#include "Summary.h" #include "Speller.h" #include "Words.h" //#include "AppendingWordsWindow.h" #include "Sections.h" Summary::Summary() : m_summaryLocs(m_summaryLocBuf, MAX_SUMMARY_LOCS*sizeof(uint64_t)), m_summaryLocsPops(m_summaryLocPopsBuf, MAX_SUMMARY_LOCS*sizeof(long)) { //m_buf = NULL; m_bitScoresBuf = NULL; m_bitScoresBufSize = 0; reset(); } Summary::~Summary() { reset(); } void Summary::reset() { //if ( m_buf && m_freeBuf ) // mfree ( m_buf, m_bufMaxLen, "Summary" ); if ( m_bitScoresBuf ){ mfree ( m_bitScoresBuf, m_bitScoresBufSize, "SummaryBitScore" ); m_bitScoresBuf = NULL; m_bitScoresBufSize = 0; } m_summaryLen = 0; //m_bufMaxLen = 0; //m_bufLen = 0; //m_buf = NULL; m_isNormalized = false; //m_freeBuf = true; m_numExcerpts = 0; m_summaryLocs.reset(); m_summaryLocsPops.reset(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // THE NEW SUMMARY GENERATOR // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns false and sets g_errno on error bool Summary::set2 ( Xml *xml , Words *words , Bits *bits , Sections *sections , Pos *pos , Query *q , long long *termFreqs , float *affWeights , // 1-1 with qterms //char *coll , //long collLen , bool doStemming , long maxSummaryLen , long maxNumLines , long numDisplayLines , long maxNumCharsPerLine , //long bigSampleRadius , //long bigSampleMaxLen , bool ratInSummary , //TitleRec *tr , Url *f , //bool allowPunctInPhrase , //bool excludeLinkText , //bool excludeMetaText , //bool hackFixWords , //bool hackFixPhrases , //float *queryProximityScore, Matches *matches , char *titleBuf , long titleBufLen ) { //m_proximityScore = -1; // pointless, possibly caller in Msg20 is just interested in // Msg20Request::m_computeLinkInfo or m_setLinkInfo. NO! we need // to see if it has all the query terms... //if ( maxNumLines <= 0 ) return true; m_numDisplayLines = numDisplayLines; m_displayLen = 0; //m_useDateLists = useDateLists; //m_exclDateList = exclDateList; //m_begPubDateList = begPubDateList; //m_endPubDateList = endPubDateList; //m_diversity = 1.0; // long long start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // assume we got maxnumlines of summary if ( (maxNumCharsPerLine+6)*maxNumLines > maxSummaryLen ) { //maxNumCharsPerLine = (maxSummaryLen-10)/maxNumLines; if ( maxNumCharsPerLine < 10 ) maxNumCharsPerLine = 10; static char s_flag = 1; if ( s_flag ) { s_flag = 0; log("query: Warning. " "Max summary excerpt length decreased to " "%li chars because max summary excerpts and " "max summary length are too big.", maxNumCharsPerLine); } } // . sanity check // . summary must fit in m_summary[] // . leave room for tailing \0 if ( maxSummaryLen >= MAX_SUMMARY_LEN ) { g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL; return log("query: Summary too big to hold in buffer of %li " "bytes.",(long)MAX_SUMMARY_LEN); } // . hash query word ids into a small hash table // . we use this to see what words in the document are query terms //long qscores [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ]; // and if we found each query term or not //long nt = q->getNumNonFieldedSingletonTerms(); //long nqt = q->getNumTerms(); // do not overrun the final*[] buffers if ( maxNumLines > 256 ) { g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL; return log("query: More than 256 summary lines requested."); } // . MORE BIG HACK // . since we're working with fielded query terms we must check BIG // HACK here in case the fielded query term is the ONLY query // term. // . LOGIC MOVED INTO MATCHES.CPP // Nothing to match...print beginning of content as summary if ( matches->m_numMatches == 0 && maxNumLines > 0 ) return getDefaultSummary ( xml, words, sections, // scores, pos, //bigSampleRadius, maxSummaryLen ); /*long long end = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); if ( end - start > 2 ) log ( LOG_WARN,"summary: took %lli ms to finish big hack", end - start ); start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();*/ // // zero out all word weights for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numWords; i++ ) m_wordWeights[i] = 0.0; // query terms long numTerms = q->getNumTerms(); // . compute our word weights wrt each query. words which are more rare // have a higher weight. We use this to weight the terms importance // when generating the summary. // . used by the proximity algo // . used in setSummaryScores() for scoring summaries if ( termFreqs && q->m_numWords > 1 ) { float maxTermFreq = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) { // www.abc.com --> treat www.abc as same term freq // 'www.infonavit.gob.mx do de carne? mxa' //if(q->m_qterms[i].m_isPhrase) continue; if(termFreqs[i] > maxTermFreq) maxTermFreq = termFreqs[i]; } maxTermFreq++; //don't div by 0! for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) { //if(q->m_qterms[i].m_isPhrase) continue; // if this is a phrase the other words following // the first word will have a word weight of 0 // so should be ignored for that... long ndx = q->m_qterms[i].m_qword - q->m_qwords; // oh it is already complemented up here m_wordWeights[ndx] = 1.0 - ((float)termFreqs[i] / maxTermFreq); //make sure everything has a little weight: if(m_wordWeights[ndx] < .10) m_wordWeights[ndx] = .10; //log(LOG_WARN, //"query word num %li termnum %li freq %f max %f", //ndx,i,m_wordWeights[ndx],maxTermFreq); } } else { for ( long i = 0 ; i < q->m_numWords; i++ ) m_wordWeights[i] = 1.0; } // convenience m_maxNumCharsPerLine = maxNumCharsPerLine; //m_qscores = qscores; m_q = q; //m_proximityScore = 0; bool hadEllipsis = false; // set the max excerpt len to the max summary excerpt len long maxExcerptLen = m_maxNumCharsPerLine; long lastNumFinal = 0; long maxLoops = 1024; char *p, *pend; // if just computing absScore2... if ( maxNumLines <= 0 )//&& bigSampleRadius <= 0 ) return true;//return matches->m_hasAllQueryTerms; p = m_summary; pend = m_summary + maxSummaryLen; m_numExcerpts = 0; // . the "maxGotIt" count vector accumulates into "retired" // . that is how we keep track of what query words we used for previous // summary excerpts so we try to get diversified excerpts with // different query terms/words in them char retired [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS ]; memset ( retired, 0, m_q->m_numWords * sizeof(char) ); // some query words are already matched in the title for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numWords ; i++ ) if ( matches->m_qwordFlags[i] & MF_TITLEGEN ) retired [ i ] = 1; // // Loop over all words that match a query term. The matching words // could be from any one of the 3 Words arrays above. Find the // highest scoring window around each term. And then find the highest // of those over all the matching terms. // long numFinal; for ( numFinal = 0; numFinal < maxNumLines; numFinal++ ){ if ( numFinal == m_numDisplayLines ) m_displayLen = p - m_summary; // reset these at the top of each loop Match *maxm; long long maxScore = 0; long maxa = 0; long maxb = 0; long maxi = -1; long lasta = -1; char maxGotIt [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS ]; if(lastNumFinal == numFinal) { if(maxLoops-- <= 0) { log(LOG_WARN, "query: got infinite loop " "bug, query is %s url is %s", m_q->m_orig, f->getUrl()); break; } } lastNumFinal = numFinal; // long long stget = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); // does the max that we found have a new query word that was // not already in the summary? //long maxFoundNew = 0; // loop through all the matches and see which is best for ( long i = 0 ; i < matches->m_numMatches ; i++ ) { long a , b; // reset lasta if we changed words class if ( i > 0 && matches->m_matches[i-1].m_words != matches->m_matches[i].m_words ) lasta = -1; // only use matches in title, etc. mf_t flags = matches->m_matches[i].m_flags; bool skip = true; if ( flags & MF_METASUMM ) skip = false; if ( flags & MF_METADESC ) skip = false; if ( flags & MF_BODY ) skip = false; if ( flags & MF_DMOZSUMM ) skip = false; if ( flags & MF_RSSDESC ) skip = false; if ( skip ) continue; // ask him for the query words he matched char gotIt [ MAX_QUERY_WORDS ]; // clear it for him memset ( gotIt, 0, m_q->m_numWords * sizeof(char) ); // . get score of best window around this match // . do not allow left post of window to be <= lasta to // avoid repeating the same window. long long score = getBestWindow (matches, i, &lasta, &a, &b, gotIt , retired , maxExcerptLen); // USE THIS BUF BELOW TO DEBUG THE ABOVE CODE. // PRINTS OUT THE SUMMARY /* //if ( score >=12000 ) { char buf[10*1024]; char *xp = buf; if ( i == 0 ) log (LOG_WARN,"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); sprintf(xp, "score=%08li a=%05li b=%05li ", (long)score,(long)a,(long)b); xp += gbstrlen(xp); for ( long j = a; j < b; j++ ){ //long s = scores->m_scores[j]; long s = 0; if ( s < 0 ) continue; char e = 1; long len = words->getWordLen(j); for(long k=0;km_words[j][k]; //if ( is_binary( c ) ) continue; *xp = c; xp++; } //p += gbstrlen(p); if ( s == 0 ) continue; sprintf ( xp ,"(%li)",s); xp += gbstrlen(xp); } log (LOG_WARN,"query: summary: %s", buf); //} */ // prints out the best window with the score /* char buf[MAX_SUMMARY_LEN]; char *bufPtr = buf; char *bufPtrEnd = p + MAX_SUMMARY_LEN; if ( i == 0 ) log (LOG_WARN,"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); long len = 0; Words *ww = matches->m_matches[i].m_words; //Sections *ss = matches->m_matches[i].m_sections; //if ( ss->m_numSections <= 0 ) ss = NULL; //len=pos->filter(bufPtr, bufPtrEnd, ww, a, b, NULL); //log(LOG_WARN,"summary: %li) %s - %lli",i,bufPtr, //score); log(LOG_WARN,"summary: %li) %s - %lli",i,bufPtr, score); */ // skip if was in title or something if ( score <= 0 ) continue; // skip if not a winner if ( maxi >= 0 && score <= maxScore ) continue; // we got a new winner maxi = i; maxa = a; maxb = b; maxScore = score; // save this too memcpy ( maxGotIt , gotIt , m_q->m_numWords ); } // retire the query words in the winning summary //log( LOG_WARN,"summary: took %lli ms to finish getbestwindo", // gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - stget ); // all done if no winner was made if ( maxi == -1 ) break; // sanity check //if ( maxa == -1 || maxb == -1 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } if ( maxa == -1 ) break; if ( maxb == -1 ) break; // who is the winning match? maxm = &matches->m_matches[maxi]; Words *ww = maxm->m_words; Sections *ss = maxm->m_sections; // we now use "m_swbits" for the summary bits since they are // of size sizeof(swbit_t), a short at this point swbit_t *bb = maxm->m_bits->m_swbits; // this should be impossible if ( maxa > ww->m_numWords || maxb > ww->m_numWords ){ log ( LOG_WARN,"query: summary starts or ends after " "document is over! maxa=%li maxb=%li nw=%li", maxa, maxb, ww->m_numWords ); maxa = ww->m_numWords - 1; maxb = ww->m_numWords; //char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } // assume we do not preceed with ellipsis "..." bool needEllipsis = true; // rule of thumb, don't use ellipsis if the first letter is // capital, or a non letter char *c = ww->m_words[maxa]+0; if ( ! is_alpha_utf8(c) ) needEllipsis = false; else if ( is_upper_utf8(c) ) needEllipsis = false; // is punct word before us pair acrossable? if so then we // probably are not the start of a sentence. if ( bb[maxa] & D_STARTS_SENTENCE ) needEllipsis = false; // or if into the sample and previous excerpt had an ellipsis // do not bother using one for us. if ( p > m_summary && hadEllipsis ) needEllipsis = false; if ( needEllipsis ) { // break out if no room for "..." //long elen; if ( p + 4 + 2 > pend ) break; // space first? if ( p > m_summary ) *p++ = ' '; memcpy ( p , "... " , 4 ); p += 4; } // separate summary excerpts with a single space. if ( p > m_summary ) { if ( p + 2 > pend ) break; *p++ = ' '; } // assume we need a trailing ellipsis needEllipsis = true; // so next excerpt does not need to have an ellipsis if we // have one at the end of this excerpt hadEllipsis = needEllipsis; // start with quote? if ( (bb[maxa] & D_IN_QUOTES) && p + 1 < pend ) { // preceed with quote *p++ = '\"'; } // . filter the words into p // . removes back to back spaces // . converts html entities // . filters in stores words in [a,b) interval long len = pos->filter(p, pend, ww, maxa, maxb, ss); // break out if did not fit if ( len == 0 ) break; // don't consider it if it is a substring of the title if ( len == titleBufLen && strncasestr(titleBuf, p, titleBufLen, len) ) { // don't consider this one numFinal--; goto skip; } // don't consider it if the length wasn't anything nice if ( len < 5 ){ numFinal--; goto skip; } // otherwise, keep going p += len; // now we just indicate which query terms we got for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_q->m_numWords ; i++ ) { // do not breach if ( retired[i] >= 100 ) continue; retired [ i ] += maxGotIt [ i ]; } // add all the scores of the excerpts to the doc summary score. // zero out scores of the winning sample so we don't get them // again. use negative one billion to ensure that we don't get // them again for ( long j = maxa ; j < maxb ; j++ ) // mark it as used bb[j] |= D_USED; // if we ended on punct that can be paired across we need // to add an ellipsis if ( needEllipsis ) { if ( p + 4 + 2 > pend ) break; memcpy ( p , " ..." , 4 ); p += 4; } // try to put in a small summary excerpt if we have atleast // half of the normal excerpt length left if ( maxExcerptLen == m_maxNumCharsPerLine && //pos->m_pos[maxb] - pos->m_pos[maxa] len <= ( m_maxNumCharsPerLine / 2 + 1 ) ){ maxExcerptLen = m_maxNumCharsPerLine / 2; // don't count it in the finals since we try to get a // small excerpt numFinal--; } else if ( m_numExcerpts < MAX_SUMMARY_EXCERPTS && m_numExcerpts >= 0 ) { m_summaryExcerptLen[m_numExcerpts] = p - m_summary; m_numExcerpts++; // also reset maxExcerptLen maxExcerptLen = m_maxNumCharsPerLine; } skip: // zero out the scores so they will not be used in others for ( long j = maxa ; j < maxb ; j++ ) // mark it bb[j] |= D_USED; } if ( numFinal <= m_numDisplayLines ) m_displayLen = p - m_summary; /*end = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds(); if ( end - start > 10 ) log ( LOG_WARN,"summary: took %llims to finish doing summary " "numMatches=%li maxNumLines=%li url=%s", end - start, matches.m_numMatches, maxNumLines, f->m_url ); start = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();*/ // If we still didn't find a summary, directly use whats given in the // meta summary or description. if ( p == m_summary ){ Words *wp; Pos *pp; Sections *ss; // get it from the summary if ( matches->getMatchGroup(MF_METASUMM ,&wp,&pp,&ss) ) p += pp->filter(p,pend, wp, 0, wp->m_numWords, ss ); else if ( matches->getMatchGroup(MF_METADESC,&wp,&pp,&ss) ) p += pp->filter(p,pend, wp, 0, wp->m_numWords, ss ); if ( p != m_summary ){ m_summaryExcerptLen[0] = p - m_summary; m_numExcerpts = 1; } // in this case we only have one summary line if ( m_numDisplayLines > 0 ) m_displayLen = p - m_summary; } // If we still didn't find a summary, get the default summary if ( p == m_summary ) { // then return the default summary bool status = getDefaultSummary ( xml, words, sections, pos, //bigSampleRadius, maxSummaryLen ); if ( m_numDisplayLines > 0 ) m_displayLen = m_summaryLen; return status; } // if we don't find a summary, theres no need to NULL terminate if ( p != m_summary ) *p++ = '\0'; // set length m_summaryLen = p - m_summary; if ( m_summaryLen > 50000 ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // it may not have all query terms if rat=0 (Require All Terms=false) // so use Matches::m_matchesQuery instead of Matches::m_hasAllQTerms //if ( ! matches->m_matchesQuery ) // log("query: msg20: doc %s missing query terms for q=%s", // f->getUrl(),m_q->m_orig ); return true; } // . usually we get more summary lines than displayed so that the summary // deduped, XmlDoc::getSummaryVector(), has adequate sample space // . "max excerpts". we truncate the summary if we need to. // XmlDoc.cpp::getSummary(), likes to request more excerpts than are // actually displayed so it has a bigger summary for deduping purposes. long Summary::getSummaryLen ( long maxLines ) { long len = 0; for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numExcerpts && i < maxLines ; i++ ) len += m_summaryExcerptLen[i]; return len; } // MDW: this logic moved mostly to Bits::setForSummary() and // Summary::set2(). See the gigawiki url to see the rules for summary // generation: // i removed this whole function so use git diff to see it later if you // need to. setSummaryScores() is obsoleted. // . return the score of the highest-scoring window containing match #m // . window is defined by the half-open interval [a,b) where a and b are // word #'s in the Words array indicated by match #m // . return -1 and set g_errno on error long long Summary::getBestWindow ( Matches *matches , long mm , long *lasta , long *besta , long *bestb , char *gotIt , char *retired , long maxExcerptLen ) { // get the window around match #mm Match *m = &matches->m_matches[mm]; // what is the word # of match #mm? long matchWordNum = m->m_wordNum; // what Words/Pos/Bits classes is this match in? Words *words = m->m_words; Section **sp = NULL; long *pos = m->m_pos->m_pos; // use "m_swbits" not "m_bits", that is what Bits::setForSummary() uses swbit_t *bb = m->m_bits->m_swbits; // shortcut if ( m->m_sections ) sp = m->m_sections->m_sectionPtrs; long nw = words->getNumWords(); long long *wids = words->getWordIds(); nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds(); // . sanity check // . this prevents a core i've seen if ( matchWordNum >= nw ) { log("summary: got overflow condition for q=%s",m_q->m_orig); // assume no best window *besta = -1; *bestb = -1; *lasta = matchWordNum; return 0; } // . we NULLify the section ptrs if we already used the word in another // summary. // . google seems to index SEC_MARQUEE, so i took that out of here long badFlags = SEC_SCRIPT|SEC_STYLE|SEC_SELECT|SEC_IN_TITLE; if ( (bb[matchWordNum] & D_USED) || ( sp && (sp[matchWordNum]->m_flags & badFlags) ) ) { // assume no best window *besta = -1; *bestb = -1; *lasta = matchWordNum; return 0; } // . "a" is the left fence post of the window (it is a word # in Words) // . go to the left as far as we can // . thus we decrement "a" long a = matchWordNum; // "posa" is the character position of the END of word #a long posa = pos[a+1]; long firstFrag = -1; bool startOnQuote = false; bool goodStart = false; long wordCount = 0; // . decrease "a" as long as we stay within maxNumCharsPerLine // . avoid duplicating windows by using "lasta", the last "a" of the // previous call to getBestWindow(). This can happen if our last // central query term was close to this one. for ( ; a > 0 && posa - pos[a-1] < maxExcerptLen && a > *lasta; a-- ) { // . don't include any "dead zone", // . dead zones have already been used for the summary, and // we are getting a second/third/... excerpt here now then //if ( wscores[a-1] == -1000000000 || if ( (bb[a-1]&D_USED) || // stop on a title word as well //wscores[a-1] == -20000000 || // stop if its the start of a sentence, too bb[a] & D_STARTS_SENTENCE ){ goodStart = true; break; } // stop before title word if ( bb[a-1] & D_IN_TITLE ) { goodStart = true; break; } // don't go beyond an LI, TR, P tag if ( tids && ( tids[a-1] == TAG_LI || tids[a-1] == TAG_TR || tids[a-1] == TAG_P || tids[a-1] == TAG_DIV ) ){ goodStart = true; break; } // stop if its the start of a quoted sentence if ( a+1m_words[a][0] == '\"' ){ startOnQuote = true; goodStart = true; break; } // find out the first instance of a fragment (comma, etc) // watch out! because frag also means 's' in there's if ( ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_FRAG ) && !(bb[a-1] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR) && firstFrag == -1 ) firstFrag = a; if ( wids[a] ) wordCount++; } // if didn't find a good start, then start at the start of the frag if ( !goodStart && firstFrag != -1 ) a = firstFrag; // don't let punct or tag word start a line, unless a quote if ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] && words->m_words[a][0] != '\"' ){ while ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] ) a++; // do not break right after a "strong connector", like // apostrophe while ( a < matchWordNum && a > 0 && ( bb[a-1] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR ) ) a++; // don't let punct or tag word start a line while ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] ) a++; } // remember, b is not included in the summary, the summary is [a,b-1] // remember to include all words in a matched phrase long b = matchWordNum + m->m_numWords ; long endQuoteWordNum = -1; long numTagsCrossed = 0; for ( ; b <= nw; b++ ){ if ( b == nw ) break; if ( pos[b+1] - pos[a] >= maxExcerptLen ) break; if ( startOnQuote && words->m_words[b][0] == '\"' ) endQuoteWordNum = b; // don't include any dead zone, those are already-used samples //if ( wscores[b] == -1000000000 ) break; if ( bb[b]&D_USED ) break; // stop on a title word //if ( wscores[b] == -20000000 ) break; // stop on a title word if ( bb[b] & D_IN_TITLE ) break; if ( wids[b] ) wordCount++; // don't go beyond an LI or TR backtag if ( tids && ( tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_LI) || tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_TR) ) ){ numTagsCrossed++; // try to have atleast 10 words in the summary if ( wordCount > 10 ) break; } // go beyond a P or DIV backtag in case the earlier char is a // ':'. This came from a special case for wikipedia pages // eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyover if ( tids && ( tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_P) || tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_DIV) )){ numTagsCrossed++; // try to have atleast 10 words in the summary if ( wordCount > 10 && words->m_words[b-1][0] != ':' ) break; } } // don't end on a lot of punct words if ( b > matchWordNum && !wids[b-1]){ // remove more than one punct words. if we're ending on a quote // keep it while ( b > matchWordNum && !wids[b-2] && endQuoteWordNum != -1 && b > endQuoteWordNum ) b--; // do not break right after a "strong connector", like // apostrophe while ( b > matchWordNum && (bb[b-2] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR) ) b--; } // a shortcut Match *ms = matches->m_matches; // make m_matches.m_matches[mi] the first match in our [a,b) window long mi ; // . the match at the center of the window is match #"mm", so that // matches->m_matches[mm] is the Match class // . set "mi" to it and back up "mi" as long as >= a for ( mi = mm ; mi >= 0 && ms[mi-1].m_wordNum >=a ; mi-- ) ; // now get the score of this excerpt. Also mark all the represented // query words. Mark the represented query words in the array that // comes to us. also mark how many times the same word is repeated in // this summary. long long score = 0LL; // is a url contained in the summary, that looks bad! punish! bool hasUrl = false; // the word count we did above was just an approximate. count it right wordCount = 0; // for debug char buf[5000]; char *xp = buf; // wtf? if ( b > nw ) b = nw; // first score from the starting match down to a, including match for ( long i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) { // debug print out if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) { long len = words->getWordLen(i); char cs; for(long k=0;km_words[i]+k; cs = getUtf8CharSize(c); if ( is_binary_utf8 ( c ) ) continue; memcpy ( xp , c , cs ); xp += cs; } } //if ( wscores[i] < 0 ) continue; // skip if in bad section, marquee, select, script, style if ( sp && (sp[i]->m_flags & badFlags) ) continue; // don't count just numeric words if ( words->isNum(i) ) continue; // check if there is a url. best way to check for '://' if ( !wids[i] ){ char *wrd = words->m_words[i]; long wrdLen = words->m_wordLens[i]; if ( wrdLen == 3 && wrd[0] == ':' && wrd[1] == '/' && wrd[2] == '/' ) hasUrl = true; } // get the score //long t = wscores[i]; // just make every word 100 pts long t = 100; // penalize it if in one of these sections if ( bb[i] & ( D_IN_PARENS | D_IN_HYPERLINK | D_IN_LIST | D_IN_SUP | D_IN_BLOCKQUOTE ) ) //t /= 3; // backoff since posbd has best window // in some links, etc. //t *= .85; t *= 1; // boost it if in bold or italics if ( bb[i] & D_IN_BOLDORITALICS ) t *= 2; // add the score for this word score += t; // print the score, "t" if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) { sprintf ( xp ,"(%li)",t); xp += gbstrlen(xp); } // skip if not wid if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // count the alpha words we got wordCount++; // if no matches left, skip if ( mi >= matches->m_numMatches ) continue; // get the match Match *next = &ms[mi]; // skip if not a match if ( i != next->m_wordNum ) continue; // must