
798 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-08-03 00:12:24 +04:00
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h> // for opendir()
#include <dirent.h> // for opendir()
#include <time.h> // for time()
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/socket.h> // inet_ntoa()
#include <netinet/in.h> // inet_ntoa()
#include <arpa/inet.h> // inet_ntoa()
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
bool hashinit () ;
uint32_t hash32 ( const char *s, long len ) ;
long mysystem ( char *cmd );
#define HAS_SM_GIF 0x01
#define HAS_LG_GIF 0x02
#define HAS_LG_ANIM 0x04
#define HAS_SM_ANIM 0x08
#define HAS_ROOT 0x10
#define IS_PARENT 0x20
class Entry {
// includes extension
char m_root[64];
// the actual filename as it was uploaded
char m_filename[90];
// the parsed out date in MILLIseconds since epoch
long long m_timestamp;
// the camera name, NULL terminated
char *m_camera;
long m_cameraLen;
// the hash of the filename excluding extension
uint32_t m_h;
// and the flags
uint8_t m_flags;
// when the base file was created (uploaded by camera)
long m_ctime;
// shortcuts
long m_year;
long m_month;
long m_day;
// linked list
class Entry *m_next;
void main2 ( char *dirname ) ;
int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
system("echo RUNNING > /tmp/msg");
char *dirname = NULL;
if ( argc < 2 )
dirname = "/home/camera2/";
dirname = argv[1];
// sanity
if ( ! dirname || dirname[0]!='/' ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: bad dir name");
return -1;
char lock[200];
sprintf ( lock , "%s/lockfile",dirname);
// check lock file
int fd = open ( lock , O_CREAT | O_EXCL );
// if exists, it fails
if ( fd < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: %s exists",lock);
main2 ( dirname );
// remove lock
unlink ( lock );
return 0;
void main2 ( char *dirname ) {
// open the dir and scan for files
DIR *edir = opendir ( dirname );
if ( ! edir ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "animate: opendir (%s):%s\n",
dirname,strerror( errno ) );
// start with a million buckets, must be power of 2
long numBuckets = 1024 * 1024;
// make the hash table
Entry *buckets = (Entry *)calloc ( sizeof(Entry) * numBuckets , 1 );
if ( ! buckets ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: could not alloc hash table\n");
// . are we in a subdir already? or are we in /home/camera2/?
// . if we are not in a subdir already we move everything into the
// subdir which is of the format yyyymmdd/ for time keeping purposes
char issubdir = false;
char *dend = dirname + gbstrlen(dirname) ;
// backup over \0
if ( *dend == '/' ) dend--;
while ( dend > dirname && *dend != '/' ) dend--;
if ( *dend == '/' ) dend++;
if ( dend[0]=='2' && dend[1]=='0' )
issubdir = true;
Entry *head = NULL;
Entry *tail = NULL;
// hash subdir names into this table
uint32_t bb[1024 * 32];
memset ( bb , 0 , 10000 * 8 );
long now = time(NULL);
// loop over all the log files in this directory
struct dirent *ent;
while ( (ent = readdir ( edir )) ) {
// get filename of that entry
char *filename = ent->d_name;
// get extension
char *ext = strstr ( filename , "." );
// hash subdir names!
if ( ! ext ) { // ent->m_issubdir ) {
// must be this, "20081123"
if ( gbstrlen(filename) != 8 ) continue;
// hash it
uint32_t h = hash32 ( filename , 8 );
// add to "bb" table
uint32_t n = h & (1024*32-1);
// chain it
while ( bb[n] && bb[n] != h )
if ( ++n >= 1024*32 ) n = 0;
// add it
bb[n] = h;
// skip if no extension
if ( ! ext ) continue;
// skip these headers, but flags this frame
// as having anims or thumbs as appropriate
if ( strncmp(filename,"ANIM" , 4) == 0 ) continue;
if ( strncmp(filename,"THUMB" , 5) == 0 ) continue;
// do we already have the big gif?
