#include "gb-include.h" #include "Pages.h" #include "Collectiondb.h" #include "HashTable.h" #include "Msg4.h" #include "TuringTest.h" #include "AutoBan.h" //#include "CollectionRec.h" //#include "Links.h" #include "Users.h" #include "HashTableT.h" #include "Spider.h" static bool sendReply ( void *state , bool addUrlEnabled ); static bool canSubmit (unsigned long h, long now, long maxUrlsPerIpDom); static void addedStuff ( void *state ); void resetPageAddUrl ( ) ; class State2 { public: Url m_url; char *m_buf; long m_bufLen; long m_bufMaxLen; }; class State1 { public: Msg4 m_msg4; TcpSocket *m_socket; bool m_isAdmin; char m_coll[MAX_COLL_LEN+1]; bool m_goodAnswer; bool m_doTuringTest; long m_ufuLen; char m_ufu[MAX_URL_LEN]; long m_urlLen; char m_url[MAX_URL_LEN]; char m_username[MAX_USER_SIZE]; bool m_strip; bool m_spiderLinks; bool m_forceRespider; // buf filled by the links coming from google, msn, yahoo, etc State2 m_state2[5]; // gb, goog, yahoo, msn, ask long m_numSent; long m_numReceived; //long m_raw; SpiderRequest m_sreq; }; // only allow up to 1 Msg10's to be in progress at a time static bool s_inprogress = false; // . returns false if blocked, true otherwise // . sets g_errno on error bool sendPageAddUrl ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) { // . get fields from cgi field of the requested url // . get the search query long urlLen = 0; char *url = r->getString ( "u" , &urlLen , NULL /*default*/); // see if they provided a url of a file of urls if they did not // provide a url to add directly //bool isAdmin = g_collectiondb.isAdmin ( r , s ); bool isAdmin = r->getIsLocal(); long ufuLen = 0; char *ufu = NULL; if ( isAdmin ) // get the url of a file of urls (ufu) ufu = r->getString ( "ufu" , &ufuLen , NULL ); // can't be too long, that's obnoxious if ( urlLen > MAX_URL_LEN || ufuLen > MAX_URL_LEN ) { g_errno = EBUFTOOSMALL; g_msg = " (error: url too long)"; return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"url too long"); } // get the collection long collLen = 0; char *coll = r->getString("c",&collLen); if ( ! coll || ! coll[0] ) { //coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl; coll = g_conf.getDefaultColl( r->getHost(), r->getHostLen() ); collLen = gbstrlen(coll); } // get collection rec CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( coll ); // bitch if no collection rec found if ( ! cr ) { g_errno = ENOCOLLREC; g_msg = " (error: no collection)"; return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,"no coll rec"); } // . make sure the ip is not banned // . we may also have an exclusive list of IPs for private collections if ( ! cr->hasSearchPermission ( s ) ) { g_errno = ENOPERM; g_msg = " (error: permission denied)"; return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); } // make a new state State1 *st1 ; try { st1 = new (State1); } catch ( ... ) { g_errno = ENOMEM; log("PageAddUrl: new(%i): %s", sizeof(State1),mstrerror(g_errno)); return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,mstrerror(g_errno)); } mnew ( st1 , sizeof(State1) , "PageAddUrl" ); // save socket and isAdmin st1->m_socket = s; st1->m_isAdmin = isAdmin; // assume no url buf yet, set below //st1->m_ubuf = NULL; //st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL; //st1->m_metaList = NULL; // save the url st1->m_url[0] = '\0'; if ( url ) { // normalize and add www. if it needs it Url uu; uu.set ( url , gbstrlen(url) , true ); // remove >'s i guess and store in st1->m_url[] buffer st1->m_urlLen=cleanInput ( st1->m_url, MAX_URL_LEN, uu.getUrl(), uu.getUrlLen() ); // point to that as the url "buf" to add //st1->m_ubuf = st1->m_url; //st1->m_ubufSize = urlLen; //st1->m_ubufAlloc = NULL; // do not free it! } // save the "ufu" (url of file of