef _MSG0_H_
#define _MSG0_H_
#include "UdpServer.h"
#include "Multicast.h"
#include "Hostdb.h"
#include "Indexdb.h"
// termlist cache accessor functions for Msg5.cpp to use
extern RdbCache g_termListCache;
class RdbCache *getTermListCache ( ) ;
long long getTermListCacheKey ( char *startKey , char *endKey ) ;
bool addRecToTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
char *list ,
long listSize ) ;
bool getListFromTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey,
char *endKey,
long maxCacheAge,
RdbList *list ) ;
bool getRecFromTermListCache ( char *coll,
char *startKey,
char *endKey,
long maxCacheAge,
char **rec ,
long *recSize ) ;
//#define MSG0_REQ_SIZE (8 + 2 * sizeof(key_t) + 16 + 5 + MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 )
#define MSG0_REQ_SIZE (8 + 2 * MAX_KEY_BYTES + 16 + 5 + MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 + 1 )
class Msg0 {
Msg0 ( ) ;
~Msg0 ( ) ;
void reset ( ) ;
void constructor ( );
// . this should only be called once
// . should also register our get record handlers with the udpServer
bool registerHandler();
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets errno on error
// . "list" should NOT be on the stack in case we block
// . caches "not founds" as well
// . rdbIds: 0=hostdb,1=tagdb,2=termdb,3=titledb,4=quotadb
// . rdbIds: see getRdb() below
// . set niceness to 0 for highest priority, default is lowest priority
// . maxCacheAge is the max cached list age in our NETWORK cache
// . our disk cache gets flushed when the disk is updated so it's never
// out of sync with the data
// . a maxCacheAge of 0 (or negative) means not to check the cache
bool getList ( long long hostId , // -1 if unspecified
long ip , // info on hostId
short port ,
long maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
bool addToCache , // add net recv'd list to cache?
char rdbId , // specifies the rdb
char *coll ,
class RdbList *list ,
//key_t startKey ,
//key_t endKey ,
char *startKey ,
char *endKey ,
long minRecSizes , // Positive values only
void *state ,
//void (* callback)(void *state , class RdbList *list),
void (* callback)(void *state ),
long niceness ,
bool doErrorCorrection = true ,
bool includeTree = true ,
bool doMerge = true ,
long firstHostId = -1 ,
long startFileNum = 0 ,
long numFiles = -1 ,
long timeout = 30 ,
long long syncPoint = -1 ,
long preferLocalReads = -1 , // -1=use g_conf
class Msg5 *msg5 = NULL ,
class Msg5 *msg5b = NULL ,
bool isRealMerge = false , // file merge?
bool allowPageCache = true ,
bool forceLocalIndexdb = false,
bool noSplit = false , // MDW ????
long forceParitySplit = -1 );
// bool allowPageCache = true );
bool getList ( long long hostId , // -1 if unspecified
long ip , // info on hostId
short port ,
long maxCacheAge , // max cached age in seconds
bool addToCache , // add net recv'd list to cache?
char rdbId , // specifies the rdb
char *coll ,
class RdbList *list ,
key_t startKey ,
key_t endKey ,
long minRecSizes , // Positive values only
void *state ,
//void (* callback)(void *state , class RdbList *list),
void (* callback)(void *state ),
long niceness ,
bool doErrorCorrection = true ,
bool includeTree = true ,
bool doMerge = true ,
long firstHostId = -1 ,
long startFileNum = 0 ,
long numFiles = -1 ,
long timeout = 30 ,
long long syncPoint = -1 ,
long preferLocalReads = -1 , // -1=use g_conf
class Msg5 *msg5 = NULL ,
class Msg5 *msg5b = NULL ,
bool isRealMerge = false, // file merge?
bool allowPageCache = true ,
bool forceLocalIndexdb = false,
// default for this should be false, because true
// means to send a msg0 to every indexdb split!
bool doIndexdbSplit = false ,
long forceParitySplit = -1 ) {
// bool allowPageCache = true ) {
return getList ( hostId ,
ip ,
port ,
maxCacheAge ,
addToCache ,
rdbId ,
coll ,
list ,
(char *)&startKey ,
(char *)&endKey ,
minRecSizes ,
state ,
callback ,
niceness ,
doErrorCorrection ,
includeTree ,
doMerge ,
firstHostId ,
startFileNum ,
numFiles ,
timeout ,
syncPoint ,
preferLocalReads ,
msg5 ,
msg5b ,
isRealMerge ,
allowPageCache ,
forceLocalIndexdb ,
doIndexdbSplit ); };
// allowPageCache ); };
// . YOU NEED NOT CALL routines below here
// . private:
bool gotLoadReply ( ) ;
bool getList ( long firstHostId ) ;
// gotta keep this handler public so the C wrappers can call them
void gotReply ( char *reply , long replySize , long replyMaxSize );
void gotSplitReply ( );
// maps an rdbId to an Rdb
class Rdb *getRdb ( char rdbId ) ;
// the opposite of getRdb() above
char getRdbId ( class Rdb *rdb );
// callback info
void (*m_callback ) ( void *state );//, class RdbList *list );
void *m_state;
// host we sent RdbList request to
long long m_hostId;
long m_ip;
short m_port;
// group we sent RdbList request to
//unsigned long m_groupId;
unsigned long m_shardNum;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
UdpSlot *m_slot;
// 2*4 + 1 + 2 * keySize
char m_request [ MSG0_REQ_SIZE ];
long m_requestSize;
// used for multicasting the request
//Multicast m_mcast[INDEXDB_SPLIT];
//Multicast m_mcast[MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
// casting to multiple splits is obsolete, but for PageIndexdb.cpp
// we still need to do it, but we alloc for it
Multicast m_mcast;
Multicast *m_mcasts;
long m_numRequests;
long m_numReplies;
//long m_numSplit;
long m_errno;
// local reply, need to handle it for splitting
char *m_replyBuf;
long m_replyBufSize;
// Multicast m_mcast;
// ptr to passed list we're to fill
class RdbList *m_list;
// use this list if you don't want to malloc one
RdbList m_handyList;
// . local rdb as specified by m_rdbId and gotten by getRdb(char rdbId)
// . also, it's fixedDataSize
//class Rdb *m_rdb;
long m_fixedDataSize;
bool m_useHalfKeys;
// should we add an received lists from across network to our cache?
bool m_addToCache;
long m_hackxd;
// . parameters that define the RdbList we want
// . we use precisely this block to define a network request
//key_t m_startKey ;
//key_t m_endKey ;
char m_startKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char m_endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
long m_minRecSizes ;
char m_rdbId ;
char *m_coll ;
class Msg5 *m_msg5 ;
class Msg5 *m_msg5b;
bool m_deleteMsg5;
bool m_deleteMsg5b;
bool m_isRealMerge;
// for timing the get
long long m_startTime;
// and for reporting niceness
long m_niceness;
char m_ks;
// for allowing the page cache
bool m_allowPageCache;
// this is a hack so Msg51 can store his this ptr here
void *m_parent; // used by Msg51 and by Msg2.cpp
long m_slot51; // for resending on same Msg0 slot in array
void *m_dataPtr; // for holding recepient record ptr of TopNode ptr
char m_inUse;