#include "gb-include.h" #include "Vector.h" #include "Words.h" #include "sort.h" #include "Sections.h" // this is used to sort the word hashes in setPairHashes() int cmp ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) ; Vector::Vector ( ) { reset(); } void Vector::reset ( ) { //m_init = false; //m_numRemoteLinks = 0; m_numPairHashes = 0; //m_pairHashes = NULL; //m_table.reset(); } // . set our m_pairHashes[] array // . these arrays are the vector // . used to compare documents // . "links" class must have been set with "setLinkHashes" set to true /* bool Vector::set ( Xml *xml , Links *links , Url *url , long linkNode , char *buf , long bufSize ) { // reset all reset(); if ( ! links ) setPathComponentHashes ( url , buf , bufSize ); // set m_pairHashes and m_linkHashes arrays else setPairHashes ( xml , linkNode , buf , bufSize ); //setLinkHashes ( links , url ); return true; } */ bool Vector::setPathComponentHashes ( Url *url ){//,char *buf,long bufSize ) { reset(); m_numPairHashes = 0; // use the provided buffer //m_pairHashes = (unsigned long *)buf; char *p = url->getPath(); long plen = url->getPathLen(); char *pend = p + plen; // save ptr char *last = p; // skip initial / p++; // do the component loop for ( ; ; p++ ) { // keep trucking if not an endpoint if ( p < pend && *p != '/' ) continue; // hash count long k = 0; // hash it long h = 0; for ( char *q = last ; q < p ; q++ ) { // skip if not alnum if ( ! is_alnum ( *q ) ) continue; // otherwise, hash it (taken from hash.cpp) h ^= (unsigned long)g_hashtab[(unsigned char)k++] [(int)to_lower((unsigned char)*q)]; } // store that m_pairHashes[m_numPairHashes++] = h; // do not breech the buffer if ( m_numPairHashes >= MAX_PAIR_HASHES ) break; } // . TODO: remove the link text hashes here? // . because will probably be identical.. // . now sort hashes to get the top MAX_PAIR_HASHES gbsort ( m_pairHashes , m_numPairHashes , 4 , cmp ); // sanity check //if ( m_numPairHashes * 4 > bufSize ) { // log("build: Vector: Buf not big enough 3."); // char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} return true; } bool Vector::setTagPairHashes ( Xml *xml , // char *buf , long bufSize , long niceness ) { // store the hashes here unsigned long hashes [ 2000 ]; long nh = 0; // go through each node XmlNode *nodes = xml->getNodes (); long n = xml->getNumNodes (); // start with the ith node long i = 0; unsigned long saved = 0; unsigned long lastHash = 0; // loop over the nodes for ( ; i < n ; i++ ) { // breathe a little QUICKPOLL(niceness); // skip NON tags if ( ! nodes[i].isTag() ) continue; // use the tag id as the hash, its unique unsigned long h = hash32 ( nodes[i].getNodeId() , 0 ); // ensure hash is not 0, that has special meaning if ( h == 0 ) h = 1; // store in case we have only one hash saved = h; // if we are the first, set this if ( ! lastHash ) { lastHash = h; continue; } // if they were the same do not xor, they will zero out if ( h == lastHash ) hashes[nh++] = h; // incorporate it into the last hash else hashes[nh++] = h ^ lastHash; // we are the new last hash lastHash = h; // bust out if no room if ( nh >= 2000 ) break; } // if only had one tag after, use that if ( nh == 0 && saved ) hashes[nh++] = saved; QUICKPOLL ( 0 ) ; // . TODO: remove the link text hashes here? // . because will probably be identical.. // . now sort hashes to get the top MAX_PAIR_HASHES gbsort ( hashes , nh , 4 , cmp ); // uniquify them long d = 0; for ( long j = 1 ; j < nh ; j++ ) { if ( hashes[j] == hashes[d] ) continue; hashes[++d] = hashes[j]; } nh = d; // truncate to MAX_PAIR_HASHES if ( nh > MAX_PAIR_HASHES ) nh = MAX_PAIR_HASHES; // save it m_numPairHashes = nh; // sanity check //if ( nh * 4 > bufSize ) { // log("build: Vector: Buf not big enough."); // char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} // use the provided buffer //m_pairHashes = (unsigned long *)buf; QUICKPOLL ( 0 ) ; // store the top MAX_PAIR_HASHES memcpy ( m_pairHashes , hashes , nh * 4 ); return true; } // . hash all pairs of words (words that are adjacent only) // . get top X hashes to store as the word pair vector bool Vector::setPairHashes ( Words *words, long linkWordNum, long niceness ) { // are we in a tag? //bool inHref = false; // store the hashes here unsigned long hashes [ 3000 ]; long nh = 0; // go through each word long nw = words->getNumWords(); // shortcut nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds(); // start with the ith word long i = 0; // linkNode starts pointing to a tag so skip over that! if ( linkWordNum >= 0 ) i = linkWordNum + 1; // and advance i to the next anchor tag thereafter, we do not // want to include link text in this vector because it is usually // repeated and will skew our "similarities" for ( ; linkWordNum >= 0 && i < nw ; i++ ) // keep going until we git a or if ( (tids[i]&BACKBITCOMP) != TAG_A ) { i++; break; } unsigned long saved = 0; // loop over the nodes for ( ; i < nw ; i++ ) { // breathe a little QUICKPOLL(niceness); // skip if punct if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // skip tags if ( tids[i] ) { // just skip the tag if we have no link if ( linkWordNum < 0 ) continue; // if we got a linkNode, stop gathering hashes once // we hit one of these tags. we just want the text // immediately after the link text and no more. // NOTE: if you add more tag ids to this list then // you should add them to LinkText::isLinkSpam()'s // rightText/leftText setting algo, too. nodeid_t id = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP; // or
if ( id == 93 ) break; // if ( id == 105 ) break; //


//if ( id == 75 ) break; // or //if ( id == 102 ) break; //
, is ok. but if it is , break if ( tids[i] == 2 ) break; // if we did not match a swtich, ignore the tag continue; } // if word was only 2 or less letters, skip it, it's not // very representative of the content if ( wlens[i] <= 2 && linkWordNum < 0 ) goto loop; // store in case we have only one hash h = saved = (uint32_t)wids[i]; // debug: print out each word... very handy /* if ( linkNode >= 0 ) { char ttt[300]; char *pt = ttt; long len = p - pstart; if ( len > 290 ) len = 290; for ( long i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ ) if ( pstart[i] ) *pt++ = pstart[i]; *pt = '\0'; //memcpy ( ttt , pstart , len ); ttt[len] = '\0'; unsigned long hh = h; if ( lastHash && h != lastHash ) hh = h ^ lastHash; log ("vec hash %li %s = %lu [%lu]", nh-1,ttt,h,hh); } */ // if we are the first, set this if ( ! lastHash ) { lastHash = h; goto loop; } // if they were the same do not xor, they will zero out if ( h == lastHash ) hashes[nh++] = h; // incorporate it into the last hash else hashes[nh++] = h ^ lastHash; // we are the new last hash lastHash = h; // return if no more room, we stop at 100 for the after // link vector hashes though to keep things efficient if ( linkNode >= 0 && nh >= 100 ) break; // return if no more room if ( nh < 3000 ) goto loop; // otherwise bust out break; } // if only had one word after, use that if ( nh == 0 && saved ) hashes[nh++] = saved; // . TODO: remove the link text hashes here? // . because will probably be identical.. // . now sort hashes to get the top MAX_PAIR_HASHES gbsort ( hashes , nh , 4 , cmp ); // truncate to MAX_PAIR_HASHES if ( nh > MAX_PAIR_HASHES ) nh = MAX_PAIR_HASHES; // save it m_numPairHashes = nh; // sanity check //if ( nh * 4 > bufSize ) { // log("build: Vector: Buf not big enough."); // char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; //} // use