urls) st1->m_ufu[0] = '\0'; st1->m_ufuLen = ufuLen; memcpy ( st1->m_ufu , ufu , ufuLen ); st1->m_ufu[ufuLen] = '\0'; st1->m_doTuringTest = cr->m_doTuringTest; char *username = g_users.getUsername(r); if(username) strcpy(st1->m_username,username); //st1->m_user = g_pages.getUserType ( s , r ); st1->m_spiderLinks = true; st1->m_strip = true; //st1->m_raw = r->getLong("raw",0); // init state2 for ( long i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){ st1->m_state2[i].m_buf = NULL; st1->m_state2[i].m_bufLen = 0; st1->m_state2[i].m_bufMaxLen = 0; } // save the collection name in the State1 class if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) collLen = MAX_COLL_LEN; strncpy ( st1->m_coll , coll , collLen ); st1->m_coll [ collLen ] = '\0'; // assume they answered turing test correctly st1->m_goodAnswer = true; // if addurl is turned off, just print "disabled" msg if ( ! g_conf.m_addUrlEnabled ) return sendReply ( st1 , false ); // can also be turned off in the collection rec if ( ! cr->m_addUrlEnabled ) return sendReply ( st1 , false ); // or if in read-only mode if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode ) return sendReply ( st1 , false ); // cannot add if another Msg10 from here is still in progress if ( s_inprogress ) return sendReply ( st1 , true ); // use now as the spiderTime // get ip of submitter //unsigned long h = ipdom ( s->m_ip ); // . use top 2 bytes now, some isps have large blocks // . if this causes problems, then they can do pay for inclusion unsigned long h = iptop ( s->m_ip ); long codeLen; char* code = r->getString("code", &codeLen); if(g_autoBan.hasCode(code, codeLen, s->m_ip)) { long uipLen = 0; char* uip = r->getString("uip",&uipLen); long hip = 0; //use the uip when we have a raw query to test if //we can submit if(uip) { hip = atoip(uip, uipLen); h = iptop( hip ); } } st1->m_strip = r->getLong("strip",0); // Remember, for cgi, if the box is not checked, then it is not // reported in the request, so set default return value to 0 long spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderLinks",-1); // also support all lowercase like PageInject.cpp uses if ( spiderLinks == -1 ) spiderLinks = r->getLong("spiderlinks",0); // . should we force it into spiderdb even if already in there // . use to manually update spider times for a url // . however, will not remove old scheduled spider times // . mdw: made force on the default st1->m_forceRespider = r->getLong("force",1); // 0); long now = getTimeGlobal(); // . allow 1 submit every 1 hour // . restrict by submitter domain ip if ( ! st1->m_isAdmin && ! canSubmit ( h , now , cr->m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay ) ) { // return error page g_errno = ETOOEARLY; return sendReply ( st1 , true ); } //st1->m_query = r->getString( "qts", &st1->m_queryLen ); // check it, if turing test is enabled for this collection if ( ! st1->m_isAdmin && cr->m_doTuringTest && ! g_turingTest.isHuman(r) ) { // log note so we know it didn't make it g_msg = " (error: bad answer)"; //log("PageAddUrl:: addurl failed for %s : bad answer", // iptoa(s->m_ip)); st1->m_goodAnswer = false; return sendReply ( st1 , true /*addUrl enabled?*/ ); } //if ( st1->m_queryLen > 0 ) // return getPages( st1 ); // if no url given, just print a blank page if ( ! url ) return sendReply ( st1 , true ); // // make a SpiderRequest // SpiderRequest *sreq = &st1->m_sreq; // set the SpiderRequest from this add url if ( ! sreq->setFromAddUrl ( st1->m_url ) ) { if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; } // send reply back with g_errno set if this returned false return sendReply ( st1 , true ); } // shortcut Msg4 *m = &st1->m_msg4; // now add that to spiderdb using msg4 if ( ! m->addMetaList ( (char *)sreq , sreq->getRecSize() , coll , st1 , // state