be a match in this class if ( next->m_words != words ) continue; // advance it mi++; // which query word # does it match long qwn = next->m_qwordNum; if ( qwn < 0 || qwn >= m_q->m_numWords ){char*xx=NULL;*xx=0;} // undo old score score -= t; // add 100000 per match t = 100000; // weight based on tf, goes from 0.1 to 1.0 t = (long)((float)t * m_wordWeights [ qwn ]); // if it is a query stop word, make it 10000 pts if ( m_q->m_qwords[qwn].m_isQueryStopWord ) t = 0;//10000; // have we matched it in this [a,b) already? if ( gotIt[qwn] > 0 ) t /= 15; // have we matched it already in a winning window? else if ( retired [qwn] > 0 ) t /= 12; // add it back score += t; if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) { sprintf ( xp ,"[%li]",t); xp += gbstrlen(xp); } // inc the query word count for this window if ( gotIt[qwn] < 100 ) gotIt[qwn]++; } long oldScore = score; // apply the bonus if it starts or a sentence // only apply if the score is positive and if the wordcount is decent if ( score > 0 && wordCount > 7 ){ // a match can give us 10k to 100k pts based on the tf weights // so we don't want to overwhelm that too much, so let's make // this a 20k bonus if it starts a sentence if ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_SENTENCE ) score += 8000; // likewise, a fragment, like after a comma else if ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_FRAG ) score += 4000; // 1k if the match word is very close to the // start of a sentence, lets say 3 alphawords if ( matchWordNum - a < 7 ) score += 1000; // 20M in case of meta stuff, and rss description, which // should be the best summary. so give a huge boost if ( ! tids ) score += 20000000; } // a summary isn't really a summary if its less than 7 words. // reduce the score, but still give it a decent score. // minus 5M. if ( wordCount < 7 ) score -= 20000; // summaries that cross a lot of tags are usually bad, penalize them if ( numTagsCrossed > 1 ) score -= (numTagsCrossed * 20000); if ( hasUrl ) score -= 8000; // show it if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) logf(LOG_DEBUG,"score=%08li prescore=%08li a=%05li b=%05li %s", (long)score,oldScore,(long)a,(long)b,buf); // set lasta, besta, bestb *lasta = a; *besta = a; *bestb = b; return score; } // get summary when no search terms could be found bool Summary::getDefaultSummary ( Xml *xml, Words *words, Sections *sections, Pos *pos, long maxSummaryLen ){ char *p = m_summary; if (MAX_SUMMARY_LEN < maxSummaryLen) maxSummaryLen = MAX_SUMMARY_LEN; // null it out m_summaryLen = 0; // try the meta summary tag if ( m_summaryLen <= 0 ) m_summaryLen = xml->getMetaContent ( p , maxSummaryLen , "summary",7); // the meta descr if ( m_summaryLen <= 0 ) m_summaryLen = xml->getMetaContent(p,maxSummaryLen, "description",11); if ( m_numDisplayLines > 0 ) m_displayLen = m_summaryLen; if ( m_summaryLen > 0 ) { m_summaryExcerptLen[0] = m_summaryLen; m_numExcerpts = 1; return true; } bool inTitle = false; //bool inHeader = false; bool inTable = false; bool inList = false; bool inLink = false; bool inStyle = false; int scoreMult = 1; char *pend = m_summary + maxSummaryLen - 2; long start = -1, numConsecutive = 0; long bestStart = -1, bestEnd = -1, longestConsecutive = 0; long lastAlnum = -1; // google seems to index SEC_MARQUEE, so i took that out of here long badFlags = SEC_SCRIPT|SEC_STYLE|SEC_SELECT|SEC_IN_TITLE; // shortcut nodeid_t *tids = words->m_tagIds; long long *wids = words->getWordIds(); // get the section ptr array 1-1 with the words, "sp" Section **sp = NULL; if ( sections ) sp = sections->m_sectionPtrs; for (long i = 0;i < words->getNumWords(); i++){ // skip if in bad section if ( sp && (sp[i]->m_flags & badFlags) ) continue; if (start > 0 && bestStart == start && ( words->m_words[i] - words->m_words[start] ) >= ( maxSummaryLen - 8 )){ longestConsecutive = numConsecutive; bestStart = start; bestEnd = lastAlnum;//i-1; break; } if (words->isAlnum(i) ) { // (scores->getScore(i) * scoreMult) > 0){ if (!inLink) numConsecutive++; lastAlnum = i; if (start < 0) start = i; continue; } nodeid_t tid = tids[i] & BACKBITCOMP; // we gotta tag? if ( tid ) { // ignore

tags if ( tid == TAG_P ) continue; // is it a front tag? if ( tid && ! (tids[i] & BACKBIT) ) { if ( tid == TAG_STYLE ) inStyle = true; else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) inTitle = true; else if ( tid == TAG_OL || tid == TAG_UL ) inList = true; else if ( tid == TAG_A ) inLink = true; } else if ( tid ) { if ( tid == TAG_STYLE ) inStyle = false; else if ( tid == TAG_TITLE ) inTitle = false; else if ( tid == TAG_OL || tid == TAG_UL ) inList = false; else if ( tid == TAG_A ) inLink = false; } if (inTitle||inList||inTable||inStyle) scoreMult = -1; else scoreMult = 1; if ( ! isBreakingTagId(tid) ) continue; } else if ( ! wids[i] ) continue; // end of consecutive words if ( numConsecutive > longestConsecutive ) { longestConsecutive = numConsecutive; bestStart = start; bestEnd = i-1; } start = -1; numConsecutive = 0; } if (bestStart >= 0 && bestEnd > bestStart){ long len = pos->filter(p, pend-10, words, bestStart, bestEnd, sections);//cores); p += len; if ( len > 0 && p + 3 + 2 < pend ){ // space first? if ( p > m_summary ) *p++ = ' '; memcpy ( p , "..." , 3 ); p += 3; } // NULL terminate *p++ = '\0'; // set length m_summaryLen = p - m_summary; if ( m_numDisplayLines > 0 ) m_displayLen = m_summaryLen; if ( m_summaryLen > 50000 ) { char*xx=NULL;*xx=0; } return true; } return true; } /* bool Summary::scanForLocations ( ) { m_summaryLocs.reset(); m_summaryLocsPops.reset(); Words words; if ( ! words.set( m_buf, m_bufLen, TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION, false, // computeIds false // hasHtmlEntities ) ) return false; char locBuf[1024]; AppendingWordsWindow ww; if ( ! ww.set( &words, 1, // minWindowSize 5, // maxWindowSize 1024, // buf size locBuf // buf ) ) return false; // find all phrases between length of 1 and 5 for (ww.processFirstWindow(); !ww.isDone(); ww.processNextWindow()) { ww.act(); char *phrasePtr = ww.getPhrasePtr(); long phraseLen = ww.getPhraseLen(); long numPhraseWords = ww.getNumWords(); if ( numPhraseWords == 0 ) continue; // see if buf phrase is a place long placePop = getPlacePop( phrasePtr, phraseLen); if ( placePop > 50000 ) { uint64_t place = hash64d( phrasePtr, phraseLen); if (place == 0) continue; log(LOG_DEBUG, "query: found place:'%s' (len:%ld) in " "summary -- h:%llu pop:%ld", phrasePtr, phraseLen, place, placePop); if (!m_summaryLocs.safeMemcpy((char *)&place, sizeof(uint64_t))) return false; if (!m_summaryLocsPops.safeMemcpy((char *)&placePop, sizeof(long))) return false; } } // sanity check - should have same # of locs as loc pops if (m_summaryLocs.length()/sizeof(uint64_t) != m_summaryLocsPops.length()/sizeof(long)) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; } return true; } */ /////////////// // // YE OLDE SUMMARY GENERATOR of LORE // /////////////// // i upped this from 300 to 3000 to better support the BIG HACK #define MAX_TO_MATCH 3000 bool Summary::set0 ( char *doc , long docLen , Query *q, Msg20Request *mr ) { return set1 ( doc , docLen , q , mr->m_summaryMaxLen , mr->m_numSummaryLines, mr->m_maxNumCharsPerLine , mr->m_bigSampleRadius , mr->m_bigSampleMaxLen , NULL , // bigSampleLen ptr! NULL , (long long *)mr->ptr_termFreqs ); } // . doc must be NULL terminated // . returns false and sets g_errno on error // . CAUTION: writes into "doc" bool Summary::set1 ( char *doc , long docLen , Query *q , long maxSummaryLen , long maxNumLines , long maxNumCharsPerLine , long bigSampleRadius , long bigSampleMaxLen , long *bigSampleLen , char *foundTermVector , long long *termFreqs ) { // reset summary m_summaryLen = 0; m_summary[0]='\0'; // boundary check if ( MAX_SUMMARY_LEN < maxNumCharsPerLine * maxNumLines ) { g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL; return log("query: Summary too big to hold in buffer of %li " "bytes.",(long)MAX_SUMMARY_LEN); } // query terms long numTerms = q->getNumTerms(); // . now assign scores based on term frequencies // . highest score is 10000, then 9900, 9800, 9700, ... long ptrs [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ]; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) ptrs[i] = i; // convenience var long long *freqs = termFreqs; // q->getTermFreqs(); // . this is taken from IndexTable.cpp // . bubble sort so lower freqs (rare terms) are on top bool flag = true; while ( flag ) { flag = false; for ( long i = 1 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) { if ( freqs[i] >= freqs[i-1] ) continue; long tmp = freqs[i]; freqs[i ] = freqs[i-1]; freqs[i-1] = tmp; tmp = ptrs[i]; ptrs [i ] = ptrs [i-1]; ptrs [i-1] = tmp; flag = true; } } // assign scores, give rarest terms highest score long scores [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ]; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) scores[ptrs[i]] = 10000000 - (i*100); // force QUERY stop words to have much lower scores at most 10000 for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) if ( q->isQueryStopWord(i) && q->getTermSign(i) == '\0' ) //scores[i] /= 100000; scores[i] = 0; // . don't bother with ignored terms (mostly stop words) but could be // word from a compound word like cd-rom or some_file // . typically they will just be represented by a phrase termId // . we need to include so we can match on those words //for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) // if ( q->m_ignore[i] ) scores[i] = 0; // don't include if no word representation to match (like phrases) for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) if ( q->isPhrase(i) ) scores[i] = 0; // don't highlight '-' terms (or boolean terms in a NOT clause) for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) { if ( q->getTermSign(i) == '-' ) scores[i] = -1000000; //if ( q->m_qterms[i].m_underNOT ) scores[i] = -1000000; // don't highlight stuff in fields if ( q->m_qterms[i].m_qword->m_fieldCode) scores[i] = -1000000; } // . set the "m" array // . it helps us avoid excessive use of strcmp() // . m [c] lets us know if a query term begins with the letter c // . m2[c] lets us know if a query term's 2nd letter is c char m [256]; char m2[256]; memset ( m , 0 , 256 ); memset ( m2 , 0 , 256 ); // populate for ( long i = 0 ; i < numTerms ; i++ ) { if ( scores[i] <= 0 ) continue; long tlen = q->getTermLen ( i ); char *t = q->getTerm ( i ); // bitch if NULL!!! if ( ! t || tlen <= 0 ) continue; char t0 = t[0]; // count both upper and lower case! if ( is_ascii(t0) ) { m[(unsigned char)(to_upper_a(t0))] = 1; m[(unsigned char)(to_lower_a(t0))] = 1; } else { m[(unsigned char)t0] = 1; } // if we convert all chars to ascii beforing hashing, watch out if ( tlen <= 2 ) { m2[0]=1; continue; } char t1 = t[1]; // c++ et al are special cases // but do we really need to call it '0'??? //if ( ! is_alnum_a(t1) ) { m2[0] = 1; continue; } if ( is_ascii(t1) ) { m2[(unsigned char)(to_upper_a((t1)))] = 1; m2[(unsigned char)(to_lower_a((t1)))] = 1; } else { m2[(unsigned char)t1] = 1; } } // . score of each word matching a query term in doc // . divide by 2 since we don't match on punctuation words, only alnum // . wordPtrs pts into "doc" to the matching word char *wordPtrs [MAX_TO_MATCH]; long qterms [MAX_TO_MATCH]; long numMatches = 0; // . now find the matches by using strncasecmp() // . we make sure the first 2 chars match before call strncasecmp() // . we set the scores[] array unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)doc; long i = 0; long j; unsigned char c; // this flag is used to ensure we do phrases correctly. // without it, the query "business development center" (in quotes) // would match a doc with "business development" and // "development center" as two separate phrases. char cflag = 0; while ( s[i] ) { // skip non-alnum chars // while ( s[i] && ! is_alnum(s[i]) ) i++; for ( ; ! is_alnum_utf8 (s+i ) ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) ) { // if we hit start of a tag, skip the whole tag //if ( s[i] == '<' ) i = skipTag ( s , i ); // else i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i); } // get length j = i; // while ( is_alnum (s[j] ) ) j++; for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (s+j ) ; j += getUtf8CharSize(s+j) ); // if no alnum after, bail if ( j == i ) break; // . does this word match a query word? // . continue if first char matches no query term if ( ! m[s[i]] ) { i = j; cflag = 0; continue; } // get 2nd char c = s[i+1]; // . if not alnum use \0 // . do we need this??? //if ( ! is_alnum_a ( c ) ) c = '\0'; // does 2nd char match a query term? if ( ! m2[c] ) { i = j; cflag = 0; continue; } // add in + or ++ (from Words.cpp) if ( s[j] == '+' ) { if ( s[j+1]=='+' && !is_alnum_utf8(s+j+2) ) j += 2; else if ( !is_alnum_utf8(s+j+1) ) j++; } // c# if ( s[j] == '#' && !is_alnum_utf8(s+j+1) ) j++; // . check all the way here, it's probably a match // . TODO: what about phrases? long k ; for ( k = 0 ; k < numTerms ; k++ ) { if ( scores[k] <= 0 ) continue; if ( q->getTermLen(k) != (j-i)<<1 ) continue; // . watch out for foreign chars on this compare // . advance over first 2 letters which we know match // . no, they could match different words!!! fixed! unsigned char *s1 = &s[i] ; unsigned char *s2 = (unsigned char *)q->getTerm(k) ; //long len = j - i ; unsigned char *s1end = s1 + j - i; char size1 ; char size2 ; // compare them independent of case in utf8 for ( ; s1 < s1end ; ) { size1 = getUtf8CharSize(s1); size2 = getUtf8CharSize(s2); if ( size1 != size2 ) break; long low1 = to_lower_utf8_32 ( (char *)s1 ); long low2 = to_lower_utf8_32 ( (char *)s2 ); if ( low1 != low2 ) break; s1 += size1; s2 += size2; } // if no match, try next term if ( s1 < s1end ) continue; // if it's matching a term involved in a compound // phrase then we must have matched the prev word if ( q->m_qterms[k].m_phrasePart >= 0 && ! q->m_hasDupWords ) { //if ( cflag > 0 && k == 7 ) // log("hey"); //if ( cflag > 0 && k == 6 ) // log("hey"); // are we the first in a compound phrase? if ( k == 0 || q->m_qterms[k-1].m_isPhrase || q->m_qterms[k-1].m_phrasePart != q->m_qterms[k+0].m_phrasePart ) cflag = k; // are we not the first in a compound phrase? else if ( cflag == k-1 && q->m_qterms[k+0].m_phrasePart == q->m_qterms[k-1].m_phrasePart ) cflag = k; // if query has dup words, do a strncmp! //else if (strncasecmp(q->m_qterms[k].m_term, // (char *)s1,j-i)==0) // cflag = k; // otherwise the phrase chain was broken else { cflag = 0; // do not count as a match even continue; } } // set term vector for the BIG HACK if ( foundTermVector ) foundTermVector[k] = 1; // skip this if we got too many, but we still go // through the ropes for the BIG HACK if ( numMatches >= MAX_TO_MATCH ) continue; // we got a match for sure wordPtrs [ numMatches ] = (char *)&s[i]; qterms [ numMatches ] = k; numMatches++; //if ( numMatches >= MAX_TO_MATCH ) goto combine; break; } if ( k == numTerms ) cflag = 0; // advance to j now i = j; } combine: // if no summary request, we're done if ( maxNumLines <= 0 || maxSummaryLen <= 0 ) goto getsample; { // combine neighbors scores to yours long score; long radius = maxNumCharsPerLine / 2 - 5; // min of one if ( radius <= 0 ) radius = 1; // if a match is within maxNumCharsPerLine chars of it, add it in long a , b ; long ascore ; long qterm; long max = 0; long maxi = -1; long maxa = 0; long maxb = 0; char gotIt [ MAX_QUERY_TERMS ]; char *maxleft = NULL; char *maxright = NULL; for ( long i = 0 ; i < numMatches ; i++ ) { // if word already used, skip it if ( qterms[i] == -1 ) continue; // set totalScore base score = scores[qterms[i]]; // use this so we can decrease score of repeated query terms for ( long j = 0 ; j < numTerms ; j++ ) gotIt[j] = 0; // add a got it for us gotIt [qterms[i]] = 1; // add in our left neighbors a = i ; while ( --a >= 0 ) { // get distance from center long dist = wordPtrs[i] - wordPtrs[a] ; // break out if too far away if ( dist > radius ) break; // stop if we hit start of sentence // if we hit a term already used, stop if ( qterms[a] == -1 ) break; // date terms are required so make the score huge, 2B if ( qterms[a] < 0 ) { score = 2000000000; continue; } // it's score ascore = scores[qterms[a]]; // it's query term # qterm = qterms[a]; // reduce score of this term if we already have it if ( gotIt[qterm] ) ascore /= 100; // reduce by how far away we are from center ascore -= (ascore / radius * dist) / 2 ; // ensure a min of 1 if ( ascore <= 0 ) ascore = 1; // add it in score += ascore; // in case we get it again gotIt[qterm]++; } // inc a so we're on the word to be included a++; // for summaries, keep going back until we hit some punctuation // that delimits the sentence... if any. char *pp = wordPtrs[a]; char *ppmin = pp - 2*radius; if ( ppmin < doc ) ppmin = doc; char sent = 0; for ( ; pp > ppmin ; pp-- ) { if ( pp[-1] == '.' ) { sent = 1; break; } if ( pp[-1] == '?' ) { sent = 1; break; } if ( pp[-1] == '!' ) { sent = 1; break; } if ( pp[-1] == ':' ) { sent = 1; break; } // Xml::getText() replaces breaking tags with double // \n's, so assume it will also break a sentence. if ( pp[-1] == '\n' && pp+2 > doc && pp[-2] == '\n' ) { sent = 1; break; } } // samples that start with a sentence beginning get more points if ( sent || pp == doc ) score *= 2; // otherwise, don't worry about it else pp = wordPtrs[a]; // skip back over punct // while ( ! is_alnum(*pp) && pp < wordPtrs[a] ) pp++; for ( ; ! is_alnum_utf8(pp) && pp < wordPtrs[a] ; pp += getUtf8CharSize(pp) ); // this may be smaller than normal if we had to extend the // left radius to make sure it started at the beginning of // a sentence. long bradius = 2*radius - (wordPtrs[a] - pp); // do not go over doc end if ( pp + bradius > doc + docLen ) bradius = doc + docLen - pp; // add in our right neighbors b = i ; while ( ++b < numMatches ) { // get distnace from center long dist = wordPtrs[b] - wordPtrs[i] ; // break out if too far away //if ( dist > radius ) break; if ( dist > bradius ) break; // if we hit a term already used, stop if ( qterms[b] == -1 ) break; // it's score ascore = scores[qterms[b]]; // it's query term # qterm = qterms[b]; // reduce score of this term if we already have it if ( gotIt[qterm] ) ascore /= 100; // reduce by how far away we are from center ascore -= (ascore / radius * dist) / 2 ; // ensure a min of 1 if ( ascore <= 0 ) ascore = 1; // add it in score += ascore; // in case we get it again gotIt[qterm]++; } // samples with extra punctuation cruft are bad char *s = pp; char *send = wordPtrs[i] + bradius; char ssize; for ( ; s < send ; s += ssize ) { ssize = getUtf8CharSize(s); if ( !is_alnum_utf8(s) && *s!