
356 lines
11 KiB
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2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include "gb-include.h"
#include "Highlight.h"
#include "Titledb.h" // TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION
#include "Phrases.h"
#include "Synonyms.h"
#include "XmlDoc.h"
// use different front tags for matching different term #'s
static char *s_frontTags[] = {
/* . old style tags
"<b style=color:black;background-color:#ffff66>" ,
"<b style=color:black;background-color:#A0FFFF>" ,
"<b style=color:black;background-color:#99ff99>" ,
"<b style=color:black;background-color:#ff9999>" ,
"<b style=color:black;background-color:#ff66ff>" ,
"<b style=color:white;background-color:#880000>" ,
"<b style=color:white;background-color:#00aa00>" ,
"<b style=color:white;background-color:#886800>" ,
"<b style=color:white;background-color:#004699>" ,
"<b style=color:white;background-color:#990099>"
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst00\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst01\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst02\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst03\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst04\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst05\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst06\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst07\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst08\">" ,
"<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst09\">"
//long s_frontTagLen=gbstrlen("<b style=color:black;background-color:#990099>");
long s_frontTagLen=gbstrlen("<span class=\"gbcnst gbcnst00\">");
// include the css style sheet for the highlight tags
//static char *s_styleSheetInc = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
// "href=\"~/cachedpagestyles.css\">";
//long s_styleSheetIncLen = gbstrlen( s_styleSheetInc );
static char *s_styleSheet =
"<style type=\"text/css\">"
"span.gbcnst00x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #ffff66}"
"span.gbcnst01x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #a0ffff}"
"span.gbcnst02x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #99ff99}"
"span.gbcnst03x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #ff9999}"
"span.gbcnst04x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #ff66ff}"
"span.gbcnst05x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #880000}"
"span.gbcnst06x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #00aa00}"
"span.gbcnst07x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #886800}"
"span.gbcnst08x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #004699}"
"span.gbcnst09x{color:white;background-color:black;border:2px solid #990099}"
long s_styleSheetLen = gbstrlen( s_styleSheet );
//buffer for writing term list items
char s_termList[1024];
// . return length stored into "buf"
// . content must be NULL terminated
// . if "useAnchors" is true we do click and scroll
// . if "isQueryTerms" is true, we do typical anchors in a special way
long Highlight::set ( SafeBuf *sb,
//char *buf ,
//long bufLen ,
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
char *content ,
long contentLen ,
// primary language of the document (for synonyms)
char docLangId ,
Query *q ,
bool doStemming ,
bool useAnchors ,
const char *baseUrl ,
const char *frontTag ,
const char *backTag ,
long fieldCode ,
long niceness ) {
Words words;
if ( ! words.set ( content ,
contentLen ,
true , // computeId
true ) ) // has html entites?
return -1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
Bits bits;
if ( ! bits.set (&words,version,niceness) ) return -1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
Phrases phrases;
if ( !phrases.set(&words,&bits,true,false,version,niceness))return -1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
//SafeBuf langBuf;
//if ( !setLangVec ( &words , &langBuf , niceness )) return 0;
//uint8_t *langVec = (uint8_t *)langBuf.getBufStart();
// make synonyms
//Synonyms syns;
//if(!syns.set(&words,NULL,docLangId,&phrases,niceness,NULL)) return 0;
Matches matches;
matches.setQuery ( q );
if ( ! matches.addMatches ( &words , &phrases ) ) return -1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// store
m_numMatches = matches.getNumMatches();
return set ( sb ,
//buf ,
//bufLen ,
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
&words ,
&matches ,
doStemming ,
useAnchors ,
baseUrl ,
frontTag ,
backTag ,
fieldCode ,
q );
// New version
long Highlight::set ( SafeBuf *sb ,
//char *buf ,
//long bufLen ,
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
Words *words ,
Matches *matches ,
bool doStemming ,
bool useAnchors ,
const char *baseUrl ,
const char *frontTag ,
const char *backTag ,
long fieldCode ,
Query *q ) {
// save stuff
m_frontTag = frontTag;
m_backTag = backTag;
m_doStemming = doStemming;
m_didErrMsg = false;
m_fieldCode = fieldCode;
// should we do click and scroll
m_useAnchors = useAnchors;
m_baseUrl = baseUrl;
// . set the anchor counts to 1000*i+1 for each possible query term num
// . yes, i know, why +1? because we're assuming the query terms