char flags = 0;
if ( strcmp(ext,".gif") == 0 ) flags |= HAS_LG_GIF;
// get the bucket
// get length w/o extension
long len = ext - filename;
// must be . or ..
if ( len == 0 ) continue;
// hash it
uint32_t h = hash32 ( filename , len );
// debug
//fprintf(stderr,"filename %s h=%lu\n",filename,
//(unsigned long)h);
// never allow 0, that means empty bucket
if ( h == 0LL ) h = 1LL;
// get it
long i = h & (numBuckets - 1);
// chain
while ( buckets[i].m_h && buckets[i].m_h != h )
if ( ++i == numBuckets ) i = 0;
// was it found?
bool found = false;
if ( buckets[i].m_h ) found = true;
// shortcut
Entry *e = &buckets[i];
// and add in flags
e->m_flags |= flags;
// and hash, might already be set!
e->m_h = h;
// if we are a gif, we are done now!
if ( flags == HAS_LG_GIF ) continue;
// parse filename into date stuff
char *d = filename;
while ( *d && d[0] != '2' && d[1] != '0' ) d++;
// strange!
if ( ! *d ) {
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange filename %s . "
// "ignoring.\n",filename);
// get camera name length
e->m_cameraLen = d - filename;
// get year
long y =
(d[0]-'0') * 1000 +
(d[1]-'0') * 100 +
(d[2]-'0') * 10 +
// get month
long mon =
(d[4]-'0') * 10 +
// sanity
if ( mon <= 0 || mon > 12 ) {
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange month "
// "filename %s . ignoring.\n",filename);
// get day
long day =
(d[6]-'0') * 10 +
// sanity
if ( day <= 0 || day > 31 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange day "
"filename %s . ignoring.\n",filename);
// save it
e->m_year = y;
e->m_month = mon;
e->m_day = day;
// point to what we got left
char *p = d + 8;
// stupid cams put an "s" in here during daylight savings
char *delme = NULL;
if ( *p == 's' ) { delme = p; p++; }
// now the hour
long hour =
(p[0]-'0') * 10 +
// sanity
if ( hour < 0 || hour > 23 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange hour "
"filename %s . ignoring.\n",filename);
// minute
long min =
(p[2]-'0') * 10 +
// sanity
if ( min < 0 || min >= 60 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange minute "
"filename %s . ignoring.\n",filename);
// then milliseconds
char *MM = p + 4;
while ( *MM && isdigit(*MM) ) MM++;
// must be a '.'
if ( *MM != '.' ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: strange timestamp for "
"filename %s . ignoring.\n",filename);
// get that as numeric
*MM = '\0';
long ms = atoi(p);
// now convert to seconds since epoch
tm ts1;
memset(&ts1, 0, sizeof(tm));
ts1.tm_mon = mon - 1;
ts1.tm_mday = day;
ts1.tm_year = y - 1900;
// make the time
long long timestamp = mktime(&ts1);
// add in time since start of day in seconds
timestamp += hour * 60 * 60;
timestamp += min * 60;
// convert into milliseconds since epoch
timestamp *= 1000;
// then add in milliseconds
timestamp += ms;
// store it
e->m_timestamp = timestamp;
// debug
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: timestamp %s = %lli\n",filename,timestamp);
// store filename, might already be set
char *src = filename;
// filename without the extension really
char *dst = e->m_root;
for ( ; *src ; src++ ) {
// skip that 's' that the web cams put in for daylight savings time
if ( *src=='s' && src>filename && isdigit(src[-1]) &&
isdigit(src[1]) && src==delme ) continue;
// otherwise, copy over exactly
*dst++ = *src;
*dst = '\0';
// sanity
if ( strncmp(e->m_root,"ANIM",4)==0 ||
strncmp(e->m_root,"THUMB-ANIM",4)==0 ) {
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: bad filename "
// "%s ignoring.\n",filename);
// truncate the filename to remove the extension
char *ext2 = strstr(e->m_root,".");
if ( ext2 ) *ext2 = '\0';
// add it to the linked list
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: adding h=%lu file=%s ts=%lli\n",
// (long)e->m_h,filename,e->m_timestamp);
if ( tail ) { tail->m_next = e; tail = e; }
else head = tail = e;
// our camera name, length was set above
e->m_camera = e->m_root;
// save the original filename
sprintf ( e->m_filename,"%s",filename);
// do not rename as it could be uploading!