=',' && !is_alnum_utf8(s+ssize) && *(s+ssize)!='\"' ) score >>= 1; } // is this the new max? continue, if not if ( score <= max && maxi >= 0 ) continue; // otherwise, we got a winner max = score; maxi = i; maxa = a; maxb = b; maxleft = pp; maxright = wordPtrs[i] + bradius; } // if no matches, return if ( maxi == -1 ) return true; // the winning word, whose neighborhood scored the highest //char *center = wordPtrs[maxi]; // set excerpt boundaries //char *left = center - radius; char *left = maxleft - 1; if ( left < doc ) left = doc; char *docLast = doc + docLen - 1; //char *right = center + radius; char *right = maxright; if ( right > docLast ) right = docLast; // don't let excerpt ptrs break a word //while ( is_alnum (*left ) && left > doc ) left++; //while ( is_alnum (*right) && right < docLast ) right--; for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (left ) && left > doc ; ) left += getUtf8CharSize(left); for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (right) && right < docLast ; ) // back up over all of utf8 char for ( ; (*right & 0xc0) == 0x80 ; right-- ); // skip the over initial or ending non-alnum chars //while ( ! is_alnum (*left ) ) left++; //while ( ! is_alnum (*right) ) right--; for ( ; ! is_alnum_utf8 (left ) ; ) left += getUtf8CharSize(left); for ( ; ! is_alnum_utf8 (right) ; ) // back up over all of utf8 char for ( ; (*right & 0xc0) == 0x80 ; right-- ); // get excerpt length long elen = right - left + 1; // if 0 or less, no summary if ( elen <= 0 ) return true; // . store in m_summary[] // . filter out \n \t \r (and multiple sequential spaces later?) // . convert < and > to < and > respectively char *p = m_summary + m_summaryLen; // leave room for NULL termination and any html entities we insert char *pend = m_summary + MAX_SUMMARY_LEN - 6; char *pstart = p; for ( long i = 0 ; i < elen && p < pend ; i++ ) { if ( left[i] == '<' ) {*p++='&';*p++='l';*p++='t';*p=';';} else if ( left[i] == '>' ) {*p++='&';*p++='g';*p++='t';*p=';';} else if ( left[i] == '\t' ) { *p=' '; } else if ( left[i] == '\n' ) { *p=' '; } else if ( left[i] == '\r' ) { *p=' '; } else { *p = left[i]; } // don't add it if it was a space and there's a space before it if ( *p==' ' && p > pstart && *(p-1)==' ' ) continue; // officially add it p++; } // NULL terminate *p++ = '\0'; // set m_summaryLen m_summaryLen = p - m_summary; // . now reduce the scores by what's in gotIt, so those terms are less // likely to be matched again, it gives others a chance // . clear the gotIt array for ( long j = 0 ; j < numTerms ; j++ ) gotIt[j] = 0; // reduce scores of query terms included in this summary excerpt for ( long j = maxa ; j < maxb ; j++ ) { qterm = qterms[j]; if ( gotIt[qterm] != 0 ) continue; gotIt[qterm] = 1; scores [qterm] /= 8; } // remove winning matches from our 2 arrays so we don't do again for ( long j = maxa ; j < maxb ; j++ ) qterms[j] = -1; // clear out from "doc" so we don't dup any of summary, too memset ( left , ' ' , elen ); // . do we have enough excerpts? // . if not keep looping if ( --maxNumLines > 0 ) goto combine; } getsample: char *docEnd = doc + docLen; char *p = doc; char *oldright = (char *)0x7fffffff; char *oldleft = NULL; // if no big sample request, skip this part if ( bigSampleRadius <= 0 || bigSampleMaxLen <= 0 ) return true; // get text within a radius of bigSampleRadius words of every // query term for generating related topics and what not for ( long i = 0 ; i < numMatches ; i++ ) { // if it is a stop word or ignored, skip it, unless forced // with a plus sign long qt = qterms[i]; if ( q->isQueryStopWord(qt) && q->getTermSign(qt) == '\0' ) continue; // point to left extreme char *left = wordPtrs[i] - bigSampleRadius ; if ( left < doc ) left = doc; char *right = wordPtrs[i] + bigSampleRadius ; if ( right > docEnd ) right = docEnd; // increase left to avoid splitting words //while(is_alnum(*left ) && left > doc && is_alnum(left[-1] )) // left--; // decrease right to avoid splitting words //while(is_alnum(*right) && right > doc && is_alnum(right[-1])) // right--; // don't let excerpt ptrs break a word for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (left ) && left > doc ; ) { // get char to left char *pre = left -1; // back up over all of utf8 char for ( ; (*pre & 0xc0) == 0x80 ; pre-- ); // stop if not alnum if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(pre) ) break; // back up left otherwise left = pre; } for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (right ) && right > doc ; ) { // get char to right char *pre = right -1; // back up over all of utf8 char for ( ; (*pre & 0xc0) == 0x80 ; pre-- ); // stop if not alnum if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(pre) ) break; // back up right otherwise right = pre; } // if no previous sample claim it all if ( oldright == (char *)0x7fffffff ) { oldleft = left; oldright = right; } // if disjoint with previous sample, write previous sample else if ( left > oldright ) { long size = oldright - oldleft; if ( p + size + 1 < docEnd ) { memcpy ( p , oldleft , size ); p += size ; *p++ = '\0'; } // we become the old left and right now oldleft = left; oldright = right; // break out if we got enough if ( p - doc >= bigSampleMaxLen ) break; } // otherwise merge with previous sample else oldright = right; } // write out the last one here if ( oldright != (char *)0x7fffffff ) { long size = oldright - oldleft; if ( p + size + 1 < docEnd ) { memcpy ( p , oldleft , size ); p += size ; *p++ = '\0'; } } // back up if we exceeded limit if ( p > doc + bigSampleMaxLen ) p = doc + bigSampleMaxLen; // don't split last word //while ( p > doc && is_alnum(*p) && is_alnum(p[-1]) ) p--; for ( ; p > doc && is_alnum_utf8 (p ) ; ) { // get char to p char *pre = p -1; // back up over all of utf8 char for ( ; (*pre & 0xc0) == 0x80 ; pre-- ); // stop if not alnum if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(pre) ) break; // back up p otherwise p = pre; } // NULL terminate //*p = '\0'; // debug msg // print it all out /* char *tt = doc; char *ttend = tt + (p - doc); while ( tt < ttend ) { log("%s",tt); tt += gbstrlen(tt) + 1; } */ // set sample length *bigSampleLen = p - doc; // success return true; }