// have been highlighted before us
for ( long i = 0 ; i < MAX_QUERY_TERMS ; i++ )
m_anchorCounts[i] = 1000*i + 1;
// set lengths of provided front/back highlight tags
if ( m_frontTag ) m_frontTagLen = gbstrlen ( frontTag );
if ( m_backTag ) m_backTagLen = gbstrlen ( backTag );
// point to buffer to store highlighted text into
//m_buf = buf;
//m_bufLen = bufLen;
//m_bufPtr = buf;
m_sb = sb;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// save room for terminating \0
//m_bufEnd = m_buf + m_bufLen - 1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
if ( ! highlightWords ( words, matches, q ) ) return -1;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// null terminate
//*m_bufPtr = '\0';
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// return the length
return m_sb->length();//m_bufPtr - m_buf;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
bool Highlight::highlightWords ( Words *words , Matches *m, Query *q ) {
// get num of words
long numWords = words->getNumWords();
// some convenience ptrs to word info
char *w;
long wlen;
// length of our front tag should be constant
long frontTagLen ;
if ( m_frontTag ) frontTagLen = m_frontTagLen;
else frontTagLen = s_frontTagLen;
// set the back tag, should be constant
const char *backTag ;
long backTagLen;
if ( m_backTag ) {
backTag = m_backTag;
backTagLen = m_backTagLen;
else {
//backTag = "</b>";
//backTagLen = 4;
backTag = "</span>";
backTagLen = 7;
// set nexti to the word # of the first word that matches a query word
long nextm = -1;
long nexti = -1;
if ( m->m_numMatches > 0 ) {
nextm = 0;
nexti = m->m_matches[0].m_wordNum;
long backTagi = -1;
bool inTitle = false;
bool endHead = false;
bool endHtml = false;
if (q) {
log ("q.m_numWords: %d\nq.m_numTerms: %d\n",
q->m_numWords, q->m_numTerms);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < numWords ; i++ ) {
// set word's info
w = words->getWord(i);
wlen = words->getWordLen(i);
endHead = false;
endHtml = false;
// bail now if out of room
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
if ( m_bufPtr + MAX_URL_LEN + 1024 + wlen >= m_bufEnd ) {
// don't spam the logs
static long long s_lastTime = 0;
long long now = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
if ( now - s_lastTime < 1000 ) return true;
log("query: Not enough buffer space to highlight "
"text. Ask Matt to fix.");
s_lastTime = now;
return true;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
if ( (words->getTagId(i) ) == TAG_TITLE ) { //<TITLE>
if ( words->isBackTag(i) ) inTitle = false;
else inTitle = true;
char foo[32];
strncpy(foo, w, 32);
printf("<title> at word %d: %s\n", i, foo);
else if ( (words->getTagId(i) ) == TAG_HTML ) { //<HTML>
if (words->isBackTag(i) )
endHtml = true;
else if ( (words->getTagId(i) ) == TAG_HEAD ) { //<HEAD>
if (words->isBackTag(i) )
endHead = true;
// match class ptr
Match *mat = NULL;
// This word is a match...see if we're gonna tag it
// dont put the same tags around consecutive matches
if ( i == nexti && ! inTitle && ! endHead && ! endHtml) {
// get the match class for the match
mat = &m->m_matches[nextm];
// discontinue any current font tag we are in
if ( i < backTagi ) {
// push backtag ahead if needed
if ( i + mat->m_numWords > backTagi )
backTagi = i + mat->m_numWords;
//memcpy ( m_bufPtr , backTag , backTagLen );
//m_bufPtr += backTagLen ;
//backTagi = -1;
else {
// now each match is the entire quote, so write the
// fron tag right now
const char *frontTag;
if ( m_frontTag ) frontTag = m_frontTag;
//else frontTag = s_frontTags [ p[i] % 10];
else frontTag =s_frontTags[mat->m_colorNum%10];
// OK...this is UTF-8 output, and ASCII Text
//strcpy ( m_bufPtr , frontTag );
//m_bufPtr += frontTagLen;
m_sb->safeStrcpy ( (char *)frontTag );
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// "Highlight: starting phrase %d at word %d\n",
// p[i], i);
// when to write the back tag? add the number of
// words in the match to i.
backTagi = i + mat->m_numWords;
else if ( endHead ) {
// include the tags style sheet immediately before
// the closing </TITLE> tag
//memcpy( m_bufPtr, s_styleSheet, s_styleSheetLen );
m_sb->safeMemcpy( s_styleSheet , s_styleSheetLen );
//m_bufPtr += s_styleSheetLen;
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
//else if ( endHtml ) {
// ;
if ( i == nexti ) {
// advance match
// set nexti to the word # of the next match
if ( nextm < m->m_numMatches )
nexti = m->m_matches[nextm].m_wordNum;
nexti = -1;
if ( mat )
"Highlight: word %d is in phrase %d, "
"intitle: %s, fronttag: %s, backtag: %s\n",
i,mat->m_colorNum, //p[i],
// write the alnum word
//m_bufPtr +=latin1ToUtf8(m_bufPtr, m_bufEnd-m_bufPtr,w, wlen);
// everything is utf8 now
//memcpy ( m_bufPtr, w , wlen );
//m_bufPtr += wlen;
m_sb->safeMemcpy ( w , wlen );
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// back tag
if ( i == backTagi-1 ) {
// store the back tag
//memcpy ( m_bufPtr , backTag , backTagLen );
//m_bufPtr += backTagLen ;
m_sb->safeMemcpy ( (char *)backTag , backTagLen );
2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
// "Highlight: ending phrase %d at word %d\n",
// p[i], i);
return true;