// rename the file in order to remove the 's'
if ( delme ) {
char buf[500];
// generate the LARGE gif
sprintf ( buf , "mv %s/%s.jpg %s/%s.jpg",
dirname ,
filename ,
dirname ,
e->m_root );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// get the creation date
struct stat stats;
// make it
char sfile[1024];
if ( flags == 0 && stat(sfile, &stats) ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: could not stat %s. ignoring.\n",sfile);
// save creation time
e->m_ctime = stats.st_ctime;
// sanity check
if ( e->m_ctime == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// add the flags
e->m_flags |= HAS_ROOT;
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: ctime %s = %li\n",filename,e->m_ctime);
// sort the entries by their timestamp
bool swapped = true;
while ( swapped ) {
// assume no more swaps
swapped = false;
// loop over all entries
Entry *next = NULL; if ( head ) next = head->m_next;
for ( Entry *e = head ; e ; e = next ) {
// point to the next entry
next = e->m_next;
// stop if we are the last entry
if ( ! next ) continue;
// continue if we are in order in regards to next entry
if ( next->m_timestamp >= e->m_timestamp ) continue;
// otherwise, swap us with the next entry
swapped = true;
Entry tmp;
Entry *a = e;
Entry *b = next;
// these must be preserved and not affected by memcpy()
Entry *anext = a->m_next;
Entry *bnext = b->m_next;
memcpy ( &tmp , a , sizeof(Entry) );
memcpy ( a , b , sizeof(Entry) );
memcpy ( b , &tmp , sizeof(Entry) );
// preserve
a->m_next = anext;
b->m_next = bnext;
// now loop over entries
for ( Entry *e = head ; e ; e = e->m_next ) {
// skip if already has a large gif
if ( e->m_flags & HAS_LG_GIF ) continue;
// get our local time
long now = time(NULL);
// skip if too young! allow it to finish uploading, give
// it 2 minutes
if ( now - e->m_ctime < 120 ) continue;
// generate the LARGE gif
char buf[1024];
sprintf ( buf , "jpegtopnm %s/%s.jpg 2> /dev/null | "
"ppmquant 256 2> /dev/null| ppmtogif > "
"%s/%s.gif 2> /dev/null",
e->m_root );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// mark it
e->m_flags |= HAS_SM_GIF ;
// . animate the small gif thumbs
// . CAUTION: make sure timestamp of entry is at least 20 seconds old before
// animating to avoid cutting animations short!
for ( Entry *e = head ; e ; e = e->m_next ) {
// note it
//fprintf(stderr,"animate: file=%s ts=%llu\n",
// e->m_root,e->m_timestamp);
// skip if already done
if ( e->m_flags & HAS_LG_ANIM ) continue;
if ( e->m_flags & HAS_SM_ANIM ) continue;
// needs to have the large gif in there!
if ( ! (e->m_flags & HAS_LG_GIF) ) continue;
// need to have the root .jpg there!
if ( ! (e->m_flags & HAS_ROOT) ) continue;
if ( e->m_ctime == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// . skip if too recent, give it 2 minutes
// . we need to wait for it to finish uploading and for
// all its brothers to finish too!
if ( now - e->m_ctime <= 5*60 ) continue;
// get our time according to camera
long long r = e->m_timestamp;
// get our camera name and length
char *c = e->m_camera;
long clen = e->m_cameraLen;
long long min = r;
long long max = r;
// hard limit of 30 seconds
long long hardmin = r - 1000 * 30;
long long hardmax = r + 1000 * 30;
char abort = 0;
// assume we are the parent, but pick min!
