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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2000
// . TODO: fix it, include firstPass stuff
// . the merge file reads slots from 1 or more files and dumps to another
// . the merge file dumps those slots in order of keys to the destination file
// . slots with a zero slotSize will be removed
// . does not use any memory or disk space constraints (TODO)
// . the amount of memory it needs is mostly just from map file (is small)
// . disk space is relatively small to memory
// . TODO: create a static var so only one merge can happen at a time
// . on an index of 40 gigs of just key the map file can take 56 megs
// . as we're merging X files into one file we should free up the maps
// we're merging so we don't take too much memory
// . RdbMap should have a base page number, the page # of first page in it's
// m_keys/m_offsets/m_dataSizes array
// . shifting 50 megs down will take probably half a second or so but
// we do it to save memory and it should only be done every 10 megs, say
// . and we can also start benefiting from the merged files immediately in
// seek time
// . RdbScan/RdbGet are different now, we have to figure out a way to
// read in 1 meg or less (as close as we can get to 1 meg) from each
// rdb file... TODO
#ifndef _RDBMERGE_H_
#define _RDBMERGE_H_
#include "RdbDump.h"
#include "Msg5.h"
// . we try to read this many bytes at a time then dump to a file
// . keep it to 5 megs for now
//#define MERGE_BUF_SIZE (5*1024*1024)
// . i'm trying to improve query response time
// . while merging, it seems it is directly proportional to MERGE_BUF_SIZE
// . we also need to disable bdflush so all the writes don't spew out on
// some important reads
// . i think if we do large reads the kernel commits to it and cancelling
// the thread does not really cancel the read, so keep reads small
//#define MERGE_BUF_SIZE (1000*1000)
// . now we cancel threads, try a bigger one
// . Lars's stripe size is 1 meg i believe
//#define MERGE_BUF_SIZE (4*1024*1024)
// for debugging tiering, i made this small
//#define MERGE_BUF_SIZE (1024)
class RdbMerge {
// . selects the files to merge
// . uses keyMasks and files from the passed Rdb class
// . filter out keys where key & m_keyMask != m_maskValue
// . merge to a new file
// . new file name is stored in m_filename so Rdb can look at it
// . calls rdb->incorporateMerge() when done with merge or had error
// . "maxBufSize" is size of list to get then write (read/write buf)
bool merge ( char rdbId ,
//char *coll ,
collnum_t collnum ,
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
BigFile *target ,
RdbMap *targetMap ,
long id2 ,
long startFileNum ,
long numFiles ,
long niceness ,
class DiskPageCache *pc ,
long long maxTargetFileSize ,
char keySize );
bool isMerging ( ) { return m_isMerging; };
// if we are merging, use this to see what rdb we are merging for
//class RdbBase *getRdbBase ( ) { return m_base; };
// suspend the merging until resumeMerge() is called
void suspendMerge ( ) ;
// . return false and sets errno on error merging
// . returns true if blocked, or completed successfully
bool resumeMerge ( ) ;
// these must be public so wrappers can call
bool dumpList ( );
bool getNextList ( ) ;
bool getAnotherList ( ) ;
void doneMerging ( ) ;
RdbMerge() ;
~RdbMerge() ;
void reset();
// . called to continue merge initialization after lock is secure
// . lock is g_isMergingLock
bool gotLock ( ) ;
// set to true when m_startKey wraps back to 0
bool m_doneMerging;
// how many dup keys removed from the IndexList merge, if any?
long long getDupsRemoved ( ) { return m_dupsRemoved; };
void doSleep();
long m_numThreads;
// private:
// . used when growing the database
// . removes keys that would no longer be stored by us
//void filterList ( RdbList *list ) ;
// . we get the units from the master and the mergees from the units
class RdbBase *m_base;
long m_startFileNum;
long m_numFiles;
bool m_dedup;
long m_fixedDataSize;
BigFile *m_target;
RdbMap *m_targetMap;
// these are used by truncateList()
//key_t m_truncationMask;
//key_t m_lastMaskedKey;
char m_truncationMask[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char m_lastMaskedKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
long m_lastNumRecs;
//key_t m_startKey;
//key_t m_endKey;
char m_startKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
char m_endKey[MAX_KEY_BYTES];
bool m_isMerging;
bool m_isSuspended;
bool m_isReadyToSave;
// for writing to target file
RdbDump m_dump;
// a Msg5 for getting RdbLists from disk/cache
Msg5 m_msg5;
Msg5 m_msg5b;
RdbList m_list;
long m_niceness;
// count for indexdb
long long m_dupsRemoved;
class DiskPageCache *m_pc;
long long m_maxTargetFileSize;
long m_id2;
// for getting the RdbBase class doing the merge
uint8_t m_rdbId;
//char m_coll [ MAX_COLL_LEN + 1 ];
collnum_t m_collnum;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
char m_ks;