addedStuff , MAX_NICENESS , RDB_SPIDERDB ) ) // we blocked return false; // send back the reply return sendReply ( st1 , true ); } void addedStuff ( void *state ) { State1 *st1 = (State1 *)state; // otherwise call gotResults which returns false if blocked, true else // and sets g_errno on error sendReply ( st1 , true ); } bool sendReply ( void *state , bool addUrlEnabled ) { // allow others to add now s_inprogress = false; // get the state properly State1 *st1 = (State1 *) state; // in order to see what sites are being added log it, then we can // more easily remove sites from sitesearch.gigablast.com that are // being added but not being searched log(LOG_INFO,"http: add url %s (%s)",st1->m_url ,mstrerror(g_errno)); // extract info from state TcpSocket *s = st1->m_socket; bool isAdmin = st1->m_isAdmin; char *url = NULL; if ( st1->m_urlLen ) url = st1->m_url; // re-null it out if just http:// bool printUrl = true; if ( st1->m_urlLen == 0 ) printUrl = false; if ( ! st1->m_url ) printUrl = false; if (st1->m_urlLen==7&&st1->m_url&&!strncasecmp(st1->m_url,"http://",7)) printUrl = false; // page is not more than 32k char buf[1024*32+MAX_URL_LEN*2]; SafeBuf sb(buf, 1024*32+MAX_URL_LEN*2); //char rawbuf[1024*8]; //SafeBuf rb(rawbuf, 1024*8); //rb.safePrintf("\n"); //rb.safePrintf("\n"); //CollectionRec *cr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( st1->m_coll ); // collection name char tt [ 128 ]; tt[0] = '\0'; if ( st1->m_coll[0] != '\0' && ! isAdmin ) sprintf ( tt , " for %s", st1->m_coll ); // the bg colors and style g_pages.printColors (&sb); sb.safePrintf ( "Gigablast Add a Url" "
" //"" "" "  " "Add Url%s
" , tt ); // watch out for NULLs if ( ! url ) url = "http://"; // blank out url if adding a url of a file of urls // if ( st1->m_ufu ) url = "http://"; // if there was an error let them know char msg[MAX_URL_LEN + 1024]; char *pm = ""; if ( g_errno ) { if ( g_errno == ETOOEARLY ) { pm = "Error. 100 urls have " "already been submitted by " "this IP address for the last 24 hours. " "Explanation."; log("addurls: Failed for user at %s: " "quota breeched.", iptoa(s->m_ip)); //rb.safePrintf("Error. %li urls have " // "already been submitted by " // "this IP address for the " // "last 24 hours. ", // cr->m_maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay); } else { sprintf ( msg ,"Error adding url(s): %s[%i]", mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno); pm = msg; //rb.safePrintf("Error adding url(s): %s[%i]", // mstrerror(g_errno) , g_errno); } } else { if ( ! addUrlEnabled ) {//g_conf.m_addUrlEnabled ) pm = "" "Sorry, this feature is temporarily disabled. " "Please try again later."; if ( st1->m_urlLen ) log("addurls: failed for user at %s: " "add url is disabled. " "Enable add url on the " "Master Controls page and " "on the Spider Controls page for " "this collection.", iptoa(s->m_ip)); //rb.safePrintf("Sorry, this feature is temporarily " // "disabled. Please try again later."); } else if ( s_inprogress ) { pm = "Add url busy. Try again later."; log("addurls: Failed for user at %s: " "busy adding another.", iptoa(s->m_ip)); //rb.safePrintf("Add url busy. Try again later."); } // did they fail the turing test? else if ( ! st1->m_goodAnswer ) { pm = "" "Oops, you did not enter the 4 large letters " "you see below. Please try again."; //rb.safePrintf("could not add the url" // " because the turing test" // " is enabled."); } if ( url && ! st1->m_ufu[0] && url[0] && printUrl ) { sprintf ( msg ,"%s added to spider " "queue " "successfully", url ); //rb.safePrintf("%s added to spider " // "queue successfully", url ); } else if ( st1->m_ufu[0] ) { sprintf ( msg ,"urls in %s " "added to spider queue " "successfully", st1->m_ufu ); //rb.safePrintf("urls in %s added to spider " // "queue successfully", url ); } else { sprintf(msg,"Add the url you want:"); //rb.safePrintf("Add the url you want:"); } pm = msg; url = "http://"; //else // pm = "Don't forget to " // "Gigaboost your URL."; } // TODO: show them a list of the urls they added // print the addUrl page in here with a status msg sb.safePrintf ( "