Entry *parent = NULL;
Entry *list [10000];
long n = 0;
char flag = 0;
// ok, find the guys closest to our timestamp
for ( Entry *k = head ; k ; k = k->m_next ) {
// check his time
if ( k->m_timestamp < min - 10000 ) continue;
if ( k->m_timestamp > max + 10000 ) continue;
// hard limits
if ( k->m_timestamp < hardmin ) continue;
if ( k->m_timestamp > hardmax ) continue;
// must match cam name, skip if not
if ( k->m_cameraLen != clen ) continue;
if ( strncmp(k->m_camera,c,clen) ) continue;
// skip if too recent, 1 minute
if ( now - k->m_ctime <= 1*60 ) {
abort = 1;
// or if he ain't got a big gif yet! this is a better
// check than checking k->m_ctime above...
if ( ! (k->m_flags & HAS_LG_GIF) ) {
abort = 1;
// we got a brother
if ( k->m_timestamp < min ) {
min = k->m_timestamp;
flag = 1;
if ( k->m_timestamp > max ) {
max = k->m_timestamp;
flag = 1;
// add it for animation
list[n++] = k;
// if ANY one of our brothers is too close to the current time,
// then wait a little longer
if ( abort ) continue;
// if we increased our range, keep going
if ( flag ) goto subloop;
// point to them so we can sort them by their timestamps!
for ( Entry *k = head ; k ; k = k->m_next ) {
// skip if not in range
if ( k->m_timestamp < min ) continue;
if ( k->m_timestamp > max ) continue;
// must match cam name, skip if not
if ( k->m_cameraLen != clen ) continue;
if ( strncmp(k->m_camera,c,clen) ) continue;
// pick the smallest
if ( k->m_timestamp == min ) parent = k;
// add it in
list[n++] = k;
// mark the parent
parent->m_flags |= IS_PARENT;
// bubble sort the entries
char swapped = 1;
while ( swapped ) {
swapped = 0;
for ( long i = 1 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
if ( list[i-1]->m_timestamp <=
list[i ]->m_timestamp ) continue;
Entry *tmp = list[i-1];
list[i-1] = list[i];
list[i ] = tmp;
swapped = 1;
char buf[330000];
char *bend = buf + 330000;
char big = false;
char *res = "--resize-width 100 ";
if ( big ) res = "";
// make the thumbnail animation, 100 is the thumbnail x scale
char *cmd = buf;
sprintf ( cmd , "gifsicle %s"
" --delay=10 --colors 256 --loop " ,
cmd += gbstrlen(cmd);
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get it
Entry *k = list[i];
// ok, mark it as processed
if ( big ) k->m_flags |= HAS_LG_ANIM;
else k->m_flags |= HAS_SM_ANIM;
// store it
sprintf(cmd,"%s/%s.gif ",
cmd += gbstrlen(cmd);
// sanity
if ( cmd + 1000 > bend ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: buf too small\n");
char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
if ( ! parent ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
// if big gif change this
char *prefix = "";
if ( ! big ) prefix = "THUMB";
// finish it up
sprintf ( cmd , " > %s/%sANIM-%s.gif 2> /dev/null" ,
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// make the big gif animation
if ( ! big ) {
big = true;
goto subloop2;
// all done making the large and small animations
// now delete all the big gifs we used in gifsicle
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get it
Entry *k = list[i];
// delete the big gif
sprintf( buf ,
"rm %s/%s.gif",
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// make a small gif just for the root!