the provided buffer //m_pairHashes = (unsigned long *)buf; // store the top MAX_PAIR_HASHES memcpy ( m_pairHashes , hashes , nh * 4 ); return true; } // sort in descending order int cmp ( const void *h1 , const void *h2 ) { return *(unsigned long *)h2 - *(unsigned long *)h1; } /* // . TODO: use links->getDomHash(i) not getLinkHash() DOES NOT WORK NO MORE!!! // . get the 20 longest links on this page // . do not include links from the same domain // . "links" class must have been set with "setLinkHashes" set to true bool Vector::setLinkHashes ( Links *links , Url *url ) { // get our url's domain hash unsigned long h = hash32 ( url->getDomain() , url->getDomainLen() ); // how many links? long n = links->getNumLinks(); // store hashes of all non-local links here unsigned long hashes[3000]; long nh = 0; // get top 20 for ( long i = 0 ; i < n && nh < 3000 ; i++ ) { // skip if from same domain, we just want external links if ( links->getLinkHash(i) == h ) continue; // . save it //hashes [ nh++ ] = links->getLinkHash(i); hashes [ nh++ ] = links->getDomHash(i); } // sort hashes to get the top MAX_LINK_HASHES gbsort ( hashes , nh , 4 , cmp ); // remove duplicate url hashes long k = 0; for ( long i = 1 ; i < nh ; i++ ) if ( hashes[i] != hashes[k] ) hashes[++k] = hashes[i]; // possibly adjust the # of link hashes after de-duping them nh = k; // save total # of non-local, distinct links m_numRemoteLinks = nh; // truncate to MAX_LINK_HASHES if ( nh > MAX_PAIR_HASHES ) nh = MAX_PAIR_HASHES; // save it m_numPairHashes = nh; // store the top MAX_LINK_HASHES memcpy ( m_pairHashes , hashes , nh * 4 ); return true; } */ /* long Vector::getStoredSize ( ) { return 4 + m_numPairHashes * 4 ; } // return bytes read from long Vector::set ( char *buf , long bufMaxSize ) { char *p = buf; m_numPairHashes = *(long *)p; p += 4; //m_numRemoteLinks = *(long *)p; p += 4; //memcpy ( m_pairHashes , p , m_numPairHashes * 4 ); m_pairHashes = (unsigned long *)p; p += m_numPairHashes * 4; // sanity check if ( p - buf > bufMaxSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } return p - buf; } long Vector::set2 ( char *buf , long numPairHashes ) { char *p = buf; m_numPairHashes = numPairHashes; //m_numRemoteLinks = *(long *)p; p += 4; //memcpy ( m_pairHashes , p , m_numPairHashes * 4 ); m_pairHashes = (unsigned long *)p; p += m_numPairHashes * 4; // sanity check //if ( p - buf > bufMaxSize ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } return p - buf; } // return bytes stored long Vector::store ( char *buf , long bufMaxSize ) { char *p = buf; *(long *)p = m_numPairHashes; p += 4; // *(long *)p = m_numRemoteLinks; p += 4; memcpy ( p , m_pairHashes , m_numPairHashes * 4 ); p += m_numPairHashes * 4; return p - buf; } */ // return the percent similar long getSimilarity ( Vector *v0 , Vector *v1 ) { // . the hashes are sorted // . point each recs sample vector of termIds // . we sorted them above as unsigned longs, so we must make sure // we use unsigned longs here, too unsigned long *t0 = (unsigned long *)v0->m_pairHashes; unsigned long *t1 = (unsigned long *)v1->m_pairHashes; // get the ends of each vector unsigned long *end0 = t0 + v0->m_numPairHashes; unsigned long *end1 = t1 + v1->m_numPairHashes; // if both are empty, 100% similar if ( t0 >= end0 && t1 >= end1 ) return 100; // if either is empty, return 0 to be on the safe side if ( t0 >= end0 ) return 0; if ( t1 >= end1 ) return 0; // count matches between the sample vectors long count = 0; loop: // each vector is sorted, so comparison is like a merge sort if ( *t0 < *t1 ) { if ( *++t0 == 0 ) goto done; } else if ( *t1 < *t0 ) { if ( *++t1 == 0 ) goto done; } else { if ( t0 >= end0 ) goto