" "%s" // the url msg "

" "
" " " "
",pm,url); // if we're coming from local ip print the collection box if ( isAdmin ) sb.safePrintf ( "\n" "
or specify the url of a " "file of urls to add:" "
\n" " " "
" "
" //"
or a query to scrape from major engines:" //"
\n" // qts = query to scrape //" " //"
" //"
" "
collection to add to: " "" "

\n", st1->m_coll ); // otherwise hide it else sb.safePrintf ( "" , st1->m_coll ); char *ss = ""; if ( st1->m_strip ) ss =" checked"; sb.safePrintf ("
" " " "strip sessionids
", ss ); sb.safePrintf("
\n"); //Adding spider links box char *sl = ""; if ( st1->m_spiderLinks ) sl =" checked"; sb.safePrintf (" " "spider (harvest) links from page

\n", sl ); if ( ! s_inprogress && addUrlEnabled && st1->m_doTuringTest ) { g_turingTest.printTest(&sb); } // . print the url box, etc... // . assume user is always forcing their url // sprintf ( p , // "

" // " " // "force respider
" ); //p += gbstrlen ( p ); /* sprintf ( p , "
" "" "Search Engine Marketing News
" "If you would like to stay up to date with the " "latest articles on using search engines to market " "your web site, we recommend subscribing to the " "Search Engine Marketing weekly newsletter. Once a " "week, a digest of articles from the top search " "engine marketing experts is delivered straight to " "your inbox for free.

"); p += gbstrlen(p); */ // print the final tail g_pages.printTail ( &sb, st1->m_isAdmin ); // local? // clear g_errno, if any, so our reply send goes through g_errno = 0; //bool raw = st1->m_raw; // free the buffer //if ( st1->m_ubufAlloc ) // mfree ( st1->m_ubufAlloc , st1->m_ubufAllocSize,"pau"); //if ( st1->m_metaList ) // mfree ( st1->m_metaList , st1->m_metaListAllocSize,"pau"); // nuke state mdelete ( st1 , sizeof(State1) , "PageAddUrl" ); delete (st1); // . send this page // . encapsulates in html header and tail // . make a Mime // . i thought we need -2 for cacheTime, but i guess not //rb.safePrintf("\n"); //if(raw) return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s, // rb.getBufStart(), // rb.length(), // -1/*cachetime*/, // false, // POSTREply? // "text/xml"// content type // ); return g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s, sb.getBufStart(), sb.length(), -1/*cachetime*/); } // we get like 100k submissions a day!!! static HashTable s_htable; static bool s_init = false; static long s_lastTime = 0; bool canSubmit ( unsigned long h , long now , long maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay ) { // . sometimes no limit // . 0 means no limit because if they don't want any submission they // can just turn off add url and we want to avoid excess // troubleshooting for why a url can't be added if ( maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay <= 0 ) return true; // init the table if ( ! s_init ) { s_htable.set ( 50000 ); s_init = true; } // clean out table every 24 hours if ( now - s_lastTime > 24*60*60 ) { s_lastTime = now; s_htable.clear(); } // . if table almost full clean out ALL slots // . TODO: just clean out oldest slots if ( s_htable.getNumSlotsUsed() > 47000 ) s_htable.clear (); // . how many times has this IP domain submitted? // . allow 10 times per day long n = s_htable.getValue ( h ); // if over 24hr limit then bail if ( n >= maxAddUrlsPerIpDomPerDay ) return false; // otherwise, inc it n++; // add to table, will replace old values s_htable.addKey ( h , n ); return true; } void resetPageAddUrl ( ) { s_htable.reset(); }