sprintf ( buf , "jpegtopnm %s/%s.jpg 2> /dev/null | "
"pnmscale -xysize 100 100 | "
"ppmquant 256 2> /dev/null| ppmtogif > "
"%s/THUMB-%s.gif 2> /dev/null",
parent->m_filename,//parent->m_root ,
parent->m_root );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// now move the original jpegs into a subdir
sprintf ( buf , "mkdir %s/ANIM-%s/ " , dirname,parent->m_root);
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// move each jpeg we used into there!
for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
// get it
Entry *k = list[i];
// store it in its jpeg subdir
sprintf( buf ,
"mv %s/%s.jpg %s/ANIM-%s/",
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// loop over all entries and create the subdir
for ( Entry *e = head ; ! issubdir && e ; e = e->m_next ) {
// make the dirname for this entry
char subdir[128];
sprintf(subdir,"%li%02li%02li", e->m_year,
// hash it
uint32_t h = hash32 ( subdir , 8 );
// have we checked this guy already? or does it exist?
uint32_t n = h & (1024*32-1);
// chain it
while ( bb[n] && bb[n] != h )
if ( ++n >= 1024*32 ) n = 0;
// skip if we have checked or it does exist
if ( bb[n] == h ) continue;
// don't repeat it
bb[n] = h;
// make the dir!
char buf[1000];
sprintf ( buf ,
"mkdir %s/%s/ ; "
// index2.php does not have a meta redirect to the current date subdi
// which index.php does have
"cp %s/index2.php %s/%s/index.php ; "
"cp %s/scripts.js %s/%s/scripts.js ; "
"cp %s/styles.css %s/%s/styles.css",
subdir );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// . move files to their appropriate subdirs
// . do not move files with their "RECENT" flag set
for ( Entry *e = head ; ! issubdir && e ; e = e->m_next ) {
if ( ! (e->m_flags & HAS_LG_ANIM ) ) continue;
// only move if parent, the kids wered moved into the ANIM-* subdir already
if ( ! (e->m_flags & IS_PARENT ) ) continue;
// make the dirname for this entry
char subdir[128];
sprintf(subdir,"%li%02li%02li", e->m_year,
// move it all!
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf,"mv %s/*%s* %s/%s/",
dirname ,
subdir );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
// again for files with an 's' in them
sprintf(buf,"mv %s/*%s* %s/%s/",
dirname ,
subdir );
// execute it
if ( mysystem ( buf ) == -1 ) return;
long mysystem ( char *cmd ) {
// log it as well
fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cmd );
// skip for now
//return 1;
// execute it
if ( system ( cmd ) == -1 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"animate: system call failed\n");
return -1;
return 1;
unsigned long long g_hashtab[256][256] ;
bool hashinit () {
static bool s_initialized = false;
// bail if we already called this
if ( s_initialized ) return true;
// show RAND_MAX
//printf("RAND_MAX = %lu\n", RAND_MAX ); it's 0x7fffffff
// seed with same value so we get same rand sequence for all
srand ( 1945687 );
for ( long i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++ )
for ( long j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++ ) {
g_hashtab [i][j] = (unsigned long long)rand();
// the top bit never gets set, so fix
if ( rand() > (0x7fffffff / 2) )
g_hashtab[i][j] |= 0x80000000;
g_hashtab [i][j] <<= 32;
g_hashtab [i][j] |= (unsigned long long)rand();
// the top bit never gets set, so fix
if ( rand() > (0x7fffffff / 2) )
g_hashtab[i][j] |= 0x80000000;
//if ( g_hashtab[0][0] != 6720717044602784129LL ) return false;
s_initialized = true;
return true;
uint32_t hash32 ( const char *s, long len ) {
unsigned long h = 0;
long i = 0;
long j = 0;
for ( ; i < len ; i++ ) {
// skip stupid s from daylight savings time
if ( s[i]=='s' && i>0 && isdigit(s[i-1]) && isdigit(s[i+1]))
h ^= (unsigned long) g_hashtab [(unsigned char)j]
[(unsigned char)s[i]];
return h;