done; count++; t0++; t1++; if ( t0 >= end0 ) goto done; if ( t1 >= end1 ) goto done; } goto loop; done: // count total components in each sample vector long total = 0; total += v0->m_numPairHashes; total += v1->m_numPairHashes; long sim = (count * 2 * 100) / total; if ( sim > 100 ) sim = 100; return sim; } // . return from 0% to 100% spam rating // . returns -1 and sets g_errno on error // . is this page with repesentative vector, v, a link-farm brother of us? // . if removeMatches is true we remove matching word pairs from "v" long Vector::getLinkBrotherProbability ( Vector *v , bool removeMatches ) { // bail if we hashed nothing if ( m_numPairHashes == 0 ) return 0; // each slot is a 4-byte key and a 4-byte value, so 8000 bytes can // do 1000 slots... char tbuf[8000]; HashTable ht; // tbuf[] can do 1000 slots long slots = 1000; // avoid calling bzero on 8k if we have fewer things to hash if ( m_numPairHashes * 2 < slots ) slots = m_numPairHashes * 2; // initialize it to this many slots if ( ! ht.set ( slots , tbuf , 8000 ) ) return -1; // hash all word pair hashes into the table for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numPairHashes ; i++ ) ht.addKey ( m_pairHashes [i], 1 ); // count matches long c1 = 0; // vars for hashing long n ; unsigned long *h ; // . what word pairs does "v" have that we also have? // . TODO: speed up by making hash table use long instead of long long n = v->m_numPairHashes; h = v->m_pairHashes; for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { // termNum into table long slot = ht.getSlot ( h[i] ); // if empty... if ( slot < 0 ) continue; // get score unsigned long score = ht.getValueFromSlot ( slot ); // don't count if empty //if ( score == 0 ) continue; // don't count if it was marked if ( score == 0x7fffffff ) continue; // count the match c1++; // remove it from table so it's not counted again if ( removeMatches ) ht.setValue ( slot , 0x7fffffff ); } // what external links does "v" have that we also have? //long c2 = 0; //n = v->m_numLinkHashes; //h = v->m_linkHashes; //for ( long i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) // if ( m_table.getScoreFromTermId ( h[i] ) != 0 ) c2++; // . chances of the doc having the same random word pair as us // is quite small... (we excluded words w/ 2 or less letters) // probably around .01% (1 in 10,000) but we can and often do // select popular word pairs... // . "every driver" --> 2,731 / 150,000,000 // . "same time" --> 268,000 // . "give people" --> 34,000 // . "entrepeneurs build" --> 2,730 // . "view ourselves" -->2,730 // convert # of matched word pairs to probability of link-spam brothers long p1 = 0; // get min # stored word pair hashes from each doc long min = v->m_numPairHashes; if ( m_numPairHashes < min ) min = m_numPairHashes; // . if all are shared, that's 100% probability, // . if only X% are shared, that's X% probability if ( min > 0 ) p1 = (100 * c1) / min ; // truncate to 100 if it's too big if ( p1 > 100 ) p1 = 100; // ensure never < 0, that means error if ( p1 < 0 ) p1 = 0; // if only 3 in common, could be coincidence //if ( c1 <= 3 ) p1 = 0; //switch (c1) { // case 3: p1 = 10; break; // case 4: p1 = 15; break; // case 5: p1 = 30; break; // case 6: p1 = 50; break; // case 7: p1 = 70; break; // case 8: p1 = 90; break; //} //if ( c1 >= 9 ) p1 = 100; // if it's 100% return that now //if ( p1 >= 100 ) return 100; return p1; // 1% probability of spam for each common link above 8 //long p2 = (c2 - 5) * 5; //if ( p2 < 0 ) p2 = 0; // return the max of the 2 probabilities //if ( p1 > p2 ) return p1; //return p2; } uint32_t Vector::getVectorHash() { unsigned long h = 0; for(long i = 0; i < m_numPairHashes; i++) { h ^= m_pairHashes[i]; } return h; }